BS 09250-2007

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BS 9250:2007


Code of practice for

design of the airtightness
of ceilings in pitched
ICS 91.060.20; 91.120.99


BS 9250:2007

Publishing and copyright information

The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

© BSI 2007

ISBN 978 0 580 50809 7

The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard:

Committee reference B/542/1
Draft for comment 06/3017888 DC

Publication history
First published May 2007

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. no. Date Text affected

BS 9250:2007

Foreword iii
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 Design criteria 3
5 Materials, fittings and accessories 8
6 Design details and installation 11
Annex A (informative) Requirements for airtightness and control of
condensation in the Building Regulations 38
Bibliography 40
List of figures
Figure 1 – Defining the conditioned zone in a cold-roof building 5
Figure 2 – Defining the conditioned zone in a warm-roof building 6
Figure 3 – Joint in AVCL as a membrane with solid support, sealed
using adhesive or double-sided tape 12
Figure 4 – Joint in AVCL as a membrane with solid support, sealed
using adhesive or double-sided tape and secured with a compression
batten 13
Figure 5 – Joint in AVCL as a membrane without solid support, sealed
using adhesive tape (non-preferred solution) 14
Figure 6 – Continuity of AVCL ensured at stud partition 15
Figure 7 – Continuity of AVCL ensured at a purlin 16
Figure 8 – Joints in an air barrier formed by bevel-edged plasterboard,
joined at a joist or rafter 17
Figure 9 – Joints in an air barrier formed by square-edged
plasterboard, joined at a joist or rafter 18
Figure 10 – Ensuring an air-tight seal at the junction of a masonry
cavity wall and ceiling using air-impermeable foil or lining paper 19
Figure 11 – Ensuring an air-tight seal at the top of a masonry cavity
wall using plasterboard jointing tape (cold roof) 20
Figure 12 – Joints in an air barrier formed by a plasterboard-lined
timber frame wall using plasterboard tape 21
Figure 13 – Joints in an air barrier formed by plasterboard lining a
metal frame wall (cold roof) 22
Figure 14 – Joint in an air barrier formed by plasterboard lining an
internally insulated wall (cold roof) 23
Figure 15 – Joint in an air barrier formed by plasterboard lining an
externally insulated wall (cold roof) 24
Figure 16 – Join in a plastered masonry cavity wall using plasterboard
jointing tape 25
Figure 17 – Join in a plastered internal block wall using plasterboard
jointing tape 26
Figure 18 – Ensuring an air-tight seal at the top of a masonry cavity
wall below a warm roof 27
Figure 19 – Warm roof construction with a small void above
insulation 28
Figure 20 – Illustrative detail of a pipe penetration with collar 29
Figure 21 – Illustrative detail of a cable penetration with support and
grommet 30
Figure 22 – Example of a pendant light fitting 31

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Figure 23 – Example of a flush light fitting 32

Figure 24 – Example of a recessed light fitting showing a sealed hood
or box 33
Figure 25 – Illustrative detail of a drop-down loft hatch with seals 34
Figure 26 – Illustrative detail of a tubular rooflight 35
Figure 27 – Illustrative detail of a sealed ventilation duct in a
ceiling 36
Figure 28 – Illustrative detail of a window in a warm roof 37
List of tables
Table 1 – Whole building airtightness requirements by building type 4
Table 2 – Sealant types 9
Table 3 – Draught strips 9

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover,
pages i to iv, pages 1 to 40, an inside back cover and a back cover.

ii • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

Publishing information
This British Standard was published by BSI and comes into effect
on 31 May 2007. It was prepared by Subcommittee B/542/1,
Slating and tiling, under the authority of Technical Committee B/542,
Roofing and cladding products for discontinuous laying. A list of
organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request
to its secretary.

Information about this document

In the UK some 70% to 80% of houses and some larger buildings such
as schools and hospitals have cold pitched roofs, with insulation on the
horizontal ceiling and an accessible, cold loft space above. Gaps in the
ceiling, such as around loft hatches and service pipes, allow air to flow
from the living space to the loft. Some of the heat and moisture
generated in the living space passes through the gaps into the loft
contributing to the energy loss from the building and creating a risk of
condensation in the loft space.
Buildings with warm pitched roofs, where the insulation is at rafter
level, use the loft as living space. If the walls and ceilings of the “room in
the roof” have gaps through which air can flow, this will provide a route
for energy loss and an increased risk of condensation.
BS 5250, the code of practice for the control of condensation in
buildings, recommends that air leakage through ceilings should be
minimized and provides criteria for a “well sealed ceiling”. This standard
provides practical guidance on methods for fulfilling the “well sealed
ceiling” criteria.

Use of this document

As a code of practice, this British Standard takes the form of guidance
and recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a
specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims
of compliance are not misleading.
Although this standard is intended for the design of domestic buildings,
it also has more general relevance to other buildings.
Any user claiming compliance with this British Standard is expected to
be able to justify any course of action that deviates from its

Presentational conventions
The provisions in this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright)
type. Its recommendations are expressed in sentences in which the
principal auxiliary verb is “should”.
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is
presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a
normative element.

Contractual and legal considerations

This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions
of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity
from legal obligations.

