FPJ International Epaper-30!03!2024

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Vol. 67 No.

155 | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024 | 33 Pages | `5 & for Pune `6 only Quality at Value

EDITIONS: MUMBAI*, Pune, Nashik, Konkan, Indore, Bhopal, E-paper MEMBER: AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION
Check out our FOREX KITTY India’s foreign
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T he BJP on Friday lodged a

Party told to cough up `1823 crore in taxes on elections

complaint with the Election
Commission against Karnataka
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's
son Yathindra for his remarks
against Prime Minister
Narendra Modi and Union
Home Minister Amit Shah.
Yathindra was addressing a
PTI / UNITED NATIONS and civil rights, and everyone
is able to vote in an atmos-
public event in In what is being perceived as A spokesperson for UN Secre- phere that is free and fair,"
Chamarajanagara on Thursday
when he lamented ‘‘how the
an act of political vendetta,
the Congress on Friday said it NOTICES, TOO tary-General Antonio Guter-
res has said we very much
Dujarric said at the daily
press briefing Thursday. FPJ NEWS SERVICE / NEW DELHI

BJP has run the government in had received fresh notices ew Delhi: The "hope" that in India and any The response from the

the last 10 years.’’ He used from the income-tax depart- Communist Party of country that is having elec- United Nations comes a day ndia is a unique democra-
obnoxious words for Amit ment, asking it to cough up Rs India, too, has tions, people's "political and after the US also reacted to a cy and does not need les-
Shah and raked up old charges 1,823.08 crore, and accused the received a notice from the civil rights" are "protected" similar question on Kejriw- sons on the rule of law,
against PM Modi. ruling BJP of indulging in income-tax department, and everyone is able to vote in al's arrest and freezing of the Vice President Jagdeep
"tax terrorism" to financially asking it to pay "dues" of Rs a "free and fair" atmosphere. Congress party's bank ac- Dhankhar said on Friday af-
GAMBHIR, KOHLI cripple the opposition party
ahead of the Lok Sabha polls.
11 crore for using an old Spokesperson for the Sec-
retary-General Stephane Du-
counts. On Wednesday, hours
after India summoned a sen-
ter Germany,
the US and
PAN card while filing tax
HUG & MAKE UP (The fresh tax notice is for returns during the last few jarric made these remarks on ior US diplomat to protest re- the UN com-
the assessment years 2017-18 years, sources said on Thursday while he was re- marks on Kejriwal's arrest, mented on
to 2020-21, and includes penal- Friday. They said the Left sponding to a question on the Washington reiterated that it the arrest of
ty and interest.) take exemplary action the behest of the BJP. party is consulting its "political unrest" in India encourages fair, transparent, Delhi CM
The Congress is already against those who have de- Addressing a press confer- lawyers to challenge the ahead of the upcoming na- timely legal processes. Arvind Kejri-
strapped for funds after In- stroyed democracy -- "when ence at the AICC headquarters notice of the tax authorities. tional elections in the wake On the US diplomat being wal. “India is
come Tax authorities the government changes." along with Congress general The sources said the "dues" of the arrest of Delhi Chief summoned in Delhi, US State a democracy
imposed a penalty of Rs 200 ‘‘And the action will be taken secretary Jairam Ramesh, to be paid to the I-T Minister Arvind Kejriwal Department Spokesperson with a robust judicial
crore and froze its accounts. in such a manner that no one party treasurer Ajay Maken department include and the freezing of the oppo- Matthew Miller said "I'm not system. This can’t be com-
The party has not received will have the courage to do all alleged that the BJP is in seri- penalties and interest. sition Congress Party's bank going to talk about any private promised by any individual
any relief from the High this again. This is my guar- ous violation of income-tax Trinamool Congress leader accounts. diplomatic conversations. But or any group. India does not
Court in the case and is likely antee," Gandhi said in a post laws and said the I-T depart- Saket Gokhale has also "What we very much hope of course what we have said need lessons from anyone on
to move the Supreme Court. on the microblogging plat- ment should raise a demand claimed that he has received that in India, as in any coun- publicly is what I just said rule of law,” Dhankhar said.
Back to the wall, a livid form X. Gandhi alleged cen- of more than Rs 4,600 crore no less than 11 I-T notices try that is having elections, from here, that we encourage “Equality before law is the
Rahul Gandhi on Friday tral departments such as the from the saffron party for such in the last 72 hours. that everyone's rights are fair, transparent, timely legal new norm” in India, the
pledged the Congress will income tax are working at violations. CONTD. ON NATION protected, including political processes. CONTD. ON NATION Vice-President said.

Probe into Ansari death HC doubles compensation
engaluru superstar batter If truck’s brake lights
Virat Kohli and Kolkata’s
team mentor Gautam Gambhir or tail lights are not
seem to have ended their spat working & there’s an

after ‘slow poison’ din for kin of dead driver

– a spill-over from last season
-- as they shook hands during accident, onus on truck
their clash at the M driver alone, says court
Chinnaswamy Stadium.
Gambhir and Kohli shared a URVI MAHAJANI / MUMBAI aside an order of the Motor gence, but these facts are not proceeding towards Sanaswa-
warm hug and shook hands BISWAJEET BANERJEE / BANDA ter. In a petition filed by Accident Claims Tribunal considered by the Tribunal di from Shikrapur on the Na-
during the strategic time-out in Mukhtar's advocate in the If a truck’s brake lights or tail (MACT) which had held the and it has fixed 50% contribu- gar-Pune highway in his car.
the first innings. Kohli had A chief judicial magistrate's High Court and the Supreme lights are not working and it is deceased car driver 50 per cent tory negligence on the de- On the way, a trailer truck
smashed his 52nd IPL half- court in Uttar Pradesh's Court, it is alleged that he was rear-ended by a car, it would responsible for the accident ceased, which is erroneous. which was also proceeding to-
century by then. They were Banda has initiated a judicial poisoned twice at meal time in be considered solely the negli- but enhanced the compensa- Hence, I hold that the accident wards Pune without any park-
both involved in an ugly on- inquiry into the demise of Banda jail, suggesting a con- gence of the truck driver tion awarded to the kin of the occurred due to the sole negli- ing or brake lights, stopped in
field spat in IPL 2023 during gangster-politician Mukhtar certed effort by the govern- which caused the accident deceased car driver, nearly gence of the driver of the of- the middle of the road. In the
Bengaluru’s league-stage Ansari and a comprehensive ment administration to elimi- and the vehicle driver is not li- doubling the amount to Rs fending trailer,” Justice Shiv- absence of brake lights, the
match against Lucknow. It was probe report will be submitted nate him. able for any negligence con- 29.40 lakh. kumar Dige noted. car rammed into the trailer
a throwback to a 2013 within a month. Expressing concern over tributing to the collision, the “Driving a 70-foot-long trail- According to the claimants, and the driver died of
incident when Gambhir was Ansari died on Thursday, the disregard for legal proce- Bombay High Court has held. er without any brake light or on January 12, 2006, around multiple injuries.
captain of Kolkata and Kohli March 28, in a hospital in Ban- dures during Mukhtar's incar- The high court not only set tail lamps is a grievous negli- 8.30pm, Ravindra Divate was CONTD. ON NATION
was leading Bengaluru; the da after he suffered a cardiac ceration, his advocate Saub-
two were involved in a heated arrest. However, his family hagya Mishra lamented, "Law
argument, had pushed each
and had to be separated by
claimed that Ansari, while
he was in jail, was being given
was not followed when
Mukhtar was in jail. His son
Pak help to
their teammates. ‘slow poison’, leading to his Umar and other family mem- The Indian
demise. bers were not even allowed to Navy on Friday
PAK MULLS OVER The death has stirred a meet or talk to him." The advo-

storm of controversy and
some fingers have pointed at Mukhtar's appearance in the
cate further highlighted the
perceived threat to Mukhtar's
was engaged
in an operation rein in terror
I n quick succession, official
voices are emerging from
Pakistan on resumption of
the involvement of another
former legislator
Mukhtar’s sworn enemy Bri-
MPMLA Court Ghazipur,
where his testimony against
Brijesh Singh was crucial.
life and the lack of adequate
safety measures.
The sequence of events lead-
to rescue a

After five Chinese nationals

trade with India. Within a jesh Singh. Ansari's family Mafia don-turned-politician ing to Mukhtar's demise paints
Iranian fishing were killed in a suicide blast
week, first Pakistan Foreign members claim he was poi- Brijesh Singh was released a grim picture. It was on vessel, which in Besham in Pakistan's Khy-
Minister Ishaq Dar and now soned to prevent him from tes- from Varanasi Central jail in March 20 that accusations of has reportedly ber-Pakhtunkhwa province,
the Pakistan Foreign Office tifying against Singh in court. 2022 on bail in a criminal case poisoning were made; this was been boarded Beijing has offered help to Is-
have talked about a proposal According to Afzal Ansari, for an alleged attack on Ansari followed by the suspension of by nine armed lamabad to contain terrorism.
for resuming trade with India. Mukhtar's brother, "40 days in 2001. This was the last of the three jail officials on March 24. Chinese contractors have
Pakistan Foreign Office ago he was given poison in his several criminal cases Brajesh The ensuing days witnessed pirates, and its halted construction on two
spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra food. Again, ten days ago, poi- Singh was facing in which the Mukhtar's deteriorating crew at sea. dam projects in Pakistan after
Baloch confirmed that the son was administered in his trial is yet to start. health, culminating in his sud- a suicide bomber killed five
Foreign Office was reviewing meal." He asserts that the poi- Ansari's son Umar has ap- den demise on March 28. Chinese engineers and a Pak-
such a proposal. soning was intended to impede proached the court in the mat- CONTD. ON NATION istani driver, an official told
AFP on Fri-


day. The com-

Reward of `10 lakh each panies have

that Pakistan

for clue to 2 blast suspects

comes up


with new se-
curity plans
before reopen-
RAJASHEKARA S / BENGALURU rest of the suspects shall be re- using a driving licence issued ing the sites where around
warded Rs10 lakh each,” NIA in the name of Mohammed 1,250 Chinese nationals are
The National Investigation said on Friday about Shazeb Juned Sayed. Shazeb prefers to SHANKAR RAJ / bishops and heads of the vari- deprived person or anyone else working, the official said.
Agency (NIA) probing the and Taha. According to the wear jeans, T-shirts and often THIRUVANANTHAPURAM ous sections of the Christian feels helpless and is forced to “The Chinese military is
March one Bengaluru cafe NIA, Shazeb had planted the uses a wig and a fake beard; he community. This came as an live in fear, it only shows the willing to work with the Pak-
blast has announced a cash re- low intensity IED at Ramesh- also wears masks and caps. The prospects of the BJP wean- unpleasant surprise for the failure of the government,” istani side to enhance the ca-
ward of Rs10 lakh each for pro- waram cafe in Brookfield in Taha is 5.5 feet tall and of ing away the Christian vote in BJP, which was expecting the said a bishop in reference to the pability of the two countries
viding information about two Bengaluru, while Tahahad medium built and also uses Kerala don’t look too bright if support of the community fol- Manipur incident and attack to tackle various security
key suspects in the case -- Mus- meticulously planned the at- names such as Vignesh and one were to go strictly by the lowing the various meetings on churches. risks and challenges, includ-
savir Hussain Shazeb and Ab- tack. Both are 30 years old and Sumit, NIA said, adding that he message emitted by the bishops held by Prime Minister Naren- This stand taken by the ing terrorist attacks and
dul Matheen Taha. belong to Shivamogga district. has been using Aadhaar cards on the occasion of Friday. dra Modi with senior bishops. heads of the Christian commu- jointly safeguard regional
The federal agency had ar- The 6.2 feet tall and fair and driving licences issued in There is an atmosphere of The archbishops referred to nities may sway the outcome in peace and stability," said
rested the co-conspirator of the Shazeb is also known as Md the assumed Hindu names. fear in society and Christian in- the situation in Manipur and the Lok Sabha elections, Colonel Wu Qian, spokesper-
blast, Muzammil Shareef, two Juned Hussain and Mo- Taha is bald in front and has lit- stitutions are under grave the Citizenship (Amendment) polling for which will be held in son of the China Ministry of
days ago. “Whoever provides hammed Juned Sayed, the tle hair on the back of his head, Devotees observe Good Friday threat, people were told in mes- Act (CAA) and called these de- less than a month in Kerala. National Defense.
information leading to the ar- agency said, adding that he is it said. in Madurai sages emanating from arch- velopments as dangerous. “If a CONTD. ON NATION CONTD. ON NATION


Bihar’s ‘gamcha’ to beat summer heat in campaigning Outrage over global award to photo NEW YORK
DHEERAJ KUMAR / PATNA weaving 24 gamchas on average in comparison to the last year's. For
a day, earning Rs200-300 daily. With women leaders and workers, Bha- A sickening image of Hamas terrorists parad-
‘Bihar gamchas-topis’ are likely to other family members also in- galpuri suits and dupattas are also ing a slain woman’s nearly naked body
turn out to be important dressing volved, a single family is earning being weaved in huge numbers in through the streets of Gaza has been awarded
accessories for leaders and over Rs1,000 a day. Weavers are get- different colours in view of the a prestigious photo-of-the-year prize — spark-
workers hitting the campaign trail ting orders from Rajasthan, UP, MP, election. ing fierce outrage from those who slammed
in various states in scorching sum- Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and West Similarly, weavers have received the win as “an outrageous desecration of Jew-
mer. Bengal. orders to supply 10 lakh each green ish life,” reports New York Post.
State's weavers, particularly Several states ordered to weave ‘gamchas and topis’ to leaders and The grim photo featuring Shani Louk’s
those from Bhagalpur (known as 20 lakh saffron ‘gamchas’, he in- workers in Bihar. While a ‘gamcha’ body was among a collection of 20 images that
Silk City of Bihar) are enthusiastic formed, adding maximum orders is priced at Rs100-120, a ‘topi’ costs helped the Associated Press secure first place
over growing demands of ‘gamcha are being received from West Ben- anywhere between Rs80-120, in- in one of the Pictures of the Year
and topis’. gal. From Bhagalpur, four lakh formed a shopkeeper sitting at his International award categories earlier this
Former Bihar Weavers Welfare ‘gamchas’ will be supplied to West shop on the state capital's Beerc- month. Shani Louk, a 23-year-old German Israeli
Committee member Aleem Ansari Bengal while 2.5 lakh ‘gamchas’ to hand Patel Marg. A number of par- The awards, which are run by the Donald W. tattoo artist, was among the scores of innocent
said over 3,000 weavers were en- Jharkhand. ty offices including those of BJP, Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri music festival-goers taken hostage when
gaged in weaving ‘gamchas’ in There is already 30 per cent more JD(U) and RJD are located on Beer- School of Journalism, are self-described as the Hamas terrorists carried out their deadly Oc-
Bhagalpur as a single person was demand for ‘Bhagalpur gamcha’ in chand Patel Marg. world’s oldest photojournalism competition. tober 7 onslaught. CONTD. ON NATION


Grand alliance seals deal LALU’S SON-IN-LAW TEJ TO

RJD gets 26 seats, Congress given 9
DHEERAJ KUMAR / ATNA staked his claim to the
LUCKNOW Suspense over Akhilesh’s candidacy SP chief spokesperson Ra-
jendra Chaudhary urged cau-
Purnea seat by commenting tion against premature con-
Bihar’s grand alliance on Fri- on ‘X’, “We will form a gov- Amid speculations about the clusions, emphasising the
day announced the seat-shar- ernment in the country by candidacy of Tej Pratap Ya- need to await a formal an-
ing agreement among RJD, winning Seemanchal and dav, the grandson of Mu- nouncement from the party.
Congress and Left parties for Kosi (regions of Bihar). We layam Singh Yadav’s elder Similarly, Kaleem Khan, the
the Lok Sabha election. will hoist the Congress flag in brother Ratan Singh, from SP's Kannauj district presi-
RJD leader Abdul Bari Sid- Purnea and will make Rahul Kannauj, the question arises: dent, affirmed ongoing prepa-
diqui announced the names Gandhi the prime minister.” Has Samajwadi Party chief rations in the constituency
of the grand alliance candi- However, Pappu ruled out Akhilesh Yadav decided to ab- guided by the party leader-
dates at a press conference in the possibility of contesting stain from the Lok Sabha tends to nominate Tej Pratap is married to RJD chief Lalu ship's directives.
Patna. Bihar Congress presi- election as a rebel candidate race? The lack of clarity from for Kannauj, citing his adept Yadav’s youngest daughter Kannauj constituency has
dent Akhilesh Prasad Singh, Bihar RJD president Jagdanand Singh and state Congress chief after the Purnea seat was al- the SP leadership has intensi- leadership during the recent Raj Lakshmi. Another name consistently supported the
RJD MP Manoj Jha and sen- Akhilesh Singh with CPI-ML, CPI-M and others release Grand loted to RJD. fied the suspense. crisis in Rampur. Tej, upon that emerged as a potential SP's first family in six consec-
ior leaders of the Left parties The Aurangabad seat also Initially, it was conjectured receiving a message from the candidate was Bidhuna MLA utive elections since 1999
Alliance candidates’ list in Patna on Friday —PTI
were present. came into sharp focus after that Akhilesh would vie ei- SP chief, promptly left the poll Rekha Verma, whose candi- when Mulayam was elected
State's 40 parliamentary East Champaran, Sheohar, test the election in Ara, former MP Nikhil Kumar, a ther for Azamgarh or the fray and arrived in Rampur to dacy was supported on the as MP. Akhilesh made his de-
constituencies will go to polls Sitamarhi, Vaishali, Saran, Karakat and Nalanda seats strong contender for the seat, Kannauj constituency. Both file his nomination. grounds that, in addition to but from Kannauj in a bypoll
in seven phases from April 19 Siwan, Gopalganj, Ujiyarpur, while the CPI from Begusarai objected to RJD chief Lalu the constituencies have his- The decision appeared to the Yadav vote bank, the Lodh in 2000 and was subsequently
to June 1. Darbhanga, Madhubani, and the CPI(M) from the Kha- Yadav fielding his party can- torically supported the Yadav align with Azam Khan’s pref- community held significant re-elected in the 2004 and 2009
Under the deal, the RJD Jhanjharpur, Supaul, Mad- garia constituency. didate from there, calling it family. However, with the an- erence for either Akhilesh or sway in key assembly seg- general elections. In 2012,
will contest the election on hepura, Purnea, Araria and With Purnea seat 'officially' against the coalition dharma. nouncement of late SP patri- another member of the Yadav ments of the Kannauj LS seat. Akhilesh’s wife, Dimple Ya-
highest 26 seats, the Congress Hajipur. going to the RJD, former MP Before the announcement arch Mulayam’s nephew, clan to contest from Rampur. The uncertainty surround- dav, won a bypoll, followed by
on 9, the CPI(ML) on 3 seats, The Congress will field Rajesh Ranjan aka Pappu Ya- of the deal, Lalu distributed Dharmendra Yadav, as the However, subsequent devel- ing Akhilesh’s candidacy in her victory in 2014. However,
CPI and CPI(M) 1 seat each. contest from Kishanganj, dav, who had recently merged tickets and party symbols to a candidate from Azamgarh, opments led to Tej Pratap be- Kannauj arose from his re- in the 2019 election, BJP's
The RJD will filed its candi- Katihar, Bhagalpur, Muzaf- his Jan Adhikar Party (JAP) dozen candidates. His daugh- speculation turned towards ing replaced, and Maulana cent statement at a party Subrat Pathak secured the
dates in Gaya, Nawada, Je- farpur, Samastipur (SC), West with the Congress, hangs in ters Misa Bharti and Rohini Kannauj as Akhilesh’s likely Mohibullah Nadvi was nomi- meeting, when he expressed seat, defeating SP's Dimple
hanabad, Aurangabad, Champaran, Patna Sahib, balance. Acharya will contest the elec- stronghold. nated from Rampur instead. his intention to campaign for Yadav. With the upcoming
Buxar, Patliputra, Munger, Sasaram (SC) and Maharaj- Amid uncertainty over his tion from Patliputra and Si- Nevertheless, recent re- Tej has previously served party candidates instead of election, the SP aims to re-
Jamui, Banka, Valmikinagar, ganj. The CPI (ML) will con- political future, Pappu again wan constituencies. ports suggest Akhilesh in- as an MP from Mainpuri and contesting his own election. claim its foothold in Kannauj.

Patra moves SC,
women panels
DHEERAJ KUMAR / PATNA to field its firebrand leader With Congress’s RJD leader. With Congress’s the BJP’s 67 per cent. CPI and

Left parties, particularly

Kanhaiya Kumar.
After Bihar Chief Minister dismal performance
dismal performance in the
2020 state assembly election,
CPI(M) won two seats each.
Lalu conceded nine seats to against TMC
CPI(ML), flexed their muscles and JD(U) president Nitish in the 2020 state Lalu considered it better to Congress in the esatern state
to extract maximum number Kumar's exit from the grand bet on Left parties and started only after the grand old party PTI / KOLKATA
of seats in the Lok Sabha elec- alliance, RJD chief Lalu assembly election, negotiating with its leaders agreed to give Palamu and
tion to regain their electoral Prasad Yadav spotted a new Lalu thought it better for seat sharing. Before CPI Chatra LS seats in Jhark- BJP’s Basirhat candidate
significance in Bihar. opportunity in the Left par-
In the seat-sharing pact ties so the alliance could put
to bet on Left parties general secretary D Raja an-
nounced his party candidate
hand, sources claimed.
Although the Left parties
Rekha Patra, who had high-
lighted the plight of women
among, CPI(ML) got three up an impressive show. for Begusarai, he met RJD suffered a jolt with the growth in West Bengal’s Sandesh-
seats while CPI and CPI(M) Lalu by promoting the Left large chunk of extremely chief Lalu Prasad. of caste-centric politics of re- khali, has lodged a complaint
one seat each. parties also wants to move be- backward castes (EBCs) and In 2020, the Congress could gional parties like RJD, they with the National Commis-
BJP candidate actor Kangana Ranaut addresses her supporters Initially, CPI(M) was not yond his traditional Muslim- Dalits to his party and vice win only 19 of the total 70 as- continued to maintain their sion for Women against TMC
during a roadshow in Himachal’s Mandi on Friday —PTI even considered to be in the Yadav (MY) equation and versa. “Lalu is making prepa- sembly seats it contested. On political significance due to nominee Debangshu Bhat-
race but the party secured make an attempt for transfer rations for the 2025 state as- the other hand, CPI(ML) won their strong support base tacharyya for alleged viola-
Odisha MLA Nayak quits BJP Khagaria. CPI managed to get
the crucial Begusarai seat
of a substantial number of
votes mainly belonging to
sembly election by doing the
spadework in the Lok Sabha
12 of the total 19 seats it con-
tested achieving a strike rate
among a huge section of peo-
ple cutting across caste lines,
tion of her privacy.
She shot off a letter to the
BHUBANESWAR: BJP MLA from Odisha’s Nilgiri constituency, Sukanta from where Congress wanted Left parties, compromising a election itself,” remarked an of 63 per cent, second only to explained a political observer. National Commission for
Kumar Nayak, on Friday tendered his resignation from the party. SCs, alleging Bhattacharyya,
Nayak, a two-time MLA from the constituency — from the BJD in 2014 the TMC nominee from Tam-
and from the BJP in 2019 — submitted his resignation in a letter to
state BJP chief, Manmohan Samal. “I do hereby tender my resignation
today (29.03.2024) from the primary membership of the BJP,” he said.
However, Nayak, who is considered a powerful leader of the Balasore
Dynamics, challenges mark onset of Phase II luk Lok Sabha seat and head
of the party's social media
cell, made the details of her
personal information and
district, has not given any reason for his sudden decision to snap all BISWAJEET BANERJEE While most seats have been (Amroha). The BSP also holds ologies and parties, including BSP contenders. bank accounts public.
ties with the BJP. “Today I resigned from the primary membership of LUCKNOW strongholds for the BJP significant influence in most BJP, RLD, BSP and independ- GHAZIABAD: Ghaziabad is “Recently, through a post
the BJP and will soon hold discussions with our members to decide the and its ally, the constituencies, and its deci- ents. dominated by BJP. It has seen on Debangshu Bhat-

future course of action. We will also soon reveal the reason for leaving s the second phase of Rashtriya Lok Dal, sion to contest independently MEERUT: Although Meerut victories by Rajnath Singh tacharyya's Facebook ac-
the BJP,” he said. Nayak joined the BJP after leaving the BJD in March the Lok Sabha elec- the BSP has also will be keenly watched. has a substantial Muslim vot- and VK Singh. However, this count, the TMC candidate
2019 and sources claim that he may return to the BJD. tion begins with emerged as a formi- AMROHA: In 2019, Amro- er base of nealry 34 per cent, time, the party has chosen from Tamluk has shared the
polling on April 26 across dable contender in ha was the only seat BJP has emerged victorious Atul Garg, sparking dissatis- private details of my client,
Sunita Kejriwal turning Rabri Devi: Puri eight constituencies, political some constituen- that eluded here five times since 1996. faction among Thakur voters. such as phone number, bank
NEW DELHI: Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Friday compared stakes are high and a multi- cies. In 2019, the BJP the BJP BJP's Rajendra Agrawal won GAUTAM BUDDH NAGAR: account details, Swasthya
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita to former Bihar chief tude of issues come into play. secured victories in de- the seat three consecutive Like Ghaziabad, Gautam Sathi scheme details, as well
minister Rabri Devi, and said she is perhaps preparing to hold the post This phase holds crucial sig- seven of the eight times, but in 2024, the party Buddh Nagar has been a BJP as the Duare Sarkar scheme
of her husband. “The madam you are naming is perhaps preparing to nificance for the BJP-led seats, with Amroha replaced him with Arun bastion. Mahesh Sharma details, which is a clear viola-
hold the post like Rabri Devi did in Bihar,” the BJP leader told reporters NDA, the INDIA, and the BSP, being the sole con- Govil, known for por- seeks re-election against SP tion of my client's right to pri-
in Delhi at the inauguration of the Delhi BJP’s election office. which has chosen to contest stituency captured by traying Lord Ram in and BSP candidates. vacy and an outrage to her
independently. the BSP, which was the 80s blockbuster BULANDSHAHR: Reserved modesty by making her per-
44% MPs face criminal charges: ADR The nomination process then in alliance with SP Ramayan. This unex- Bulandshahr seat has been a sonal details public,” Patra's
NEW DELHI: Of the 514 sitting Lok Sabha MPs analysed, 225 (44 for the second phase began in and RLD. pected entry has BJP stronghold, with the par- lawyer said. Bhattacharya
per cent) have declared criminal cases against themselves, according eight Lok Sabha constituen- The second LS phase will added an intriguing ty winning except in 2009. claimed Patra had availed the
to the self-sworn affidavits analysed by poll rights body Association cies — Amroha, Meerut, test the RLD's influence dimension to the contest, BJP's Bhola Singh secured state-sponsored health insur-
of Democratic Reforms (ADR). Of those analysed, 5 per cent are Baghpat, Ghaziabad, Gautam over Jat voters and the SP- with BSP and SP fielding victory in 2019 and 2014, em- ance scheme in 2021. He also
billionaires, with assets exceeding Rs100 crore. Buddh Nagar, Bulandshahr, Congress alliance's sway spite the their respective candidates. phasising the party's contin- shared a card used by Patra
Aligarh and Mathura. Each over Muslim voters. Except Modi wave. BSP's BAGHPAT: Baghpat has tra- ued dominance. which showed she had at-
Unaccounted cash, liquor worth `25cr seized constituency represents a di- for Mathura, where Muslims Kunwar Danish Ali ditionally been a stronghold ALIGARH: Although the BSP tended a 'Duare Sarkar' (state
RAIPUR: Unaccounted cash, illicit liquor and other items worth over verse demographic land- comprise 85 per cent of the wrested the seat, securing of Chaudhary Charan has a strong voter base in Ali- government outreach pro-
Rs25 crore have been seized by authorities in Chhattisgarh since the scape, encompassing a range population, the remaining over 60 per cent of the votes Singh's family. However in garh, BJP has secured victo- gramme) on March 25, 2021,
model code of conduct came into force on March 16, an official said. of concerns from agriculture, seven constituencies have polled. Amroha has histori- 2024, BJP has allied with RLD, ries in six of the eight elec- to avail the benefits of
Various law enforcement agencies— excise, police and I-T officials — social security, infrastruc- Muslim votes ranging from cally been a diverse con- denying a ticket to its former tions since 1991. BJP's Satish 'Swasthya Sathi' and 'Laksh-
have been keeping a close watch on illegal transportation and storage ture, mobility, communal har- over 16 per cent (Gautam stituency, witnessing victo- candidate and fielding Rajku- Gautam aims for re-election mir Bhandar’, a financial as-
of liquor, cash and other items during polls, the poll duty official said. mony to law enforcement. Buddh Nagar) to 39 per cent ries by various political ide- mar Sangwan against SP and against BSP competition. sistance scheme for women.

Over 79k code

Cong fields CP Joshi Caste, minority, religion
reported from Bhilwara seat to dominate campaigns
in fortnight MANISH GODHA / JAIPUR Fresh face and BISWAJEET BANERJEE professor of Political Science Muzaffarnagar, Union minis-

Samosa, tea, lassi: District

GAURAV VIVEK BHATNAGAR LUCKNOW at Meerut Degree College, en- ter Sanjeev Balyan’s bid for a
NEW DELHI After Jaipur and Rajsamand, not Moily in capsulating the intensity of third term faces stiff compe-
the Congress in Rajasthan Chikkaballapur In western Uttar Pradesh, the the electoral battle. tition from opponents across
Within two weeks of the an-
nouncement of the Lok Sab-
made another change in its
list of candidates. Bhilwara NEW DELHI: The Congress panels fix varied menu, conclusion of the first phase
of nominations sets the stage
The alliance between the
BJP and the RLD faces in-
the political spectrum.
Meanwhile, Saharanpur

ceiling for LS expenditure

ha election, the EC has re- nominee Damodar Gurjar on Friday declared its ninth for an electrifying electoral tense scrutiny as it prepares witnesses a battle between
ceived over 79,000 complaints has been shifted to Ra- list of three candidates. Two battle, where alliances, demo- for a rigorous test of its col- former MP Raghav Lakhan-
of code violations through its jsamand and former Speaker were from Rajasthan. graphics and strategic lective strength. “The success pal, Imran Masood of Con-
C-Vigil app. The EC said on CP Joshi replaced him in It opted for youth over ex- GUNJAN SHARMA / NEW DELHI In most states, including manouevres are poised to of this alliance hinges on nav- gress and BSP’s Majid Ali.
Friday it has resolved 99 per Bhilwara. It is a damage con- perience in Karnataka’s Andhra, the expenditure ceil- shape the outcome. igating the diverse political The prestige of RLD chief
cent of the complaints. trol exercise as there is no Chikkaballapur constituen- Candidates in Punjab’s Ja- ing for a Lok Sabha candidate “As candidates file their landscape of western UP,” Jayan Chaudhary is at stake
It said the C-Vigil app, to Brahmin candidate in the cy, nominating Raksha Ra- landhar can spend `15 for a is set at `95 lakh. However, in nominations, the intricate in- emphasised Manish Dixit, a in Bijnor where he has fielded
leverage digital tech for en- list. Dr CP Joshi was an MP maiah instead of former cup of tea and the same price Arunachal, Goa and Sikkim, terplay of caste, religion, and BJP official, acknowledging Meerapur MLA Chandan
suring free, fair and induce- from Bhilwara from 2009 to Union minister M Veerappa for a samosa they offer to peo- the limit is slightly lower at political alliances comes into the challenges ahead. Chauhan. BSP denied sitting
ment-free polls, has thus far 2014 and a prominent Brah- Moily. The 84-year-old Moily ple during public meetings `75 lakh per candidate. Simi- sharp focus,” remarked Reflecting on last elections, MP Maluk Nagar a ticket and
evoked a strong response. min face. was elected from the Chik- and campaign trails in the larly, for UTs, the expenditure Manoj Bhadra, a political an- where the BJP secured victo- fielded Jat leader Chaudhary
“Since the announcement of According to sources, his ballapur seat twice in 2009 Lok Sabha election. ceiling ranges from `75 lakh alyst closely monitoring the ries in key constituencies, SP Vijendra Singh. Yashvir
the General Election 2024, name came into considera- and 2014 but lost in 2019. However, those in Madhya to `95 lakh per candidate. unfolding developments. and BSP are steadfast in their Singh is an SP candidate.
over 79,000 complaints have tion after the change of tick- Moily had been actively Pradesh’s Mandla can spend In Jalandhar, chhole bha- resolve to safeguard their tra- In Kairana, BJP’s Pradeep
been received,” it said, et of Sunil Sharma from the lobbying for the ticket this `7 for a cup of tea and another ture has been capped at `40
WESTERN UP ditional strongholds. Howev- Choudhary, SP’s Iqra Hasan
adding of the 99 per cent re- Jaipur City Lok Sabha seat. time but the party has opted `7.50 for a piece of samosa, while mutton and chicken Amid the bustling political er, internal dissent within the and BSP’s Shripal Singh
solved complaints, 89 per cent Sharma was a Brahmin can- for youth in Ramaiah, son considered a staple snack in have been priced at `250 and arena, a three-cornered con- SP threatens to undermine Rana are in the fray. In
were settled within 100 min- didate, but the party re- of senior Congress leader many parts of the country. `500 a kg respectively. Desse- test emerges, pitting the BJP- its unity, evident in regions Muzaffarnagar, Union min-
utes in keeping with the focus placed him after his alleged and former minister M R With polls to elect the 18th rts like dhodha (`450/kg) and led NDA, the SP-led INDIA like Rampur and Moradabad. ister Sanjeev Balyan is pitted
on “speed and transparency”. association with a pro-RSS Seetharam. The party field- Lok Sabha approaching, dis- ghee pinni (`300/kg) are also bloc and the BSP against each “The BSP emerges as a po- against SP’s Harendra Malik
The EC said 58,500 com- organisation. Now, there is ed E Thukaram from Bel- trict poll panels are fixing the on the menu besides lassi and other. Each faction is eager to tent force, leveraging its influ- and BSP’s Dara Singh Pra-
plaints (73%) were against il- no Brahmin candidate in lary (ST) and nominated rates for expenses as part of nimbu pani priced at `20 and assert its dominance and se- ence among Dalit communi- japati.
legal hoardings and banners; the Congress list of Ra- Sunil Bose from Chamara- the election expenditure `15 per glass respectively. cure vital constituencies in ties and presenting a formida- “With each nomination,
1,400 related to use of money, jasthan. janagar (SC). With this, the monitoring process. The cost of a tea is low at `5 the region. ble challenge to its rivals,” the pulse of democracy beats
gifts and liquor distribution. Further, Congress candi- total candidates declared so The candidates will have to in the rate card of Balaghat “The BJP’s ambitious tar- noted a political analyst, louder, as the electorate ea-
About 3% (2,454) were about date from Rajsamand Sudar- far has reached 211. manage their expenditure in MP but the samosa is get of 80/80 seats in Uttar highlighting the party’s gerly awaits the opportunity
defacement of property and shan Singh Rawat refused to within the prescribed limit. priced higher at `10. The Bal- Pradesh adds an element of strategic outreach and organ- to make their voices heard,”
535 about display of firearms contest the election so the election from Bhilwara and The rate cards often become a aghat rate card also has idli, high stakes to the electoral isational prowess. remarked Surendra Chau-
and intimidation; 529 have party is hunting for a candi- shift Bhilwara candidate subject of “meme-fest” on so- sambhar vada and poha- dynamics, while the SP and As the electoral battle- dhry, summarising the antici-
been resolved. Some were ab- date. Party strategists came Damodar Gurjar to Ra- cial media about the prices jalebi priced at `20 while the the BSP are determined to de- ground heats up, key con- pation and excitement sur-
out campaign beyond prohib- up with a formula to per- jsamand, a Gurjar- not being in sync with the cost for dosa and upma has fend their support bases,” stituencies become focal rounding the electoral show-
ited time and loud speakers. suade CP Joshi to contest the dominated seat. current inflation level. been fixed at `30. —PTI said Surendra Chaudhry, a points of contention. In down in western UP.
To fight LS polls under Sharad Pawar's leadership: Lanke
PUNE: NCP MLA Nilesh Lanke on Friday said he was
quitting the Maharashtra Assembly to contest from the
Ahmednagar Lok Sabha seat on a Nationalist Congress
Party (Sharad Pawar) ticket. Lanke, legislator from Parner
there, was earlier with Ajit Pawar-led Nationalist Congress
Party but had recently met Sharad Pawar. Lanke is likely to
get a ticket from the Sharad Pawar faction to contest
against Ahmednagar's sitting BJP MP Sujay Vikhe Patil.

Three seats driving a wedge in MVA MVA offered five

No offer to
Udayan Raje:
Congress stands firm and contemplates ‘friendly fights’ on Sangli, Bhiwandi and Mumbai
Sharad Pawar
MUMBAI: seats to VBA:
South-Central seats; Sharad Pawar himself had mediated and tried to forge a consensus
Sanjay Raut
to a ques-
RAJA MANE / MUMBAI seat, and this has aggravated tion if
the problem. Udayan
The Congress is standing firm In this backdrop, Congress Raje The MP says that there is no point in
on contesting the Sangli, Bhi- leaders held an online meet- Bhosale
wandi and south-central ing on Friday, in the presence contacted criticising him on the seat sharing issue;
Mumbai Lok Sabha seats, giv-
en that there is no agreement
of Maharashtra in-charge
Ramesh Chennithala. Howev-
him since
his candi-
Sharad Pawar, Uddhav and Nana Patole
on the seat-sharing formula er, even this meeting failed to dature is wanted VBA to be a part of the MVA
for the upcoming elections reach a consensus. Therefore, yet to be
among either the ruling Ma- the solution of ‘friendly an- KALPESH MHAMUNKAR
hayuti or the opposing Maha fights’ is being mulled. Now, it nounced, NCP (SP) chief MUMBAI
Vikas Aghadi (MVA) partners is being hoped that a solution Sharad Pawar said that
in sight. may emerge at a meeting there is no possibility of of- Reacting to Vanchit Bahujan
The Shiv Sena (UBT) fac- scheduled on Monday. fering the Lok Sabha seat to Aghadi (VBA) leader
tion has declared its list of 17 Maharashtra Congress the Maratha community Prakash Ambedkar's allega-
candidates and since the pos- leader Naseem Khan on Fri- leader. tions that Shiv Sena (UBT)
sibility of a consensus is prac- day said that the unilateral Pawar said the sitting Sa- leader Sanjay Raut of “stab-
tically ruled out, the Congress announcement of candidates tara MP Shrinivas Patil bing” it in the back amid
has decided to take in hand by the Shiv Sena (UBT) had won't contest the upcoming seat sharing talks with the
the three seats it has its heart angered his party workers. He Lok Sabha elections due to Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA),
set on; ‘friendly fights’ in added, “We met today and de- health reasons. the MP said that the talks

these constituencies are likely cided to communicate to the In the 2019 general elec- are going on with all the
to ensue. These developments central leadership that we will tions, Udayanraje Bhosale, a three parties of the MVA.
may lead to the widening of have friendly fights on some descendant of Chhatrapati “There is no point in criti-
the faultlines in the MVA. The manner in which Shiv INDIA, Aghadi meeting tomorrow seats, namely Sangli, Mumbai Shivaji Maharaj, won in Sa- cising me on the seat sharing We want no one to help
Sources said that at a meet- Sena (UBT) announced South-Central, Mumbai tara on an NCP ticket but lat- issue. Sharad Pawar, Uddhav the party that is speaking
ing held on Thursday, Sharad
Pawar instructed the alliance
candidates on seats
claimed by Congress has
angered our party workers
A key meeting of the INDIA bloc will be held in New
Delhi on March 31. Congress leaders along with
Sharad Pawar, Uddhav Thackeray will also attend this
North-West and some other
er switched over to the BJP,
necessitating a bypoll.
Thackeray and Nana Patole
wanted VBA to be a part of
to change the
constitution. We didn't
discuss anything about
partners to face the elections Meanwhile, Shiv Sena In that bypoll, Sharad the MVA alliance. We offered
unitedly without bringing in- – Naseem Khan, Congress meeting, following which the final seat-sharing (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut said Pawar, who then headed the five seats. We were ready to seat sharing at Sharad
ternal disputes to the fore. Ud- leader formula in the state would be carved out. such fights would only help undivided NCP, fielded Patil leave Akola and Ramtek Lok Pawar's residence. We are
dhav Thackeray, former chief the BJP. Taking a swipe at its and rallied behind him to Sabha seats for them. Con- of the view that disputed
minister Prithviraj Chavan, cede any ground. yielded no results either. In- ready claimed by the Con- MVA ally, he said, “Congress ensure his victory. gress had also put forth a seats should be contested
Balasaheb Thorat and other The issue has been dis- stead, the issue is becoming gress; whereas the NCP is a mature party…” He said Pawar said on Friday that good offer for him.” in a 'friendly manner'
leaders were also present. cussed many times during increasingly contentious. (Sharadchandra Pawar) is in jest that such friendly fights Patil's replacement would be Raut also appealed to –Sanjay Raut,
This was when Congress lead- previous meetings. Sharad The Shiv Sena (UBT) fac- eyeing the Bhiwandi con- should happen on all 48 seats finalised in a day or two. Ambedkar not to do any- Sena (UBT) leader
ers upheld their claim on the Pawar himself had mediated tion has reluctantly declared stituency. The NCP (Sharad- in Maharashtra as well as in “Shashikant Shinde, Balasa- thing that directly or indi-
Sangli, Bhiwandi and Mum- and tried to forge a consensus. candidates for Sangli and chandra Pawar) may adopt a Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. heb Patil and Sunil Mane's rectly helping the BJP. “We
bai south-central seats, declar- Mediation from the Congress south-central Mumbai con- different policy if the Con- Raut asserted there will be no names are being consid- want no one to help the party tions will be answered in
ing their unwillingness to high command in Delhi has stituencies, which were al- gress decides to contest the discussion on seats anymore. ered,” he said. who is speaking to change that conference.
the constitution. We didn't Meanwhile, Shiv Sena
discuss anything about seat leader Sushma Andhare also
Builder Machinder
seeks bail in money Neglected, RPI’s Athawale sharing at Sharad Pawar's
residence. We are of the
view that disputed seats
reacted to Ambedkar's alle-
gation. “Initially, we had of-
fered you four seats, later we

goes to Fadnavis with plaint

should be contested 'friend- offered one more seat, but
laundering case ly'.”
Raut also informed that
you did not take any initia-
tive from your side. There is
CHARUL SHAH JOSHI / MUMBAI there will be a joint press no dispute in MVA, some
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI Sabha when his term ended conference of MVA alliance people are misguiding peo-
Ornate Space Private New partners are in 2026. on April 3 and all the ques- ple,” she clarified.
Limited promoter builder Vi- Union Minister Ramdas being given “New partners are being
jay Machinder moved the Athawale on Friday met given preference, while my
preference, while my
special PMLA court seeking
bail in a Rs500.74 crore
Maharashtra Deputy Chief
Minister Devendra Fad- party, which has been
party, which has been an
ally of BJP for 12 years, is
Ex-minister passes away
money laundering case. navis and complained about neglected,” he claimed. MUMBAI: Veteran Peasants and Workers Party (PWP) leader
Machinder's lawyer his party being ignored in an ally of BJP for 12 He said RPI(A) must be and former Maharashtra minister Meenakshi Patil passed away
Sandeep Karnik had on seat sharing talks for the years, is neglected, the given seven to eight seats in at her native Alibaug in Raigad district, party leaders said on
Wednesday pleaded that Lok Sabha polls.
RPI(A) leader said the Assembly polls in Ma- Friday. She was 77. Patil breathed her last after battling a
there is no need to continue Athawale said his Repub- harashtra later this year, a prolonged illness. She is survived by her son Aswad Patil,
to keep him in custody. The lican Party of India-A (RPI- from the latter's Shiv Sena,” ministerial berth in the daughter-in-law and other relatives, including her two brothers
court has asked ED to submit A) was not allotted a single said Athawale, who had state government, represen- and PWP leaders Jayant Patil and Subhash Patil, a former
its reply on the bail plea. Lok Sabha seat in the state contested unsuccessfully tation in the legislative legislator. The niece of the former PWP supremo Dattatray N
It is pleaded that his com- and that he had apprised from the seat in 2009. council, as well as posts in Patil, Meenakshi Patil was elected from the coastal Alibaug
pany, Ornate Space Private
Limited is already in liquida-
Shivraj Patil's kin set to join BJP Fadnavis he was keen on
He further said that he
had sought a cabinet berth
two state owned corpora-
tions. Fadnavis has said he
Assembly constituency in 1995, 1999 and 2009. Patil's last rites
were performed at her village on Friday afternoon and a large
tion. Besides, properties to MUMBAI: Archana Patil Chakurkar, daughter-in-law of senior “But Fadnavis said Chief in the Narendra Modi would discuss these de- number of party workers and admirers bid a tearful farewell to
the tune of Rs7.04 crore be- Congress leader and former Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil, Minister Eknath Shinde government post the Lok mands with the BJP leader- their senior leader, said an associate.
longing to him and his family met Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis wanted Shirdi since sitting Sabha polls and that he ship and ensure it is done,
are already attached along on Friday. She is likely to join the BJP in Mumbai on Saturday. MP Sadashiv Lokhande is renominated to the Rajya Athawale claimed.
with five cars valued at Rs1.86
Shetye custodial
Machinder had refuted the
claim of money laundering,
claiming that “None of the fi-
ED issues second BLESSED RAMADAN!
death: Nod to recall
summons to Kirtikar
nancial institutions have al-

two eyewitnesses
leged that the funds have
been misused and in any
case, the funds according to
the investigation done by the Kirtikar had earlier requested exemption
ED has been majorly used for CHARUL SHAH JOSHI / MUMBAI
clearing the earlier liability from appearing before the ED officials,
and therefore, it cannot be citing a scheduled commitment In the Manjula Shetye custo-
said that there is any money dial death case, the court has
laundering as defined under ASHISH SINGH / MUMBAI count. The police's Eco- allowed the plea to recall two
the Act.” nomic Offences Wing eyewitnesses. The plea to re-
The Enforcement Direc- (EOW) had recorded Kir- call the eyewitnesses – Har-
torate (ED) has issued its tikar's statement last Octo- shada Bendre and Farzana
Amber Dalal second summons to Shiv ber.
Sena (UBT) Lok Sabha can- Amol's father, MP Ga-
Khan – was moved in October
last year. Bendre and Khan
travelled 3 states didate in Mumbai north- janan Kirtikar, is associat-
west Amol Kirtikar for ed with the Shiv Sena led by
were lodged in the Byculla
prison when Shetye died al- court, on Thursday, allowed
to evade arrest questioning in connection chief minister Eknath
with the Rs6.37 cr khichdi Shinde group, while Amol
legedly after she was brutally
assaulted by the prison staff
the plea to summon the wit-
nesses. However, it said that
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI scam. He was KHICHDI is an office-bearer on June 25, 2017 because she the summons would be
first summoned of the Yuva Sena, complained about missing issued only after 30 days. The
Amber Dalal, accused in a on March 27,
SCAM which is the youth breakfast rations. prosecution has so far exam-
massive ponzi scheme, evaded 2024. wing of the Thack- Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde meets Dawoodi Bohra community's head Syedna Mufaddal The police have arrested ined 18 witnesses in the case.
arrest for over 10 days by trav- Kirtikar had eray group. Saifuddin during the month of Ramadan on Thursday. Shiv Sena (Balasahebanchi faction) leader six officials, include jail offi-
elling across states and fre-
quently changing hotels. How-
earlier requested
exemption from
Officials of the
ED stated that Kir-
Milind Deora was also present. –ANI cer Manisha Pokharkar, and
constables Bindu Naikade,
Accused who
ever, after 12 days, the Econom- appearing before tikar Jr was under Waseema Shaikh, Shital She- sought IVF nod
ic Offences Wing (EOW) of the
Mumbai police apprehended
him in Uttarakhand on March
the ED officials,
citing a sched-
uled commit-
the agency's scan-
ner for allegations
related to assisting
Court denies bail to two in gaonkar, Surekha Gulve and
Aarti Shingne, under
sections 302 (murder) and 34
now to file for
26. Dalal, a chartered account-
ant and investment consultant,
allegedly swindled hundreds
of crores of rupees from over
ment. His lawyer,
Dilip Satle, sub-
mitted an appli-
cation to the ED
in securing a con-
tract for a vendor
involved in khichdi
distribution and
Nalasopara arms haul case
CHARUL SHAH JOSHI / MUMBAI and crime. The prosecution, planned to be used at the
(acts done by several persons
in furtherance of common in-
tention) of the Indian Penal
S heetal Shegaokar,
one of the six jail
staff members arrested
for allegedly killing
1,000 investors in and outside office at Ballard certain monetary however, contended that the Sunburn festival in Pune. The prosecution has Manjula Shetye, is all
India. Pier, stating that the earlier transactions with the ven- The special National Investi- applicants are likely to cause Explosives were also stored claimed that Bendre and set to file for divorce,
Sources revealed that upon summons was issued at a dor. gation Agency (NIA) court sabotage in Mumbai and at the residence of one of the Khan, in their respective months after seeking
the filing of the case against short notice and sought Recently, the ED filed a has refused to grant bail to Pune. accused, Vaibhav Raut, who depositions, identified the nod to have a child in
him, Dalal travelled to Gu- eight weeks to respond. But chargesheet in the khichdi two accused in the Nala- The prosecution’s case is was granted bail in 2023 after accused dragging Shetye on prison through IVF. The
jarat, then Rajasthan, and fi- the ED rejected the request scam against Suraj Chavan, sopara arms haul case. Va- that the two accused, and five years of incarceration. the staircase. They also sessions court last
nally to Uttarakhand. He re- and has now asked the Shiv Shiv Sena (UBT) secretary, sudev Suryavanshi and Sud- nine others, were members In the case of Suryavanshi spoke of CCTV footage, month permitted
frained from using mobile Sena (UBT) leader to BMC officials, and their hanwa Gondhalekar had of the right-wing group and Gondhalekar, the court which was not shown to Shegaokar to sign
phones and other devices to appear on April 8. close associates. Earlier sought bail after a few other Sanatan Sanstha that want- said there is reasonable them by the then special pub- divorce papers before
avoid being traced. Neverthe- The ED is investigating this month, the ED provi- accused in the case were re- ed to form a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ ground to believe that the al- lic prosecutor. The footage is the family court. She
less, EOW managed to trace the khichdi scam, which in- sionally attached Chavan's leased on bail by the Bombay through a secret terrorist legations are prima facie said to be “best piece of doc- had moved the court in
and arrest him from a hotel in volves an alleged fraud of immovable properties High Court. gang in Maharashtra and ad- true. It further noted that the umentary evidence, which January 2023 for
Uttarakhand. Further, Rs 6.37 crore committed worth Rs88.51 lakh, includ- In their separate applica- joining states. ground of parity is not appli- would have corroborated permission to undergo
sources disclosed that Dalal's during the pandemic. It is ing a residential flat in tions they had pleaded that As per the allegation of in- cable to them as the charges substantive evidence of both IVF procedure as her
32 bank accounts have been alleged that a portion of the Mumbai and a parcel of there is no evidence against vestigating agencies, the against them have been eyewitnesses…” husband was insisting
frozen, and the investigation cheated money was re- agricultural land in Ratna- them and they played no role gang collected and prepared framed and the matter is The plea was opposed by on having a child.
is ongoing. The complainants ceived in Kirtikar's ac- giri. in the alleged conspiracy crude bombs that were part-heard. the defence lawyers. The
allege that Dalal's son is also
involved in the scam. Howev-

No bail for man who brokered deal of Mirchi’s Worli properties

er, no arrests have been made
in this regard. Following the
filing of the case, the Mumbai
police issued a Look Out Cir-
cular (LOC) against Dalal, CHARUL SHAH JOSHI / MUMBAI While seeking discharge, he dealt with the proceeds of Marium Lodge, and Rambia Dheeraj Wadhawan and well such illegal activities of crime,” the court said.
who avoided air and train Bindra pleaded that he sim- crime, assisting in layering Mansion – have a combined Mirchi, a deal was finalised Iqbal Mirchi would not have The ED had registered a
travel due to surveillance The special court for the Pre- ply acted as a broker in the them with full knowledge of area of 4970.41 sq mt. in 2010. entered the transaction in case against Mirchi, his fam-
measures. He predominantly vention of Money Launder- transactions. He contended their illicit origins. As per the prosecution Special judge MG Desh- question…” ily members and others in
travelled by road until his ing Act (PMLA) has refused that 11 professionals were The ED had claimed that complaint, Bindra, on behalf pande observed that, “the ap- The court also said that the matter. Mirchi died at the
eventual arrest by the EOW. to grant discharge to real es- not charged despite their in- Mirchi acquired or pur- of Mirchi, proposed to sell plicant (Bindra) was aware Bindra held multiple meet- age of 63 in London in 2013.
Dalal’s fraudulent activities tate dealer Ranjeet Bindra, volvement. He said that the chased three properties be- these properties to Dheeraj as to who Mirchi was, the ings with Mirchi in Dubai The ED, in its chargesheet,
came to light when a group of booked in a money launder- others, like him, travelled to longing to Mohammad Wadhawan, the promoter of source of his income and the and London. “What more is has claimed that Mirchi
investors, including a fashion ing case registered against London for property dealings Yusuf Trust in September M/s Dewan Housing transactions for the sale of required to identify the role bought properties in India
designer, lodged a complaint gangster Iqbal Mirchi’s fami- but were not implicated. 1986 for Rs6.5 lakh through Finance Ltd (DHFL), who ex- these properties, wherein he of the applicant and his ac- using money earned
with Oshiwara police, alleging ly. The court observed that he His plea was opposed by his firm M/s Rockside En- pressed interest in acquiring acted as a broker”. The court tive participation and in- through illegal activities and
non-receipt of promised re- “actively participated in lay- the Enforcement Directorate terprises. These properties them. Following negotia- said, “In ordinary course, a volvement in layering and later sold them for redevelop-
turns on their investments. ering the proceeds of crime”. (ED), which contended that in Worli – namely Sea View, tions and meetings involving genuine broker knowing laundering the proceeds of ment.
Planning weekend getaway via Pune e-way, think twice!
Mumbai: The Mumbai-Pune Expressway on Friday
witnessed severe traffic congestion, leading to frustrating
delays for the motorists. The problem occurred when
scores of people were on their way for weekend
getaways. The massive jam forced vehicles to be stuck on
the stretch, moving at a snail's pace. The breakdown of
automobiles was one of the major impediments.
Detailed report on Pune page, e-paper

Kandivali school’s fate hangs in balance

Kapol Vidyanidhi international school faces many complaints; it has moved HC against its proposed closure
Injured in Chunabhatti
firing, four gangsters

The state education commis-

gested withdrawing the no-ob-
jection certificate (NOC) is-
sued by the state government,
hours and library. The state's
2011 rules for implementing
the Act require schools to sub-
necessary permission from
the BMC's education officer as
well as permanent affiliation
try extortion; arrested
sioner has recommended can-
celling the government's ap-
allowing Kapol Vidyanidhi's
affiliation to the Council for
mit a self declaration-cum-ap-
plication (commonly known
from the CISCE. It further
contended that it need not ac-
The quartet sustained severe injuries in
proval to Kandivali's Kapol the Indian School Certificate as 'Form 1') to the district edu- quire the certificate of recog- Dec 25, 2023, shootout; their leader Sunil
Vidyanidhi international Examinations (CISCE). The cation officer. The certificate nition as it's a Gujarati-minor- Yerunkar was killed in the gang war
school, which has been caught commissioner has requested of recognition (known as ity institute, hence exempted
in the eye of storm for more
than two years. The private
the government to act in the
light of this recommendation.
'Form 2') is awarded to an in-
stitute following an on-site in-
from the RTE Act.
Vipul Shah, the father of a
institute has been facing a In January, Sandeep spection. student at the school and one Four alleged gangsters, who alleges…
litany of complaints ranging Sanagve, the regional deputy COMPLAINTS AGAINST SCHOOL Owing to alleged discrepan- of the complainants, wel- sustained severe injuries in nAccused arrived at site
1 2 3
from charging excess fees, director, had also found the Charging Barring students Forcing them to cies in compliance of these comed the commissioner's last year's Chunabhatti firing near Labour Court in
forcing students to purchase school violating the provi- excess from classrooms over purchase textbooks rules, Vanave last year sought recommendation. Blaming related to a gang war, have Chunabhatti
textbooks from school to bar- sions of Maharashtra Educa- fees non-payment of fees from school Kapol Vidyanidhi's closure the education officials for the now been arrested for extor-
ring them from classrooms tional Institutions (Prohibi- and directed his deputy to delay in acting against the tion and assault. The quartet nThey claimed to be from
over non-payment of fees. tion of Capitation Fee) Act, to initiate action against the Right to Education (RTE) Act. shift its students to nearby school, he said, “The educa- – Akash Khandagle, Umesh Pinty Bhai gang
In a recent letter to the 1987, which provides protec- school for the violation. The law requires all privately- schools. The institute has, tion inspector was asked to Phalle alias Pintya Ramesh
school education department, tion from schools charging ex- For more than two years, run schools to obtain a certifi- however, challenged the direc- shut the school but he didn't Rane, Sudhir Betkar and nThe quartet demanded
the commissioner said that cessive fees. He had directed the institute has also been un- cate of recognition by fulfill- tive in the Bombay High take any action for more than Hrishikesh Bhowal – were in- ‘hafta’ or protection money
the deputy director of educa- Navnath Vanave, Education der the scanner for allegedly ing norms pertaining to Court. In its petition, the a year. The truth has jured during a shootout on nUpon denial, they gave
tion (Mumbai region) has sug- Inspector, Mumbai West Zone, lacking recognition under the teachers, building, teaching school claimed that it has the prevailed.” December 25, which claimed threats, while brandishing
the life of their leader Sunil knives and choppers
Yerunkar alias Pappu.

