Q3 M2 TVL HE Cookery Prepare and Present Egg Dishes F

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Senior High School

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track

Quarter 3 - Module 2:

LO 2. Prepare and cook egg dishes

LO3. Present egg dishes
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track– Senior High School
Quarter 3, Module 2 – Prepare, Cook and present egg dishes
LO2. Prepare and cook egg dishes
LO3. Present egg dishes

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Schools Division Superintendent: Susan S. Collano

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Senior High School

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track

Quarter 3 - Module 2:

LO 2. Prepare and cook egg dishes

LO3. Present egg dishes

I. Introduction

Eggs are an important source of your daily sustenance. They are

considered as “functional food” because of their health benefits. They contain
lutein and zeaxanthin that reduce the risks of cataracts and macular
degeneration. Eggs also belong to “designer foods” or foods that can be modified
through biotechnology to enhance their quality or nutritional value. They also
contain omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. However, more
important than the nutritional value of eggs is how this nutrition is preserved
during preparation. Thus, in this lesson, you will learn and explore the basic egg
preparation techniques and cooking procedures to have healthy and presentable
egg dishes on your table.

II. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to present egg dishes
(TLE_HECK912ED-Ie-3). Along the process, you will:

1. Identify the market form of eggs.

2. Explain the uses of eggs in culinary.
3. Identify and prepare ingredients according to standard practices and
4. Cook egg dishes with appropriate taste and seasoned in accordance with
the prescribed standard.
5. Present egg dishes applying different techniques.

III. Vocabulary List:

Below are some important words you need to know to fully appreciate this

Albumen - the white part of an egg

Coddled - to cook an egg in liquid slowly and gently just below the
boiling point.
Coagulation - to become thick and partly solid.
Culinary - relating to cooking.
Denatured - altered or modified especially by heat, acid, alkali, or
ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are
removed or diminished.
Lecithin - fat found in egg yolk that is essential in the cells in the body.
Lysolecithin - a class of chemical compounds that enhances the ability of
fatty acid to bind apparently by altering the structure of fatty
acid domains in the membrane.
Meringue - (Me-rang) whipped egg white- a mixture of egg whites
and sugar beaten until stiff.
Sheen - shining
Simmering - boiling slowly at low temperature.

Stability - the state when the shape of the egg cannot be easily

Volume - the size of the cooked egg or egg foam regardless of the
Zeaxanthin - a carotenoid found in an egg.

IV. Pre-Test

Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which
corresponds to the correct answer and write it in your answer sheet.

1. A disease that is carried and transmitted to people by food is referred to as

food borne________.
a. Bacteria b. Illness
c. Infection d. Intoxication
2. At which stage of foam formation do egg peaks hold their shape when the
bowl is tipped off?
a. Stiff foam b. Frothy
c. Dry d. Soft foam
3. Which hard-cooked egg dish is cooked by putting the egg into an already
simmering water for 30 seconds?
a. Medium-cooked eggs b. Coddled eggs
c. Soft-cooked eggs d. Poached eggs
4. How do you cook an over-medium fried egg?
a. Fry and flip over. Then, cook until the yolk is completely set.
b. Fry and flip over. Then, cook just until the white has set but the yolk is still
c. Fry and flip over. Then, cook until the yolk is partially set
d. Do not flip. Add a few drops of water to the pan and cover to steam
5. An aspect of food serving that makes the food appealing to your mouth, nose,
and eyes.
a. Cooking b. Presentation
c. Storing d. Evaluating

V. Learning Activities 1

Three Market Forms of Egg

Eggs are available or may be bought in the market in three forms. These
are as follows:

1. Fresh eggs or shell eggs may be purchased individually, by dozen, or in

trays of 36 pieces.
2. Frozen eggs are made of high-quality fresh eggs. They come in the form of
whole eggs with extra yolks and whites. Frozen eggs are pasteurized and
must be thawed before use.

