Mortiño (Vaccinium Floribundum Kunth)
Mortiño (Vaccinium Floribundum Kunth)
Mortiño (Vaccinium Floribundum Kunth)
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All content following this page was uploaded by Eduardo Chica on 07 May 2022.
Mortiño is a member of the Ericaceae family native to the Andes that has been used by local
communities for centuries. This species has shown potential in the areas of medicine, agronomy,
and green technology. A multidisciplinary approach was used to review aspects related to the
ecology, horticulture, composition and potential biotechnological applications of mortiño.
Figure 1. Description of Vaccinium floribundum Kunth: Semi-woody stem that can measure up to
2.5 m in height (a), Roots with their root hairs that, when they come to the surface, give rise to a
seedling (b), White to lilac flowers in racemes of 6 to 10 (c), Elliptical, oval, or oval–lanceolate
leathery leaves, with crenate-serrated edge, cuneate or round base, and slightly rounded
acuminate apex (d), Corolla and Calyx (e), Vertical view of stamens (f), Gynoecium (g), Nectaries
(h), Floral diagram of the Ericaceae (i), Round bittersweet berries of bluish to black color (j), Fruit
in longitudinal section (k), Recalcitrant seeds of approximately 1 mm in size (l). Source: Herbarium
of the Interpretation Center of the Protective Forest “La Prosperina” (BPP—Ar001E), of the Escuela
Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL), Guayaquil—Ecuador, by Botanist Jaime Naranjo (Co-
Figure 2. Mortiño plant (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) with its floral primordia (A), A small bunch
of flowers with some pigmentation (B), Serrated leaves and its ripe berries (C). Source: This entry.
During its development, the fruit color transitions from green to white-pink, to pink, and finally to
blue-black . Fruit development after anthesis takes roughly between 60 and 100 days under
natural conditions [8]. Taxonomically, V. floribundum has traditionally been classified within the
Pyxothamnus section in the genus Vaccinium along with V. consanguineum and V. ovatum.
However, phylogenetic analysis of tribe Vaccineae suggested Vaccinium is not monophyletic
with V. floribundum, forming a clade along with V. consanguineum and V. meridionale, separate
from other Vaccinium spp. [8].
Since it was first described in 1825 by Kunth as Vaccinium floribundum from the collections of
Bonpland, the taxonomy of mortiño has varied little over the years. However, some common
synonyms for the species have been reported, including: V. crenulatum, V. marginatum, V.
ramosissimun, V. polystachium, V. mortinia, V. moritzianum, V. dasygynun, Metagonia crenulate,
and M. marginata . Common names for V. floribundum are many and often used ambiguously to
identify other related species such as V. meridionale, Thibaudia floribunda, or Macleania rupestris.
For instance, in Ecuador, mortiño is the most used vernacular name for the species; however, it is
also known as uva de los Andes (grape from the Andes), manzanilla del cerro (chamomile from
the hill), raspadura quemada (burnt panela), and uva de monte (mountain grape). In Peru, it is
known as pushgay, uvitas, congama, and macha macha, whereas in Colombia it is also known as
mortiño, agraz, agracejo, and chivaco; nonetheless, here, the name mortiño is more often
associated with V. meridionale [1].
The consumption of this fruit was common in the Andean region before the arrival of the
Europeans; later, it was assimilated into criollo traditions associated with the All Souls’ day, which
continues to this day . Currently, the species is mainly found in the wild, but it is also often
present in smallholder farms [9].
2. Ecology and Genetic Diversity
Like many other neotropical Ericaceaes, V. floribundum predominates in belts of moist and cool
montane forest preceding the transition towards the colder Paramo (cold and moist ecosystem
typical of the high mountain in the Andes between the treeline and the snowline) between 3000
and 4500 m.a.s.l. [10][11]. On the slopes of the Rumiñahui volcano, near Quito (Ecuador), V.
floribundum has commonly been observed in landscapes dominated by Calamagrostis
intermedia and Carex jamesonii, although many other species, mostly dicots including other
Ericaceae such as Pernettya prostrata, have been found growing in close spatial association to V.
floribundum .