Viral video pins down ‘Rape in broad daylight is unbelievable’ According to the police, nThey finally left after
they received a complaint forcibly taking away several
from a BMC supervisor, items worth around `3 lakh

phone thief linked to

whose identity has been with-
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI Since the victim was major at the time of alleged ing out the applicability of held, on Thursday. He alleged even before the shootout,
offence, prima facie, it does not appeal to one's mind the POCSO Act. that he was overseeing the were involved in extortion.
that in broad daylight at a crowded Juhu Chowpatty

rail traveller’s death

The Bombay High Court has “The applicant has been be- work of water pipe installa- However, nobody dared to
granted bail to a rape on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, the applicant would commit hind the bars ever since his tion near the Labour Court in register a formal complaint
accused, observing that no forcible sexual intercourse. arrest on June 25, 2021. It is in- Chunabhatti when the quar- owing to their terror. After re-
sane man would believe the Bombay High Court formed that the trial court tet arrived. Claiming to be covering from the injuries,
On March 25, the accused struck two 'victim's' version that she was has not yet framed a charge. from the gang of Pinty bhai, they formed a small gang to
sexually assaulted on a major at the time of alleged assaulted her behind some Therefore, there is no likeli- they demanded 'hafta' or pro- extort local builders and em-
passengers on different trains; one shot crowded Juhu beach on a fes- offence, prima facie, it does stones and also threatened hood of bringing the trial to tection money. Upon denial, ployees at the construction
his video which solved the death of the tival day in May 2021. The ac- not appeal to one's mind that her with dire consequences. its logical end,” Justice Cha- the accused threatened the sites, sources added.
cused, a watchman, had been in broad daylight at a The Bangur Nagar police lat- van added. The court accept- complainant, while brandish- All of them have been
second traveller who had a fatal fall behind the bars for around crowded Juhu Chowpatty on er booked him under the rele- ed his bail application, while ing knives and choppers. booked under the Indian Pe-
while trying to catch the snatcher three years. the day of Eid-ul-Fitr, the ap- vant sections of the Indian directing him to furnish a They finally left after forcibly nal Code sections 392 (rob-
While making the decision plicant would commit Penal Code and Protection of personal bond of Rs25,000. He taking away several items bery), 387 (putting or attempt-
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / tering at the Am- on March 22, Justice Prithvi- forcible sexual intercourse Children from Sexual Of- was also asked to attend the worth around Rs3 lakh from ing to put a person in fear of
MUMBAI CASE DETAILS bivali station. The raj Chavan noted that the day with the victim. No sane man fences Act (POCSO). Justice police station and court pro- the site, said police sources. death or grievous hurt in or-
A banker by police said that a of the 'incident' coincided would believe it,” said the HC. Chavan noted that an X-ray ceedings as and when re- A team led by Assistant Po- der to commit extortion), 504
The death of a profession, stolen phone was with Eid-ul-Fitr and that the According to the prosecu- report submitted by the pros- quired. The HC instructed the lice Inspector Navnath Kale (intentional insult), 506 (2)
Pune banker, who Prabhas Bhange recovered from woman herself stated before tion, on May 14, 2021, the ac- ecution revealed that the accused not to tamper with traced and arrested the ac- (death threat), 34 (common
died after falling had come to city him and that the the magistrate that they were cused took the woman to woman's radiological age was evidence or influence wit- cused in two hours. Police of- intent) as well as the Maha-
from Siddheshwar to celebrate Holi device was of friends. “Since the victim was Juhu Chowpatty and sexually between 19 and 20 years, rul- nesses. ficials added that the quarter, rashtra Police Act.
Express on March Bhange.
25, was initially On March 25, he The accused
thought to be an ac- was travelling on then revealed that
cident. However, 24
hours later,
Siddheshwar on the night of
it Express to return March 25, he was
UNFORGETTABLE SACRIFICE Employee dupes travel company
turned out that he
died while trying to
nab a phone thief,
to Pune

Akash Jadhav
lurking between
the Kalyan and Vit-
thalwadi stations.
of `12.78L, issues fake tickets
who allegedly hit was lurking When Siddhesh- MEGHA KUCHIK / MUMBAI confronted, Shah claimed it
on his hand to between Kalyan, war Express The 32-year-old was a mistake and promised
snatch the device.
On Monday, the
Vitthalwadi passed, Jadhav hit
Bhange and
A 32-year-old man has been
booked for allegedly duping
accused slyly asked to resolve the issue with the
client, the company added.
27-year-old accused, snatched his his employer, a tours and trav- trusting customers to However, another
Akash Jadhav, In the dead of phone. In a knee- el company, of Rs12.78 lakh send money in his a/c customer raised a similar
struck two train night, he hit on jerk reaction, and issuing fake tickets to grievance in a span of few
passengers – Zahid Bhange's hand, Bhange tried to get customers. Kaushal Shah, a domestically or international- days. This time, Shah took
Zaidi and Pune's snatched his off the moving resident of Kandivali West. ly and arranging suitable Rs6.73 lakh for a nine-day Sin-
Prabhas Bhange. phone train and tripped, In its complaint lodged at packages for them. Once the gapore tour package. The
Jadhav tried to rob leading to fatal in- the Kandivali police station deal was struck, customers money was paid into different
Zaidi's phone while In a bid to nab juries. Until Jad- on March 26, Flamingo would then deposit money into accounts as sought by Shah.
he was shooting a Jadhav, Bhange hav's arrest, police Transworld Private Ltd said the company's account based Initially, he was uncoopera-
video on a train had a fatal fall thought it was a that it specialises in travel on Shah's recommendations. tive, but eventually confessed
passing from rail mishap hence services, including ticket In January this year, a to the fraudulent acts, includ-
Kalyan. While Zaidi man- an accidental death report booking and lodging services client lodged a complaint, ing the issuance of fake flight
aged to not lose hold on his was registered initially. within India and abroad. Its saying that Shah took Rs2.05 tickets.
phone, he incidentally cap- Bhange, who worked at a office is located at Eden Gar- lakh for a tour to Thailand, A case has been booked
tured Jadhav's face in the private bank, had come to den cooperative housing soci- but gave fake tickets, said against him under the Indian
video. Mumbai to celebrate Holi. ety, Kandivali West. Flamingo Transworld. Upon Penal Code sections 420
He posted the video on so- Jadhav has been booked un- The complaint further said investigation, it was discov- (cheating and dishonesty),
cial media, which quickly der the Indian Penal Code that Shah was hired as a sales ered that the accused had pro- 467 (forgery of valuable secu-
went viral and was even section 304 (culpable homi- consultant in January 2023. He vided his personal bank de- rity), 468 (forgery for the pur-
viewed by the Kalyan rail- cide not amounting to mur- was responsible for gathering tails to the customer, pose of cheating) and 471 (us-
way police. Jadhav was ar- der), among other provi- Scores of devotees walked from Santacruz to Vakola on Good Friday, marking the 35th ‘Year of the required information from resulting in the money being ing as genuine a forged
rested on Tuesday while loi- sions. Cross’ organised by the Catholic Secular Forum of the Sacred Heart Church, Santacruz — VIJAY GOHIL customers intending to travel credited to his account. When document).

Lifer for man who killed After shooing away timber mafia, 2 long-time friends held
neighbour over flat’s rights tribals pledge to rewild Raigad forest for running drug racket
CHARUL SHAH JOSHI / MUMBAI and go back to their house but SOMENDRA SHARMA / MUMBAI reached Goa from Rajasthan a
as it was still locked, they DHAIRYA GAJARA / MUMBAI enough but maybe the mafia few days ago. The agency later
The sessions court has sen- tried to enter their neigh- found another place. Any- The Narcotics Control got an input that he was
tenced a 51-year-old man to bour’s house. However, After shooing away the local ways, it was a victory for us!” Bureau (NCB), Goa, has bust- trying to conclude a drug deal
life imprisonment for killing Rathod caught Vaneeta, timber mafia, the tribal com- He further said that no ed a drug trafficking network under the guise of a business
his neighbour in Borivali over stabbed her and fled. The po- munities of Raigad's Chinch- leopard or tiger was spotted and arrested two friends in trip.
the latter’s refusal to share lice were called and Vaneeta wadi village have pledged to in nearly three decades, connection with the case. One J Singh was located around
documents of her was rushed to the conserve and worship the 8.5- thanks to afforestation. How- of them, J Singh, was alleged- Candolim and once physical-
rented flat at Eksar hospital where she acre deciduous forest, now ever, owing to the illegal ly caught with 532 grams of ly identified, a discreet round
Neelkamal CHS. After the was pronounced christened as ‘Tata Chi Van- axing of trees, a leopard was methampheta- the clock surveil-
On January 23, crime, the dead. rai’. The Pardhi and Thakar recently seen strolling. “We mine worth Rs53 lance was
2016, the victim, Va- Later, Rathod Adivasi tribes have joined believe that it’s a hint for us to lakh. He re- One of the accused mounted upon
neeta Mendon, and convict surrendered to the forces with NGO Waghoba respect the forest till our last turned to India was caught with him, officials
her daughter Pooja surrendered to police. He was Foundation for the green breath,” said Daulat. last year after said. “On March
came back home af- found to be inebri- cause. The forest is home to Sanjiv Valsan, founder of working abroad.
532 grams of 27, he was inter-
ter grocery shop- the police; the ated and incoher- around 3,000 native trees, in- Waghoba Foundation which The other ac- methamphetamine cepted with
ping at 6.30pm. 51-yr-old was ent. In his defence, cluding mango, jamun, works with indigenous and cused has been worth `53 lakh methampheta-
Their neighbour
Rajesh Rathod start-
found to be he claimed that he
had been falsely im-
mahua, teak and more.
On Friday, people from
urban communities for envi-
ronmental conservation, said
identified as R mine. A vehicle,
Singh. Though both of them which was being used for
ed arguing with Va- inebriated plicated in the case both the tribes inaugurated “The forest used to be very thick. However, the that they plan to “re-wild” the hail from Rajasthan, the latter drug deliveries, was also
neeta, while Pooja as there was a dis- the community-based conser- builder and timber mafias broke it into pieces jungle. “The forest used to be lives in Goa. seized,” said an NCB official.
went ahead to unlock their pute on account of the flat vation initiative, which aims — Waghoba Foundation very thick and went all the According to the NCB, it re- His interrogation led to the
door. Suddenly, Pooja heard with the housing society’s of- at preserving the woods way to the tiger reserve in the ceived a tip-off that an inter- whereabouts of R Singh, who
her mother shouting and ficer-bearers, and that the standing between Neral and The forest has been named for six generations, battling Bhimashankar national state syndicate was looking was providing logistical sup-
found Rathod had held a knife murder was committed by an Bhimashankar. During the as ‘Tata Chi Vanrai’ as a trib- the timber mafia all the way. park. However, the builder for a window to supply nar- port. J Singh was in need of
to her, demanding documents unknown person. naming ceremony for the for- ute to late Vitthal Janu Ambo Daulat recounted, “Around and timber mafias broke it cotics in Goa amid quick money and was con-
of their flat. Vaneeta asked The court relied on the tes- est, a totem of 'waghoba' or Pardhi, who was nicknamed three months ago, a local tim- into pieces. Now, just a small heightened security due to vinced that he could earn
him to not talk to them about timonies of Pooja and leopard, the protector deity of Tata. In his lifetime, he had ber mafia was trying to clear patch is left. Inspiring the lo- the upcoming Lok Sabha more through the drug busi-
it and speak to the real estate other residents of the forest tribes, was also in- vowed to fight the timber the forest, but we consistently cal communities to preserve polls. Accordingly, various in- ness. He motivated his long-
agent directly. building who were eyewit- stalled and the entry point mafia, said his nephew opposed it. Ultimately, the the forest is a small step but telligence sources were alert- time friend R Singh to enter
The mother-daughter duo nesses to the crime, and held christened as ‘Waghoba Daulat. The Pardhi family has mafia decided to leave. It was the bigger idea is to rejoin the ed. Soon, information was re- the illicit trade, the
tried to rescue themselves Rathod guilty. Chowk’. been looking after the jungle not because we were strong broken links,” he added. ceived that J Singh had official added.
Four held for theft from closed textile unit in Palghar
Palghar: Four persons have been arrested for allegedly
stealing items from a closed textile unit in Boisar MIDC in Palghar
district. The theft of circuit boards worth Rs1.76 crore took place
between June and April last year and a case was filed on the
complaint of the company on October 7, Superintendent of Police
Balasaheb Patil said. “One person identified as Mohammad
Hussain Karamhussain Chowdhary was held on Wednesday.
Three of his associates were arrested soon after,” he added.

Bandra Worli Sea Link toll

Lilavati Hosp
starts foetal
surgery dept

As per latest available data,

five out of 5,000 births
require specialised care.
Lilavati Hospital, in associa-
hiked by 18% from April 1
The new toll rates on the sea link, which opened for traffic in 2009, will be
tion with the Spina Bifida
Foundation, has partnered applicable until March 31, 2027; daily & monthly passes to cost more too
with Poland’s Medical Uni- FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI
versity of Silesia, to inaugu- Single Journey
rate a foetal surgery depart- The toll charges on Bandra
ment, aiming to repair birth Worli Sea Link will increase `100 `160 `210
defects and foetal conditions by about 18% from April 1, of- LMVs Mini buses, Trucks (two
before birth. ficials from the Maharashtra tempos axle), buses
Spina bifida, a congenital State Road Development Cor-
birth defect, occurs at the
foetal stage, when the spinal
poration (MSRDC) said on
Fast Tag Daily Pass
cord, brain, or their covering
called meninges don’t grow
The new toll rates for one-
way journeys for cars and
`250 `400 `525
properly. It can happen any- jeeps will be Rs100, while (LMVs, mini buses/tempos,
where along the spine and is minibuses, tempos and other trucks/buses)
usually seen as a hole at similar vehicles will have to

Trash to Treasure: Family

birth. pay Rs160. Two-axle trucks
This collaboration seeks to will be charged Rs210 for a
offer foetal surgery as a pri- one-way trip on the
mary clinical option for in- cable-stayed bridge.

helms clean-up crusade

trauterine correction, signif- The new toll rates on
icantly enhancing the the sea link, which
prospects for affected infants. opened for traffic in times their re- cial vehicles, and Rs175 for tion Marine Drive-Worli
However, some conditions 2009, will be applica- spective one-way two-axle trucks and buses. coastal road at the southern
like spina bifida, large neck ble until March 31, toll charges. The These rates have been in end and the Bandra-Versova
masses, lower urinary tract 2027. cost of monthly force since April 1, 2021. coastal road at the Northern What began as a personal initiative has turned into a mass
obstructions, and certain tu- On advance pur- passes will be 50 Every day, scores of end. Chief Minister Eknath movement; over 12,000 volunteers have joined the cause
mours can adversely affect chase of booklets times their re- motorists use the sea link, Shinde recently inaugurated
foetal development, necessi- containing 50 and spective one-way connecting Worli in the is- the first phase of the coastal DHAIRYA GAJARA / MUMBAI clean-up drives. Over time, ing the ponds in Vasai to pre-
tating timely intervention to 100 toll coupons, travel rates. land city and Bandra in the road project – a 10.5km their grassroots movement serve vital water sources for
prevent further harm. there will be a re- Currently, mo- western suburbs for south- stretch – between Worli and A family of four has taken on gained momentum, with both wildlife and the commu-
Dr Santosh Karmarkar, a bate of 10% and torists using the and-north-bound travel, Marine Drive in south Mum- the task of ridding the beach- thousands of volunteers ral- nity.
senior consultant and paedi- 20%, respectively. eight-lane over- avoiding traffic snarls in bai. This part is currently es of Vasai of plastic. What lying to their cause every Since 2019, Ferrao and Sal-
atric surgeon at Lilavati Hos- The rates of re- pass now pay Mahim, Dadar, Prabhadevi toll-free. Once connected began as a personal initiative Sunday. da have embarked on tree
pital, emphasised that foetal turn journey pass Rs85 for cars and and Worli. with the coastal roads at both to provide cleaner shores for With the collective effort of planting campaigns along the
surgery represents a signifi- and daily pass, jeeps, Rs130 for The authorities have ends of the sea link, the traf- their own children has blos- the family and their support- coastal areas, contributing
cant advancement in valid till midnight, will minibuses, tempos planned to connect the sea fic on the coastal road is ex- somed into a mass move- ers, Suruchi, Bena, Rangaon, over 2,500 palm trees to the
prenatal healthcare to pre- be 1.5 times and 2.5 and light commer- link with the under-construc- pected to increase. ment, drawing over 12,000 and Bhuigaon beaches in Va- landscape. Every Sunday,
vent long-term complications volunteers. sai have been successfully they organise waste collec-
for unborn infants. Marketing professional cleared of plastic waste. tion drives aimed at recycling
He also pointed out that ap-
proximately 70% of the pa-
tients are not getting the re-
Model code of conduct stalls `5L insurance Lisbon Ferrao and his wife
Zsuzsanna Salda, originally
from Hungary, were struck
“A lot of people have been
joining us from Vasai as well
as from other countries like
plastic and upcycling clothes
for donation to orphanages.
Their commitment to envi-
quired treatment due to lack SWAPNIL MISHRA / MUMBAI “The MJPJAY scheme cov- dle class families. As a result, by the abundance of plastic Germany, France, Hungary, ronmental conservation has
of awareness or financial MJPJAY launched ers nearly 1,336 diseases and the state issued a government littering the beaches near Portugal and Denmark. earned them support from

July 2, 2012
constraints. These patients The Maharashtra govern- can help patients who cannot resolution (GR) on July 27, their home in Vasai seven Some people don’t organisations such as the
also lack proper and timely ment’s health insurance afford high treatment costs,” 2023, warning hospitals about years ago. Concerned for participate in the activity but mangrove foundation, the
guidance and medical care, cover of Rs5 lakh under Ma- said an official, adding that stern action if they fail to im- their children’s safety and they have stopped littering forest department, and Eye-
forcing them to fend for them- hatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Aro- the hike from Rs1.5 lakh to plement the new scheme. the state of the environment, the beaches and we have seen sea, enabling them to expand
selves. gya Yojana (MJPJAY) has 54L Rs5 lakh was announced in Another official said, “The they committed to clearing an enormous decrease in the their activities and reach
In this regard, a conference been finalised but cannot be Patients have benefited July last year, with an addi- premium paid to the state plastic from the coastline waste in the last few more people.
was also held to raise aware- implemented as the model tion of 340 diseases. Close to health insurance society is whenever they visited the months,” said Ferrao. “We have started collecting
ness about the importance of code of conduct is in place for Expenditure 1,000 hospitals can be ac- Rs855 per family, with the gov- beach. In addition to beach clean- these small plastic articles
foetal surgery in India. It the upcoming Lok Sabha elec- cessed by ration card holders ernment contributing Rs1,770 Despite initial challenges ing, the family has expanded and sending them for recy-
served as a forum for leading
experts, practitioners, and re-
tions. The state government
has therefore requested the
`10,550 crore and people with domicile cer-
crore annually to this compa-
ny. “According to the state
and a lack of support from
the community, the family
their initiatives to include
the removal of smaller plas-
cling as we do with the bigger
sized waste. We tried turning

searchers from around the Election Commission of A senior official from the health inspection report, 2.22 persisted. Their dedication tic items like wrappers, these plastic items into paver
world to convene and discuss India to give a green signal so state health department said crore beneficiaries have been garnered attention on social which often go unnoticed blocks but people are still
various aspects of the sur- that it can be accessed by Diseases covered that treatment costs are peak- selected for this scheme,” the media, inspiring others to during regular clean-ups. sceptical about using it,” said
gery. lakhs of beneficiaries. ing beyond the means of mid- official said. join them in their weekly They have also begun clean- Ferrao.


Public are hereby informed that "ASHIRWAD 205 and 206 (part), 2nd Floor, Ceejay House, Shiv
NURSING HOME" Propose to permanently dispose the Sagar Estate, F-Block, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai-400 018
CIN : L93000MH1981PLC024747, Tel. : +91 22 4230 5500/502
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copy of the concerned patient's medical record will be Investor Relation Contact : teamsecretarial@arshiyalimited.com
issued to any patient on written request with valid NOTICE OF POSTAL BALLOT AND E-VOTING
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Medical Record Officer-MRD Within 45 days of the Members are hereby informed that pursuant to Section 110 and
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request thereafter as all records would have been 20 and Rule 22 of the Companies (Management and Administration)
Rules, 2014, as amended (Rules), read with the General Circular Nos.
destroyed. 14/2020 dated 8th April, 2020, 17/2020 dated 13th April, 2020,
ASHIRWAD NURSING HOME 20/2020 dated May 5, 2020, 22/2020 dated 15th June, 2020, 33/2020
(MEDICAL RECORD DEPARTMENT) dated 28th September, 2020 and 39/2020 dated 31st December,
2020, 10/2021 dated June 23, 2021, 20/2021 dated December 8,
Rajgir Sadan, Gr Floor, Laxmi Baugh, 2021, 3/2022 dated May 5, 2022, 11/2022 dated December 28, 2022
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Motilal Oswal Home Finance Limited

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Remote e-voting period shall commence on Monday, April 01, 2024
':9*F=7>GD&H%AD<>=7FAD>$D30D#H"-D$>ID&H%AD>$D!))>5H8%AD9--A= -D*G.AID=EAD&AF*I7=7-H=7>GDHG.DAF>G-=I*F=7>GD>$D
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!G=AIA-=D 'G$>IFA)AG=D*%A-D1001 (both days inclusive). The results of the remote e-voting shall be
Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) that the below announced on or before Friday, May 3, 2024 and the same will be
described immovable properties mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the physical possession of which has communicated to the Stock Exchanges along with the Scrutinizer's
877654327658154075/.40-,+*7)5('&7,5-%5$-4+#3#5(*"3#5!- 75+636&75+ +47)53,#+7,56-"653*5/*+,75!- 75+636&75 report within the prescribed time limit. The remote e-voting module
Corporation limited) /Secured Creditor, will be sold on “As is where is”, “As is what is”, and “Whatever there is” on the shall thereafter be disabled by NSDL. The Board of Directors has
date and time mentioned herein below, for recovery of the dues mentioned herein below and further interest and other appointed CS (Mrs.) Sejal Soni (ICSI Membership No. ACS 47193),
776*7*5407,7-654+##54075)3475-%5,73#+34+-65).754-5$-4+#3#5(*"3#5!- 75+636&75+ +47)53,#+7,56-"653*5/*+,75!- 75 Proprietor of M/s. Sejal Soni & Associates, Practicing Company
Finance Corporation limited) /Secured Creditor from the Borrowers and Guarantor(s) mentioned herein below. The Secretaries (ICSI COP No. 17441), as Scrutinizer for conducting the
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Postal Ballot through remote e-voting in a fair and transparent manner.
J>II>AI -DD #A)HG.D<>=7FAD #A-FI7=7>GD>$D=EAD DA-AI5ADI7FAD #H=ADHG.D In case of any queries, members may refer to the Frequently Asked
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9FF>*G= 9)>*G= I>AI=" &*8)7--7>GD>$D'# ':9*F=7>G at the Downloads Section of https://www.evoting.nsdl.com or call on
9<@D!00/D 1(:0:101 Flat No. - A/202, A-AI5ADI7FA@D 0:0/:101(D toll free no. : 1800 22 2990 or contact Ms. Pallavi Mhatre, Manager,
:00111 $>ID-@D 2nd Floor, Om Sai -;/0000:DD &7 DH,ED @00D9)D National Securities Depository Limited, Trade World, ‘A’ Wing, 4th
JIHGFE@D!9 01200:DD Apartment, Near 7$="DE>*-HG.DDCG%" =>D0/@00D Floor, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel,
J>II>AI@D&9<C& D *AA-DAGD Akshay Hotel, ) (with Mumbai-400 013 at the designated email ID : evoting@nsdl.co.in who
'#@D-;D/000:D &7 ="D
9 99D&9 <+' HFDAG="D Nallasopara, unlimited will also address the grievances connected with the voting by
?>:J>II>AI@D9<!& 9D &7 DE>*-HG.D District - Palghar, extensions electronic means. Members may also write to the Company at
&9<C& D&9 <+ ' &A5AGD *G.IA.DD Maharashtra - DH-=D.H=AD>$D'#D of 5 minute
#A>-7=@0/:0/:101( teamsecretarial@arshiyalimited.com or at the Registered Office
*HIHG=>ID@D CG%" 401203 each)
address of the Company.
9<@D 1:04:104 Flat No.108, 1 St A-AI5ADI7FA@D 0:0/:101(DD
The results of the Postal Ballot will be announced by the Director
+900/:000(/4 $>ID-@D2211(:DD Floor, H Wing, -;/0000:DD &7 DH,ED @00D9)D
JIHGFE@D+9 9< *AA-D&A5AGD Keshav Apartment 7$="DE>*-HG.DDDDCG%" =>D0/@00D
and/or Company Secretary of the Company at the Registered Office of
J>II>AI@D9 !D& <!D HFD&A5AG=AAGD S.no 36, H. No ) (with the Company on or before Friday, May 3, 2024. The said result along
'#@D-;D/000:DD &7 ="D with Scrutinizer’s Report shall also be placed on the Company’s
JC #' E>*-HG.D>D 8/A, Backside Of 75ADE>*-HG.DDDDCG%" unlimited
?>:J>II>AI@D& <!D *G.IA.DAG="D Marathi School, extensions Website viz www.arshiyalimited.com. The results along with
DH-=D.H=AD>$D'#D Scrutinizer’s Report shall also be communicated to the Stock
9&9<DJC #' >*IDCG%" Thane, Maharashtra of 5 minute
#A>-7=@0/:0/:101( Exchanges where the Company’s shares are listed viz.
*HIHG=>ID@D - 421306 each)
AI)-DHG.D?>G.7=7>G-D>$D':D9*F=7>G@ www.bseindia.com and www.nseindia.com and also displayed on the
1. The Auction is conducted as per the further Terms and Conditions of the Bid document and as per the procedure set website of NSDL viz www.evoting.nsdl.co.in.
out therein. Bidders may visit to the A8D >I=H@D E==-@JA-=9*F=7>G#AH;F>)D of our e-Auction Service Provider, By order of the Board of Directors
-;D>8AAFEDG$>-"-=A)-DI75H=AD7)7=A.D%-,58+))+6 5+6%-, 34+-655*.-,454075)743+*5-%54075*7&.,7)53**745.45.5 For Arshiya Limited
%-,57/.&4+-6536)54075+)5-, 5"0+&05"+5875*.8 +447)5-6+675075+647,7*47)58.17,*5 315 -540,-. 0540753.&4+-6547, *5 Sd/-
5&-6)+4+-6*536)5,-&7**5-654075*3 75-,43536)5 315&-643&454-598E76AA=D?EH5HGD:D432120/100DD?EHG.IH-EA,EHID Ajit Dabholkar
+*)8EHID:D432120(431D)743+*533+3875+65407538-75 764+-67)5785-,43536)5 315&-643&45407+,5?AG=IH7-A.D AD Place : Mumbai Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
#A-,@D4D400D4433D4D1(D((D20D//D':)H7D#@D?HIAJA-=9*F=7>G#AH;F>); Date : March 29, 2024 ICSI Membership No. FCS 4424
#H=AD @D 30;03;101( >=7%H%DC-H%D >)AD7GHGFAD7)7=A.
14-year-old boy dies of electrocution
Thane: A 14-year-old boy from Bhiwandi in Thane contact with a live wire on Wednesday night, they said.
district has died of electrocution, police said on Friday. “He was rushed to a local hospital, where he was
The victim, identified as Dilshar Hamiduddin Shah, who declared dead,” an official of Shantinagar police station
studied in Class 8, climbed up the roof of a powerloom said. A case of accidental death was registered, he said,
unit and suffered an electric shock as he came in adding that a probe into the incident is underway. MUMBAI | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024

Encroachment hits Poisar project For 2nd straight

Three booked
for assaulting
7.2km of river’s length widened; 2.9km still encroached; work order for widening B branch
issued; work will be carried out after the removal of encroachments by R South ward
veggie seller
in Malad night, power outage
MUMBAI Hurdles

The Malad police have filed a strikes SoBo parts

50% of sewer network case against three people for
Encroachment have been a and access roads allegedly assaulting a veg- Supply of Commissioner of Police office
major hurdle in the widening
of Poisar river branch ‘B’ as
to 3 STPs affected etable seller on Friday early
morning. The incident took
and Bombay Hospital restored in 15 mins
well as the construction of
sewerage treatment plants
(STPs) under the rejuvena-
2,267 hutments in
Malad and
Kandivali areas encroaching
place in front of the Acme
Shopping Centre, Malad
West, following a dispute over

Some pockets of south Mum-

tion project, a civic official unloading vegetables. bai plunged into darkness
said. Around 50% of the sew- Project According to the FIR, the once again on Friday night as
er network and access roads n Construction of 10 STPs complainant Lorik Yadav, a a snag in the electricity
to three STPs are affected by with a total capacity of vegetable seller residing in supply caused widespread
encroachment, comprising 33.5 million litres per day Kurar, Malad East, had a pet- power outages in several lo-
2,267 hutments in Malad and n Rejuvenation and ty fight with three others who calities. The affected areas, in-
Kandivali areas. beautification project in were unloading vegetables. cluding Bombay Hospital,
The Poisar river originates compliance with NGT The disagreement escalated Mahapalika Marg, GT Hospi-
from the Sanjay Gandhi Na- into a physical altercation, tal, Crawford Market, and Ma-
tional Park at Malad East and Progress 9.29km with the trio verbally abusing rine Lines, experienced the Despite Mumbai’s
flows through Kandivali, ulti-
mately meeting Malad Creek
7.2km of river’s Within BMC and assaulting Yadav. One of
the accused, Montu Singh, 38,
blackout from around 7pm
islanding system
length widened jurisdiction designed to ensure
at Malad West. The approxi- brandished a knife, while an- Responding swiftly to the continuous power supply,
mate length of the river with- 2.9km still encroached Permissions from other, Ketan Singh, 35 threat- incident, additional manpow- consecutive disruptions
in the BMC jurisdiction is upon, including Hanuman MCZMA and forest ened Yadav with violence. er was deployed by the Bri- have raised concerns
9.290km. The civic Storm Wa- Nagar, Bihari Tekedi, dept underway for The third accused is Shivba- hanmumbai Electric Supply among residents about
ter Department (SWD) has n Work order issued for widening B branch post-encroachment removal and B Branch 2 STPs haddur Singh, 40. & Transport (BEST), the reliability of the city’s
undertaken various work to The police have filed the resulting in the restoration of electricity infrastructure.
abate flooding in adjoining ar- litres per day, along with 15 river widening work. der for widening the B branch (MCZMA) and forest depart- case under the Indian Penal power in all affected areas by
eas of the Poisar river. Along years of operation and main- As per the civic official, has recently been issued. The ment is underway for two of Code sections 323 9.15pm. —Power expert
with this, a rejuvenation and tenance, laying of sewer “Approximately 7.2km of the work will be carried out after the STPs. “It is essential to re- (voluntarily causing hurt), According to a senior offi-
beautification project has lines, construction of a serv- river’s length has been the removal of encroach- move these encroachments to 504 (breach of peace), 506(2) cial, power supply of Mumbai er spokesperson, he said,
been initiated in compliance ice road, building roadside widened, while 2.9km are still ments by R South ward. complete the project within (criminal intimidation), and police commissioner office “The same location/area as
with the National Green Tri- drains, and construction of 13 encroached upon. The stretch The work on 5 STPs is in the stipulated time. Once the 34 (common intention). Sub- and Bombay Hospital was re- yesterday experienced supply
bunal (NGT). Interceptors to manage of Hanuman Nagar, Bihari progress. The process for ob- encroachments are removed sequently, the police issued stored within 15 minutes and disruptions as a result of
The work includes the con- wastewater flow. The Free Tekedi, and the B branch of taining permissions from the by the concerned ward notices to all accused under supply was fully restored in BEST’s 33KV cable fault.”
struction of 10 STPs with a to- Press Journal in its March 26 the Poisar river are currently Maharashtra Coastal Zone offices, the works can be com- 41-A.1 CrPC (Code of Crimi- all affected areas by 9.15 pm. “Despite Mumbai’s island-
tal capacity of 33.5 million edition reported on delays in encroached upon. A work or- Management Authority menced, the civic said. nal Procedure). The outage on Friday mir- ing system designed to ensure
rored a similar incident the continuous power supply, con-
previous night, when resi- secutive disruptions have
Trio nabbed for
stabbing man Railway official falls prey to Man-in-the-middle: dents in the almost same lo-
calities faced power cuts start-
ing at 8:35pm, with
raised concerns among resi-
dents about the reliability of
the city’s electricity infrastruc-

online stock fraud; loses `40L firm loses `1.5 crore

restoration efforts beginning ture,” said a power expert.
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / past 9.5pm. “Our engineers have to
NAVI MUMBAI According to officials from visit substations by overcom-
BEST Undertaking, the snag ing traffic during evening
Almost 24 hours after stab- SOMENDRA SHARMA/ MUMBAI Rs1.54 crore in the new bank was triggered by a tripping in peak hours. We have deployed
bing a waiter in front of a ho- Complainant invested `40.2 lakh in 21 online transactions; account. a supply line originating from staff for repairing cable fault
tel in Sector 11, the Vashi po- was made to believe that his earnings rose to `1.18 crore The police are on the lookout Later, as complainant re- Tata Power’s Carnac Bunder immediately. BEST has un-
lice on Friday arrested three for an unknown scammer for ceived an email from the Chi- facility. Specifically, a 33 Kilo- dertaken schemes for replace-
persons for their SOMENDRA SHARMA/ MUMBAI Rs40.20 lakh and could see provided details of the mo- allegedly duping a private nese company informing volt feeder to the G T Hospital ment of old cables and distri-
involvement in the crime. his earnings of Rs1.18 crore. bile numbers used by the company to the tune of Rs1.54 them that he would get the receiving station operated by bution automation for avoid-
The police laid a trap and A Deputy Chief Ticket In- However, when he decided scammers, links shared by crore in a man-in-middle at- supply only after making the BEST tripped, leading to the ing recurrence of interrup-
arrested Mohammad Ali spector (CTI) of Indian Rail- to withdraw his earnings, them and the beneficiary ac- tack cybercrime. payment, he shared the trans- outage. tions,” said an official of
Mubarak Sheikh, 21, and ways has fallen prey to scam- he was told to pay more mon- count details to the police. According to the police, the action details and the email When contacted Tata Pow- BEST
Shahnawaz Hanif Sheikh, 22, mers who induced him to in- ey. The Central government complainant is a resident of which his company had re-
along with the bike used in vest in stock market trading Since the victim was un- recently issued an alert for Panvel and is into the busi- ceived informing him about
the crime. On interrogating
the duo, they revealed the
name of their third accom-
and duped him to the tune of
Rs40 lakh.
According to the police,
able to withdraw his earn-
ings, he realised that he had
been duped, and approached
them about
ness of supplying
machines. His
the new bank account num-
ber. The complainant then re-
alised that someone had sent
Students rally in
Thane to spread
plice Imran Yakub Ali the complainant is posted as the scam- company would fraudulent emails, which was
Sheikh, 33. Dy CTI at the Bhusawal divi-
Complainant posted as mers dup- make an advance similar to the Chinese compa-
The trio was returning sion. On January 7, the com- Dy CTI at Bhusawal ing people payment to a Chi- ny and duped the company.

voting awareness
from Malad after having iftar plainant came across a link division; came in using fake nese company, af- He then approached the po-
when they saw Mukesh Ku- related to stock trading on trading ter which the said lice and got an offence regis-
mar alias Montu Yadav, 26, Facebook. He clicked the contact with fake apps. The company would tered last week.
who worked as a waiter in the said link after which he was trading on January 7 scammers send the materi- The police have registered
hotel. He was carrying a bag directed to a WhatsApp use fake al. The communi- a case under sections 34 (acts
and was surfing on his group wherein it was being the police and got an offence trading apps to dupe the vic- cation was conducted via done by several persons in
mobile while waiting for the claimed that investors would registered. The police have tim by inducing them to in- email. On January 8, the com- furtherance of common in-
bus to go home when the trio get lucrative returns on in- registered a case under sec- vest in stocks by promising pany had placed an order. On tention), 419 (cheating by per-
tried to steal the bag and flee. vestments in stock trading. tion 420 (cheating and dis- large profits and sharing January 24, an email was re- sonation), 420 (cheating and
The miscreants stabbed The scammers then honestly inducing delivery fake profit screenshots. Last ceived from the Chinese com- dishonestly inducing
Mukesh with a knife, killing shared a link and a code with of property) of the Indian month, the cyber crime po- pany informing the firm that delivery of property) of the
him on the spot. One of the complainant. He down- Penal Code and 66D (cheat- lice of Mumbai had regis- they had changed their bank Indian Penal Code and 66C
Mukesh’s friends, who came loaded the app on his phone. ing by personation by using tered at least eleven cases in account in which the transac- (identity theft), 66D (cheating
to rescue him, received in- From January 16 till March computer resource) of the which scammers had duped tion money had to be deposit- by personation by using com-
juries and has been admitted 7, the complainant in 21 on- Information Technology citizens collectively to the ed. The complainant’s compa- puter resource) of the Infor-
to the hospital. line transactions, invested Act. The complainant has tune of Rs4.40 crore. ny then made a payment of mation Technology Act.

Skinny mobile store thief held
within week from Delhi hideout
SURESH GOLANI / THANE and culminated at Maxus
Mall, where students ren-
To enhance the voting per- dered theme-based songs and
centage in the forthcoming performed street plays aimed
SURESH GOLANI / shop by cutting the rear win- the accused. Lok Sabha elections, the elec- at creating awareness about
MIRA BHYANDAR dow grill and decamped with “Immediately after com- tion officials attached to the the importance of voting.
24 Apple and Samsung mitting the theft, the accused Mira Bhayandar assembly With the addition of 17,007
A week after a 29-year-old phones. The owner learnt fled to his native village in segment organised a series new voters, the electoral
thief broke into a mobile about the theft when he came Uttar Pradesh. We sourced of activities under the Sys- strength of the Mira Bhayan-
store in Bhayandar and fled to open the shop in the morn- his address and our team tematic Voters’ Education dar assembly segment stands
with high-end phones worth ing. reached his home in Ak- and Electoral Participation at 4,39,283 including 2,33,86
more than Rs16.71 lakh, the An offence under sections barabad village located in (SVEEP). It is the Election male voters, 2,05,625 female
Mira Bhayandar-Vasai Vi- 380 (theft), 454 (break-in) Bijnor. However, before our Commission of India’s (ECI) voters and four voters from
rar (MBVV) police ar- and 457 (house-tres- team could reach he had fled flagship programme to pro- the transgender community.
rested him from New Stolen pass by night to to New Delhi. With the help mote voter literacy in India. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls,
Delhi. commit offence) of our local counterparts, Mira-Bhayandar is part of this assembly segment
Owing to his mobiles of the Indian our team nabbed him in New the Thane parliamentary recorded a turnout of 49.1%
slim and flexible worth Penal Code was Delhi,” said Kurhade. constituency, which also in- with an electoral strength of
body, Feroze Khan registered at the Feroze had hidden 22 stolen cludes the legislative assem- 4,22,273.
alias Monu, a resi-
`14.56 lakh Bhayandar po- mobile phones worth Rs14.56 bly segments of Kopri-Pach- SVEEP is a multi-interven-
dent of Bandra, eas- recovered lice. On the lakh at his relative’s place in pakhadi, Ovala-Majiwada, tion programme that reaches
ily managed to enter virtue of visuals New Delhi. Investigations re- Thane, Airoli and Belapur. out through different modes
shops through small captured by the vealed the involvement of the As part of the initiative, and media to educate citizens
windows. The break-in was closed-circuit television accused in a similar break-in, students from nine municipal and voters about the electoral
reported on 21 March from (CCTV) cameras and inputs which he had committed at a and private schools partici- process in order to increase
JJMobile Stores in Bhayan- provided by informers, a coaching class on March 16. pated in a rally on Thursday. their awareness and promote
dar West. The thief had crime branch team managed Further investigations were The march originated from their informed partici-
BMC workers installing a street light pole at Tardeo Circle on Friday – VIJAY GOHIL gained access into the locked to ascertain the identity of underway. Bhayandar Secondary School pation.

Seminar for elderly affected by redvpt Cops trace 50 lost

Attempt made to
impersonate CISF
official; case filed
mobiles worth `8L
Thane: The Navi Mumbai po- Information will also be provided about renovation on halt and rent agreement
lice have launched a probe af-
ter an unidentified man at-
DHAIRYA GAJARA/ MUMBAI where while paying rent
from their pockets. These
Student assaulted at
tempted to impersonate a Two non-governmental or-
In all such victims, senior citizens suffer the most as they
people need their issues to be TISS, accused sent SURESH GOLANI / traced the locations of hand-
senior staffer of the Central ganisations Premaya addressed but aren’t aware MIRA-BHAYANDAR sets on the virtue of interna-
Industrial Security Force, of- Welfare Foundation and Fed-
have to live elsewhere while paying rent from their
of the government’s circular to judicial custody tional mobile equipment
pockets. These people need their issues to be addressed but
ficials said on Friday. It was eration of Senior Citizens about the grievance MEGHA CHOWDHURY / MUMBAI The Naya Nagar police in identity (IMEI) numbers, sup-
aren’t aware of the government’s circular about the
alleged that a person used a Clubs of Maharashtra, redressal forum. Unless they Mira Road have recovered 50 ported by electronic surveil-
grievance redressal forum. Unless they know about this
photograph of the CISF Di- Mumbai Division (FESCOM) know about this circular, In the aftermath of the recent mobile phones, which were lance. A citizen-centric portal
circular, they won’t be able to get their share of right.
rector General as WhatsApp are scheduled to organise a they won’t be able to get their assault case at Mumbai's lost-in-transit /missing for launched by the Central gov-
display image, sent a seminar on March 31, for eld- —Advocate Sumedha Rao, share of rights,” said Rao. Tata Institute of Social Sci- past more than a year. The ernment under the aegis of
message to the CISF control erly people who have been Founder Premaya Welfare Foundation Rao, who is a practising ence (TISS), where a senior collective value the department of
room on Thursday posing as abandoned by the developers lawyer with over 40 years of official was arrested for al- of the mobile The devices had telecommunica-
the top official and made ca- after their buildings have un- The seminar will educate ceive advice from a legal experience is planning to legedly raping, stalking and phones, which is been missing for tions (DOT), CEIR
sual inquiries. CISF guards dergone redevelopment. about the circular issued ear- team. Sumedha Rao, conduct this seminar at dif- defaming a woman, The Free pegged at Rs8.5 is proving to be a
the country’s most critical in- The seminar will be con- lier this month by the Hous- advocate and founder of the ferent places across the city. Press Journal (FPJ) has lakh, was re- over a year crucial asset for
frastructure facilities like nu- ducted at Jeshtalaya at Vazi- ing Department of the state Premaya Welfare Foundation During the Covid pandemic, learned that the victim holds turned to their the police in trac-
clear installations, space es- ra Naka in Borivali from regarding a redressal com- said that she has received Rao had helped multiple peo- a dual role at TISS. Apart rightful owners after due ver- ing such devices across pan-
tablishments, airports, sea- 10am to 12pm. With numer- mittee. The circular allows to multiple complaints from ple fill forms to receive mon- from being a student, the vic- ifications in the presence of India telecom networks.
ports and power plants. After ous redevelopment projects file a complaint with the people who have not been etary benefits against the tim is also a staff member, ac- Deputy Commissioner of Po- In case any person tries to
being alerted about the im- underway in the city, a lot of grievances redressal cell, paid the rent by the builders death of their family mem- tively working on a project lice (crime) Prakash use the blocked mobile
personation attempt, the apartment owners, which will appoint a nodal of- after six months of redevel- bers. Since the applicants that requires travelling. Gaikwad on Tuesday. phone, its traceability is gen-
Kharghar police registered a especially senior citizens, ficer to look into their issues. opment or their cheque weren’t paid their amount, The incident took place out- A police team collected erated. Once the stolen/lost
case under the Indian Penal have been left abandoned by Information will also be pro- bounce at the time of deposit. Rao had also filed a public in- side the campus, and the vic- data of stolen/missing mobile phone is found it can
Code section 420 (cheating) the developers once their vided about renovation, halt “Amid all such victims, terest litigation, after which tim promptly filed a complaint mobile phones by using the be unblocked on the portal for
and the Information Technol- buildings go into redevelop- and rent agreement as well. senior citizens suffer the around 3,000 applicants re- at the police station. central equipment identity its normal use by the rightful
ogy Act, the official said. ment. The participants will re- most as they have to live else- ceived their money. —Full story Edu page epaper register (CEIR) portal and owners, officials said.
First death anniv of former Pune MP Girish Bapat observed
PUNE: Former Pune MP Girish Murlidhar Mohol, paying their
Bapat's first death anniversary was respects on X (formerly Twitter).
observed on Friday, with several Bapat passed away on March 29
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders, last year after battling a prolonged
PUNE | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024 including Medha Kulkarni and illness. He was 73 years old.

PUNE’S VEHICLE COUNT Barne to lock horns with

CR to operate
special summer
Waghere for Maval LS seat
Railway has announced the op-
eration of special summer
trains from Pune to Gorakhpur
and Danapur to accommodate
the additional passenger rush.

Despite opposition from the

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Pune-Gorakhpur-Pune (26 trips) and the Ajit Pawar-led Na-
Train No. 01431, the Pune- The Pune Regional Transport tionalist Congress Party
Gorakhpur Superfast Weekly Office (RTO) has revealed a (NCP), Chief Minister Ek-
Special, will depart every Fri- staggering increase in the nath Shinde's Shiv Sena
day from April 5 to June 28 (13 number of vehicles renominated Shrirang Barne
trips) at 4.15pm from Pune, registered in the city, from the Maval constituency
reaching Gorakhpur at 9pm the reaching a total of 47,24,961. for the upcoming Lok Sabha
following day. This surpasses the elections on Thursday. The
Train No. 01432, the Gorakh- population count recorded in two-time MP will face off
pur-Pune Superfast Weekly the 2011 Census, signalling a against Sanjog Waghere of
Special, will depart every Satur- significant rise in vehicle the Shiv Sena (UBT).
day from April 6 to June 29 (13 ownership. However, this "Chief Minister Eknath
trips) at 11.25pm from Gorakh- surge has compounded exist- Shinde, Deputy Chief Minis-
pur, arriving in Pune on Mon- ing infrastructure challenges ters Devendra Fadnavis, and
day at 6.25am. and environmental concerns, Ajit Pawar have kept their
Halts: Daund Chord Line,
Ahmednagar, Belapur, Kopar-
particularly regarding traffic
promise by giving me the
ticket from Maval. I am confi- WHAT DO THE NUMBERS SAY?
gaon, Manmad, Bhusaval, Speaking to The Free Press dent of winning the election The Maval Lok Sabha constituency comprises six Assembly segments, with
Khandwa, Itarsi, Bhopal, Bina, Journal, RTO official Sanjeev for the third time based on my three falling under Pune district and three under Raigad. Notably, NCP's Anna
Virangna Rani Laxmibai Jhan- Bhore highlighted the un- work and connect with people Bansode and Sunil Shelke serve as MLAs from Pimpri and Maval respectively,
si Junction, Orai, Kanpur, Luc- precedented surge in vehicle during my last two terms," while BJP's Ashwini Jagtap and Prashant Thakur represent Chinchwad and
know, Barabanki, Gonda, registrations, with motorcy- said Barne. Panvel. Additionally, Mahesh Baldi holds a Congress MLA seat from Uran, and
Mankapur Junction, Basti, and cles comprising the majority In the 2019 Lok Sabha elec- Mahendra Thorve is a Shiv Sena MLA from Karjat.
Khalilabad. at 34,66,987, followed by cars tions, Barne defeated Ajit Established after delimitation in 2008, the constituency witnessed its
Pune-Danapur-Pune (26 trips) at 8,45,526. Additionally, auto- Pawar’s son Parth by over inaugural elections in 2009, where Shiv Sena's Gajanan Babar secured victory
Train No. 01105, the Pune- rickshaws (14,700) and cabs two lakh votes. Beginning his over NCP nominee Azam Pansare. Subsequently, the seat has been
Danapur Weekly Special, will (46,335) have further inundat- the Centre for Environment Resources Development and political journey in 1997 as a consistently held by the Shiv Sena, with Shrirang Barne emerging victorious in
depart from Pune at 7.55pm ed Pune's roadways, leading Education, underscored the Vehicle Type Count Management (ACWADAM), corporator in the Pimpri- both 2014 and 2019. However, the upcoming election presents an intriguing
every Monday from April 1 to to daily gridlocks across the significant rise in private ve- Motorcycles 34,66,987 an organisation working on Chinchwad Municipal Cor- twist with a contest between Eknath Shinde's Shiv Sena and Uddhav
June 24 (13 trips) and will city. hicle numbers and its detri- Cars 8,45,526 groundwater management, poration (PCMC), Barne Thackeray's Shiv Sena. With the competition expected to be fierce, it remains
arrive at Dana-pur at 4.30am on Vaishali Patkar, Director mental impacts. She ex- has cautioned that the new started in the Congress party. to be seen who will emerge victorious in what promises to be a closely
the third day. of Climate Collective Pune plained, "Congestion not only Auto-rickshaws 14,700 buildings are being built with He served as chairman of the contested battle.
Train No. 01106, the Dana- Environmental Foundation, leads to lost time but also Cabs 46,335 two or three floors under- standing committee of the
pur-Pune Weekly Special, will emphasised the need for im- stress and road rage. Air pol- Others 3,51,413 ground, and such excavation PCMC from 1999 to 2000 and
depart from Danapur at 6.30am proved public transport facil- lution from vehicle emissions has depleted groundwater was also president of the Waghere transitioned to Shiv politics, Waghere's wife, Suni-
every Wednesday from April 3 ities. She stated, "For the past poses serious health risks, af-
Total 47,24,961 levels across the city," she Pimpri-Chinchwad unit of Sena (UBT) from Ajit Pawar's ta Waghere, secured two
to June 26 (13 trips) and will 10 years, we have continuous- fecting various organs added. Congress from 2002 to 2007. In NCP in December last year. terms as a corporator and
reach Pune at 5.35am the fol- ly urged authorities like the beyond the respiratory sys- ing roads and building fly- Mangesh Dighe, Environ- 2009, he joined the Shiv Sena Hailing from Pimpri Gaon, chaired the PCMC standing
lowing day. Pune Municipal Corporation tem. Moreover, the city's re- overs attract more private ment Officer at PMC, ac- in the presence of Uddhav Waghere served as a three- committee. Furthermore, his
Halts: Daund Chord Line, (PMC), Urban Development liance on private vehicles vehicles, worsening conges- knowledged the concern Thackeray. In 2012, he was time corporator of the PCMC father, Bhiku-Patil Waghere,
Ahmed-nagar, Kopargaon, Department, Pune Mahana- hampers inclusivity, making tion. This approach also over increasing vehicle num- elected as Sena's group leader and formerly held the mayoral served as the mayor of PCMC.
Manmad, Bhusaval, Itarsi, Ja- gar Parivahan Mahamandal navigation difficult for chil- compromises pedestrian bers but emphasised the pos- in PCMC. Later in 2014, the 59- position in the industrial city. Following Barne's renomi-
balpur, Katni, Satna, Ltd (PMPML), and Pune Met- dren, elderly, women, and peo- safety, with footpaths and cy- itive impact of vehicles man- year-old leader was given the Previously, Waghere held the nation, Waghere remarked
Manikpur, Prayagraj Chheoki, ropolitan Region Develop- ple with disabilities." cle tracks being sacrificed ufactured with BS6 technolo- chance to contest the Lok Sab- role of the NCP's Pimpri- that even after serving as an
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay ment Authority (PMDRA) to Menon further highlight- for road expansion." gy, which produce less pollu- ha polls and emerged victori- Chinchwad unit president. MP for 10 years, the leader
Junction, Buxar, and Ara. enhance public transport ed the adverse impacts of "One more impact, which tion. He added, "Old vehicles ous by triumphing over PWP Post the party's division, he "has failed to live up to the ex-
Composition: Total of 22 ICF services. If public transport road widening initiatives is not evident, is the rise in ve- will be phased out over time, candidate Laxman Jagtap maintained a low-profile pectations of the voters." "He
Coaches including two AC-3 is enhanced, citizens will be due to traffic congestion, hicle numbers also impacting and PMPML's focus on green and NCP nominee Rahul stance and reduced his politi- promised many things, but
Tier, 16 Sleeper Class, and four less inclined to opt for private which often involves the cut- groundwater. These 47 lakh fuel for buses, such as CNG Narvekar. After the split in cal engagements, subsequent- implemented very few. There-
General Second Class, along vehicles." ting down of trees, exacer- bikes and cars also need to be or electric vehicles, is a step the Sena, Barne joined the ly aligning himself with the fore, I am seeking one oppor-
with two Luggage cum Guard Dr Sanskriti Menon, Sen- bating environmental degra- parked somewhere. towards mitigating pollu- Eknath Shinde-led faction. Ajit Pawar-led faction. With a tunity from the voters of
Brake Vans. ior Programme Director at dation. She stated, "Widen- Advanced Center for Water tion." On the other hand, family deeply entrenched in Maval," he added.

More’s meeting with Ambedkar sparks speculation Man held for

BJP grapples with

Former Maharashtra Navnir-

determination to participate
in the elections, regardless of
the outcome. Ambedkar indi-
Vasant More, who has
openly expressed his desire police official internal dissent
man Sena (MNS) leader from cated that an official an- to contest from Pune, PTI STAFF REPORTER
Pune, Vasant More, met Van- nouncement regarding More's parted ways with MNS
chit Bahujan Aghadi (VBA) candidacy would be made recently citing "internal A Pune resident was ar- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
chief Prakash Ambedkar in around March 31 or April 1. politics" rested for impersonating leader and former Rajya Sabha
Mumbai on Friday, sparking Meanwhile, the VBA has a policeman in an at- MP Sanjay Kakade has ex-
speculation about his poten- opted to contest the Lok Sabha tempt to reverse the dis- pressed his disappointment af-
tial candidacy in the upcom- elections independently, sev- munity. missal of his girlfriend ter being denied a Lok Sabha
ing Lok Sabha elections. ering ties with the Maha If More secures the VBA from a Navi Mumbai ho- candidature for the Pune con-
Following the meeting with Vikas Aghadi (MVA) in Maha- nomination, he will face com- tel, an official said on stituency. Despite this setback,
Ambedkar, More described rashtra. Ambedkar has re- petition from BJP's Murlidhar Friday. Kakade clarified that he holds
the discussions as positive. portedly formed alliances Mohol and Congress' The accused, Salman no animosity towards Murlid-
While he did not confirm with community-based or- Ravindra Dhangekar in Pune. Tajmuddin Mulani, was har Mohol, the BJP's nominee.
whether he would contest on a ganisations like the OBC Fed- The election in Pune is apprehended by the Pan- However, he intends to meet
VBA ticket, More asserted his eration and the Maratha com- scheduled for May 13. vel Town police on the Deputy Chief Minister Deven-
night of March 27 after dra Fadnavis to request the re-
Yes, I am disappointed that I
260TH ANNIVERSARY OF ARMY MEDICAL CORPS he engaged in a con- consideration of Mohol’s can-
did not get the ticket, and this
frontation with the hotel didature in favour of his own.

Walkathon & cyclothon manager in the Kolkhe Speaking to the media, is understandable. Although
area. Kakade stated, “Yes, I am disap- the party has nominated
Murlidhar Mohol, I have no

organised at AFMC
Wearing a "khaki uni- pointed that I did not get the
form," Mulani (31) ac- ticket, and this is understand- animosity towards him. But I
cused the hotel manager able. Although the party has am hopeful that the party will
of unjustly dismissing nominated Murlidhar Mohol reconsider my candidature until
STAFF REPORTER: A nursing cadets. his girlfriend and de- for Pune, I have no animosity the nominations are filed
walkathon and cyclothon The Directorate General of manded her reinstate- towards him. But I am hopeful - Sanjay Kakade,
were organised at the Armed Armed Forces Medical Serv- ment, the official said. that the party will reconsider former Rajya Sabha MP
Forces Medical College ices (DGAFMS), the apex or- However, the vigilant ho- my candidature until the nom-
(AFMC) in Pune on Friday to ganisation responsible for tel manager alerted the inations are filed.”
commemorate the 260th An- medical services in the police, leading to Mu- He added, “The party used to navis, Mulik began campaign-
niversary of the Army Med- armed forces, shared these lani's arrest. conduct continuous surveys. I ing for Mohol.
ical Corps. The event was in- details along with pictures The accused hails had provided the information Meanwhile, Congress lead-
augurated by Lt Gen. Ajai Ku- through its official X (former- from Chakan in Pune to the party’s leader, Ravindra ers are also dissatisfied with
mar Singh, Army Command- ly Twitter) handle. and runs a chicken Chavan, who visited my house the party's decision to nomi-
er, Southern Command, shop, according to the of- on Wednesday. The opposition nate Ravindra Dhangekar as
in the presence of Lt Gen ficial. party has nominated Ravindra its candidate. Senior leader and
Narendra Kotwal, Direc- Nitin Thackeray, sen- Dhangekar as a candidate. I former Pune deputy mayor
tor & Commandant of ior inspector of the Pan- had analysed how Shiv Sena Aba Bagul openly expressed
AFMC, and Comman- vel Town police station, votes would be diverted to his dissatisfaction, stating,

Alard Uni launches array of dants of other Armed

Forces Medical Services
units in Pune.
stated that they are at-
tempting to determine
whether Mulani has pre-
Dhangekar in Pune.”
Previously, Jagdish Mulik,
former Pune BJP chief and for-
“The party has neglected loyal
workers in favour of those who
recently joined the party.” Bag-

scholarships for student benefit

Participation in the viously impersonated a mer Vadgaon Sheri MLA, had ul further asserted, “The Con-
event exceeded 700 indi- police officer and cheat- also expressed discontent after gress party should have consid-
viduals, including veter- ed others. not being given the ticket. How- ered my name, given my 40
ans, medical cadets, and ever, after meeting with Fad- years of service to the party.”
Alard University in Pune is introducing sev-
eral new changes and programmes across
various fields for the academic year 2024-25,
aimed at enhancing students' future
prospects. Under the motto "Hum Alard Hai,
Rakshak Scholarship:
■ 50% scholarship for children of Seva Medal
Traffic chaos on Mumbai-Pune e-way ruins long weekend plans
Hum Alag Hai", the university is winners STAFF REPORTER their journeys.
■ 100% scholarship for children of Gallantry Medal
prioritising academic excellence based on In a sarcastic tone, one X
five pillars: attitude, leadership, alertness, winners Travellers intending to enjoy (formerly Twitter) user re-
■ 15% scholarship for children of recipients of any
readiness, and dedication. The curriculum their long weekend by tra- marked, "Another long week-
will offer a blend of 70% practical learning, defence service honour versing the Mumbai-Pune end, another traffic jam. Sin-
■ 100% scholarship for children of those who
30% theory, and a guaranteed 100% intern- Expressway were met with cere appeal to all Mumbaikars
ship opportunity. Founder and Chancellor made a life sacrifice on duty the familiar challenge of and Punekars - please don't
Dr LR Yadav announced these Sports Scholarship (Government recognised): heavy traffic congestion. The head out on long weekends.
■ 100% scholarship for children of international
developments during a press conference. surge in traffic volume on We know the police and gov-
Furthermore, the university is instituting medal winners the expressway, attributable ernment are incapable of han-
■ 75% scholarship for children of national medal
the Alard University Scholarship 2024-25, to the long weekend begin- dling traffic."
which will be awarded to students based on winners ning on Friday, notably "I don't understand the logic
■ 25% scholarship for children of state medal
their performance in the entrance exam. contributed to the traffic of travelling on the Mumbai-
Scholarships ranging from 25% to 100% will winners snarls. Pune Expressway by car and
be available to deserving candidates. The en- Dhanyawad Scholarship: The Mumbai-Pune Express- getting stuck in hours of traf-
■ 50% scholarship for employees' children of Alard
trance exam, focussing on intelligence, will way serves as a vital link to fic. Instead of enjoying, it be-
be conducted online on the last Sunday of Group popular destinations like Ma- comes a nightmare for every-
■ 25% scholarship for former employees' children
every month. habaleshwar, Panchgani, Lon- one. It seems like a herd men-
Dr Yadav also emphasised the of Alard Group avala, and Alibaug. Conse- tality. If possible, everyone
■ 25% scholarship for existing students' siblings
provision of various scholarships to stu- ■ 50% scholarship for alumni's wards
quently, commuters expressed should use public transport as
dents whose parents have served the na- ■ 25% scholarship for children from alumni's
frustration over extended much as possible," remarked
tion or contributed to societal welfare. travel durations and frequent another user.
These include the Rakshak Scholarship, extended family traffic jams, raising concerns "More frequent and faster
■ 25% scholarship for children of all print and
Sports Scholarship, Dhanyawad Scholar- about the expressway's effi- trains are the only solution.
ship, and others, catering to different cat- electronic media professionals ciency. Due to the vertical growth of
■ 25% scholarship for children from families of
egories such as defence personnel, sports The intense heat further ex- I don't understand the logic of travelling on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway by car and getting Pune and Mumbai, the popu-
achievers, alumni, media professionals, freedom fighters acerbated the plight of com- lation density is high, and
■ 50% scholarship for orphans stuck in hours of traffic. Instead of enjoying, it becomes a nightmare. Everyone should use
and orphans. muters, compounding the public transport as much as possible - an X user highways cannot address
challenges they faced during this," stated a third user.
Nanded: Govt employee suspended
N anded's Naigaon Panchayat Samiti's senior assistant, US
Dhote, has been suspended for engaging in campaigning
on a WhatsApp group, violating the model code of conduct.
The action was taken by Nanded Zila Parishad CEO Meenal

Tankers rule in Marathwada districts

PTI "In Jalna, there are 148
tanker dependent villages
official on Monday. The irri-
gation department released a
Man kills nephew in revenge
for cousin's alleged deed
Nearly 250 villages in Chha- and 55 hamlets. A total of 235 report on water levels in these
trapati Sambhajinagar in Ma- tankers are being used to sup- projects across eight Marath- STAFF REPORTER
harashtra's Marathwada re- ply water. The figure is 80 vil- wada districts: Chhatrapati
gion are tanker dependent lages and 50 hamlets in Beed, Sambhajinagar, Jalna, Beed, A man rammed his jeep into
due to lack of water following while the number of tankers Hingoli, Dharashiv, Latur, his maternal cousin and his
poor monsoon, an official is 93," he added quoting the Beed, and Parbhani as of son, who was riding a bike,
said. report. March 22. over suspicion of
Quoting a report from the In Dharashiv, 42 tankers The report stated, "Water helping his daughter
divisional commissioner, he are supplying water to 22 vil- storage stands at 210.91 mil- elope in the Chhatrap-
said, as of March 26, the num- lages, while eight tankers are lion cubic meters (MCM), ati Sambhajinagar
ber of tanker-dependent vil- plying in seven villages in which is 12.92% of capacity, district. His maternal
lages in the region was 497, Latur, he added. As per the re- in Marathwada. On March 22 cousin was seriously
while the figure for hamlets port from the divisional com- last year, the water storage injured, but his son
was 150. missioner, there are no was 578.06 MCM or 34.28% of died on the spot. The
"The number of villages tanker-dependent villages in total capacity." incident occurred
dependent on tankers in Nanded, Parbhani and Hin- It further highlighted, "The near Rashtramata Deceased Pawan
Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar goli districts. lowest storage is in Jalna, School at Shendurva- Mondhe
is 245 and the hamlets stand at Meanwhile, the water level with just 2.40 MCM of water da Shivar on Pawan’s marriage was scheduled for next week.
45. Of the 763 tankers plying
in Marathwada's eight dis-
Of the 763 tankers plying in Marathwada's in 750 minor irrigation proj-
ects across the Marathwada
in 57 projects, accounting for
1.42% of storage capacity. The
Savarkheda Road on Thurs-
day afternoon. However, his sad demise has cast a pall of gloom
tricts, a total of 385 are in eight districts, a total of 385 are in Chhatrapati region has dropped to 12.92%, highest storage, at 36.09%, is The accused has been iden- over his family and the bride's family as well
Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar," Sambhajinagar down from 34.28% at the same in 80 irrigation projects in tified as Sachin Wakchaure
he said. time last year, according to an Nanded district." (from Ghumkheda, Paithan). from Shunderwada to panchnama. DCP Mahindra
The deceased is Pawan Shiv- Savarkheda. Sachin and five Deshmukh also visited and
ram Mondhe (26), and the in- others were travelling in a inspected the crime scene, is-

CSMC to keep tax offices Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar jured is Shivram Eknath bolero jeep and spotted the fa- suing a directive for the inves-
Mondhe (43). ther-son duo on the motorcy- tigation to the investigating

Jayanti Samiti formed

Sachin Wakchaure and cle. Sachin, who was driving officers.
Shivram Mondhe are mater- the jeep, rammed into the mo- Based on the complaint

open on holidays for taxpayers STAFF REPORTER Rashidkhan Mamu, Veen

Baburao Kadam Khare, Baba
nal cousins. Shivram’s torcycle near Rashtramata filed by Shivram Mondhe, a
nephew was in love with School at Shendurwada Shiv- case has been registered with
Sachin Wakchaure's daugh- ar. Both were crushed under the Waluj Police Station
ter, and they got married. the jeep's tyres. Pawan died against Sachin Wakchaure
STAFF REPORTER levying property and water Many people pay taxes Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar All Tayade, Vijay Magare, GSA Sachin suspected that Shiv- on the spot as the jeep's tyre and five others. PI Shahane is
taxes on their properties on through cheques. However, Parties Jayanti Utsav Samiti Ansari, Afsar Khan, Kailas ram had helped his daughter went over his head, and Shiv- further investigating the case.
The last day to pay property several occasions. Special cheques often get bounced was established on Wednes- Patil, Rangnath Kale, Amit elope and marry his nephew, ram was seriously injured. Pawan’s marriage was
and water taxes is March 31. camps were also organised in the bank due to insuffi- day in Chhatrapati Sambhaji- Bhuigad, Arvind Avsarmol, leading to his anger toward Upon receiving the infor- scheduled for next week.
Thus for the convenience of to raise awareness about tax cient balances in the ac- nagar. Navneet Singh Oberoi Sunil Magare, Kamlakar In- Shivram. mation, Waluj police station However, his sad demise has
taxpayers, the Chhatrapati payments. The corporation counts. Hence, as per the ad- has been appointed as the gale, S. D. Magare, Ajay On Thursday afternoon, Police Inspector Rajendra Sa- cast a pall of gloom over his
Sambhajinagar Municipal aims to achieve its tax col- ministration's directives, chairman of the Chavriya, Jitendra Shivram and his son Pawan hane and his team rushed to family and the bride's family
Corporation (CSMC) ward lection target and maximise taxpayers will be fined Samiti, and Nagraj Dehade, Shaker were riding a motorcycle the spot and conducted the as well.
offices will be open on revenue in the treasury. 5,000 in case the cheques Gaikwad as the ex- Khan, Vilas
March 29, 30, and 31 despite
being holidays, as per the
There has been a huge
crowd at ward offices to pay
are bounced.
Similarly, many proper-
ecutive chairman.
Shaikh Shafi will
Dhangare, Mayur
administration's announce- taxes during February and ties in the city have not been serve as the chair- Gill, Sagar
Srikanth appealed to resi-
dents to take advantage of
March. However, on March
29, 30, and 31, there will be
holidays. Nevertheless, the
administration has decided
brought under the ambit of
taxes, and hence the proper-
ties are not regularised.
Therefore, the administra-

reception commit-

Other officials of
Mugdiya, Ibrahim
Pathan, and others.
General Secre-
taries – Mushtaq
Four including a minor held
STAFF REPORTER and then attacked him, received the information
this opportunity and avoid to keep the ward offices tion has appealed to proper- the committee in- Ahmed, Dilip Pad- prompting him to stab Chetan around 4.30am. Hence, the po-
the imposition of late fees open so that residents can ty owners to levy taxes on clude chief advisor mukh, Sopan A recovery agent of a private with a knife. lice suspect that the accused
on taxes. pay taxes earliest by March their properties before Baburao Kadam, vice chair- Khose, Vishwanath Dandge, finance company, Chetan San- Chetan was partying with deliberately delayed inform-
The administration has 31. March 31 and get their prop- persons Milind Shelke, Ajmal Prakash Khandare, Sohel jay Giri (23, Chikalthana), was his friends Amol Tathe (31), ing them and did not take
been appealing to residents erties regularised. Khan, Nikam Guruji, Dr Kadari, Nilesh killed by his four friends at a Navnath Dahihande Chetan to the hospital. All
to pay pending taxes and Arun Shirsath, Ram Baheti, Ambewadikar, Ashfaq Sala- party held in a hotel in the (Chikalthana), Pawan Misal, four accused have been arrest-
regularise properties by Subhash Lomte, Sunil mi, Bhagwan Bhojane, Salma Chikalthana area in the wee and a minor boy on Tuesday ed, and the police are further
Wakekar, Syed Akram, Bano, Mehraj Patel, Gajala hours of Tuesday. midnight. A quarrel ensued investigating the case.
Kishor Thorat, Khwaja Shar- Jamadar, Ankita Vidhate, The police have arrested all after drinks over a land deal, The minor accused fled to
foddin, Sanjay Thokal, Chhaya Jangle, Anisa four accused, but the fourth escalating into a violent clash. his native village in Parbhani
Shaikh Yousuf, Krushna Begum, Sumit Kadam, accused is a minor and will The accused then stabbed after the murder, but he was
Bankar, Abhishek Desh- Prakash Kamble, Sundar turn 18 in three months, said Chetan in the stomach, lead- not found when the police
mukh, Raftyar Khan, Salve, James Ambildhage, the police. Meanwhile, the mi- ing to his death. went there. He was arrested
Kashinath Kokate, Javed Madhavrao Ghorpade, nor accused confessed that Chetan was stabbed around on Thursday afternoon in the
Qureshi, Daulat Kharat, Prakash Pardhe, and others. Chetan first beat his friends 2am on Tuesday, but the police Panchakki area.