3. Dried eggs are seldom used. Their whites are used for preparing meringue.
Dried eggs are used primarily as ingredients in the food industry. They are not
commonly sold directly to consumers.
Eggs in Culinary

An egg is cooked in many ways. It can be the main protein dish; it can be
a main or an accessory ingredient in dishes from appetizers to desserts. It can be
cooked using dry heat, moist heat, with or without oil, as simply or as elaborately
as one’s inclination for the moment. Indeed, it can also be eaten anywhere.
Culinary Uses of Eggs

A. Cooked and served “as is”. Eggs are always a handy food which can be
served in different ways like the following:
 In the shell. You can soft cook an egg in a shell by simmering it for five (5)
minutes. You can also hard cook it by simmering it for 15 minutes.
 Poached. A poached egg is cooked in simmering water. You may add salt
and vinegar to hasten the coagulation.
 Fried. You can also fry an egg at a low to moderate temperature.
 Scrambled. You can add sugar to delay the coagulation. Or you can add
liquids and acids to decrease the coagulation point.
 Omelette

Many other egg products are also presented as is. Different cultures have
their own culinary traditions and among these could be a unique egg recipe or
process of preparing eggs. In addition, recipes are also continuously
innovated, which could lead to new ways of cooking and serving eggs as is.
The following are some of these:
 Balut from duck eggs ● Pidan eggs
 Century eggs ● Pickled eggs

B. Eggs as a leavening agent. Baked products such as sponge cakes, chiffon

cakes, meringues, and soufflés make use of eggs as leavening that results
in a light, airy texture. This happens because air particles insert into the
eggs during the beating. The foamy texture is formed when the albumen
surrounds a colloidal system of air bubbles. One caution, however, is to
avoid overbeating when beating egg white, as this tends to stretch the
albumen and would result in a dry, watery appearance.

C. Eggs as an emulsifier. Lecithin and lysolecithin are responsible for the

remarkable ability of egg yolk to act as an emulsifying agent or as a thin,
film-like coating; both are phosphoproteins containing polar and the non-
polar ends such that the polar end holds water while non-polar end holds
the fat, thus, preventing oil droplets in suspension from mixing.

D. Eggs as binding, and thickening agents, and gelling agents. Eggs are
useful as binding, thickening, and gelling agents because the hydrophilic
colloids of yolks and whites contain proteins that are easily denatured like
turned into a gel by heat.

Points to remember:
 The white becomes an opaque mass when cooked at a temperature of
62°C. For egg yolk, coagulation or clotting starts at 65°C.
 Using whole egg requires lower coagulation temperatures, resulting in a
stiffer gel.
 Adding sugar raises the coagulation temperature, producing a softer and
weaker gel.
 Adding scalded milk and acid produces a softer gel.
 In cooking custards, use bain-marie, double boiler, or steamer to avoid
boiling which can result in a porous custard.
 Constant stirring produces soft custard.

E. Eggs as foam. Foam forms through beating. Beating allows air into the egg
white, denaturing the albumen, and turning the white into stretchable thin
films. Continued beating lets the air cells subdivide, thus, increasing the
volume. When the protein network dries up, the gas of air stabilizes, thus,
forming the stiff foam.

Points to remember:
 If only egg whites are used, the color turns white and soft peaks are formed.
 If whole eggs or only egg yolks are used, the color becomes pale yellow with
continued beating; volume is increased, but not much as when only whites
are used.
 With further beating of egg whites, liquid drains out, air bubbles coalesce,
and foam breaks.
 Maximum stability is reached at the soft stage while maximum volume is
attained at the stiff stage.

Foam Formation

One useful egg product is the foam since you can do a lot of dishes with it.
In the production of foam, you need the process of ‘beating’. You can beat the
egg white and yolk separately or together and doing these can already help you
be productive in the kitchen. Variegating further the speed, duration, temperature,
and style of beatings can multiply even more your production. However, as you
are learning the basics, you can begin with the common sequence of foam
formation below. You can achieve the last stage if you continuously beat an egg.

Stages in foam formation

Frothy stage. At this stage, the formed large air bubbles flow easily.
Soft foam stage. Smaller and more numerous air cells are formed. The foam
becomes whiter and soft peaks are formed when the beater is lifted.
Stiff foam stage. At this stage, peaks hold their shape. When the bowl is
tipped, they hold though still moist and glossy.
Dry stage. Finally, at this stage, moistness, and glossiness disappear; specks
of egg white appear.

Factors to be considered in Foam Formation

1. Beating time or duration. As the time of beating increases, both volume and
stability of the foam increase initially before decreasing again. Whole eggs or
egg yolk require more beating to produce a good foam.

