Anabolic Catalog

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Testosteron Enantat

Testosterone the main

male hormone. The basic
substance, testosterone,
has an enanthate ester
attached to it.

The enanthate ester makes it absorb into the blood

gradually. The duration of release in the blood is extended
by 5 days.
It is an estrogenic, anabolic and androgenic product. It is
usually used during the bulking period, but it can also be
used to accumulate muscle without water retention. It all
depends on what it is paired with. Testosterone converts
to estrogen, which is good to know in order to regulate
estrogen levels with certain types of anti-estrogenic drugs.
During the bulking period it can be combined with Deca
Durabolin, Boldenon, Methadienon, Turinabol,
Oxymetholone, Primobolan.
Doses between: 500-1000 mg/ week

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human

Masteron is a derivative of
dihydrotestosterone. Androgenic
part of testosterone. It was built
as an anti-estrogen but it is an
old and uninspired version for
lowering estrogens.
In bodybuilding/fitness it is used for androgenic
properties. Fat burning, muscle hardness,
vascularization, strength. Due to the high androgenic
rate, problems with inflammation of the prostate may
It is used in the „ cutting ” period combined with:
trenbolone, testosterone, anavar, turinabol, halotest.

Approximate doses are between: 300 - 600 mg/week

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human

Sustanon is testosterone but

with several ester variants.
Esters are attached to a main
substance and determine the
gradual release into the blood
depending on the attached ester.
It is one of the strongest testosterone variants.
Sustanon contains the following esters:

Propionate 1-2 days

Phenyl propionate 2-3 days
Isocaproate 4 days
Decanate 14 days

The most common is used during the bulking period. It is ideally

combined with deca durabolin, boldenone, oxymetholone,
methadienone, turinabol.
It has estrogenizing properties, which must be monitored and
regulated with the specific medication.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
Injectable Winstrol is a drug with
fairly high androgenic properties.
It is most often used pre-
competition, when the fat level is
very low. It has a very pronounced
masculinizing effect on women.

Being a pronounced androgenic product, hair loss, thickening

of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, oily skin are some of
the adverse effects in women. The injectable and oral forms
are very different in chemical structure. The most potent and
the one that increases muscle mass is the injectable one. The
pills do not have anabolic properties.
Doses for men are from 150 mg - 350 mg per week.
For women: 100 mg - 150 mg per week
Do not combine with other steroids in the same syringe.
Winstrol is always injected separately and alone in the syringe.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
Nandrolone Decanoate

It is a product used in periods of

muscle mass. It retains sodium,
potassium, minerals,
electrolytes, which makes you
fluffier. It has a fairly high
conversion rate into estrogen.
It is among the most powerful anabolics used in building muscle
mass. It combines very well with Sustanon, testosterone
enanthate, cypionate, anapolon, danabol., boldenone. The rate of
anabolism must be taken into account in combination with the
rate of androgens used in combination with other steroids. It is
a drug that produces prolactin. Prolactin cuts the sex drive,
decreases the sexual libido. Medicines must be used to inhibit
prolactin production.
Doses for men are 350-500 mg per week. It is not
recommended for women.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human

It belongs to the group of trenbolone and deca durabolin. It is

more androgenic and anabolic than both. In practice, it is a
product intended for muscle mass. It is not used in the
definition phase because it is a volume product. It combines
very well with sustanon and nandrolone phenylpropionate. It is
NOT under any circumstances a product for women. Its use by
women is excluded. The doses are 150 mg per week. You can
divide 50 mg on Monday, 50 mg on Wednesday, 50 mg on
Friday. For those who want to feel maximum potency but also
negative effects, use 300 mg per week MAXIMUM. The effects
on the prostate, nervous system, blood pressure will be felt
immediately. At 100 mg per injection, you can see redness on
the shoulders, arms and chest right after the injection.
Headache can also appear after the injection. It is
recommended to analyze the level of estrogen during the
entire administration of this product.
PharmaMed products are manufactured with material
directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
This product is pure Trenbolone.
No esters. It is released into the
blood immediately after injection
and lasts approximately 3-5
hours, the duration of life.
Injection is more difficult, being a
substance suspended in water.
Before the injection, the syringe must be shaken well and
injected quite quickly using a decently thick needle. The
administration makes it less common in the use of athletes.
The ideal injection is 2 times a day once every 6-8 hours. It is
injected just before leaving for training. This drug and its form
will really show you the power of trenbolone itself.
Administration doses 350-500 mg per week injected every day
or in the worst case 2 times a day.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human

It is a long ester trenbolone.