Dhule: 21kg ganja seized
D hule City Police apprehended two
individuals transporting narcotics from
Madhya Pradesh to Mumbai, an official
informed on Friday. The team also confiscated
21 kg of ganja from them.

Unseasonal rain takes a toll

Elderly duped of
Heat keeps pilgrims away
gold by imposters

on grapes, onions in Nashik


A distressing incident un-

folded in Nashik's Sambhaji
Stadium area, shedding
light on a scam preying on
senior citizens. On Wednes-
STAFF REPORTER impact of rainfall on harvest- day, a 76-year-old elderly
ed crops. woman, Kusum
In a surprising turn of In Chandwad taluka, areas Vishwanath Bhavsar, fell
events, unseasonal rain ac- such as Soni Sangvi, Vitave, victim to a fraudulent
companied by cloudy weather Salsane, Pate, and Koltek wit- scheme orchestrated by im-
has swept through various nessed heavy rainfall, posters posing as law en-
parts of Nashik district, pro- leading to waterlogging in forcement officers.
viding a respite from the some places and raising fears Bhavsar, a resident of
scorching heat that has of crop damage. Meanwhile, Ashwinnagar, CIDCO, was
gripped the region. The unex- sporadic rain showers returning home from his
pected rainfall has brought throughout the day disrupted routine walk when he en-
relief to residents, albeit rais- routine activities in rural ar- countered imposters on
ing concerns among farmers. eas. two-wheelers masquerading
The onion and grape farmers As the unexpected rain as police personnel.
in the district have suffered caught residents off guard, Under the guise of ensur- Deserted paths at Goda Ghat show no pilgrims due to scorching heat -TEJAL GHORPADE
losses due to sudden rains. people sought shelter in ing his safety, they advised
Over the past few days, shops, highlighting the sud- Bhavsar to remove his ban- HOUSING POLICY COMPLIANCE
soaring temperatures reach- denness of the weather gles and gold chains. Tragi-

MHADA asks civic body

ing 38 to 39 degrees Celsius change. Despite the tempo- cally, Bhavsar was led to be-
have plagued many districts rary relief provided by the lieve that his valuables
in the state, including Nashik. rainfall, farmers remain vig- were being safeguarded,
However, the onset of unsea- ilant as they navigate the un- only to later discover that

to provide information
sonal rain this morning has certainties surrounding crop he had been duped. Approx-
brought relief to areas such preservation amidst the imately 90,000 worth of
as Nashik City, Sinnar, Lasal- changing weather patterns. gold ornaments had been
gaon, Chandwad, and Male- While the rainfall offers a surreptitiously handed
gaon, where temperatures the rainfall has alleviated Malegaon, which experi- reprieve from the relentless over to him, purportedly as
were particularly high. some of the heat-related dis- enced temperatures as high heat, it also underscores the a protective measure. How- STAFF REPORTER MHADA. proposals for temporary
Despite the drop in temper- comfort, farmers are appre- as 42 degrees Celsius recently, unpredictability of weather ever, upon reaching home In response to these alle- plans submitted by develop-
ature due to the rain, the hensive about potential dam- welcomed the rain as a much- patterns and the challenges and examining the contents The implementation of the gations, a committee was ers, leading to delays in ap-
presence of clouds has inten- age to their crops, especially needed relief. However, con- faced by both residents and of the handkerchief given act mandating the transfer formed to investigate the provals and loss of revenue
sified the heat, creating a during the crucial harvesting cerns persist among farmers, farmers alike in adapting to to her, Bhavsar realised the of 20 percent of houses or matter, but the report of this for the municipal corpora-
muggy atmosphere. While period. particularly regarding the such fluctuations. deceit. plots to Maharashtra Hous- committee is yet to be re- tion.
ing and Area Development leased. Meanwhile, there has To address these issues, a
Authority (MHADA) in proj- been ongoing friction be- meeting was convened at the

Telescope-making workshop Nashik ZP's education ects developed on plots of

one acre or more in the
MHADA headquarters,
attended by Municipal

initiative reaches 7K kids

municipal limits. Now the Commissioner Dr

conducted by IUCAA and MVP

CEO of MHADA Sanjeev Ashok Karanjkar,
Jaiswal has directed Deputy Director of the
STAFF REPORTER periods for revision. Arvind Nashik Municipal Corpo- Town Planning Depart-
Narayan and Sushil ration (NMC) to submit de- ment Harshal
STAFF REPORTER knowledge in the field of as- provided hands-on training in Under the leadership of Zila Mungekar provided guidance tails about how many such Baviskar, Joint Direc-
tronomy and astrophysics. constructing telescopes, there- Nashik Parishad Chief Exec- on the essential qualities projects are developed in tor Kalpesh Patil, Exec-
A two-day telescope-making The workshop commenced by enhancing their under- utive Officer Ashima Mittal, needed to become successful NMC limits and how utive Engineer
workshop for professors, with an inauguration ceremo- standing of astronomical in- an initiative aimed at provid- entrepreneurs, highlighting many projects have been tween the municipal corpo- Prashant Pagar, Chairman
aimed at fostering scientific ny led by Principal Dr Devane, struments. Subsequent ses- ing expert guidance to approx- the significance of observa- successfully transferred to ration and MHADA regard- of CreditMetro Krunal Patil,
curiosity and interest leading followed by enlightening ses- sions focused on practical ap- imately 7,000 students has tion, knowledge, attitude, em- MHADA as per the govern- ing the provision of the stip- Honorary Secretary Gaurav
to imbibing scientific tem- sions conducted by special plications, such as observing been successfully implement- pathy, and imagination. ment's policy on housing for ulated 20 percent plots or Thakkar, and Ex-President
perament in students, con- trainers from IUCAA, Pune, celestial bodies and events, as ed. The program, which in- Furthermore, Ritu Mutha all. flats. Ravi Mahajan, among oth-
cluded at Baburao Ganpatrao Tushar Purohit, Maharudra well as discussions on career volved selected 649 schools, and Jude Augustine offered This issue gained atten- According to the govern- ers. During the meeting, in-
Thackeray College of Engi- Mate and Prasad Adekar as opportunities in Astrophysics featured interactions with insights into enhancing per- tion after allegations were ment's policy, upon comple- structions were issued to
neering in Nashik. special trainers. Participants and Astronomy. various dignitaries offering formance in spelling bee com- made in the Legislative As- tion of construction on a submit a detailed report
The workshop, organised in were introduced to various as- In the concluding program, insights into studying tech- petitions, emphasizing the im- sembly Session in 2020 by the project of one acre or more, within fifteen days, outlining
collaboration by Maratha pects of astronomy, including General Secretary of Maratha niques, entrepreneurship, and portance of quality over quan- then Housing Minister, Ji- 20 percent of the flats must the vacant plots and flats
Vidya Prasarak Samaj (MVP) the invention and evolution of Vidya Prasarak Samaj spelling bee competitions. tity in preparing for such tendra Awad, claiming cor- be transferred to MHADA or transferred to MHADA by
with the Inter-University Cen- telescopes, historical and con- Sansthan, Adv Nitin Thacker- Renowned educationist events. The sessions aimed to ruption amounting to 20 percent of the total plot the provisions of the Unified
tre for Astronomy and Astro- temporary developments in ay emphasised the organisa- Sachin Joshi shared valuable equip educators and students around eight hundred crore area can be transferred to DCPR. Subsequently, a com-
physics (IUCAA), a leading or- the field, and techniques for tion's commitment to promot- advice on effective study with the necessary tools and rupees due to non-compli- MHADA in exchange. How- prehensive report detailing
ganisation in Astronomy and night sky observation. ing modern knowledge methods, emphasising the im- strategies to excel in their aca- ance with the mandatory ever, it is observed that 90 cases will be submitted to
Astrophysics, sought to em- Under the guidance of ex- through innovative training portance of learning from demic pursuits and extracur- transfer of houses or plots to MHADA has a backlog of the government.
power students with practical pert trainers, students were initiatives. mistakes and dedicating short ricular activities.
Akasa Air commences
international operations
Akasa Air has commenced its
Bank credit growth in India expected at 14-14.5% in FY25: CareEdge
CareEdge Ratings estimates bank credit growth in India to
be in the range of 14-14.5% in financial year 2024-25. In
current financial year 2023-24, credit offtake is anticipated
to close with a growth of around 16% excluding the HDFC
merger. According to the rating agency, the effect of the
HDFC merger would dissipate by the end of the first
quarter of 2024-25. However, elevated interest rates and
global uncertainties could adversely impact credit growth.

Dalal Street minnows steal the show

international operations with its
inaugural overseas flight departing from NEAR RECORD HIGH
Mumbai to Doha, Qatar. In a statement
on Thursday, the airline said it has been
granted traffic rights for three other Forex kitty
rises for 5th
international destinations -- Kuwait,

in FY24; give hefty returns to investors

Jeddah, and Riyadh. Akasa will be
rapidly expanding its global footprint in

week in a row
the coming months, the statement said.

Zee lays off 50% staff at

its Bengaluru-based TIC BSE mid-cap gauge jumped 15,013.95 pts or 62.38% in FY24, while the small-cap index climbed 16,068.99 pts or 59.60%
Zee Entertainment on Friday said it has
"pruned" its Technology and Innovation PTI / New Delhi stocks during periods of economic expansion. Moreover,
Centre (TIC) by about 50 per cent the impressive quarterly earnings reported by numerous
following the guidance of a special The BSE mid-cap and small-cap stocks have mid and small-cap companies further validate their sub-
committee, which had conducted a outperformed the benchmark Sensex in 2023-24 with stantial growth potential, enticing retail investors in
critical assessment of its several business about 62 per cent returns, reflecting buoyant investors' search of profitable ventures," said Suman Bannerjee,
verticals. The MD & CEO has pruned TIC sentiment amid robust macroeconomic conditions in the CIO of hedge fund Hedonova.
staff strength by 50 per cent to achieve a country and impressive quarterly earnings reported by The broader market put up an impressive performance
cost-effective structure, a Bengaluru- various firms. in the 2023-24 fiscal. The BSE midcap gauge reached its
based business vertical of the company As per an analysis, the BSE mid-cap gauge jumped record peak of 40,282.49 on February 8 after slipping to its
that offers technology solutions, Zee 15,013.95 points or 62.38 per cent in the 2023-24 fiscal, while 52-week low of 23,881.79 on March 31, 2023. The BSE small-
India’s foreign
Entertainment Enterprises Ltd (ZEEL) said
in an official statement.
the small-cap index climbed 16,068.99 points or 59.60 per
cent. In comparison, the 30-share BSE Sensex raked in a
gain of 14,659.83 points or 24.85 per cent during the fiscal
cap index jumped to its all-time high of 46,821.39 on Feb-
ruary 7 after hitting its 52-week low of 26,692.09 on March
31 last year. The 30-share BSE Sensex hit its all-time high
8 exchange reserves rise
by $140 mn to $642.63 bn
Kia looks to expand under review.
"The recent surge in interest towards mid and small- cap schemes over large-cap ones, as evidenced by the net
of 74,245.17 on March 7 this year.
"The outperformance of midcap and small-cap stocks
sales, service network cap stocks among retail investors can be attributed to inflows in equity mutual funds. vis-a-vis the Sensex in the current fiscal year reflects the IANS / Mumbai
Kia India on Friday said it is planning to their remarkable earnings growth and the pursuit of "This shift in investor sentiment is bolstered by the ro- dynamic nature of the Indian equity market and the di-
have around 700 sales and service high-growth opportunities. Highlighting this trend, in- bust macroeconomic conditions in India, which tradi- verse opportunities it offers to investors," Sunil Nyati, India's foreign exchange reserves
touchpoints in 300 cities by the end of vestors have shown a clear preference for mid and small- tionally foster accelerated growth in mid and small-cap Managing Director, Swastika Investmart Ltd, said. rose for a fifth straight week to touch
the year. The automaker, which sells the $642.63 billion mark as of March
models like Seltos and Sonet, has 522 22, according to RBI data released on
such touchpoints across 236 cities. The
company said it is focussed on
strengthening its presence in Tier-1 and
EV SALES' MOMENTUM FPIs make remarkable comeback; Friday.
The foreign exchange reserves
went up by $140 million in the re-

SLOWING GLOBALLY infuse `2L cr in equities in FY24

Tier-2 markets, contributing 40 per cent porting week. The increase is
to its total network strength. largely due to the value of the gold
reserves, which also form part of the
ICICI Securities' retail IANS / New Delhi PTI / New Delhi said.
In the current fiscal 2023-24,
foreign exchange kitty, rising by $347
million. The foreign currency por-
distribution head quits Electric vehicle sales' momentum Foreign investors made a Foreign Portfolio Investors tion of the total reserves, however,
ICICI Securities on Friday said Kedar is slowing globally, marquee global strong return by injecting (FPIs) have made a net invest- declined by $123 million during the
Deshpande, head of retail distribution, brokerage Goldman Sachs said. more than Rs 2 lakh crore into ment of around Rs 2.08 lakh week. Expressed in dollar terms, the
has resigned from the brokerage firm to Europe, which has driven EV Indian equities in 2023-24, driv- crore in the Indian equity mar- foreign currency assets include the
pursue alternate career opportunities. growth up to now, has shown signs en by optimism surrounding kets and Rs 1.2 lakh crore in effect of appreciation or deprecia-
The resignation will take effect from the of stagnation since the beginning the country's robust economic the debt market. Collectively, tion of non-US units like the euro,
close of business hours on April 12, of 2024. likely result in oversupply across fundamentals amidst a chal- they pumped Rs 3.4 lakh crore pound and yen held in the foreign ex-
2024. "Kedar Deshpande, Head - Retail Goldman Sachs cited concerns the EV supply chain," Goldman lenging global environment. In the current fiscal into the capital market, as per change reserves. Similarly, SDRs
Distribution (within the category of about three factors -- EV capital Sachs said in a research note. Looking forward to 2025, data available with the deposi- were also down by $57 million.
senior management in the Company), costs due to lower prices for used Sales of hybrids and plug in hy- Bharat Dhawan, Managing
2023-24, FPIs have made a tories. In the preceding week that ended
vide letter dated March 28, 2024, has EVs, poor visibility on government brids have been accelerating amid Partner at Mazars in India, net investment of around The dazzling resurgence on March 15, the forex reserves had
tendered his resignation from the policy, and a shortage of rapid- the slowdown in EVs. said that the outlook is cau- `2.08L crore in the Indian came following an outflow increased by a more robust $6.4 bil-
services of the company," ICICI Securities charging stations. In the US, growth has outpaced tiously optimistic and antici- from equities in the preceding lion to scale a record high of $642.49
said in a regulatory filing. Despite the current slowdown in EVs over the past several months. pates sustained FPI inflows equity markets and two financial years. billion. Prior to this, the forex kitty
EVs, the base-case scenario still Global hybrid sales could exceed supported by progressive poli- `1.2L cr in the debt mkt In 2022-23, Indian equities had risen by $20 billion in the previ-
Govt cancels auction of 13 calls for EV sales volume to rise 21
per cent y-o-y in 2024.
the outlook by 1-2 million vehicles.
EVs are nearing a turning point
cy reforms, economic stability,
and attractive investment av-
witnessed a net outflow of Rs
37,632 crore by FPIs on aggres-
ous three weeks.
Rising foreign exchange reserves
critical mineral blocks "On the other hand, we think our in terms of economic viability due enues. gating market fluctuations," he sive rate hikes by the central are positive for the economy as they
The government on Friday said it has bear-case scenario has become to potential changes to "However, we remain mind- added. banks globally. reflect an ample supply of dollars
cancelled the auction for 13 of the 20 more realistic given the three neg- government subsidies that have ful of global geopolitical influ- The outlook for FY25 from Before this, they pulled out a that help to strengthen the rupee.
blocks put on sale in the first tranche of ative factors outlined. Under our lowered initial investment; aggres- ences that may introduce in- an FPI perspective, continues massive Rs 1.4 lakh crore. How- An increase in the foreign ex-
critical minerals as the response was bear-case scenario, we see EV sales sive pricing strategies undertaken termittent volatility, emphasis- to remain strong, Naveen KR, ever, in 2020-2021, FPIs made a change reserves gives the RBI more
lukewarm. "The e-auction process for 13 volume declining 2 per cent y-o-y in by Chinese makers, and running ing the importance of strategic smallcase Manager and Senior record investment of Rs 2.74 headroom to stabilise the rupee
mineral blocks was annulled vide 2024, and negative growth would cost benefits (fuel cost savings). planning and agility in navi- Director at Windmill Capital, lakh crore. when it turns volatile.
notification dated 13 March 2024,
wherein no bids were received for two
blocks and less than three technically
Qualified Bidders (TQB) were there for 11
blocks," the mines ministry said in a Banks’ GNPAs set to improve Sales turnover of govt's online marketplace
further to 2.1% by FY25: Report GeM crosses `4 lakh cr so far this fiscal

IIT KGP partners with PTI / New Delhi 2022-23 to Rs 2.05 lakh crore so far
Jindal Stainless PTI / Mumbai was emanating from the exposure this fiscal.
IIT Kharagpur has signed an MoU with to big-ticket wholesale advances. The procurement of goods and Similarly, goods worth Rs 1.95
Jindal Stainless for a collaboration on The gross non-performing assets Starting from FY19, GNPAs services through government's lakh crore have been bought from
metallurgical research and development, (GNPA) of the Indian banking have been seeing an improvement portal GeM has crossed Rs 4 lakh the platform till March 28 this fis-
the institute said in a statement. In a bid system are set to improve further and touched a decadal low of 3.9 crore so far this fiscal due to high- cal.
to foster industry-academia to up to 2.1 per cent by the end of per cent in FY23 and were at 3 per er buying activities by various About the possibility of open-
collaboration, the company and IIT FY25, a report said on Friday. cent in the December quarter of ministries and departments, a ing up the portal for consumer at
Kharagpur will work together on GNPAs are likely to come at 2.5- FY24. The asset quality has im- senior government official said and services from the platform. large, Singh said that is a very dif-
metallurgical projects, such as process 2.7 per cent in FY24 and will im- may result in its estimate not proved due to recoveries, higher on Friday. "Assembly of BrahMos missile ferent ecosystem altogether.
optimisation, materials characterisation prove further to 2.1-2.4 per cent by coming true, including a material write-offs by banks and much The Government e-Market is being done through GeM as a "Yes we will be mulling over,
and primary alloy production. the end of FY25, domestic rating weakening in asset quality due to lower slippages, the report said. (GeM) portal was launched on service contract. In defence, right we are preparing for that, we
agency Care Ratings said in the the elevated interest rates, the im- From a sectoral perspective, August 9, 2016, for online pur- from supplying eggs up to the should be prepared for that if the
Ecos (India) Mobility files report. It can be noted that the
RBI began the comprehensive ex-
pact of regulatory changes, a
tighter liquidity environment and
the agriculture sector's GNPA ra-
tio reduced to 7 per cent in Sep-
chases of goods and services by
all central government
missile parts is being done
through the portal," Singh said.
government so desires. If feasi-
ble, if practical, we will do a small
IPO papers with Sebi ercise in the middle of the last global issues. It said GNPAs tember 2023 compared to 10.1 per ministries and departments. In 2021-22 the procurement val- pilot in this area as well in the
Chauffeur-driven mobility provider Ecos decade by instructing banks to surged to 11.2 per cent in FY18 cent reported in March 2020, "As of March 28, the procure- ue stood at Rs 1.06 lakh crore and coming years, if the approvals
(India) Mobility & Hospitality Ltd has classify certain stressed assets as from 3.8 per cent in FY14 due to while the industrial sector report- ment has crossed Rs 4 lakh crore. it crossed Rs 2 lakh crore last fi- are in place," he said.
filed preliminary papers with capital NPAs so that the balance sheets the AQR process of 2015-16, which ed a 4.2 per cent GNPA ratio in It is historic," GeM CEO P K nancial year. He informed that several coun-
markets regulator Sebi to garner funds represent a true picture. pushed banks to recognise NPAs September 2023 against 14.1 per Singh told reporters here. He said that procurement of tries from Africa and South East
through an initial public offering (IPO). The rating agency also flagged and reduce unnecessary restruc- cent in March 2020 and 22.8 per He said that defence sector services from the portal has Asia are showing keen interest in
The maiden public issue is entirely an a list of downside risks, which turing and added that the stress cent in March 2018. buyers are buying several goods jumped from Rs 66,000 crore in GeM.
offer for sale (OFS) of 1.8 crore equity
shares by promoters -- Rajesh Loomba
and Aditya Loomba -- with no fresh
issue component, according to the DRHP
filed on Thursday.
Force Motors to exit tractors biz Adani Green
begins operation
No objection to resolution in Powell says Fed
wants to see ''more
Afcons Infra files papers of 775 MW solar Byju’s EGM, claim sources good inflation
for `7,000 crore IPO projects in Guj PTI / New Delhi "The meeting started at 10 am readings'' before
Afcons Infrastructure Ltd (AIL) has filed with approximately 20 investors'
draft papers with markets regulator Sebi PTI / New Delhi Shareholders of edtech major representatives in attendance, it can cut rates
to raise Rs 7,000 crore through an IPO. Think and Learn, owner of Byju's along with Think and Learn man-
The company's mega IPO is a combination Adani Green Energy on Friday brand, on Friday, did not object to agement. The requisite quorum
of fresh issue of shares worth Rs 1,250 announced the beginning of the the firm's resolution to increase required for EGM was there. A
crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of up to PTI / New Delhi last-mile mobility, goods and operation of its 775 megawatt so- its authorised share capital at its few questions regarding the
Rs 5,750 crore by promoter Goswami transportation, manufacturing lar power projects in Khavda, Gu- extraordinary general meeting to postal ballot were asked and an-
Infratech Private Limited. Force Motors Ltd on Friday said of high technology critical aggre- jarat. The capacities have been pave the way to absorb the recent- swered by the chairman and CS
it will exit tractors and connected gates for premium luxury OEMs operationalised after securing ly raised USD 200 million through (company secretary). Resolutions
UK Navy ships to undergo activity business at the end of the
fiscal year.
and creation of special vehicles
for civil and defence applica-
relevant clearances, Adani Green
Energy Ltd (AGEL) said in an ex-
rights issue, as per the company
were called out. No objections
(were) raised," sources said. AP / Washington
maintenance at L&T facility The board of directors of the tions...," it said. change filing. None of the miffed investors, Byju's called the EGM (extraor-
For the first time, two ships of the company at its meeting on Friday Further, the company said, "...a Adani Green Energy through who proposed to oust Byju's dinary general meeting) to get Federal Reserve Chair Jerome
United Kingdom's Royal Navy, owned by decided to close the line of busi- decision has been taken to exit its various wholly-owned step- founder and family from the man- shareholders' approval to Powell on Friday reiterated a mes-
the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, have arrived at ness consisting of manufacture the tractor business from the down subsidiaries has opera- agement seat, took part in the increase the authorised share sage he has sounded in recent
Larsen and Toubro's Shipbuilding facility and dealing in agricultural trac- product portfolio of the compa- tionalised an aggregate 775 MW meeting, they added. capital to enable the company to weeks: While the Fed expects to
at Kattupalli near here for scheduled tors and connected activity from ny." Sales of agricultural tractors solar power projects at Khavda, However, sources from the in- complete the exercise of the USD cut interest rates this year, it won't
maintenance activities. RFA 'Argus' and the close of 2023-2024, Force Mo- accounted for total revenue of Rs Gujarat, it said. vestors' side said their authorised 200 million fundraising through be ready to do so until it sees
RFA 'Lyme Bay' arrived at the shipyard tors said in a regulatory filing. 182.53 crore for the year ended "Based on the relevant clear- representatives participated in the rights issue. "more good inflation readings'
located in Ennore, North of Chennai for "The company has, under its March 31, 2023, representing 3.66 ances, it was decided at 00:12 am the meeting, and the voting option In February, the embattled and is more confident that annual
'Assisted Maintenance Period' and Self product rationalisation pro- per cent of the company's total on March 29, 2024 to operational- is still open through postal ballot edtech firm raised USD 200 mil- price increases are falling toward
Maintenance Period", respectively, a gramme, decided to focus mainly revenue for the financial year ize the plant and commence pow- till April 6, after which the final lion to meet its operational re- its 2 per cent target.
press release from L&T Shipbuilding said. on its core segments such as ended March 31, 2023, Force Mo- er generation from March 29, result will be known through the quirements, especially expenses Speaking at a conference at the
shared mobility transportation, tors said. 2024," the company said. scrutinisers' report. related to employee salaries. Federal Reserve Bank of San
Autonom8 unveils digital Francisco, Powell said he still ex-
pected "inflation to come down on
Video KYC platform a sometimes bumpy path to 2 per
Low-code hyper-automation platform
provider Autonom8 Inc., on Friday said it
has launched its advanced digital video
Best Agrolife acquires 100% stake in Sudarshan Farm for `139 cr cent".
But the central bank's policy-
makers, he said, need to see fur-
know-your-customer (KYC) platform to
serve banks and telecommunication
PTI / New Delhi With this strategic move, BAL patents (applied). With this acquisition,
Best Agrolife will gain access to SFCL's IP
ther evidence before they would
cut rates for the first time since in-
companies. The comprehensive Video- Agrochemicals maker Best Agrolife Ltd aims to capitalise on SFCL's portfolio and its R&D, it added. flation shot to a four-decade peak
KYC platform streamlines identity (BAL) on Friday announced the robust R&D capabilities, With this move, BAL gains access to two years ago.
authentication, fraud detection, seamless acquisition of a 100 per cent stake in Sudar- SFCL's popular brands of "Sutathion," The Fed responded to that bout
KYC processes, and powerful back-end shan Farm Chemicals India Pvt Ltd (SFCL) Intellectual Property (IP) "Suphos," "Suchlor," and "Sumidon." The of inflation by aggressively rais-
management, a company statement said. for Rs 139 crores. portfolio, and backward- addition of these brands will bolster BAL's ing its benchmark rate beginning
The acquisition will enable BAL to lever- presence in the central and southern re- in March 2022. Eventually, it
integrated technical
Palladian Partners age SFCL's proficiency in developing cost- gions. would raise its key rate 11 times to
effective and distinctive manufacturing manufacturing expertise Sudarshan's extensive network of over a 23-year high of around 5.4 per
Advisory bags awards routes for off-patent molecules, it said. 2,500 dealers will be a catalyst for inorganic cent.
Palladian Partners Advisory has "This acquisition involves obtaining a capabilities, Intellectual Property (IP) port- growth, in alignment with BAL's proposed The resulting higher
announced its consecutive wins at two 100 per cent stake through cash considera- net working capital and liabilities, it said. folio, and backward-integrated technical capacity expansion plans, the company borrowing costs helped bring in-
Real Estate Conclaves. The company has tion, with an estimated enterprise value of BAL expects to gain significant manufacturing expertise," the company added. flation down - from a peak of 9.1
been recognized as the "Most Iconic Real Rs 139 crores based on the valuation," the synergies with this acquisition in the area added. Presently, BAL has three manufacturing per cent in June 2022 to 3.2 per
Estate Advisory Company of the Year" at Delhi-based BAL said in a statement. of R&D and brand. SFCL with a legacy of 40 years has been plants situated in Gajraula and Greater cent last month. But year-over-
both events, cementing its position as a The cash outflow for BAL will be to the "With this strategic move, BAL aims known for its innovative process Noida in Uttar Pradesh, and Jammu and year price increases still remain
trailblazer in the industry. —Agencies tune of Rs 9.5 crore after considering the to capitalise on SFCL's robust R&D chemistries, having an IP portfolio of 10 Kashmir. above the Fed's 2 per cent target.
FTAs, new markets will increase Shakti Pumps raises
IIM Mumbai, Starburst
to boost aerospace, new
`200 crore via QIP
India’s export to $1 tn by 2030
space, defence startups
European accelerator Starburst has PTI / New Delhi
formed a strategic collaboration with the
Indian Institute of Management-Mumbai Shakti Pumps (India) on Friday
for promoting aerospace, new space, said that it has raised an amount
and defence (ASD) startups in India. ANI / New Delhi He added, "While we require a minimum 3- of Rs 200 crore through qualified
Aimed at cultivating an ASD ecosystem 5year time frame to assess any FTA, in a very institutional placement route.
centred around the prestigious B-School Despite global trade uncertainties, India's ex- short period we are seeing growth in the bilat- The Qualified Institutional
in India's financial capital, the alliance ports are charting a new course, bilateral eral trade with partner countries of UAE and Placement (QIP) issue
would provide vital support and agreements, free trade agreement (FTA) and Australia and exports growth to such coun- garnered significant interest
resources to ASD startups across the venturing into uncharted territories like tries growing much faster than overall ex- from qualified domestic institu-
nation, a statement said on Friday. Africa, Latin America, and Central Asia have ports. We expect to sign FTA with UK, Oman tional investors and was fully As on December 31,
led to all time high export of USD. and Eurasian countries by the next financial subscribed by two large Mutual
the company had an
Income tax sleuths raid With these new initiatives, India has seen a
surprising surge in exports of precious met-
year." India's main export partners are: United
States with 15 percent of the total exports,
Funds - LIC Mutual Fund and
SBI Mutual Fund, the solar order book of `2,050 cr
Forace Polymers als, minerals, automobiles, electronics, phar- United Arab Emirates, 11 percent, Hong Kong pumps manufacturer said in a to be executed in the
Simultaneous raids are being conducted maceuticals, organic chemicals, textiles, 5 percent, China and Singapore 4 percent each statement.
by the income tax department at various spices and defence equipment. and United Kingdom 3 percent. "Shakti Pumps (India) an- next two years
locations of major poly chemical Exports from India soared 11.9 per cent quarter of the next financial year, some chal- Trade with UAE has surged post free trade nounces closure of Rs 200 crore
manufacturing company Forace Polymers year-on-year to USD 41.4 billion in February lenges may be faced due to high inflation and agreement between the two countries. QIP. With this fundraise, our bal- solar pumps across the country,
in Delhi, Gujarat and Haridwar 2024, the highest level since March 2023, geopolitical uncertainties. We expect the US FTA talks with the UK are at an advanced ance sheet is placed well and will Patidar said.
(Uttarakhand). The raids began on boosted by sales of drugs and pharmaceuti- Fed to start reducing the key rates in its next stage and a trade pact is likely to be signed af- give us the opportunity to im- Launched in 2019, Pradhan
March 27 and are still on, sources here cals, engineering and electrical goods. review, which will signal other countries cen- ter the formation of the new government. In- prove our market presence and Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha
said. The raids are also being conducted Exports to new markets like Africa, Latin tral banks, thus pushing demands." The focus dia has signed 14 FTA's in 2024, including a consistently deliver strong re- evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-
at the residences of the company's America and Central Asia, have witnessed a on new markets, bilateral trade pacts, and Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement sults in the times ahead," the KUSUM) aimed at adding solar
directors Suresh Gupta and Vikas Garg in significant influx of USD 234 million worth of FTA's extends beyond value, it will reduce de- (TEPA) with the European Free Trade Associ- company's Chairman Dinesh capacity of 30,800 MW by 2022
Haridwar's Nand Vihar area, they said. goods, including cars, two- and three- pendence on the traditional export items and ation (EFTA) on March 10, 2024. The EFTA Patidar said. with total central financial sup-
wheelers, and precious metals, during the foster stronger trade partnerships and eco- consists of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, As on December 31, the compa- port of Rs 34,422 crore, including
Aye Finance secures April-December 2023 period. This translates to
a 5 per cent growth in exports for key sectors.
nomic cooperation across continents.
Sahai said, "The strategy to push FTAs with
and Switzerland The ongoing Red Sea crisis,
which has disrupted traditional shipping
ny had an order book of Rs 2,050
crore to be executed in the next
service charges to the imple-
menting agencies.
EUR 15 mn debt funding FIEO DG Ajay Sahai said, "The medium- to complimentary economies is showing good routes, is a new challenge to trade. But, India two years, he said. In February, the Centre ex-
MSME-focused NBFC Aye Finance on long-term prospects of Indian exports are results. It is win-win situation as while domes- has cleverly turned this adversity into an op- The solar pump industry has tended PM-KUSUM scheme till
Friday said it has secured EUR 15 million very encouraging. We are on course to reach tic manufacturing gets a boost with duty free portunity. By embracing longer routes via the huge opportunities ahead as the March 2026 as its
(approximately Rs 137 crore) in debt the target of USD 1 trillion each in goods and imports of raw materials and intermediates Cape of Good Hope, new markets in Africa government's PM-KUSUM implementation was significant-
funding, proceeds of which will be used services exports by 2030. However, in the first while our exports get better market access." and the Americas are being unlocked. scheme aims to install lakhs of ly affected due to the pandemic.
for on-lending purposes. The funding
has come from IIV Mikrofinanzfonds and
another private fund managed by Invest
in Visions, a leading German impact ZF Rane Automotive acquires BNI PREMIER celebrates 20 years of Usha Uthup to perform live on
TRW Sun Steering Wheels being in India & being the No.1 Chapter April 12 for NGO Alert – India
investment and portfolio management
entity, with execution support from
Agents For Impact (AFI).
PTI / New Delhi
Gurugram-headquartered Veteran singer Usha Uthup, who is
L&T Finance Holdings Auto components maker ZF Rane TSSW is a JV between
known for her sensational voice will
be performing at Nehru Centre in
gets nod for name change Automotive India Pvt Ltd, on Fri- the Sun Group and Mumbai on April 12. This time, she
The name of L&T Finance Holdings day, announced the acquisition of will be performing for a cause of
(LTFH) has been changed to L&T Finance steering wheels manufacturer ZF Group globally Leprosy in association with Alert-
Ltd following approval from the TRW Sun Steering Wheels Pvt India, an NGO that works for
Registrar of Companies (RoC), the Ltd for an undisclosed sum. "This acquisition will seam- leprosy education, rehabilitation,
company said in a statement on Friday. TRW Sun Steering Wheels lessly integrate and enable ZF and treatment in India.
L&T Finance Managing Director & CEO (TSSW) is a JV between the Sun Rane Automotive India to deliver Veera M Rao, director at Alert
Sudipta Roy said subsequent to the Group and ZF Group globally. exceptional value to existing and India said, “We work towards
merger, effective December 4, 2023, the It manufactures various types new customers with enhanced raising awareness about leprosy
rebranding initiative reflects company's of steering wheels for the Indian capabilities. With TSSW's exten- and its detection and treatment.
commitment towards creation of the market and supplies to a diverse sive presence in west and north The signs of leprosy, unlike other
simplified 'single lending entity', housing set of passenger vehicle cus- India, this acquisition will strate- diseases, are trouble-free and start
all lending businesses under one tomers from its manufacturing gically strengthen our position to with a small patch on the body,
operating NBFC. plants in Gurugram and Pune, ZF serve the customers," Rane BNI PREMIER the oldest chapter, Mirchi also called as Bollywood which is insensitive in nature. One Events like these help the NGO
Rane Automotive India said in a Group Vice Chairman and Man- celebrated 20 years of being in Begum; Hemu Suvarna - National gets to know about the disease raise money. “Usha Uthup is a kind
Accel selects 8 startups statement. The acquisition places
ZF Rane Automotive India in a
aging Director, ZF Rane Automo-
tive India Harish Lakshman said.
India and being the No.1 Chapter in
Mumbai on March 28.
Director, BNI INDIA; Parthip
Thyagarajan - Founder
when it is already in the advanced
stage. We at Alert India, go to the
person. She agreed to do this event
for us and the proceeds from the
focused on AI, Industry 5.0 strong position to provide com- ZF Group India President Hari Ayyappan - Director, Archers Weddinsutra.com; Mihir Joshi - patients and help them get treated event will go towards the treatment
Venture capital major Accel has selected prehensive solutions covering oc- Akash Passey said the Entertainment Pvt Ltd. curated and Sneaker influencer, Musician & Host at our associated clinics.” and care of leprosy patients,” Rao
eight startups with specialised solutions cupant safety and system integra- acquisition "consolidates our executed this whole event. and Shreas Pardiwala - Bollywood She added that the NGO added further.
in AI and Industry 5.0 for 'Atoms 3.0', its tion services to domestic cus- leadership in the domestic mar- The following Influencers were Actor, theatre actor. Also present volunteers are active in about 13 All the services at Alert-India are
six-month accelerator programme that tomers, it added. ket, building on the technological present at the event. were Zubin Patel - Zonal Head, districts of Maharashtra with over given free of cost
hand-holds and nurtures ventures to ZF Rane Automotive India is a competence of the ZF Group with Suchitra Pillai (Bollywood Actor, Mumbai South; Prateek Murarka - 100 clinics for treatment. “We also The event is supported by Jaquar
give them more firepower to unlock joint venture between ZF Group the manufacturing prowess of host, theatre actor, VJ, Model, Sr.DC, Mumbai South and Amit provide special foot to the people & Company along with other well-
growth and collaboration opportunities. in India and Rane Group. the Rane Group." Singer); Rahat Zia Jafri - RJ Radio Thakker - Sr. DC, Mumbai South. at the advanced stage of leprosy. wishers.


Notice is hereby given that MR. RAJESH      
C. GUPTA, as the owner is entitled to the
property having description as Unit No. 106, 43210/52.5-,+*)(5'*,*&0%$52.5#*,),"! 5
on the First Floor, admeasuring 255.75 sq. ft. ('&%$#""! %#"'%' %!%!'&%'%
carpet area, in the building known as "#%! %"# % % %
Khandelwal House, Anandilal Poddar Road,     
Malad (E), Mumbai - 400 097 standing
bearing Survey No. 329, Hissa No. 8, CTS      
No. 433, Village Malad (E), Taluka Borivali, , )5 )0*2,)5 ), 54<%&0:*!5  55 /////////*"),05
Mumbai Suburban District (hereinafter referred
5 &5
to as the “Said Property”).
       2,+"%).05-,+&0%*)50+/55%&55 ///////!.!,+),05
31st December, 2004 duly registered before % %"'% "!%!"!% &% %#)05 2&/5 9875 5 95 8(5,+5
the Sub-Registrar of Assurance, Borivali-1 #22%(5)0*5'),2&(55:),0*5'),2&5/50+(5&*0)0!+5)05),&)*5
bearing Document No. BRL-1/57/2005 (which ), 5 2)+(5 2!,5 '*&(5 ),!(5 )+)%5 :)&5 !!,5 2&02,!+5 025
are the original title deed in respect of the “Said 8666/5
Property”) has been lost/misplaced and a "0*2,5)0!586665!0!!,5/6655025/6655
Police Complaint bearing Lost Report No.
37404-2024 dated 23rd March, 2024 has
been made at Dindoshi Police Station by -,&!"0*2,5)0!56665!0!!,588665)//02566//5
Rajesh C. Gupta. % "% % "''% "% !"#"'#% '"% &&% 665
Therefore any person/s having any claim on ##%!'%''& %##%%''&'%!%%%!%&%
the “Said Property” or part thereof by way of #"'%5<'5)2,050*56665025/65//5
inheritance, sale, mortgage, gift, lien, trust, 3*1!,5,+!%5$5:),+5),+5&!)52,5766/5
license, lispendence or otherwise are required 4&:5)%
to lodge their claim with the undersigned on < !"21!%$5"!%
the below mentioned address within 15 days '9-(5')*
of publication of this notice with the
documentary evidence, failing which the
claim, if any, received after lapse of 15 days
notice period of such person shall be treated
as waived and not binding on my client.
Dated this 30th March, 2024
23, 3rd Floor, 52 Jalan House, Walkeshwar
Road, Walkeshwar, Mumbai - 400 006.
Mob. No.: 9175012166
Email: rkvco21@gmail.com

Defence Secretary Visits Indian Coast Mysuru Division of South Western whispersinthecorridors
Dr Suresh Mehrotra
Guard North-West Region 28-29 Mar 24 Railway Celebrates 68th Railway Week
: Justice Sheel Nagu unlikely to be CJ : Is Ahmedabad turning
of Punjab & Haryana HC? commercial capital of
Judicial sources said that Justice India?
Sheel Nagu of the MP High Court is In the corridors of
now unlikely to move as Chief power, people have
Justice of the Punjab and Haryana started talking about
High Court. the new Commercial Capital of India. They feel that
: Will Justice Sachdeva be acting CJ of in the coming years, Ahemadbad will turn like
MP High Court? commercial capital of India instead of Mumbai.
Whisper has it that Justice Sanjeev : Why are Congress leaders leaving
The Mysuru Division of South Western Railway celebrated its 68th Sachdeva of Delhi High Court is party- Rahul Gandhi and his
Railway Week Awards Ceremony on 29th March 2024 at the likely to be the acting Chief Justice coterie?
Chamundi Officers Club, Yadavagiri, Mysuru. The event was of the Madhya Pradesh High Court In the political circles the topic is
Defence Secretary Govt. of India, Shri Giridhar Aramane visited graced by the esteemed presence of Smt. Shilpi Agarwal, after the retirement of Justice Ravi why are Congress leaders leaving
the Indian Coast Guard facilities in the North West Region on Divisional Railway Manager, who presented awards to
28-29 March. During the visit, he inaugurated the infrastructure outstanding employees for their exceptional performance during Malimath. One judicial circle is of the opinion that the party in big numbers? It is
for Hovercraft Maintenance Unit (HMU) at Okha on 28 Mar 24. the fiscal year 2022-2023. Justice Sheel Nagu may be the acting CJ. Since said that most of them were not
Coast Guard OTM and Married Accommodation at Inaz Village A total of 22 diligent staff members were honored with individual Justice Nagu is senior to Justice Sachdeva the ball happy with the style of working of Rahul Gandhi
Veraval was inaugurated by Mrs Gayatri Aramane on 29 March awards for their exemplary contributions. will be now in the court of the President of India and his coterie. According to information in the last
24. Defence Secretary was also briefed about the upcoming 200 In her address, Smt. Shilpi Agarwal highlighted the division's because the code of conduct is in force. six months several hundred Congress leaders in the
mtr ICG Jetty Construction work at Okha. Defence Secretary achievements for the year 2023-24. Notably, the division received country have left the Congress.
lauded the role played by ICG, in safeguarding national efficiency shields in categories such as Electrical, Mechanical, : Eight IPS officers retiring in March
maritime interests in its area of responsibility. Inter-divisional Rajbhasha, and Scrap performance, along with Only eight IPS officers of various cadres and : T K Ramachandran is also Secretary, Tourism
The hovercrafts are based at Okha and Jakhau for maintaining recognition for key performance indices. Mysuru Railway Station batches are retiring in March 2024. The officers T K Ramachandran, Secretary, Ministry of Ports,
surveillance in 50 Islands in the AoR, Gulf of Kutch, in the was acknowledged as the best-maintained Major Station, while are: Balaji Srivastava of AGMUT cadre; Amitabh Shipping and Waterways, has been assigned an
shallow water and marshy terrain along the coast line of Bageshpura Railway Station received the distinction of being the Das of Assam-Meghalaya; Rajesh Tripathy of Bihar; additional charge of Secretary, Ministry of Tourism
Gujarat. The field facility for HMU will enable timely technical best-maintained Minor Station across the South Western Railway Atul Karwal of Gujarat; Imlisunep of Nagaland; till April 7, 2024. He is a 1991 batch IAS officer of
support, upkeep & maintenance of these hovercrafts which in network during the Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar held at the Dinkar Gupta of Punjab cadre; Pramod Kumar Tamil Nadu cadre.
turn will ensure optimum operational availability and keep them headquarters in Hubballi in January earlier this year.
in ever ready state to meet any operational requirement.HMU Furthermore, seven employees of the Mysuru Division were Tiwari, Rama Kant Prasad of Uttar Pradesh cadre. : Central deputation tenure of Ms Sandhya Bhullar
facilities comprise of ACV parking for technical assistance, Office commended and awarded for their meritorious service at the : Directorate General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) to extended
Building, Workshop and Maintenance Area. Zonal level during the Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar ceremony held be re-organized The central deputation tenure of Ms Sandhya
Coast Guard Residential Area (CGRA) at Inaz village Veraval on 23rd January 2024. In a major reform towards ‘Ease of Doing Bhullar working as Joint Secretary, Department of
includes 60 Nos of Married Accommodations, an all Weather Key performance highlights for the fiscal year 2023-24 until Business’ , the Department of Defence Production Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, has been
Helipad (75x75 mtrs), In-living Accommodation for Subordinate February 2024 include: under the Ministry of Defence has issued extended for a period upto February 23, 2025. She
Officers & Naviks, Parade Ground and Mess. The presence of - Achieving an overall and highest ever freight loading of 10.503
helipad adds a strategic advantage to various operations in Million Tonnes, marking a significant increase of 9.083% notification for re-organisation of Directorate is a 2003 batch IAS officer of Gujarat cadre.
Veraval that includes addressing maritime emergencies, search compared to the previous year.(surpassing the previous full General of Quality Assurance (DGQA) which is : 11 IRS-Customs officers promoted to Principal
& rescue missions and surveillance activities. financial year's highest of 9.549 MT) aimed at speeding up Quality Assurance processes Commissioner grade
ICG Regional Headquarters (North West) was established on 16 - Record-breaking freight earnings of Rs. 907.91 Cr, surpassing and trials and reducing layers of decision-making.
As many as 11 officers of Customs have been
Dec 2009 at Gandhinagar. It executes ICG’s mandated charter in the previous year's highest earnings. surpassing the previous full This re-organisation also factors change in the
maritime zones in Gujarat, Daman & Diu. Gujarat state shares financial year's highest earning of Rs. 897.28 Cr a month in promoted to the grade of Principal Commissioner
Quality Assurance methodology and revised role
notional IMBL with Pakistan. advance and its highest-ever overall revenue of Rs.1330.17 of Customs and Indirect Taxes. The officers are:
of DGQA post corporatization.
ICG is Crores, surpassing the previous full financial year's highest of Rs. Subhash Chandra Agarwal, Ranjan Khanna, Alok
focused 1304.91 crores in just 334 days. : Will Kareer get extension or Sujata Saunik be made Jha, Ramesh Chander, Peri Umashankar, Parag
towards - Transporting 30.47 Million Passengers upto February 2024, CS Maharashtra? Chakor Borkar, Debashish Sahu, Shafat Ahmad
development reflecting a 5.10% increase from the previous year. (28.995 Confusion prevails in Maharashtra bureaucracy. Usmani, Radhey Shyam Maheshwari, Engineer
of berthing Million Passengers last year February 2024). Now the state Government is expecting three Kesavan, Dinesh Purushottamrao Pangarkar.
and other months extension in service to the present Chief : Seven IRS-IT officers promoted to CCIT grade
East Central Railway General Manager Secretary Nitin Kareer. Now the decision lies with As many as seven IRS-IT officers: Mahesh Kumar,
underscores, Inspects Patna Junction the Election Commission. Sanjay Prasad, Syed Mohammed Jawad Abidi,
the : Why Secretary Law vacant in Madhya Pradesh? Shantam Bose, Vismita Tej, Reema Hota Singh and
commitment The important post of Secretary Law has been Manoj Pal Singh have been promoted to the grade
of the Govt. lying vacant for the last six months in Madhya of Chief Commissioner of Income Tax (CCIT).
of India for Pradesh. Any reason? Answer to this question lies
equipping : Kamal Kishore appointed at key post in UNDRR
ICG with facilities for operating advanced surface and air with only Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav and the
Kamal Kishore has been appointed as Assistant
platforms. In addition to the recently inaugurated Jetty at CJ of the MP High Court justice Ravi Malimath.
Secretary-General and Special Representative of the
Vadinar, ICG is also constructing 100 mtr jetty extension at : Sita Ram Meena appointed Ambassador to Niger Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction,
Porbandar and 125 mtr jetty at Mundrain addition to the 200
Sita Ram Meena (YOA: 2008), presently Director in United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
mtr jetty at Okha. These events were witnessed by Director
General Rakesh Pal, AVSM, PTM, TM the Director General Indian the Ministry of External Affairs, has been (UNDRR). Kishore currently holds Secretary to GoI
Coast Guard and Inspector General AK Harbola, TM, the appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the level post at the National Disaster Management
Commander Coast Guard Region(NW) alongwith various Republic of Niger. Authority.
dignitaries of Central and State Govt.
— Correctness of this content is the responsibility of the author.
Send your CORPORATE / EVENTS / HEALTH / ART news and pictures to Sachin Tikare. Email: sachin@fpj.co.in Check the news online at www.freepressjournal.in/corporate-gallery/ By arrangement with whispersintheccorridors.com
Goa board's SSC T he Secondary School Certificate examinations
(class 10) of the Goa education board will
The examinations, beginning at 9.30 am, will be
conducted at 31 centres across the state, he said,

examinations to
commence from Apr 1, a senior official said on adding a total of 19,573 students—9,757 boys
Thursday. and 9,816 girls—will appear in them.
Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary He said last year as many as 20,476 candidates

MUMBAI | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024 start from Apr 1 Education (GBSHSE) secretary Vidyadatta Naik said
the examinations will conclude on Apr 24.
had appeared in the class 10 tests.

UGC mulling common counselling


Guv appoints former HC

for UG admissions using CUET scores
PTI / NEW DELHI ing JEE-Main's average regis-
judge to inquiry commission
PTI / THIRUVANANTHAPURAM in the tragic death of Sid-
harthan J S, BVSc student
measures to prevent similar
incidents in the future.
tration of nine lakh. Kerala Governor Arif Mo- of the College of Veterinary Khan has asked the com-
The University Grants Com- NEET-UG is the biggest en- hammed Khan on Thursday and Animal Sciences mission to submit the report
mission (UGC) is exploring trance test in India with an appointed a retired judge (CVAS), Pookode, Wayanad within three months.
the idea of conducting com- average of 18 lakh registra- from the Kerala High Court under the Kerala Veterinary Twenty-year-old Sid-
mon counselling for under- tions. While JEE-Mains is a to an Inquiry Commission to and Animal Sciences Uni- harthan was found hanging
graduate admissions based Computer-Based Test (CBT) probe the alleged adminis- versity," a notification issued inside the bathroom of the
on Common University En- conducted twice a year, NEET trative lapses of Kerala Vet- by Kerala Raj Bhavan said. college hostel on February
trance Test (CUET) scores on is conducted in pen-and- erinary and Animal Sci- The notification also said 18.
the lines of medical and engi- paper mode. ences University manage- that the Commission shall According to the remand
neering courses, according to This year, the exam is ment in connection with the inquire into the alleged laps- report submitted by the po-
sources. scheduled to be conducted death of a student. es on the part of University lice, his classmates and sen-
The UGC has formed a from May 15 to 31. Khan has appointed for- authorities including that of iors held a public trial inside
committee with officials from The standardised test was mer Kerala High Court the then vice-chancellor and the hostel, alleging that he
different universities to dis- introduced in 2022 to stream- judge A Hariprasad to the dean to contain unsavoury had misbehaved with a girl
cuss the idea and five line admission processes single-member Inquiry incidents of ragging and vi- student of the college.
renowned universities have across central, state, deemed Commission to inquire into olence in the campus, which Police have charged the
been roped in for a pilot run, and private universities na- the omissions or refusal of led to the unfortunate death accused under sections 341
they added. tionwide. university authorities to of the student. (wrongful restraint), 323
However, there is no clarity A notable departure from perform their duties in con- It shall also fix the respon- (voluntarily causing hurt),
on when the idea will be im- tradition, the National Test- nection with the Kerala Pro- sibility on the officers or au- 324 (voluntarily causing
plemented if the committee ing Agency (NTA) has out- hibition of Ragging Act and thorities of the university hurt by dangerous weapon),
finds it feasible. lined a hybrid examination the anti-ragging regulations for omissions, lapses, if any and 306 (abetment of sui-
"A panel has been formed format for CUET-UG 2024, in- issued by the UGC. which led to the tragic death, cide) of the Indian Penal
to study the idea and the pilot cluding both computer-based "The Commission shall the notification added. Code and relevant sections
will be conducted internally testing and pen-and-paper inquire into the lapses in the The governor also asked of the Kerala Prohibition of
to study the pros and cons. modes for different subjects. administration that resulted the commission to suggest Ragging Act.
Such a system will provide a Officials have indicated
single window for admissions that subjects witnessing high
and students can give their registration volumes will
choices on a single portal in- adopt a pen-and-paper format
stead of applying separately using optical mark recogni-
to universities," a source said. UGC Chairman M Jagadish Kumar —UGC_FACEBOOK tion (OMR), while others will
"Whether or not the idea remain computer-based.
will take off is not certain gadesh Kumar declined to ical entrance NEET with the registrations, the CUET, the In the previous cycle, ap-
right now. It depends on the comment on the issue. CUET-Undergraduate, which common gateway for under- proximately 14.9 lakh regis-
panel's findings and then we The commission had earli- was introduced in 2022. How- graduate admissions in all trations were recorded for
will have stakeholder consul- er said it was contemplating ever, there has been no devel- central universities, is now CUET-UG, highlighting its
tations," the source said. the merger of the engineering opment on the plan. the second biggest entrance significance in the higher ed-
UGC Chairman M Ja- entrance exam JEE and med- With more than 14.9 lakh exam in the country, surpass- ucation landscape.
Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University — WIKIMEDIA

Student assaulted at DELHI:

DoE directs NEET aspirant hangs self in Kota
TISS, accused sent private schools PTI / KOTA A native of Ame- health complications and was

to judicial custody to submit It's thi town in Uttar admitted to MBS Hospital.
A 19-year-old NEET aspirant the seventh Pradesh’s Luc- She was discharged after a
fee-hike allegedly hanged herself at
her PG room here, the
suicide by a know, Kurmi
had been
day of treatment.
After conducting a post-
The accused, a senior official of the institute,
allegedly raped, stalked and defamed a proposals seventh suicide by a coaching
student in the city since the
coaching student
since January
preparing for
the competitive
mortem, the body was
handed over to the parents af-
student, who is also a staff member PTI / NEW DELHI beginning of this year, police 2024 NEET exam ter they reached Kota on
said on Thursday. from a coaching Thursday noon, Jawahar Na-

The Delhi Directorate of Ed- Somya Kurmi committed institute here for gar SHO Kamlesh Kumar
ucation (DoE) has asked the suicide by hanging from the over a year, DSP Tailor Sharma said.
city's private schools seeking ceiling fan late Wednesday said, adding that she had re- A case has been registered
sanction for a fee hike to sub- night, DSP Rajesh Tailor told cently shifted to this PG in based on the parents’ com-
mit their proposals before the PTI. Mahavir Nagar about a plaint and further probe is
start of the 2024-2025 academ- A day earlier, another month ago. underway, the SHO said while
ic session, officials said. NEET aspirant Mohammad A note has been recovered denying that any suicide note
No private unaided school Urooj (20) was found dead at from the student’s room but was recovered from her room.
in Delhi which has been allot- his PG accommodation in Vi- the police were yet to verify This is the seventh case of
ted land by the government gyan Nagar. its relevance with the suicide, suicide by a coaching student
agencies shall enhance fees According to police, when the DSP said. in Kota since January. In 2023,
MEGHA CHOWDHURY / MUMBAI fer hiring more female staff without the prior sanction of Kurmi did not open her room, During the investigation, there were 26 suspected sui-
around him than male ones. the Directorate of Education, her friends broke open the police found that earlier this cide cases of coaching stu-
In the aftermath of the recent Few claim that rumours of the circular issued on Mar 27 door and found her hanging. week, the woman had some dents in Kota.
assault case at Mumbai's Tata similar incidents persist with said.
Institute of Social Science other people, but there’s a re- The DoE asked all
(TISS), where a senior official
was arrested for allegedly
raping, stalking and defam-
luctance among victims to
come on record.
As per police officials, the
heads/managers of private
unaided schools to submit
the proposals on its official
No right to choose specific IIM-Mumbai,
ing a woman, The Free Press
Journal (FPJ) has learned
that the victim holds a dual
accused who was arrested on
Mar 25 was initially kept in po-
lice custody and has now been
website from Apr 1 to Apr 15.
"These are standing in-
structions which are part of
school for education: Delhi HC Starburst Aerospace
role at TISS. Apart from being transferred to judicial custody. the affiliation criteria for pri- IANS / NEW DELHI The case stemmed from the application and the subse-

enter collaboration
a student, the victim is also a The scheduled hearing, previ- vate schools. We have issued applicant being shortlisted in quent draw meant she had no
staff member, actively work- ously delayed due to the Holi these directions again since Delhi High Court has ob- a computerised draw by the legal entitlement to admis-
ing on a project that requires holidays, is forthcoming. the new academic session is served that Article 21A of the Directorate of Education sion in that specific academic
travelling. The FPJ earlier reported beginning from Apr 1," a Delhi Constitution is only for free (DoE) for admission to Class I year.
The incident took place out- that the victim had disclosed government official told PTI. and compulsory education to in a specific school for the ac- The court said that the con- Collaboration to cultivate “aerospace, new
side the campus, and the vic- to the police that the accused According to the circular, children up to the age of 14, ademic session 2022-23. De- stitutional and statutory right
tim promptly filed a complaint had promised to give jobs to in case a school does not sub- but it does not entitle a child spite this, her admission was under Article 21A and Section
space, and defence” ecosystem in India
at the police station. her brother and brother-in- mit the proposal, it shall not to insist on admission to a refused by the school, leading 12 of the Right to Education

The accused, a senior offi- law. On the same pretext, she increase any fee until the particular school. to a legal challenge. Act (RTE) is to free and com-
cial in a high-ranking position alleged that she was raped by sanction is conveyed to its This clarification came Justice Shankar pointed pulsory education until age
at TISS Mumbai, previously him on multiple occasions, in proposal by the DoE. from Justice C Hari Shankar out that the girl’s application fourteen, not education in a
worked at IIT Bombay and is Delhi and Hyderabad. More- The DoE mentioned that it while dismissing a plea by a for admission in the subse- particular school of choice.
currently under investigation. over, the victim stated endur- will take strict action accord- seven-year-old girl, represent- quent academic year (2023-24) It also clarified that rights
The FPJ has learned that he ing mental harassment from ing to statutory provisions ed by her mother, who sought as an EWS student was not established by a draw of lots
has been employed at TISS for the accused's wife as well. The against schools if any com- admission as an Economical- made, hence her name was for a specific academic year
three years. FIR has mentioned both the plaint is received regarding ly Weaker Section (EWS) stu- not included in any draw of do not automatically carry
Additionally, students have accused and his wife, as con- an increase of any fee with- dent in Class II for the aca- lots for that year. over to the next academic
alleged that he seemed to pre- firmed by the police. out prior approval. demic year 2023-24. This absence of year for a different class.