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BS 9250:2007

1 Scope
This standard provides guidance on methods that can be used to meet
the “well sealed ceiling” requirements defined in BS 5250 for cold and
warm pitched roofs.
This standard provides architects, house builders, and building control
officers with robust design details for the construction of more airtight
ceilings and for the control of air movement into pitched roofs.
It provides guidance for dwellings and buildings of domestic type
construction on the selection of materials, design principles,
construction methods and design details covering: the junction of walls
and ceilings; junctions of ceiling materials; penetration through ceilings
(e.g. pipes, outlets, cables, light fittings, loft hatches, tubular rooflights
and roof windows).
It includes cold and warm roof applications and will apply to new, and
the refurbishment of existing, buildings.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the
application of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 4255-1, Rubber used in preformed gaskets for weather exclusion
from buildings – Part 1: Specification for non-cellular gaskets
BS 4533-102.1/EN 60598-2-1, Luminaires – Part 102: Particular
requirements – Section 102.1 Specification for fixed general
purpose luminaires
BS 5250, Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings
BS 6093, Code of practice for design of joints and jointing in
building construction
BS 6213, Selection of construction sealants – Guide
BS 7116, Specification for double sided pressure sensitive adhesive
BS 7412, Plastics windows made from unplasticized polyvinyl
chloride (PVC-U) extruded hollow profiles – Specification
BS 8000-16, Workmanship on building sites – Part 16: Code of
practice for sealing joints in buildings using sealants
BS EN 60598-2-2/IEC 598-2-2, Luminaires – Part 2: Particular
requirements – Section 2: Recessed luminaires
BS EN 13141-1, Ventilation for buildings – Performance testing
of components/products for residential ventilation –
Part 1: Externally and internally mounted air transfer devices
BS EN 13963, Jointing materials for gypsum plasterboards –
Definitions, requirements and test methods

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3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions

3.1 air barrier

barrier comprising materials and/or components which are air
impervious or virtually so, separating conditioned spaces
(heated/cooled) from unconditioned spaces (unheated/cooled)
NOTE An air barrier will not necessarily be vapour impervious.
[From Airtightness in Commercial Public Buildings [1]]

3.2 air and vapour control layer

single layer (often a membrane) controlling both air and vapour
movement, thereby fulfilling the role of both an air barrier and a vapour
control layer
NOTE 1 The term “air and vapour control layer” has been adopted
throughout this standard recognizing that a well designed and installed
vapour control layer also controls air movement.
NOTE 2 The performance of an air and vapour control layer is
dependent upon the material, workmanship and buildability, all of which
need to be assessed by the designer.

3.3 cold pitched roof

pitched roof that has insulation on the horizontal ceiling and an
unheated loft above that ceiling

3.4 conditioned zone

occupied zone in a building requiring heating or cooling and bounded
by an airtightness layer or an air and vapour control layer to separate it
from unconditioned zones
[Based on Airtightness in Commercial Public Buildings [1]]

3.5 vapour control layer

material of construction which substantially reduces the water vapour
transfer through any building element in which it is incorporated or
applied by limiting vapour diffusion (see BS 5250)
NOTE 1 A well installed VCL will also control air movement and in this
standard is referred to as an “air and vapour control layer”.
NOTE 2 The term “vapour control layer” is preferred to the terms
“vapour check” and “vapour barrier” which usually refer to the materials
alone. The performance of a vapour control layer is dependent upon the
material, workmanship and buildability, all of which need to be assessed
by the designer.

3.6 warm pitched roof

pitched roof that has insulation at rafter level, providing a loft that can
be used as a living space

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3.7 well-sealed ceiling

ceiling that satisfies the following criteria:
a) The design avoids constructional gaps, especially at the
wall/ceiling junction and holes in the ceiling.
b) No access door or hatch should be located in rooms where large
amounts of moisture are produced, including kitchens or
c) The air leakage rate through an access hatch, including its frame,
when tested to BS EN 13141-1:2004 4.3 is less than 1 m3/h at a
pressure difference of 2 Pa.
d) Penetrations, such as those for services and rooflights, are
permanently sealed with suitable proprietary products.
e) The ceiling is sealed to the external walls to limit any leakage
through cracks.
f) The total leakage through all recessed light fittings should not
exceed 0.06 m3/h·m2 of ceiling at 2 Pa pressure difference across
the ceiling.
g) The head of any cavity in any wall or partition should be sealed to
prevent transfer of warm moist air into the loft
[Based on BS 5250]

4 Design criteria
4.1 Airtightness of ceilings
Measurements in a range of houses have shown that, typically, 20% of the
air entering the occupied rooms will leave via a cold loft, taking with it
moisture and heat. The proportion entering a warm roof will be smaller,
but can have a relatively greater risk of condensation because of the
smaller volumes within the roof.
Tests have shown that with 200 mm of mineral wool (an R-value
of 4.50 m2W/K) on the floor of a cold loft and a typical unmodified ceiling,
about half the heat transport into the roof takes place by air movement,
with the other half passing through the ceiling and insulation by
conduction. Air movement was even more important in the case of
moisture transport, carrying over 75% of the water vapour entering a cold
loft from the rooms below, with the rest going by diffusion through the
ceiling materials.
There are therefore two benefits from ensuring that air movement from the
occupied rooms in a house into the roof is minimized as far as possible:
a) The heat loss and total energy demand of the house will be reduced. The
change from a typical unsealed ceiling to a well sealed ceiling (see 3.5),
which reduces the air transport into the roof by 70%, will save about 8% to
10% of the energy consumed in a typical house.
b) The flow of moisture into the roof will be reduced very significantly, in
most cases eliminating the risk of damaging condensation.
A well sealed ceiling is a precondition of most third-party certification of
low vapour resistance underlays used in unventilated cold pitched roofs.
However, where moisture loads in the building are likely to be high, an
AVCL will be needed.

