Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Tajamul Islam-Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies-Pune
Session Objective/s
Tasks Involved in
Problem Definition
• Discussions with Decision Makers
• Interviews with Industry Experts
• Secondary Data Analysis
• Qualitative Research
Discussions with Decision Makers
– The Problem Audit
The problem audit is a comprehensive examination of a
marketing problem with the purpose of understanding its origin
and nature.
1. The events that led to the decision that action is needed, or the history of the problem
2. The alternative courses of action available to the DM
3. The criteria that will be used to evaluate the alternative courses of action 4. The
potential actions that are likely to be suggested based on the research findings 5. The
information that is needed to answer the DM's questions
6. The manner in which the DM will use each item of information in making the decision
7. The corporate culture as it relates to decision making
Asks what the decision maker needs to do Asks what information is needed and how
it should be obtained
Should the price of the brand be increased? To determine the price elasticity of demand and
the impact on sales and profits of various levels of
price changes.
Defining the Marketing Research
The general rule to follow in defining
the marketing research problem is that
the definition should
(1) allow the researcher to obtain all
the information needed to address
the management decision problem
(2) guide the researcher in proceeding
with the project.
Tajamul Islam-Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies-Pune