Maharashtra: Stakeholders express diverse views

ANI / MUMBAI unparalleled support to ASD
startups, enabling them to
The Indian Institute of Man- thrive and contribute signifi-
agement (IIM) Mumbai and cantly to India's ASD indus-

on MSCPCR's guidelines on students’ transport

Starburst Aerospace have en- try," he added.
tered a strategic The founder and CEO of
collaboration to cultivate an Starburst, Francois Chopard,
aerospace, new space, and de- said that Starburst is known
The MSCPCR guidelines state that all school buses must be equipped with GPS & CCTV and have on-board female attendants fence (ASD) ecosystem in the
for its global network and
deep industry knowledge and
KRISHA BHATT / MUMBAI proper implementation. hury's thoughts, Suma Das, Malad, emphasised the po- The partnership aims to it brings invaluable experi-

"It would make me feel the principal of Pawar tential drawbacks of these develop the ecosystem cen- ence to the collaboration.
Students, principals and par- safer if the bus had CCTV. Public School, Bhandup, in- measures. tred around IIM-Mumbai, "We are excited to partner
ents have diverse opinions on Along with these safety meas- formed that after implement- She said, "Firstly, my providing vital support and with IIM Mumbai to foster in-
the recently released Maha- ures, I feel the buses should ing the CCTV and GPS fea- biggest concern is what if the resources to ASD startups novation and entrepreneur-
rashtra State Commission also have a book with the con- tures in the school buses, par- female attendant herself in- across the nation, stated a ship within the aerospace,
for Protection of Child tact information of all par- ents had switched to private dulges in abusing the student press release by IIM-Mumbai. new space and defence
Rights (MSCPCR) guidelines ents which would make it vans due to the increased bus due to her foul mood or some- "The collaboration comes sectors in India," stated
for schools regarding stu- easier to reach parents at the fees. "We had installed these thing else? As far as I know, at a pivotal moment as India Chopard.
dents' transport. According earliest," said Himangi Mir- features long back in our schools don't have a experiences unprecedented "Through this collabora-
to a statement by Susieben chandani, a class 6 student at school buses but even after dedicated person to monitor growth and transformation tion, we aim to catalyse the
Shah, the chairperson of Saraswati Vidyalaya High the vans do not have a female CCTV and GPS all the time, within the ASD sector. Recog- growth of ASD startups by
MSCPCR, all school buses School, Thane. attendant or the safety fea- what if the student cannot nizing the immense potential providing them with access
must be equipped with work- "A phone should also be in- tures, some parents switched report the incident, how will and significance of fostering to mentorship, funding op-
ing GPS and CCTV cameras, stalled in buses with emer- schools in Maharashtra al- and be ready to pay them and to private vans since we in- we ever come to know of it?" innovation in this domain, portunities, and
as well as have a well-trained gency contacts on the speed ready have these safety meas- only after that will the creased the bus fees." "This is a good step to man- Professor Manoj K Tiwari, international networks," he
female attendant on board. dial for the students to reach ures. "It is important for all schools be able to install The guidelines also re- date it but parents need as- Director of IIM Mumbai, and added.
The guidelines also state the school authorities on schools to follow these meas- these things." quire schools to establish a surance on how serious the Francois Chopard, represent- By offering a conducive en-
that speed governors be in- time," she added. ures thoroughly and also Further adding to her transportation committee schools are about these meas- ing Starburst, have formal- vironment for innovation
stalled on all buses. Addition- The guidelines also men- make sure there is a person point, she stressed that to en- that includes representatives ures," she added. ized this partnership through and entrepreneurship, the
ally, alarm and siren systems tion that school administra- to always monitor the CCTV sure every student's safety from the school manage- In the notification, the a signing ceremony held at partnership aims to strength-
should be equipped in the ve- tions must make sure that in- and GPS," she said. during travel, the govern- ment, Parent Teacher Asso- school administration is also IIM Mumbai on March 26, en India's position as a hub
hicles for emergencies. formation about the driver, Talking about the imple- ment should also mandate ciation (PTA), and students. advised to maintain CCTV 2024," the release stated. for ASD innovation on the
This action was taken in the school's contact informa- mentation process of these CCTV and GPS in private ve- This committee will ensure camera recordings as a back- "This strategic collabora- global stage, the release
response to the increasing in- tion, the bus owner's details measures in Maharashtra hicles hired by the parents. that these safety measures up for a minimum of 15 days. tion between IIM Mumbai added.
cidents of harassment re- and the school's name are all schools, Ishita Chowdhury, She said, "The vans don't are implemented on school The guidelines aim to and Starburst signifies a cru- The event also witnessed
ported by the students visibly displayed outside the principal of Pawar Public have these safety measures. buses. guarantee the children's well- cial step towards nurturing the presence of Rajinder Bha-
during their journey to bus, where all passengers School, Dombivali, empha- The parents prefer private Expressing concern over being when they travel on a and empowering the bur- tia, chairman of defence
school. and the general public can sised the increase in the bus vans more because they pro- the functioning of these school bus. The responsibili- geoning ASD startup ecosys- business, Kalyani Group and
While some stakeholders see them. fees after the installation of vide door-to-door services measures by the school, ty for implementing these tem in India," Prof Tiwari SIDM president, and Anil
are satisfied with the guide- Seema Saini, principal of these facilities. She said, and it is equally important Dolly Vishwakarma, a guidelines lies with the said. Verma, executive director
lines, some exhibit caution NL Dalmia High School, "The parents have to agree for them to have these rules." parent of a student at VIB- school management, the no- "By leveraging the expert- and CEO at Godrej and Boyce,
and apprehensions about its Thane, highlighted that most with the increase in the fees Agreeing with Chowd- GYOR Roots and Rise School, tification stated. ise and resources of both in- who were the chief guest and
stitutions, we aim to provide guest of honour respectively.
Raj Cong leader, candidate in spat at Kota meet
KOTA: Congress leader Shanti Dhariwal and his party meeting in Kota on Friday. The meeting at the
rival-turned-party colleague Prahlad Gunjal, who Congress’s district office also witnessed
joined the Congress from the BJP recently and has intermittent sloganeering by supporters of the two
been pitted against Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla in leaders, who had faced each other in the assembly
Kota-Bundi, got into a heated argument during a polls a few months ago. MUMBAI | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024


Despite contributions, not safe
Haryana Police
arrest farmer
activist Jalbera PM: Tech can play big role in Canada: Hindus to Trudeau
in agri, education, health
l AMBALA: The Haryana IANS 2020 by New Delhi, has
Police have arrested farmer NEW DELHI / TORONTO stepped up his anti-India
activist Navdeep Singh rhetoric following the death
Jalbera in an FIR lodged of Khalistan Tiger Force
during the farmers’ ‘Delhi Urging Prime Minister chief Hardeep Singh Nijjar in
Chalo’ stir in February. The Justin Trudeau to keep Cana- Surrey last year.
arrest comes ahead of a PTI / NEW DELHI measures are really impor- da free from "the glorification He has asked Canadian
gathering by the Samyukta tant, especially in the begin- of terrorism", a prominent Hindus to leave the country
Kisan Morcha (non-political) Prime Minister Narendra ning,” he asserted. Hindu advocacy group in the followed by threats to disrupt
and the Kisan Mukti Morcha Modi on Friday identified Discussing the issue of AI, country said on Friday that Air India flights from Canada
on March 31 to pay homage agriculture, education and he said it should not be seen Ottawa's current political dis- to India even as extremist ele-
to Shubhkaran Singh, a 21- health as three sectors where as a magic tool or something course regarding India's al- ments targetted Hindu tem-
year-old farmer from he is most excited about the people should resort to out leged interference in the ples and Indian Mission with
Bathinda, who was killed in use of technology, and high- of their laziness to do some country further emboldens pro-Khalistan graffiti and
a clash at Punjab-Haryana lighted related efforts of his work. extremist elements. alleged foreign (India) inter- anti-PM Modi slogans.
border on February 21. The government in these fields. Modi explained how he In a letter addressed to PM ference in Canada,” HFC said PM Trudeau's September
Ambala Police on Thursday In an interaction with phi- used AI in the G20 Summit as Trudeau, the Hindu Forum in its letter. last year claim on the role of
arrested Jalbera from lanthropist and Microsoft co- interpreter and also to broad- Canada (HFC) said that de- “We, as Canadian Hindus, Indian agents in the killing of
Mohali. He was later founder Bill Gates on a host cast his addresses in different spite the community's posi- are deeply troubled by the re- a "Canadian citizen on Cana-
produced in court for a two- of issues, including technolo- languages in several events. tive contributions, they don't marks of organisations such dian soil" has further embold-
day remand by the Crime gy, its use in different sectors A technology like ChatGPT feel safe in the country and as Sikhs for Justice and its ened the stance of Pannun
Investigation Agency (CIA) and climate change, Modi should be used to constantly their concerns have leader Gurpatwant Singh and other extremist groups
staff of the Haryana Police. said he used to hear of digital I feel a sense of relaxation that comes naturally to me. improve oneself, he added. remained "unaddressed". Pannun... Regrettably, our operating in the country.
Police said Jalbera was divide in the world and had I find my inner peace through a spiritual practice Highlighting his use of AI, "...we don't feel safe in concerns have not been ad- "The current political dis-
arrested in a case registered decided that he will not allow instilled in me by my teachers, which energises me Modi asked Gates to take a Canada. Our community ex- dressed by Canadian authori- course regarding India's al-
here on February 13. this to happen in India. greatly. —NARENDRA MODI selfie through his (NaMo) presses deep concern about ties,” the letter, on behalf of leged interference in Canada
He said he wants to allocate app and then showed him our safety and security Hindus in the country, added. exacerbates the situation, fur-
funds to scientists for local re- tion of technology and saying This is not meant to deval- how it could be located amidst the ongoing political Pannun, declared a 'desig- ther emboldening extremist
search in cervical cancer to India is leading the way. ue AI creations but recognis- through the face-recognition controversies surrounding nated individual terrorist' in elements,” the letter read.
Either me develop vaccines at a
minimal cost and that his
Modi noted that there is a
significant risk of misuse of
ing them for what they are,
the prime minister said. He
Discussing the issue of cli-
or my son
new government will work to
ensure vaccination, especial-
ly for all girls, against the se-
a powerful technology like
Artificial Intelligence (AI), es-
pecially when placed in un-
said there is a need to estab-
lish some dos and don'ts.
“In the case of deepfakes,
mate change, Modi said the
world needs to change param-
eters like use of electricity or
People cautioned
against calls
EAM, Ukrainian
minister hold
rious disease. skilled hands, and suggested it is crucial to acknowledge steel to define development as
will fight There is a requirement for
digital public infrastructure,
that AI-generated content
should carry clear water-
and present that a particular
deepfake content is AI-gen-
it is anti-climate and should
instead adopt terminologies
impersonating DoT
poll: Hooda
bilateral talks
the prime minister said, with marks to prevent misinfor- erated along with the men- like green GDP and green em- PTI / NEW DELHI
Gates praising India's adop- mation. tion of its source. These ployment.
RAJESH MOUDGIL Citizens getting calls from
CHANDIGARH callers posing as the Depart-

Former Haryana chief

minister Bhupinder
10 die as SUV
falls into
Quiet descends on Ghazipur ment of Telecom officials and
threatening to disconnect
their connections are fake

India and Ukraine on Friday

roads after Mukhtar’s death

Singh Hooda on Friday calls to steal the personal in- held “open and wide-
said either he himself or
his son Deepender Hooda Ramban gorge formation of individuals and
carry out financial frauds, a
ranging” talks in Delhi as
part of a bilateral engage-
would fight the LS poll, PTI / BANIHAL/JAMMU statement said on Friday. ment between its foreign min-
this time. BISWAJEET BANERJEE The DoT issued an adviso- isters, with discussions fo-
Notably, they unsuc- Ten people, including 8 from LUCKNOW ry about WhatsApp calls cussing on the “ongoing con-
cessfully contested the Bihar, were killed after an from foreign-origin mobile flict and its wider ramifica-
2019 general election from SUV skidded off the Jammu- The streets of Gazipur have numbers (like +92- tions”. Ukraine's Minister of
Sonepat and Rohtak re- Srinagar National Highway fallen eerily silent following xxxxxxxxxx), impersonating Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kule-
spectively. Three-time MP and fell into a gorge in Ram- the demise of the notorious government officials and ba's two-day visit to India
Deepender is currently a ban on Friday, officials said. mafia kingpin Mukhtar duping the people. comes amid efforts to seek a
Rajya Sabha member Tavera was on its way to Ansari from Purvanchal. “The Department of peaceful resolution to the
from Haryana. Jammu from Srinagar and it Stringent security Telecommunications (DoT) more than two-year-old Rus-
Stating that even fell into a 300-foot gorge at the arrangements were made has issued an advisory to cit- sia-Ukraine conflict. He ar-
though the final list of the Battery Cheshma area of the throughout the district. Amid izens that calls are being re- rived here on Thursday.
Congress candidates district at 1.15 am, they said. tight security from Banda, ceived by the citizens External Affairs Minister
would be declared after its The bodies of nine passen- the body was being transport- wherein callers, in the name S Jaishankar met Kuleba at
screening committee gers and the driver of the ed to Gazipur. It was to reach of DoT, are threatening that the Hyderabad House. “some of our bilateral mech-
meeting, Hooda, also Con- sports utility vehicle have Gazipur on Friday night. all of their mobile numbers After the meeting, Jais- anisms have also met”, which
gress Legislature Party been recovered. The car’s Gangster-politician Mukh- Various party leaders and others express condolence to the would be disconnected or hankar in a post on X said, has created “a certain mo-
leader in the Haryana as- driver, Balwan Singh, 47, of tar Ansari's body will be laid family of Mukhtar Ansari in Ghazipur on Friday —PTI their mobile numbers are be- “An open and wide-ranging mentum in our bilateral rela-
sembly, held the father-son Amb Ghrotha in Jammu and to rest at the family cemetery ing misused in some illegal conversation with Ukraine tionship”.
duo had probably lost as Vipin Mukhiya Bhairagang in Kalibag on Saturday. activities. Cybercriminals FM Dmytro Kuleba this after- “Welcome to India, to New
both contested. Moreover, of West Champaran in Bihar Enhanced security meas- through such calls try to noon.” “Our discussions fo- Delhi. We have been looking
since he was the CLP are among the deceased. ures have been in place across threaten/steal personal in- cused on the ongoing conflict forward to this visit, and I'm
leader and the state as- The operation to retrieve the entire district since formation to carry out cyber- and its wider ramifications. very glad that despite our -
sembly poll was due later the bodies was carried out by Ansari's demise. Para-mili- crime/financial frauds," the Exchanged views on various both of us have fairly heavy
this year, hence the deci- police and State Disaster Re- tary forces have been de- statement said. initiatives in that context. travel schedules, we have
sion, he added. sponse Force personnel amid ployed in Mohammadabad, Spoke as well on global and been able to match it and or-
Hooda, accompanied by heavy rains in the area, the with the District Magistrate regional issues of interest to ganise this meeting,” he said.
the state party president
Udai Bhan, was address-
officials said.
In a post on X, Prime Min-
and Superintendent of Police
also conducting inspections.
33 criminals both of us. Reiterated our
commitment to strengthen
Jaishankar added in recent
months, “we've had actually
ing the media in Chandi-
garh after Arjun Singh
ister Narendra Modi ex-
pressed grief about the acci- Grave near father’s
held after raid the overall relationship, in-
cluding bilateral coopera-
interactions at various levels.
I'm glad to see that some of
Gurjar, a former MLA and
another leader Bhum
dent and extended his condo-
lences to the bereaved fami-
resting place for Mukhtar
It is reported that Mukhtar An ambulance carrying the mortal remains of Mukhtar Ansari
at b’day bash tion,” he said. Jaishankar
shared some photographs of
our bilateral mechanisms
have also met. I think this has
Singh Rana, joined Con- lies. Ansari's grave is being dug leaves for Ghazipur, from a Banda hospital —PTI NEW DELHI: A joint raid him shaking hands with his created a certain momentum
gress. The PMO said an ex gratia near the resting place of his was conducted at a banquet Ukrainian counterpart and in our bilateral relationship”.
“This time, even though of `2 lakh from the PM Na- father Subhanullah Ansari. ing this, a convoy of 26 vehi- Ansari’s death of a cardiac hall in Delhi's Wazir Pur Industr- the bilateral meeting. “And today, after this dis-
there were talks Deepen- tional Relief Fund would be Hundreds of people have cles, under police escort, de- arrest in Banda jail, his ial Area, Ashok Vihar, by Delhi On Thursday, Kuleba post- cussion in the afternoon, we
der would be fielded from given to the next of kin of gathered outside the ceme- parted for Gazipur. Passing lawyer filed a petition in the Police on Thursday night, ed on X, “I began my visit to look forward also to the meet-
Rohtak, I would take a call each of the deceased. tery gates and windows to through Banda, Chitrakoot, MPMML Court in Baraban- wherein total 33 listed criminals New Delhi upon Dr S Jais- ing of the Inter-Governmen-
in case only if he chooses President Droupadi Mur- catch a glimpse of the atmos- and Varanasi, Mukhtar's ki, declaring Ansari deceased were apprehended. Of the hankar's invitation. The tal Commission,” he said.
not to fight,” Hooda held, mu mourned the loss of lives phere inside. Police teams are body will reach Gazipur. The and requesting the filing of arrested criminals, five were Ukrainian-Indian coopera- “Your visit gives us an op-
putting to rest talks that and conveyed her condo- also put on standby. High Court has rejected the an FIR and preservation of found carrying illegal arms/ tion is important and we will portunity, obviously, to under-
he declined to contest this lences to the bereaved fami- Meanwhile, Mohammad- parole application filed by CCTV footage in Banda jail. weapon/ knife. A case under be reinvigorating ties. Build- stand the situation in your
time. lies. “The news of people get- abad market remained Mukhtar Ansari's other son, On Friday, the court is sched- section 25/54/59 Arms Act have ing on the dialogue between own region, and I look for-
About Kumari Selja, ting killed after a vehicle fell closed, with silence prevail- Abbas Ansari, who is cur- uled to hear the presentation been registered. Zelenskyy Ua and Narendra ward to hearing your per-
Randeep Surjewala and into a gorge in the Ramban ing on the streets and lanes. rently incarcerated. of Mukhtar Ansari and 12 Another 28 criminals were Modi, we will pay specific at- spectives on that. I think our
Kiran Chaudhary, the area on the Jammu-Srinagar other accomplices in a gang- apprehended under preventive tention to the Peace Formu- teams have prepared a very
Congress leader said he National Highway is very 26 vehicles bringing Ansari’s lawyer files ster case. However, no deci- sections of CrPC. Moreover, 70 la.” In his opening remarks at substantial agenda of our dis-
would be happy if they de- sad. I offer my condolences to Ansari’s body to Gazipur case in court sion has been made by the people were also detained at the meeting, Jaishankar wel- cussions, and I would invite
cided to fight the Lok Sab- the bereaved families,” Mur- The family received the body Meanwhile, within 24 hours court regarding this petition the venue under the provisions comed Kuleba to India, and you to make your opening re-
ha election. About his mu said on X. on Friday at 4.30 pm. Follow- of mafia don Mukhtar as of now. of the Delhi Police Act. —ANI said he was glad to see that marks,” Jaishankar said.
comments on the ruling
BJP, he said the party
failed on all fronts. THE GREAT POLL SHOW
KARNATAKA POLITICAL BJP misusing central 8,900 voters aged above
FAMILIES’ INCOME SOARS agencies: TMC to EC 100 in 12 Phase one
old grandson of former
prime minister HD Deve
against Rs 338 crore in 2019.
He has said that the increase

A five-member delegation comprising MPs Derek

Rajasthan constituencies
Former J&K Two sitting members of the
Gowda, his total assets in-
cluding movable and immov-
in assets is mainly due to in-
crease in value of immovable
O'Brien, Dola Sen, Saket Gokhale, Sagarika Ghose,
and MLA Dr Shashi Panja – submitted a memoran- PTI / JAIPUR

minister’s top political families in Kar-

nataka seeking reelection
able assets is Rs 40.8 crore as
against Rs 5.4 crore in 2019.
properties, many of which
have been inherited.
dum to Election Commission of India (ECI) at the na-
tional capital demanding the poll body’s intervention There are more

granddaughter have shown a steep increase

in their income in the last five
In the affidavit filed on
Thursday, Prajwal has de-
According to him, non-
agricultural assets and resi-
over alleged Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) contin-
ued misuse of central agencies against Opposition
than 8,900 voters
aged above 100

joins NC years. Hassan JD(S) member

Prajwal Revanna has de-
clared moveable assets of Rs
5.4 crore and immovable as-
dential buildings in Ramana-
gara district and Bengaluru
leaders ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The Trinamool Congress delegation has also
years, 13 of which
are above 120 years,
PTI / JAMMU clared a 300 per cent increase sets of Rs 35.84 crore. He has are estimated at Rs 486 crore sought another appointment with the poll panel to in 12
in his income between 2019 liabilities of Rs 4.4 crore as as per the present market val- discuss the issue in detail. constituencies
Shriya Handoo, granddaugh- and 2024 while Bengaluru Ru- against liabilities of Rs 3.72 ue. The value of the same Talking to the media, TMC minister Shashi Panja which will go to
ter of former minister PL ral Congress member DK crore shown in 2019. properties in 2019 was Rs 305 said, “We thanked the Election Commission for ac- polls in the first
Handoo, on Friday joined the Suresh has registered a 75 per Suresh, the younger broth- crore. In his affidavit filed on cepting TMCs memorandum. We have sought an ap- phase of the Lok –FILE PHOTO
National Conference and cent increase in assets in the er of Deputy Chief Minister Thursday, Suresh said that he pointment from them and we might be granted the Sabha elections
pledged to carry forward the same period. DK Shivakumar, has total as- has liabilities of Rs 150 crore same on Monday. A party delegation will visit on 2024 in Rajasthan, an official said. plus voters at 1,802, Chief Elec-
mission of the party in trans- According to an affidavit sets – movable and immov- as against Rs 51 crore shown Monday and a detailed discussion will be held, based The state's election department toral Officer Praveen Gupta said.
forming J&K into a peaceful filed by Prajwal, the 34-year- able – worth Rs 593 crore as in 2019. on the letter submitted today.” Taking potshots at the has published integrated voter There are a total of 2.54 crore
and progressive state. agencies, Panja said the agencies have been ‘activate’ lists for these seats. voters listed across the 12 con-
NC’s Jammu president in Bengal due ‘political directives of the Centre. According to the final voters' stituencies which are slated to go
Rattan Lal Gupta said the
party has always stood for the
cause of the Kashmiri mi-
VVPAT missing in Assam’s Udalgiri “Enforcement Directorate (ED) and CBI had raided
and summoned our candidate Mahua Moitra to pre-
vent her from campaigning. Our minister Chan-
list published by the state Chief
Electoral Office, a total of 8,679
voters are aged between 100 to 109
to polls in the first phase, he said.
According to the voter lists pub-
lished for these constituencies, the
grants and shall continue the GUWAHATI: A VVPAT machine was reported presence of representatives of political par- dranath Sinha is also being harassed. Our councillor years, 239 are aged between 110- total number of general voters is
same for all times to come. missing in Assam's Udalguri district on ties, the statement said. Jui Biswas too faced the same harassment by the I-T 119, and 13 voters are aged above 2,53,15,541, of which 1,32,89,538 are
The BJP has only exploited Friday, an official statement said. "The strong room has 24x7 CCTV coverage department. Such tricks are being played to stop the 120 years. The Lok Sabha elections male, 1,20,25,699 are female and
them to the hilt by making The Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail and armed security, and there is no question political campaigns,” Panja further added. will be held in two phases in Ra- 304 are third gender voters.
hollow promises, he claimed. (VVPAT) machine could not be found during of any missing unit, due to the stringent stor- TMC also spoke against the central agencies by jasthan on April 19 and April 26. A total of 7,98,520 voters, aged
Shriya joined the party assembly-wise segregation after the first ran- age and security protocol with the participa- taking the example of the arrest of former Twelve of the 25 seats -- Gan- 18-19 years, will vote for the first
and was greeted at Sher-e- domisation, it said. A joint electoral officer tion of the political parties at every stage," it Jharkhand Chief Minister and present Delhi Chief ganagar, Bikaner, Churu, Jhun- time in Lok Sabha elections, Gup-
Kashmir Bhavan in Jammu was deputed to conduct a preliminary inquiry said, after the preliminary inquiry. Minister. According to sources, the TMC delegation jhunu, Sikar, Jaipur Rural, Jaipur, ta said. There are a total of 2,51,250
by top leadership of the party. into the matter, the statement issued by the The missing VVPAT might have been inad- has also complained against BJP’s Bardhaman- Dur- Alwar, Bharatpur, Karauli- voters who classify as persons
She pledged to carry for- Chief Electoral Officer said. vertently shifted to the Electronics Corpora- gapur candidate Dilip Ghosh and Tamluk candidate Dholpur, Dausa and Nagaur -- will with disability in these seats, he
ward the mission of the NC After first-level checking of EVMs and tion of India Limited (ECIL) factory along former Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay for allegedly go to polls on April 19. said. Jaipur has the highest num-
in transforming J&K into a VVPATs, the machines that were found to be with units that were found non-functional dur- speaking against West Bengal Chief Minister Mama- The Jhunjhunu constituency ber of voters at 22,87,350, while
peaceful state. working were kept in a strong room in the ing first-level checking, the statement said. ta Banerjee. has the highest number of 100- Dausa has the lowest at 18,99,304.
Court calls for action against officials in NPDS case
NEW DELHI: A Delhi Court has called for action Gauba Mann of Tis Hazari Court observed that IO is
against an Investigation Officer (IO) over the release of leaving big fish and catching only small fish. The court
the main drug supplier while framing charges against directed that the Action Taken Report (ATR) be called
three accused in a Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic through the Special CP, Crime, Delhi, against the said
Substances (NDPS) case. Special Judge (NDPS) Ekta IO within one month from today. MUMBAI | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024

6 sentenced to life Passenger’s ear, finger

Mystery `46 cr
transactions in bitten in UP bus brawl HC: Article 21A doesn't
youth’s account
for BSP MLA’s death guarantee school choice
BISWAJEET BANERJEE / tion in Lucknow.
LUCKNOW A disagreement arose
ANI / GWALIOR when the conductor instruct-
A routine journey aboard a ed him to vacate his seat for IANS / NEW DELHI mother, who sought admis-
A youth, who is a college stu- UP Roadways bus turned into another passenger. Refusing sion as an Economically
dent, has filed a complaint Gunned down due to political rivalry with Atiq Ahmad's brother a harrowing ordeal for to comply without justifica- Delhi High Court has ob- Weaker Section (EWS) stu-
with the police in Madhya Kuldeep Kumar of Sidhauli, tion, Kumar found himself served that Article 21A of dent in Class II for the aca-
Pradesh's Gwalior district af- PTI / NEW DELHI election to the seat to Atiq Ah- Sitapur, as he became the vic- embroiled in a heated argu- the Constitution is only for demic year 2023-24.
ter transactions of Rs 46 mad in 2002 but when the lat- tim of a violent altercation ment, which escalated rapidly. free and compulsory educa- The case stemmed from
crores occurred from his A special CBI court in Luc- ter vacated it after being elect- over seating arrangements. According to Kumar, the tion to children up to the the applicant being short-
bank account, a police official know on Friday convicted ed to the Lok Sabha, Pal de- The incident, which oc- confrontation quickly turned age of fourteen, but it does listed in a computerised
said on Friday. seven people in the killing of feated Ashraf in the bypoll. curred on Thursday, left Ku- physical, with the driver and not entitle a child to insist draw by the Directorate of
The youth, identified as former BSP MLA Raju Pal in The Central Bureau of In- mar with severe injuries, in- their associates joining in the on admission to a particu- Education (DoE) for admis-
Pramod Kumar Dandotiya, 2005, a case in which mur- vestigation (CBI) had taken cluding a partially severed lit- assault. Amidst the chaos, lar school. sion to Class I in a specific
25, a resident of Gwalior, dered gangster-turned-politi- Party (BSP) leader from over the probe into the case in tle finger on his left hand and Kumar suffered bites to his This clarification came school for the academic ses-
came to know about the mat- cian Atiq Ahmad was also an Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh, 2016. a portion of his ear, along ear and little finger, resulting from Justice C Hari sion 2022-23. Despite this,
ter when he received a notice accused, officials said. was gunned down on The Special Judge CBI, with the loss of personal be- in significant injuries. Addi- Shankar while dismissing her admission was refused
from the Income tax and GST The proceedings against January 25, 2005, as a result of Lucknow, held Ranjeet Pal, longings. tionally, his gold chain and a a plea by a seven-year-old by the school, leading to a
that a company has been reg- Atiq Ahmad, his brother and political rivalry with Atiq Ah- Abid, Farhan Ahmad, Israr Narrating the distressing sum of Rs 19,600 were force- girl, represented by her legal challenge.
istered through his PAN card prime accused Khalid Azim mad's brother Ashraf, whom Ahmad, Javed, Gulhasan, sequence of events, Kumar fully taken from him during
which is being operated in alias Ashraf, and Gulbul alias he had defeated in the 2004 by- and Abdul Kavi guilty in the explained that he boarded the altercation.
Mumbai and Delhi 2021. Dan- Rafiq were abated after their poll to the Prayagraj West case for criminal conspiracy bus number UP34-T9813 Despite the ordeal, Kumar HC to probe Google’s Ad terms legality
dotiya said, "I am a college death, they said. seat. and murder among other se- bound for Biswan in Sitapur managed to escape the as- NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court has said that it will
student in Gwalior. Raju Pal, a Bahujan Samaj The BSP leader had lost the rious charges. from the Kaiserbagh bus sta- sailants, ensuring his safety. examine whether the terms of Google's advertising programme
unjustly restricts advertisers from seeking legal remedies or
opting for arbitration within India. Justice Pratibha M. Singh

200-yr-old historic Assam tea was hearing a plea filed by Startupwala Private Limited
against Google India Private Limited, challenging the
conditions under which their digital advertisements were

industry nears collapse disapproved or labelled as 'Limited'. Startupwala's legal action,

invoking Section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,
1996, demands that Google India reinstate all the company's
DIGJYOTI LAHKAR / GUWAHATI digital advertisements disapproved or marked as 'Limited' in
December 2023 and January 2024.
The Assam tea industry
which has passed a glorious NIA files chargesheet in Maoist case
200 years is on the brink of al- NEW DELHI: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Friday
most terminal decline in submitted a supplementary charge sheet at a special court in
Barak Valley for a number of Visakhapatnam against the eighth accused in a conspiracy case
reasons, including climate related to radicalisation of vulnerable youth towards Maoist
change and labour productiv-
This was stated by Sushil
Govt hosts geriatric counselling ideology and extension of support to the banned outfit, CPI
(Maoist). The accused identified as Ramakkagiri Chandra has
been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code,
Kumar Singh, chairman of
Tea Association of India (TAI),
Barak Valley branch in its 49th ing this significant milestone. capacity of 40-45 million kgs
training for health officers Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, and Arms Act by the
agency in its first supplementary chargesheet.

annual general meeting held “The cost of inputs viz: and the average price realiza- FPJ NEWS SERVICE / NEW DELHI Dr Neha Roy Consultant, Senior Citizen Di- HC urges Delhi Govt on internet in courts
in Silchar on Thursday. coal, fertilizer, gas, electricity, tion of Rs 150-Rs 170 per kg vision, National Institute of Social Defense, NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court has asked the city
“We also stand at the edge wages have risen at the CAGR when the cost of production Three Days Residential Training Programme New Delhi talked about the overall government to decide as representation a plea seeking
of uncertainty where the tea ranging between 8% to 15% of tea is Rs 190–Rs 200 per kg has been organised by National Institute of functioning of National in of Social Defense, seamless internet connectivity, including Wi-Fi access, in all
industry in the country, in As- In the last 10 years whereas approximately, it is just a mat- Social Defense, New Delhi, Ministry of Social New Delhi particularly on Geriatric popula- courts in the national capital. Advocate Aprit Bhargava, in his
sam and more specifically in the North Indian Tea Auction ter of time that the industry Justice & Empowerment, Government of In- tion. public interest litigation, said limited or no internet
the Cachar region is on the prices registered at a mere collapses. Over the years in dia in collaboration with Central Institute of Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Naren- connectivity in courts premises across Delhi adversely affected
brink of almost terminal de- growth of 3% CAGR in last 10 this region the total number Psychiatry, Ranchi for Community Health Of- dra Kumar Singh, Senior Psychiatric Social not only lawyers but also judges, media, litigants, court staff
cline,” Singh said. years,” Singh also said. of operating tea gardens has ficers on Geriatric Counselling from Friday to Welfare Officer, Central Institute of and other stakeholders.
Singh said the current sta- “Barak Valley tea industry come down to 101 from 115,” Sunday. Psychiatry, Ranchi. The total registered par-
tus of tea Industry is on the is logistically placed at a very Singh said. The three days Geriatric Counseling training ticipant of the programme is around 30 Com- Man gets life for raping minor daughter
one hand it is a matter of disadvantageous position in He also said the total pro- programme started on 29.03.29. This training munity Health Officers from Jharkhand gov- NEW DELHI: A special court here has sentenced a man
pride that the industry in As- terms of topography, soil and duction of tea in Barak Valley programme is being conducted under the guid- ernment. convicted for raping and impregnating his minor daughter to
sam has completed 200 years other factors vis-à-vis other recorded during 2023 is 38.81 ance and supervision of Dr Tarun Kumar, Di- To train these participants on Geriatric life imprisonment, saying it was a "diabolical crime" deserving
of its glorious existence and tea growing areas of Assam,” million kg against production rector, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi. Counseling, 12 lectures will be delivered from no leniency. Additional Sessions Judge Babita Puniya was
the whole state along with the he said. of 40.93 million kg in 2022 and The programme started with welcome ad- various experts to impart knowledge about hearing a case against the 44-year-old man whom the court
country is rejoicing in achiev- “With the total production 56.26 million kg in 2003. dress delivered by Dr Umesh, Associate Profes- identification and assessment of geriatric is- convicted in January. The prosecution had charged him under
sor of Psychiatry, Central Institute of Psychia- sues such as physical, psychological and the provisions of the Protection of Children from Sexual
try, Ranchi followed by key note address deliv- social. These lectures will also help them to de- Offences Act for aggravated penetrative sexual assault and
7 yrs on, aged parents wait for son’s return ered by Dr Nishant Goyal, Professor of Psychi-
atry, Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi.
velop the knowledge on counselling skills on
geriatric population.
under the penal provisions for rape.
‘Marginalised communities reaching top
IANS / THIRUVANANTHAPURAM On May 23, 2016, the then 25-year-old govt positions due to affirmative action’
70-year-old Jayaprakash and his 60-year-old
wife Valsala, from Ettumanoor in Kottayam,
Jithin left for Australia from Kochi,
through Indonesia 105 charged in HP scholarship scam NEW DELHI: Members of marginalised communities have
been able to reach top government positions due to
"affirmative action" of the constitution, Supreme Court Judge
are still waiting to hear the voice of their PTI / SHIMLA Higher Education, Shimla; started in 2012-13, when the Bhushan Ramkrishna Gavai has said while citing that his
younger son, Jithin, after nearly seven years. relief to them and their noon meals are from bank officials and other pri- scholarships for Schedule elevation to the apex court was advanced by two years as
Valsala told IANS that Jithin the famed Ettumanoor Temple. The CBI has concluded its in- vate persons involved in the Caste (SC), Schedule Tribe there was no judge from the Dalit community. Speaking at a
Jayaprakash, after he did his "The last call from him was on June vestigation in the Himachal misuse of funds under schol- (ST) and Other Backward cross-cultural discussion hosted by the New York City Bar
Bachelor's degree in Management, told 15, 2017, and we do not know from Pradesh multi-crore scholar- arship and reimbursement Class (OBC) students of the Association, Justice Gavai shared that when he was appointed
them that he wishes to go to Australia. where he was calling, as we believed he ship scam with the filing of scheme of fees launched by state for pre-matric and post- as a judge in the Bombay High Court in 2003, he was a
After pooling their meager resources, was in Australia. At times he used to charge sheets against 20 insti- the Union government and matric students under 36 leading lawyer, and that there was no judge from
they gave him five lakh Rupees. send money, but till date after June 15, tutions and 105 persons, offi- implemented through the schemes were not paid to the Dalit/Scheduled Caste community in the High Court. The SC
On May 23, 2016, the then 25-year-old Jithin 2017, we have no clue about where he is," said cials said on Friday. state government to help the eligible students as part of judge said his appointment to the Supreme Court of India in
left for Australia from Kochi, through Indonesia. Valsala. The charge sheets have students of SC, ST and OBC the scheme. Eighty per cent 2019 was made solely on the account of giving
The then happy parents bid good bye to After hearing the story of Valsala, kind- been filed against the owners categories, a statement of the scholarship money representation to the Scheduled Castes in the Supreme Court,
Jithin, but are now sitting in their rented hearted Keralite's based in Melbourne started of educational institutes, the issued by the CBI said. was paid to the private insti- as there was no judge in the apex court who came from the
home, both unemployed. People extend some to look out for Jithin in Australia. staff of Directorate of The scholarship scam tutions. SC community for almost a decade.

FROM THE FRONT PAGE outcomes. Casting aspersions on that is unwarranted,"

the MEA had said.
filing the claim petition. The insurance company was
directed to deposit the enhanced amount within eight Assam police rescue 52 smuggled animals
The Enforcement Directorate has arrested Kejriwal in a weeks, after deducting Rs 45,000 towards excess non-
On crutches, congress... money laundering case linked to the excise policy pecuniary compensation awarded by the tribunal. ANI / HAILAKANDI Shamirdapar Baruah, Ad-
Ramesh alleged that through the "electoral bonds 'scam'. ditional Superintendent of
scam", the BJP has collected Rs 8,200 crore and used China offers Pak help to... In a joint operation, Assam Police of Hailakandi District,
the route of "pre-paid, post-paid, post-raid bribes and Probe into Ansari death... Prefacing this suggestion, he said, China and Pakistan Police and the forest depart- said that, based on secret in-
shell companies". And now, it is engaged in "tax The sequence of events raised questions about the are all-weather strategic cooperative partners, true ment rescued 52 smuggled In- formation, an operation was
terrorism", he alleged. circumstances surrounding Ansari's death and the friends and good brothers through thick and thin and donesian birds and animals, launched in the Bilaipur area
The Congress is ready to fight a long drawn legal war adequacy of security measures within the jail. As share weal and woe. He said this during his monthly including Black Lori birds, on Friday.
to get the tax demands scrapped. Maken said the BJP investigations unfold, the clamour for justice will grow briefing while responding to a question asked by APP Red and Blue Lories, He further said that 43
has in the past few years got donations from louder, with advocates and family members alike regarding participation of PLA tri-services contingent in Babirusa Swine and Horn- among the rescued exotic
thousands of people, and their income tax should also demanding accountability for what they perceive was a the Pakistan Day military parade in Islamabad on bills, from Hailakandi district creatures are Red and Blue
be calculated. grave miscarriage of justice. March 23. along the Assam-Mizoram di district police, they appre- Lories birds, 6 Black Lories, 2
Efforts are being made to financially cripple the Probe demand: Several politicians, including RJD leader border. hended two smugglers in con- Hornbills and one Babirusa
Congress, but we are not going to be cowed down," Tejashwi Yadav, AIMIM Chief Asaduddin Owaisi and Kerala bishops’ message... According to the Hailakan- nection with this. (an Indonesian swine).
Ramesh added. He asserted that the Congress's Bahujan Samaj Party Chief Mayawati, had called for a This is especially so as the community may opt for the
campaign for the upcoming parliamentary polls will probe. Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav had Left Democratic Front which has taken up CAA as a
continue and the party will take its guarantees to the demanded a probe supervised by a Supreme Court major political plank. PHONE TAPPING CASE WEST BENGAL
people of the country. judge into such suspicious cases. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has been holding
"We will not be scared of these notices. We will be
more aggressive and fight these polls," the former
Union minister said.
Body leaves for Ghazipur
After the completion of postmortem, Mukhtar Ansari's
body left for Ghazipur amidst heavy security. The
various rallies against the implementation of CAA in
Muslim-dominated north Kerala and the message has
also percolated to south Kerala where Christians
Ex-DCP arrested Left announces
candidates for
Maken alleged that the Congress and other like-
minded opposition parties are being selectively
targeted by the I-T department, which he described as
ambulance carrying the body to his home town was
accompanied by 26 police vehicles to ensure security
along the 400-kilometre-long route passing through
Christians are a dominant force, especially in south
Kerala and constitute 18.4 per cent or 61.41 lakh of
in Hyderabad 2 more seats
the BJP's "frontal organisation". several districts of Uttar Pradesh. the state’s population. Unlike Muslims, who vote as a PTI / HYDERABAD legally, to carry out certain PTI / KOLKATA
The IT department has launched a premeditated, Mukhtar Ansari's son Umar and Abbas Ansari's wife bloc, Christians, like the dominant Hindu community, is actions in a politically biased
diabolical campaign against the Congress by reopening and their two cousins were inside the ambulance that splintered. However, this time they may vote as a bloc. A former DCP of the Com- manner, to exploit official re- The CPI(M)-led Left Front on
matters of old returns on baseless grounds, he said. was carrying the body. “The Christian community is not a monolithic block. missioner's Task Force, a sources to transport money Friday announced
Some political observers are of the view that the ruling On the way to Ghazipur, the convoy will pass through Pluralism has been an important component of the wing of Hyderabad Police, illegally when the election candidates for two more Lok
party is negating democracy by crippling an opposition Prayagraj, Bhadohi, Kaushambi and Varanasi. As per Christian make up. It has resisted the herd mentality,” was on Friday arrested by the Model Code of Conduct is in Sabha constituencies in West
party financially while it is itself loaded with money. family members, the cremation will take place in Fr Paul Thelakat, former spokesman of the Syro- city police in connection with force, to destroy evidence of Bengal, expressing hope that
Ghazipur. Malabar Church, was quoted in the media as saying. the case of phone tapping and their illegal activities by dam- the talks with the Congress
UN turn to sermonise on... The SHO said that Ansari's family members have said Despite this, the community may vote as a bloc this destroying certain computer aging public property and and ISF over sharing of seats
We don't think anyone should object to that, and we'll that if the body reaches there by 10 pm, then time as it feels “threatened”. systems and official data. causing disappearance of ev- would conclude in a few days.
make the same thing clear privately." Ministry of cremation will be held on Friday itself, else it will be However, Union minister V Muralidheeran said there Radhakishan Rao, former idence in collusion with other Addressing a press confer-
External Affairs (MEA) officials summoned Acting held on Saturday morning. was no threat to the Christian community, which is Deputy Commissioner of Po- accused persons, it claimed. ence, Left Front Chairman
Deputy Chief of Mission Gloria Berbena to their office safe under the BJP regime. lice (DCP), was remanded in a On his confession, he was Biman Bose named CPI(M)'s
in South Block in the Indian capital. The meeting lasted HC doubles compensation... In the earlier elections, the Syro-Malabar Catholics, local prison, officials said. arrested by the Investigation Biplab Moitra for the Aram-
for more than 30 minutes. In 2023, the tribunal held the car driver responsible for who make up 23.46 lakh (38.20 per cent of Christians "As part of the investiga- Officer today around 8 am bagh constituency and
On Thursday, India said the US State Department's contributory negligence at 50 per cent and awarded in the state), leaned towards the Congress, while the tion in the case, the said per- and was produced before a lo- Sonamani Murmu Tudu for
recent remarks on the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister the family Rs 15 lakh. Jacobite segment of the Malankara Church had a soft son (Radhakishan Rao) was cal court. Judicial custody Jhargram. He said the final
Arvind Kejriwal are "unwarranted" and asserted the The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. challenged the corner for the ruling Left front. The Jacobite Syrian called for questioning yester- was sought, which was ac- list of the Left Front would be
country is "proud of its independent and robust award before the HC, claiming that the deceased car Christian community has 4.83 lakh members and the day to Banjara Hills police cepted, the release said. out in a few days after the
democratic institutions" and committed to protect them driver was solely responsible for the accident as he Orthodox Syrian community about 4.94 lakh. Together, station, and during his ques- He has been remanded in talks conclude.
from any form of undue external influences. had rammed the truck from behind. they form a formidable force of more than 9.7 lakh tioning he confessed about judicial custody till April 12, With this, the Left Front
Any "external imputation" on India's electoral and legal Divate’s wife and two minor children too challenged voters. his involvement in the com- it added. has announced candidates
processes is "completely unacceptable", MEA the tribunal’s order in the HC, seeking enhancement in mission of the reported On March 23, two additional for 22 seats, while the Con-
Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said in New Delhi compensation. They contended that the trailer truck Outrage over global award to... crimes of conspiracy to devel- superintendents of police who gress has named nominees
during his weekly press briefing. was 70-foot-long and had stopped in the middle of the “I am DISGUSTED, SHOCKED and ENRAGED that this op profiles of private persons, were accused of colluding for nine seats in the state. In
In India, legal processes are driven "only by the rule of road at night without any indicator of its presence. @AP image of a murdered Shani Louk from October exploiting the official re- with suspended DSP of the the Coochbehar seat, which
law", Jaiswal said on Thursday. The HC noted that the trailer driver was not examined, 7th was given picture of the year,” one social media sources meant for lawful du- Special Intelligence Bureau D is going to the polls in the
Earlier on Wednesday, the Ministry of External Affairs to prove the negligence of the deceased. It also took user posted on X. “This is the value of Israeli women ties," a police release said Fri- Praneeth Rao, who was earlier first phase on April 19, the
(MEA) had said in a statement that India took strong exception to the insurance company’s failure to to you?” day night. arrested by Hyderabad police Congress and Left Front con-
objection to the remarks of the Spokesperson of the US examine RTO officers to substantiate their claim that “This is just wrong and sick,” another user raged of the He has confessed to his in- for allegedly erasing intelli- stituent Forward Bloc have
State Department about certain legal proceedings in the trailer driver did not possess a valid driving licence. award. volvement in the commission gence information from vari- fielded candidates, compli-
India. Justice Dige allowed the family’s appeal and enhanced Louk quickly became one of the faces of the war after of the reported crimes of con- ous electronic gadgets as well cating the discussions.
"India's legal processes are based on an independent the compensation amount to Rs 29.4 lakh, with the shocking images of her lifeless body in the back of spiracy to put surveillance as for alleged phone tapping There are 12 more seats for
judiciary which is committed to objective and timely interest at 7.5 per cent per annum from the date of a pickup truck started going viral. over such private persons during the previous BRS govt, which neither of the two has
without authorisation and il- were arrested. announced any candidates.
Saturday| AUGUST 29,2024
March 30, 2022

Cong still in fix; Patkar, Yuri Drug network busted at Candolim,

Panels to adjudicate
cash seizures Methamphetamine seized
called to Delhi on Sunday
PANAJI: Seizures during
the election season due to
with liquid cash above the
Rs 50,000 limit imposed by THE GOAN I NETWORK duct, a locally based syndi- the scene. During the inves-
the Model Code of Conduct,
cate saw an opportunity to fa-
cilitate narcotics distribution
tigation, an associate named
R Singh was also arrested for
committee headed by the re-
spective district magistrates.   SOCIAL MEDIA ABUZZ WITH SPECULATIONS OF PULLS AND PRESSURES The NCB-Goa Zonal Unit
cracked yet another major
within the illicit drug trade,”
he said revealing the chronol-
providing logistical support
to J Singh in carrying out the
drug network involved in ogy of the case. drug deal in Goa.
Mapusa woman THE GOAN I NETWORK SUSPENSE & SPECULATIONS Methamphetamine trafficking The NCB then alerted vari- Ghawate stated that J Singh
within Goa. ous intelligence sources to de- had returned to India last year
reported missing MARGAO „„A post did the rounds on During a marathon opera- tect suspicious activity. They after working abroad.
MAPUSA: A 24-year-old wom- The intense race for the Con- the social media speaking tion spanning several hours, identified a person named J “As stated in voluntary
an from Peddem-Mapusa gress ticket for the South Goa about rumours about mass drugs valued at over half a Singh from Rajasthan with statement, J Singh was in
has been reported missing seat seems far from over, resignations by party top crore rupees were confiscated suspicious links to Goa. need of quick money and was
since Thursday. The missing bringing the Congress camp while two persons from Ra- “Recently, Singh was convinced that he earn as such
woman, Kavita Chandrakant under the close lens of party
leaders and by most of the jasthan – repeat offenders – seen in Goa on a purported through the illicit drug busi-
Satardekar, was working at workers and well-wishers. blocks if the South Goa were arrested. business trip, suspected to be ness. He motivated his long-
a private establishment at Even as the Congress lead- ticket is given to ex-GPCC NCB Additional Director for a drug deal. He was located time friend R Singh based in
Cosmos building in Mapusa.  ership comprising of GPCC chief Girish Chodankar (NCB-Goa and Mumbai), around Candolim, and after Goa into the drug business.
chief Amit Patkar and Lead- „„The post must have Francosco Sardinha Girish Chodankar Viriato Fernandes Amit Ghawate, stated they physical confirmation, It would be pertinent to men-
Human skeleton er of Opposition Yuri Alemao
been uploaded on the
worked on intelligence inputs discreet round-the-clock tion that both the arrested
returned home from Delhi on for granted Francisco Sardinha if the that indicated the presence surveillance was initiated. persons belong to same native
found at Guirim late Thursday and announced social media as a pres-
party decides to nominate of an interstate syndicate On the evening of March 27, place due to which they were
MAPUSA: A male human that the party will declare the sure tactic and to send a „„A section of the party engaged in illicit drug our team intercepted him,” known to each other for long
skeleton has been found in candidates for the Goa seats message clear to the party leadership is also keen either Girish or Captain activities in Goa. he said adding that upon time. Thereafter, J Singh plot-
a field at Sarvewada-Guirim on Friday, reports emanating High Command not to take in giving an honourable Viriato for the South Goa “Recognising the strict sur- confirming his possession ted the scheme to procure the
and the deceased is suspect- from Delhi now say that the the local party leadership exit to four-time sitting MP ticket veillance at airports, parcel of- of a large quantity of drugs, drugs and supply it into Goa
ed to be a person who has candidates will be announced fices, and land routes, along- the NCB seized 532 grams of with help of his friend R Singh
been missing since March 5.  only on Easter Sunday. side Goa’s status as a tourist Methamphetamine. who was already established
Sources further informed candidate continues, a post comment, but it is believed in comes against the backdrop destination, especially owing A vehicle used for drugs contact base in various plat-
Siolim mishap victim that the High Command has
called the Amit-Yuri duo to
did the rounds on the social
media speaking about ru-
political circles that the post
must have been uploaded on
of the fact that the Congress
High Command has post-
to the election code of con- deliveries was seized from forms,” he said.
succumbs to injuries Delhi on Sunday before the mours about mass resigna- the social media as a pressure poned declaration of the can-
MAPUSA: A 43-year-old man party leadership takes a final tions by party top leaders and tactic and to send a message didates from Friday to Sunday.
from Ghateshwarnagar in
Khorlim-Mapusa, who was
decision on the candidates,
especially for the South Goa
by most of the blocks if the
South Goa ticket is given to ex-
clear to the party High Com-
mand not to take the local
It also assumes significance
and comes against the back-
seriously injured in a road seat. GPCC chief Girish Chodankar. party leadership for granted. drop of the report that ex-PCC
mishap at Bamanwada-Si- That’s not all. Even as the The leaders mentioned in The social media post also
olim, died on Friday. suspense over the South Goa the post were not available for assumes significance and read more on thegoan.net

Cold storage facility in limbo as SGPDA Durbhat temple

burgled, cash
fails to hand over land for Phase III work of `50k stolen


Burglars broke into the Sai
MARGAO Baba temple at Durbhat Pon-
Officials of the Goa State Infra- da and stole cash of about Rs
structure Development Corpo- 50,000 on Thursday night.
ration (GSIDC), the agency ex- The temple was closed at
ecuting the multi-crore work 9.30 pm after the Aarti and
on the construction of a mod- other programmes on Thurs-
ern wholesale fish market at day night. However on Fri-
Margao, appear a worried lot. day morning, when the tem-
Reason: Not only is the pro- ple committee chairperson
ject running behind schedule Vishwanath Naik entered the A live Way of the Cross enacted during the Good Friday service at Our Lady of Victory Church,
as work is stuck on the market temple, he saw that the lock of Revora.  Narayan Pissurlenkar
under construction with the the main door was broken and

Water pipeline damaged by

South Goa Planning and De- the fund box was missing.
velopment Authority (SGPDA) The GSIDC is awaiting temporary shifting of the wholesale fish market to take up Phase III The empty fund box was
time and again failing to hand
work of the project. found in the bushes about 100
over the remaining portion of metres from the temple.

JCB machine in Davorlim

the market space to take up audit queries if the proposed storage facility at the whole- Phase III of the market pro- A police team went to the
Phase III of the modern mar- cold storage facility is not put sale fish market will not only ject has thrown up a ques- site for the panchanama and
ket, but the very future of the in place. The Centre had sanc- defeat the very objective be- tion or two – When would the also pressed fingerprint ex-
cold storage facility proposed tioned the wholesale fish mar- hind the upgradation of the SGPDA temporarily shift the perts into service.
in Goa’s lone wholesale fish ket construction at Margao on wholesale fish market, but wholesale fish market opera- The temple was first bur-
market hangs in balance. the premise that the market will deprive the local fishing tions to pave the way for the gled around 10 years ago, and THE GOAN I NETWORK that the ruptured pipeline A resident of Davorlim,
Otherwise, consider this. would include a spacious cold community of the value for GSIDC-appointed contractor after that the temple commit- will not affect the supply Anand Sawant questioned the
Unless the SGPDA hands over storage facility. the fish catch. to take up the remaining work tee had installed CCTV cam- MARGAO of drinking water to South absence of WRD officials at
the rest of the market space, If the proposed cold stor- A GSIDC official told The on the market project, includ- eras. But these cameras have Water wastage was report- Goa, saying the damaged the site when the contractor
the contractor engaged by the age does not take shape at Goan that failure to com- ing the cold storage facility? not been working for the past ed from Davorlim village on pipeline was carrying raw had deployed the JCB for the
GSIDC cannot resume work the wholesale fish market, the mence work on the cold stor- Inquiries by The Goan re- few years and this will make it Friday morning after the Se- water to the Verna Industrial repair work.
on Phase III of the project. If local fishing community, in- age facility in Phase III of the vealed that GSIDC officials in- difficult for the police to trace laulim water pipeline carry- Estate. “The contractor is not
work on Phase III does not cluding the traditional fisher- market project will be seen as deed are in a state of fix, even the accused. ing raw water ruptured after The pipeline ruptured af- expected to know the location
start, the provision for a spa- men and boat owners, will be an attempt to scuttle the pro- fearing the contractor may The temple committee being damaged by a JCB ma- ter a JCB deployed by the of the underground pipeline.
cious cold storage facility will denied access to cold storage ject, inviting queries from the just walk out if there is further chairperson Vishwanath Naik chine. Water Resources Depart- The WRD engineers ought
not see light of the day. Ac- amenities at the complex. central government. delay by the SGPDA or the has lodged a complaint in the Senior Public Works ment (WRD) working near to have been present at the
cording to sources, the Cen- GSIDC officials in private The stalemate over the matter and Ponda PI Tushar Department (PWD)-Water the pipeline accidentally site when the work was in
tral government may raise say that the absence of a cold commencement of work on read more on thegoan.net Lotlikar is investigating. Supply officials informed damaged it. progress,” Sawant added.