V. floribundum typically thrives in cold, nutrient-poor, moist though well-drained, shallow, and
acidic soils . The shrubs show remarkable adaptations to these conditions, such as shallow and
almost horizontal root systems as well as profuse sprouting from roots and other vegetative
tissues. These characteristics make V. floribundum one of the first species to regenerate damaged
paramo ecosystems [5], drawing attention to ecosystem restoration programs in the Andes.
Furthermore, V. floribundum has been reported as one of the species more often visited by a
variety of bird and insect pollinators [13][14]. Adaptation to these environmental conditions is
probably aided by association with specific soil microorganisms, as evidence of interactions
between the V. floribundum rhizospheric microbiome and soil chemical properties has been
reported . Similarly, ericoid mycorrhiza forming fungi have been reported in V.
floribundum roots, potentially contributing to the development of the species in nutrient-limited
soils [12].
Soluble solids g/100 g 10.9
Ash g/100 g
Protein g/100 g
Carbohydrates g/100 g
Parameter/Units Value Reference
Fat g/100 g
Calories kcal/100 g FW *
Water % 80
Fiber %
pH 3.8
Fe (mg/100 g FW) 0.64 ± 0.2
K (mg/100 g FW) 607 ± 73
Ca (mg/100 g FW) 17.0 ± 2.3
Mg (mg/100 g FW) 10.2 ± 1.1
Cu (mg/100 g FW) 0.12 ± 0.02
Zn (mg/100 g FW) 0.13 ± 0.02
* FW = Fresh Weight.
Technique/Units *
Fresh: Powder:
204.01 ± 12.50
Total polyphenols 882 ± 38
By the Folin-Ciocalteu method
(mg GAE/100 g) 2167 ± 835
7254.62 ± 1209.17
Total phenols By
Total phenols (mg GAE/100 mg) 608.05
Total phenols (mgPgEq/g) 1.9 ± 0.7
Total phenols (mg GAE/g) 9.3 ± 1.4
Fresh: Powder:
Total anthocyanin (%)
11.1 ± 0.5 2.3 ± 0.6
Anthocyanin (mg cyanidin/100 g) 345
Anthocyanin mg/100 g 376.2 ± 49.9
Fresh: Powder:
Proanthocyanidin (%)
5.3 ± 0.5 4.6 ± 0.3
Flavonoids (Spectrophotometry):
Flavonols total content mg/100 g 41.6 ± 10.2
Flavonols glycosides 38
* GAE = Gallic acid equivalent; C3G = cyanidin-3-glucoside; TAEq = tannic acid equivalent.
V. floribundum berries have shown high amounts of polyphenols, with levels reaching up to
7254.62 ± 10.86 mg GAE/100 g . The most representative phenolic acids and flavonols
reported in mortiño were quercetin-3-O-arabinofuranoside, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin-3-O-
galactoside .
In comparative studies, other superfruits such as Prunus serotina showed lower levels of
polyphenols than those found in mortiño, with reported concentrations of 1494 ± 385 and 2167 ±
835 mg GAE/100 g for each species, respectively [24]. Similarly, a higher content of phenolic acids
and flavonols was observed in V. floribundum (41.6 ± 10.2 mg/100 g FW) when compared to V.
myrtillus (13.7 ± 0.2 mg/100 g FW) [28]. In another study, the content of total soluble phenolic of
mortiño (882 ± 38 mg GAE/100 g FW) was almost double that of guava (462 mg GAE/100 g FW)
and plum (440 mg GAE/100 g FW); furthermore, it was four times higher than the values observed
in strawberry (238 mg GAE/100 g FW) but less than half the content in the Andean blackberry
(2167 mg GAE/100 g FW) .
Anthocyanins are other important components in V. floribundum berries, accounting for up to 67%
of their total phenolic compounds . Delphinidin-3-arabinose and cyanidin-3-arabinose have
been reported as the most abundant anthocyanins in mortiño . Values from 376.2 ± 49.9 [28] to
1095.39 mg/100 g FW of anthocyanin content in blueberry have been reported, exceeding that
observed in V. myrtillus (568.8 ± 8.8 mg/100 g FW) [28]. However, sample processing can reduce
the levels of anthocyanins, as commercial mortiño powder showed lower levels of these bioactive
compounds compared to fresh berries . On the other hand, the levels of proanthocyanidins
observed in V. floribundum (5.2 mg/g dry weight epicatechin equivalent) were higher than those
i n Aristotelia chilensis berries (4.0 mg/g DW EE) but lower than the values observed in V.
myrtillus (13.7 mg/g DW EE) [22].