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A BRE Information Paper, IP4/06, The airtightness of ceilings – energy loss

and condensation risk [2] provides a more detailed explanation of the
building physics relating to the condensation risk and energy losses in
cold pitched roofs.
The procedure for assessing the risks of condensation within structures
that was specified in BS 5250:2002, makes use of a calculation procedure
in BS EN ISO 13788:2001. Because this procedure allows for only
conduction and diffusion and specifically excludes structures with air
flows through cracks and cavities, it cannot be used for assessing cold
pitched roofs. This situation is noted in Amendment 1 of BS 5250:2002 and
a second BRE Information Paper, IP 5/06 Modelling condensation and
airflow in pitched roofs [3], has been published to give recommendations for
the necessary assessment procedure.
Reducing the ventilation rate in the conditioned zone can potentially
cause problems of condensation and mould within the occupied rooms.
The provisions of Approved Document F [4] in England and Wales
(Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) [5] Part K or Building
(Scotland) Regulations 2004 Technical Handbook [6] Section 3) and its
associated guidance documents always have to be followed to ensure that
the moisture produced by normal household activities is removed at

4.1.1 General
At the design stage the following should be considered:
• the conditioned zones of the building and roof space (see 4.1.3);
• in a warm roof, a continuous AVCL is required;
• halls and stairwells that connect directly to the ceiling at roof level
(warm and cold roofs) see 4.1.4; and
• bathrooms and kitchens that connect directly with the ceiling at
roof level (warm and cold roofs) see 4.1.5.

4.1.2 Airtightness requirements

The airtightness requirements of the building type can be obtained from
the Table 1. Achieving a well sealed ceiling is a significant step in
achieving the airtightness requirements for the building as a whole.

Table 1 Whole building airtightness requirements by building type

Building type Air permeability
m3/hr per m2 of envelope area at 50 Pa reference pressure difference.

Best practice Current practice

Houses, flatsA) 5.0 10.0
Factories, warehouses 2.0 10.0
Naturally ventilated offices 3.5 7.0
Air-conditioned buildings 2.0 3.5
Low energy offices 2.0 3.5
Retail stores, supermarkets 2.0 3.5
Museums and archival stores 1.25 1.7
Cold storage 0.4 0.8
A) An approximate conversion to number of air changes per hour (ACH) for houses and flats is to multiply the values
in Table 1 by 0.05.
The figures in Table 1 are based on Approved Document L2 (2002), the air permeability requirements for buildings [7].

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4.1.3 Conditioned zones of the building and roof space Cold roof
The general principle for zoning a building with a ventilated roof space
is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Defining the conditioned zone in a cold-roof building

1 Conditioned zone boundary
2 Conditioned zone
3 Ventilation duct
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

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BS 9250:2007 Warm roof

The general principle for zoning a building with a lived-in roof space is
illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Defining the conditioned zone in a warm-roof building

1 Conditioned zone boundary
2 Conditioned zone
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

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4.1.4 Halls and stairwells that connect directly to the ceiling

at roof level (warm and cold roofs)
Halls and stairwells which open to the outside of the building are
sources of air infiltration and an airtightness barrier should be
maintained on the internal and external walls and ceiling of the stairwell
or hall. The joint at wall ceiling level should be sealed and, in cold roof
designs, the loft hatch should include an appropriate seal.

4.1.5 Bathrooms and kitchens that connect directly to the

ceiling at roof level (warm and cold roofs)
Where the bathroom or kitchen is situated directly below the ceiling at
roof level the moisture load local to the ceiling will be high. The loft
hatch access to cold roofs should not be installed in bathrooms or
kitchens directly under the ceiling at roof level.

4.2 Air barrier

The measures required to achieve a functional air barrier should be
carefully considered at the design stage. An air barrier should extend
over the whole of the ceiling and it is imperative that it is integrated with
and sealed to adjoining elements, such as masonry, drylining, loft
hatches and glazing systems. Any unsealed holes, fixings, pipes,
electrical fittings, etc., which pass through the air barrier, will
downgrade performance: methods of avoiding or sealing around such
penetrations should be considered at the design stage.
Where a rigid board forms the air barrier, joints between adjacent
boards should be jointed or sealed to avoid air leakage. Where required,
seals should be designed to accommodate thermal or other movement
which might occur during the design life of the building.

4.3 Air and vapour control layers

To control vapour diffusion, an air and vapour control layer (AVCL) may
be used. AVCLs may be formed with a separate membrane within the
structure, a lining board with an integral membrane or with a suitable
coating applied to the internal surface of an element, which is in itself,
an air barrier. The membrane or element comprising the AVCL should
be of the appropriate vapour resistance and should be situated on the
warm side of the insulation.
NOTE Even where the criteria for a well sealed ceiling are fully met, it
should be recognized that a small amount of unavoidable air leakage will
still occur. The performance depends upon the vapour resistance of the
materials selected, the practicability of the design and the standard of
workmanship involved in installation.
Side and end joints in flexible sheet forming the AVCL should be kept to
a minimum. Joints should be made over a solid backing member or
substrate, lapped not less than 50 mm and sealed with an appropriate
tape or sealant. Similarly, tears and splits should be repaired using the
same material, jointed as above. Any unsealed holes, fixings, pipes,
electrical fittings, etc., which pass through the AVCL should be sealed
with a proprietary seal or sealant.
Some materials used as an AVCL should be protected from heat and
sunlight to reduce the risk of degradation.