DM-headed panels to adjudicate State govt yet to act on Centre’s advisory to ban
on seizures of cash during polls ferocious dog breeds, onus may be on local bodies
THE GOAN I NETWORK Flying Squad. The committee THE GOAN I NETWORK breeds.
The committees will will investigate all cases and
PANAJI independently investigate decide on the confiscation. PANAJI Onus may fall on p’yats, civic bodies for policing the ban CM had hinted ban

Seizures during the election every case of seizure of cash ECI guidelines state that espite incidents of pet after Taleigao inci-
season due to restrictions on
movement with liquid cash
above the Rs 50,000 limit im-
either by the Police, Static
Surveillance Team or Flying
the procedure for appealing
against the seizure shall be
mentioned in the seizure doc-
dogs attacking humans
which shook the public
conscience in the recent past,
T he DAH&VS, meanwhile,
may not be the nodal
department to ensure that
will eventually be the respon-
sibility of local bodies,” the
official said.
Days after the incident last
August in Taleigao where a
posed by the Model Code of ument and communicated to the Goa government is yet to the ban on a list of ferocious Dog breeds such as Rot- Rottweiler breed dog escaped
Conduct, will be dealt by a the persons from whom the move seriously on the direc- dog breeds is enforced, the tweiler, Pitbull Terrier and Wolf from its master’s house and
district level committee head- of India. The other members cash is being seized. Also, all tives to curb people from hav- dangerously attacked two kids
ed by the respective district on the committee are: Project the information relating to ing certain ferocious breeds top official told The Goan. dogs, which are known to be in a posh residential colony,
magistrates. Director of District Rural De- release of cash shall be main- of dogs as pets, more than “The responsibility to owned by Goan pet lovers Chief Minister Pramod Sawant
In South Goa, this commit- velopment Authority, Deepali tained by the Nodal Officer for a week after such a directive prepare guidelines or stand- are in the list the Centre has had hinted that the govern-
tee has already been constitut- Naik, Director of Accounts in expenditure monitoring in a issued by the Centre’s Depart- ard operating procedures (SOPs) to enforce the banned for import, breeding and selling as pet ment would ban “certain fero-
ed by the District Magistrate, the Electricity Department, register, which shall be in or- ment of Animal Husbandry ban may fall on us but actually policing the ban dogs. cious breeds” of dogs.
Ashwin Chandru, IAS, who is Walter M D’Melo and Deputy der with details of the amount and Dairying. “Certain breeds need to be
also the returning officer for Director of Accounts Chetan C of cash withheld, seized and “We have not received banned in the State because
the Mormugao (South Goa) Lok Dharangutty. the date of release to the con- any directions yet from the taries of all States and Union as pets belonging to some of but they will have to ensure they are aggressive and attack
Sabha seat. The committee will The committee will also cerned person(s), the ECI government on the Centre’s Territories to ensure that the these banned breeds, mean- they are vaccinated and pos- humans,” Sawant had said at
also redress complaints related meet as and when required guidelines state. It also stipu- advisory,” a top official of the ban is imposed with “immedi- while, can breathe easy as sess a ‘report’ of examination the ‘World Rabies Day’ event
to such seizures. According to during the election period and lates that no cases relating to State Department of Animal ate effect” from March 12. the Centre’s directive permits by a recognised and licenced last year. Yet, his government
the order issued by Chandru, shall independently investi- seized cash or valuables shall Husbandry and Veterinary them to hold on to their pets, veterinary doctor. is displaying a visible lack of
he himself will head the com- gate every case of seizure of be kept pending in the treas- Services (DAH&VS) said. No worry for owners albeit with strict conditions. However, no new licences inertia in getting on with the
mittee as per the guidelines cash either by the Police, the The Centre’s directive was of banned breeds Their licences for the exist- can be issued to own new pets practicalities of enforcing the
of the Election Commission Static Surveillance Team or read more on thegoan.net sent in a letter to Chief Secre- Those already owning dogs ing pet dogs will be renewed from among the banned list of ban imposed by the Centre.
Ahmedabad airport to offer more direct international connections
Ahmedabad: Great news for globetrotters in Gujarat!
The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in
Ahmedabad is gearing up for summer with a significant
increase in direct flights to popular international
destinations. Effective from March 31, travellers can enjoy
more convenient connections to Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur
and Jeddah. The plan is part of the summer schedule
announced by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

Tensions mount for BJP Congress exodus swells after

ACB traps GISF
taking bribe
Gujarat general secretary resigns

The Anti-Corruption Bureau

(ACB) of Gujarat apprehend-
ed a Supervisor of the Gu-
jarat Industrial Security
as internal rifts surface
the extent that several party
meetings had to be canceled,

The Gujarat Congress is

Sabha elections. With Con-
gress already facing chal-
lenges in galvanising support
and rallying its base, the loss
Force (GISF) on Thursday in and Shobhnaben Baraiya had grappling with internal tur- of a key leader like Rajput
connection with a bribery The Bharatiya Janata Party in to exit the premises discreetly moil as General Secretary DD further complicates its elec-
case involving a sum of Rs. Gujarat finds itself grappling to avoid confrontation. With Rajput’s resignation deals a toral strategy and diminishes
1,000. The arrest sheds light with internal discord as rifts the unrest showing no signs of significant blow to the party’s its prospects in the upcoming
on the persistent challenges emerge over the selection of abating, the party hierarchy is electoral prospects. Rajput’s polls.
posed by corruption within candidates for the upcoming mobilising to contain the fall- departure, coupled with a his- Of particular concern for
law enforcement agencies Lok Sabha elections. Home out and restore unity ahead of tory of party defections, casts the Congress is the electoral
and underscores the authori- Minister Harsh Sanghavi’s the impending elections. a shadow over Congress’ battleground in Banaskan-
ties’ commitment to rooting visit to Himmatnagar in As Harsh Sanghavi under- preparations for the forth- tha, where Rajput’s influence
out such malpractices. Sabarkantha district signals takes damage control meas- coming Lok Sabha elections and grassroots connections
The arrest of Jagubhai an attempt at damage control ures in Sabarkantha, the scheduled for May 7th. could have been instrumental
Rambhai Wanja, a 47-year-old amid growing dissatisfaction State party chief, CR Patil, is The Gujarat Congress was
Rajput’s resignation in mobilising support for the
Supervisor serving in the within the party ranks. expected to arrive in the dis- jolted by yet another setback highlights the broader party’s candidate, Wav MLA
GISF, has brought to the fore
allegations of corruption and
In a bid to address simmer-
ing discontent within the par-
and had commenced cam-
paigning. However, Bhikhaji’s
to address his grievances and
offer reassurances regarding
trict on April 4th. Their inter-
ventions underscore the grav-
as General Secretary DD Ra-
jput tendered his resignation
challenges confronting Geniben Thakor. Thakor is
slated to contest against
misconduct within the ranks ty, Home Minister Harsh abrupt withdrawal from the his future within the party. ity of the situation and the from the party, sending the Congress in BJP’s Dr. Rekhaben Chaud-
of law enforcement agencies. Sanghavi descended upon race, citing party instructions Despite attempts at pacifi- imperative for the BJP to ad- shockwaves through its Gujarat, including a hary in what promises to be a
The case came to light follow- Himmatnagar, the district to suspend his campaign, cation, tensions continue to dress internal grievances ranks. Rajput, a prominent closely contested race.
ing a complaint lodged by a headquarters of Sabarkantha sparked outrage among his simmer within the BJP’s promptly to present a united figure within the Tharad Ra- series of defections Rajput’s resignation high-
former GISF guard, who ac- on Friday. The visit comes in supporters. The subsequent Sabarkantha unit. Bhikhaji’s front in the electoral arena. jput community and the for- and internal discord lights the broader challenges
cused Wanja of soliciting a the wake of escalating ten- nomination of Shobhnaben supporters have persistently The fissures within the mer Congress candidate for confronting the Congress in
bribe of Rs. 1000 to prevent a sions over the selection of can- Baraiya as the replacement voiced their opposition to the BJP’s Gujarat unit highlights the Tharad assembly seat in level office bearer and influ- Gujarat, including a series of
change in his posting location didates for the Sabarkantha candidate further fueled dis- change in candidacy, staging the nature of challenges in- 2017, cited personal reasons ential community leader, Ra- defections and internal dis-
and cease unwarranted ha- Lok Sabha seat, with party sent within the party ranks. protests and causing disrup- herent in managing a diverse for his decision to step down, jput’s departure deals a blow cord that have plagued the
rassment on the job. members expressing displeas- The dissatisfaction among tions at the district party and dynamic political organi- marking a significant loss for to the party’s organisational party in recent years. As the
According to the com- ure over recent decisions. Bhikhaji’s supporters culmi- headquarters. Their objec- sation. As the Lok Sabha the party ahead of the crucial structure, particularly in the Lok Sabha elections draw
plainant, who refused to suc- The controversy stems nated in protests, including a tions centre around allega- elections loom large on Lok Sabha elections. Banaskantha region, where nearer, Congress finds itself
cumb to the demands for from the sudden change in the bandh call in Meghraj and tions of nepotism, as Shobhn- the horizon, the party must Rajput’s resignation comes he held considerable sway. in a precarious position,
bribery, Wanja persistently party’s candidate for the disruptions on the highway. aben Baraiya is perceived to prioritise internal cohesion at a critical juncture for the The timing of Rajput’s res- struggling to stem the tide of
harassed him and threatened Sabarkantha constituency. The state party chief, CR have been favoured due to her and address grievances effec- Congress, as it gears up to ignation amplifies its impact, disillusionment and retain its
adverse consequences if the Initially, Bhikhaji Thakor was Patil, intervened by conven- familial ties within the party. tively to bolster its electoral contest the Lok Sabha elec- coming mere weeks before cadre amidst growing disillu-
bribe was not paid. announced as the candidate ing a meeting with Bhikhaji The situation escalated to prospects. tions in Gujarat. As a state- the polling date for the Lok sionment and discontent.

Surat shines bright with electric Bangladeshi national Security beefed up as Union
revolution in public transport held for illegal entry minister ‘annoys’ Kshatriyas
AHMEDABAD The investigation revealed AHMEDABAD
Surat, the world-renowned di- that Mohammed Labhu Sar-
amond capital of India, is In a significant development, dar, hailing from Lohagda in Tensions have escalated in
gearing up for a monumental the Ahmedabad crime branch the Nodail district of Gujarat’s political landscape
shift towards sustainable and has apprehended a Bangladesh, had unlawfully as Union Minister Parshot-
eco-friendly public trans- Bangladeshi national on entered India in 2001. Over tam Rupala, contesting the
portation. The city, under the Thursday for his involvement the years, he facilitated the il- Lok Sabha election from the
visionary leadership of the in illegal activities, including legal entry of several other Rajkot seat, finds himself em-
Surat Municipal Corporation possessing both Indian and Bangladeshi nationals into broiled in a storm of contro-
(SMC), is poised to take a gi- Bangladeshi passports. Identi- the country, exploiting gaps versy. Facing protests from
ant leap forward with the in- fied as Mohammed Labhu in border security and docu- the Kshatriya community
troduction of a massive fleet Sardar, aged 42, the accused ment verification processes. across Gujarat, particularly
of 1,100 high-end electric bus- stands accused of aiding nu- Utilising fraudulent means, in the Rajkot and Saurashtra
es by 2025. merous other Bangladeshis in the accused obtained identifi- regions, Rupala’s security are stationed at his residence, purported comments and
This ambitious project sig- unlawfully entering India, cation documents, including has been bolstered following with an additional four police emphasised that withdrawal
nifies a significant expansion yond just acquiring electric sive number of electric vehi- raising concerns about border an election card and Aadhaar intelligence inputs. personnel, including three po- of Rupala’s candidacy is the
of Surat’s existing electric bus buses. Recognising the need cles on the road. Currently, security and document fraud. card, with the assistance of In response to the mounting licemen and one PSI, allocated only acceptable resolution.
network. The city has already for robust charging infrastruc- the city boasts an impressive The arrest of Mohammed an accomplice named unrest within the Kshatriya to his police escort. Rupala had made the state-
taken commendable strides in ture, the corporation has es- figure of approximately Labhu Sardar, a Bangladeshi Rameshbhai in 2015. Subse- community, security The uproar within the ment: “The British had noth-
this direction, with approxi- tablished a network of around 44,000 electric vehicles grac- national residing in India, quently, leveraging these doc- measures around Union Min- Kshatriya community stems ing left to oppress us and the
mately 300 electric buses cur- 50 electric car charging sta- ing its streets. This stands as has brought to light the intri- uments, Sardar acquired an ister Parshottam Rupala have from alleged derogatory re- Maharajas bowed down, the
rently operational on its tions across the city. This well- a testament to the growing cate web of illegal immigra- Indian passport, allowing him been significantly reinforced. marks made by Rupala dur- Raja-Maharajas even en-
roads. An additional 450 elec- distributed network ensures popularity of electric mobili- tion and document fraud to operate within the country Intelligence reports received ing a public meeting, prompt- gaged in ‘Roti, Beti transac-
tric buses are slated to join the convenient charging options ty among Surat’s residents, a plaguing the nation’s borders. undetected for an extended from the State Intelligence Bu- ing Adityasinh Gohil, a resi- tions’, but my Rukhi Samaj
fleet by the end of the 2024-25 for electric vehicle owners, trend the SMC actively aims Acting on a tip-off received period. reau prompted authorities to dent of Rajkot, to file a neither changed religion, nor
fiscal year, marking a substan- promoting wider adoption of to support. by DIG Neeraj Badgujjar of The arrest of Sardar yield- enhance security arrange- defamation petition in the did any transactions. They
tial transformation in Surat’s clean transportation. Looking ahead, the SMC the City Crime Branch, In- ed crucial evidence, ments around Rupala’s resi- Rajkot court. Gohil, repre- were the most oppressed
public transport system. Surat’s leadership in elec- has ambitious plans to fur- spector AB Aal spearheaded including bank accounts, an dence located in Harihar Soci- senting the sentiments of the ones in those days, but they
The SMC’s commitment to tric vehicle adoption is fur- ther strengthen Surat’s elec- the investigation that ulti- Aadhaar card, an Election ety on Amin Marg in Rajkot. Kshatriya community, ex- did not bow before the
electric mobility extends be- ther solidified by its impres- tric vehicle infrastructure. mately led to the apprehen- Card and an Indian passport. Presently, two gunmen guards pressed disdain for Rupala’s sword.”

Over 1.3L students to take Mahavir varsity’s robotics skill for students
Common Entrance Test MELVYN THOMAS / SURAT The application of robotics
extends to healthcare as well.
dards across various sectors.
By integrating technology
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / in engineering and As the world moves towards Robots assist with surgeries, like sensors, actuators, and
AHMEDABAD pharmacy. Eligibility extends tech-driven solutions, stu- making them less invasive control systems, automation
to students who have opted dents at Surat-based Bhag- and more precise, leading to reduces human involvement,
The Gujarat Secondary and for Group A (Physics & wan Mahavir University are faster patient recovery. Robot- minimises errors, and max-
Higher Secondary Education Chemistry), Group B taking important lessons to ic exoskeletons can speed up imises output. In classrooms,
Board (GSHSEB) is gearing (Biology & Mathematics), or a become future professionals rehabilitation, helping pa- students learn the fundamen-
up to administer the annual combination of both (AB and leaders aiming to inno- tients regain mobility and tals of efficient automation,
Gujarat Common Entrance Group) in their Class 12 stud- vate technology. The Robotics function. Ultimately, robots in like the use of automated pro-
Test (GujCET) on March 31st, ies. and Automation Engineering productivity, efficiency, and healthcare are all about im- duction lines in smart facto-
2024. This year, Ahmedabad city appears to program at the university innovation. The Robotics and proving efficiency, accuracy, ries and self-driving cars that
approximately 1.37 lakh stu- be a major hub for aspiring goes beyond imparting Automation Engineering pro- and patient satisfaction. enhance driving logistics.
dents have registered for the engineers and pharmacists, knowledge; it aims to build gram at Bhagwan Mahavir In agriculture, technology Through practical lab work

RTI find: Surat airport crucial exam, seeking admis-

sion into engineering and
pharmacy programs offered
with a staggering 12,151 stu-
dents registering for the
exam. Interestingly, rural
the future professionals’ com-
petencies to become major
contributors, creative solu-
University is recognised for
equipping students for this
world of swift and ever-
plays a crucial role in boost-
ing productivity and advanc-
ing techniques. Automating
and hands-on activities, they
gain the skills to design, oper-
ate, and improve robotics and

shrouded in secrecy
across the state. Ahmedabad boasts an even tion-finders, and industry changing technology. processes like planting, culti- automation systems, prepar-
The breakdown of regis- higher figure, with a remark- chiefs. Rise of robotics vation, and weeding elimi- ing them for leadership roles
trations reveals a dominant able 18,401 students gearing ”Through joint presenta- Robotics is now playing a core nates the need for manual la- in this field.
presence of students from the up for the test. To accommo- tions of theoretical knowl- role in developing the bor, leading to significant in- Cutting-edge technologies
MELVYN THOMAS / SURAT transparency is not a burden, Gujarat board, with a stag- date this large pool of appli- edge, practical applications modern world. In manufac- creases in yield. Agricultural With the development of arti-
it’s a responsibility. Without gering 1,19,494 applicants. cants, GSHSEB has designat- and industry practices, our turing, robots perform criti- robots also promote sustain- ficial intelligence (AI), ma-
Surat citizens seeking trans- it, public trust erodes, and the CBSE students follow closely ed a total of 92 exam venues educators are equipped to cal tasks like maintaining able operations by saving re- chine learning, and computer
parency at the city airport are airport’s future becomes in- with 15,558 registrations, across Ahmedabad city and make a long-lasting contribu- production levels and accura- sources and maximising crop vision, robotics and automa-
facing a wall of silence. Right creasingly precarious,” re- while 18,305 students hail surrounding rural areas. tion to the development of ro- cy. They can handle repetitive yields. Students at Bhagwan tion are becoming more so-
to Information (RTI) applica- marked a local leader advo- from other state boards. Inter- With the exam date rapidly botics and automation,” says tasks with absolute precision, Mahavir University get to phisticated. These technolo-
tions concerning financial cating for airport reform. estingly, 12 international stu- approaching, students across a spokesperson for Bhagwan resulting in faster production delve into these practical ap- gies empower robots to be
records and safety protocols This lack of transparency dents will also be vying for Gujarat are likely to be en- Mahavir University. and fewer errors. This trans- plications and understand adaptive, learn from data, and
are being met with vague or stands in stark contrast to the seats this year. grossed in last-minute prepa- In recent years, the emer- lates to higher quality prod- how they drive efficiency and interact with their environ-
dismissive answers, raising Surat Municipal GujCET serves as the gate- rations. The high number of gence of artificial ucts and reduced costs. Addi- innovation. ment intelligently. Robots can
concerns about potential mis- Corporation, which readily way for students pursuing registrations this year signi- intelligence and machine tionally, robots can be de- Reshaping industries now perform tasks like self-
management and a lack of ac- provided copies of such no- science in Class 12 to secure fies the growing demand for learning has become vital ployed in hazardous or stren- Automation, the foundation navigation, object recogni-
countability. tices upon request. This dis- admission into various de- engineering and pharmacy across various sectors. This uous jobs, safeguarding hu- of robotics, is transforming tion, and collaboration with
One RTI activist, who crepancy suggests a deliber- gree and diploma programs professions in the state. has ushered in an era of high man workers. work processes and job stan- humans.
wished to remain anony- ate attempt by the airport ad-
mous, requested the airport’s ministration to withhold in- RANIP UNDERBRIDGE
profit and loss statements for formation. The motives be-
Defence secretary adds
the past five years. Astonish-
ingly, the response claimed
this information was unavail-
able. This raises serious ques-
hind this secrecy remain un-
clear, but it fuels speculation
about potential cover-ups or
attempts to shield certain
Bringing the public space to good use key infrastructure
tions about the airport’s fi- parties. FPJ NEWS SERVICE / The chosen theme for the CIMS Hospital. Funding for recreational facilities.
nancial health and the com- The opaqueness surround- AHMEDABAD Ranip underbridge is inspired the Gujarat College and CIMS The AMC envisions devel- FPJ NEWS SERVICE / fences. This facility is poised
petence of its administration. ing the Surat airport’s opera- by India’s space exploration Hospital flyover project is ex- oping the empty spaces under AHMEDABAD to play a pivotal role in ensur-
If basic financial data is tions is not merely inconven- The Ahmedabad Municipal endeavours – Chandrayaan-3. pected to come from CRS ini- flyovers across the city in a ing the timely technical sup-
deemed inaccessible, what ient; it has serious ramifica- Corporation (AMC) is taking Visitors can expect a food tiatives. phased manner. The Ranip In a significant development port, upkeep, and mainte-
level of transparency can cit- tions. Bypassing RTI, a cor- a giant leap forward in urban court, box cricket facilities, in- The vacant land under the GST Railway Overbridge, aimed at bolstering India’s nance of hovercrafts sta-
izens expect regarding cru- nerstone of India’s democrat- renewal with plans to trans- door games, and captivating flyover will be developed by a constructed in 2018 with a coastal security, Defence Sec- tioned at Okha and Jakhau.
cial operational aspects? ic framework, weakens form the neglected space un- artwork depicting the Chan- private contractor. This con- length of approximately 804 retary Giridhar Aramane These hovercrafts are instru-
Another RTI application public trust and hinders ac- der the Ranip GST Railway meters, has been chosen as a paid a visit to the Indian mental in maintaining sur-
requested copies of notices is- countability. Furthermore, Overbridge. This project, esti- The vacant land under the flyover will be pilot project. The success of Coast Guard facilities in the veillance over 50 islands in
sued to entities violating
height restrictions and ob-
officials who struggle to com-
prehend and respond to basic
mated at Rs.2.48 crore, aims to
revitalise the area with a
developed by a private contractor this initiative will determine
how similar spaces under
North West Region. The visit,
spanning March 28th to 29th,
the Gulf of Kutch.
The HMU facilities encom-
structing flight operations at RTI inquiries raise concerns unique theme and a variety other flyovers can be better marked the inauguration of pass essential components
the airport between 2019 and about their ability to effec- of recreational facilities. drayaan mission. Rocket tractor will pay an annual fee utilised in the future. vital infrastructure aimed at such as ACV parking for tech-
2024. The response deemed tively manage the airport’s Previously plagued by ille- sculptures will add a touch of to the municipality and be au- This project presents an ex- enhancing the operational ca- nical assistance, an office
the request “not specific” – a complex operations. gal parking and littering, the futuristic flair to the space. thorised to charge the public citing opportunity for pabilities of the Coast Guard. building, workshop, and
flimsy excuse considering the “Citizens of Surat deserve underbridge is set for a dra- This project is just the first a fixed rate for using facilities Ahmedabad. Not only will it On March 28th, Aramane maintenance area. These pro-
clear timeframe provided. better. Transparency is essen- matic makeover. The AMC step in the AMC’s grander vi- like the food court and box address issues like littering inaugurated the Hovercraft visions are expected to
“Bypassing RTI is an tial for ensuring the airport’s has issued a tender for the de- sion. The corporation plans to cricket. However, once the and illegal parking, but will Maintenance Unit infrastruc- ensure the optimal opera-
attack on democracy itself. financial viability, opera- velopment, which will be com- develop similar themed recre- thematic development is com- also create a unique and vi- ture at Okha, underscoring tional availability of hover-
The airport administration tional safety and effective- pleted within a year of the ational areas under flyovers plete, the AMC will issue a brant public space for resi- the government’s commit- crafts, thereby bolstering the
needs to understand that ness.,” said an RTI activist. work order being awarded. near Gujarat College and fresh tender for managing the dents to enjoy. ment to fortify coastal de- Coast Guard’s readiness.
Koil Alwar Thirumanjanam at Srivari Temple on April 2
TIRUMALA: Ahead of Ugadi festivities, the temple cleaning fete of Koil Alwar Thirumanjanam conducted on a grand scale between 6.00-11.00 am from April 2. From the Ananda Nilaya
will be conducted at the Srivari temple on April 2. As per tradition, the temple cleaning program Vimana to Bangaru Vakili, all sub-temples inside the temple, corridors, walls and roof slabs, all
is performed at the Srivari temple on any Tuesday ahead of annual festivals like Anivara Asthana, puja utensils will be cleaned with desi detergents, perfumes water is sprayed all around During
Brahmotsavam, Vaikunta Ekadasi and Ugadi. This year the Koil Alwar Thirumanjanam will be the cleaning program the of Srivari Mula Virat will be covered with white cloth. HYDERABAD | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024

‘Govt committed to welfare Protest erupt in Anantapur

over TDP’s ticket
of Valmiki Boya community’
FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD Telangana has become

Telugu Desam Party (TDP)

chief N Chandrababu Naidu

Chief Minister A Revanth a model in the country BRS MLA on Friday released the final
list of the party candidates.
Reddy has informed that the in terms of Kadiyam Srihari, The party Candidates for 144
Congress government is com- Assembly seats and 17 Parlia-
mitted to the welfare of
administration and the his daughter to mentary seats have been an-
State government has
Valmiki Boya community in
Telangana. worked for the
join Cong soon nounced in four phases. TDP
leader Prabhakar
Addressing the meeting of FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD Chowdary's supporters
Valmiki Boya held at Gandhi welfare of the poor for staged a protest after Daggu-
Bhavan here on Friday, the the last three months, The line has been cleared for bati Venkateshwara Prasad
Chief Minister said that after another BRS MLA Kadiyam was announced as the candi-
the end of the Election Code, besides recruiting Srihari and his daughter to date for Anantapur Urban As-
the State government would 30,000 jobs join the Congress party. sembly seat. Flexes and pam-
take the responsibility of giv- A group of Congress lead- phlets of the party were set The supporters raised Chandrababu's down
ing appropriate place in wel- ers led by AICC Telangana in- on fire. They attacked the
fare, development and educa- criticised DK Aruna, a BJP charge Deepadas Munshi TDP party office in Ananta- down, and Lokesh down down slogans. Tension
tion for the Valmiki Boya candidate for Mahabubna- went to Kadiyam's residence pur city Breaking the window prevailed in Anantapur due to the agitation of
community people. gar Lok Sabha constituency, here on Friday and invited panes of the office. Furniture
On the occasion, he asked for failing to bring funds them into the Congress. and computers in the office Prabhakar Chowdary’s faction.
the people of Valmiki Boyal from the Centre for the de- The team includes Mallu were also destroyed. They
community to extend their velopment of the district Ravi, Sampath Kumar and were angry that those who Chowdary Former MLA Chandrababu asked whom
support for Congress in the vanth Reddy disclosed. phone tapping during the pre- and said that she had no Rohin Reddy. The Congress worked hard for the party Prabhakar Chowdhary react- and gave ticket to Daggubati
Lok Sabha elections as the Alleging that the vious government and said right to seek votes in the Lok leaders spent at Kadiyam's were not given tickets and the ed sharply to the fact that he Prasad. Is he gandhi's succes-
State government has provid- employees had lost faith in that KTR was speaking Sabha polls. residence for more than half tickets were sold for money . did not get the party ticket. He sor? On what basis was he
ed a good administration in the previous BRS govern- shamelessly, instead of "Why did the Palamuru an hour and discussed vari- The supporters raised alleged that The Telugu De- given the ticket? I will an-
100 days. ment, the Chief Minister said feeling guilty. Rangareddy Lift Irrigation ous issues. Chandrababu's down down, sam Party had been sold out. nounce my future course of
"Telangana has become a the BRS government had "KTR will soon experience project not get the national Speaking to the media on and Lokesh down down slo- He alleged that tickets were action on Saturday . Even if
model in the country in terms committed many blunders the result of phone tapping status despite the BJP having the occasion, Deepadas Mun- gans. Tension prevailed in being given here only to those Chandrababu calls me, I will
of administration and the and terrorised people with case. Those who are guilty of power in ten years at the Cen- shi said that both Kadiyam Anantapur due to the agita- who have money. “The Telugu not go to him,” Prabhakar
State government has worked phone tapping. phone tapping will be tre. Did DK Aruna bring wa- Srihari and his daughter tion of Prabhakar Desam Party is not walking Chowdhary said . He com-
for the welfare of the poor for He also slammed BRS counted in Charlapally Jail," ter from Karnataka through Kavya had been invited to Chowdary’s faction. with the principles. I worked plained that injustice was
the last three months, besides working president KT Rama Revanth Reddy said. the RDS project," Revanth join Congress and they had I won't go even if Chan- hard for the party for five done to many others in the
recruiting 30,000 jobs," Re- Rao for defending the act of The Chief Minister also Reddy questioned. accepted the proposal. drababu calls me: Prabhakar years. I sold my own assets. district.

AICC plans to drop

Danam Nagender Congress cannot buy into BRS Constitutional rights at stake in India
for Secunderabad
Lok Sabha party activists: Harish Rao FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD

All India Congress Committee

Deepadas Munshi said the con-
It seems that All India Con- Former Minister Harish Rao stitutional rights are at stake in
gress Committee ( AICC) is today made it clear that the the country and Congress is
planning to drop the name of Congress party cannot buy not fighting the BJP, but the
Khairatabad MLA Danam the true BRS party activists protection of democracy.
Nagender for the Secunder- although it bought some of Addressing the TPCC cam-
abad Lok Sabha constituency. the party leaders. Taking a paign committee meeting
The Congress has already jibe at the party leaders such held at Gandhi Bhavan here
announced Danam Nagen- as KK and Kadiyam Srihari , on Friday, Deepadas Munshi
der's name as the party candi- he said that those who be- said the Congress leaders
date for the Secunderabad trayed the party in difficult need to expose the failures of
parliamentary seat. However, times of crisis had betrayed BJP government at the
sources said that the party
leadership is reconsidering
their mother and made it
clear that Those who have
Centre and it's corruption
during the last ten years.
Congress leaders need to expose the failures of government during the last
three months should be taken
it's decision of naming gone would not be admitted She said the campaign BJP government at the Centre and it's corruption up to the village level, and
Danam Nagender and plan- into the party again even if should be made with double en- during the last ten years. hoardings should be used
ning to announce another they bow down before them. thusiasm than what was done along with wall writings be-
candidate. “We will show the dots to in the Assembly elections in sides the widely usage of so-
Sources said that the party the Congress in the Assembly to Take the lies and decep- Rao said that Revanth was Telangana and efforts should these content should be trans- undertaken for the success of cial media.
leadership has expressed dis- until the 6 guarantees are im- tions of the Congress party to asking people to vote after made to win majority of the lated into Telugu properly the Congress party during Minister Ponnam Prab-
satisfaction at his behavior plemented,” he said . Harish the people and make them un- seeing his 100 days of rule. seats in the Lok Sabha elections. and disseminated widely. the Parliamentary elections. hakar, Manakondur MLA K
and now it is reported that Rao participated in the derstand while stressing that “Did he implement the Deepadas Munshi said that On the occasion, she gave TPCC campaign committee Satyanarayana, MLC Mahesh
the party is offering the ticket preparatory meeting for People should not be de- election promises in 100 days? 5-10 social media contents are guidance to the representa- chairman Madhu Yashki Kumar Goud, AICC Secretary
to someone else. medak parliamentary elec- ceived. Promises like Rs..4,000 pen- coming from the National tives of the campaign com- Goud said the development Rohit Chaudhary were also
The AICC reportedly tions held in Dubbaka con- He alleged that the con- sion, Rythu bandhu, one tola Congress party every day, mittee on the activities to be undertaken by the Congress present in the meeting.
asked Danam to resign from stituency. gress party was Unable to im- gold and bonus on paddy
MLA seat, but the Speaking on the occasion, plement the six guarantees were not implemented so far.
Khairatabad MLA is not in a
position to quit the post of
he said that From the begin-
ning of the pink flag, Dubba-
and added that it was spread-
ing lies that something hap-
Many deadlines have
passed but none have been All the garbage has gone out BRS leaders
MLA at this juncture.
On the other hand, peti-
ka assembly segment was
their fortress .
pened during the BRS
regime. He said that they
implemented. That's why the
Congress party should be from our party: Pocharam slam Kadiyam
tions are being filed in the
High Court against Danam
“I thank the people and ac-
tivists of Dubbaka for sup-
would bend the necks of the
Congress party and imple-
taught a lesson in the MP
elections,” he said . FPJ BUREAU/SANGAREDDY flag from the beginning were Srihari
Nagender's election. The porting the BRS from the ment the promises. He alleged that BJP candi- still clinging to the BRS party. FPJ BUREAU/WARANGAL
court already issued notices very beginning. BRS party "Revanth is still speaking date M. Raghunandan Rao, Reacting sharply over the de- "The BRS in the state and
to him. Taking all the param- brought irrigation water and like the leader of the opposi- who won by making bogus sertion of several party leaders the BJP at the Centre have BRS party leaders today
eters into consideration, it is drinking water to Dubbaka. tion. Don’t behave like a hu- promises in Dubbaka bye- , Senior BRS party leader and been in power for 10 years. We slammed over the decision of
reported that AICC is plan- The Congress and the BJP man bomb but, behave hu- elections, was also coming former Assembly Speaker can tell you about the 100 the party MLA Kadiyam Sri-
ning to field another candi- have done nothing,” he said. manely, Revanth Reddy,” he back to cheat again in the Former MLA Pocharam Srinivas Reddy to- schemes implemented by the hari to join rival congress
date in his place. He asked the party cadres said Medak MP elections. Rajaiah’s name day made it clear that only
strong people were sticking to
BRS government,” he said .
Pocharam challenged the
Speaking to media persons
comes to fore for the party and added that all the BJP and congress parties to tell , former party MLAs Vinay

IIIT Hyderabad signs MoU Warangal MP seat ! garbage that existed in the par-
ty had now gone . He held a
them about a single scheme im-
plemented by the them.
Bhaskar, Peddi Sudarshan
Reddy expressed comments

with Plaksha University

Warangal; The name of meeting with the BRS party Pocharam alleged that not a made by the party candidate
former MLA of Warangal workers of Andhole as- single rupee had been from Warangal MP seat and
Station Ghanpur Thatikonda sembly constituency released since the the daughter of Kadiyam Sri-
FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD sustainable communities in- Rajaiah, has come up as the at Jogipet in Sid- CM Revanth Red- hari Kadiyam Kavya in her
cluding sensors, ML models, BRS party candidate from dipet district on dy government resignation letter to the BRS
IIIT Hyderabad and Plaksha communication/5g, digital Warangal seat . According to Friday. On this oc- came to power in party president KCR. "I went
University signed an MoU on twins, economics, and so- news reports, the BRS is casion, he reacted Telangana . to Kadiyam Srihari's house at
campus today to establish a cial/human sciences. planning to field Rajaiah in sharply to the mi- In the recently 8 am to talk about the pro-
Sustainability Centre based It will also take up problems the wake of the party candi- gration of the held Assembly grammes to be taken up on
on Smart and Sustainable in functional domains like date Kadiyam Kavya's refusal leaders from the elections in Telan- The 31st and did not make
Communities. The MoU was air/pollution, water (networks, to contest the upcoming elec- party to the Congress gana, the Congress any comment even then.
jointly signed by Prof P J wtp, stp, rain), energy (smart tions and her decision to join party. party was given power Kadiyam Srihari has sacri-
Narayanan, Director, IIIT Hy- meters, distribution, grids, the Congress party. The BRS "This is how the selfish and by the voters. With this, the gov- ficed the lives of many people
derabad and Prof Rudra Prat- storage), waste management leaders are reportedly in deceitful people who have ernment was formed under the out of arrogance. Kadiyam
SCR completes 100% ap, Founding Vice Chancellor
of Plaksha University.
(solid water and otherwise),
food/agriculture (sustainably
touch with Rajaiah in this re-
gard. Reacting on the issue ,
come into the party for posi-
tions, power and business are
leadership of Revanth Reddy. In
the presence of Revanth Reddy,
Srihari has a history of sup-
pressing workers who

Electrification in Nanded Division

The Sustainability Center produce, process, consume), Rajaiah said that he would changing the party,” he said. All the key leaders of the BRS worked for the party among
will primarily focus on re- health (preventive and public discuss with the BRS party He, however, clarified that if party were wearing the con- the leaders. Kadiam Srihari
search for bottom-of-the-pyra- health and mental health). The activists and take a decision. the list of fraudsters was gress party’s scarf. BRS Party's has a history of blocking
FPJ BUREAU/HYDERABAD The Manmad - Mudkhed mid use cases around villages immediate short-term plan is He also said that he would written, the first name of the Rajya Sabha member K.K. and Chandrababu Naidu and tak-

Giving a major thrust to-

section over SCR is the and towns. IIITH and Plaksha
University will jointly work
to seed projects in Hyderabad
and Chandigarh around water,
move forward only after tak-
ing the opinion of the con-
leader would be BB Patil. He
recalled that the leaders and
his daughter and GHMC Mayor
G. Vijaya Laxmi have also decid-
ing up positions while work-
ing in TDP,” Sudarshan Red-
wards Mission Electrifica- critical rail link in on technologies applicable to pollution and agri-economics. stituency workers. activists who carried the pink ed to join the Congress party . dy said.
tion, South Central Railway Marathwada region
(SCR) has been electrifying

Thrilled that Tillu Square is working for audiences

its entire BG railway lines connecting Western
across its network on war parts of the country
footing basis. As part of it,
with the Southern part
Manmad – Mudkhed – Dhone
project has been successfully
completed by the Zone. The fi-
nal non-electrified railway
of the nation. more than DJ Tillu, team shares at success meet
line between Mirkhal–Mal- important towns like Hyder- tar Boy and actor-writer Directed by Mallik Ram, the film, produced by S
tekdi for a distance of 43.3 abad, Bengaluru and Chennai Siddhu Jonnalagadda
route kilometres has been in the South and Nagpur and paired up with Anupa- Naga Vamsi under Sithara Entertainments and
electrified as part of this Proj- Bilaspur in the East. Consider- ma Parameswaran for Tillu presented by Srikara Studios, has released to
ect. With the completion of ing its importance, sanction Square, the sequel to DJ Tillu,
this final stretch of 934 RKm has been accorded for the Elec- which hit theatres today. Di-
overwhelming responses worldwide.
Electrification project, the trification of Manmad - Mud- rected by Mallik Ram, the
Nanded Division in Maha- khed section as part of the film, produced by S Naga Radhika of DJ Tillu, called an individual film, without
rashtra state achieves a mile- Manmad - Mudkhed - Dhone Vamsi under Sithara Enter- and appreciated my perform- downplaying the impact of
stone, as 100% of its erstwhile electrification project. tainments and presented by ance. I didn’t want to make the DJ Tillu. Tillu is like a vulner-
Broad Gauge rail lines are The Manmad - Mudkhed Srikara Studios, has released mistake of missing out on this able time bomb and he gets
now electrified, except those section over SCR is the criti- to overwhelming responses character.” ample scope to shine here.”
rail lines which have been re- cal rail link in Marathwada worldwide. Siddhu Jonnalagadda stat- Producer S Naga Vamsi
cently converted into broad region connecting Western Commemorating its suc- ed, “I thank my producers, mentioned, “I am confident
gauge from meter gauge. parts of the country with the cess, the team came together Trivikram for believing us. that it’ll touch Rs 100 crore
The Manmad - Mudkhed Southern part of the nation. for a success meet today. It’s their trust that helped us gross, going by the response.
section over SCR is the critical This section connects the Director Mallik Ram all along. I was silent during It’s a character audiences love
rail link in Marathwada re- Marathwada region with fi- shared, “I am very happy promotions because I wanted getting back to. This is the
gion connecting Western parts nancial capital Mumbai in with the response. We’ve been the film to speak. We cast right film to watch this sum-
of the country with the South- the west, important towns getting congratulatory calls Anupama for the value she mer and we have a long run
ern part of the nation. This like Hyderabad, Bengaluru all over the world. People are brought as a performer. She ahead. We’re expecting Rs 25
section connects the Marath- and Chennai in the South liking the characters, the Anupama Parameswaran emotions and I’m happy with diences enough. I am grateful elevated the role. I wanted to crore gross on day one. We
wada region with financial and Nagpur and Bilaspur in world and it’s great to see the said, “It has been a long jour- the response. I don’t know for the team for standing by be honest to the script as a want to do Tillu 3 as soon as
capital Mumbai in the west, the East. glowing reviews.” ney and a rollercoaster ride of how to thank my team and au- my lows. Neha Shetty, the writer first and treated it as possible.”
Naxals call for bandh on April 3
SUKMA: The Naxalites have termed the recent encounter in Chippurbhatti of Bijapur as fake. A
bandh was called in Sukma-Bijapur district on April 3 in protest against the encounter. South
Bastar Division Committee Secretary Ganga in a statement said that CMM President of
Jagargunda Area Committee Gangi and PL 9 party member Nagesh had gone to Chippurbhatti to
hold a meeting of villagers. At 4.00 am, all the unarmed were caught and shot. CHHATTISGARH | SATURDAY | MARCH 30, 2024

Under trial
prisoner escapes IT notice to Congress is dictatorship
of BJP government: Deepak Baij
from Raipur
Court premises
STAFF REPORTER / Raipur are being held in the coun-
An under-trial prisoner try, after the imposition of
accused of selling pro- Chhattisgarh Pradesh Con- the code of conduct, misus-
hibited narcotic sub- gress Committee President ing the Income Tax Depart-

Flight from Raipur to

stances escaped the Deepak Baij had alleged ment efforts are on to hurt
clutches of police while that the Income Tax Depart- the Congress party finan-
brought for hearing from ment imposing a fine of Rs cially. Seizing the bank ac-
the court premises. The 1823.08 crore on Congress counts of the Congress par-
prisoner escaped from Party reflects the dictator- ty and sending income tax

Jagdalpur in offing
the police custody while ship of the BJP's central notices just before the elec-
he was brought for hear- government. There is a con- tions on the pretext of a 30
ing in the case. spiracy by the BJP central year old baseless case is un-
After the occurrence government to deprive the democratic. The dictatorial
of an unpredicted inci- main opposition party of government is bent on in-
dent, Senior Superinten- resources at the time of Lok timidating the opposition
dent of Police Raipur Sabha elections in the coun- and destroying democracy STAFF REPORTER / Raipur flight ticket will be Rs 2,299. Raipur at 1:50 pm. The flight
Santosh Singh suspend- try. by misuse of money, force The air service from number 6 E 7095 will take off
ed two constables for He alleges Prime Minis- and central agency. The passengers waiting for Raipur to Jagdalpur will op- from Raipur at 2:10 pm and
maintaining careless- ter Modi knows that there is The CPCC chief said that commencement of Raipur- erate four days a week. The reach Jagdalpur at 3:10 pm.
ness while on duty. an atmosphere against him the electoral bond scam, Jagdalpur flight have positive passengers will be able to fly Flight number 6 E7104 will
The incident occurred in the country, so to stop the which the Supreme Court news that air service on the from Jagdalpur to Hyderabad take off from Hyderabad to
in Raipur court opposition from contesting declared illegal and uncon- route will begin from March all seven days. Both flights Jagdalpur at 10:50 am and
premises, civil lines po- the elections, the Income ed governments of the Con- down and the investigating stitutional, has exposed the 31. will be operated by Indigo reach Jagdalpur at 12:30 pm.
lice station limits. Tax Department has been gress, and traded leaders agencies like ED, IT and bad intentions of the Modi The flight is being operated Airlines. The flight will operate for sev-
As per the information made proactive. through fear and greed. The CBI put pressure on them. government and the by Indigo Airlines. Flights As per the official commu- en days a week. Flight num-
received, Raipur police He said the BJP-led cen- leaders who did not bow When the general elections Bharatiya Janata Party. from Jagdalpur to Hyderabad nication, Flight number 6 ber 6 E 7105 will take off from
arrested accused tral government is also try- will start from April 1. The E7092 will take off from Jag- Jagdalpur at 12:50 pm and
Pradeep Adinath from ing to snatch away the limit- price of Raipur to Jagdalpur dalpur at 12:50 pm and reach reach Hyderabad at 2:25 pm.
Ahmednagar, Maharash- ed resources of the opposi-
Congress to protest today
Congress if forms
tra under NDPS act and tion parties by hatching
sent to jail. anti-democratic conspira-
He is an under-trial
prisoner and was
cies. It is working against
the image of fair elections
STAFF REPORTER: Chhattisgarh Pradesh Con-
gress Committee will hold a massive public protest
opposition parties to fail the Indian democracy and
a conspiracy is being hatched to weaken the Free medical
facilities for
govt at Centre to
brought to court premis- and healthy democracy that with torch procession on March 30 in all the district opposition economically.
es on the very day for the the previous Congress gov- headquarters of the state in protest An illegal attempt to freeze the bank accounts of
hearing. The accused
was accompanied by the
ernments had created for 70
years. BJP has hatched a
The protest is against the serious attack on
democracy and the imposition of tax terrorism on
the main national opposition party Indian National
Congress lasted for more than a month on the eve officers,
create 30 lakh jobs employees
constables Dageshwar conspiracy to establish a the Congress Party in the midst of important Lok of the national general elections in February last
Gaikwad and Satpal monopoly by snatching Sabha elections. The next day, massive protests month. All India Congress Committee received
Sahu in the court premis- away funds and resources will be held in all the constituencies under the fresh notice from the IT department to pay Rs STAFF REPORTER / Raipur
es. However, the accused from the opposition parties. leadership of Congress Party candidates involving 1,823.08 crore. Already the IT department has
managed to dodge both Baij accused that the au- local senior leaders and party officials. withdrawn Rs 135 crore from the bank account of STAFF REPORTER / Raipur For the Lok Sabha General
the constables and es- thoritarian Modi govern- The Congress alleged that BJP is suppressing the the Congress Party. Election - 2024, free medical
caped the court ment first toppled the elect- Chhattisgarh Pradesh Con- facilities will be provided to
premises. Later on he be- gress Committee Communi- the officers and employees
came untraceable. cation Chairman Sushil employed in election work
After the incident, the
matter was informed to
the Civil Lines Police Sta-
tion and the Police
Speaker undergoes surgery, healthy Anand Shukla claimed that if
the Congress forms the gov-
ernment at Centre, it will cre-
ate 30 lakh jobs a year.
in all the government hos-
pitals of Chhattisgarh.
The order issued by the
Health and Family Welfare
lodged an FIR against the STAFF REPORTER / Raipur mer Chief Minister Raman healthy. I pray to Lord Shri He says unemployment is Department, if necessary
fleeing accused. Singh was struggling with the Ram for his continued good one of the biggest problems health facilities are not
In the case, one senior Chhattisgarh Assembly problem of slip disc. His move- health.” Replying to the tweet, in the country today. The Con- available in the government
level police official in- Speaker Raman Singh has un- ment was affected due to it. Raman Singh thanked Sai for gress Party realizes that the hospitals of the state or in
formed them that they dergone surgery. He is com- Sai through X wrote, “Good his wishes. He states, “My development of the country case of emergency, officers
received some clues pletely healthy after surgery. news has been received about health is completely fine now, is possible at a fast pace only and employees will be able
about the fugitive and Chief Minister Vishnu Deo the recovery of Assembly soon after reaching Raipur I when the youth power of the to get their treatment in
very soon the accused Sai had greeted him for his Speaker and former Chief will again dedicate myself to country is fully utilised, there three private hospitals in
will be arrested. fast recovery through X. In Minister respected Dr. Raman the service of Chhattisgarh is work in every hand and no the capital Raipur and two
fact, for the last few days, for- Singh ji. Now he is completely Mahatari.” youth is unemployed. With Rights Act to provide one- outside the state.
this objective Congress Na- year apprenticeship in a pri- The aim of successfully
tional President Mallikarjun vate or public sector conducting the Chhattis-

Cong lodges complaint with CEO

Kharge and Congress leader company to every diploma garh Lok Sabha General
Rahul Gandhi have promised holder or college graduate be- Elections 2024, emergency
that if the Congress govern- low 25 years of age. Trainees duties have been imposed
ment is formed, the Congress will get Rs 1 lakh per year on officers and employees
government will work to gen- (₹8,500/month), he said. of various departments on

Complaint against Ram Vichar Netam

STAFF REPORTER / Raipur erate employment and ensure Shukla further said a fund the instructions of the Com-
job security in the country. of Rs 5,000 crore in every dis- mission. Free medical facil-
A delegation of Legal De- Rahul Gandhi has trict will be created, which ities will be provided in all
partment of Chhattisgarh STAFF REPORTER: Legal De- Dewangan alleged that announced justice for youth will be allocated for a period the government hospitals of
Pradesh Congress Commit- partment of Chhattisgarh Agriculture Minister Ramvichar justice in 5 phases. of five years in all the the state for the officers and
tee (CPCC), headed by its Pradesh Congress Committee Netam served ‘food’ and Shukla said that Congress districts of the country. employees assigned for elec-

NSO holds training for Chairman Dewa

Dewangan, has made a writ-
(CPCC) has made a written
complaint to Chief Electoral Of-
‘bhang’ to common citizens
during the Holi Milan
guarantees that it will create
30 lakh jobs in the central gov-
Young people under 40 years
of age can avail start-up fund-
tion work.
Hospitals in the state and

Annual Survey of Industries

ten complaint to Chief Elec- ficer (CEO) Chhattisgarh for vio- programme in his native ernment, as per the published ing for their business ven- outside the state have also
toral Officer (CEO), Chhat- lating model code of conduct, village in violation of the employment calendar. 10 lakh tures in any sector. been identified to provide
tisgarh Reena Babasaheb against Agriculture Minister model code of conduct. The sanctioned posts are vacant The Congress guarantees free medical facilities in
STAFF REPORTER / Raipur submit the returns within the Kangale, stating that the Ramvichar Netam, who had demand was raised to take in Central Ministries/De- to bring laws to ensure better case of non-availability of
prescribed time limit. He Bharatiya Janata Party served food to common people action against Agriculture partments. There are other working conditions and necessary facilities in gov-
The National Statistical Of- called upon the industrial (BJP) should not be allowed during Holi Milan programme Minister Ramvichar Netam for vacancies in health, educa- social security for lakhs of ernment hospitals or in case
fice, Regional Office, Raipur units to make maximum ef- to organise its Sammelan at at his native village in Balram- violating the model code of tion, police and army. The youth who find employment of emergency. Within the
organised a training camp at forts to self-compile the re- the Auditorium of Medical pur district,. conduct. central government of Con- in the gig economy every state, treatment facilities
Bhakta Mata Karma Com- turns. College Raipur on March 31. gress will conduct a recruit- year. And the Central Govern- will be available at Shri Bal-
plex, New Rajendra Nagar, The representatives of var- In the complaint letter, ment drive to fill all these va- ment of Congress will guar- aji Hospital Mova in the cap-
Raipur for industrial units to ious industrial units of Dewangan mentioned that ernment building so the there as it will be a cancies. antee minimum income to ital Raipur, Shri Narayana
self-compile the returns on Raipur Vandana Ispat, Heera the Auditorium of the Med- BJP should not be allowed violation of model code of The Congress will guaran- the youth working as delivery Hospital Devendra Nagar
the web portal. Cement, Heera Ispat, ical College Raipur is a gov- to organise the Sammelan conduct. tee a new Apprenticeship boys, he added. Raipur and Ramakrishna
The National Statistical Of- Rotocast Industries, Navb- Care Hospital Pachpedi
fice (Field Operations Divi- harat Press, Vijay Transmis- Naka Raipur. Similarly, out-
sion), Ministry of Statistics
and Program Implementa-
tion, Government of India
every year conducts the An-
sion, Greenmac Technology,
Tarni Steel, Rama Udyog,
Shri Ram Iron Steel, Shubh
Honda, Vaswani Industries
BJP alleges voice against Bhupesh Baghel on rise side the state, treatment fa-
cilities will be available at
Care Hospital in Hyderabad
and Apollo Hospital in
nual Survey of Industries. and Har Chand Rai. Harimal STAFF REPORTER / Raipur ‘Mahtari’ and Congress Par- ers to become candidates Visakhapatnam.
The prescribed returns are and others participated. The ty. and force the Commission The order further states
filled by the selected industri- Statistical Officers from Chhattisgarh Bharatiya Gupta said, actually Bhu- to hold elections through that in case the treatment fa-
al units and submitted to the Raipur office, guided the se- Janata Party state pesh Baghel is seeing that ballot papers. cilities for government offi-
National Statistical Office. lected units to complete the spokesperson Kedarnath his defeat in Rajnandgaon Gupta added, Baghel had cers-employees and non-
Altaf Hussain Haji, Deputy returns. Gupta on Friday alleged Lok Sabha seat is certain forgotten that he is not in government officers-em-
Director General, National The Annual Survey of In- that the Congress leaders and hence he has already power and people of state ployees and security forces
Statistical Office, Raipur dustries, data related to capi- are slowly raising the voice started looking for excuses had already removed Con- and staff involved in elec-
presided over. tal, turnover, value addition, against the candidature of for his defeat, pointing out gress from power and now tion work are not available
Haji said that according to fuel and raw materials and in- former Chief Minister and errors in the country's con- Congress should get ready in the government hospitals
the Collection of Statistics put-output and other details Patan MLA Bhupesh stitution and rules. for the second defeat. of the district, the State
Act 2008 and the rules made of industrial units is collect- Baghel from Rajnandgao. He said it is the same Gupta alleged that while Nodal Agency through the
under it, the Annual Industry ed. Industrial data related to He alleged that the politi- Bhagel, who welcomed the in power, the Chief District Administration, the
Survey is conducted every employment, number of cal foundation has been EVM when he formed the Minister himself is respon- Prime Minister Referrals
year by the National Statisti- working days and social secu- shaken after hearing a lot government in 2018, Con- sible for the total damage to will be made to these hospi-
cal Office. All the selected in- rity benefits are also of abuse from veteran Con- gress governments formed the Congress party. The sit- tals by Jan Arogya Yojana
dustrial units are allotted collected. The data obtained gress worker and District conference in Rajnandgaon. on the rise within the party in Himachal Pradesh, Ra- uation is that while in pow- and Chief Minister Health
user ID and password on the is used for estimation of na- Panchayat member Suren- With expulsion of Vaish- with the allegations that jasthan and Karnataka. But er and now out of power, the Insurance Scheme, Direc-
web portal. The units them- tional income and estimation dra Vaishnav (Dau) on the nav on speaking truth, Gup- does politics only 'for him- now it's the reverse. Even party workers are opposing torate of Health Services.
selves have to compile and of Gross Domestic Product. stage of Congress workers ta said resentment has been self', not for Chhattisgarh suggesting Congress work- him.


ECI releases polling schedule for

Rajnandgaon, Mahasamund, Kanker Move out only if urgent work
STAFF REPORTER / Raipur in the body, this condition is increasing fluid intake.
STAFF REPORTER / Raipur Mahasamund, Rajim, Kurud and called heatstroke or heat On preventive steps, he
Dhamtari assembly constituen- The Health and Family Wel- stroke. said do not go out of the house
The Election Commission of India cies under Mahasamund parlia- fare Department, Chief Medical and Health unless it is absolutely neces-
has released the polling time sched- mentary constituency, voting will Government of Chhattisgarh Officer, Bemetara, Dr. S.R. sary. Before going out in the
ule for the Rajnandgaon, Ma- be held from 7 am to 6 pm. Voting has issued an advisory for all Churendra said that all the sun, wrap your head and ears
hasamund and Kanker parliamen- will be held from 7 am to 3 pm for 9 the citizens of the state in view community, primary and sub- properly with a cloth. Drink
tary constituencies in the second polling stations in Bindranava- of the increasing temperature health centres including the plenty of water. Do not stay in
phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024 garh Assembly Constituency un- in the summer months. The district hospital will be pro- the sun for long. Wear soft cot-
to be held on April 26. der Mahasamund Parliamentary warning states that there is a vided with adequate quanti- ton clothes during summer so
The notification issued by the Constituency. Voting timing for possibility of severe heat and ties of necessary life-saving that air and clothes can ab-
Election Commission of India the remaining polling stations of citizens may suffer from heat medicines and others for pre- sorb sweat. In case of exces-
states, voting will be held on Friday, April Bindranavagarh Assembly Constituency will stroke. So proactive steps need vention and treatment of heat sive sweating, Drink the ORS
26 from 7 am to 6 pm in Pandaria, Kaward- be from 7 am to 6 pm. to be taken for prevention. stroke. solution. In case of dizziness
ha, Khairagarh, Dongargarh, Voting will be held in Sihawa, Sanjari The order states that there He further said the symp- or vomiting, rest in a shady
Rajnandgaon, Dongargaon, Khujji assem- Balod, Dondilohara, Gunderdehi assembly are adverse effects of intense toms of heat stroke include place. Drink soft water, fruit
bly constituencies under Rajnandgaon par- constituencies under Kanker parliamentary heat from the sun that have heaviness and pain in the ature, excessive thirst and thirsty; people with epilepsy juice, lassi, buttermilk and
liamentary constituency. Voting will be constituency from 7 am to 6 pm. Voting will be an adverse effect on body tem- head, high fever along with less urination. Loss of ap- or possible heart, kidney or others. In case of vomiting,
held from 7 am to 3 pm in Mohla-Manpur as- held from 7 am to 3 pm in Antagarh, perature. Due to which the dry mouth, dizziness and petite and fainting. liver disease, who take a fluid headache, high fever, seek
sembly constituency under Rajnandgaon Bhanupratappur, Kanker, Keshkal assembly body temperature increases vomiting, body ache along He said, to prevent heat restricted diet or who have necessary advice from the
parliamentary constituency. constituencies under Kanker parliamentary uncontrollably, causing defi- with weakness, lack of sweat- stroke, drink enough water problems with fluid retention, nearest hospital or health
In Saraipali, Basna, Khallari, constituency. ciency of water and minerals ing despite high body temper- even if one does not feel should consult a doctor before centre.
Kejriwal arrested as Union govt wants to weaken democracy: Patwari
BHOPAL: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by the ED as the Narendra Modi government
wants to weaken the opposition, Madhya Pradesh Congress president Jitu Patwari said on Friday. Speaking to
PTI, he also exuded confidence the Congress will win at least 15 of the 29 Lok Sabha seats in MP, where
polling will take place in four phases between April 19 and May 13.

JOLT FOR NATH Man booked for

raping woman, Sunny during the day, rain
Cong MLA from Amarwara filming act
hits Bhopal in evening
joins ruling party

A 20-year-old man has been

booked for allegedly
raping a woman multiple
times and filming the act.
The police added that both
OUR STAFF REPORTER the accused, as well as the
city.bhopal@fpj.co.in survivor woman belong to
the same village in Sehore.
The BJP has struck a se- According to the Kamla
vere blow to former chief Nagar police, the 19-year-
minister Kamal Nath in old moved to Bhopal in
Chhindwara. The BJP ad- 2023. The accused named
mitted Congress legisla- Raja Bagle used to reside at
tor from Amarwara, Kam- close quarters to her kin’s
lesh Shah, into the party house in Kamla Nagar. He
on Friday. Shah consid- approached the woman in
ered very close to Nath January, stating that he
won the assembly wanted to marry her. When
election for the third time the woman turned down
in a row. his proposal, he abducted
After admitting Deepak
Saxena, son of Ajay Saxe-
her from Nehru Nagar bus
stop on January 26, and
Alert for rain, hail in most parts of state
na, into the party, the BJP
has rattled the Congress by
took her to a deserted local-
ity, where he raped her, and After remaining sunny
Heat wave in Ratlam, Sagar, Shivpuri,
giving membership to filmed the act. He even throughout the day, Bhopal Tikamgarh, Damoh, & Guna
Shah's wife and former
al voters in Chhindwara
Lok Sabha constituency. Mahendra Singh, threatened to kill her fami-
ly if she revealed the inci-
experienced light rain with
speedy winds on Friday to 45 kmph in Sehore, Katni, Panna (Tiger Re-
chairperson of Nagar Pali-
ka Madhavi Shah and
The BJP is pulling out all
the stops to win the Vijayvargiya play major role dent to anyone.
Two days later, on Janu-
Thundershower, hail with
Bhind, Datia (Ratangarh,
Nivari), Orchha, Jabalpur(
serve), Satna, Maihar, Nars-
ingpur, Mandla, Umaria
sister and chairperson of Chhindwara Lok Sabha BJP's election in-charge in the state Mahendra Singh ary 28, the accused repeat- lightning and speedy winds Airport) and Bhedaghat), (Bandhavgarh) and Mand-
district Panchayat Kesar seat. has played an important role in bringing Kamlesh Shah ed the act and also subject- are likely in most of the Chhatarpur, Khajuraho and saur districts. Districts of
Netam also joined the BJP As part of the election to the party. In-charge of Chhindwara constituency ed her to unnatural acts, as parts of state in next 24 Damoh. Similarly, light Ratlam, Sagar, Shivpuri,
along with many party strategy, the BJP is engi- Kailash Vijayvargiya, who carried out the party's stated by her in the FIR. In hours. Meteorological de- thunderstorms with light- Tikamgarh, Damoh, and
workers. neering defection in the strategy, is staying in Chhindwara these days. Party March 2024, when the sur- partment has attributed the ning are likely to occur over Guna experienced heat
Shah said that because he Congress and bringing the sources said they are in touch with a few more vivor refused to meet change in weather to Bhopal, Badwani, Dhar waves in the last 24 hours.
was impressed by the poli- leaders and the workers to legislators and leaders of the Congress in the Chhindwara Bagle, he sent the videos to trough/wind discontinuity (Mandu), Shajapur, Khand- Heat wave is also likely in
cies of Prime Minister its camp. In the 2019 Lok parliamentary constituency. MEANWHILE, Kamlesh Shah her father. The woman ap- that extends from south inte- wa (Omkareshwar), Khar- the same districts in next 24
Narendra Modi and the ide- Sabha election, Nakul Nath reached assembly after 4 pm and handed over his proached the police on Fri- rior Karnataka to the central gone (Maheshwar), Dewas, hours, according to meteor-
ology of the BJP, he joined won the seat by a low mar- resignation letter to Assembly's principal secretary AP day and lodged a parts of Madhya Pradesh. Indore, Raisen, Vidisha, Be- ological department offi-
ruling party. gin. Therefore, the defec- Singh. It was complaint against the ac- A yellow alert has been is- tul, Chhindwada, Tikam- cials. Around 16 districts
Shah is very influential in tion of the Congress men to forwarded to the Speaker Narendra Singh Tomar who cused. A search was sued for moderate thunder- garh, East Shivpuri, recorded above 40 degrees
the Amarwara area. He has the BJP may weigh heavy accepted it immediately. launched to nab the ac- storms with lightning and Neemuch, Narmadapuram Celsius day temperature in
also influence over the trib- on him. cused. hail with wind speeds of up (Pachmarhi), Harda, Sagar, the state.