2. Beating temperature. White can be beaten/whipped more readily at room

temperature than at refrigerator temperature. Refrigerated eggs are more
viscous, thus, hard to beat/whip. Eggs that are beaten at room temperature
whip better, resulting in bigger volume and finer texture.
3. Egg age. Stored eggs foam faster but produce a smaller volume than fresh

4. Foam Enhancers. Master chefs have discovered additional materials and

condiments you can add to the egg to enhance the volume, stability, and
speed of formation of the foam.

a. Acids (e.g., cream of tartar at 1 teaspoon per cup) increase the stability of
foams, but when added too early, they delay foam formation and reduced
volume, thus, increases the time necessary for beating.

b. Sugar also increases the stability of foams but delays foams formation or
reduces volume; thus, it should be added after foaming has started and
soft peaks have been formed. Also, sugar retards the denaturation of egg

c. Soda. Adding soda increases the stability and volume of foams.

d. Salt. The addition of salt lowers the quality of the foam.

e. Water. Dilution of egg white with water produces bigger volume but lesser
foam; this produces tender cakes. In meringues, syneresis, or the
separation of liquid from a gel when the materials contract, occurs.

5. Type of egg. Duck eggs do not foam well because they lack ovomucin or the
glycoprotein that has a highly viscous and gel-like structure that is mainly
found in egg whites.

Applications of Foam in Cookery

1. as leavening in cakes like angel cake, sponge cake, chiffon cakes, and the
2. as meringue
a. in soft meringue, as toppings of cream, chocolate, or lemon pie, which
requires a proportion of two tablespoons sugar per egg white.
b. in hard meringue for confections, as the base of fruit pies or Sans Rival
Cake, which requires a proportion of ¼ cup sugar per egg white.
3. as a structural and textural agent to tender and fluffy products like fluffy or
foamy, soufflé, divinity, foam cakes, popovers, and the likes.

F. As coloring and flavoring agent

Preparation of Egg Ingredients according to

Standards Practices and Recipes

Observing the standard procedures in preparing the egg and the

ingredients has vital role in ensuring the safety of the food and the preservation of
its nutrients. You must remember that contaminated foods are the major sources
of organisms transmitted to people, causing people food-borne illnesses,
infection, and intoxication. Thus, it is essential that you have a clear
understanding of egg food microbiology and the conditions involved in it. Below
area few details that you must know about keeping eggs safe, clean. and healthy.

Health problems from contaminated food

Food borne illness is a disease that is carried and transmitted to people by
Food borne infection is a disease that results from eating food containing
harmful microorganism.
Food borne intoxication is a disease that results from eating food containing
toxins from bacteria, molds or certain plants or animals.

Tips on how to handle eggs:

a. Purchasing: Do not buy dirty, cracked, or outdated eggs.

b. Storage:
 Store eggs at 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below.
 Store in closed container.
 Store away from strong odors.
 Refrigerate leftover egg dishes in shallow containers.
 Do not allow drippings to contaminate eggs.

c. Preparation/Cooking:
 Keep refrigerated before and after cooking.
 Keep everything clean.
 Use only clean, not cracked eggs.
 Cook thoroughly.
 Wash container used for egg thoroughly.
 Use egg separator

 Serve promptly after cooking.
 Keep cold food cold, hot food hot.
 Use ice or cold packs when transporting.
 Avoid eating raw eggs or food that contain raw eggs

Effects of Heat on Eggs

1. Coagulation of proteins or clumping of egg white at 60-70°C.

 If you cook at a temperature hotter than 60-70°C, the egg will over
coagulate, as this will squeeze out the water. This will cause your dish to
shrink, resulting in a tough egg product.
2. Formation of greenish discoloration at the line between the yolk and white
when the egg is overcooked.
 This is due to the reaction between the iron in the yolk and the hydrogen
sulfide escaping from the sulfur containing ferrous sulfide.
 This kind of discoloration reaction occurs when eggs are cooked at high
temperature or at a prolonged duration.
 This reaction can be prevented by immediate cooling of the egg (e.g.
immersing in cold water) after cooking.

Egg Dishes

Eggs may be prepared in different ways depending on the dish you are
preparing. The following are a few recipes you can do with an egg.

1. Boiled Egg or Cooked Egg in a Shell

Cooked egg in a shell is also called boiled egg by Filipinos. It is basically

done by simmering the egg with shell in a slow-boiling water.