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5 Materials, fittings and accessories

5.1 Air barriers/AVCLs
The air barrier may be an appropriately installed:
1) flexible plastic sheet (e.g. low density and high density
polyethylene sheets are frequently used as air barriers); and/or
2) rigid material (e.g. plasterboard or plywood).
An AVCL has the additional requirement that the vapour resistance
should be greater than 250 MNs/g.

5.2 Sealants
BS 6213 and BS 6093:1993 provide general guidance on the design of
joints in buildings and the selection of sealants. BS 6093:1993 Table 1
includes an estimate of the life expectancy of the different joint types but
adds a warning that: “The actual service life of a sealant is dependent not
only on composition but also on environmental conditions and quality of

5.2.1 Sealing tapes

COMMENTARY ON 5.2.1 Where joints are sealed with tape, either double-sided pressure sensitive
BS 7116 provides guidance for the adhesive tape conforming to BS 7116 or (for joins between
selection of double-sided pressure plasterboard) paper tape conforming to BS EN 13963 should be
sensitive self-adhesive tapes selected, depending on the exact application. The tape manufacturer
including self-adhesive foamed
should be consulted to obtain details of the application requirements
and advice on the expected durability of the installation with respect to

5.2.2 Liquid sealants

COMMENTARY ON 5.2.2 Where joints are sealed with liquid sealant, the most appropriate
Sealants for building construction products should be selected according to the procedures of
joints are classified in BS 6093:1993 and BS 6213, and install the sealant in accordance with
British Standards by performance BS 8000-16.
requirements, but the information
given in Table 2 and Table 3 is
given to help find a sealant with the
properties needed in most

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Table 2 Sealant types

Type Movement Typical uses Practical considerations
Elastic and elastomeric sealants
1-part polysulfide 25 Movement joints in heavy Slow curing. Vulnerable to
structures damage until cured
1-part polyurethane 30 Movement joints between
lightweight components
2-part polysulfide 30 Movement joints between heavy Mixed on site and has to be used
or lightweight wall components within “application life”
2-part polyurethane 30 Movement joints between heavy Mixed on site and has to be used
or lightweight wall components within “application life”
1-part silicone 50 Joints between plastics and High initial costs. Careful surface
metal components preparation needed.
Foam sealants
Foam not applicable Used for sealing gaps that are too Have to be protected from direct
wide for elastomeric sealants. UV exposure

5.3 Compressible foam (draught stripping)

COMMENTARY ON 5.3 Draught strips should be selected from either synthetic rubber gaskets
General information on choice of conforming to BS 4255-1 or weatherstrips conforming to the relevant
draught strips is given in Table 3. requirements of BS 7412.

Table 3 Draught strips

Type Weather Resistance to Resistance to Comment
resistance air pollution acids and alkalis
Synthetic rubbers
EPDM Good Yes Yes Low resistance to oils
Silicone Good Yes No Often used with plastic
components against which
it does not react
Chloroprene Moderate Yes No Resistant to oils
Thermoplastic elastomers
PVC nitrile Good Yes Yes
Acrylic Good Yes No
Preformed flexible foams
PE foam/rubber adhesive Some flexible foams are
PE foam/acrylic adhesive open-cell and although
water resistant, they are
High density PE not suitable for
foam/emulsion acrylic air-resistance applications.
PE foam/pure acrylic
Low density PE
foam/emulsion adhesive

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5.4 Loft hatches

The hatch and frame should be manufactured from materials that
minimize thermal bridging, water vapour escape into the loftspace and
subsequent distortion after fitting. The rear of the hatch should be
insulated to comply with Building Regulations. A push-up hatch should
be heavy enough to compress a seal or be clamped against a seal. A
drop-down hatch should be latched securely against a seal. Seals should
be either closed cell or O-ring types and be continuous around the
perimeter between the door and frame including at hinges and latches.
A seal should also be made between frame and ceiling.
The air leakage rate through a loft hatch and frame, when tested to
BS EN 13141-1:2004 4.3, should be less than 1.0 m3/hr at a pressure
difference of 2 Pa; wooden push-up loft hatches made on site with
continuous compressible seals can meet this requirement provided the
hatch is at least 5.5kg in weight.
NOTE Drop-down hatches are more difficult to seal and it is
recommended that proprietary units with a supplied hatch in a frame are
used. Manufacturers can provide third-party evidence that this leakage
criterion is met.
An access hatch to eaves space should meet the same criteria as
drop-down hatches.