It is the first form of
trenbolone produced with
this ester. The half life is 14
It acts a little differently compared to the known enanthate ester.
Although it is long, it acts quite repeatedly after injection and has
an increased potency. It burns fat very well, improves vascularity,
removes water from under the skin. It is not used by women. The
doses for men are around 300 mg and 600 mg per week. It is
part of the deca durabolin family and produces prolactin, which
makes it affect sexual potency. In reasonably small doses it is
the complete opposite. It greatly increases potency and sex
drive. It is quite toxic and cannot be used safely for more than 2
months. Recommended to be used together with Testosterone
enanthate or cypionate and boldenone or masteron. It all
depends on the goals.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
Testosteron Propionat

The main substance is testosterone.

Attached to the propionate ester, it
means that it is released quickly into
the blood and does not have a long
The injections are given at most every other day. Daily injection
is ideal. Being short-release, the tendency to transform into
estrogen is lower. Practically, it retains less water than the rest
of the forms of esters (but in principle it is testosterone and the
effects are the same for all forms). With this form, it is possible
to experience pain upon injection, inflammation. A large
percentage of users are allergic to the propionate form. It is
usually combined with definition substances, trenbolone,
masteron, winstrol, anavar.
Women who want to take testosterone, only this form is suitable
in reasonably small doses. 25 mg once every two days. For men,
the doses vary between 350-600 mg per week.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
Boldenone is an anabolic
substance. Weak in
androgenic and estrogenic
It's not an aggressive steroid, you don't explode in quick results
from it.
It is a steroid that you have to give it time. The best results are
seen after 3-4 weeks. Strength and muscle pumping are some
of its properties. It retains glycogen in the muscles, gives
impulses to insulin throughout the day, this is where the feeling
of hunger comes from. It feels best with the propionate ester.
A "negative" effect is the increase of erythrocytes in the blood.
This effect also makes the vascularization more pronounced.
After 4 weeks, some people notice some pain in the kidney area,
some people do not. In principle, it is a safe steroid, without
aggressive negative effects. Kidney monitoring is one of the
objectives when using boldenone. Basically, Boldenon promotes
clean gains without high water retention, strength, muscle
pumping and vascularization. It is a SLOW steroid, remember!
The doses for men are 350 mg - 600 mg/week. In women, it
can be used but in doses of maximum 100-200 mg/week (if
signs of virilization appear, the dose must be reduced)
It is used more during the period of muscle mass together with
Deca durabolin, anapolon, primobolan, even with Trenbolone.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionat

It is a shortened ester nandrolone. The

classic nandrolone decanoate has a half-
life of 14 days.
This phenylpropionate ester has a shelf life of 2-3 days. Which
makes it more different than the classic deca-durabolin. Many
people prefer using this product. It is much stronger, the results
are fast. It can be similar to trenbolone acetate without the
negative effects, although it is not as strongly androgenic. It is a
very anabolic steroid with many beneficial properties on the
wrists, bones, muscles. It does not retain as much water as the
classic nandrolone decanoate. Being nandrolone, it is a product
that makes prolactin. Prolactin produces breast milk (many
confuse it with gynecomastia) and problems with sex drive and
libido. It is necessary to consume Dostinex or Bromocriptine.
The dose is the same as the classic one, 300-600 mg per week,
but 600 mg is already a large dose. You can feel most
comfortable at 350-400 mg per week. It is a product that
becomes estrogenic, therefore the level of estrogen must be

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
Trenbolon Acetat

A strongly androgenic substance.

Quite dangerous, primarily on the
neurological side. Androgen effects
on behavior and decisions are very
Being a person with behavioral problems in everyday life, this
product can greatly amplify the mental state.
Its effects on the muscles are very pronounced. Muscle
hardness, muscle strength, muscle gains are at the highest
level. Fat burning is a very big factor that you benefit from
Trenbolone. It keeps you full, even on the strictest diet. It is a
product that greatly affects good cholesterol, that's why we
must always have healthy fats in our diet. Very anabolic, very
androgenic and lacking conversion to estrogen. Zero estrogen.
It is used in the definition phase, but some people also use it
during the meal period. It is best to use it strictly when it is
needed. The products with which it is combined are: masteron,
winstrol, primobolan, testosterone propionate, testosterone
enanthate or cypionate, boldenone, anavar, turinabol.
The doses vary, the safest doses are up to 300 mg per week,
but you can reach 500-600 mg per week, which must be
monitored and stopped when the body already feels too tired
and on the brakes. When the negative effects are greater than
the beneficial ones, the administration will be stopped
immediately. Anger, bad mood, permanent fatigue, increased
tension, oily skin, pimples are some signs when you should stop
the administration.
Trenbolon Enantat

A strongly androgenic substance.