Some pointers in making boiled egg:

 Eggs should only be simmered and not boiled to prevent over-coagulation

which would cause the eggs to be tough. The optimum cooking time for
eggs in shells is 20 to 25 minutes.
 To avoid the cracking of the shells during cooking, you should warm
refrigerated eggs at ambient temperature before cooking or simmering.
The water to be used should also be at room temperature.
 As mentioned above, sometimes yolks of eggs may become greenish
during cooking. This color is due to the formation of iron sulfide. The
darkening of the color could occur when the pH of the albumen in egg is
high. It may also result from cooking too long at very high temperature. To
avoid discoloration, you should use fresh eggs.
 Eggs should be cooked within a minimum period and cooled immediately
in running water after cooking.

There are three ways of cooking eggs in a shell:

Coddled eggs are cooked by

putting cold eggs into already
simmering water and simmering
them for 30 seconds.

Soft-boiled eggs are done by
putting cold eggs into an already
simmering water and simmering
them for three (3) to five (5)

Medium-boiled eggs are achieved

by putting cold eggs into already
simmering water and simmering
them for five (5) to seven (7)

Hard-boiled eggs are achieved by

putting cold eggs into already
simmering water and simmering
them for up to 20-25 minutes.

2: Poached Eggs

Poached eggs are prepared by gently slipping

eggs that have been removed from shells into barely
simmering water and gently cooking until the egg
holds its shape.

Some pointers in making poached egg:

 The fresher the egg, the more centered the yolk, the less likely the white is
spread and become ragged.
 Poached eggs can be prepared in advance and held safely throughout a
typical service period to make the workload easier during service.
 Slightly under poach the eggs, shock them in ice water to arrest the
cooking process, trim them, and hold them in cold water. At the time of
service, reheat the eggs in simmering water.
 Eggs are most often poached in water, though other liquids, such as red
wine, stock, or cream, can also be used.
 Add vinegar and salt to the water to encourage the egg protein to set
faster. Otherwise, the egg whites can spread too much before they

 A good-cooked poached egg has a compact, glossy, tender white, and
unbroken, thickened yolk.

Standard Qualities of Poached Eggs and Cooked Eggs in the Shell

a. Bright, shiny appearance
b. Compact, round shore, not spread or flattened
c. Firm but tender whites
d. Warm, liquid yolks

Critical factors in the Preparation of Poached Eggs and Cooked Eggs in

the Shell:
 quality of the egg
 temperature
 amount of liquid
 the way the egg is put in the pan

Some pointers in making poached egg:

1. Use High heat. This is opposite to the basic principle of low-temperature
egg cookery. The omelet cooks so fast that its internal temperature never
has time to get too high.
2. A conditioned omelet pan. The pan must have sloping sides and be of the
right size, so the omelet can be shaped properly. It must be well seasoned
or conditioned to avoid sticking.
3. Fillings for an omelet. Besides the suggested fillings below, you can also
add pre-cooked filling to the eggs after they have been smoothed into an
even layer and before the omelet is rolled. Alternatively, the rolled omelet
can be slit open at the top, and a pre-cooked filling can be spooned into
the pocket.
4. Sheen appearance. Rub the surface lightly with butter.
5. Desirable qualities. A perfect omelet is fluffy, moist, and tender, soft in the
center, yellow in color with no brown at all or just a hint of it, oval in shape,
and all in one continuous piece.

3: Fried Eggs

 eggs odd-shaped
egg sticking Fried eggs call for perfectly fresh eggs, the correct heat level,
an appropriate amount of cooking fat, and a deft hand. Fried eggs may be served
sunny-side-up (not turned) or over (turned once). Fried eggs may be basted with
fat as they fry. Using very fresh eggs is the only way to ensure a rich flavor and
good appearance of the finished dish.

Standard Qualities of Fried Eggs

d. The desirable qualities of fried eggs are glossy, moist, and tender.
e. The white should be shiny, uniformly set, and tender, not browned,
blistered or crisp at edges.
f. The yolk should be set properly according to desired doneness. Sunny-
side-up yolks should be yellow and well rounded.

g. In other styles, the yolk is covered with a thin layer of coagulated white,
relatively compact, standing high, not spread out and thin.
h. A fried egg should have a yolk covered with a thin film of coagulated egg
white and still remain slightly fluid.
i. The egg white should be opaque, firm and tender, not chewy, crisp or
j. A perfectly fried egg is a glory to behold – with crispy edges and a wobbly,
pinkish yolk.
k. It will provide a fried egg with a slightly crispy, frilly edge; the white will be
and the yolk soft and runny.
l. In frying eggs over easy, medium or hard, turn the eggs over near the end
of their cooking time with a spatula and cook them on the other side until
done as desired, 20 to 30 seconds for over easy, 1 minute for over
medium, 2 minutes for over hard.