5.5 Light fittings

NOTE Light fittings are often referred to as “luminaires”.
Light fittings should conform to the following:
a) BS EN 60598-1 in conjunction with BS 4533-102.1/EN 60598-2-1
for pendant fittings and flush fittings; or
b) BS EN 60598-1 in conjunction with BS EN 60598-2-2 for recessed
The total air leakage through recessed fittings in a ceiling that forms the
boundary between conditioned and unconditioned zones should not
exceed 0.06 m³/h·m² at 2 Pa; the leakage of individual recessed light
fittings can be tested using the method specified in 4.3 of
BS EN 13141-1:2004.
The air leakage rate for their individual fittings can be requested from
the manufacturer. The air leakage rate for each fitting should be used
to establish the maximum density at which the fittings can be installed
to comply with the permitted total air leakage of 0.06 m³/h·m²
(see BRE IP 4/06 [2]).
Where the air leakage rate for a recessed downlighter is high, or is
unknown, airtightness may be achieved by installing an airtight
non-combustible enclosure over each downlighter and fully sealing the
enclosure onto the ceiling. The manufacturer of the downlighter needs
to be consulted to ascertain the dimensions and nature of the enclosure
to avoid any overheating of the downlighter or its surroundings.
Pendant and flush light fittings are generally installed by connection to
the fixed installation wiring through small holes in the ceiling. Gaps
between the sides of the holes and the wiring should be filled with a
suitable seal or sealant which will not react with the electrical insulation
around the wires.

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The roof insulation should be continuous over the recessed

fitting/enclosure to avoid cold bridging. The manufacturer’s installation
instructions might require a certain air clearance around the back of the
fitting to maintain safe working temperatures within the fitting. The
addition of an enclosure and/or insulation over the light fitting should
therefore be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. In the absence of manufacturer’s instructions the light
fitting should be assumed to be unsuitable for installation in a well
sealed ceiling with continuous roof insulation above.
To avoid overheating it is essential that the downlighter manufacturer’s
guidance on the type of lamp to be used with their individual fittings is
The type of lamp (bulb) specified by markings on the fitting can also have
a consequence on the installation criteria for recessed fittings. For
instance, a dichroic lamp projects light forward with most of the heat
being projected back into the fitting, whereas an aluminized lamp will
project both heat and light forward away from the fitting.

5.6 Pipe boots/top hats

COMMENTARY ON 5.6 The durability of such products should be considered particularly in the
Pipe boots or top hat seals around case of hot water pipes and flues.
pipes are available in flexible
single piece “pull over” or
semi-rigid two part types. Such
products may not be suitable for
multi pipe penetrations.

5.7 Ventilators
Ventilators should be treated as a penetration, as addressed in 6.4.6.

5.8 Fire alarms

Where installed with cables, the penetrations should be addressed in the
same way as light fittings (see 5.5).

6 Design details and installation

NOTE The figures in this clause are illustrative only and not exhaustive.

6.1 General – Details in both cold and warm roofs

6.1.1 Installation of AVCLs
AVCLs should be formed on the warm side of the insulation; if it is a
membrane, it is essential they are lapped by at least 50 mm and the laps
sealed to maintain their integrity. Care should be taken to seal around
the perimeter, at junctions and at penetrations such as electrical cables,
ducts and pipes, and access hatches; it is good practice to seal off the
tops of the external walls to prevent water vapour from the wall entering
the roof void.
Where laps in the AVCL can be made at a solid support such as a rafter
or joist, the joint should be sealed with adhesive or double-sided tape
(Figure 3), and can be further secured with a batten (Figure 4).

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Figure 3 Joint in AVCL as a membrane with solid support, sealed using

adhesive or double-sided tape

1 2

3 4
1 Insulation
2 Rafter/joist
4 Adhesive/double-sided tape shown (single-sided tape also suitable as in Figure 5)
5 Plasterboard

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Figure 4 Joint in AVCL as a membrane with solid support, sealed using

adhesive or double-sided tape and secured with a compression

1 2

3 4 6 5

1 Insulation
2 Rafter/joist
3 Adhesive/double-sided tape
4 Compression batten
6 Plasterboard
7 Service void

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Where laps in the AVCL cannot be made at a solid support

(the preferred solution), the joint should be sealed with single- or
double-sided tape (Figure 5).
NOTE The installation of a nogging above the joint would make the joint
more reliable.

Figure 5 Joint in AVCL as a membrane without solid support, sealed

using adhesive tape (non-preferred solution)

1 Insulation
2 Adhesive tape
2 3 AVCL
4 3 4 Plasterboard

a) Single-sided adhesive tape

1 Insulation
3 2 Adhesive/double-sided tape
4 3 AVCL
2 4 Plasterboard

b) Double-sided tape

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At internal stud partitions, the continuity of the AVCL should be ensured

by placing the AVCL over the partition prior to it being secured to the
joists, and this AVCL cap then taped to the ceiling AVCL (Figure 6).

Figure 6 Continuity of AVCL ensured at stud partition

1 1

8 6
2 6 2

a) Wall erected before ceiling fixed b) Ceiling fixed before wall erected

1 Joist 5 AVCL overlapped and sealed with tape
2 Plasterboard 6 AVCL
3 Studding 7 Corner tape
4 Insulation 8 Wall-head section of AVCL

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Where purlins or dwarf walls are required, the continuity of the AVCL
should be ensured by one of the methods illustrated in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Continuity of AVCL ensured at a purlin

1 Purlin
2 3 Noggings between rafters
a) AVCL installed prior to fixing purlins

1 Purlin
2 3 Compression block over sealant
b) AVCL installed after purlins
NOTE Method a) is preferable, but method b) is acceptable if retrofitted where the AVCL is fixed to the purlin with
suitable sealant and compression blocks.