Lastly, it is also very important to know the content of P, Mn, Se, and I of mortiño berries.
Unfortunately, to date there are no studies that provide this information. Further research is
needed to assess the mineral content of mortiño berries.
Main Findings References
capacity - The pulp and peel extracts of the mortiño inhibited the
growth of S. mutans at the in vitro level [27]
The berries of V. floribundum have also shown a high antioxidant capacity ranging from 0.339 ±
0.01 g/mL to 0.69 ± 0.03 g/mL [17][22], comparable to that of V. myrtillus (0.42 ± 0.01 g/mL) [28].
Through the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity test, 250.01 ± 2.0 μmol TEq/g FW was
reported in mortiño, which was higher than the 1.52 ± 3.1 μmol TEq/g FW observed in the berries
o f Rubus glaucus [26]. Due to its high antioxidant capacity, mortiño has the potential to protect
human cells against oxidative stress. Crude extracts of V. floribundum attenuated the damage to
Human Dermal Fibroblasts (HDFa) caused by oxidative stress, providing better protection
than Rubus glaucus extracts [26]. However, no chemopreventive activity of mortiño was observed
in mutagenicity and genotoxicity tests against 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO) using SOS
Chromotests [28]. Further research is needed to assess the potential antioxidant and radical
scavenging applications of V. floribundum. In vivo studies, either in clinics or other controlled
environments, are still needed to confirm the health benefits of mortiño.
The synthesis of nanoparticles commonly requires the use of toxic chemicals that serve as
reducing agents. As a result of its high antioxidant capacity, mortiño has the potential to replace
hazardous molecules for green production of nanoparticles. Mortiño extracts with high antioxidant
capacity have been used for the green synthesis of graphene and functionalization of this
material, with silver nanoparticles yielding a highly efficient photocatalyst . Similarly, mortiño
extracts were applied as a reducing and stabilizing agent for multicomponent nanoparticles
(MCNPs) [34] and zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVIs) for bioremediation studies [19][35]
. The
resulting MCNPs showed >99% removal efficiency of toxic metals in water [34], whereas the zVINs
removed at least 80% of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in contaminated water and soil [35].
The researchers indicated that the efficient formation and stabilization of the nZVIs was probably
related to the -OH and -COOH groups from the berry polyphenols.
Additionally, mortiño extracts have also served as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells,
yielding efficiencies between 0.18 and 0.26% . Table 4 shows some of the applications of
nm diameter
of 0.18–0.26%
Mortiño has also been used in the wine industry [39][40], baking [41], and even in the production of
mortiño gummies . The bioactive compounds of mortiño have attracted much interest in
various sectors, which is why several methods have been proposed for the conservation and long-
term storage of this berry, including short exposure to UV-C [43] and drying pretreatments [44]
(Table 5). In a study, it was shown that after a storage period of 21 days, UV-C-treated (12.5 kJ
m −2) mortiño retained 90% of the original anthocyanin levels compared to 76.85% of the
untreated berries. However, the concentration of polyphenols was similar in both UV-C-treated and
untreated berries . Surprisingly, dry mortiño retained 93% of the anthocyanins and all the
polyphenols in a storage period of 8 weeks [44]. However, other food processing technologies have
been detrimental for the bioactive compounds of mortiño. Compared to lyophilization, heating in a
sand bath to obtain a commercial mortiño powder yielded significantly lower levels of bioactive
compounds such as anthocyanins (2.3 ± 0.6 vs. 11.1 ± 0.5%), proanthocyanidins (4.6 ± 0.3 vs.
5.3 ± 0.5%), total phenols (495.6 ± 9.1 vs. 524.4 ± 4.5 mg/g), and antioxidant capacity (3.3 ±
0.1 vs. 8.3 ± 0.4 mmol/g Trolox equivalents estimated by Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
(ORAC)) (Table 5). In general, the processing of berries can degrade the anthocyanins
naturally present in the fruits (Table 3). Therefore, the pre-treatment of mortiño using UV-C
represents a non-chemical approach to complement the treatment for low temperature storage,
especially to maintain the anthocyanin concentration. Table 5 shows some of the preservation
studies carried out on mortiño.
99.7% of polyphenols
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