Common pitfalls
 eggs brown and crisp
 eggs white blistered

Types of Fried Eggs

1. Sunny-side-up.
How to Cook: Cook slowly without flipping
until the white is completely set, but the
yolk is still soft and yellow. The heat must
be low or bottom will toughen or burn
before top is completely set.

2. Basted
How to Cook: Do not flip. Add a few drops
of water to the pan and cover to steam
cook the top. A thin film of coagulated white
will cover the yolk which should remain

3. Over easy
How to Cook: Fry and flip over. Cook just
until the white is just set but the yolk is still

4. Over medium
How to Cook: Fry and flip over. Then,
partially set.

5. Over hard
How to Cook: Fry and flip over. Then,
cook until the yolk is completely set.

4: Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs can be made in two ways: the

eggs can be stirred constantly over low heat for a soft
delicate curd and a creamy texture, or stirred less
frequently, as they cook for a larger curd and a firm
texture. Whether prepared to order or to serve on a
buffet line, scrambled eggs must be served hot, fresh,
and moist.

Choose eggs that are fresh, with intact shells. Adding a small amount of
water or stock (about 2tsp/10ml per egg) to the beaten eggs will make them
puffier as the water turns to steam. Milk or cream may be used to enrich the
eggs. Scrambled eggs can be seasoned with salt and pepper, and/or flavored or
garnished with fresh herbs, cheese, sautéed vegetables, smoked fish, or truffles.

Eggs can be scrambled in a sauté pan or on a griddle. Nonstick surfaces

make it easy to prepare scrambled eggs with a minimum amount of added fat.
Pans used for eggs should be reserved for that use only, if possible. A table fork,
wooden spoon, or spatula is needed for stirring the eggs in cooking.

Do not overcook scrambled eggs or hold them too long. Overcooked eggs
are tough and watery and will turn green on a steam table. Scrambled eggs
should be soft and moist.

For flavor variations, the following ingredients may be added to scrambled

eggs before serving: chopped parsley or other herbs, grated cheese, diced ham,
crumbled bacon, sautéed diced onions, and green bell pepper, diced smoked
salmon, and sliced cooked breakfast sausage.

A good scrambled egg must not be tough nor burned but completely

5: Omelets

The rolled, or French-style, omelets start out like scrambled eggs, but
when the eggs start to set, they are rolled over. A folded or American style, the
omelette is prepared in much the same manner, though it is often cooked on a
griddle rather than in a pan, and instead of being rolled, the American omelet is
folded in half. There are two other styles of omelets, both based upon a beaten
mixture of eggs, cooked either over direct heat or in an oven.

Choose eggs that are fresh, with intact shells. As with scrambled eggs, the
ability of the egg to hold its shape is irrelevant, but fresh eggs are preferable.
Omelets can be seasoned with salt, pepper, and herbs. Clarified butter or oil is
the most common cooking fat.

Omelets may be filled or garnished with cheese, sautéed vegetables or

potatoes, meats, and smoked fish, among other things. These fillings and
garnishes are incorporated at the appropriate point to be certain they are fully
cooked and hot when the eggs have been cooked. Grated or crumbled cheeses
will melt sufficiently from the heat of the eggs, and are often added just before
an omelet is rolled or folded.

Suggested Omelet Fillings

6: Baked Eggs

Baked eggs are also quick and easy to prepare.

1. Place a little butter in a custard cup. Put the cup in 1750C (3500F) oven
until the butter melts.
2. Break an egg into the cup, and sprinkle with salt and pepper, then top the
egg with a little milk.
3. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until the egg white is set.

Learning Activities 2

Present Egg Dishes

Part of serving food is presentation. It should appeal to your mouth, nose,

and eyes. You don’t have to be a trained chef to learn the basics of plating,
which is the art of presenting food in an attractive way.

1. Set the table properly. Your day-to-day

meals might be a free-for-all, but if
you have guests coming over, it’s
nice to have the knives and forks in
the right places.