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BS 9250:2007

6.1.2 Joints in an air barrier formed by plasterboard

Joints in bevel edge plasterboards should be made where there is solid
support such as a joist or rafter, should be sealed using a jointing tape
(usually crepe or smooth paper) to seal the joint, and the hollow of the
joint should be filled with jointing compound (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Joints in an air barrier formed by bevel-edged plasterboard,

joined at a joist or rafter

2 4

2 4

1 Insulation
2 Tape over plaster
3 Plaster to fill
4 Plasterboard

© BSI 2007 • 17
BS 9250:2007

Joints in square edge plasterboards should be made where there is solid

support such as a joist or rafter, and should be sealed using a suitable
filler compound to seal the joint (Figure 9).

Figure 9 Joints in an air barrier formed by square-edged plasterboard,

joined at a joist or rafter

2 3 5
1 Insulation
2 Filler
3 Tape
4 Plasterboard
5 Plaster

6.2 Cold roofs

6.2.1 Ceiling-to-wall junctions Plasterboard lined masonry cavity walls
Figure 13 illustrates the movement of air in a masonry cavity wall that
could rise to the ceiling behind the plasterboard. Brick and block walls can
be air permeable, particularly through the mortar joints. The air moving
through the wall will penetrate to the plasterboard and rise up the cavity
between the plasterboard and the block wall.
An airtight joint is required at ceiling level. Figure 10 shows an
impermeable liner, installed under the plasterboard to provide a robust
seal against any cracks that might appear at the ceiling-plasterboard
junction, and to prevent any air rising up the cavity behind the
plasterboard from entering the roof space.
The plasterboard should be installed with a continuous horizontal
ribbon of bonding adhesive at the top of the wall to prevent air
movement in the cavity behind the plasterboard.

18 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

Figure 10 Ensuring an air-tight seal at the junction of a masonry cavity

wall and ceiling using air-impermeable foil or lining paper

1 2

3 4

6 7

1 Insulation
3 2 Joist
3 Plasterboard
4 Sealant
8 5 Air-impermeable foil or lining paper
6 Continuous ribbon of bonding adhesive
7 Brick
8 Dab of bonding adhesive

© BSI 2007 • 19
BS 9250:2007

COMMENTARY ON (continued)

In Figure 11, a continuous horizontal ribbon of bonding adhesive and the
air-impermeable cavity closer, control the air movement in the wall. The
ceiling-to-wall joint is reinforced with plasterboard tape prior to the finish
plaster being applied.

Figure 11 Ensuring an air-tight seal at the top of a masonry cavity wall

using plasterboard jointing tape (cold roof)


1 Nogging
2 Plasterboard jointing tape
3 Plasterboard
4 Continuous horizontal ribbon of bonding adhesive
5 Air-impermeable cavity closer
6 Ventilation tray
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

20 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007 Plasterboard lined timber frame walls

Plasterboard tape should be applied to the wall-to-ceiling junction as
shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 Joints in an air barrier formed by a plasterboard-lined timber

frame wall using plasterboard tape

1 2

3 4

1 Insulation
2 Joist
3 Plasterboard
4 Jointing tape

© BSI 2007 • 21
BS 9250:2007 Plasterboard lined metal frame walls

Figure 13 illustrates a plasterboard lined metal frame wall.

Figure 13 Joints in an air barrier formed by plasterboard lining a metal

frame wall (cold roof)

1 Nogging
2 Plasterboard jointing tape
4 Plasterboard
5 Air-impermeable cavity closer
6 Ventilation tray
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

22 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007 Plasterboard lined internally insulated solid walls

Figure 14 illustrates a plasterboard lined internally insulated solid wall.

Figure 14 Joint in an air barrier formed by plasterboard lining an

internally insulated wall (cold roof)


1 Nogging
2 Plasterboard jointing tape
3 Insulated plasterboard composite
4 Continuous horizontal ribbon of bonding adhesive
5 Air-impermeable cavity closer
6 Ventilation tray
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

© BSI 2007 • 23
BS 9250:2007 Plasterboard lined externally insulated walls

Figure 15 illustrates a plasterboard lined externally insulated solid wall.

Figure 15 Joint in an air barrier formed by plasterboard lining an

externally insulated wall (cold roof)

2 1


1 Plasterboard
2 Plasterboard jointing tape
3 Continuous horizontal ribbon of bonding adhesive
4 External cladding/render
5 Ventilation tray
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

24 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007 Plasterboard lined internal partitions

Recommendations for the installation of plasterboard lined internal
partitions are given in 6.1.1 and illustrated in Figure 3. Plastered masonry cavity walls

Figure 16 illustrates a masonry cavity wall that has been plastered and
has a plasterboard ceiling. The wall to ceiling joint is taped with a
plasterboard jointing tape that is later skimmed with plaster to provide
the final finish to the walls and ceiling. The tape provides additional
resistance to cracking of the wall to ceiling joint.
The tape at corners should not be more than two layers thick and some
mitring of the tape at corners will be required.

Figure 16 Join in a plastered masonry cavity wall using plasterboard

jointing tape

1 2

3 4

1 Insulation 5 Plaster
2 Joist 6 Block
3 Plasterboard 7 Sealant
4 Jointing tape
NOTE Jointing tape/sealant installation

© BSI 2007 • 25
BS 9250:2007 Plastered internal partitions

Figure 17 shows an internal block wall that has been plastered and has a
plasterboard ceiling. The wall-to-ceiling joint is taped with a plasterboard
jointing tape that is later skimmed with plaster to provide the final finish
to the walls and ceiling. The tape provides additional resistance to
cracking of the wall-to-ceiling joint.
The tape at corners should not be more than two layers thick and some
mitring of the tape at corners will be required.

