Basic Conceptin Assessment

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- It is defined as an act or process of collecting and interpreting information about
student learning.
- It is a systematic process of gathering, interpreting, and using this information about
student learning.

Assessment of Learning

- It refers to the development and utilization of assessment tools to improve teaching-

learning process.
- It is a means of finding out what learning is taking place which includes knowledge,
skills, and changes in behaviour related to personality, social skills, interest, and
learning styles.

Basic Principles of Assessment

1. Assessment should have a clear purpose. Assessment should start with a clear
purpose. The methods of collecting information and interpretation of the data should
be aligned with the purpose that has been set.

2. Assessment is not an end itself. It should serve as an enhancement to students’

learning. It’s not just about documenting what the students know but collecting
information about the students, whether summative or formative, that will lead to
decisions that will improve the students.

3. Assessment is a continuous process. Series of tasks and activities should be

conducted over time.

4. Assessment is student-centered. It is about what the students can do and not about
what the teacher does. It provides understanding on how teacher can help the
students to improve themselves.

5. Assessment is both process-oriented and product-oriented. It is both important for

learners to perform and produce a product.

6. Assessment must be holistic. It should be performed using various strategies and

tools designed to assess student in a holistic way.

7. Assessment uses appropriate measures. Assessment tools used must have

psychometric properties in order for it to be valid and reliable. Learners must also be
provided with age and content appropriate tasks that are challenging to them

8. Assessment should be authentic as possible. It should be real-life situations and

meaningful for learners.

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Types of Assessment


A. Measurement

Measurement is a process of quantifying or assigning number to the individuals’

intelligence, personality, attitudes and values, and achievement of the students.

B. Testing

Test is the most common form of assessment. It is a formal and systematic instrument,
usually paper and pencil procedure, designed to assess the quality, ability, skill or
knowledge of the students by giving a set of question in uniform manner.

Testing refers to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of the procedures

designed to get information about the extent of the performance of the students.

C. Evaluation

Evaluation refers to the process of judging the quality of what is good and what is
desirable. It is the comparison of data to a set of standard or learning criteria for the
purpose of judging the quality.

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D. Types and Distinctions of Tests


(Gronlund, Linn, & Miller, 2009)

Classification Type of Function of Assessment Example of Instrument


Nature of Maximum It is used to determine what Aptitude tests,

Assessment Performance individuals can do when achievement tests
performing at their best.
Typical It is used to determine what Attitude, interest, and
Performance individuals will do under natural personality inventories;
conditions. observational
techniques; peer
Form of Fixed-choice An assessment used to measure Standard multiple-
Assessment test knowledge and skills effectively choice test
and efficiently.
Complex- An assessment procedure used Hands-on laboratory
performance to measure the performance of experiment, projects,
assessment the learner in contexts and on essays, oral
problems valued in their own presentation

Use in Placement An assessment procedure used Readiness tests,

Classroom to determine the learner’s aptitude tests, pretests
Instruction prerequisite skills, degree of on course objectives,
mastery of the course goals, self-report inventories,
and/or best modes of learning. observational
Formative An assessment procedure used Teacher-made test,
to determine the learner’s custom-made tests
learning progress, provides from textbook
feedback to reinforce learning, publishers,
and corrects learning errors. observational
Diagnostic An assessment procedure used Published diagnostic
to determine the causes of tests, teacher-made
learner’s persistent learning diagnostic tests,
difficulties such as intellectual, observational
physical, emotional, and techniques
environmental difficulties.
Summative An assessment procedure used Teacher-made survey
to determine the end-of-course test, performance
achievement for assigning rating scales, product
mastery of objects. scales
Criterion- It is used to describe student Teacher-made tests,
referenced performance according to a custom-made tests

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Methods of specified domain of clearly from textbook

Interpreting defined learning tasks. publishers,
Results Example: multiplies tree-digit to observational
whole numbers correctly and techniques
Norm- It is used to describe students’ Standardized aptitude
referenced performance according to and achievement tests,
relative position in some known teacher-made survey
group. tests, interest
Example: ranks 5th in a classroom inventories,
group of 40. adjustment inventories


A. Non-standardized Test versus Standardized Test

i. Non-standardized test is a type of test developed by the classroom teachers.
ii. Standardized test is a type of test developed by test specialists. It is administered,
scored and interpreted using a certain standard condition.

B. Objective Test versus Subjective Test

i. Objective test is a type of test in which two or more evaluators give an examinee
the same score.
ii. Subjective test is a type of test in which the scores are influenced by the judgment
of the evaluators, meaning there is no one correct answer.

C. Supply Test versus Fixed-response Test

i. Supply test is a type of test that requires the examinees to supply an answer, such
as an essay test, completion, or fill in the blanks.
ii. Fixed-response test is a type of test that requires the examinees to select an
answer from a given option such as multiple-choice test, matching type, or
true/false test.

D. Individual Test versus Group Test

i. Individual test is a type of test administered to student on one-on-one basis.
ii. Group test is a type of test administered to a group of students.

E. Mastery Test versus Survey Test

i. Mastery test is a type of achievement test that measures the degree of mastery of
a limited set of learning outcomes criterion-referenced interpretation.
ii. Survey test is a type of test that measures students’ general achievement over a
broad range of learning outcomes using norm-referenced interpretation.

F. Speed Test versus Power Test

i. Speed test is designed to measure number of items an individual can complete over
a certain period of time.
ii. Power test is designed to measure the level of performance rather than the speed
of response. Test items are arranged from easy to difficult.

Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta


Let us see if you can remember the main points raised in this lesson. Below is a summary of
these points:

Educational Assessment – process of gathering information about what students have

learned in their educational environments.

Assessment for Learning is aimed at understanding and improving student learning.

Assessment of Learning is designed to measure student achievement and gauge what they
have learned.

Test – a set of tasks intended to elicit particular types of behavior when presented under
standardized conditions and to yield a score that have desirable psychometric properties

Measurement – process by which the attributes of a person are measured and assigned by

Evaluation – comparison of what is measured against some defined criteria and to determine
whether it has been achieved.

Assessment – process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse
sources in order to develop a deep understanding of what student know, understand and
can do with their knowledge as result of their educational experiences.


Calmorin, Laurentina. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. Rex Bookstore, Sampaloc,


Black, William D. (1998), Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in Education, vol 5,
No1 pp7-73

Weeden, The Learn Project: guidance for schools on assessment for learning.

Prepared by:


Dean, College of Teacher Education Faculty, College of Teacher Education

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