2. Choose your plates wisely. Make sure
your serving plates are big enough
to let each food item stand out but
small enough that the portions don’t
look tiny.

3. Read the clock! A foolproof way to

arrange food on a plate is to place
the carbohydrate (rice, pasta, bread,
etc.) at “11 o’clock,” the vegetables
at “2 o’clock,” and the protein at “6
o’clock” from the diner’s point of
view. This will also help you portion
correctly if you remember that
vegetables should cover about half
of the plate, starch one-fourth, and
protein one-fourth.

4. Just like with centerpieces, it’s good to

have a little bit of height, but don’t
overdo it or your guests won’t know
how to proceed! If you have a
mound of mashed potatoes (mid-
height), you may want to lean your
pork chop against it so that it is
standing up (high), with a row of
snow peas (low) in front. Or, top
some rice (low) with sliced grilled
chicken (cut into a few diagonal
slices, and fan them out) (mid-
height) and cross asparagus over
the top of it (high).

5. Be odd. Don’t be strange, but things

generally look more interesting
when they’re in sets of odd
numbers, rather than even

6. Play with color and texture. Even if
you’re just serving tomato soup
and grilled cheese sandwiches, a
green paper napkin can make this
simple meal look really special.

7. Play with height. This Chicken Stir-fry
with Broccoli looks more
interesting because of the high
mound of rice sitting next to it.

http://startcooking.com/public/ IMG_7835-1.JPG

8. Garnish appropriately. Don’t lose

sight of the recipe you made in the
first place! Any garnish on the plate
should be edible and should
enhance the flavor of the main
dishes. Grilled salmon might be
served with a lemon wedge, for
example. Garnishes, like the cut-up
fruit with the fried egg below, are
also a great way to add color or

Some Examples of Palatable Egg Dish Plating

Scrambled egg and bun on a Scrambled egg with herbs

plate with cereal bread

Stir-fried eggs Stuffed egg

Egg in a sandwich Boiled eggs on white plate with


Fried egg with bacon and toasted Salad egg


Poached Eggs Scrambled egg in Manhattan


Deviled Eggs Baked Eggs

Fried egg toppings
Hard boiled Easter egg

Soft boiled egg

VI. Practice Task

Practise Task 1

Directions: Examine the following pictures. Label the type of fried eggs.
Write your answer in your answer sheets.

1. ___________________





Practice Task 2

Direction: Read the following statement and write TRUE if it is right and
FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer in your answer sheets.

1. Frozen eggs are made of quality fresh eggs.

2.Acids decrease the stability of foams

3. Fresh eggs may be purchased individually.

4. Dried eggs are used primarily as ingredients in the food industry.

5. Pasteurized eggs cannot be used in salad preparations.

Practice Task 3

Performance Objectives: Given enough time, you should be able to

prepare and present an omelette.
Supplies/ Materials: Whisk, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp (30 ml) water, pinch salt, and
pinch pepper, filling ingredients skillet, spatula
Equipment: Gas stove

1. Whisk eggs, water, salt, and pepper
2. Grease 8 inches (20 cm) non-stick skillet. Heat over medium heat.
Pour in the egg mixture. As eggs set around the edge of the skillet,
with a spatula, gently push cooked portions toward centre of the skillet.
Tilt and rotate the skillet to allow uncooked egg to flow into empty
3. When eggs are almost set on the surface but still look moist, cover half
of omelette. Slip the spatula under unfilled side; fold over onto filled
4. Cook for a minute, then slide the omelette onto the plate.
5. The cooking time is usually four (4) minutes.

You will be rated with the following rubrics:

Rubrics for preparing and presenting omelette

Excellent Satisfactory Good Needs
Appearance Slightly golden Folded in Folded, but Dark in color
Folded in half –no half-broken torn in more scrambled
tears garnish – at the seam than one
bright colors piece
Safety Moderate Washed Melted Cut toward
temperature hands using spatula self with knife
turnoff burner a clean temperature temperature
when finished cutting too too high dirty
keep towels and board cook high(smokey hands touch
ingredients off of all the way pan) the hot pan
the stovetop through
Taste You would eat 5 Savory No salt egg Burned
more if you could mouth only
Texture Light and fluffy Flat, but Rubbery Eggshells
warm inside and cooked the cold(still uncooked
out outside is cooked0 (runny)
hot but
cheese only
Presentation Well - presented Presented The No
following the but not all presentation presentation
simple ways of ways of of the food at all
presenting food. presenting was messy
food are not and not
followed following the
ways of