Gwalior student gets Rs 46 cr I-T 2 oil firms raided for copyright, 6K hectares of Panna Tiger
Reserve in submergence
notice over bank transactions
OUR STAFF REPORTER has been misused, a compa-
trademark infringement area of Ken-Betwa link
city.bhopal@fpj.co.in ny has been registered OUR STAFF REPORTER ildlife activist Ajay
through it and transactions OUR STAFF REPORTER city.bhopal@fpj.co.in Dubey said when
A college student has filed a of such a huge amount have city.bhopal@fpj.co.in Omkareshwar and
complaint with Gwalior po- been done. The matter is be- Around 6,017 hectare land of Indira Sagar projects came up
lice after transactions of Rs ing investigated." A local commissioner ap- Panna Tiger Reserve is on the Narmada basin, at that
46 crores occurred from his Dandotiya told the media, "I pointed by Patiala House falling in the limit of the sub- time the state government
bank account, a police offi- am a college student in (commercial court), New mergence area of the ambi- had given an affidavit that it
cial said on Friday. Gwalior. After the notice Delhi, on Friday raided two tious Ken-Betwa river link would develop one national
The victim became aware of from Income Tax and GST, I oil companies—RS Indus- project. park and two sanctuaries but
the transactions after he got came to know that a compa- tries, Mandideep and The efforts are underway even after passing of so many
years, there has been no
notice from income tax de- ny has registered through Nanakram Motumal of to get the equal amount of notification in this regard.
partment. my PAN card which has Bhopal—for copyright and land and to get it notified. Therefore, the government
Additional superintendent been operated in Mumbai trademark infringement. During his visit to Panna, claim of compensating the
of police (ASP) Shiyaz K M and Delhi since 2021. I do not These companies were additional principal chief land in the wake of Ken-
said that complainant know how my PAN card found selling soya oil under conservator of forest (Land Betwa project submergence
Pramod Kumar Dandotiya came to be misused and how the name of ‘A Ruchi Star’ Record) HS Mohanta re- area is not trustworthy.
(around 25 years old), came the transactions took place." oil by copying the name and viewed the progress related
to know about the matter He further said that as soon design of Patanjali Foods to getting the land to be re- would provide necessary
when he received a notice as he got notice from the in- (Ruchi Star) brand Ruchi ceived in lieu of submer- food to the wild animals and
from the income tax and come tax, he talked to the de- Star in Mandideep and sur- gence notified on Thursday. birds as well. Water bodies
GST that a company had partment concerned. After rounding areas of Bhopal. On Friday, commissioner will also be developed in the
been registered through his that, he tried to file a com- According to Patiala yellow and a hint of blue mercial court. After ex have raided two companies’ Sagar chaired a meeting in compensatory land area.<In-
PAN card which is being op- plaint with the police House court order, A Ruchi used for packaging of the parte decision of the court outlets in Mandideep and this regard. Once the notifi- teracting with Free Press,
erated in Mumbai and Delhi several times but no action Star of defendants is pho- complainant’s goods is simi- which appointed the com- Bhopal after District Court cation is done regarding the field director of the tiger re-
since 2021. was taken. On Friday, he netically similar to the lar to that of the defendant. missioner for smooth raids (Patiala House) ex parte or- land received against the serve, Anjana Shuchita, said
ASP added "An application reached the office of addi- Ruchi Star of the com- Patanjali Foods Limited with help of local police der in favour of com- submerged land, the tiger re- that compensatory land will
has been received. The docu- tional superintendent of po- plainant. Even essential fea- (formally known as Ruchi forces. plainant Patanjali Foods for serve officials will try to de- be received from the revenue
ments in this regard are be- lice and lodged his com- tures, including colour com- Soya Industries Limited) Local commissioner copyright and trademark velop it as a forest. Fruit areas of Chhatarpur, Panna
ing checked. The PAN card plaint again. binations like green, white, had filed a suit in the com- Satish Kumar said, “We infringement.” trees will be planted as they and Damoh districts.

State Information Commission is defunct, all posts vacant Patel believes party-hoppers are garbage,
OUR STAFF REPORTER the 10 posts of State In-
Applications galore
Bhargava likens them to ripe jujubes
city.bhopal@fpj.co.in formation Commission- OUR STAFF REPORTER compared the Congress with jujubes, which

ers will become vacant. eanwhile, people interested city.bhopal@fpj.co.in when ripen, fall from a tree. Likewise, the
Madhya Pradesh State This is despite in posts of State Information Congress leaders are falling into the lap of
Information Commis- Supreme Court’s direc- Statements are being issued over the entry the BJP like ripe jujubes, he said.
Commissioners have applied in
sion will become defunct tive that posts of State of leaders and workers of different political According to former minister Lalita
on March 30 as the Information Commis- large numbers. About 1,800 parties in the BJP. Yadav, the Congressmen have to adopt the
tenure of Chief Informa- sioners should not lie va- people from different fields have Labour Minister Prahlad Patel has be- BJP culture but the BJP leaders will not ad-
tion Commissioner AK cant. applied for the post. lieved the statement of MPCC president just them. When former legislator Neelesh
Shukla and lone State In- The sources at Com- Set up Jitu Patwari that those who are joining the Awasthi joined the BJP, Ajay Vishnoi said
formation Commissioner mission told Free Press BJP are useless or trash. According to Patel, the ruling party could not help but to admit
Rahul Singh ended on
Friday (March 29).
As there will be no ap- At present, 12,000 appli- pile up.
that government was
aware that the term of
lone State Information
M adhya Pradesh State
Information Commission is
led by Chief Information
the Modi government has set up three sepa-
rate dustbins for garbage. In one dustbin,
wet garbage is thrown and two others are
him into the organisation. Apart from that,
there is resentment in the ruling dispensa-
tion at the joining of leaders and members
pointment till Lok Sabha cations are pending with Out of 10 posts of State Commissioner Rahul Commissioner. Besides, there are meant for dry garbage and medical waste, of the Congress and other political outfits.
election gets over, there the Commission for Information Commis- Singh was about to end. Patel said. Everyone maintains a safe dis- According to sources, many leaders of the
will be no hearing of ap- hearing. In absence of sioners, nine were lying But it did not take steps
10 posts of State Information tance from medical waste, but rest of the BJP along with the party organisation are
plications for at least two fresh appointments, the vacant. After Rahul in advance to fill the Commissioners. Now, all the trash is fine, he said. requesting the top leadership not to admit
months. applications are likely to Singh’s tenure ends, all post. posts have become vacant. Former minister Gopal Bhargava has the Congressmen into the party.


3 Banchhada panchs held for human trafficking, extortion Both sides issue differing statements
Victim accuses threatened to order social
boycott of the family if
father of trying their demand was not met.
On the basis of the com-
to force her into plaint, another case was
registered under Section Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
prostitution 323 of the Indian Penal
Code (IPC) and Section
continued the survey of Bhojshala
Complex in Dhar for the eighth con-
FP NEWS SERVICE 5(1)(d) of the Immoral secutive day on Friday.
Ratlam Prostitution Act. Meanwhile, tensions arose as repre-
Taking cognizance, SP sentatives of both communities
Three panchs of Banchha- Rahul Lodha ordered im- made differing statements. Abdul
da community were arrest- mediate arrest of the ac- Samad said, “The survey is unneces-
ed over their involvement cused. Later, Ritesh sary. Report of a similar survey con-
in human trafficking and Chauhan, Inder Singh ducted in the past is already in public
extortion by threatening Chauhanand Babu Mali domain. We are against this new sur-
social boycott. One of the were arrested. vey, as several new things have start-
panch is also accused of Young girls of ed here since the last survey.”
forcing his daughter into Banchhada community are However, Gopal Sharma main-
prostitution. The fourth ac- accusing her father of the IPC. The accused was pushed into prostitution by tained, “It is Goddess Saraswati’s Bhojshala to dig seven to eight feet SP Manoj Kumar Singh, SDM Rosh-
cused is still on the run. pushing her into prostitu- also arrested. their parents even before temple. The survey will convince all deep holes. Cleaning activities ni Patidar, CSP Ravi Vaskel, DSP
According to Dhodhar po- tion. She also expressed On Thursday, Aditya attaining adulthood. those who are still unsure about it.” around the area too is in progress. Of- Anand Tiwari, police station in-
lice, a girl from Banchhada her resolve to pursue edu- Chauhan told the police Those raising their voice Hoping of a positive outcome from ficials examined banquet hall, adja- charge Sunil Sharma and Kotwali in-
community of Parwaliya, cation and settle with an that four Banchhada against the custom incur the current survey, Sharma said, cent areas and preserved excavated charge Sameer Patidar were present
had eloped with Aditya educated man. panchs — Ritesh Chauhan, the wrath of Panchs of the “The survey is being conducted sci- soil. Due to Friday prayers, Muslims at the spot.
Chauhan of Hanumantia Acting on the plaint, the Inder Singh Chauhan, Bha- community who impose entifically. We are hopeful of a posi- were not allowed to carry mobile In preparation for Rang Panchami,
with whom she got mar- police lodged a case under gatram Chauhan and Babu heavy fines amounting to tive outcome. “ phones in the premises. Security the police took out a flag march in the
ried. The girl later lodged a Immoral Prostitution Act Mali— had demanded Rs 3 lakhs, making them richer During the day, JCB machine was measures were also intensified with vicinity of Bhojshala. They also in-
complaint with the police and relevant sections of lakh to Rs 4 lakh and and more powerful. deployed within 50-metre radius of heavy police deployment. spected the nearby areas.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Society cares for the individual
only so far as he is profitable.
SINCE 1928


Bengaluru’s water crisis is a wakeup call for all
day to an average of about 38% of volve construction of a larger as the land is given either outright floods during the north-east mon-
full capacity (45% last year) and number of flats which houses a or on long lease to the developer. soon. Mumbai remains on edge un-

Employment – the Spectrum

with an early onset of summer, the
threat of evaporation is there. This
will be affecting not just the farm-
larger number of inhabitants. The
water issue has not been consid-
Those in power, who are typically
politicians, have their say by being
offered some of these homes be-
til the monsoon arrives as the en-
tire water supply for the year is
contingent on the lakes

grim truth
ers but also cattle and households Third, the concept of redevelop- sides the ubiquitous kickbacks. overflowing in October. But of late
÷Madan Sabnavis where water becomes scarce until
the arrival of the monsoon.
ment in a city like Mumbai needs a
deeper look. It has become a big
While the rationale of the scheme
can be discussed, the issue which is
it happens in September followed
by the “October heat” which

It has also been observed that the business for housing societies to go germane here is the availability of causes rapid evaporation.

he share of educated youth among all unemployed he water problem in Ben- monsoons tend to arrive later than in for redevelopment with several water. In areas where several plots What are the solutions? There is
population in India stood at 65.7 percent in 2022, ris- galuru is another wake up the scheduled time and while June interested parties like the owners, go for redevelopment, the evidently need to address this issue
ing by nearly 11.5 percent in two decades, while the call to remind one of the 1st is officially the date, it is nor- developers or the builder’s lobby challenge is how to make available or else there will be a problem of
bane of unplanned urbanisation. mally towards the end of the and politicians. water supply to everyone. A build- catastrophic nature in our cities.
share of unemployed youth in the total unemployed in the
In fact, it brings to the forefront the month and that too on the coast of Typically, a building redevelop- ing with say 28 apartments can be First, there has to be control on mi-
country was a staggering 83 percent, according to the India trade-off between growth and sus- Kerala. ment scheme involves the existing scaled up to say 140. The pressure gration and the only way to do so is
Employment Report released earlier this week by the Inter- tainability. The west was able to Let us look at the issues involved. owners getting larger living ac- on water supply will remain given to limit the amount of economic
national Labour Organization and Institute of Human De- grow faster than the east starting First the government has focused a commodation relative to their cur- the changing pattern of weather activity. Second, new cities need to
velopment. There are other trends to worry about too but from the industrial revolution and lot on roads which is the pet project be developed and the suburbs of
by the time climate change has of all layers of the system. This has existing cities need to be stretched
none more than the narrative of the Indian youth who do been recognised as a threat, the meant more concretisation of The creaking infrastructure of cities gets exposed as they with new municipal limits.
not have jobs or work, especially those who are educated. east faces such trade-offs. In a way roads. The negative effect of such become even more vulnerable. Water scarcity is one of The expansion of Mumbai to
Unemployment among the young registered an increase when the west pontificates on the concretisation is that rainwater Navi Mumbai is a case of success
for most of last year in reports by independent think tanks issue, it sounds unfair as these does not seep into the ground and the several problems that emerge in this direction. This is the con-
countries damaged the ecosystem improve the water table levels. cept of frontier cities really, where
too. To cut through the data clutter: India’s famed demo-
over time but went ahead of the This has affected water levels of the relatively less developed towns
graphic dividend faces a real crisis with lack of jobs and others. And now the issue is global bore wells which have run dry in rent space depending on the bar- and the access to water. can be brought to the level of met-
work opportunities, and the country’s satisfying growth where all nations have to cut back Bengaluru. This problem will oc- gaining power. The municipal au- The changing pattern of weather ropolitan centres. It also helps in
story – to most pro-government analysts – has given the na- for the global good which can mean cur in other cities too. thority grants permission for soci- has been witnessed across the bringing about equitable distribu-
tion an alarming jobless growth. major compromises for the emerg- Second, the thrust given to hous- eties which are over a certain world. USA is now under threat of tion of growth.
ing nations. ing of all types has meant more threshold number of years, which forest fires in several regions while Third, strict monitoring of
Even with the employment landscape, the quality has de- Cities are known to be over- construction of homes without can typically be 30, to go in for such cyclones have become an annual growth of slums is called for to en-
clined as evidenced in the rise of informal employment crowded as this is where opportu- any attention paid to infrastruc- schemes. The logic is that after 30 affair. The polar ice caps are melt- sure that such residual habitations
with nearly half the jobs in the formal sector now of an in- nities reside. This has led to a big ture. This has challenged access to years the building becomes weak ing which can lead to flooding in do not develop. Fourth, the con-
formal nature, in the rise of self-employment and unpaid boost to the housing sector which civic amenities like lighting, water, and hence becomes viable for the adjoining countries. Europe has re- struction of new buildings has to
includes also the proliferation of road connectivity and so on. But scheme. Rarely is a scientific check ported exceptional heat for which be limited both in terms of new as
family work, the last especially true for women. Self-em-
slums when people do not have the clearly the demand for water has made. they are not really prepared. India well as redevelopment because
ployment was the primary source of livelihood for nearly money to own a home. The social increased. The builder gains in terms of has seen literally the crumbling of they pressurise the municipal ca-
56 percent Indians in 2022. This may or may not provide a issues are known and open to dis- At the same time the government selling a larger number of homes the Himalayas even as the local pabilities. Clearly we have to
living wage for many, families dependent on such liveli- cussion. But the creaking infra- has provided incentives to people at commercial rates while the own- governments continue with the accept the trade-offs.
hoods often do not have medical security or insurance and structure of cities gets exposed as in the lower income groups to buy ers get larger accommodation free thrust on building roads up the
they become even more vulnerable. homes through the affordable of cost with add-ons like cash com- hills for various reasons. The author is Chief Economist, Bank of
so on; women account for a large share of the increase in Water scarcity is one of the several housing schemes. This has led to pensation and advance rent for the Chennai has the paradox of Baroda and author of ‘Corporate
self-employment. States such as Bihar, Odisha, Jharkhand problems that emerge. greater demand for homes which period of construction. The munic- water scarcity while being located Quirks: The Darker Side of the Sun’.
and Uttar Pradesh continue to remain at the bottom of the The reservoir levels are down to- typically are of smaller size but in- ipal authority gets compensation along the sea coast with annual Views are personal
employment index, the report states.

Time for the electorate to shrug off its slumber

The big picture is inescapable for the Narendra Modi-led
government now seeking a third term in office: the unem-
ployment situation cannot be ignored or air-brushed away
any longer. The self-talk about successful governance has
created a hubris for many within the government — and its
huge funds. teachings of one religion are corruption including the 2G scam er the use of investigating
legion of supporters which, ironically, include the unem-
ployed — who uncritically buy into the India growth story. Fearless Going by that example, it is possi-
ble for political parties to practice
better than that of another, but to
create more nuisance value than
or coal scam against Dr Manmo-
han Singh’s government. None of
agencies to make organisations
buy electoral bonds and present

What the government must do is embrace the recommen- austerity and cut down on election that of the other religion. Hopeful- these charges have been proven. them to the BJP.
dations in the ILO-IHD report such as the integration of expenditure. Unfortunately, ly, this will stop soon, when reli- The Chimanbhai Patel govern- The electorate, which has shown
parties don’t do that and a large gion reaches its saturation point. ment was voted out by the elec- its power even on unproved cor-
employment creation agenda within the macro-economic
section of the public supports can- People are free to follow their reli- torate in 1974 due to charges of ruption charges, is expected to use
framework, boosting manufacturing and non-farm sectors ÷Abhay Mokashi didates and political parties dis- gion, but that cannot be at the cost corruption, so was the case of the that power again and throw the
to generate jobs, and upskilling or reskilling programmes. playing more power of their of national development. Instead Sharad Pawar government in Ma- corrupt out. The Supreme Court

A nation with such a large cohort of professionally unpro- he campaign to expose those wealth. The people at large do not of creating production- and serv- harashtra, after charges of land verdict has clearly stated that the
ductive and unengaged young people is good fodder for po- benefiting from the electoral question the political parties about ice-based jobs, some state govern- scam. Ashok Chavan, who was electoral bonds go against the Con-
bonds, declared illegal by their sources of funds. ments are concentrating on mak- then with the Congress, had to re- stitution and hence are illegal. In
litical rabble-rousing. the Supreme Court, has not gath- It is common knowledge that ing religion an industry and a sign as chief minister following the light of that, all the amounts
ered momentum as yet. The televi- those in power earn the ability to means of earning for a few. Those charges of corruption with re- collected by the beneficiaries
Star brigade is back sion channels are silent on the
electoral bonds, except for an occa-
armtwist or threaten many into
giving funds to individuals as well
doing so have modified the saying, gards the Adarsh housing society. should have been attached as is
done when thieves and dacoits are

sional mention. Civil society or- as political parties. It happens caught, since the money obtained
ome election season and the brigade of film stars
ganisations too have yet to make it from the level of those elected to The electorate, which has shown its power even on through an illegal act is illegal.
donning political colours begins, on cue. The latest
entry into politics, rather re-entry, is of Govinda or
a major election issue civic bodies, many of whom start unproved corruption charges, is expected to use that The Delhi liquor scam is another
The Bharatiya Janata Party was rolling in money within a short classic case of misuse of power.
Govind Ahuja, arguably the most bankable Bollywood star the biggest beneficiary of the elec- time of getting elected, even if power again and throw the corrupt out The persons, who are not recipi-
through the 1990-2000s. He joined the Shiv Sena led by Ma- toral bonds, followed by the Indian they are not members of the ruling ents of the electoral bonds, pur-
harashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde after a 14-year hia- National Congress and the Tri- party or alliances. In casual dis- chased by the beneficiary of the
namool Congress. The electoral cussions the voters do mention the ‘service to humankind, is service That was one of the reasons for the liquor policy, are in jail, while the
tus from politics — he was the MP from Mumbai North bonds cannot be said to be bad per corruption by elected representa- to god’, for them it is ‘service to Congress winning fewer seats in party which received the bonds is
2004-09 after defeating BJP stalwart Ram Naik. Ahuja and se, since all political parties need tives and their political parties, god, is service to humankind (or the subsequent Assembly elec- projected to be clean.
Shinde fought shy of committing to an electoral contest but money to fight elections, which but that has become an accepted rather certain leaders)’. The day tions. The investigating agencies may
it is likely that the former will fight from a Mumbai seat. have now become an expensive af- norm. the people learn that it is not in the A R Antulay had to resign after it be misused, the courts may remain
fair, though that should not be case Societies often function like liq- national interest, things will was exposed that he had made silent on certain issues, but the
Voters should remember that, as MP, he was not available
in the current scenario with the uids. Just as liquids take the shape change. builders, wanting cement for their electorate must wakeup from its
to his constituents most of the time, and did not raise ques- presence of social media. of the container, which is an exter- Corruption is another issue that construction work, donate funds to slumber or get out of religious in-
tions in Parliament. A case in point here is the defeat nal influence, so do societies. Liq- the people have been tolerating for the Pratibha Pratishthan, a non- toxication, to use their voting pow-
Ahuja is not the first star in this election. Bollywood's of the Congress government led by uids have saturation points for dif- long of late. But India’s electoral governmental organisation set up er to fight corruption, as it did in
‘queen’ of controversies Kangana Ranaut is a BJP candi- Indira Gandhi, in 1977. There were ferent soluble substances, so is the history shows that governments by him. The builders paid the mon- the past.
restrictions on the newspapers, case with societies, they can toler- have even been voted out of power ey to the trust through legal means Ian Fleming’s character always
date from Mandi while Bhojpuri actor-singers and televi- the public broadcasting was in the ate issues to a certain extent after due to charges of corruption — ex- and not a single rupee from that announced, “I am Bond, James
sion stars have been nominated from different constituen- control of the party in power, which the issues are rejected. amples being the Congress govern- went to the Congress. Bond.” So also, the electorate has
cies. ‘Dream Girl’ Hema Malini, BJP MP from Mathura, is which is generally the case and Several sections of our society ments led by Rajiv Gandhi and The electoral bonds issue and the to be reminded of bonds, electoral
in the fray too besides others. Previous elections have seen there was no social media, we find are currently going through a Manmohan Singh. The Bharatiya information that has come to light bonds.
today. Yet, in what was known as phase of religious fanaticism and Janata Party had levelled a charge shows that the BJP is one-up on
stars flock to the then dominant party, the Congress,
the whisper campaign, the Opposi- a spirit of competition with other of kickbacks of Rs 64 crore against Antulay. Evidence shows that the The author is a senior journalist and
seeking to transfer their star power into votes for political tion parties were able to reach out religions. Unfortunately, this com- Rajiv Gandhi in the Bofors How- BJP used two methods, one was media trainer. He tweets at
power. Urmila Matondkar and Nagma contested as the par- to the people; that did not require petition is not to show that the itzer deal, and several charges of funds against favours and the oth- @a_mokashi
ty’s candidates. Back in 1984, Amitabh Bachchan had won
the general election from the then Allahabad. South India
has seen mega stars like MG Ramachandran and J Jay- Spiritually LETTERS proper food storage in
households and understanding
any sort of direct or indirect
threat from any quarters.
number of senior citizens will
only increase, and we need to
alalitha in Tamil Nadu and NT Rama Rao in the undivided
Andhra Pradesh become chief ministers. Ecliptical TO THE EDITOR “best before” dates will be of
some help in tackling the issue.
AG Rajmohan, Anantapur prepare ourselves to take care
of them.
A few like MGR, JJ and NTR or the late Sunil Dutt — Ritesh Aswaney Stop food waste
Discarding food is not
sustainable for our earth and
Where’s the work? Maya Bhatkar, Mumbai

(Congress) managed to make the transition with a mix of
commitment and dedication while leveraging their star
ave you often won-
dered why some
ples into what we call ritu-
als today. We might not re- I t is a matter of grave concern
that households across the
the environment.
Ranganathan Sivakumar, R egarding the news of film
star Govinda contesting the
power, but most stars merely provide the oomph factor to a
party they choose — the dressing in the window — or
people are able to
glide through everything
alize why going to a temple
uplifts your energy, espe-
world have wasted 1 billion
meals a day in 2022, which
Chennai elections after a gap (Mar 29),
winning the seat with BJP T he Bhopal incident highlights
the need for laws to take
parrot the party line. India’s elections need committed life has to throw at them,
and some struggle even
cially if it's a consecrated
space, but it still works.
constitutes 60% of the total
wastage of food, according to
Lawyers’ backing should not be an
problem for the hitherto Hero
care of elders. Senior citizens,
parents and grandparents after
elected representatives, not glamour stars. with minor conflicts? Our This is the beauty of spiri- the Food Wastage Index Report suggestions No 1 but Govinda has had a all deserve dignified living amid

FPJ Archives
MARCH 30, 1949
mental make up, of course,
has a lot to do with how we
handle conflict, but if that
tuality, it doesn’t depend
on your belief or accept-
ance, it just works.
2024. Food loss or waste has
become an issue of great public
concern. There needs to be a
T he news of around 600
lawyers writing letter to the
Chief Justice of India asking
pathetic record as a politician
as he neither attended
Parliament, nor was accessible
children, grandchildren and
P V Prakash, Mumbai
were the only determining Eclipses are a great time broad spectrum of stakeholders him not to succumb to to voters in his constituency
factor, then we would all be
prisoners of our respective
for spiritual practices, and
interestingly they occur in
and partners to tackle this
mountainous problem.
influence is strange and seems
politically motivated. The latest
when he debuted as an MP in
2009. Be it the ruling party or
Regulate oil re-use
Spirituality gives you a
deeper appreciation of
pairs. We have just been
through a lunar eclipse,
and are on the verge
Governments and other
international bodies must work
in tandem to promote
rulings by the apex court have
helped restore confidence in
the judiciary in the minds of
the opposition, people who
work in their constituency for
the welfare of the voters should
I n commercial settings like
restaurants, it's common
practice not to discard oil after
the nature of life, of a solar eclipse, as awareness on this critical issue people. Such aa suggestion to be fielded to fight the elections. a single use. Unfortunately,
that like the seasons, the sun, moon and and develop policies to reduce the CJI amounts to throwing The track record of welfare with deep frying, failure to
nothing is perma- earth will line up food wastage. There must also aspersions on the neutrality work in the constituency is regularly change the oil can
nent. If you find on the 8th of be proper coordination among being maintained by the apex more important than a lead to the generation of trans
yourself in the pits April. the food supply chain, starting court. However, the people are contestants popularity or fats through repeated
today, GUIDING LIGHT Make a start at the farmers' level and until with the present trend of being stardom and this fact must be reheating, potentially causing
chances are with spiritu- reaching the households to bold and unbiased in its respected by all political inflammation in the body as per
that you will be flying ality when the going is prevent food wastage. Perhaps, functioning maintained by the parties. health experts. Unhealthy oils
through the clouds tomor- good, for that's when you educating people in a sustained judiciary. As a citizen I feel the SN Kabra, Mumbai can heighten the risk of
row. can experience the im- manner on safe food handling, judiciary should not succumb to cardiovascular diseases and
Whilst it may start with
this rudimentary under-
mense possibilities. Find a
teacher and/or a spiritual
Traumatic ordeal type 2 diabetes, among other
adverse effects. Repeated
standing, the really useful
insight is when you realize
that given how imperma-
practice that appeals to
you — meditate, chant,
sing, serve, whatever floats
T he editorial ‘Abuse of the
aged’ (Mar 29) is heart-
wrenching. The ordeals of
heating of oil also leads to the
alteration of the oil's
composition and introducing
nent everything is, trying your boat. senior citizens all across the neo-formed compounds (NFCs)
to construct the house of Don't leave it until adver- country is very pitiable. Making over time. This process
cards that is your happi- sity comes calling, for spir- children take care of them by diminishes the oil's nutritional
ness on such shaky ituality gets reduced to a passing a law is not enough. In quality. The FSSAI lacks
ground, is only going to mere crutch. our country laws are not regulations or definitions for
lead to disappointment. And stop chasing after followed and flouting them is reused cooking oils, and it is it's
Religion has been inextri- that mirage of happiness, practically a way of life. It is imperative to frame regulations
cably linked with spiritual- be it social media likes or high time the government and for re-used cooking oils.
ity in Bharatvarsha, per- indulging in brand battles the police take it as a challenge Dr Vijaykumar H K, Raichur
Sardar’s Providential Escape haps because our wise an-
cestors understood these
with your friends! For
what you seek is seeking
to give some respite to senior
citizens. Every beat chowky
Dear reader,
We are eager to know your opinions,
Bombay, Tuesday. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, India's Deputy Prime fundamental truths and you. should visit senior citizens comments and suggestions. Write to
Minister, was completely unhurt when his plane made a forced the nature of the human And what you really need periodically to keep control letters@fpj.co.in with the title of the letter
in the subject line. Using snail mail? Send
landing on a public road, thirty miles north of Jaipur, according to mind well enough, to be is already ensconced deep over relatives and the your letters to The Free Press Journal, Free
a message received by his won, Mr. Dayabhai Patel, from his able to codify these princi- within you. government must provide social Press House, Free Press Marg, 215 Nariman
sister who was travelling with the Sardar. security to some extent. The Point, Mumbai 400021.
14 killed after Cyclone Gamane makes landfall in Madagascar
Antananarivo: Fourteen people were killed and three others
injured after tropical Cyclone Gamane landed in Madagascar, with
three more people still missing, Madagascar’s meteorological
authorities said. Gamane made landfall on the northern tip of
Madagascar on Wednesday morning, packing average winds of 150
km per hour and gusts of more than 210 km per hour, accompanied
by heavy rains, said Madagascar’s National Office for Risk and
Disaster Management on Thursday as quoted by Xinhua.

UN COURT ORDERS ISRAEL War a real threat, Europe
is not ready: Poland PM
Recalled Japanese
supplements: 5 die
Tokyo: In the week since a line
of Japanese health supplements AGENCIES / ROME tive partner to the US if it be-
began being recalled, five people came more self-sufficient
have died and more than 100 IANS / THE HAGUE ground. Therefore, the Court Polish Prime Minister Don- militarily.
were hospitalised as of Friday. determined that modifica- ald Tusk has delivered a It was not about Europe
Osaka-based Kobayashi The International Court of tions to these measures were blunt warning that Europe achieving military
Pharmaceutical Co. came under Justice (ICJ) in The Hague justified. has entered a “pre-war era” autonomy from the US or cre-
fire for not going public quickly has ordered Israel to do what- and if Ukraine is defeated by ating “parallel structures to
with problems known internally ever is necessary to ensure Syria reports Israeli strikes Russia, nobody in Europe Nato”, he said. Poland now
as early as January. The first that basic aid reaches the Meanwhile, the Syrian army will be able to feel safe. spent 4% of its economic out-
public announcement came Palestinian population in the has said Israeli airstrikes on “I don’t want to scare any- put on defence and every oth-
March 22. Company officials said Gaza Strip. Friday near the northern one, but war is no longer a er European country should
114 people were being treated “Israel should take all nec- city of Aleppo killed or concept from the past,” he spend 2% of GDP, with the
in hospitals after taking products, essary and effective wounded "a number of" peo- told European media. “It’s European Union as a whole
including Benikoji Choleste Help measures to ensure, without ple and caused damage. A real and it started over two mentally prepared to fight for
meant to lower cholesterol, that delay, in full cooperation with war monitor said the strikes years ago.” its security.
contain an ingredient called the United Nations, the un- killed 44, most of them Syri- His remarks came as a evidence and “evidently feels Since Russia launched its
benikoji, a red species of mold. hindered provision at scale an troops. fresh barrage of Russian the need to justify increasing- full-scale war in Ukraine, re-
Earlier in the week, the number by all concerned of urgently The Britain-based Syrian missiles targeted Ukraine. ly violent attacks on civil tar- lations with the West have
of deaths stood at two people. needed basic services and hu- Observatory for Human Russia has intensified its gets in Ukraine”. reached their lowest ebb
Some people developed kidney manitarian assistance,” the Rights, an opposition war bombardment of Ukraine in He pointed out that Russia since the worst days of the
problems after taking the ICJ said on Thursday in its A Palestinian man sits amid the rubble of a bombarded house in monitor, said Israeli strikes recent weeks. had attacked Kyiv with hy- Cold War, although President
supplements, but the exact cause ruling. the Maghazi camp for Palestinian refugees in Gaza Strip on Friday hit missile depots for Ukraine’s air force said it personic missiles in daylight Putin said this week that
was still under investigation in These include “food, water, Lebanon's Hezbollah group in had shot down 58 drones and for the first time earlier this Moscow had “no aggressive
cooperation with government electricity, fuel, shelter, cloth- which the ICJ ordered Israel tion to the ICJ for proceed- Aleppo's southern suburb of 26 missiles and Prime Minis- week. intentions” towards Nato
laboratories, according to the ing, hygiene and sanitation to take all possible measures ings against Israel concern- Jibreen, near the Aleppo In- ter Denys Shmyhal said ener- He used his first foreign in- countries.
manufacturer. requirements, as well as med- to prevent acts of genocide ing alleged violations of its ternational Airport, and the gy infrastructure had been terview since returning to of- The idea that his country
ical supplies and medical against Palestinians in the obligations under the 1948 nearby town of Safira, home damaged in six regions, in fice as Polish prime minister would attack Poland, the
Teen in ‘mental care to Palestinians through-
out Gaza, including by in-
Gaza Strip, to halt incitement
against Palestinians as a
Genocide Convention in rela-
tion to Palestinians in the
to a sprawling military facility.
The observatory said 36
the west, centre and east of
the country.
at the end of last year to deliv-
er a direct appeal to Europe’s
Baltic states and the Czech
Republic was “complete non-
crisis’ shot dead creasing the capacity and group, to preserve evidence Gaza Strip. Syrian troops, seven Hezbol- Tusk, a former president leaders to do more to bolster sense”, he said. And yet he
New York: A Bangladeshi number of land crossing and to take immediate meas- In the current view of the lah fighters and a Syrian of the European Council, its defences. also warned that if Ukraine
teenager undergoing a “mental points and maintaining them ures to ensure humanitarian court, the provisional meas- member of an Iran-backed said Russian President Regardless of whether Joe used Western F-16 warplanes
crisis” has been shot dead by city open for as long as neces- aid, Xinhua news agency re- ures indicated in that order group died, and dozens of Vladimir Putin had already Biden or Donald Trump won from airfields in other coun-
police after he lunged at them sary”. ported. of January 26 do not fully ad- people were wounded, calling blamed Ukraine for the ji- November’s US presidential tries, they would become “le-
with a pair of scissors and his The ruling is an addition to On December 29, 2023, dress the consequences aris- it the deadliest such attack in hadist attack on Moscow’s election, he argued Europe gitimate targets, wherever
mother intervened in their a January 26 verdict, in South Africa filed an applica- ing from the changes on the years. Crocus City Hall without any would become a more attrac- they might be located”.
attempts to subdue him,
according to police.
The incident started with a
phone call to an emergency
police line that Win Rozario, 19, Pak Foreign Office endorses Key Bridge 45 die as bus with Easter worshippers
falls off cliff in South Africa
repair to
Foreign Minister's proposal
had himself made on Wednesday
afternoon, New York Police Patrol

cost $400mn
Chief John Chell said at a news ANI / LIMPOPO
City police were already on edge IANS / ISLAMABAD consider all such requests Pak prez reconstitutes At least 45 people were killed
after a gunman killed one of and assess our policy." CCI to tackle economy AP / ANNAPOLIS and one seriously injured af-
them on Monday. In quick succession, official The spokesperson said President Asif Ali Zardari on ter a bus headed to an Easter
Chell said that when police voices are emerging from that so far there was no Friday reconstituted the Rebuilding Baltimore’s col- conference plunged off a cliff
arrived at the teen’s home, Pakistan on resumption of change in Pakistan's position Council of Common Inter- lapsed Francis Scott Key in South Africa’s Limpopo
Rozario was in a “mental crisis” trade with India. on the issue. ests, a top constitutional Bridge could take anywhere province on Thursday, CNN
and the situation was “quite Within a week, first Pak- On March 24, Dar said that body, with the foreign minis- from 18 months to several reported.
hectic, chaotic and dangerous.” istan Foreign Minister Ishaq the relevant stakeholders ter replacing the finance years, experts say, while the All the deceased were pil-
Dar and now the Pakistan would "seriously examine" minister. cost could be at least $400 mil- grims travelling from
Thailand steps Foreign Office have talked
about a proposal for resum- TRADE WITH INDIA
According to an official no-
tification, the CCI will be
lion – or more than twice
Gaborone, the capital city of
neighbouring country
up border control ing trade with India. the trade situation with India headed by PM Shehbaz It all depends on factors Botswana, to a church for an
Bangkok: Thailand’s government Pakistan Foreign Office as he highlighted the con- Sharif while chief ministers that are still mostly un- Easter conference, the South
has ordered officials to closely spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra cerns of the business com- of all four provinces apart known. They range from the Africa Broadcasting Corpo- reports, the driver lost con- ga said the government
monitor livestock along the Baloch confirmed that the munity. from Foreign Minister Ishaq design of the new bridge to ration (SABC) said. trol and the bus fell onto a would repatriate the bodies
border with Laos after more than Foreign Office was reviewing In December, last year, for- Dar, Defence Minister Khawa- how swiftly government of- SABC said that the sole rocky surface, some 50 me- to Botswana, the broadcaster
50 people were reported to have a proposal for resumption of mer Pakistan PM and PML-N ja Asif, and States and Fron- ficials can navigate the bu- survivor is an eight-year-old ters under the bridge and said, CNN reported.
contracted anthrax in the trade with India, Dawn re- supremo Nawaz Sharif had tier Regions Minister Amir reaucracy of approving per- girl who has been airlifted to caught fire.” Efforts are ongo- “I am sending my heartfelt
neighboring country. ported. stressed the need to improve Muqam will be members of mits and awarding con- the hospital. ing to recover the bodies of condolences to the families
Thai authorities have been Recalling a statement by relationships with Pakistan's the Council. It is the first time tracts. CNN reported that the the passengers who were affected by the tragic bus
working closely with those in Dar about the business com- neighbours, stating, "We that a foreign minister has be- Realistically, the project crash happened in the Ma- killed, according to the state- crash near Mamatlakala.
Laos after receiving reports of munity expressing interest have to fix our affairs with In- come part of the CCI, replac- could take five to seven years, matlakala mountain pass be- ment. Our thoughts and prayers
the outbreak and have prepared in review of restrictions on dia and Afghanistan as well, ing the finance minister who according to Ben Schafer, an tween Mokopane and “Some bodies burned be- are with you during this diffi-
vaccines in case of infections trade with India, the [and] strengthen them fur- traditionally has been a key engineering professor at Marken. The bus reportedly yond recognition,” the local cult time. We continue to
being detected in Thailand, said spokesperson said, "Exami- ther with Iran and China." member due to involvement Johns Hopkins University. caught fire after falling. department said. Others are urge responsible driving at
Narong Leangcharuen, director of nation of such proposals is a Dar highlighted that the in financial matters. “The lead time on air con- The cause of the crash is “trapped inside the debris all times with heightened
the Bureau of Disease Control regular exercise in the gov- business community often Sharif sent the recommen- ditioning equipment right under investigation. and others [are] scattered on alertness as more people are
and Veterinary Services of the ernment of Pakistan, includ- made appeals and demands dation to the president, who now for a home renovation is In a statement, the the scene,” it added. on our roads this Easter
Department of Livestock ing the Ministry of Foreign with regards to the trade sit- reconstituted the eight-mem- like 16 months, right?” province’s transport depart- South African Transport weekend,” Chikunga said in
Development. Affairs, where we continue to uation with India. ber council under Article 153. Schafer said. ment said that “according to Minister Sindisiwe Chikun- a statement.

Crossword #1090 YOUR DAY By Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar

1 Makes a request
ARIES: Today is a day to
concentrate on studies
LIBRA : Today you may
take a rest from your
Filipino villager on cross for 35th Uproar after
Christian nun
time to pray for world peace
5 ___ scale : used to
measure hardness in and career. Expect daily routine work and
9 Football manager __
expenditure on property
or a vehicle today. People in fields
enjoy with your family.
Expect expenditure on children.
prays for
12 Cut off a bit like education and property will People in fields like art and AP / MANILA “If these wars worsen and
13 Entreat or beg benefit. A good day to join career- entertainment will benefit. A good spread, more people, espe- AP / BEIRUT
14 Airspeed Indicator oriented courses. Some of you may day for meditation. Some people may A Filipino villager plans to be cially the young and old,
15 Festival of colours have cough and cold. suffer from back pain. The nun stood in front of a
16 Sailor's dance nailed to a wooden cross for would be affected. These are
the 35th time to reenact Jesus innocent people who have to- group of young students at a
18 Black wood TAURUS : Business SCORPIO : Today is a Lebanese school and asked
20 Frame of mind Christ’s suffering in a brutal tally nothing to do with these
21 Moose or caribou
deals and meetings day to study, take rest Good Friday tradition he said wars,” Enaje said. them to pray for the “men of
24 Exclude will be successful. You or work at home. Expect he would devote to pray for Despite the distance, the the resistance” in southern
27 Substituted may invest in expenditure on house or peace in Ukraine, Gaza and wars in Ukraine and Gaza Lebanon who she said were
31 Foreman foe advertisements. People in fields education. People in fields like the disputed South China Sea. his role as the “Christ” in the have helped send the prices defending the country.
32 Hounds' quarry The men to whom nun
33 SA river ___ Grande Down 25 Skin lotion plant like communication and tourism and consultancy will be Ruben Enaje, a 63-year-old Lenten reenactment of the of oil, gas and food soaring
carpenter and sign painter, Way of the Cross. elsewhere, including in the Maya Ziadeh was referring
34 Sacred image 1 Ex-Tennis champ Arthur 26 Cheese skin publication will do well. Travel benefited. You may do some work in
said he and seven other vil- Ahead of the crucifixions, Philippines, making it are members of the Lebanese
35 Opp. of WNW ___ 27 One of the ten satellites of with family is indicated. You may the house. Some may suffer from Shiite militant group Hezbol-
36 Not blemished 2 Snooty one Saturn lagers have registered for the Enaje told The Associated harder for poor people to
3 Prefix for one thousand 28 Make less severe
have knee pain. bronchitis or shoulder pain. lah, which has been clashing
38 Writer of fables real-life crucifixions, which Press by telephone Thursday stretch their meagre income,
41 Very dry 4 Tool used in spinning 29 Gifts GEMINI : Control SAGITTARIUS : with Israel across a volatile
5 Master of public health, 30 Circular vault forming roof
have become an annual reli- night that he has considered he said.
42 Mystery writer___ your words, as they Today is the day to gious spectacle that draws ending his annual religious Closer to home, the escalat- border for nearly six months,
acronym ? 34 Dublin is its capital
Stanley Gardener hundreds of tourists in three penitence due to his age but ing territorial dispute be- becoming a critical regional
44 Duplicate or reproduce 6 Spanish gold 37 Curve may spoil your struggle and earn. player as the Israel-Hamas
48 Capital of Australia
7 Hurt or damage 39 A globe or sphere image. You may pay You can get your rural communities in Pam- said he could not turn down re- tween China and the Philip-
8 Ecclesiastical council 40 Implore panga province north of quests from villagers for him to pines in the South China Sea war persists in Gaza.
52 Ex-India all-rounder __ 9 Retaliated against or 43 Therefore in Latin insurance premiums or pay for stuck money back. You may get A video capturing Ziadeh’s
Ali Manila. pray for sick relatives and all has also sparked worries be-
punished? (4,4) 45 Do as ordered tooth treatment. People in fields your insurance maturity. People comments was widely circu-
53 Orig. sound track 10 Psychic power 46 Columbus' ship The gory ritual resumed other kinds of maladies. cause it’s obviously a lop-
54 Periods of time like insurance will get success. in fields like communication will last year after a three-year The need for prayers has sided conflict, Enaje said. lated online earlier this
11 In the sky, it's an empty 47 The Biblical Garden
55 Madhuri ___, nee Dixit promise 48 Mountain pass Family members may help you in get success. Take care of your pause due to the coronavirus also deepened in an alarming “China has many big ships. month, outraging some who
56 Records 17 Author of The Raven 49 Venomous creature your work. Some may suffer from mother’s health. Some people pandemic. It has turned Ena- period of wars and conflicts Can you imagine what they accused her of “brainwash-
57 Over-nurse 19 Affirmative reply 50 Expose flax or hemp to throat problem. may suffer from shoulder pain. ing” the children.
58 Cannon of "Heaven Can
je into a village celebrity for worldwide, he said. could do?” he asked.
22 Light fawn colour moisture?
Wait" 23 Horse controls 51 Airline-Selected Equip. CANCER : You may face CAPRICORN : Today
53 Shy, 54 AOA, 55 SSW, 57 Boa. Solution problems in career and is the day to receive

‘Immigrants contribute to US economy’

34 Presses, 36 Jig, 39 YSL, 41 Impugn, 44 Surfs, 46 Tot, 48 Mere, 50 Star, 51 Tara, 52 Slag, family life. Expect delayed payments.
expenditure for health Expect expenditure
11 Pie, 16 Cot, 20 Mme, 22 Par, 24 Idly, 25 REME, 26 Erst, 27 Olla, 28 Coos, 29 Tors, 31 Jaw,
Down: 1 Papa, 2 Egad, 3 Reni, 4 Persia, 5 Ave, 6 Lead, 7 Issue, 8 Grapple, 9 Aap, 10 MBA,
45 GMT, 47 Slum, 49 Posts, 53 Sass, 56 Rebuttal, 58 Hose, 59 Frog, 60 Ara, 61 Yaws, 62 Sean, 63 Rag. or spouse. People in fields like on health. People in fields like
21 Tip, 23 Empire, 27 Oct, 30 Aaj, 32 Elder, 33 Loop, 35 Raj, 37 Elms, 38 Lorry, 40 Wii, 42 Yet, 43 Assess, insurance and repairing will be finance will benefit. It's a day to
Across: 1 Per, 4 Pali, 8 Gamp, 12 Age, 13 Eves, 14 Rabi, 15 Pancreas, 17 APAE, 18 Adios, 19 Dump,
benefited. Trouble in higher enjoy time with family. Some AP / WASHINGTON About 4 in 10 Americans Meanwhile, the share of about people who come to the
education is indicated. You may people may suffer from say that when immigrants Americans who say that country illegally.
suffer from headache. toothache. Americans are more worried come to the US legally, it’s a there’s a major risk that legal Bob Saunders is a 64-year-
FPJ - SUDOKU - 84 Level: Very easy about legal immigrants com- major benefit for American immigrants will commit old independent from
LEO : You will get AQUARIUS : Today is a mitting crimes in the US companies to get the expert- crimes in the US has in- Voorhees, New Jersey. He dis-
returns on your day for travel and than they were a few years ise of skilled workers in creased, going from 19% in approves of President Joe
investments. Delayed investment. Expect ago, a change driven largely fields like science and tech- 2017 to 32% in the new poll. Biden’s performance when it
payments will be expenditure on medical by increased concern among nology. A similar share (38%) Republicans were more comes to immigration and
recovered. Expect expenditure on treatment. People in fields like Republicans, while Democ- also say that likely than De- border security and is partic-
rats continue to see a broad legal immi- From legal immigrants, mocrats to say ularly worried about the
business or career. People in fields medicine and tourism will be
like finance and human resources will benefited. Family life may be
range of benefits from immi- grants con- US adults see fewer that immigra- number of immigrants com-
gration, a new poll shows. tribute a ma-
benefit. Family life may get disturbed disturbed because of illness. Some The poll from The Associ- jor benefit by major benefits than tion is an im-
portant issue
ing to the southern border
who are eventually released
due to workload. people may suffer from throat. ated Press-NORC Center for enriching they did in the past, for them per- into the country. He stressed
VIRGO : Economic PISCES : Today is the Public Affairs Research
found that substantial shares
American cul-
ture and val-
and more major risks sonally , and
41% now say
that there’s a difference be-
tween legal and illegal immi-
growth is indicated. day for celebrations of US adults believe that im- ues. it’s a major gration. Saunders said it’s
Stuck money may be and travel. Expect migrants contribute to the Both those figures were risk that legal immigrants important to know the back-
recovered. Expect expenditure on a country’s economic growth, down compared with 2017, will commit crimes in the US, ground of the immigrants
expenditure on entertainment. People party. People in fields like sports and offer important contri- when 59% of Americans said up from 20% in 2017. Overall, coming to the U.S. and said le-
WHAT TO DO: Fill in the grid so that in fields like law and entertainment and travel will have success. butions to American culture. skilled immigrant workers Republicans are more likely gal immigration contributes
will do well. Dispute with spouse or Long duration travels may be But when it comes to legal who enter the country legally to see major risks – and fewer to the economy. He also noted
every row, every column and every 3x3 immigrants, US adults see were a major benefit, and benefits – from immigrants the immigrants in his own
children is indicated. Some of you planned. Some people may
box contains the digits 1 to 9. Every may suffer from back pain or suffer from low mood, asthma or fewer major benefits than half said legal immigrants who enter the country legally family.
puzzle has only one correct solution. constipation. bronchitis. they did in the past, and more contribute a major benefit by and illegally, although they “It’s not anti-immigra-
major risks. enriching American culture. tend to be most concerned tion,” Saunders added.
Andy Murray to miss Monte Carlo and Munich tournaments because of ankle injury
London: Andy Murray still has no timetable to return from an ankle
injury as the three-time Grand Slam champion's management team
confirmed on Friday that he'll miss upcoming clay-court tournaments
in Monte Carlo and Munich. The 36-year-old Murray tore ligaments
in his left ankle on Sunday during a match at the Miami Open and
announced the next day that he'd be sidelined "for an extended
period." "At this stage, it is still not clear how long Andy will be out
of action, and he is continuing to review options with his team.,"

Sindhu goes down fighting
Madrid: India's PV Sindhu fought her heart out before going
down narrowly to Thailand's Supanida Katethong in the
women's singles quarterfinals of the Madrid Spain Masters Super
300 badminton tournament here on Friday. Sindhu, who had
Fourth-seeded Alexander Zverev will play Dimitrov in the last four
Dodhy clinches gold
on second day
FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI be seen competing against
finished runner-up in 2023, recovered from an early 4-8 deficit
and saved multiple game points to grab the opening game, but
AP / MIAMI GARDENS Bopanna-Ebden The Mumbai Horse Show is a
each other in different cate-
she couldn't go the distance as the sixth seeded Thai registered Eleventh-seeded Grigor Dim- sail into final four day Equestrian Competi- The show is being judged
a 24-26 21-17 22-20 win after a see-saw battle. However, itrov came out strong against n Indian tennis stalwart Rohan Bopanna and tion from 28th March to 31st by Col. Moni Alhawat and
India's husband-wife combo of N Sikki Reddy and B Sumeeth top-seeded Carlos Alcaraz his Australian partner Matthew Ebden sailed March wherein the partici- Ms. Shikha Mumdkar. super-
Reddy had a lot to cheer about as they notched up a 14-21 21- and went on to win 6-2, 6-4 in into the men's doubles final of the Miami pants will be preparing for vised the event Course de-
11 21-17 win over Indonesia's fourth seed Rehan Naufal the Miami Open quarterfi- Open with a straight-set win over Marcel the upcoming national cham- signer Eklavya Sharma laid
Kusharjanto and Lisa Ayu Kusumawati to enter the mixed nals, his first victory over a Granollers and Horacio Zeballos. Bopanna pionships. We will see around out a spectacular course. Col.
doubles semifinals. top-five player in nearly five and Ebden, the Australian Open winners, 50+ participants from various Moni Alhawat has been judg-
years. hardly broke a sweat to get the better of clubs around India. ing for the past 20 years and
Barcelona in WCL semifinal Fourth-seeded Alexander Spain's Granollers and Argentina's Zeballos 6- This competition will be also judges international
Barcelona: Aitana Bonmatí led Barcelona to its sixth straight Zverev, who beat unseeded 1 6-4 in the semifinals on Thursday night.
Women's Champions League semifinals on Thursday, scoring the Fabian Marozsan 6-3 7-5 on
n Bopanna had slipped to second spot in the doubles
opening goal in a 3-1 win over Brann that sets up a last-four Thursday night will play
rankings after a quarterfinal loss at the Dubai
clash with Chelsea. The Ballon d'Or winner put the Catalan team Dimitrov in the semifinals on
Championships and a round-of-32 exit at the Indian Wells
in the driver's seat with a curling shot in the 24th minute before Friday.
Masters, but the semifinal win here will help the Indian regain
Fridolina Rolfo made it 2-0 from close range in the second half. Second-seeded Jannik Sin-
the top spot when they are updated on Monday. Following the
Defender Tomine Svendheim cut the deficit 20 minutes from time ner will face No. 3 Daniil
Australian Open triumph, the 44-year-old Bopanna had
before Patri Guijarro sealed Barcelona's win with two minutes Medvedev in the other semifi-
climbed to the world No.1 spot in the ATP rankings, becoming
left from Bonmatí's pass. Defending champion Barcelona nal, a rematch of last year's fi-
the oldest player to do so.
advanced 5-2 on aggregate after winning 2-1 in the quarterfinal nal that Medvedev won.
first leg in Norway. Chelsea reached the semifinals Wednesday Dimitrov said he didn't
following a 1-1 draw with Ajax. Chelsea advanced 4-1 on want to evaluate the quality Medvedev at Indian Wells. the final two games, breaking This was Dimitrov's first
aggregate after winning the first leg 3-0 in Amsterdam. of his play against Alcaraz But the world's second- Alcaraz in the clincher. victory over a top-five player
"since I have to play again to- ranked player had trouble Alacaraz said Dimitrov since he beat then-No. 3 Roger
Federer to deliver Dartmouth address morrow. I'm trying to stay on finding his game against played "almost perfect." Federer in the quarterfinals
Concord (US): Swiss tennis legend Roger Federer will deliver the point. This is how our sport Dimitrov and became visibly "I have a lot of frustrations of the 2019 U.S. Open.
commencement address at Dartmouth College in June, the Ivy is. You appreciate it, of frustrated numerous times in right now because he made On the women's side,
League school said. Federer will address graduates and receive course. You're very happy the first set. me feel like I'm 13 years old," fourth-seeded Elena Rybaki-
an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree at the June 9 with the current win. Then But Alcaraz didn't go away the 20-year-old Alcaraz said. na once again had to go three seen in horse riding disci- tournaments as well.
ceremony in Hanover. Dartmouth President Sian Leah Beilock, a you have to quickly move on even after falling behind a "It was crazy. I was talking sets, pushed to the edge before plines of Dressage and Show Eklavya Sharma is cur-
Federer fan, said on Thursday she was thrilled to welcome him and start focusing on the next break at 4-2 in the second set. to my team saying that I don't beating No. 27 Victoria Jumping at the Mahalaxmi rently the only International
to campus. "Roger Federer is undeniably one the greatest match." Alcaraz, the 2022 He broke Dimitrov at love and know what I have to do. I don't Azarenka 6-4 0-6 7-6(2) in the Racecourse, Mumbai where Equestrian Federation (FEI)
athletes of all time, but it's the evident joy that he always found champion, entered this tour- then held serve to even the set know his weakness. I don't semifinals of the Miami all local and grass root horse show jumping course design-
on the court that stays with me, and that I think will resonate nament off a victory over at 4-4. Dimitrov, though, won know anything." Open. riding clubs across India will er in India.
most with the Class of 2024," she said in a statement. Federer
retired in 2022 at age 41 after a superlative career that spanned
nearly a quarter-century and included 20 Grand Slam titles and a
statesman's role. In 2003, he created a foundation that has since
invested more than $96 million in early education programs Navroz CC romp to Advani, Causier storm into last 16
7-wicket victory
serving millions of children living in poverty in Switzerland and
six African countries. FPJ NEWS SERVICE / Mumbai Results – Group-A: Pankaj onship runner-up Sourav
Advani beat Rayaan Razmi Kothari regained his winning
Albert apologises for social media posts World champion Pankaj Ad- 603-418. touch as he outshone sea-
Paris: Korbin Albert, a midfielder for the US women's national FPJ NEWS SERVICE / MUMBAI CC’s win was all-rounder vani of India and former Group-C: David Causier beat soned pro Alok Kumar by
team, apologised for having liked and shared social media posts Varad Rananavare who World champion David Mahesh Jagdale 1168-335. scripting a convincing 889-200
that she described as "offensive, insensitive and hurtful." Navroz Cricket Club posted a picked three wickets for 38 Causier of England recorded Group-E: Kamal Chawla beat point victory in a Group-F
The 20-year-old Albert, who plays for Paris Saint-Germain, had comfortable 7-wicket win runs and then scored 39 runs their third successive wins Rishabh Thakkar 503-267; match. The Kolkata-based
reportedly reposted anti-LGBTQ+ content on her TikTok account. against Superstar Sports to steer the team to victory. and stormed into the pre- Dhruv Sitwala beat Shahyan Kothari and Mumbai cueist
"I want to sincerely apologise for my actions on social media," Club in a Group-E match, of Navroz CC restricted Super- quarter-finals. Razmi 817-196. Rohan Jambusaria qualified
Albert wrote on her Instagram story on Thursday. "Liking and the 3rd MCA Under-19 star SC to 183 for eight The Bengaluru-based Ad- Group-F: Sourav Kothari beat for the pre-quarter-finals
sharing posts that are offensive, insensitive and hurtful was Cricket Tournament organ- wickets in 35 overs. Super- vani staved off a spirited chal- Alok Kumar 889-200. from this group.
immature and disrespectful which was never my intent." ized by Bhama Cricket Club stars Jay Tolia and Aaryan lenge from Mumbai’s Group-H: Siddharth Parikh Meanwhile, former CCI bil-
According to multiple media outlets, Albert shared a video from in association with Mumbai scored 32 and 31 runs respec- talented cueist Raayan Razmi beat Chris Taylor 671-254; liards champion Siddharth
a Christian sermon that described being gay and "feeling Cricket Club under the aegis tively. by pulling off a 603-418 Arun Agrawal beat Kanishk Parikh and seasoned Arun
transgender" as wrong. of the Mumbai Cricket Asso- Later, Navroz easily scored victory in a Group-A match in Jhanjharia 702-280 Agrawal won their respective
ciation and played at the the required runs making 184 the two-hour session Group-A final round matches in
Korda 3 shots back at Ford event Navroz cricket ground, Azad for the loss of just three wick- league match of the All India followed it with a neat 124 to of 203, 124, 160, 152, 162, 93 and Group-H and also progressed
Gilbert (US): Nelly Korda fought through brutal conditions to Maidan on Friday. ets in 30.4 overs. Besides CCI Billiards Classic 2024, try and stay in the fight. Raz- 70 to tame Maharashtra num- to the knockout round. Sid-
win in Southern California last week. A solid opening round on a In a Group-C encounter, Rananavre the other batter played at the CCI’s Wilson mi with two wins also ad- ber one Mahesh Jagdale by a dharth with three successive
soft course in perfect weather has the world's No. 1 player in Parsee Gymkhana proved too who contributed towards Jones billiards hall on Friday. vanced to the pre-quarters. massive 1168-418 margin in a wins topped the group.
position to win her third straight start. Korda shot a 6-under 66 strong for Marwari Cricket Navroz’s win was Sanskar 60 Advani, started with a run The Englishman Causier, Group-C match. Causier Parikh with steady breaks
in the first round of the Ford Championship on Thursday, leaving Club and charged to a re- runs, Viom Shah 36 runs and of 235 and later compiled a winner of multiple World ti- joined Advani and Raayan in of 183, 71, 96 and 72 outplayed
her three shots back in a bid to become the first LPGA Tour sounding 80-run victory. Vedant Desai unbeaten 34 break of 90 to secure the win, tles, was on a roll and con- the knockout draw. England’s Chris Taylor by
player to win three straight starts in eight years. The highlight of Nazroz runs. while Raayan made a 93 and structed substantial breaks Earlier, World champi- posting a fluent 671-254 win.


