Anatomy of Prostate Gland

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- The prostate is r/t the symphysis pubis, separated from it by

ANATOMY OF PROSTATE the extraperitoneal fat in the retropubic space (cave of

GLAND Retzius).
- The prostate is connected to the posterior aspect of the pubic
bones by the fascial puboprostatic ligaments
- The prostate is closely r/t the anterior surface of the rectal
- A fibromuscular glandular organ that surrounds the prostatic
ampulla, separated from it by the rectovesical septum (fascia
of Denonvilliers)
- About 1.25in (3cm) long; 4cm wide; 2cm in anteroposterior
o Septum formed in fetal life by the fusion of the walls
of the lower end of the rectovesical pouch of
- Largest accessory gland of the male reproductive system
peritoneum, which originally extended down to the
- Lies between the neck of the bladder above & the urogenital
perineal body
diaphragm below
- Surrounded by a fibrous capsule:
- The prostate is embraced by the anterior fibers of the levator
o Dense and neurovascular capsule
ani as they run posteriorly from the pubis
o Prostatic plexuses of veins and nerves are surrounded
by the visceral layer of the pelvic fascia, forming a
fibrous prostatic sheath STRUCTURE
 thin anteriorly
 continuous anterolaterally with the
puboprostatic ligaments
 dense posteriorly where it blends with the
rectovesical septum
- Two ejaculatory

surface of the prostate to open into the prostatic urethra at

the lateral margins of the prostatic utricle

- base of the prostate is continuous with the bladder neck
- Urethra enters the center of the base of prostate
- The apex of the prostate lies on the upper surface of the
urogenital diaphragm.
- The urethra leaves the prostate just above the apex on the
anterior surface

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