ITGI Health Claim Form
ITGI Health Claim Form
ITGI Health Claim Form
3 Original Cancelled Cheque Leaf of Employee/Proposer with the Name of the AccountHolder Printed on the Cheque
4 ID Proof of Employee / Primary Insured- Any of one (Passport,Voter ID, Driving License, Or any Government
Approved ID ) . If Claim is above 1 lakh- PAN is mandatory with address Proof
5 ID Proof of Patient- Any of one (Passport,Voter ID, Driving License, Or any Government Approved ID )
6 Original detailed Discharge Summary as per IRDA Format / Day care summary from the hospital (in case of Day Care
Treatment) / Death Summary (in Case of Death Claim)
6.a Copy of the Legal heir certificate (if the claim is for the death of the principle insured)
6.b Copy of Post Mortem Report & Death Certificate (In Accidental Death cases)
11 Original copy of Implant Invoice along with Payment Receipts & Implant Labels / Stickers for Stents/ Mesh/ IOL
13 Original medicine bills specifying Patient Name and date of purchase along with supporting Prescriptions.
15 Hospital Registration certificate issued by Competent authority as per Indian nursing council Act 1947 (If hospital not
falls in GIPSA/PPN )
16.a Original copy of Obstetric history (Gravida, Para, Living children, Abortions) from treating doctor. (Maternity Claim)
16.c Original A-Scan Report along with IOL Sticker and Tax paid invoice in case of Cataract
16.d Copy of the First Information Report (FIR) from Police Department / Copy of the Medico-Legal Certificate (MLC) in
case of Road Traffic Accident (RTA)
A medical certificate from a doctor not less qualified than MD/MS confirming the diagnosis of critical illness along
with the Investigation reports/Other related documents reflecting the critical illness diagnosis. (Critical Illness
In case of claims where the insured has submitted documents to another insurance cofTPA, he needs to submit
attested Photocopies of all the documents along with detailed claim settlement letter from the TPA and any unpaid bills
and receipt for the same in originals.
Claims Submitted by : Insured / Corporate / Agent / Broker / Insurer / Hospital
Claim Submitted by: Mobile No.
State Pin Code
Ph. No. Email ID
State Pin Code
Ph. No. Email ID
a) Name of Hospital where Admitted
b) Room Category occupied Day Care Single occupancy Twin sharing 3 or more beds per room
c) Hospitalization due to Injury Illness Maternity
d) Date of Injury/Date of Disease first detected/Date of Delivery ___
DD / ___
MM / ______
e) Date of Admission DD / ___
___ MM / ______
YYYY f) Time HH MM g) Date of Discharge DD / ___
___ MM / ______
YYYY h) Time HH MM
DETAILS OF PRIMARY INSURED’S BANK ACCOUNT (Please submit a cancelled cheque copy for NEFT)
a) PAN b) Account Number
c) Bank Name and Branch
d) Cheque/DD Payable details e) IFSC Code
1. Please submit copy of valid Photo ID.
2. For claimed amount above 1 lac, it is mandatory to submit the KYC (Know your customer) form.
Annexure - III
a) Name of the Hospital
b) Hospital ID c) Type of Hospital Network Non Network (If non network fill section E)
d) Name of the treating doctor
e) Qualification f) Registration No. g) Ph No.
with State Code
ADDITIONAL DETAILS IN CASE OF NON NETWORK HOSPITAL (Only fill in case of non-network hospital)
a) Address of the Hospital
State Pin Code
b) Phone No. c) Registration No.
Date of Registration ___
DD / ___
MM / ______
YYYY Expiry date of Registration DD / ___
___ MM / ______
Name of the Registering Authority
d) PAN e) Number of Inpatient beds
f) Facilities available in the hospital i. OT Yes No ii. ICU Yes No
iii. Others
Name of the Hospital :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
PATIENT NAME (BLOCK LETTERS):…………………………………………………………………… AGE/SEX :……………………….
Mobile No of Patient:…..........................
Date of Admission:………………………………………….. Date of Discharge:……………………………………………
Based on patient undertaking hospital declare that patient: (रोगी के उपक्रम के आधार पर हम उस रोगी की घोषणा करते हैं)
Does not have insurance coverage hence we will bill the patient as per our rack rates. We may or may not
consider discount for all such undertakings. (स्वास्थ्य बीमा कवरे ज नही ूं है इसकलए हम मरीज को अपनी रै क दरोूं के अनुसार कबल
दें गे। हम ऐसे सभी उपक्रमोूं के कलए छूट पर कवचार कर भी सकते हैं और नही ूं भी।)
Patient has health insurance coverage but out of own free will is opting for reimbursement/ cash paying
mode. . As insured is already covered under TPA servicing for which we are network provider, hence we
agree to bill this patient as per PHS or insurer agreed rate list (whichever is less). The benefit of discount as
per MOU will also be given to this patient. (रोगी के पास स्वास्थ्य बीमा कवरे ज है लेककन वह अपनी मजी से रीइूूंबससमेंट/नकद
भुगतान मोड का कवकल्प चुन रहा है । . चूूँकक बीकमत व्यक्ति पहले से ही टीपीए सकविकसूंग के अूंतगित कवर है कजसके कलए हम नेटवकि प्रदाता हैं ,
इसकलए हम इस मरीज को पीएचएस या बीमाकताि द्वारा सहमत दर सूची (जो भी कम हो) के अनुसार कबल दे ने के कलए सहमत हैं । एमओयू के
अनुसार छूट का लाभ भी इस मरीज को कदया जायेगा.)
Signature: …………………………………………