.it refers to a distinctive and habitual trend in the style in which a person
dressess. It also includes newest creations of fashion designers.they create new
styles and ideas which are adopted by the fashion industry as they are new and
.Types of fashion:
1. haute-couture (hi-fashion)
2. Prêt-A-porter (ready to wear)
3. Mass market.
Haute - couture
.high quality sewing
.high quality dress-making
.custom fitted clothing
.expensive fabrics
.detailed work
.for elite class and royalty
.finished by most expensive and capable seamstresses
.time-consuming hand techniques of sewing and needle work used.
.need to be perfect from every angle.
.prices are quite high.
.haute means elegant and couture means dress-making.
Haute-couture is a protected name that can only be used by firms that meet
certain well-defined earn the right to call itself a couture house and
to use the name of haute -couture in advertising the members of “Chambre
syndicale de la haute couture” must follow these rules:
1. designs made to order for private clients with one or more fittings.
2. Have a workshop also known as an atelier, in paris that employs fifteen full
time employees.
3. Must have twenty full time technical people in atleast one atelier.
4. Each season present a collection to paris press comprising of atleast thirty-
five runs/exits (35 dressess in total) with outfits for both day time and
evening wear.
Ready to wear
. Factory-made clothing sold in finished condition in standard sizes.
.designers produce ready to wear clothing intended to be worn without
significant alteration because clothing made in standard sizes fits almost
. they use standard patterns , factory equipment, faster construction techniques
to keep costs low compared to a custom-sewed version of the same item.
.if the production will not cost you much you can charge low prices for the
products, compared to haute-couture.
.hand labour will require more time and produce less output whereas factory
made clothing can be produced in massess with lower costs and saves a lot of
time as well.
. In high-end fashion ; ready to wear collections are usually presented by fashion
houses each season during a period known as fashion week.
.the fall/winter collection comes in feb, and the spring/summer collection comes
in september.
Mass market
.ready to wear garments in mass
.cheap matierials and fabrics , creatively used to produce affordable fashion.
.use simple production techniques therefore to sell at lower prices/rates.
.are available both in brands and on streets.
1. Womens lingerie
Glamorous , comfortable, washable. It can be haute-couture, ready to wear, mass
1. Kids wear
Trendy/classy, practical , washable, functional. It can be ready to wear or mass
1. jeans wear
Unisex , democratic, comfortable , practical functional . It can be ready to wear
and mass market.
1. sports wear
Comfortable, practical,well-ventilated ,washable, functional. It can be ready to
wear and mass market.
1. Knit wear
Right weight and colour for the season.
It can be ready to wear and mass market.
1. outer wear
Stylish, warm, right weight and colour for the season. It can be ready to wear and
mass market.
1. Bridal wear
Sumptuous, glamorous , classic. It can be haute-couture, ready to wear or mass
1. Accessories
Striking and fashionable. They can be haute-couture, ready to wear or mass
.muslin fit are transferred onto real fabrics after alteration or correction if any.
.the transferring is done with the help of tracing wheel, scales and markers.
.includes all the expenses inherited during the development of every single
garment piece.
.later a price is put up on the basis such that all expenses are covered + profit
incurred back.
. Can hike any percentage of the total net expense, to gain back any percentage of
.collection launch at fashion runway
.retail store exhibition
.exhibition to client
.E-store launch
. Presenting to the in house head designer
Fashion keeps inviting and exploring new lands and base when every time a new
design develops. But the concepts and process involved remains the same and
design derivation are always fresh, crisp and edgy. Fashion will never fade its
face in any era. Fashion in you showcase the outlook who you are as a person.