BPS Unit 1 and 2
BPS Unit 1 and 2
BPS Unit 1 and 2
Resource Audit
Resource auat s a proCess that helps
Maluate their resOurces, capab1lities, and organizations identify and
ayamining an organization's internal and competenCies.
It involves
external environment to
Aetermine its strengthS, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats A
cesource audit can help organizations understand what
they have, what resources they need, and how to USe their
resources effectivelv
on the other hand. an ntang ble aud1t focuses on the non- physical assets of an organization, such as its
inteliectual property. human capital, brand value, and reputation It involves Identify1ng and vaBuing these
ntanQ:ble asse% Well as assessinQ heir contribution the orqanization's overall value and
competitive advant age The goal of an intang1ble £udit. is to ensure that. the orgarnZation's intang1bie
assets are bing prolected and leveraqed to create value
Both tangitle anC Intang1ble audits mporant for organ1zations to understand ther resource
caDablities and make informed decisions about their resource allocat1on A comprehensive resource audit
should inciude both tangible arnd intangible elements to ensure complete understand1ing of the
oroanzatior s reSOurces and capab1ities
Importance of Resource
to identify ther
resource audit helps organizations to better
Weaknesses: A enables the
identify Strengths and the resources
they have This
weaknesses in termS of weaknesses.
strengths and and address their
resources to maximize their strengths organizations can
allocate resource utilization,
identifying inefficiencies This can result n cost
Improve Efficiency By effectiveness in the use of
improve their efficiency
improved performance the most
savings and organizations to determine
Allocation: Resource audit enables objectives
Optimize Resource support their goals and
allocation of resources to
effective and efficient
SWOT Analysis
External factors
External forces influence and affect every
company, organization and individual. Whether
these factors are connected directly or indirectly to
an opportunity or threat, it is important to take
note of and document each one. External factors
typically reference things you or your company do
not control, such as:
is in Motor Bike
The rmain business of the company
manufacturing for the dornestíc and exports
The Environmental factors are quite complex and it markets. This example relates to a hypothetical
realistic based n the
may be difficult for strategy managers to classify corpany but the illustratio is
current Indian business environment.
them into neat categories to interpret them as
oDDOrtunities and threats. Amatrix of comparison Table 1: Environmental Threat and
Profile (ETOP) for a Motor Bike company:
is drawn where one item or factor is compared with
other items after which the scores arrived at are Environmental Impact of each sector
addedand ranked for each factor and total weight Customer preference
age score calculated for prioritizing each of the for motorbike,which
Social(t) are fashionable, easy
toride and durable.
The strategic managers should keep focus on the (b) Strategies must be reviewed and changed if
following dimensions:
(c) Exceptions to decided strategies must be
1. Issue Selection: handled beforehand. This would enable managers
to violate strategies when it is necessary.
Focus on issues, which have been selected, should (d) Flexibility may be quite costly for an
not be missed since there is a likelihood of arriving organization in terms of changes and compressed
at incorrect priorities. Some of the impotent issues plans; however, it is equally important for
may be those related tomarket share,competitive companies to meet urgent challenges.
pricing, cUstomer preferences, technological
changes, economic policies, competitive trends,
2. Accuracy of Data:
Data should be collected from good sources
otherwise the entire process of environmental
scanning may go waste, The relevance,
importance, manageability, variability and low cost
of data are some of the important factors, Which
must be kept in focus.
impliedor 6.Creation of organizational relationships,
organizational climate, and an
the corporate policy that creates a sense of
To sum up it can observe that the overall
mission and purpose in the executive value performance of the company depends on the
judgment, and in their managerial operations, pragmatic policies, and the top management iS
because a directt and purposeful preparation to face mainly responsible for the policy formulation.
challenges, opportunities and threats of the
the Business policies cover such a wide variety of
day-to-day business acttivities, is provided by the SubjeCts and are so broad-based that every
business policy from time to possible matter that affects the interests of any
one in the organization, the commnunity and the
According to Edmund, the associates' business government are included in them.
nolic is concerned with the top management In fact, business policies cover all the functional
areas of business- production, marketing,
function of:
personnel and finance. These functional areas are
1. Shaping high-level, long-rangecorporate generally covered by the term as "major policies"
objectives and strategic that will be and 'minor policies"
matched, to both company capacities and
Parameters of Policy:
to external realities in a world marked by
rapid technological, economical, social 1. Policy should be identifiable and clear,
either in words or in practice.
and political change. 2. Objectives of the policy should be fully
2. Casting up an effective well-matched set identified and well defined.
of general policies for the pursuit of that 3. Policy should not be conflicting with
strategy. other functional and divisional policies of
3. Guiding the organization in accordance the company.
model can be applied to a n y nof the econorny to
understandthe level of competition within the industry and enhance a
Company'slong-term profitability The Five Forces model is named
Harvard Business School professor, Michael E. Porter.
company's power is also affected by the force of new entrants in..
its market. The less time and money it costs for a competitor to enter
a company's market and be an effective competitor,the more an
established company's position could be significantly weakened.
An industry with strong barriers to entry is ideal for existing companiee
within that industry since the company would be able to charge higher
prices and negotiate better terms.
Helps to Estimate the Competitlon In the Industry
entrants,. the threat of substitution, supplier bargaining
Porter's five forces help to measure the threat of new industry.
up to provide the competitive rivalry of the
power. and buyer bargaining power. All of these will sum adjust the corporate
competition of the industry to
This will support the company to understand the current
Strategy accordingly.
Showcase where the Strengths and Threats Exist
the supplier and buyer forces with risk of new entrants
Porter's five forces provide the output of understanding
management to find out where does the company 's
and substitute products. This will enable the senior
Management will be able to take precautionary actions for
strengths place in and where does the threat exist.
the threats while enhancing the strengthS more.
Display Opportunitles to Expand the Business
in the industry. This will help the company to
Porter's five forces provide the power of suppliers and buyers
integration to acquire SupplierS and buyers to reduce their
make decisions on whether to proceed with verticle
conduct the forward integration to acquire their
power and expand the business. Simply the business can
integration to acquire their supplier side of the value
consumer side of the value chain, and/or backward
from the five forces.
MGa CCRIdng te, the information provided
ldentfy whlch Entitles Holding the Power
are suppliers, buyers (consumersS),
There are three entities to which Porter's Five Forces are related. Those
hold more power and less power.
and competitors. This analysis willprovide insights into which are entities
handle these entities.
This will enable the companies to make decisions on the best strategies to
Asslst to Understand the Corporate Rlsk
consumers, and power
Porter's five forces will provide valuable insights into the power of suppliers. power of
company to understand the corporate risk of the business.
of competitors. Allof this information will help the
and make responses to those risks.
of the company
Limltation on the Compositlon
of suppliers. power of consumers.
substitution a4
Porter s five forces only concentrate on the power the company are nct
strategies that impact
compettion, But other technological factors and business threats for all companies ae.
the biggest
consiOered As an example. technological evolvement is one of cross-border bueinaes
government policies. taxation policies.
all industries Also. external forces such as
aspect of the growth or else the downu
envronmentalimpact. etc are not considered. This can bea major
of the company
Strategic managers must not only recognize the present state of the
their industry but also be able to predict its future positions. environment and