Performance Objectives: Prepare and present a poached egg following the
Supplies/ Materials: Eggs, 2 teaspoon distilled vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, water
saucepan, skimmer
Equipment: Gas stove
1. Prepare mise en place
2. Add 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons distilled vinegar per quart of water if
eggs are not very fresh. This will help to coagulate the
egg white faster and keeps a better shape.
3. Bring water to a simmer
4. Break eggs one at a time into a dish or a small plate and slide into the
simmering water.
5. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes until whites are coagulated but yolks are still soft.
6. Remove eggs from the pan with a slotted spoon or skimmer.
7. Drain well and trim off ragged edges.
8. Serve immediately. (To hold for later service, plunge immediately into cold
water to stop cooking. Reheat briefly in hot water at
service time).

You will be rated with the following rubrics

Rubrics for preparing and presenting poached egg

Followed correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
4 and performed the skill very satisfactorily without supervision and with
initiative and adaptability to problem situations.
Followed correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking poached egg
3 and performed the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
Followed correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking a poached egg
2 with minor errors and performed the skill less satisfactorily with some
assistance and/or supervision.
Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking poached
1 egg and performed the skill unsatisfactorily.

VII. Post-Test

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter which

corresponds to the correct answer and write it in your answer sheets.

1. A disease that is carried and transmitted to people by food is referred to as

food borne________.
a. Bacteria b. Illness c. Infection d.
2. At which stage of foam formation do egg peaks hold their shape when the
bowl is tipped off?

a. Stiff foam b. Frothy c. Dry d. Soft
3. Which hard-cooked eggs is cooked by putting the egg into already
simmering water for 30 seconds?
a. Medium-cooked eggs c. Soft-cooked eggs
b. Coddled eggs d. Poached eggs
4. How to cook a fried egg over medium?
a. Fry and flip over. Then, cook until the yolk is completely set.
b. Fry and flip over. Then, cook just until the white is just set but the
yolk is still liquid.
c. Fry and flip over. Then, cook until the yolk is partially set
d. Do not flip. Add a few drops of water to the pan and cover to
steam cooktop.
5. Which egg dishes can be filled with cheese, sautéed vegetables,
meats, and smoked fish?
a. Omelets c. Fried eggs
b. Scrambled eggs d. Poached eggs
6. A part of food serving that makes the food appealing to your mouth,
nose, and eyes.
a. Cooking c. Storing
b. Presentation d. Evaluating
7. Which market form of eggs may be purchased individually?
a. Pasteurized eggs c. Frozen eggs
b. Fresh Eggs d. Dried eggs
8. What way of cooking eggs should only be simmered and not boiled in
a. Hard and soft-cooked egg c. Fried egg
b. Poached egg d. Baked egg
9. What is the use of egg if it used for baking products such as sponge
a. Egg as an emulsifier c. Egg as a thickening agent and binder
B. Egg as a foam d. Eggs as a leavening agent
10. What is the first step in presenting food like a chef?
a. Read the clock c. Set the table properly
b. Choose the plate wisely d. Be odd

VIII. Enrichment Activity:

Compilation. Collect 20 pictures of different egg dishes with recipes. Be

creative in compiling them in a short bond paper. You will be rated using the
following rubrics.

Score Criteria
5 Collected 20 pictures /recipes and presented them attractively.
4 Collected 10 to 19 pictures/recipes and presented them attractively
3 Collected 10 to 20 pictures/recipes and presented them without creative
2 Collected less than 10 pictures/recipes and presented them attractively.
1 Collected less than 10 pictures/recipes and presented them without
creative effort.

IX. References:

K to 12 Basic Education Technical-vocational – livelihood home

economics cookery manual module 2 of 2.

X. Answer Key:
10. C
9. D
side up
8. A
7. B hard
6. A 4.Over
5. B 5. False medium 5. B
4. A 4. True 3.Over 4. A
3. B 3. True easy 3. B
scoring rubrics 2. A 2. False 2.Over 2. A
Refer to 1. B 1. True 1. Basted 1. B

Task 2 Task 1
Post Test Practise Task 3 Practice Practice Pre Test


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