RD Fan: FTH Qin I ® - A Faiae5

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- FTH qin^i ®€-a faiae5 Northern Coal fields Limited

( fafa`ed- i5Fq@ ) rd fan (A Mini Ratna Company)

t+1d!PetliTafabewh3i4i..r..HdL[, (A subsidiary of coal India limited)

rfe-fa.|`i.^r.`,ia`.,`^Lfa7TT.ia`q`i.JELL7T.I.fhai86889 Post-Singrau[icolLiery, Distt-Singrauli, PIN-486889
An ISO:9001. ISO:14001. & OHSAS 18001 Certified Coml)an
e-mailil :gmsys.nc]@coa[india.in website : www.nclcil.in

Ref: NCL/SGR/SYS/Joining Report/2021 / 39 4 fas: 05/08/2021


In pursuance to Office Order No. CIL/RECTTAIT-2019/OFFER of Appt/9444

Dated 03/08/2021 issued by GM(P/RECTT), CIL Kolkata and subscequent Office
Order No. NCL/EE/Posting-MTs (System)/15/2021/132 Date 04/08/2021 issued by
General Manager (P/EE), NCL Singrauli, I hereby .assume the charge as MT
(Systems) w.e.f. 05/08/2021 (FIN), NCL HQ, Singrauli.

Ankit Singh
MT (Systems)
EIS No 90382797

Countersigned by

General Manag
NCL, Singrauli


1. General Manager ¢ersonnel), CIL Kolkata

2.General ManagerAlod All Proj ectsrunits
3. General ManagerAlod (FIN)/(HRD) /(PffiE), NCL Singrauli
4. Area Finance Manager NCL Singrauli
5. Dy. Manager (PthE)/(EE-EIS)/¢E-Manpower),NCL Singrauli
6. Prsormel Manager (CCC), CMPDIL, Ranchi
7. Office Supdt. (EE-Manpower/ (PARC, NCL, Singrauli))

CO,)v to :-
1. Chairman-Cum-Managing Director, NCL, Singrauli
2. Director (Persormel)/(.Tech./op)/(Tech.ff&P)/(Finanace), NCL Singrauli
3. Chief vigilance Officer, NCL Singrauli
/ -i `he -.--
ffiF -ffifiifitE:SET raiiRE Northern Coal fields Limited
-/,,-..`--, !fifeap {A I:y'Einiratna Gompan}')

(rfuEfaFT,faiRE#erEthan (A subsidiary of Coal India Limited)

rfu[tFT. fin/Executive Establishment De}Sarfment

An ISO: 9Q_Q]. ISO: 14001 & OHSAS: 18001 Certified ComDanv

the-ffriirit3i;;i''i ±Fitt i+{i ,fin-fa li <3 I:il., I.FT.I fir 4868897 post. singrauli collier,,, Distt. singra]iii, M.p. plN-486889
Phone: 07805- 266542, (FAX) 266640 e,mail: nee.ncz@/coalindia.inwebsite : www.ne[cil±E

NCL/EE/Posting-MTs (System)/15/2021/ /3 2 Date: 04.08.2021

q,Mtitiq 3TTaQT
Con5eqLienttu¢ori `their appointment to the post of Management Trainee (Systems} in E-2 grade and
subsequent pcisting in NCL vide CIL's offer of appointmer,t no. GIL/RECTT/MT-2019/Offer of Appt/9441, 9442,
9443, 9444 & 9445 dated 03.08.2021, after being declared medically fit by com-pany's Medical Officer, the
following MT (Systems) who have joined GIL/NCL on the date as shown against each of them. The below
mentioned MT [Systems) are hereby posted in the Areas/Units as mentioned against their. names till further

SI.No. Name/ Shri Discipline I HIS No.i Date of joining inclL/NCL Place of Posting I

1 Ankit Systems 90382771 04.08.2G21 NCLHQ _

!2 Shubham Singh Systems 90383050 04.08.Z021 NCL HQ
3 Vishal .Kun.i.al. Maridal Systems 90383118 04.08.2021 NCLHO-

Ankit Singh|ShjvamKur-ni:r systems 90382797 04.08.2021 NCI. HQ
systems 90383027 04,08.2021 NCLHQ I
During the training .period of one year (if not extended) they will be paid E-2 sc.ale of pay i.e P.s,5(i,000 -
1,60,000/-per month p]u.s allowances as admissible.

Their services will be governed by the terms and conditions as stipulated in their appc)intn.lent letters,
terms o.f offer of appointment duly accepted by them at the time of joining GIL/NCL and by other service
conditions/ Rules as app]icab]e to executive cadre employees of CT'L, and its subsidiaries.

The above MT (Systems) are hereby advised to report to the HOD/General Manager [Systems), NCL for
further assignment.

This issues with approval of the Competent Authority

.-=`-i-I ==`E .

qFrfe (fflt3rfu]Ear. )

1.) GM (P-Rectt), GIL, Kolkata ,

2.) GM tMin)/TS tc> CMp,a+riTCL~
3.) GM/HOD-(System)/(MP&Rectt)/(lED)/(S&R)/(Vig.), NCL HQ
4.) GM-(System)-With a request to upload in the NCL website
5.). TS to D(P)/TS to D(T/O)/TS to D(F)/ TS to D(T/P&P), NCL
7.) Manager (P-EE), NCL HQ
8.) Advisor (Sectt,), NCL .
9.) Dy. Manager (Sectt)I D(\P) Sectt/ D(T/O) Sectt/D(F) Sectt/D(T&P) Sectt, NCL
10.) Dy. Manager (P-EE-I-II)/AM (P-EE-I-II), NCL HQ
11.) Executives concerned
12.) Clerk (EE-Manpower)/(Salary), NCL HQ

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