Parag feels focus paid off
Jaipur: It was the Riyan Parag

surprised Kishore Venkatesh Iyer’s half-century and a flying start by openers Sunil Narine show which enthralled
everyone in Jaipur, as the all-
and Phil Salt powered KKR to a resounding 7-wicket win over RCB rounder continued his recent
good run by hitting an
unbeaten 84 off just 45 balls
CSK all-rounder had slammed Kishore to play a pivotal role in
for a six off the first ball Venkatesh Iyer Rajasthan Royals beating Delhi
Capitals by 12 runs in
IANS / Chennai

Big-hitting all-rounder
did not expect that I'll come
on him on the first ball, but
I was ready for that. The sec-
50 | 30 Balls: Thursday's match of IPL 2024.
On a pitch which initially
aided seam movement at the Sawai Mansingh Stadium, Parag
Shivam Dube, who was the ond one was much more 4s: 3 | 6s: 4 was slow to begin, making just 26 runs off the first 26 balls he
top-scorer for Chennai Su- easier for me because he faced. But he flicked a switch post Ravichandran Ashwin's cameo
per Kings (CSK) in their 63- was already down," said SR: 166.66 of 29 to make 58 runs in just his next 19 balls, including getting
run win over Gujarat Dube to CSK TV. his fifty in 34 balls. Parag hit seven fours and six sixes,
Titans (GT) at the MA Chi- He also appreciated the connecting very well with the deliveries to send them over the
dambaram Stadium on fast start provided by CSK's boundary ropes constantly, including smashing Anrich Nortje for
Tuesday, felt that left-arm openers, especially from 25 runs in the final over, laced with three fours and two sixes, to
spinner R Sai Kishore didn't young Rachin Ravindra, make his best-ever IPL score in a brilliant match-winning effort.
expect him to hit a six on who a 20-ball 46 to give a
the very first ball from him. rocking start in the power- Moody not happy with Shaw's absence
Dube smashed two fours play. "And I think the start New Delhi: Former Australian
and five sixes in a 23-ball 51 by Rutu and Rachin was cricketer Tom Moody stated
coming at a whopping amazing. Rachin went after that wicketkeeper-batter
strike rate of 221.74. His the bowlers in the start, I Prithvi Shaw's omission from
striking innings began by felt that he's very brave and the Delhi Capitals' (DC) playing
smashing Sai Kishore for he's going hard on the XI "doesn't make sense" and
consecutive sixes off the bowlers. That's what CSK suggested that DC should
first two balls of his needs from the openers," select 24-year-old batter for
innings, their upcoming Indian Premier
which set "This match we won by League (IPL) 2024 matches.
the tone for a big margin, it is really SHIVAM Moody pointed out that, while
him neu- amazing for us. So back-to-back DUBE Shaw has been unimpressive in recent seasons, selecting him

tralizing wins especially the third win over Bhui is a more plausible option given his international
GT's against Gujarat. So, feels good PTI / BENGALURU track that was on the slower cricket experience. "It doesn't make sense due to the fact that
bowlers to to beat them again. As I know, side. SCOREBOARD Kolkata Knight Riders
you've got an Indian international player (Prithvi Shaw) in the
Runs P Salt c Green b Vyshak
good effect. I'm much stronger against the Venkatesh Iyer led a splendid An archetypal Dinesh Royal Challengers Bengaluru: dugout. Yes, he hasn't performed in the IPL like we had all
30, S Narine b Dagar 47,
"This batting effort with a cracking Karthik cameo (20, 8b, 3x6) hoped he would, but you can't score runs from the dugout,"
spinners and I've played Sai V Kohli (not out) 83, Du Plessis c V Iyer c Kohli b Y Dayal
match we Kishore in the past as well." fifty as Kolkata Knight Riders added gravitas to the RCB to- Starc b H Rana 8, C Green b Russell speaking to ESPNcricinfo Moody stated. Shaw was benched for
50, S Iyer (not out) 39, R
won by a big Shivam Dube, beat Royal Challengers Ben- tal as usual towards the end. 33, G Maxwell c R Singh b Narine Delhi's first two games this season. Ricky Bhui, a domestic
Balls Singh (not out) 5. Extras
margin, it is CSK all-rounder galuru by seven wickets in Skipper Faf du Plessis 28, R Patidar c R Singh b Russell 3, cricket star, has not capitalised on his opportunities, scoring 3
(LB-7, W-8) 15. Total
really amaz- their IPL match at the M went back early as the Royal A Rawat c Salt b H Rana 3, D and 0 against the Punjab Kings (PBKS) and Rajasthan Royals
(For 3 wkts, 16.5 overs)
ing for us. So back-to-back said Dube. Chinnaswamy Stadium in Challengers captain's attempt Karthik (run out) 20. Extras (B-1, (RR), respectively.
wins especially the third Uncapped right-handed Bengaluru on Friday. to scoop pacer Harshit Rana W-3) 4. Total (For 6 wkts, 20
win against Gujarat. So, batter Sameer Rizvi Chasing RCB's competitive ended in the hands of overs) 182. Fall of wickets: 1-86, 2- CSK's Rizvi on first-ball six
feels good to beat them smashed Rashid Khan for a 183 for victory, openers Sunil Mitchell Starc inside the cir- Fall of wickets: 1-17, 2-82, 3-124, 92, 3-167 Chennai: Uncapped batter
again. As I know, I'm much six on the first ball of Narine (47) and Phil Salt (30) cle. 4-144, 5-151,182-6. Bowling: M Siraj 3-0-46- Sameer Rizvi, who scored a
stronger against the spin- his IPL debut, and gave the visitors a flying start But a period of stability fol- Bowling: M Starc 4-0-47-0, H Rana 0, Y Dayal 4-0-46-1, A quickfire 14 off six balls in
ners and I've played Sai Dube was left in awe before Iyer took it to the next lowed as Kohli and Green 4-0-39-2, A Roy 2-0-6-0, S Narine 4- Joseph 2-0-34-0, M Dagar Chennai Super Kings' 63-run
Kishore in the past as of it. level with a 50 off just 30 balls kept RCB on the track with a 0-40-1, A Russell 4-0-29-2, V 2.5-0-23-1, V Vyshak 4-0- win over Gujarat Titans (GT)
well." "I think we know as KKR romped home at 186/3 busy stand that saw them Chakravarthy 2-0-20-0. 23-1, C Green 1-0-7-0 earlier this week, revealed that
"And that ball I Sameer Rizvi can do in 16.5 overs. reaching 61 for 1 in the Power he was very clear about going
was waiting for, some big things for Earlier, star batter Virat Play segment. and power emanating from a Sunil Narine, who was out and hitting big boundaries
he's going to CSK. So, we trust him Kohli's skilful unbeaten fifty Kohli dished out drives and strong bottom hand can turn playing his 500th T20 match, from the word go, which
bowl me in and that was the mes- formed the foundation of lofts over covers, a new addi- this traditionally gentle shot was given a hammering as resulted in him hitting a first-
the slot and sage - to go after the Royal Challengers Bengalu- tion to his batting, sweeps and into a malevolent run-making Green took 15 runs off the ball six against Rashid Khan.
he bowled bowlers from the ru's competitive 182 for six slog-sweep to fetch his runs, option. spinner's first over that in- "When Rashid came to bowl in the 19th over, the coach told me
me in first ball." against Kolkata Knight Rid- but the shot of the night was Kohli brought his fifty in 36 cluded a sequence of 4, 4, 6 - a if a wicket falls, you will go out to bat. After that, it was set in
the "And the way he ers. a swat-flick off Starc that balls whereas other batters, sweep, slap past cover and a my mind that it was the 19th over and it was a spinner bowling
slot. has his talent and Kohli (83, 59b, 4x4, 4x6) and sailed for a six. except Green, generally hoick over long-on. and if they are sending me at this point of the match, anyone
He the way he has his Cameron Green (33 off 21b) In fact, no other shot really struggled for momentum and However, the burgeoning who walks in will be expected to smash boundaries. So, in my
power.we thought he milked 65 runs off 42 balls for encapsulates Kohli's batting timing. alliance was snapped when head, only one thing was going on - I have to go out and hit it
would definitely go against the second wicket, the pri- like the swat-flick - a child of But at the other end, Green Green's effort to play a pull big - I was clear about that," said Rizvi to reporters in Chennai.
Rashid off the first ball. mary alliance in RCB his desire to find newer ways wasn't really bothered about off Andre Russell was the ball He also credited the practice done in playing against spinner
And after hitting that innings, as the home side pro- to sustain the domination of such technical angles, as his crashing on to his stumps as under the tutelage of his childhood coach-cum-maternal uncle
six, we felt, oh, that's duced a two-faced effort after bowlers. batting was all about brute the ball kept a tad low for him Tankeeb Akhtar. "If you look at my previous matches, I have
amazing." being asked to bat first on a A simple snap of wrists power. to play. always been playing well against spinners.

LSG EYE ALL-ROUND EFFORT Avesh happy with final

The KL Rahul-led side
face Punjab Kings to
He would be hoping his
opening partner Quinton de
Kock returns to his bel-
a bit "slowly" against RCB.
Prabhsimran Singh, who came
of age last season, has not been
Vice-captain Jitesh Sharma, who
is in the running for a World Cup
berth, needs to have a stellar season
over execution
pull things back ligerent best against Pun- able to capitalise on his starts yet. to convince the national selectors.
jab after missing out While all-rounder Sam Curran In the pace bowling department, The India pacer
PTI / Lucknow against Royals. The team has shown his prowess with the bat Kagiso Rabada will look for more
is also banking on the in the two matches, the left-arm support from Curran, Arshdeep had to defend 17
Lucknow Super Giants will aim for likes of Devdutt seamer has been wayward with the Singh and Harshal Patel. Left-arm runs in the last
an improved all-round effort when Padikkal Ayush ball. spinner Harpreet Brar has been im-
they take on Punjab Kings in their Badoni, Deepak Hooda, pressive while leg-spinner Rahul over
second Indian Premier League match and Krunal to deliver Chahar needs to up his game. PTI / Jaipur
here on Saturday. down the order.
K L Rahul-led LSG faltered in the LSG's success will Rajasthan Royals pacer
opening game against Rajasthan also depend on the TEAMS(FROM): Avesh Khan feels the last over
Royals, losing by 20 runs in Chandi- form of Australian Lucknow Super Giants: KL Rahul (c), he bowled against Delhi Cap-
garh. Barring Krunal Pandya, all the all-rounder Marcus Quinton de Kock, Nicholas Pooran, itals in the ongoing IPL was
LSG bowlers leaked runs and also Stoinis, who was the Ayush Badoni, Kyle Mayers, Marcus probably his best effort in the
looked ineffective. leading run-getter Stoinis, Deepak Hooda, Devdutt death overs.
for the team last Padikkal, Ravi Bishnoi, Naveen-ul-Haq, The India pacer had to de- It is not the first time I bowled the last over. Last year I
Head-To-Head year with 408 runs. Krunal Pandya, Yudhvir Singh, Prerak
Mankad, Yash Thakur, Amit Mishra,
fend 17 runs in the last over defended against Rajasthan. When I played for Delhi
LSG PBKS PBKS, on the on Thursday night and he (bowled the last over there also), execution wise this was my best
other hand, Shamar Joseph, Mayank Yadav, Mohsin was able to do that rather
Khan, K. Gowtham, Shivam Mavi, over. All the balls were in the same spot, wide yorkers,"
3 Matches Played 3 have a 50-50 comfortably, landing one
Arshin Kulkarni, M Siddharth, Ashton – Avesh Khan, Rajasthan Royals pacer
2 Won 1 record so far, yorker after the other.
winning one Turner, David Willey, Mohd. Arshad Delhi could only get four
In the absence of Mark Wood and and losing one. Khan. runs from that over, ensuring played eight ODIs and 20 T20s. plans and that is helping. San-
David Willey, LSG's pace battery The Shikhar Punjab Kings: Shikhar Dhawan a 12-run win for the home The 27-year-old also spoke ju is a bowlers' captain.
looks thin with the likes of Mohsin Dhawan-led side (captain), Matthew Short, Prabhsimran team. Going into the season, about how his role has "There was also no dew fac-
Khan, Naveen-ul-Haq, and Yash needs more fluen- Singh, Jitesh Sharma, Sikandar Raza, Lucknow Super Giants had changed compared to last sea- tor tonight and that helped
Thakur expected to do the heavy lift- cy in the power- Rishi Dhawan, Liam Livingstone, traded Avesh to Royals. son when he turned up for me being accurate. Dew may
ing. Fighting for a place in the up- play and that is Atharva Taide, Arshdeep Singh, Nathan "It is not the first time I LSG. impact your execution at
coming T20 World Cup squad, Ravi bound to come if Ellis, Sam Curran, Kagiso Rabada, bowled the last over. Last year "In Lucknow and DC, I times," Avesh said.
Bishnoi too looked ordinary in the Jonny Bairstow Harpreet Brar, Rahul Chahar, Harpreet I defended against Rajasthan. used to bowl one over upfront He gave due credit to Roy-
team's tournament opener. gets going after Bhatia, Vidwath Kaverappa, Shivam When I played for Delhi or two overs in the powerplay. als' new number four Riyan
Skipper Rahul, who has decided to failing in the Singh, Harshal Patel, Chris Woakes, (bowled the last over there Here I bowl two overs after Parag, who singlehandedly
play the wicketkeeper-batter's role first two games. Ashutosh Sharma, Vishwanath Pratap also), execution wise this was powerplay and in the death as kept his team in the game af-
keeping the T20 World Cup in mind, Dhawan, who only plays IPL to IPL, Singh, Shashank Singh, Tanay my best over. All the balls well I get to bowl. Team man- ter an ordinary start, smash-
made 58 in his comeback game and needs to up his strike rate going for- Thyagarajann, Prince Choudhary, Rilee were in the same spot, wide agement and Sanju (Samson) ing an unbeaten 84 off 45
would be looking to build on that. ward. He himself admitted to batting Rossouw. yorkers," said Avesh, who has give gull freedom to execute balls.

Hopes feels Nortje Skipper Samson lavishes praise on Parag

needs time Royals' captain Parag hit seven fours and
six sixes, including smashing I saw Sandy
have to bat! The IPL is chang-
ing and we all have to be flex-
PTI / Jaipur he is known for. feels Parag can Anrich Nortje for 25 runs in RIYAN PARAG was calm ible. Earlier it was about 11

"I won't say too much bad contribute to the final over, to make his and Avesh was players, now it is about all 15
Delhi Capitals bowling coach about the bowlers. They just best-ever IPL score in a bril- also looking good, players.
James Hopes feels that the tried to execute. It was a good Indian cricket liant match-winning effort. so I went with that "Me and Sanga (director of
Runs (in the death
team's under-fire pace spear- first half with the ball but got IANS / Jaipur With the ball, Yuzvendra cricket Kumar Sangakkara)
overs). Riyan Parag
head Anrich Nortje will get away from us a little bit in Chahal and Nandre Burger had a lot of chat between 15th
better with time having re- the last five years," Hopes Following Rajasthan Royals' took two wickets each, while has been a big and 17th over before deciding
cently made a comeback to said after his team's 12-run (RR) 12-run win over Delhi Sandeep Sharma and Avesh, name in the last the Impact Player. It's all
competitive cricket after six loss to RR, where the com- Capitals (DC) in IPL 2024, who gave away only four runs Balls few years. about gauging in which zone
Wherever I go,
7 6
months. plexion changed during the skipper Sanju Samson said in the final over, held their they are. You have to look at
Nortje was taken to the last part of their bowling in- all-rounder Riyan Parag, who nerve with impeccable york- people ask me that and take your decision,"
cleaners by Rajasthan nings. slammed an unbeaten match- ers and wide lines in the about him. There is he said.
Royals' Riyan Parag at the "It's the first time that winning 84 off 45 balls, can do death overs to give RR its sec- 4s 6s something very Asked about his plan to ex-
special he can give
death as he went for 48 in his Nortje has been at this level something special for Indian ond consecutive win of the ecute yorkers in death overs,
four overs on Thursday in a while. He had a fair time cricket in future. competition. to Indian cricket," Avesh said, "My plan is al-
night. RR won the IPL match out of the game, but if you At the Sawai Mansingh "I saw Sandy was calm and – Sanju Samson, ways clear.”
by 12 runs while defending look at all the numbers, he is Stadium, Parag made just 26 Avesh was also looking good, SR Rajasthan Royals One side was longer, so my
185 for 5. Nortje had been out one of the premier death runs off the first 26 balls he so I went with that (in the skipper plan was to bowl wide york-
of cricket since September bowlers in the game. We faced. But he flicked a switch death overs). Riyan Parag has ers. I was giving myself five
and came into IPL having trust that he is going to keep post Ravichandran Ashwin's been a big name in the last said Samson after the match Player in the match, especial- good meant that idea never seconds and only thought
played just three domestic getting better," Hopes, a for- cameo of 29 to make 58 runs few years. Wherever I go, peo- ended. ly after they were at 58/3 at materialised. about executing them. My fo-
T20 games earlier this month mer Australia medium pacer in just his next 19 balls, in- ple ask me about him. There Samson also revealed the end of first ten overs. But "The way we started, the cus is always on the execution
and failed to nail the yorkers said defending the Proteas cluding getting his fifty in 34 is something very special he about the thoughts of using Ashwin's pinch-hitting pro- first ten overs, we were like and back my yorkers,’’ he
or bowl the hard lengths that pacer. balls. can give to Indian cricket," Rovman Powell as the Impact motion and Parag coming Rovman, be ready you might added.

Printed and Published by Girdharlal Lakhotia for the Proprietors, Indian National Press (Bombay) P. Ltd., at Journal Press, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021. Tel: 69028000, Advt. Dept. 69028026. E-mail: mail@fpj.co.in • OFFICE: Indore: 3/54, Press Complex, A. B. Road, Indore-452 008, Tel: 2555111-2, Fax: 2558555,
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For a compact home, when one thinks of a kitchen, it is merely a Tips to beautify
space for cooking instead of a whole place dedicated to itself. The
kitchen also becomes a go-to space somewhere in the corner or
centre of small homes. Hence, having a pull-out breakfast table or
a kitchen table can be worthy furniture for small spaces. This table
can act as a multipurpose furniture piece that can be used to sit
and spend one’s leisure time. It can pop up when one needs it and ISHITA JINDAL
be hidden at other times.

ond landscaping ideas open up a world of creativity and natural beauty
within your outdoor space. Whether it is a serene retreat with meander-
ing water features, a vibrant ecosystem with aquatic life, or a harmo-
nious fusion of flora and liquid elegance, these pond landscaping ideas pro-
vide a canvas for diverse possibilities. In this realm, the intersection of
artistry and nature unfolds, allowing you to sculpt a landscape that not only
captivates the eye but also becomes a space for relaxation and reflection.



Using a drop leaf table

A table with one or two hinges supported by legs, arms, or
By exploring brackets is a drop-leaf table. It is an innovation of the early 17th
great ideas for century, followed by its elongated version of the sofa table that
dates back to the 1790s. This table becomes the perfect piece of
designing furni- furniture for small spaces without being bulky or easy to move. It

ture for small can be used as an extension for the seats used anywhere in the
spaces, we can
even manage to
attain designs
that are space- Planning Select Plants Wisely
The planning stage in pond landscaping Research and choose aquatic plants suitable for
RAJESHWARI PANDYA MODI saving, time-sav- serves as the cornerstone for creating a your climate and the pond’s conditions. Different
ing, easy to main- harmonious and visually captivating outdoor plants contribute to the pond’s ecosystem,
sanctuary. Beginning with a clear definition providing oxygen, shade, and habitat for aquatic
tain, and give us of purpose and goals, such as space life. Varied plant selections also add visual
an efficient assessment, size, and shape determination, interest and contribute to the overall health of
as well as the selection of water features and the pond. Consider scale, proportion, and
lifestyle materials. The choice of water elements, seasonal interest in your selections to create a
whether they be serene fountains or visually dynamic pond landscape that evolves
cascading waterfalls, becomes integral to with the changing seasons. The thoughtful
Inserting murphy beds shaping the overall ambiance. Equally interplay of these plant considerations ensures a
A Murphy bed is a bed that is hinged to the wall from one side to be stored in the wall when not in important is the conscientious planning of an pond that not only captivates the eye but also
use. This kind of bed is a very appropriate solution for the design of furniture for small spaces. Since ecosystem, ensuring a balanced coexistence fosters a thriving and sustainable aquatic
they can be used as a bed and a storage, they are very good small space-saving furniture. When of aquatic life and plants. environment.
folded, they can also be an addition to the elevation of a particular wall in the house.


Consider a Water Feature
Building a storage bed Incorporating a water feature into your pond
When there is a possibility of dividing different landscaping elevates the overall ambiance,
spaces for different functions in a small space, providing a focal point. Consider installing a
storage is a keen matter of design. As we need waterfall or a fountain that can add a touch
storage for our daily needs, we also need of elegance and movement to the water. The
storage for many miscellaneous things. Hence, gentle sound of trickling water can contribute
Storing stackable chairs when one has a studio apartment or small to a tranquil atmosphere, transforming your
Having small compact spaces to live and storage furniture is a huge issue for living space where every inch counts, storage pond into a serene retreat.
people. This furniture for small spaces includes chairs for daily needs as well as beds can be the best furniture for a small
needs when people gather. For these chairs that one opts for storing in the house, space. Nowadays, bed designs come with a lot PROJECT BY: SILHOUETTE ARCHITECTS & DESIGNERS
they must see if they are stackable chairs. These chairs are very economical of storage options with hydraulic and other Add Lighting
options for furniture for small spaces as they are lightweight and easily movable. mechanisms that could ease up the space. Incorporate underwater lights strategically
One can always store these chairs in small spaces. Stackable chairs come in These beds are also easy to maintain and positioned within the pond to illuminate water
various shapes, sizes, and colours that can give a funky effect while being the provide ample storage while using no extra features, plants, and fish. Path lights along the
right choice of furniture according to the theme. space. edges of pathways or surrounding vegetation
provide safety while enhancing the overall
Sleeping spaces with bunk beds aesthetic. Up-lighting nearby trees or focal
Compact homes always have spaces for every function points can add a touch of elegance. Solar-
rather than allocated rooms. This demands designing powered lights are an eco-friendly option,
furniture for every activity in a rather optimised manner. providing a subtle glow without wiring.
Every piece of furniture in a small space has its
Install Fencing if Necessary

advantages. Using bunk beds for sleeping or in a bedroom

can give one extra space to accommodate. Using these If you have pets or young children, consider
beds as furniture for small spaces can expand the installing a fence around the pond to ensure
bedrooms for more than one person. their safety. The fence can be made of glass
and should be aesthetically pleasing and
complement the overall design while
providing a practical barrier to prevent


Create Viewing Points
Designing strategic viewing points around
your pond, like placing a bench or a series of
Sofa-cum-bed for living rooms Optimize internal wardrobe spaces stepping stones along one side, offering a
When the thought comes regarding the living room of a small house, When one has a small home, one can design the storage serene spot to sit and observe the pond’s
the main focus comes on the sofa in the room. This is the most wardrobes while thinking about them very carefully. The reflections and inhabitants. If space allows, a
important and intricate piece of furniture that can be used for wardrobes can have modular compartments for storing every kind well-positioned deck or elevated platform can
multiple purposes. One can design a sofa-bed that can be used in of item. These wardrobes can be designed with extra lofts over provide a panoramic view of the entire water
either way according to the time. Given this type of design as the top to incorporate more storage. These lofts can help one feature. By creating intentional viewing
furniture for small spaces, it will save extra space in the house. This have storage for suitcases and other miscellaneous items. There points, you transform your pond into a
can give us a variety of opportunities to use it in any room. Such a can be drawers that would provide extra storage inside the captivating focal point within your landscape,
piece of furniture for small spaces has the benefit of fitting anywhere. cupboards for various items such as socks, jewellery, etc. encouraging moments of relaxation.


his two bedroom apartment re- tails is the white brick texture on the are a classic example of minimalism
minds one of the rolling blue entrance wall, perched atop a thin clas- and elegance.
seas of the Mediterranean. The sical moulding. The imprinted lines on The master bedroom’s design has a
bright blue against the stark white the wall once again remind us of the serene and solemn vocabulary, inter-
pays homage to the classic, clean beau- earthy, white architecture along spersed with colourful elements such
ty of the seaside. Mykonos’ shores as the blue rafters, floral wallpaper and
The interiors of this abode in Baner, The home’s heart and soul is the liv- French wardrobe shutters. The opaque
Pune are gracious, quiet and elegant, ing area and the semi-open kitchen. glass on the wardrobe works with the
reflecting the owners’ style and vision The wooden rafters on the ceiling add a broad frame to lend a certain masculin-
for the space. The open design invites rustic touch to the space, while the ity to the otherwise soft interiors. The
in the abundant sunlight and makes dainty furniture balances the airiness study adjacent to the bay window is a
the bright hues pop to life during the of the room. The wooden break- light-filled and joyful corner of
day. At night, the strategic lighting fast counter stands bold as Designed by: the room.
achieved using lampshades and spot- the only partition between Agneya Designs Pvt. As a last nod to the
lights highlights those same elements the common area and the Ltd Mediterranean theme, the
in a more subdued tone. kitchen, maintaining a Principal Architects: master bedroom has bright
The honey-coloured wood used sense of privacy for the Anurag Karnik & Kunal blue rafters on its ceiling
throughout the house provides the per- homeowners. Sangle and streaming down on the
fect amount of warmth to the interiors. The design theme is seam- Photograph Courtesy: wall is a canopy of blue wis-
The sparse furniture blends in with its lessly followed into the Onil Shah teria wallpaper, engulfing the
surroundings making the space feel kitchen; from the white counter- bed frame delicately and binding
more spacious and the natural light top and cabinets, up to the open wood- together the room’s features.
streaming in through the windows en- en shelves. The straight black lines on The wide steps leading up to the plat-
gulfs anyone walking through the door the cabinet wall come together to form form above provide a resonant warmth
in a gentle embrace. a groovy pattern, adding a little play- against the white floors and ceiling.
Another interesting detail is this fulness to the cooking area. The natu- The cosy study area, alongside the
wooden shelf hanging in the living ral light from the windows seems to tranquil mandir, forms an ideal corner
room corner. The sleek black support- bounce off the shiny white surfaces for some solitude and focus. The tradi-
ing bars give it a swing-like character, and fill the room with warmth. The ar- tional bells hanging on the mandir
perfectly in sync with the overall look tificial lighting in the kitchen adds a door frame add just a touch of symbol-
of the house. The most subtle details spotlight effect to the spatial elements. ic beauty to the modern house.
can often be overlooked when those de- These teardrop-shaped pendant lights
tails are at the core of the home’s per-
sonality and charm. One of those de- These are edited excerpts. Read full articles on The Architect’s Diary website.

‘I often find joy in

mastering precision
manoeuvres on ice’
Post the Audi Ice Drive, Car India had a chat with
Balbir Singh Dhillon, Head of Audi India, and
spoke about everything that can be

ASPI BHATHENA AND JIM GORDE formats of drive that encompass
different affinities of living luxury,
What were the main objectives of like Wellness, Performance, Culi-
conducting this drive on ice? nary, Lifestyle, Royalty, and
Audi sets itself apart as a brand Wildlife. These exclusive events
committed to delivering the most are curated only for our Club Re-


exclusive luxury experience. The wards members. We have already
Audi Ice Drive experience marks conducted several custom-made
the company’s signature event events for our customers in 2023
combining Audi’s exciting per- and continue to do so this year.
formance cars with an unrivalled
driving challenge. Under the guid- How did you enjoy driving on ice?
ance of Audi’s expert instructors, The Audi Ice Drive Experience is a
guests at the Ice Drive Experience unique and thrilling adventure.
The changes in the updated Mahindra XUV400 are learn how to steer, counter-steer, Driving on icy surfaces under con-
focused on the interior, including digital instrumen- and drift through one of the most
demanding driving conditions
trolled conditions allowed me to ex-
plore the full potential of Audi ve-
tation and improved infotainment. Meanwhile, the laden with ice and snow. hicles. The programme not only
provides a safe environment to
performance remains as brisk as it always was How many customer requests do
you receive for participation in
push the limits but also imparts
valuable skills for handling chal-
SAYANTAN DE tioning of the central a-c vents, but Mahindra such events? lenging road conditions. I often find
have taken this opportunity to overhaul the cli- Controlling a car on ice is an expe- joy in mastering precision manoeu-

ahindra do not update their cars like mate control system. The EL Pro now comes rience like none other and all vres on ice, enhancing my driving
smartphones; instead, they launch a with automatic dual-zone climate control as well guests are trained by some of the capabilities and gaining a deeper
competent product and make changes as rear a-c vents, which is a great feature to have world’s best instructors at the appreciation for the advanced tech-
on the basis of customer feedback. Honestly, and I wish every car had this. The rear passen- Audi Ice Drive Experience. From nology and performance features of
they are among the few companies that actively gers also get a USB charging port. high-speed braking, lane change, Audi cars. Spending time with
listen to their customers. This is evident in the The company has also changed the steering oversteering and understeering to friends from the press and cus-
new Mahindra XUV400 EL Pro. wheel and the newer one comes with more but- dynamic drifting and avoiding tomers in Finland this year was be-
Mahindra have opted to tweak the areas that tons and rocker switches. However, as there are mock obstacles, guests receive yond exhilarating!
needed improvement while leaving the rest of now two rocker switches per side, it is easy to ac- training and support throughout
the systems untouched. This is evident the mo- cidentally flick one when applying full lock and, the Experience. The success of the What about plug-in hybrids? Do
ment you see the car, because, visually, it is well during my drive, this happened frequently. first Audi Ice Drive Experience you think the Q7 55 TFSI e would
nigh impossible to tell them There is a new wireless charger has been significant and the re- do well in India? Are any other
apart. Since the XUV400 strikes The new Pro range starts for smartphones and Mahindra sponse from all our customers and electrified models being
a ruggedly handsome pose,
there’s not much to improve on
at Rs 15.49 lakh and goes say wireless Android Auto and
Apple CarPlay will be added
media fraternity has been over-
considering apart from full
the design front. That said, a few up t o Rs 17.69 lakh (all soon via an over-the-air update. We don’t have plans to introduce
small touches to set the newer
car apart from the older one
prices ex-showroom). Performance is still brisk, as
was the case before. The three
Will you be doing an Ice Drive
Experience for your customers
plug-in hybrids in the country.
Starting 2033, we will only launch
would have been appreciated. Therefore, the value drive modes (Fun, Fast, and and how does one book such an electric cars, as communicated
The moment you step inside, proposition has increased Fearless) noticeably alter the Experience? globally. This strategy is aligned to
though, you feel you’re in a car power delivery and pedal re- Yes, absolutely. Audi customers the Indian market as well.
that’s at least a segment above considerably; the new car sponse of the car. It feels like can book an Audi Ice Drive Experi-
the older model. The dual-tone not only packs better Mahindra have also tweaked the ence by getting in touch with their We drove the e-tron GT and the
interior, with its generous use of suspension, for the car now nearest Audi dealership. RS 4 Avant here. Are there any
white, helps make the cabin feel tech, it also offers said rides flatter through corners. This is a paid experience that in- plans to re-introduce a perform-
airy. The older version’s interior tech at a lower price. Compared to its predecessor, the cludes the overall experience in ance estate in India?
was lifted straight from the torque steer felt lesser, too, Austria or Finland and accommo- The market for estates in India is
XUV300, including the analogue though still present; just the dation. Flight tickets are not in- extremely limited. Hence, it does
dials (these were unique among electric vehicles consequence of putting 310 Nm through the cluded in this cost. not make business sense to sell
but offered very little in the way of vehicle info). front axle. The 110 kW (150 hp) it comes with is them in India at the moment.
Now you will find a 10.25-inch driver’s display more than enough for most occasions. What sort of new driving
with a plethora of information and this is aided When the XUV400 was launched in June 2023, experiences would be possible to What sort of targets do you have
by a 10.25-inch infotainment screen which sits its price started at Rs 15.99 lakh, going up to conduct in India? for the calendar year 2024 and
atop the centre console rather than being inte- Rs 18.99 lakh. The new Pro range starts at Audi India organise an array of financial year 2024-2025? Does
grated into it. Rs 15.49 lakh and goes up t o Rs 17.69 lakh (all exclusive and fascinating experi- the trajectory seem to be on
The new touchscreen is leagues ahead of the prices ex-showroom). Therefore, the value ences that enable customers to en- track thus far?
older unit, with much higher resolution and bet- proposition has increased considerably; the new counter luxury at its best in India Audi India registered strong per-
ter responsiveness. The graphics have been car not only packs better tech, it also offers said as well. As a brand, we want to re- formance with a growth of 89 per
tweaked as well—the new graphics actually tech at a lower price. I believe if anyone is in the define luxury beyond cars with cu- cent in 2023, retailing 7,931 units.
make the car feel a lot more modern, despite it market for a compact e-SUV, they need to test- rated, tailor-made events for our There is positive momentum in In-
remaining mechanically unchanged. The reloca- drive this car, because the XUV400 offers excep- customers, thus celebrating the di- dia’s luxury car market, but cer-
tion of the screen also necessitated the reposi- tional bang for the buck in its segment. versity of luxury experiences. We tain global supply chain issues are
PHOTOGRAPHER: SANJAY RAIKAR conduct Audi Club Reward drives, causing supply challenges, espe-
an exclusive loyalty programme cially for Q1 2024. We continue to
that provides our customers the be optimistic about 2024 and are
NEW VANTAGE GETS 665-HP V8 opportunity to explore different looking to growth year-on-year.

After quite some time, the Aston Martin vantage

has received its first proper mid-life refresh since its
2018 début and the wait was worth it. The updated
Vantage has taken a leaf out of the DB12’s book
with a larger front grille and Matrix LED headlamps.
It also gets a wider rear bumper and larger tail-
pipes. Complementing all this are 21-inch forged
alloy wheels, with optional carbon ceramic brakes
that save up to 27 kg.
Under the hood is the 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged
V8 engine, sourced from Mercedes-AMG, making
665 hp and 800 Nm. That’s an increase of 155 hp
and 110 Nm over the model it replaces; only 15 hp
down on big brother DB12! These gains have result-
ed from the modified camshafts, revised compres-
sion ratio, bigger turbos, and even better cooling
Apart from those, the eight-speed ZF automatic
gearbox has been revised for quicker shifts, which

helps the Vantage hit 100 km/h from a standstill in
3.5 seconds and top out at 325 km/h. It also gets
stiffer suspension mounting points, adaptive
dampers and a revised underbody, with enhance-
g in penin ments also including re-tuned traction modes,
What’s hap f cars launch control, and electronic power steering.


The new Dacia Spring Electric has been unveiled for the European markets and is
expected to arrive in India as the electric Renault Kwid. The Romanian automaker, under its
French umbrella, recently unveiled the Spring Electric hatchback. It carries Dacia’s aggressive
new design language with new Y-shaped front daytime lights and taillights making it look SKODA OCTAVIA REFRESHED
more confident than ever. Inside, it gets a 7.0-inch infotainment system as standard and a
10-inch infotainment system in the higher-spec variant that is capable of planning charging
remotely, displaying real-time traffic, providing driver assistance and safety systems along The fourth-generation Skoda Octavia has undergone a midlife refresh since it first made its global
with smartphone connectivity. It also gets a variety of apps. It is being offered in two differ- début in 2020. Skoda released a design for the mid-life refresh for the fourth-gen Octavia barely a
ent outputs, one that makes 33 kW (45 hp) and a new 48-kW (65-hp) version. Zero to 100 week before the covers came off. This update is more evolutionary than revolutionary and brings
km/h is achieved in less than 14 seconds. Dacia claim a range of up to 220 kilometres with plenty of changes. So, what’s new? For starters, it’s got a meaner face, with LED daytime lights
a time of 45 minutes for a 20 to 80 per cent charge. above the Matrix LED headlights, a tweaked front grille and bumper. There are new wheel options
with minimal tweaks to the rear bumper and tail-light clusters. Inside, the Octavia gets a dualtone
cabin with recycled fabric for the upholstery. There is a new 10-inch touchscreen infotainment unit,
with an optional 13-inch unit. The set-up gains an AI-based ChatGPT integrated chatbot which
helps in voice command-based features. Powertrain choices include 115-hp and 150-hp 1.5-litre
TSI petrols, an AWD 2.0-litre TSI petrol with 204 hp and 320 Nm, two 2.0 TDI diesels with 116 hp
and 150 hp, with a selection of either six-speed manual or seven-speed DSG automatic transmis-
MINI COOPER C AND S sion. There is also the performance-centric
Octavia RS pushing out 265 hp
The latest Mini Cooper initially showed up only as an electric hatch but it has now received two and 370 Nm from the 2.0-litre
combustion options as well. The popular little iconic hatch line-up starts with the Cooper C, which TSI petrol motor, mated to
comes with a 1.5-litre three-cylinder turbo-petrol engine with 156 hp and 230 Nm. The next step is the the seven-speed
Cooper S with a 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbo-petrol that delivers 204 hp and 300 Nm. These are enough DSG.
for a 0-100 km/h sprint in 7.7 seconds (Cooper C) and 6.6 seconds (Cooper S). The C gets a seven-
speed dual-clutch automatic whereas the S gets the eight-speed automatic. The new Cooper won’t
be getting the option of a third pedal. The Mini Cooper is famous for its go-kart like handling and the
latest iteration gets trickery such as bespoke suspension and damping system tuned for that sort of
feeling, as well as better brakes. There’s still a wait for the new JCW with no word yet on when we
may expect the hot variant. In other news, the Cooper SE Convertible has also joined the line-up for
those looking for a glamorous EV.
Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for
dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social
fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family.
– Ban Ki-moon (former UN Secretary-General)


Canada revamps
temporary resident
anada, a country built on shortened from 18 to 6 months.
immigration, is making ad- LMIAs are crucial documents em-
justments to its Temporary ployers need to prove they’ve made
Resident Program. The program, a good-faith effort to recruit Cana-
crucial for the nation’s workforce dians before hiring temporary for-
and cultural vibrancy, is undergo- eign workers. Shorter validity pe-
ing a transformation to ensure its riods ensure the assessments re-
continued effectiveness. main relevant to current labor
market conditions.
Balancing Needs and Effi- Stricter Workforce Caps: The
ciency proportion of a workforce that can
The announcement, made by Im- be filled by temporary foreign
migration Minister Marc Miller workers will be reduced. This en-
on March 8, 2024, reflects Canada’s sures a stronger focus on recruit-
commitment to a balanced ap- ing and training Canadians for
proach. The program has seen a available jobs.
significant rise in temporary resi- Prioritizing Canadian Recruit-
dents, driven by factors like an ag- ment: Employers will be required
ing population and labor market to demonstrate a more robust ef-


skill shortages. To manage this fort to recruit and train Canadian
growth, Canada will introduce an- workers before seeking temporary
nual caps on temporary resident foreign labor.
admissions. These caps will be de- The Canadian government be-
termined by a careful analysis of lieves these changes will create a
labor market needs and the capaci- fairer system that benefits both
ty of communities to integrate Canadian employers seeking

he U.S. Citizenship and Immi- However, USCIS will still process H- (DOL) have jointly released additional open April 22, 2024. newcomers. skilled workers and Canadian
gration Services (USCIS) has 2B petitions exempt from the cap, in- H-2B visas for FY 2024. U.S. businesses The deadline for all supplemental workers seeking meaningful em-
announced critical updates to cluding those for: must demonstrate they will suffer ir- visa petitions under this rule is Sep- Effective From May ployment opportunities.
the H-2B visa program. This includes ● Current H-2B workers in the U.S. reparable financial harm if they can- tember 16, 2024, or when the cap for The Temporary Foreign Worker
the reaching of the cap for the second seeking to extend their stay or change not employ H-2B workers. Here are the any category is reached. Program (TFWP), a key compo- Looking Ahead
half of the fiscal year (FY) 2024 and employers. important filing deadlines: nent of the Temporary Resident Canada’s Temporary Resident Pro-
new filing dates for the remaining ● Fish roe processors, technicians, ● Employers seeking workers from El Important Fee and Form Program, is also undergoing ad- gram remains a vital tool for the
supplemental H-2B visas. and supervisors. Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Edition Updates justments. Concerns have been nation’s economic and social well-
● Workers performing labor or servic- Haiti, Colombia, Ecuador, and Costa USCIS has adjusted the fees for most raised regarding potential down- being. The recent changes aim to
H-2B Cap Reached es in the Commonwealth of the Rica: USCIS will accept petitions immigration applications and peti- ward pressure on wages for Cana- improve efficiency, ensure fairness
The congressionally mandated H-2B Northern Mariana Islands and/or starting March 22, 2024 (employment tions. These new fees take effect on dian workers and exploitation of for Canadian workers, and pro-
cap for the second half of FY 2024 has Guam. start dates April 1 - Sept 30, 2024). April 1, 2024. H-2B petitions post- temporary foreign workers. To ad- mote successful integration of
been met. New cap-subject H-2B peti- ● Employers seeking returning work- marked on or after this date must in- dress these issues, the TFWP will newcomers into Canadian society.
tions requesting employment start Supplemental Visa Filing ers for April 1 - May 14: Petitions open clude the new fees and be filed on the see several changes, including: Immigration Times will continue
dates on or after April 1, 2024, and be- Deadlines March 22, 2024. updated Form I-129 (edition 04/01/24). Reduced LMIA Validity: The va- to follow developments in Cana-
fore Oct. 1, 2024, submitted after The Department of Homeland Securi- ● Employers seeking returning work- For more details on these changes, lidity of Labour Market Impact da’s immigration policies and
March 7, 2024 will not be accepted. ty (DHS) and the Department of Labor ers for May 15 - Sept. 30: Petitions visit the USCIS website. Assessments (LMIAs) will be keep our readers informed.


UK’s new online immigration system: What you need to know

he UK Visas and Immigration tion. You can also use your account to
(UKVI) is moving towards a share your immigration status proof
completely digital immigration with employers, landlords, and others.
This means your physical docu- How It Works
ments (like Biometric Residence Per- View Your Details: See your visa type,
mits) are being replaced with an on- expiry date, and UK stay conditions.
line record called an eVisa. Update Information: Keep your con-
tact details and passport information
What is an eVisa? current.
An eVisa is a secure, digital version Prove Your Status: Generate secure
of your UK immigration status and codes to share with employers, etc.
permissions. To access it, you’ll need
a UKVI account. This change won’t How to Get an eVisa
alter your current status or rights in The process depends on your current
the UK. immigration document:
BRP Holders: The UKVI will contact
Benefits of an eVisa you with instructions before your
Enhanced Security: eVisas are hard- BRP expires in December 2024.
er to lose, steal, or counterfeit com- Other Document Holders: If you
pared to physical documents. need to renew your status or have a
Convenience: No more waiting for Easy Status Verification: Quickly UKVI account needed different type of document, follow the
physical documents after your appli- prove your right to work, rent, or Your UKVI account is your gateway to standard UK immigration application
cation is approved. cross UK borders. your eVisa and its associated informa- process.


immigration opportunities YOU AVOID H-1B REJECTION
New focus on rural and Francophone communities he path to securing a coveted H-1B visa
just got a little more complicated. The

anada is broadening its US government has implemented new
immigration pathways rules designed to protect US workers and en-
with the announcement sure foreign employees are paid fairly. Failure
of two new pilot programs de- to meticulously follow these guidelines could
signed to specifically support result in your H-1B visa application being
the growth and vitality of ru- swiftly rejected.
ral and Francophone minori-
ty communities across the na- Finding a Willing Sponsor
tion. The government also an- The first hurdle in obtaining an H-1B visa is
nounced the transition of the finding a US company willing to sponsor your
successful Rural and North- application. This could be your current em-
ern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) ployer or a new one. If you’re currently in the
into a permanent program. US on a student visa, discussing H-1B sponsor-
These new initiatives, the ship with your employer could be a starting
Rural Community Immigra- point. If that’s not an option, consulting an ex-
tion Pilot and the Francopho- perienced immigration lawyer is essential to
ne Community Immigration understanding your possibilities.
Pilot, aim to attract and retain
skilled newcomers in areas The Labor Condition Application
facing labor shortages and de- Before a company can even consider filing
mographic challenges. The your H-1B petition, they must secure a certi-
Rural Community Immigra- fied Labor Condition Application (LCA) from
tion Pilot, launching in the the US Department of Labor (DOL). The LCA
fall of 2024, offers permanent is your employer’s promise to uphold specific
residency pathways to foreign
KEY POINTS da’s success, and regional im- regulations, including paying you the prevail- There are several ways to identify the pre- no earlier than six months before the potential
● The success of the RNIP has
nationals committed to set- paved the way for its transition into migration is key to their eco- ing wage and ensuring the hiring doesn’t neg- vailing wage, with the most reliable being the start date of employment.
tling in smaller Canadian a permanent program. nomic strength,” said the Ho- atively affect opportunities for US workers. National Prevailing Wage Center (NPWC) – The final step, once the LCA is certified, is
communities. ● To date, the RNIP has helped nourable Marc Miller, Minis- To obtain an LCA, employers must navigate this route offers employers peace of mind as it for your employer to file the H-1B petition
The Francophone Commu- over 4,500 newcomers gain perma- ter of Immigration, Refugees a series of detailed procedures, involving ac- minimizes the risk of legal challenges. Other (Form I-129) along with a detailed employment
nity Immigration Pilot, also nent residence, filling critical labor and Citizenship. " The RNIP curate job descriptions, wage verifications, options include commissioning a wage survey letter and your supporting documents (educa-
launching in the fall of 2024, gaps. has proven its value, and with and adherence to legal safeguards. from an independent source or using various tional qualifications, resume, etc.). Status up-
seeks to increase the settle- ● The new pilots align with Cana- these new pilots, we’re provid- legitimate, though potentially less reliable, ref- dates on your petition are available through
ment of French-speaking da’s commitment to supporting ing even greater support for Understanding prevailing wage erence points. the USCIS website.
newcomers outside of Que- Francophone communities and ad- these unique communities to A key aspect of the LCA process is determin-
bec. This pilot is designed to dressing regional economic needs. find the workers they need." ing the prevailing wage – the standard salary Completing and monitoring the process Don’t get caught
bolster the economic develop- IRCC will begin accepting for someone with your qualifications and ex- Once the prevailing wage is established, the Changes to H-1B regulations are designed to
ment and demographic applications from communi- perience working in a similar role and loca- employer must complete and submit Form create a more level playing field. Employers
strength of Francophone mi- "Rural and northern com- ties wishing to participate in tion. The government mandates that H-1B ETA 9035 through the Foreign Labor Applica- and potential H-1B visa holders alike must un-
nority communities. munities are integral to Cana- the new programs this spring. workers cannot be paid less than this prevail- tion Gateway (FLAG) system. Employers must derstand and carefully adhere to these rules to
ing wage. keep in mind the tight deadline of submitting avoid delays or outright rejections.

Cat Backhoe Loader offers safe ‘Our motor graders are

& spacious operator station preferred by prominent
Amit Bansal, Director Sales &
road contractors’
Marketing-BCP Division, Says Nischal Mehrotra,
Caterpillar India, gives insights Senior Vice-President (Sales &
into their product Marketing), LiuGong India
What are the key features of motor graders
manufactured by Liugong?
Currently, we produce a comprehensive range of
motor graders at our facility in India, with offer-
ings tailored to three distinct categories. Our
lineup caters to the hiring segment, road con-
tractors, and mining contractors responsible for
road maintenance. The motor graders are avail-
able with power options starting at 160 HP, fol-
lowed by 180 HP and 220 HP models. The 160 HP
variant is the preferred choice for hiring jobs,
while the 180 HP model is favored by contractors
seeking optimal productivity and catering to You spoke about the different application
end-users. The 220 HP motor grader is specifi- areas, hiring, contractors and mining areas
cally designed for applications in mining areas. where your products are being used. Can
All our machines in the 160 HP and 180 HP cate- you share the market share in this particu-
gories are equipped with Ashok Leyland en- lar segment?
What are the key features that differentiate Safety: The new stylish cab integrates roll- gines, ZF transmissions. Each machine comes In Gujarat, we hold a substantial market
your backhoe loaders from competitors? overprotective structure (ROPS) and falling- equipped with AC cables for enhanced comfort. share in the road sector. Our motor graders
To meet the evolving needs of customers, we object protective structure (FOPS) to protect The 220 HP model designed for mining applica- are preferred by numerous prominent road
continuously innovate advanced technological operators and give them a safer environment tions features a UHI engine, ensuring robust contractors engaged in significant projects.
solutions that set a benchmark for productivi- in which to work. Redesigned mountings at the performance in challenging environments. Notably, in the Ganga Expressway project in
ty, efficiency, safety, and sustainability in the cabin’s four corners lower vibration feedback Uttar Pradesh, we have a strong presence
construction equipment industry. We are also to improve operator comfort further. Additionally, could you provide more in- with more than 22 graders actively contribut-
investing in the growth of aftermarket servic- Efficiency: At the rear of the machine, the sights into how telematics might be under- ing to the construction. These graders are
es, including maintenance, repairs, and excavator style boom offers better accessibility going changes in various application areas? both hired for use and directly purchased by
customization, as they are integral to the over obstacles and improved loading efficiency Currently, all our machines are powered by road contractors. Our success extends to the
growth of the construction equipment indus- in confined spaces. Providing strong stick electronic engines and are equipped with northern region of Gujarat, where we proud-
try in India, and it applies to Backhoe loaders force, the machine’s 60-40 split between boom telematics. This enables you to access real-time ly lead in grader sales. However, we acknowl-
as well. Our focus is to reduce operational and stick delivers better reach over trucks for data on your machine’s health, working hours, edge that our performance in the southern re-
costs, extend equipment life, and enhance fleet ease of loading. Digging performance and ma- and productivity. With the convenience of a gion is currently below expectations. In con-
management, making construction equipment terial retention are improved by the 205-de- mobile app, you have instant access to all ma- trast to our remarkable success in other ar-
more efficient and cost-effective for the grees of rotation offered by the hoe bucket. chine-related information at your fingertips. In eas, we recognize the need for improvement
customers. Load-sensing, close-centred hydraulics pro- many cases, these machines are designed to op- in the south. We are committed to addressing
vides oil flow to meet system demand for supe- erate in remote locations, such as in road con- this challenge and working towards strength-
What after-sales services do you provide for rior fuel efficiency. Robust components com- struction or other isolated areas. Unfortunate- ening our presence and performance in the
your backhoe loaders? offerings as well as the range of repair options bine with low system wear to increase reliabil- ly, there have been instances where someone at- southern market.
We offer customized plans throughout the help to lower the equipment owning costs. Cat ity and provide improved performance for an tempted to siphon off diesel fuel from our
product lifecycle to enhance the ownership equipment is built to be rebuilt and recondi- extended period. equipment. Thanks to our advanced monitor- What is the competitive advantage of your
experience of Cat customers. tion and the Cat Certified machine Rebuild op- Capacity: The new machine design offers the ing system, if more than 5 liters of diesel is re- motor grader compared to your
24/7 support: We work on a dealer model for tions can transform the used machines, bring choice between two-wheel drive for optimum moved, we receive an instant SMS alert notify- competitors?
the go-to-market function. Our dealers are the new life to assets with like-new performance at fuel efficiency and four-wheel drive for maxi- ing us of the drop-in fuel levels. Since it is im- Our greatest advantage lies in being a versa-
face of Caterpillar to our customers. In India, a fraction of the cost of a new machine. mum performance on hilly or tough terrain. plausible for 5 liters of diesel to be legitimately tile multi-product company. For road contrac-
we have two long standing dealers — Gmmco The new multipurpose loader bucket option consumed within an hour, this alert system al- tors seeking equipment, we offer a compre-
covers the southern region, while Gainwell How are your backhoe loaders customized improves functionality at the loader end for lows us to promptly identify and address any hensive range of products, spanning from
Commosales India Pvt Ltd covers the northern to meet specific client requirements? dozing, grading, spreading, material handling, unauthorized access or fuel theft. loaders to excavators tailored specifically for
part. They offer round-the-clock We continually look for opportuni- carrying and loading. With this and the addi- road projects. Our inventory includes com-
service through a network of al- ties to broaden our product and tion of a new 0.3 m3 backhoe bucket for in- You mentioned about hiring contractors in pactors and graders, and even dozers with a
most 4,000 people (between the two service offerings, to address our creased material capacity, a broad range of mining. Which is the application area do power rating of 160HP for road applications.
dealers) , who are supported by customer needs and help them to bucket options are available for the 424 to suit you get the most business from? We take pride in providing a one-stop solu-
Caterpillar experts. succeed in their business. Our range any application. Offering primary and second- Currently, the 180HP grader has gained signifi- tion, ensuring that our customers find the
Financial offerings: To help cus- Growing of backhoe loaders are equipped ary braking for demolition applications, the cant popularity in comparison to mining or hir- perfect equipment for their job. This exten-
tomers protect their investments,
Cat Financial offers various financ-
adoption of with the following features:
Power & Precision: Cat® Backhoe
B8S hammer with necessary lines is available,
while the optional manual hoe coupler affords
ing options. Liugong entered the grader market
in India with the introduction of the smaller
sive product range positions us as a preferred
choice among customers, as they value the
ing, and leasing options as well as sustainable Loaders provide superior digging, smooth and efficient interchange between the 414 grader. Additionally, our recently launched convenience of relying on a single Original
extended protection packages. Cat construction trenching, back-filling, and material bucket, hammer, or other backhoe work tools. hiring grader made its debut at Excon just two Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) for all their
Financial can support customers in handling capability and can be used months ago. Prior to this, our focus was prima- equipment needs. Our commitment extends
making the best choice to support equipment for many applications, including but What steps has your company taken to rily on collaborating with beyond supply; we also take care of construc-
their business, no matter how big aims to not limited to General Construction, reduce the environmental impact of your road contractors who tion and maintenance aspects, further solidi-
or small, whether it be for new or
used Cat machines or for repair/re-
reduce the Demolitions and Excavations, Land-
scaping, Breaking Asphalt and
backhoe loaders?
Growing adoption of sustainable construction
utilized 180HP
fying our reputation as a trusted and compre-
hensive solution provider.
build options to keep their current environmental Paving. They deliver the power and equipment aims to reduce the environmental
machines operational. impact of the precise handling customer need impact of the construction industry. It incor-
Maximizing performance: Cus-
tomer Value Agreements’ (CVAs)
construction when operating in areas where using
larger equipment is not practical.
porates energy-efficient designs, emission con-
trol, noise reduction, alternative fuels, light-
can support hassle-free service to industry. Our Backhoe Loaders set the indus- weight materials, data monitoring, and end-of-
customers at any point in the ma- try standard for operator comfort, life considerations. Recently, at the Excon 2023,
chine lifecycle to help maximize machine exceptional performance, versatility, and we celebrated the successful transitioning
performance and utilization. A CVA includes jobsite efficiency. from Bharat Stage IV (BS4) to higher emission
dealer technician support using genuine Cat Fuel Efficiency: The Cat 424 Backhoe Loader standards of Bharat Stage V, that meets cur-
parts for certain planned maintenance and with Cat C3.6 engine delivers 41.3% higher rent and future emissions standards. Cat Back-
fluid health management to help identify peak torque to improve machine performance. hoe Loader delivers exceptional performance,
issues before they cause unexpected down- This provides high fuel efficiency with up to enhanced fuel efficiency and a comfortable,
time. It is an ‘all in one’ plan to support the 20% fuel saving over the previous model when safe, and spacious operator station. Compared
machine’s health and keep machines running operated in the new Eco mode. The 424 has to previous models, the Cat 424 Backhoe
longer with genuine Cat parts, and to make stronger parallel lift loader arm design that de- Loader with Cat C3.6 engine delivers 41.3%
owning equipment easier for Cat customers. livers high breakout forces and improved ma- higher peak torque and features a completely
Cat Rebuild: Cat Reman and Rebuild product terial retention when lifting the loader bucket. revamped, stylish and modern design.


What specific goals and priorities at Handheld compactors, such as vibra- With the upcoming and ongoing
Odisha Mining & Infrastructure tory hand tampers or plate compactors, infrastructure and construction
International Expo 2024? are portable tools used for compacting opportunities, how do you intend to
The specific goals and priorities at the small areas, edges, and corners. They assess the performance and
Odisha Mining & Infrastructure Inter- are commonly employed in landscap- outcomes of your business for the
national Expo 2024 would likely revolve ing, pavement repair, and minor con- coming quarters?
around promoting the mining and in- Dilip Kumar Bariki, LCC Product Specialist, Dynapac Road Construction Equipment struction tasks. Assessing the performance and out-
frastructure sectors in Odisha, India, Rammers (Tamping Compactors): comes of a business in the context of
and fostering collaboration and innova- (India), gives a glimpse of the company goals Rammers, or tamping compactors, are upcoming and ongoing infrastructure
tion within these industries. handheld or walk-behind machines and construction opportunities involves
Showcasing Odisha’s mining poten- equipped with a small vibrating plate. several key steps and considerations.
tial: Highlighting the state’s rich min- They are ideal for compacting confined Here’s how you might approach this:
eral resources and investment opportu- or hard-to-reach areas, such as trench- Establish Key Performance Indica-
nities to attract domestic and interna- es, foundations, and narrow spaces. tors (KPIs): Identify specific metrics
tional investors. Walk-Behind Rollers: Walk-behind that align with your business goals and
Facilitating networking and partner- rollers, also known as pedestrian objectives. These could include finan-
ships: Providing a platform for indus- rollers, are compact machines used cial metrics (e.g., revenue growth, prof-
try stakeholders to connect, discuss for compacting asphalt, soil, and gravel itability), operational metrics (e.g.,
potential collaborations, and form in smaller-scale projects or areas project completion time, equipment
strategic partnerships. with limited access. They are easy to utilization), and customer satisfaction
Emphasizing environmentally friendly maneuver and operate, making them metrics (e.g., client feedback, project
mining techniques and sustainable in- suitable for landscaping, road repair, success rates).
frastructure development to ensure and utility work. Monitor Market Trends and Opportu-
long-term viability and Trench Compactors: Trench com- nities: Stay informed about the latest
minimize ecological pactors are narrow and maneuverable developments in the infrastructure and
impact. machines designed specifically for construction sectors, including upcom-
Showcasing the latest compacting trench backfills, utility in- ing projects, government initiatives,
advancements in stallations, and pipeline projects. They regulatory changes, and industry
mining technology, player in the global min- Can you provide insights into the tory plates, are compact and versatile feature a slim profile to fit into tight trends. This information can help you
automation, and ing and infrastructure range of products you showcased at machines used for compacting granu- spaces and trenches while delivering identify new opportunities and adapt
infrastructure markets through target- the Expo? lar soils, asphalt, and paving stones. high compaction forces. your business strategies accordingly.
solutions to improve ed marketing, knowledge As a Product Specialist, At the Odisha They come in various sizes and config- Compaction Accessories and Attach- Track Project Pipeline and Sales
efficiency, safety, and sharing, and capacity Mining and Infrastructure Expo, a urations to suit different project ments: Exhibitors might also display a Pipeline: Keep a close eye on your proj-
productivity. building initiatives. range of light compaction products requirements. range of accessories and attachments ect pipeline to assess the volume and
Supporting local Overall, the expo aims might have been showcased to cater to Reversible Plate Compactors: Re- for light compaction equipment, such as value of upcoming projects in your
development: Encour- to catalyze growth, inno- the needs of construction, mining, and versible plate compactors offer the ad- extension plates, water tanks for as- target markets. Similarly, monitor your
aging participation vation, and sustainabili- infrastructure development projects. vantage of dual-direction compaction, phalt compaction, and transport wheels sales pipeline to track the progress of
from local businesses, ty in the mining and in- Here are insights into the typical types allowing operators to maneuver easily for easy maneuverability. These light potential deals and opportunities, from
suppliers, and commu- frastructure sectors of of light compaction products that around obstacles and achieve higher compaction products offer contractors, initial leads to closed contracts.
nities to stimulate economic growth Odisha while fostering collaboration could have been exhibited: compaction forces. They are commonly construction professionals efficient and
and create employment opportunities. and partnerships on both regional and Forward Plate Compactors: Forward used for compacting cohesive soils and effective solutions for achieving proper These are edited excerpts. Read full
Positioning Odisha as a competitive international levels. plate compactors, also known as vibra- backfill materials. compaction in various applications. interviews on Equipment Times website

Chrysocolla: Of Tranquility
and Transformation
FPJ FEATURES DESK immune system. Additionally, it may
be used to alleviate physical ailments

hrysocolla is frequently inter- related to inflammation, such as arthri-
grown with other minerals, con- tis and digestive issues.
tributing to its varied appear- Spiritual growth: Chrysocolla pro-
ance. Its colour ranges from light green motes spiritual growth, intuition, and
to deep blue-green, often displaying connection with the divine. It may en-
shades of turquoise, teal, or cyan. hance meditation practices, deepen
spiritual insights, and foster a sense of
Locations inner wisdom and intuition.
Significant deposits of chrysocolla are Feminine energy: Some associate
found in various parts of the world, in- chrysocolla with feminine energy and
cluding the southwestern United States the divine feminine aspects of nurtur-
(Arizona, New Mexico), Chile, Peru, ing, creativity, and intuition. It is be-
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, lieved to support women's health, men-
Israel, and Australia. strual cycles, and reproductive well-
ness, as well as encourage creativity
Moh scale and artistic expression.
Chrysocolla has a Mohs hardness scale
rating of around 2 to 4. This rating in- Compatibility with other crystals
dicates that chrysocolla is relatively When working with crystals for meta-
soft compared to many other minerals. physical purposes, certain crystals
It can be easily scratched by harder complement each other's energies,
materials, such as quartz (Mohs hard- amplifying their effects or balance
ness of 7) and steel. As a result of its each other out. Here are some crys-
relatively low hardness,
chrysocolla is often


used for ornamental
purposes rather than
for applications where
durability is a pri-
mary concern.