Quite dangerous, primarily on the
neurological side. Androgen effects
on behavior and decisions are very
Being a person with behavioral problems in everyday life, this
product can greatly amplify the mental state.
Its effects on the muscles are very pronounced. Muscle
hardness, muscle strength, muscle gains are at the highest
level. Fat burning is a very big factor that you benefit from
Trenbolone. It keeps you full, even on the strictest diet. It is a
product that greatly affects good cholesterol, that's why we
must always have healthy fats in our diet. Very anabolic, very
androgenic and lacking conversion to estrogen. Zero estrogen.
It is used in the definition phase, but some people also use it
during the meal period. It is best to use it strictly when it is
needed. The products with which it is combined are: masteron,
winstrol, primobolan, testosterone propionate, testosterone
enanthate or cypionate, boldenone, anavar, turinabol.
The doses vary, the safest doses are up to 300 mg per week,
but you can reach 500-600 mg per week, which must be
monitored and stopped when the body already feels too tired
and on the brakes. When the negative effects are greater than
the beneficial ones, the administration will be stopped
immediately. Anger, bad mood, permanent fatigue, increased
tension, oily skin, pimples are some signs when you should stop
the administration.
Testosteron Cipionate

It is the same as testosterone enanthate. The difference of the

ester is that it is released with an extra day. So 6 days. The
practical difference between cypionate and enanthate is that
cypionate does not retain as much water as enanthate. It is a
little lower. The anabolic effects are the same, the dosage is the
same as with enanthate ester.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
Dihidroboldenon Cipionat

This product does not hold much

water. It can be used in both phases,
and muscle mass and definition. The
effects and results are the following:
vascularization, high pumping, clean mass which does not mean
many kg and volume. Muscle pumping, not water retention. The
most unpleasant effect of this product is the pain after the
injection. Unfortunately, it is a product that hurts quite a lot and
the swelling at the injection site. His doses are: 450-600 mg per
week. It must be combined with testosterone.

PharmaMed products are manufactured with material

directly from the pharmaceutical factory, the highest
standards of quality and hygiene. Impurities are eliminated
99% and the chemical quality is the closest to human
The explanation simple and to the point. Without scientific and
boring explanations. Growth hormone will not make you explode,
you will not grow the same as from steroids. The relatively high
doses will improve the "feeding" of the muscles. It's just one
piece of a puzzle. If you want to use the complete puzzle, then
you use steroids, growth hormone and insulin.
Another very good benefit is fat burning, transforming body fat
into energy. It improves hair, hair growth, hair shine, improves
skin, can relieve acne, oily skin disappears, improves blood
cholesterol, repairs joint pain and builds damaged bones. It is a
big source of benefits. Side effects only occur with abuse,
extreme abuse.

It is very important to use a quality hormone. It is among the

most sensitive hormonal substances. If the chemical formula
is not ideal for humans, then the human body will produce
antibodies and stop it. Many copies of hormone recipes are
produced, manufactured very cheaply. No cheap hormone on
the market is qualitative. A quality hormone costs a lot of

An anabolic also intended for women.

Oxandrolone is weakly androgenic, but it
does NOT lack androgenic activity, being a
DHT derivative. Small doses will improve
anabolism, muscle tone, fat burning. In
conclusion, it helps progress much faster
in the results in the gym.

Main advantages:
It greatly reduces the level of cortisone. Cortisone regulates anti-
inflammatory processes. Wrist pain, bone pain may appear
after a long time. It affects cholesterol. It reduces HDL and
raises bad cholesterol (LDL). A specific diet with products
containing LDL (healthy fats) and the use of a small dose of
rosuvastatin (5-10 mg per day) is recommended.

Doses for men are 50 mg per day.

Doses for women: 5-10mg per day.

Effects: Very good pumping during training, clean muscle mass.

Zero estrogenic and very low androgenic effects. In women, the
androgenic effect will be more pronounced because the female
sex is more sensitive to the reception of androgens. But the
small dose will not be harmful

It is a very good product for

endurance. Used alone for
endurance sports, it is ideal.
That's what it was created
for. The results are a very
good increase in clean
muscle mass, without water
In people without adipose layer, it has very good and visible
results. Used by women, doses should not exceed 10 mg. For
men, the doses are 40-60 mg per day. It can greatly increase
libido. It is a relatively safe steroid, very good without negative
effects. It can be used in both periods. It helps a lot during the
competition preparation period. Combined with testosterone
propionate, trenbolone acetate, masteron, anavar, primobolan.
An ideal cycle for people who want to stay fit is primobolan +
turinabol + test propionate.
During periods of muscle mass accumulation, it helps a lot with
strength. It is a very good product for strength sports.

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