Figure 17 Join in a plastered internal block wall using plasterboard

jointing tape

1 2

3 4

1 Insulation
2 Joist
3 Plasterboard
4 Jointing tape
5 Plaster
6 Block
7 Sealant

26 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

6.3 Warm roofs

It is essential that warm roofs are provided with an airtight AVCL to
prevent moisture entering the construction above. The AVCL should be
sealed using the techniques given in 6.1.1.
In Figure 18, the use of the air-impermeable cavity closer and the
continuous horizontal strip of plasterboard adhesive behind the wall
plasterboard control air movement in the wall. The ceiling to wall joint is
reinforced with plasterboard tape. The AVCL in the roof space is the
primary airtightness control boundary.

Figure 18 Ensuring an air-tight seal at the top of a masonry cavity wall

below a warm roof

4 2


1 Air-impermeable cavity closer
2 Plasterboard
4 Sealant
5 Jointing tape
6 Continuous horizontal ribbon of bonding adhesive
NOTE Roof covering (such as slating, tiling or roofing membrane) have been omitted for simplicity.

© BSI 2007 • 27
BS 9250:2007

Figure 19 shows one of the many forms of warm roof construction where,
for constructional reasons, there is a small void above the insulation.
The AVCL should be carefully cut and sealed around struts and joists, as
illustrated in Figure 7 and Figure 18. This is particularly the case for
trussed rafters.

Figure 19 Warm roof construction with a small void above insulation

1 3 1



5 7

1 5

1 Air open roof covering 5 Insulation
2 Tiling battens 6 AVCL with taped joints
3 Underlay with 10 mm approx. drape 7 Well sealed ceiling
4 Rafters with small voids between

28 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

6.4 Penetrations through ceilings

6.4.1 Pipes
COMMENTARY ON 6.4.1 Gaps around pipes should be sealed by means of pipe seals or boots
Where pipe seals or boot cannot be where appropriate or with suitable sealants or foams (see 5.4 and 5.5);
used it is important that any it is important that the seal between pipe and pipe seal or boot is also
sealants or foams have some means clamped by means of a “jubilee clip” or tie (see Figure 20). The seal
of support during curing to ensure
from the pipe seal or boot to the top side of the ceiling should be made
a well sealed junction.
on a dry, dust free surface.

Figure 20 Illustrative detail of a pipe penetration with collar

Where a number of small diameter pipes penetrate the ceiling in close

proximity to each other the gaps between the pipes and edges of the
ceiling board should be fully filled/sealed with suitable sealants or
foams. The pipes should be spaced to permit full filling around each
pipe without causing sagging of the filler/sealant during and after

© BSI 2007 • 29
BS 9250:2007

6.4.2 Cables
As mentioned in 6.1.1, care should be taken to seal around the
perimeter of the ceiling at penetrations such as electrical cables, as
illustrated in Figure 21.

Figure 21 Illustrative detail of a cable penetration with support and


1 2

1 Insulation
2 Cable
3 Plasterboard
4 Rubber grommet
5 Self-adhesive support

6.4.3 Light fittings

Installation of light fittings should be undertaken in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The leakage of individual downlighters can be tested using the method
specified in 4.3 of BS EN 13141-1:2004.
Typical installation methods for pendant, flush and recessed light fittings
are shown in Figures 22, 23 and 24 respectively.
Installation of light fittings is required to be done in accordance with Part
P of the Building Regulations [8]. It is also worth noting that any
unauthorized modifications or additions can adversely affect the safe
operation of the fitting.

30 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

Figure 22 Example of a pendant light fitting

2 1

4 5

1 Suitable sealant or filler applied from above or beneath
2 Power supply and switching cables
3 Plasterboard
4 Ceiling rose inner plate
5 Ceiling rose outer cover

© BSI 2007 • 31
BS 9250:2007

Figure 23 Example of a flush light fitting



1 Suitable sealant or filler applied from above or beneath
2 Power supply and switching cables
3 Plasterboard
4 Baseplate
5 Cover

32 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

Figure 24 Example of a recessed light fitting showing a sealed hood or box


1 Power supply and switching cables
2 Plasterboard
3 Suitable sealant or filler
4 Non-combustible box
NOTE Airtightness may be achieved by the light fitting or the box and sealant.

© BSI 2007 • 33
BS 9250:2007

6.4.4 Loft hatches

The compressible closed cell or O-ring gaskets should be continuous
between door and frame and frame and ceiling (see Figure 25). This
should also include the area around hinges and latches. Any movement
in the door after fitting should be accommodated by the gaskets to
ensure the seal is not compromised.

Figure 25 Illustrative detail of a drop-down loft hatch with seals



NOTE Seal is needed both between the plasterboard and frame, and between the frame and hatch lip.

34 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

6.4.5 Tubular rooflights

Where ceiling diffusers connected to tubular rooflights penetrate the
ceiling, the diffuser should be both fixed and sealed to the ceiling and
the tubular rooflight pipe system should also be sealed to the diffuser to
minimize water vapour escape (see Figure 26). Pipes in cold loftspaces
should be insulated.

Figure 26 Illustrative detail of a tubular rooflight

© BSI 2007 • 35
BS 9250:2007

6.4.6 Extraction outlets

COMMENTARY ON 6.4.6 Ductwork in cold loftspaces should be insulated to minimize internal
Extraction units, to which ducting condensation.
is connected, remove unwanted
water vapour from the building. It
is important that the extraction
unit is both fixed and sealed to the
ceiling and the ductwork is
clamped to the spigot at the rear of
the unit to minimize water vapour
escape (see Figure 27).

