Format PHD DR - BaxisPatel Final

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A Research Proposal Format

Research Proposal · April 2022


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1 author:

Baxiskumar Patel
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda


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A Research Proposal

Submitted to


For the degree of


[Name of the Candidate]

Under the Guidance of

[Guide Name]


In this section give a brief introduction about the topic in about 2 pages.

Review of Literature:
This section includes a review of existing literature available on the topic. You may start with
theoretical contribution of authors/scholars with proper citation followed by the existing
literature in order to identify variables as well as to identify the gap between existing literature
and proposed/observed phenomenon. State why the literatures are not able to reply to your
problem statement. This is known as gap in literature and you want to fill this gap by this

It examines recent research studies, company’s data, or industry reports that act as a basis for
proposed study.

Problem Statement:

(Describe the problem statement. For example, the problem statement can be the research gap.
The problem statement will be the focus of research.)

Research Methods:

Here you have to give a brief idea of the methods of research you are going to adopt.
This section should include the following:

1. Research Objectives:

Mention the objectives (Primary and Secondary objectives) of the research. The
objective must be set in line with the problem statement. Basically, your objective is to
do a research that can solve the research problem. Therefore, the objective must be to
identify/study/analyze those things that may contribute towards answering the problem

3. Importance / Benefits of the study:

You have to describe how the findings/outcome of your research shall be helpful to
academicians, corporate houses, and society in general.

4. Research Design:

This section gives the details of your research design. You can refer “Business Research
Methods by Cooper” for more information.

In this section, you will have to mention about following aspects:

A. Degree of Research Problem Crystallization

B. The Universe (From where primary data can be collected)
C. The Sample and Sampling Technique to be used (Selecting respondents
based on some criteria)
D. Method(s) of Data Collection & Tools (E.g. Questionnaire, Interview, Mail
Survey, Telephonic Survey, etc.)
E. Degree of Control of Research Variables (Whether the study is ex post facto
or Before and after type of study)
F. The Time Dimension of the study
G. The Topical Scope of the Study
H. The Research Environment (Mention whether the study is carried out in
laboratory environment or field environment. Normally, in the case of our
faculty, it will be a Field Study)
I. Data Analysis (Mention the statistical methods to analyze the data)

Proposed Model:
Depict Model and propose relationship with/among variables that are to be tested along with
hypothesis with proper citation.

Managerial/Social Implications:
Managerial/Social Implications summarize what the results mean in terms of actions. In other
words, Managerial/Social Implications compare the results to the action standard and indicate
what action—or even non-action—should be taken in response.

Chapter scheme:
The tentative Chapters outline with a brief description of coverage.


Mention tentative list of Books, Magazines/Journals, Reports, and Website for the purpose of
collection of secondary database. (APA style)


Mention some of the difficult/technical words with their meaning(s) in brief.

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