In metaphysical and
Here’s what the Tarot Card readings for Universal Theme for the next 15 days – Ace of spiritual practices,
the period of March 30 to April 12 for all Wands: Passion and enthusiasm. It’s an ace! chrysocolla is believed
to possess various
zodiac signs suggest May you find success in all that you do. properties that can
influence the mind,
body, and spirit. Here
ARIES LEO SAGITTARIUS are some of the meta-
Page of Cups: Potential for new Ace of Cups: Love and emotional The World: Completion, travel, it’s all physical uses associat-
beginnings and creative endeavours fulfilment coming together ed with chrysocolla:
You may receive some happy news about What a lovely period to give love and There could be journeys to distant lands. A Communication and
an upcoming social, creative or romantic receive love. Blessings are in the air. Surround feeling of fruition and completion, like it’s all coming expression: Chryso-
event/invitation. A young person may also play a yourself with people, hobbies and things that make together and finally making sense. A beautiful card. Feel colla is often linked
significant role in your life now. Their positive and fun you happy. Happiness and contentment should be the energy. Sense the calm of accomplishment and with promoting clear
attitude will help bring out the child in you. You may your focus right now. Take a moment to feel and completion. It could also mean that one cycle is communication and
feel intuitive during this period. You may catch yourself do exactly what you need and crave. New completed and soon a new one will begin. self-expression. It
daydreaming and lost in your own world. Be kind and beginnings, good news and blessings could be helps individuals articu-
compassionate. around the corner. Also, honour and cherish what CAPRICORN late their thoughts and emotions tals that are believed to be compatible
you have. The Chariot: Victory, success, movement with clarity and confidence, making it with chrysocolla.
TAURUS Can you smell the victory? Well-deserved useful for public speaking, creative Malachite: Malachite is often paired
Two of Cups: Love, Unity, compatibility, VIRGO success after a long battle or surmounting all expression, and interpersonal commu- with chrysocolla because both miner-
partnership Six of Cups: Home, family, love, obstacles. A journey or movement could be coming up nication. als contain copper and are associated
A great time for partnerships. This period children and grandchildren too. You are moving ahead positively after overcoming Emotional healing: The crystal has with emotional healing, transforma-
shows us the potency of working together. In unity lies A nostalgic period of the years gone by everything. You are driven. Hard work pays. Stay on calming and soothing energies, making tion, and feminine energy.
success. Be it in love relationships or – of how far you have come, celebrating course. Do not get distracted. it beneficial for emotional healing and Turquoise: It is associated with protec-
business, it takes two to tango. And, when your children and grandchildren, parents stress relief. It alleviates feelings of tion, communication, and spiritual at-
the vibe is in sync, no one can stop you. A and grandparents. A lovely time when AQUARIUS anxiety, fear, and tension, promoting tunement. Combining turquoise with
beautiful time when everything feels home and hearth beckon. The bedtime Ace of Pentacles: New opportunities to peace, tranquility, and emotional chrysocolla amplifies their abilities to
aligned. stories, family diners, family vacations – make money, wealth creation, abundance balance. facilitate clear communication and
you treasure all your memories. Your This period will open new doors. When you Empowerment and self-awareness: spiritual growth.
GEMINI heart is full of love and gratitude for least expect God has given you an Ace of Pentacles. Some believe that chrysocolla boost Azurite: Azurite is another copper-
Queen of Swords: Focus and what and who you have. Suddenly, new opportunities will brim, and new work self-awareness by encouraging self- based mineral often found alongside
firm resolution and wealth-creation avenues will open up. More reflection, introspection, and inner chrysocolla. Pairing the two enhances
An older woman may step in if LIBRA importantly, it will bring a feeling of stability and strength. It assists individuals in intuitive abilities and deepen spiritual
you are feeling vulnerable and guide you to The Magician: You have security. Confidence is high. All you need to do is act. understanding their emotions, motiva- insights.
be focused, honest, resolute, and Gita Hariani what it takes to succeed You know intuitively what works for you and what tions, and personal boundaries, foster- Amazonite: Amazonite shares a simi-
courageous. Be open to constructive criticism, You are the magician. doesn’t. ing a deeper connection with oneself. lar blue-green color with chrysocolla
it will help you. Be realistic and practical in your Manifest and make it happen. Do not hold back. Heart chakra activation: It is associat- and is associated with soothing energy,
approach. You may have had some hard knocks lately, God has your back. A beautiful time that spells PISCES ed with the heart chakra, the energy harmony, and balance. Pairing the two
but you are emerging stronger. opportunities, confidence, effort, and efficiency. It’s Empress: Abundance, beauty, fertility centre related to love, compassion, and augments emotional healing, commu-
all there for you to take. Fake it till you make it Your Cup is full. A period of abundance, emotional healing. It chrysocolla opens nication, and inner harmony.
CANCER because it's yours to take. beauty, luxury, sumptuous feasts, jewellery and balances the heart chakra, facili- Lapis Lazuli: Lapis lazuli is a stone
The Sun: Good fortune, joy and and the finer things. Fertility and conception if you are tates the flow of love, empathy, and of wisdom, truth, and spiritual aware-
happiness SCORPIO trying to have a child. Pleasure and affairs, perhaps a forgiveness. This leads to healthier ness. When use together, the duo deep-
A beautiful time when you or someone Temperance: Where heaven meets mistress. More so, your garden is full of abundance of all relationships, both with oneself and ens inner wisdom and promotes spiri-
close to you will be in the limelight and receive earth, balance between the spiritual kinds. Your fountain is flowing with creation and others. tual insights.
applause and recognition for their hard work. It’s a and earthly creativity. A fortunate time. Physical healing: In holistic healing Sodalite: Sodalite is associated with
period of joy, prosperity, and genuine warmth and A beautiful time which calls for balance, good practices, chrysocolla is sometimes communication, truth, and clarity of
happiness. There is light all around. A super card for health, and good relationships. It almost feels like (Gita Hariani is a numerologist, tarot card reader, Bach used to support physical healing thought. Pairing sodalite with chryso-
children; they bring happiness. You exude vitality and a blessing from the angels. A moderate and patient flowers practitioner and banker. Follow her on Instagram: processes. It is believed to have detoxi- colla supports clear communication
confidence. A great card for those who want to approach will bring peace. Avoid extremes. A card @evolvewithgitahariani) fying properties that can help cleanse and helps articulate thoughts and
conceive. of hope. the body of toxins and support the emotions effectively.

onscious Vaastu engages in every small thing looks like a prob- than getting caught up in the diffi-
thoughtful and reflective ap- lem. When the combination of both cult cycle.
proach to architectural design — Space vaastu and Inner vaastu —
and living spaces, integrating tradi- is good as it boosts personal energy, Great times: Good times aren’t
tional wisdom with contemporary which helps tide through problems. always supportive as it can lead
insights and aligning personal When a person constantly blames to overconfidence. The person
energy. the property for negative experi- shouldn’t be caught in web of ego,
Many people are governed by vaas- ences, it gets imprinted on the hu- which is considered negative. Ego
tu defects, popularly known as vaas- man mind. Constant negative think- leads to problems.
tu dosh, or Feng Shui imbalances in ing of the space depletes the inner It is important accept and be happy
their spaces. Vaastu dosh refers to energy of the person, triggering in whichever situation in you are in.
the concept of architectural or de- repetitive negative experiences. Happiness is a choice, so be joyful
sign flaws that are believed to bring Thus, people who believe that their and happy.
negative energy or disruptions to the property’s vaastu is incorrect, These are very simple and the most
occupants, which people should stop thinking so. adaptable approach to upkeep con-
relate to the problems like They should stop labelling scious energy.
financial stress, conflicts, the property as negative or
career obstacles, etc, that unlucky. This is one of the To conclude
they go through. simplest ways to apply Like every individual is unique, each
Have you ever heard Conscious Vaastu to and every property too is unique and
anyone saying: ‘It's been change the inner and outer there are unique ways to align the
ever since I moved into energy. The vibration of energy of each space, but first one
that property, why am I the space and person is in- needs to align the inner energy.
facing these problems’. Or tangible but it does exists. Vaastu is not solving any problems
consider their property is There is a famous proverb that one faces.
bringing bad luck or is the Dr Harshit Kapadia ‘As you sow, so shall you It is about uplifting one’s energy
reason behind their nega- reap’ which indicates that where the person starts becoming a
tive experiences. thinking has an impact on the good problem solver and motivates
Because of their preconceived no- space’s energy too. people around with lots of positivity
tions or beliefs that the vaastu of the and energy.
space is incorrect (vaastu dosh), they Recommendations Conscious Vaastu is about taking
resort to various methods or tips to Love your space: By continuously Inner energy of the residents and property’s energy play a crucial roles in the guesswork out of these responses
fix the vaastu dosh without proper criticising the space isn’t going to and experiences, and about increas-
analysis, understanding or research. help in any way, it only depletes
determining the Vaastu’s positivity ing the extent of the positive re-
Many people change interiors or space and personal energy. Start Love your city: Each city has its ing your city is utmost important Downward spiral: Ups and downs sponses. The philosophy of Con-
move things around in their space to maintaining your space well and be own pros and cons, so which is the rather than focusing on the nega- are a part of human cycle. When a scious Vaastu uplifts both the Space
fix the dosh hoping that it will fix thankful to the universe for the best city to be in? As per Conscious tives and problems of the city. person is passing through the down- Energy (Outer Vaastu) and Personal
their problems. space where you live in. By giving Vaastu, the best city to be in is ‘Sim- ward spiral or down trend, generally Energy (Inner Vaastu).
It’s a crucial to understand that love to your space, whether it is big plicity’. The space where you live in Love your country: Nation gives a it adds on to fear, anxiety, insecurity,
negative experiences are not just be- or small, good or bad, you are creat- is situated in the city or town. By de- sense of belongingness. The nation irritability, anger, etc. During such (Dr Harshit Kapadia is a metaphysics
cause of the vaastu being incorrect. ing an experience of positivity that fault, you are absorbing the energy is a part of Mother Earth giving en- times, uplift your inner energy to consultant of Conscious Vaastu, Yuen Hom
When the personal energy is low, uplifts energy. of that city / locality / area, thus lov- ergy to its citizens. make you feel comfortable rather and Sam Hap Style of Feng Shui)


CC, the cement and
building material
company of the diver-
sified Adani Group, has
Business, said. “The success-
ful realization of the Lift Ir-
rigation Scheme in Dhakori
village fills us with a sense of
aid for children
achieved a milestone in its accomplishment. This proj-
extensive community devel- ect not only tackles the ur- The duo will facilitate treatment of underprivileged
opment efforts by effectively
combating water scarcity in
gent problem of water
scarcity but also enhances
kids born with congenital heart disease
Dhakori village of Wani the livelihoods of

Taluka, Yavatmal District. the farming families. The vil- DFC ERGO General Insurance, one-fifth of them require immediate
ACC along with Adani Foun- lage community can depend India’s leading non-life insur- medical intervention. At HDFC ERGO,
dation has enabled sustain- on this scheme for assistance ance company, and Genesis Foun- we are honoured to join hands with
able irrigation solutions for during emergencies. The evi- dation, a leading NGO that facilitates Genesis Foundation, offering a second
the local farmers to improve dent improvements in crop the medical treatment of underprivi- chance at life for little hearts battling
the overall water conserva- diversity, quality, and income leged children born with a congenital congenital heart diseases. While we
tion efforts in the region. stand as proof of the trans- heart defect, reached a significant mile- wish every child to be healthy and hale,
Since lift irrigation schemes formative influence of acces- stone of supporting 100 lesser privi- we take pride in supporting those affect-
(LIS) are one of the most ef- sible water. ACC’s support leged ed by
fective solution to provide has played a crucial role in children across the country. Of the 100 congenital heart ailments and reaching
water for drinking and irri- making water accessible to children supported, the partnership the milestone of 100 surgeries, as part of
gation, many places are the Dhakori village commu- has given special attention to 31 critical our commitment to making a positive
adopting it nity.” cases, where immediate attention was impact on lives.”
to solve water crisis in the Water availability stands as required to ensure that Simran Sagar Singh, Oper-
rural areas. the paramount factor influ- these little hearts continued ations Director, Genesis
In fact, the feat that the encing the success of any beating. They been Foundation said, “Congeni-
Company achieved at Dhako- water resource-centric proj- Since 2018, HDFC ERGO supporting tal Heart Defects are the
ri comes on the heels of suc- ect. Acknowledging its ut- General most common birth defects
cessful completion of four most importance, particular- Insurance and Genesis pediatric in India. With timely diagno-
LIS by ACC’s Chanda Ce- to limited water conserva- obtained for excavation work While the implementation ly in the context of diminish- Foundation have been cardiac sis and treatment, most chil-
ment Works in Usgaon and tion infrastructure. These and electricity supply. The of LIS has resulted in the ir- ing groundwater levels that supporting pediatric dren can live near-normal
Paramdoh village over last challenges resulted in crop company also adopted ad- rigation of more than 100- have adverse effects on cardiac interventions across interventions lives. However, only 25% of
five years. The LIS initiative failures during the kharif vanced lift irrigation tech- acres of land, over 10 farm- ecosystems nationwide, ACC the country, including for across the the children born with this
undertaken in Dhakori vil- season, creating employment nology, which included a de- ing families in Dhakori vil- and Adani Foundation has children living in tribal ar- defect are able to access
lage has not only been a suc- challenges for the communi- tailed GPS survey to deter- lage have directly benefited embarked on various water eas, offering healing, hope
country, treatment. We have been
cess but has also ty. mine the shortest path and from this initiative. With the resources projects as part of and a chance of a brighter including for working to make pediatric
significantly impacted over
100-acres of arable land. Be-
ACC’s implementation of
LIS in Dhakori village start-
static level difference.
The pumping unit, supply
LIS in place, farmers are
now able to cultivate a wider
its CSR initiatives. It exem-
plifies their commitment to
For instance, amid the
children living cardiac cardiac care services
available to families who do
fore this initiative, the vil- ed with a rapid baseline sur- pipeline, protection valves, variety of crops including addressing critical issues COVID pandemic, 3-month- in tribal areas, not have the financial means
lage which received an aver- vey to and distribution lines in the cotton, soyabean, red gram, like water scarcity and sup- old Nikhil (alias name) was offering to afford the same. We are
age establish rapport with the field were all designed to gram (chana), and vegetables porting sustainable develop- diagnosed with a complex immensely grateful to our
annual rainfall of 911.34 mm, primary stakeholders and ensure efficient water man- throughout the year. ment in the communities it defect —Transposition of healing, hope long-standing CSR partner
faced several challenges due necessary permissions were agement and irrigation. Ajay Kapur, CEO, Cement operates. Great Arteries with VSD and a chance HDFC ERGO General Insur-
and Pulmonary Stenosis. ance, who stood by us during
The child needed to be of a brighter these last five years helping

Godrej & Boyce’s CSR impact felt by lacs in India

treated immediately but un- future. us move closer to our mis-
fortunately tested COVID sion to Save Little Hearts.
positive and the family was Their support has not only
quarantined for 2 weeks. Despite the helped us save many lives across the

odrej & Boyce (G&B), the company’s business While the technical courses our commitment to fostering underserved, rural communi- hurdles, Genesis Foundation main- country but also instilled hope and faith
the flagship company needs, encompassing areas cater to engineering students, sustainable communities, ties in 8 locations in 24 vil- tained regular contact and post-quaran- in families who face the daunting chal-
of the Godrej Group, from sales through technical the latter ones are accessible particularly around our man- lages across 6 states. The key tine, Nikhil underwent a successful lenges of dealing with a child whose
announced its CSR achieve- aspects. Partnering with 88 to all fresh graduates. An es- ufacturing hubs. Through thematic areas include im- 6-hour open-heart surgery in heart is not normal. As the Foundation
ments in 2023. Anchored in Vocational Training Insti- sential feature of this pro- DISHA, we’ve joined hands proving education and health Coimbatore. celebrates this milestone, the focus re-
its steadfast commitment and tutes (VTIs) and 24 Govt. VTIs gram is its on-site training, with dedicated non-profit or- infrastructure, strengthening In another story, 11-year-old Shalu mains on scaling up efforts to reach
significant milestones in na- across 22 states in India, the enabling trainees to practical- ganizations and social enter- rural livelihoods and women- (alias name), hailing from Bihar, could every child in need,
tion-building, its initiatives key features of DISHA in- ly apply their theoretical prises to bring forth vocation- led enterprises, and enhanc- barely take 10 steps due to her heart de- irrespective of the circumstances.”
are built on ensuring employ- clude specialized training ses- knowledge, ensuring a com- al training to create a future- ing water access. fect. With support from the partnership, In FY 2022-23 taking this partnership a
ability and community devel- sions which delve into sales, prehensive understanding of ready and employable work- G&B’s commitment to she was treated for her defect and now, step further, HDFC ERGO General In-
opment. In line with its service, interiors, building their chosen field. force. By empowering com- education is evident through she not only walks and climbs stairs ef- surance and Genesis Foundation collab-
strategic emphasis on prom- construction, manufacturing, Ashwini Deodeshmukh, munities and fostering insti- its transformative efforts in fortlessly but is back in school, enabling oratively conducted congenital heart de-
ising regions and trades, the technical training, and digital Head, CSR, Godrej & Boyce, tution-building, we not only improving infrastructure her parents to focus on their other three fect screening camps to proactively
company has INR 18 crore in skills. By March 2023, the spoke about the CSR ap- provide opportunities but across 46 schools. In Maha- children. Countless stories like Nikhil reach children in remote areas, includ-
its skilling initiative over the DISHA program had trained proach of also instil a sense of owner- rashtra, 18 schools have been and Shalu illustrate how collaborative ing Faridkot, Bathinda and Ramanatha-
past decade. This investment 1.79 lac youth in target states. Godrej & Boyce, “At Godrej & ship in community members. digitalized and transitioned efforts between corporate partners and puram, where access to specialised
has yielded social The Digital Skills program Boyce, we deeply believe in It’s this spirit of co-evolution to solar-powered electricity. the trust have given children a chance at healthcare remains a challenge.
returns six times the initial encompasses a wide spec- the philosophy of ‘shared val- and mutual progress that tru- room ratio. life and the pursuit of their dreams. Hundreds of children were screened
amount. trum of courses, ranging ue’, seamlessly intertwining ly Central to its community Commenting on this, Parthanil Ghosh, across all the camps and the ones identi-
DISHA, the skill develop- from Robotics and Automa- business success with socie- embodies our approach.” initiatives is the empower- President-Retail Business, HDFC ERGO fied for support are being treated with
ment initiative of G&B, is tion, Business Analytics and tal advancement. Central to The company has imple- ment of women. So far over General Insurance said, “Every year, the support of HDFC ERGO, Genesis
committed to advancing voca- Dashboarding, to Digital Mar- this ethos are our flagship mented several programs for 5000 women have benefitted over 2 lakh children are born with con- Foundation and their partner hospitals.
tional training aligned with keting and E-Commerce. CSR programs, DISHA and the holistic development of through its community genital heart defects and approximately

JSW, Coolbrook ink deal to reduce Senior citizens benefit from eye camp in Mumbai
industrial carbon emission T
ransworld Group collaborated with HelpAge
India to host eye screening camps to diagnose cataracts
and conduct surgeries for underprivileged senior citi-

SW Group, India’s lead- Group has set ambitious sil fuels. We are delighted to ly, by replacing the burning The annual event took at two locations: Chendani Koliwada
ing and fastest expand- sustainability targets of re- welcome JSW Steel to our of fossil fuels with electrifi- Thane West; and Gholvad PHC, Bordi Road, Tal Dahanu.
ing US$ 23 billion di- ducing its specific CO2 partner network as a fore- cation powered by renew- Through this initiative, Transworld Group supported 50
versified business conglom- emissions, aligning with runner in the steel industry able energy. cataract surgeries to be held at Bhakti Vedanta Hospital.
erate, has entered into a the Sustainable Develop- to start the implementation The technology has two Following the surgeries, a comprehensive follow-up will be
strategic cooperation agree- ment Scenario of the Inter- of Coolbrook’s revolution- main applications: electrify- conducted after 4 weeks to ensure the successful recovery and
ment with Coolbrook, a national Energy Agency ary technology enabling a ing and decarbonising high- well-being of the patients. “Providing access to basic medical
transformational technolo- and India’s Nationally De- Clean New Industrial Era.” temperature process heat- facilities has been the company’s mission over the years. I am
gy and engineering compa- termined Contributions. RDH™ technology utilises ing in the production of e.g., glad that we work with talented team members who under-
ny headquartered in Fin- Deployment of RDH™ renewable electricity to cement, steel and iron, and stand the
land. This strategic partner- Technology is expected to power high-temperature in- chemicals, and replacing value of giving back. Our Transworld Group employee volun-
ship will focus on imple- have a sizeable impact on dustrial processes in fossil-fuel-fired steam crack- teers played a crucial role in managing the registration
menting Coolbrook’s Roto- the decarbonisation of the ers in petrochemical indus- process and assisting beneficiaries and their families,” said
Dynamic Heater™ (RDH™) Group’s manufacturing e.g. steel and cement pro- try to reach 100% CO2 free Anisha Ramakrishnan, Director, Transworld Group
Technology at JSW’s manu- process. We are happy to on- duction, olefin production. Both
facturing sites at Vijayana-
gar Works in Karnataka, In-
dia, with the primary goal
of achieving low-CO2 emis- Tata Power, ICICI Foundation launch
‘GhanVan’ tree plantation programme
sions in steel and cement
The partnership between
Coolbrook and JSW Group

follows Coolbrook’s success- ith the belief that towards sustainable develop-
ful completion of the first Sustainable Is At- ment. Our century old ef-
phase of its large-scale pilot tainable, Tata Pow- forts have made substantial
tests for RotoDynamic Tech- er, One of India’s largest in- contributions to the conser-
nology at the Brightlands tegrated power companies, vation of native biodiversity
Chemelot Campus in the joined hands with ICICI in the Western Ghats. The
Netherlands in 2023. The Foundation, the CSR arm of partnership with the ICICI
tests demonstrated the tech- ICICI Bank and its Group Foundation for Project
nology’s heat-generating ca- Companies, to launch ‘Pro- GhanVan is a testament to
pabilities, surpassing the ject GhanVan’ - a visionary our ongoing commitment to
temperature of 1000°C sig- tree plantation programme endorse impactful green ini-
nificantly above the range aimed at fostering environ- tiatives, ensuring a positive
of conventional resistive mental conservation. The influence on both the envi-
heaters, and proving the
technology’s capability to
The joint initiative encompasses the planning and execution of a formal Memorandum of Un-
derstanding (MoU) was
ronment and local commu-
nities, paving the way for a
reach temperatures up to commercial demonstration project at the Vijayanagar Works, signed as a part of the sustainable future.”
1700°C—essential for the showcasing RDH™ technology collaboration by senior Sanjay Datta, President,
highest temperatures re- officials of both the organi- ures like trenching to help drip irrigation, and rigorous ICICI Foundation, said, “We
quired in steel production. sations. Over the next three protect trees from forest monitoring until viability is are delighted to collaborate
The joint initiative encom- board Coolbrook as a part- significantly reducing the technologies have been suc- years, the project plans to fires. This collaborative ef- established. with Tata Power to launch
passes the planning and ex- ner on our journey to re- need to burn fossil fuels. cessfully tested at Cool- plant 2.5 lakh indigenous fort unfolds in three phases Special measures are in ‘Project GhanVan’, a tree
ecution of a commercial duce CO2 emissions and In steel manufacturing, brook’s large-scale pilot trees across 75 acres of fer- which involves planting place to protect against col- plantation programme, that
demonstration project at achieve our climate tar- the technology targets the plant in 2023 and are on tile regions in the catchment 50,000 local indigenous lateral damage such as graz- embodies our collective
the Vijayanagar Works, gets.” decarbonisation of manu- track for commercial areas of Tata Power Hydro species, including Babul, ing and forest fires, aiming commitment to a sustain-
showcasing RDH™ technol- Joonas Rauramo, CEO, facturing processes in tradi- launch starting in 2024. locations at Bhivpuri, Tok phal, Kinai, Reshim for an impressive 90% sur- able green future. Over the
ogy. Coolbrook, said: “Cool- tional Blast Furnaces and Khopoli and Bhira in Maha- dhavada, Lakuch, Apta, vival rate. Beyond environ- years, ICICI Foundation,
As part of the agreement, brook’s pilot test results the Direct Reduction of About JSW Steel: rashtra, which is part of Pivla Kanchan, Kadilimb, mental impact, the project through its various af-
both companies will collab- have already proven the ca- Iron (DRI) based production JSW Steel is the flagship Western Ghats. This signi- Undi, Kumbha, Bherli also creates employment op- forestation initiatives, has
oratively devise a roadmap pabilities of our technology of iron and steel. This col- business of the diversified, fies a pivotal step towards a mahd, Bhokar selected portunities for local commu- planted nearly 26 lakh trees
aimed at achieving low-car- and deployment of RotoDy- laboration supports JSW US$ 23 billion JSW Group. greener and more sustain- based on climatic and topog- nities for maintenance of across the country. ICICI
bon production, facilitating namic Heater technology in Steel’s commitment to ac- As one of India’s leading able future. raphy conditions, to be the plantation sites, foster- Foundation is poised to take
the phased rollout of JSW Steel’s production will celerating decarbonisation business houses, JSW As a part of the project, planted on 15 acres. ing sustainable develop- forward ‘Project GhanVan’
RDH™ Technology of JSW demonstrate the impact of and achieving the compa- Group also has interests in ICICI Foundation will sup- Project GhanVan priori- ment. on the back of its experience
Steel & Cement manufac- electrification with clean ny’s Net Zero aspirations. energy, infrastructure, ce- port the initiative by execut- tizes regional biodiversity Dr. Praveer Sinha, MD & from large afforestation and
turing processes. energy in steel manufactur- Coolbrook’s RDH™ Tech- ment, paints, sports, and ing plantation activity, in- preservation, leading to CEO at Tata Power, high- ecological projects in 52
PK Murugan, President – ing processes. Our patented nology has the potential to venture capital. stalling solar water pumps habitat conservation for na- lighted the company’s focus forests and national parks
JSW Steel Vijayanagar & electric technology enables reduce global CO2 emis- Over the last three with drip irrigation facility tive avifauna diversity. The on sustainability, asserting, across the country.”
Salem Works signed the significant decarbonization sions in heavy industries by decades, JSW Steel has and maintaining them for a project employs advanced “Our ‘Sustainable Is Attain- Project GhanVan res-
agreement on behalf of in steel production by re- 30%, equivalent to more grown from a single manu- period of three years. It will methods, including using able’ movement epitomizes onates with Tata Power’s
JSW and stated, “JSW ducing the need to burn fos- than 2.4 billion tons annual- facturing unit to become In- also undertake special meas- healthy 2-3-year-old saplings, our steadfast commitment ‘Tree Mittra’ programme, a

Consuming ajinomoto affects nerves:

Nerves are also affected with repeated consumption of MSG. Health effects of Ajinomoto
go on to cause numbness, tingling or burning sensations in the face and neck. People often feel
drowsiness and weakness too. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,
Huntington’s and multiple sclerosis are also associated with Ajinomoto.

Rooftop farming guide Somya Ojha Try these body scrubs using
Importance and benefits T
he skin-enriching
properties of
essential oils have
been widely documented
essential oils for
soft skin
over the years. Some
SAVITHA B essential oils are replete
with strong antioxidants
and antiseptic properties

ooftop farming that can keep unsightly
has become skin-related conditions
quite a trend at bay. That is why, more
these days around our and more women are
neighborhoods, especially trying out essential oils
during the lockdown! for improving the state of
As some of us might their skin. Many women
even call this terrace use these oils to whisk up 7 Lemon essential
farming, since we are face masks, packs and even oil & brown sugar
farming on our terraces body scrubs. Yep, you read What you will
or rooftops, but actually, that right! Essential oils need: 2-3 drops of
that is a whole different merged with other natural Lemon essential oil,
process of agriculture ingredients can work 1 teaspoon of brown
practiced in the sloppy wonders on your skin. And sugar, 1 teaspoon of
or the slanting plains of if you feel like your skin olive oil.
Asia and Africa. So, here has become rough because How to use: Put all
we’ll explore more of the of using chemical-infused the aforementioned
urban agriculture method Proper infrastructure soaps and shower gels, ingredients in a bowl
of Rooftop Farming. So then you should seriously and mix them up.
Yes, you guessed it right, with seeds there. You can also use pots
before that, for them: consider trying out Then firmly apply the
the exception of sunlight, you’ll for making flowers or small shrubs
have to set up an infrastructure for or plants like green chilli. And homemade body scrubs. scrub onto your skin
What is rooftop everything else. these containers or beds will be So, today at Boldsky, we’ve and massage for a few
farming? extra helpful if you ever need to compiled a list of recipes minutes. After that,
Water: Water is the most
Rooftop Farming is move to a new home. of essential oil body scrubs use tepid water to
important factor. As plants,
the method of growing that you can make at home. clean your skin. Treat
especially the ones that grow Protection: Fresh organic
vegetables, herbs, and fruits These chemical-free body your skin with this
produce, need extra water and a vegetables and fruits always call
atop houses or apartments scrubs are definitely worth amazing homemade
lot of it. Hence assemble a water for the attention of pests and birds.
due to the city’s lack of trying. Keeping reading essential oil body
sprinkler and a drainage system Since these are grown atop your
space. Though mostly to know more about these scrub on a monthly
to get rid of the needless ones. It home, rooftop farming spaces
rooftop vegetable farming amazing body scrubs that basis.
is imperative to have a drainage cannot be monitored every single
can make your skin soft
was more or less of a or pipe system to regulate the time, right. Hence constructing a
and supple.
8 Peppermint oil
hobby for most, it has now overflowing water, lest it can cause dome or cover with nets, glass, or with sea salt
turned into a commercial the terrace to flood out and affect transparent plastic sheets would
endeavor as the demand 1 Juniper What you will
the structural integrity of the be a great choice for protecting 3 Lavender essential oil with 5Jojoba essential oil need: 2-3 drops of
for organic, and fertilizer terrace or rooftop farm. And if you your rooftop farm and gardens. essential oil with coffee with granulated sugar
free vegetables doubled, are living or are settled down in a However, you should make grounds shea butter peppermint essential
What you will need: oil, 1 teaspoon of sea
especially during the region that’s more aligned to hot sure that it will get enough air and What You Will Need: 3 drops
Covid times. And for those climate zones, the water will be a facilitate the movement of bees or What you will need: 2-3 drops of juniper of lavender essential oil, 1 2-3 drops of geranium salt, 1 teaspoon of
who doesn’t look upto essential oil, 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds, tablespoon of shea butter, 1 essential oil, 1 teaspoon coconut oil.
problem. There you’ll have to work other agents of pollination.
the commercial angle, it on plants, vegetables, and herbs Soil and Manure: The
2 teaspoons of olive oil. teaspoon of olive oil. of granulated sugar, 2 How to use: Mix the
can be an excellent stress that thrive on less water. perfect type of soil depends upon How to use: Mix all the 3 skin-softening How to use: Mix the teaspoons of coconut oil. specified ingredients
buster and leisure activity. ingredients together and gently apply them all ingredients and apply the How to use: Take the and apply the resulting
Containers, pots,carriage the vegetable or fruit you want
over your body. Try massaging with a scrub onto your
This will also benefit the to grow on your rooftop farm. scrub on your skin. Use a ingredients and mix them
beds or grow bags: The next on scrub pad for a little while to promote skin. Massage for
people who want to know You can always enlist the help scrub pad to massage the up together. Then gently
the list is the place where you grow blood circulation. Then allow the 5-10 minutes before
exactly where the food they of agriculture offices (there’s material onto your skin for at apply this amazing body
your produce. Well, obviously, you body scrub to settle in your skin for washing off with tepid
eat comes from. Sounds one in every city, village, or least 10 minutes. scrub onto your skin and
can’t just put soil all across the 10 minutes before washing it off with water. Once a month,
Interesting? Let’s move panchayat across India). You Wash away try to massage in circular
terrace or rooftop, well technically lukewarm water. The antioxidants pamper your skin with
onto the steps involved in should also be careful of the with lukewarm motions to promote blood
you can, but you shouldn’t! To present in all the ingredients will this essential oil body
creating a rooftop garden or manure used, remember not to fall water. Apply circulation. Then, wash
facilitate better growth, you have combat skin problems and also scrub to treat all kinds
rooftop farm. for advertising, and always go for this body scrub off the scrub with tepid
to construct containers or beds to soften your rough of skin conditions and
How to Start Rooftop organic ones. on a monthly water. Repeat this natural
accommodate the soil and plant the skin. make your skin turn
Farming? basis to prevent treatment on a monthly
Rooftop farming or your skin from basis for getting soft skin. soft and supple.
Benefits of rooftop farming and organic produce
terrace gardening is getting rough.
becoming very popular You reap what you sow. Stress buster and 2 Sweet almond essential oil 4 Rosemary essential oil with 6 Cypress essential oil
in cities, thanks to both Period! motivation booster: Growing with green tea cocoa butter with orange peel powder
space constraints as well Yes, we couldn’t emphasize it your own food has other benefits What you will need: 2 drops of sweet What you will need: 2-3 drops What you will need: 2-3 drops of cypress essential
as the citizens’ need for better; hence we used the popular too. Growing your own food gives almond essential oil, 1 teaspoon of green oil, 1 teaspoon of orange peel
of rosemary essential oil, 1
green environments. It is phrase. Unlike buying every food tremendous satisfaction and tea, 1 teaspoon of epsom salt. powder 1 tablespoon of olive
tablespoon of cocoa butter, 1
only natural, then, for open produce from the markets, here you’ll motivates you to do better in other
rooftops and terraces in How to use: Mix the ingredients and teaspoon of coconut oil. oil, 3 drops of rose water.
have a hundred percent guarantee areas of your life as well. Rooftop How to use: Mix up the
cities, especially the Indian that whatever you eat is grown by
gently massage it onto your skin. Try How to use: Put the ingredients
Farming brings about a certain to massage for 10 minutes in circular in a bowl and mix them up ingredients together and
metropolitan ones, to serve you. sense of discipline to your life too! motions using a scrub pad. Then, let properly. Then, gently apply tenderly apply the resulting
as healthy, alternative Healthy lifestyle: Organic the scrub settle in your skin’s surface it onto your skin and massage scrub onto your skin. For a
spaces to grow a garden. So, Choose the right food cause fewer health problems few minutes, try to massage to
to treat the problems from the root. Use for 5-10 minutes before using
without further ado; vegetables and herbs and add to your vitality and lukewarm water to cleanse off the scrub. lukewarm water to wash off the get rid of the dead skin cells and
Ensure the structural After ensuring the stability energy levels. Thus with a Treat your skin with this amazing scrub. Do this once a month to impurities. Then, wash off with tepid
strength of the of your terrace’s structure for rooftop healthy body and healthy essential oil body scrub on a monthly water. Once a month, apply this body
treat roughness and eliminate
terrace farming, next is to pick the best crop for mind, you’ll certainly be basis to get soft and supple skin. scrub to keep your skin clean and soft.
impurities from your skin.
Make sure organic vegetables that suits your city’s climate strides ahead of your peers!
that your home’s as well as your terrace’s space constraints. Family time: Rooftop

Health Benefits:
terrace is strong Always select to grow multiple vegetables Farming and Terrace Could control inflammation
enough to handle to increase the chances of success and diversity. gardens can be a great Inflammation is usually short-
the pressure and The most common vegetables picked by the urban time and place for the Nupur Jha term, but it can become long-term
farmers and agriculture enthusiasts are tomatoes and due to conditions like rheumatoid
Chaga mushrooms
weight of crates, whole family to come
soil, manure, and green chilli! The other vegetables chosen are carrots, together and spend some arthritis. Chaga mushrooms

potted plants. cauliflower, ladies finger, cucumbers, eggplants quality moments and haga mushroom, which regulate the production of small
Ensure that there (brinjal), lettuce, and onions. Some folks also choose make beautiful memories is scientifically known proteins in the body called cytokines
are no cracks, baby potatoes as well, but it requires much more as Inonotus obliquus, Combats cancer Lowers which play a crucial role in cell
for the future.
crevices, or harmful than a green thumb; you need to have some extra originated in the forested regions Rich in antioxidants, cholesterol signalling. These proteins may help
Eco-friendly spaces the chaga Chaga mushrooms in controlling inflammation.
moss growth in knowledge in farming or cultivation. Since of the Northern hemisphere
most of us, Indians, believe in Ayurveda in urban neighborhoods: which includes places mushroom is have properties that Slows down ageing
the space set for More green and livelier space
agriculture. and Vastu, it’s really good if you include like Alaska, Northern believed to have aid in lowering bad Ageing brings along wrinkles,
herbs such as Tulsi ( Holy Basil) or within the concrete jungle is Canada and Siberia. This the potential to cholesterol or low- saggy skin, fine lines, grey hair
mints, which are really easy surely a welcome change and will mushroom is popularly fight cancer. density lipoprotein and so on caused due to oxidative
to grow. certainly inspire many others to known for having amazing Oxidants or free (LDL). Bad cholesterol stress. Various factors can speed up
think about investing heavily in an medicinal values and health radicals present in the body cause plays a major the process of ageing like pollution,
eco-friendly lifestyle. benefits. This fungus grows on cell damage, the antioxidants role in triggering excess exposure to sunlight, etc.
Besides, if you are part of birch trees and is a great source present in this mushroom aids in cardiovascular disease People often use cosmetic products
an apartment complex, you can of many nutrients. It grows on preventing that damage. A study which is the main and anti-ageing creams, etc. with the
always ask for the help of your the bark of the trees by absorbing carried out in 2010 by a cohort of cause of death across aim of slowing the process down and
residential association and the nutrients from the host. researchers using chaga brought the world. Apart getting rid of the unwanted lines.
have a jolly good time making The shape of this mushroom is to light that this mushroom from normalising the As per the hypothesis, consuming
a community garden with your not so well defined as the other had the ability to slow down cholesterol levels, antioxidants can aid in keeping
neighbors and the community varieties; the chaga mushroom the growth of tumours in mice. chaga also aids ageing at bay and chaga mushroom
in general. This can foster great looks more like a cluster of dirt. The researchers even used this in lowering blood is a great source of antioxidants.
relationships and help the children The mushroom contains orange mushroom to see how it affects pressure. High blood Though there is no strong evidence
to make friends, and make tissues in its centre and provides the lung, cervical as well as breast pressure makes you that chaga can reverse the process
them understand the value of you with numerous health cancer cells which were placed in prone to heart attacks, of ageing, its ability to combat other
environment and nature right from benefits, which we will discuss in a petri dish, and a slowdown was strokes and other forms of oxidative stress can help in
an early age. this article. observed in its pace. heart ailments. slowing down ageing.

T Why and when to do an anomaly scan

he rise of heart Sonography can help
defects and problems identify any potential
among children is a issues or anomalies
concerning issue that needs promptly, ensuring that
to be addressed. In order appropriate measures are Evaluation of organs and systems: When to do an anomaly scan?
to prevent deformities and taken to address them. The anomaly scan allows healthcare The best time for an In summary, the
ensure the overall well- In India, as in many professionals to evaluate the various anomaly scan is typically rise in childhood heart
being of children, anomaly other countries, there is organs and systems of the baby’s body to between the 18th to 20th issues underscores
scans during pregnancy a lack of comprehensive ensure they are functioning normally. It week of pregnancy. This the importance of
play a crucial role. These statistical data on the helps in identifying any potential problems allows for thorough routine anomaly scans
scans can detect any prevalence of children’s with the heart, brain, kidney, or any examination of the fetus during pregnancy.
potential abnormalities or heart defects. However, other organs. This information can guide while allowing time for Early detection can
defects in the developing it is estimated that healthcare providers in determining the necessary intervention or prevent deformities and
fetus, including heart approximately 8 out of best course of action for the well-being of planning if abnormalities ensure proper medical
defects. Anomaly scans, every 1000 live births both the mother and the baby. are found. However, attention. Enhancing
also known as ultrasound in India are affected by Dr Sunita Dube Assessing the risk of chromosomal scans can be done later data collection in
scans, are typically congenital heart defects.
Renowned Radiologist abnormalities: While an anomaly scan if needed. The anomaly India is crucial for
performed around the 20th These defects can vary does not directly diagnose chromosomal scan isn’t mandatory but understanding the
and Founder,
week of pregnancy. They in severity, ranging from MedscapeIndia abnormalities such as Down highly recommended by prevalence of these
are a detailed examination minor conditions that may syndrome, it can help gynecologists to prevent defects, leading to
of the fetus that helps to not require immediate Why and when to do Why is anomaly scan important?
identify any structural intervention to complex
Assessing assess the risk of such major defects. Discuss improved prevention
anomaly scan? Identifying birth defects: One growth and development: conditions. Certain the decision with your and management
abnormalities in various defects that necessitate Anomaly scan, also anatomical markers gynecologist, considering strategies. The scan,
of the primary reasons for doing Anomaly scan also provides
organs, including the heart. surgical procedures. known as an ultrasound visible during the factors like medical typically done between
an anomaly scan is to detect valuable information about
By detecting heart defects Improving access to scan or a level 2 ultrasound, scan may indicate an history, maternal age, the 18th and 22nd week,
any birth defects or structural the growth and development
early on, parents can be comprehensive data on is a medical test performed increased likelihood and family history of should be discussed
abnormalities in the baby. of the baby. It allows healthcare
adequately prepared to children’s heart defects during pregnancy. It of chromosomal defects. Additional with a healthcare
This scan allows healthcare professionals to measure the size
seek appropriate medical in India is essential for is typically carried out abnormalities. In scans may be advised provider. Early
professionals to examine the and position of the baby, assess
care and interventions for developing effective between the 18th to 22nd such cases, further based on individual detection empowers
foetus in detail and look for any the amniotic fluid levels, and
their child after birth. strategies to prevent and week of pregnancy. The diagnostic tests such circumstances, parents to make
signs of abnormalities in the check the placenta’s health and
Regular sonography manage these conditions. main purpose of anomaly brain, spine, heart, kidneys, limbs, as amniocentesis or such as higher risk informed decisions. In
functionality. This information
throughout the pregnancy Enhanced surveillance scan is to check for any or other organs. Early detection genetic testing can of chromosomal cases of significant fetal
helps in ensuring that the
is essential as it allows systems can help identify structural abnormalities of birth defects in case major be recommended to abnormalities due to abnormalities, abortion
baby is developing
healthcare professionals trends, risk factors, and or birth defects in the deformities legal age to abort baby confirm or rule out the advanced maternal age or may be an option under
to closely monitor the potential interventions developing fetus. This article considered and gives parents a chance to presence of such conditions. family history. the MTP Act.
development of the fetus, to reduce the incidence of will explore why and when prepare emotionally and financially for any
including the heart. heart defects. anomaly scans are necessary. Disclaimer: The Free Press Journal bears no responsibility for the content that appears on this page.
necessary medical interventions or postnatal care.
Camila opstar Camila Cabello has talked about how she has adopted a new approach to

Cabello believes P her music ahead of releasing her new album christened C, XOXO. Cabello said,
“I’ve always been just like a song-based artist. I heard Charli (XCX) say the other
day, it’s like artistry is more important than songs. I was always the opposite
artistry is mentality. I was always like, everything is about the song. That was everything for me.
more important It was just isolated from the name or who did it or whatever, it was just about how this
four-minute, whatever, three-minute piece of music sounds.” She feels she’s evolved as an
than songs artist in recent years, and her evolution is reflected on her new album. —IANS

ROHIT BHATNAGAR (Anushka Kaushik) is inno- tagonist expects to have a

cent after she loses her ex- mundane climax but Patna
ourtroom dramas pected marks by a well- Shuklla surprises with a

C are a safe bet for

filmmakers to have
great footfall, be it
known university.
Mishra (Chandan Roy
Sanyal), a big shot lawyer
light twist that works in the
favour of the film.
However, Vivek stitches the
in theatres or on stream- takes on as a prosecutor core narrative with the in-
ing platforms. Right from against the underprivileged terpersonal relationships of
the iconic dialogues of Sun- Rinkie and covers up the each character in the film.
ny Deol in Rajkumar San- ugly deeds of Raghubir They initially are distract-
toshi’s Damini to the very (Jatin Goswami), a semi- ing but turn out as a necessi-
recent Manoj Bajpayee’s im- known politician, who is the ty for this 125-minute film.
pressive monologues in Sirf Vivek’s film doesn’t scream
Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai, the or hammer about women
courtroom spectacles are re- empowerment like many
membered for their excep- others in the past and that’s
tional performances and the beauty of the movie.
rock solid screenplays.
Several directors tried OTT Raveena Tandon is the life-
line of Patna Shuklla. She
their best to narrate the ex- REVIEW rides the entire film on her

Patna Shuklla position of educational own shoulders quite well.
DIRECTOR: scams happening across the From being a doting mother
Vivek Budakoti country. Why Cheat India hidden face of the scam. to a loving wife, a helpful
CAST: Raveena (2019), Farrey (2023), Chalk N But Tanvi’s father, hus- neighbour to a loving

Tandon, Manav Duster (2016) Paathshaala band Sidharth (Manav Vij) daughter, she as Tanvi is
Vij, Chandan Roy (2010) and even Taare Za- and even judge Arun (Satish great. Chandan Roy Sanyal
Sanyal, Late meen Par (2007) have chal- Kaushik) believe in Tanvi’s is so pleasant to watch.
Satish Kaushik, lenged the education system side of the story. Will she be Jatin Goswami, Anushka
Anushka Kaushik, but director Vivek dragged able to win the case against Kaushik does justice to
Raju Kher, Jatin his plot to the courtroom the monsters Mishra and their roles. Late Satish
Goswami and keeping a subtle drama in Raghubir? Kaushik gives comic relief
others place a tad bit like Oh My Vivek’s direction isn’t tech- to the film. VIJAYALAKSHMI NARAYANAN the women discover that their superiors
WHERE: God 2 (2023). nical enough but he tells his Vivek’s Patna Shuklla are caught up in smuggling gold to
Tanvi Shukla (Raveena story in a simple and might not be a very hard-hit- s you settle in to watch a film Dubai. They decide to grab a slice of the

Streaming on
Disney+Hotstar Tandon), a big-time home- straight manner. But, he ting and strong headed showcasing the talents of three very ‘humble’ pie. But, what will that cost
RATING: maker and a small-time tries to stir tension in the courtroom drama but accomplished leading ladies, each them instead?
HHH lawyer in Patna decides second half, which is engag- Raveena’s act makes this a shining star in her own right, Timed over 2 hours and 3 minutes, Crew
to fight against the sys- ing. A courtroom drama that lighter tone movie an inter- you find yourself witnessing a monu- is well-intentioned, but the writing by Nid-
tem just to prove Rinkie is headlined by a female pro- esting watch for sure. mental stride towards movies driven by hi Mehra and Mehul Suri (who earlier
women. The essence of the narrative is wrote Veere Di Wedding), to put it plainly,
pretty simple: girls just wanna have fun lacks depth. Whether it’s due to unreal-
and you eagerly hop alongside TITLE: istic expectations or the buzz gen-
them for a ride. Crew erated by the pre-release teaser
TROY RIBEIRO Godzilla and Kong emerge as the highlight. Once el simian cult leader who wields a spine-like Directed by Rajesh A Krish- DIRECTOR: Rajesh A and trailer, viewers might
bitter enemies, they are thrust into an uneasy al- whip, and Shimo, a dragon who exhales a frosty nan, you board the latest Krishnan find themselves feeling un-

tatistically, this is the fifth film featur- liance, compelled to confront a shared menace. breath, culminates in an electrifying showdown, flight of fancy, Crew, a nar- CAST: Tabu, Kareena Kapoor derwhelmed when the
ing Godzilla and Kong in the monster- While intended to showcase nuanced story- delivering the epic spectacle audiences crave. It rative centred around Khan, Kriti Sanon, Diljit jokes take longer to take-
verse and is the sequel to the 2021 re- telling, this evolution falls short. Yet, their even- is not just the action that packs a punch. It is the three vibrant flight atten- Dosanjh, Kapil Sharma, Trupti off. Not going to lie, you’ll
leased Godzilla Vs. Kong. tual collaboration against Skar King, a giant cru- emotional depth that underpins it. Kong’s jour- dants. Featuring Tabu, Khamkar, Rajesh Sharma, find yourself getting very
With Godzilla’s deep, resonant roar and ney strikes a chord especially when he grapples Kareena Kapoor Khan Saswata Chatterjee, Charu impatient. Krishnan, who

A battleground
Kong’s more primal, ape-like vocalizations used with themes of identity, belonging, and redemp- and Kriti Sanon, the has helmed the Kunal
to signify their presence and dominance, view- tion. His interactions with Mini Kong, affection- film is a refreshing heist WHERE: In theatres near Kemmu-starrer Lootcase
ers are immersed in the epic clash of titans, ately dubbed Suko, provide moments of levity drama, that doesn’t needless- you previously, isn’t able to gen-
making this film feel like stepping into a battle- amidst the chaos, reminding us that there is ly tread into the territory of RATING: HHH erate that same magic with his
ground of nostalgia and anticipation.
As a lifelong fan of monster movies, I felt pal-
pable excitement. Having experienced the awe-
of nostalgia and room for connection and compassion even amid
the destruction. Unfortunately, Godzilla’s graph
is perfunctorily crafted.
male-bashing or delivering an
overly preachy narrative on women em-
new directorial.
However, it is the effortless perform-
ances of the three women that manage to

inspiring spectacle of previous entries in the Traditionally, monsterverse films Geeta Sethi (Tabu), Jasmine elevate the middling material. Based on
franchise, I could not help but approach this lack cast continuity, but you see a Kohli (Kareena) and Divya their character type, you can tell that none
latest instalment with a mix of excitement blend of returning and new faces. Rana (Kriti) find themselves of them require over-the-top theatrics for
and trepidation. In this film, Rebecca Hall returns grappling with the worth of the punches to land. Kareena extends her
From the opening scenes, it is clear that the as Dr. Ilene Andrews, alongside their jobs while serving at sass to Jasmine. Tabu draws laughs with
filmmakers have gone to great lengths to deliver TITLE: Godzilla x Kong: Kaylee Hottle as Jia, fostering a Kohinoor Airlines. The air- her ability to make crude lines sound
a visual feast. The CGI-rendered mayhem bursts
onto the screen with a video game-like intensity,
The New Empire
DIRECTOR: Adam Wingard
unique bond with Kong. Brian
Tyree Henry reprises his role as
FILM line’s fortunes are dwindling graceful. Kriti uses her charm to add re-

leaving its employees in a spectability to Divya. Sadly, there isn’t
instantly transporting viewers into the CAST: Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Dan Titan conspiracy podcaster dire financial crisis, with much for the men to do. Diljit Dosanjh
heart of the monster-verse. While Stevens, Kaylee Hottle, Alex Ferns, Fala Chen Bernie Hayes. many going unpaid for as long walks in and out of the frame as charming
some may lament the reliance on dig- WHERE: In theatres near you Newcomers include Dan Stevens as as six months. Sounds familiar, customs officer Jaiveer, who nurtures a
ital effects over practical craftsman- RATING: HHH Trapper, a veterinarian who specializes right? A former beauty queen, Gee- soft corner for Divya. Kapil as Arun who
ship, I was swept away by the sheer in unusual animals and enjoys stunts ta dreams of opening a restaurant with runs a cloud kitchen service, almost
grandeur of it all. while performing his duties, and Fala Chen as her husband Arun (played by Kapil Shar- comes across as an extension to his
But amidst the chaos, it the Iwi Queen. Kyle Chandler is absent as Dr. ma in a special appearance). Zwigato character.
is the characters who Mark Russell, Monarch’s deputy director of Jasmine, who has relied on her own in- From the supporting cast, only Trupti
truly shine. Kong, special projects, and so is, Millie Bobby Brown stincts with emotional support from her Khamkar as a hard-nosed cop manages to
weary and battle- as his daughter Madison, who were prominent maternal grandfather, aspires to be an make an impression. But, Saswata Chat-
scarred, emerges as a in the prequel. entrepreneur and is unapologetically driv- terjee, who plays Vijay Walia (modelled on
surprisingly nuanced Director Adam Wingard orchestrates en by the desire to be rich. Divya, a top- Vijay Mallya) and Rajesh Sharma as the
protagonist. His quest for the monster madness with visual flair performing student from a town that does HR head Mittal are clearly wasted.
belonging and his struggle with and excessive use of ‘80s-era pop not have an airport, has always harboured Despite its turbulences, Crew doesn’t
personal demons add depth to his songs. They add a playful ener- dreams of becoming a pilot. However, her crash land as you’re left largely enter-
character, elevating him beyond gy to the proceedings, en- stroke of misfortune leads her to become a tained by actresses who are unwaveringly
a mere creature of destruction. hancing the overall ex- flight attendant, a reality she hides away dazzling (major props to the styling de-
Watching him forge unexpected perience. Overall, this from her family, in an effort to keep their partment) and are having a ball, on-screen.
alliances and confront his film may not reinvent hopes up. But, to be fair, it would be appreciated if
vulnerabilities made for a the wheel, but it does With prospects appearing bleak, the trio better written material is offered for more
compelling journey one not need to. What it seize the opportunity to alter their fates films to be fronted by women. Because,
that resonated long after lacks in originality, it when they stumble upon an unimaginable Tabu, Kareena and Kriti have already
the credits rolled. more than makes up for in amount of gold belonging to their boss, proven their capability to lead films in the
The dynamics between sheer spectacle and heart. who collapses suddenly mid-flight. Soon, past, with elan.


CAUGHT ON CAM Celebs were snapped as they were out and about in Mumbai

A still from Dabangg


ollywood superstar Salman Khan

B has shared an update on the fourth

instalment of his popular Dabangg
franchise and said that the moment
he and his brother, Arbaaz Khan, get to-
gether on one script, the movie will be made.
Salman was attending the premiere of the
streaming film Patna Shuklla, produced by Ar-
baaz, where the star was asked about Dabangg 4.
The superstar replied: “Bahut jaldi, jaise hi
dono bhai ek hi script main lock hojayengay. He
wants to make something and I want to make
something else. The moment one script is locked
waisi hi Dabangg release hojayegi (Very soon, as
soon as the two brothers agree on a single script. Aditya
Roy Kapur Tamannaah Vijay Varma Film director

He wants to make one thing, and I want to make Malaika Arora

Bhatia stuns with looks dapper in Luv Ranjan with waves at the
something else. The moment one script is fi- strikes a pose for her gorgeous look his wife are all
nalised, Dabangg 4 will be released).” our shutterbugs as smart casual as he paps as she
as she steps out steps out from a smiles as they heads out from
Salman heaped praise on Raveena, who from a spotted in
he spotted at restaurant her home
made her Bollywood debut in the 1991 film restaurant suburbs
Patthar ke Phool starring the actor. Bandra


CJ DESK “No actor has only had hits in their career.
Shah Rukh Khan’s films didn’t work for 10 years

escribing herself as among the ‘last gen- and then Pathaan became a hit. My films didn’t
eration of stars’ along with Shah Rukh work for seven-eight years, but then Queen
Khan, Kangana Ranaut says her deci- worked. Then, some more good films came, then
sion to enter politics is not driven by the after three-four years, Manikarnika worked,”
Actor unveils his wax statue at Madame Tussauds as he completes 21 years in film industry

Milestone moment
underwhelming performance of her recent Kangana said on Wednesday at a news channel
films. The Queen actress, often in the news for summit 2024 in New Delhi.
her controversial comments, is making her polit- “Now, Emergency is coming. Maybe it will
ical debut as a BJP candidate from the Mandi become a hit. We are the last generation of
Lok Sabha seat in Himachal Pradesh. stars... OTT doesn’t make stars. We are
known faces. By the grace of God, we are
very much in demand,” she added.
The 37-year-old, who was the subject of CJ DESK
Kangana derogatory posts on the social media

handles of Congress leaders Supriya ational Award-winning actor Allu
Ranaut Shrinate and HS Ahir, clarified her “soft Arjun, who has been busy with the
porn star” remarks regarding Urmila upcoming schedule of Pushpa 2:
calls Matondkar, an actor and a Shiv Sena The Rule, received an early birthday
herself (UBT) member.
“Is soft porn or porn star an objec-
gift. The actor’s wax statue was revealed
at the Madame Tussauds Museum in Dubai
and Shah tionable term? No, it’s not. It is a on Thursday.
word that is not socially accept- The statue features Allu Arjun’s iconic
Rukh able. No other country treats Jhukega Nahi Sala pose from the blockbuster
Khan ‘last porn stars with such respect as
we do, ask Sunny Leone,” she
film Pushpa: The Rise. The actor, who celebrates
his birthday on April 8, attended the event in
generation added. Her 2020 comment was Dubai along with his family.
back in the news after the so- Allu Arjun took to his Instagram ac-
of stars’ cial media row following the count to share the special moment.
comments on her and her con- He posted a picture posing with
stituency Mandi. his wax statue. He also ex-
“Sensational art, the one pressed his gratitude on In-
we refer to as massy art, stagram stories, calling it a
which only titillates or ‘milestone moment.’
physically stimulates Meanwhile, on the work
you, is also an art front, Allu Arjun, who
form. However, that played the titular gang-
can never be supe- ster in Pushpa: The Rise,
rior to the art that will now reprise the
is intellectually role in the sequel,
motivating, one Pushpa 2: The Rule.
which stimulates The film is set to be
your mind,” Kan- released in cinemas
gana said. on August 15, 2024.
“I personally be- Produced by
lieve that I belong to Mythri Movie
that balanced cinema Makers & directed
artiste tribe. I have by Sukumar, the
never done item num- film also stars Fa-
bers. So, all I said hadh Faasil and
was that if she (Ur- Rashmika Mandanna
mila) could join a in the lead roles.
party with her Allu also received a
kind of filmogra- National Film Award
phy, then I have a for his performance in
more ravishing the film.
body of work,” After the National Film
the actress- Awards list was announced
turned-politi- in August, Allu Arjun took to
cian social media and expressed
added. his gratitude.

Kothare to
Casting update
Ranbir’s CJ DESK

ddinath Kothare is an actor who has showcased his acting prowess
across the Hindi and Marathi industries in various hit web shows
brother and films. The actor was part of the Ranveer Singh starrer film
Bharat in 83 and was recently seen in highly successful series such as
City Of Dreams 2, Criminal Justice 3, and Bajao. From collabo-
Nitesh rating with Priyanka Chopra in Paani to starring in Pan-

A rigorous
Tiwari’s chak produced by Madhuri Dixit, his journey
captivates. The actor is now all set to join
Ramayana the cast of Nitesh Tiwari’s upcoming

mythological film Ramayana.
Though there has not been an offi-
cial announcement yet, reports have
suggested that Ranbir Kapoor, Sai
Pallavi, and Yash are playing the

principal characters.
According to a source, Addi-
nath will be essaying Bharat in
the film Ramayana. Since the
announcement of the film, fans
of the historical and mythological
universe have been waiting for the CJ DESK
film to hit the big screen, and the news of

Addinath Kothare joining the cast has made fans ctor Ahan Shetty, who made his Bollywood debut with Tadap
even more excited! in 2021, is leaving no stones unturned to prep for his next
Addinath will be portraying a very pivotal char- film Sanki, as he states that he has immersed himself in a
acter of Bharat, who was Ram’s brother. As every- rigorous fitness routine, which has tested his physical limits.
one knows, since Ramayana is such a beautiful Talking about how he is preparing for the film, Ahan, son of
masterpiece, Addinath Kothare will get to portray Bollywood star Suniel Shetty, said: “For the past few months, I’ve
a role which the audience will love. immersed myself in a rigorous fitness routine, committing to twice-
daily workouts. The actor went on to praise his coach for the guid-
ance. This journey has not only tested my physical limits but has also
become an exhilarating adventure,


thanks to the guidance and expertise
of my trainer, Kaivan. It has been
an amazing experience, realis-
ing my fitness goals and uncov-
ering the best version of myself,”
CJ DESK said Ahan.
Earlier, the actor’s coach made a

ollywood actor and philanthro- post praising Ahan for his hard-
pist Sonu Sood, on Friday, urged work and determination. He shared,
his fans and followers to respect “To make a marvel there needs to be a
cricketers as they make our plan. Planning and execution
country proud. Taking to his official is the only way to constant
X account, Sonu stated that he loves crick- improvements. The only
et and every player who represents India. thing I want with people
It may be noted that Sonu’s post comes at associated with me is
a time when cricketer Hardik Pandya is them being better
receiving backlash for taking the captain- than their best. They
cy baton for Indian Premiere League should not be a crowd
(IPL) team Mumbai Indians (MI) in the crowd but the talk-
from Rohit Sharma. ing point of that crowd.
Hardik is getting brutally @ahan.shetty u make
trolled by a section of users MI captain Hardik Pandya me proud. All ur disci-
on social media platforms, pline, gruelling hours in
especially after MI lost to Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) the gym, eating till u
on March 27. He was even also booed by cricket en- wanna puke and execut-
thusiasts present in stadiums during IPL matches. ing the other things to
Extending his support to Indian cricketers, Sonu the T seems to be pay-
wrote, “We should respect our players. Players who ing off. 6 months and
made us proud, players who made our country proud. 8kgs of muscle weight
One day you cheer for them, next day you boo them.” later we still have a
The actor added, “It’s not they, it’s us who fail. I love long way to go”
cricket. I love every cricketer who represents my coun- Sanki by Sajid Nadi-
try. Doesn’t matter which franchise he plays for. Doesn’t adwala also stars Pooja
matter whether he plays as a Captain or he’s the 15th man Hegde. Directed by de-
in a team. They are our Heroes.” but directors Adnan A.
Sonu did not name anyone in his post but fans took to the Shaikh and Yasir
comments section to mention that the post is for Hardik. Jah, the film is
While some of them agreed with the actor, others shared set to hit theatres
their varied opinions on Hardik’s captaincy. on Valentine’s
Day 2025.



Growel's 101 Mall Faces Backlash and

Raveena Tandon Unveils Key How Did Gangster-Politician Die?
BMC Notice Over Road Closure
Plot Details of 'Patna Shukla' Movie Family Alleges 'Slow Poisoning' in Jail

CBI Closes 2017 Corruption Case Involving Prohibitory Orders Imposed as Crowds Gather Sunita Kejriwal Launches Helpline
Praful Patel, Sparks Controversy Outside Gangster's Residence and Hospital for Supporters Amid CM's Custody

Controversy Erupts as Photo of Hamas Parading Income Tax Department Slaps Congress Dramatic Protest Unfolds at
Slain Jewish Woman Wins Photo-of-the-Year Prize with Rs 1,700 Crore Notice Ahead of Polls Paris Airport Over Migrant Deportation

Judiciary Integrity Debate: Modi, Ranbir Kapoor And Alia Bhatt Are Sweethearts - Love Who Is DSP Shailendra Singh? Ex-Cop's
Kharge Clash Over 600 Lawyers' Concerns Adhura and Brahmastra Actor Saqib Ayub Reveals Battle Against Mulayam Govt Over POTA for
Mukhtar Ansari

Salman Khan Makes Stylish Parents-to-Be Varun Dhawan, Rajkummar Rao Spotted With
Entry at Patna Shuklla Natasha Dalal Spotted at Wife Patralekha at China Town
Screening Mumbai Airport in Bandra

Kriti Sanon Spells Glam in Purple 'Crew' Review in 1 min : An

Blazer Outfit Entertaining Take Off , Do Not
Miss This Flight


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