Figure 27 Illustrative detail of a sealed ventilation duct in a ceiling

36 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

6.4.7 Roof windows

NOTE Without good attention to detail, windows in a warm roof can be
significant sources of air leakage into the roof construction. Figure 28
shows a good practice detail around a typical warm roof window.
Airtightness should be maintained at the corners of the windows, where
necessary using sealing tapes.

Figure 28 Illustrative detail of a window in a warm roof

5 3

7 2

9 10

11 13

1 Glass
2 Casement
3 Window frame
4 Tile
5 Foam
6 Flashing
7 Tile batten
8 Counterbatten
9 Vapour permeable underlay
10 Gasket/sealant
11 Insulation
13 Rafter
14 Plasterboard

© BSI 2007 • 37
BS 9250:2007

Annex A (informative) Requirements for airtightness and

control of condensation in the
Building Regulations
A.1 Introduction
The following Building Regulations (2000) Approved Documents for
England and Wales refer to, or are related to, the airtightness of
buildings or the control of condensation:
• Part C, Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and
• Part F, Ventilation;
• Part L, Conservation of fuel and power; and
• Part P, Electrical safety – Dwellings.
The four Approved Documents are interrelated and the method chosen
to meet the requirements of one approved document will directly
influence the options available to fulfil the requirements of the other
The following Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 Technical
Handbook [6] Sections contain the equivalent guidance to the noted
Approved Document subjects:
• Section 3, Environment (site preparation and resistance to
contaminant and moisture, and ventilation);
• Section 6, Energy (conservation of fuel and power); and
• Section 4, Safety (electrical safety).
The following Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) [5] Parts contain
the equivalent guidance to the noted Approved Document subjects
• Part C, Preparation of site and resistance to moisture (site
preparation and resistance to contaminant and moisture);
• Part K, Ventilation (ventilation); and
• Part F, Conservation of fuel and power (conservation of fuel and

A.2 Approved Document C – Site preparation and

resistance to contaminants and moisture
Approved Document C [9] is published with two parts:
• C1, Site preparation and resistance to contaminants; and
• C2, Resistance to moisture
Part C2, Resistance to moisture, refers to BS 5250 as the means to
demonstrate compliance with the regulations. BS 5250 recognizes that
where a building is constructed to be more airtight, less moisture will
transfer into the fabric of the building or into the unconditioned spaces
of the building such as lofts. BS 5250 allows a lower level of ventilation
of the loft space where a well-sealed ceiling has been installed. A
well-sealed ceiling is defined in BS 5250 and is included in this standard.
This standard was prepared to provide guidance on how to achieve the
necessary details and seals required for a well-sealed ceiling.

38 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

A.3 Approved Document F – Ventilation

Approved Document F [4] has been revised to take into consideration
the revised airtightness of buildings.
Where the airtightness of the building is low (airtight) the ventilation of
the occupied spaces needs to be higher to ensure that a healthy
environment is provided and that moisture is removed to avoid the risk
of harmful condensation. With naturally ventilated buildings the amount
of ventilation needed will vary with the building type, e.g., for dwellings
the number of bedrooms and the height of the building can affect the
requirement. For buildings that do not have opposing elevations, high
and low level ventilators might be required to ensure adequate air

A.4 Approved Document L – Conservation of fuel

and power
Approved Document L is published in four parts:
• L1A, Conservation of fuel and power in new dwellings [10];
• L1B, Conservation of fuel and power in existing dwellings [10];
• L2A, Conservation of fuel and power in new buildings other than
dwellings [7]; and,
• L2B, Conservation of fuel and power in existing buildings other
than dwellings [7].
To show compliance with the regulations the energy performance of the
building have to be calculated in accordance with a prescribed method
and the value has to be below a target figure for the type of building.
The calculation method allows a balance to be made between insulation
levels, airtightness and the efficiency of the heating and cooling
The airtightness is measured as the volume of air that leaks from the
building per hour per square metre of the surface area of the internal
surface of the exterior walls, floor and ceiling (m3/hr·m2).

© BSI 2007 • 39
BS 9250:2007

[1] Airtightness in commercial and public buildings. B.C. Webb
and R. Barton. Garston: BRE. 2002.
[2] BRE IP 4/06. Airtightness of ceilings – Energy loss and
condensation risk. Garston: BRE. March 2006.
[3] BRE IP 5/06. Modelling condensation and air flow in pitched
roofs. Garston: BRE. April 2006.
[4] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Document F – Ventilation, 2003.
London: The Stationery Office.
[5] GREAT BRITAIN. Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000.
(Amended 2005 and twice in 2006.) London: The Stationery
Office. (
[6] SCOTLAND. Technical Handbooks 2007. Livingston: Scottish
Building Standards Agency. (
[7] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Document L2 – Air permeability
requirements for buildings, 2006. London: The Stationery Office.
[8] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Document P – Electrical safety –
Dwellings, 2006. London: The Stationery Office.
[9] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Document C – Site preparation and
resistance to contaminants and moisture, 2006. London: The
Stationery Office. (
[10] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Document L1 – Conservation of fuel
and power in dwellings, 2006. London: The Stationery Office.

40 • © BSI 2007
BS 9250:2007

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BS 9250:2007

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