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Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures of Oil-and-Gas

Complex Under Hydrocarbon Fire

Chapter · January 2018

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-70987-1_87


19 4,864

4 authors, including:

Marina Gravit Eliza Gumerova

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University


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Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building
Structures of Oil-and-Gas Complex Under
Hydrocarbon Fire

Marina Gravit1 , Eliza Gumerova1(&) , Alexey Bardin1 ,

and Vitaly Lukinov2
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Politekhnicheskaya str.,
29, 195251 St. Petersburg, Russia
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Yaroslavskoe shosse, 26,
129337 Moscow, Russia

Abstract. The article deals with the technical documentation in design of

building constructions of oil-and-gas complex under special load – fire in case of
hydrocarbon fire. It gives the detailed review of international, European and
American standards for determine of the fire resistance limits in the modeling of
hydrocarbon combustion. Much attention is given to analysis of technical reg-
ulations in fire protection designing of ships and sea platforms. It should be
stressed that requirements for the fire resistance limits in conditions of hydro-
carbon fire for some buildings and structures are absent. Therefore the building
structures testing without appropriate calculations is superfluous and economi-
cally inadvisable. It is necessary to evaluate the time variation in the area of oil
or oil products under various spreading conditions and to justify the need for the
structure protection from the hydrocarbon fire. The development of industry
standards for Russian oil and gas enterprises with a list of indicators for fire-
proofing and flame-retardant coating for building structures in the conditions of
a hydrocarbon fire is proposed.
Keywords: Building structures of oil-and-gas complex
Marine transport and offshore structures  Fire resistance limits
Passive fire protection

1 Introduction

The standards for the fire resistance testing define standard (cellulosic) and alternative
hydrocarbon, slow heating and external heating regimes. Steel structures of reservoirs,
equipment, buildings, constructions of sea-going vessels, fire and explosion hazards are
exposed to high temperatures due to the type and intensity of fire load. Average surface
flame temperature of majority of oil products rises above the 1000 °C mark. That is
why the above structures should have a superior resistance to special load in case of
hydrocarbon fire. Best practice of hydrocarbon offshore productions in Russia, Great
Britain, the USA, Norway, Australia and France involves carrying out a fire risk
analysis and an assessment of consequences in order to determine the degree of pro-
tection required for the duration of the hazard. The risk-based approach enables the
development of more safe and economical design solutions.
© Springer International Publishing AG 2018
V. Murgul and Z. Popovic (eds.), International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal
Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 692,
Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures 819

In Russian scientific sources there are regulations according to the standard heating
regime for hydrocarbon processing industry. International, European and American
standards determine the fire resistance limits in the modeling of hydrocarbon com-
bustion in oil-and-gas complex from the end of last century [1].
The purpose of this article is to give a review of technical documents in using of
modern means of fire protection of building structures and vessels in case of hydro-
carbon fire.

2 Test Methods for Fire Resistance of Structures

ISO Technical Committee 92 «Fire safety» is particularly relevant to standards for the
fire resistance testing. ISO TC 92 developed the standard ISO 834 with real-scale tests
for fire resistance of building construction elements. It is considered to be basis for
testing methods in various countries, including Russia.
The aim of Russia National Standard EN 1363-2-2014 “Fire resistance tests.
Alternative and additional procedures” is to harmonize the approaches to the choice of
heating regimes for petroleum and chemical industries and it shall be read in con-
junction with EN 1363-1:2012 “Fire resistance tests. General requirements”. The
standard specifies alternative heating conditions and other procedures that may need to
be adopted under special circumstances and involves the details of external, slow
heating and hydrocarbon heating regimes which relate to those occurring in real fires
(Fig. 1). A hydrocarbon-fire temperature-time curve has a rapid flame temperature rise
after ignition. The typical temperature value 7.5 min after ignition is more than
1000 °C and 30 min after reaches 1100 °C mark and is constant until 120 min.
European, Russian and American normative documents which establish methods
for fire resistance testing are in Tables 1 and 2.

Fig. 1. Temperature/time curves according to EN 1363-2:1999 Fire resistance tests. Part 2:

Alternative and additional procedures (Russian National Standard EN 1363-2-2014).
820 M. Gravit et al.

Table 1. European, international and Russian normative documents, establishing test methods
for fire resistance of structures.
European/International Russian normative The content of the Degree of compliance
normative document document document, the with ND/Reference to
difference and standards-test
similarity methods for fire
ISO 834-75 Fire Russian National Standard heating Sections 6, 7, 9 have
resistance tests. Standard 30247.0-94 conditions (difference an authentic text to
Elements of building Building in 20 °C – initial ISO 834-75. In
constructions. EN constructions. Fire temperature), samples conjunction with
1363-1:2012. Fire resistance tests. for testing of ENV 1363-3. Fire
resistance tests. General requirements structures are the resistance tests - Part
General requirements. same. Excess 3: verification of
EN 1363-2:1999 Fire pressure 10 ± 2 Pa furnace performance
resistance tests - Part 2: (Russia), the
Alternative and European - not more
additional procedures. than 20 Pa. European
ENV 1363-3. Fire standard introduces
resistance tests - Part 3: the concept of
verification of furnace “principle of
performance extended application”
EN 1363-2:1999 Fire Russian National Details of the Russian National
resistance tests - Part 2: Standard EN 1363-2 alternative Standard EN 1363-2
Alternative and hydrocarbon, slow is the Russian
additional procedures heating and external language version of
fire exposure heating EN 1363-2:1999 Fire
curves and the resistance tests - Part
additional impact test 2: Alternative and
and measurement of additional procedures
radiation procedures
are included within
this standard
ISO 834-1-1999 Modifications in Differences in initial Not equaled to ISO
EN 1363-1:1999 Russian National temperatures of tests, 834-1-1999, EN
EN 1363-2:1999 Standard 30247.0-94 allowances in heating 1363-1:1999, EN
(in process of conditions. 1363-2:1999.
inclusion) Additional Sections 6, 7, 9 - an
procedures are as in authentic text to ISO
EN 1363-2:1999 834-1-1999
IEC 60721-2-8:1994. Russian National Standard fire and Modification of
Classification of Standard 54081-2010 external fire Russian National
environmental Influence of exposure, Standard
conditions - Part 2: environmental determination of slow 60721-2-8:1994
Environmental conditions appearing heating conditions,
conditions appearing in in nature on the processes which
nature - Fire exposure technical products. regard to fire in
Overall performance. constructions
Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures 821

Table 1. (continued)
European/International Russian normative The content of the Degree of compliance
normative document document document, the with ND/Reference to
difference and standards-test
similarity methods for fire
EN 13381-8:2013 Russian National Standard and slow Not harmonized
“Test methods for Standard 53295-2009 heating regimes are EN 1363-1:1999
determining the Fire retardant described without EN 1363-2:1999
contribution to the fire compositions for requirements for the
resistance of structural steel constructions. hydrocarbon
members. Part 8: General requirement. conditions
Applied reactive Method for
protection to steel determining fire
members” retardant efficiency
DIN 4102-2-1977 Fire – Methods for Equaled to UL 1709
tests on building determination of the Standard for Safety
materials and fire resistance of load for Rapid Rise Fire
structures. Methods for bearing elements of Tests of Protection
determination of the construction for the Materials for
fire resistance of load hydrocarbon Structural Steel
bearing elements of conditions
BS 476-20:1987. Fire – Series of Britain BS 476-21, BS
tests on building Standards for the 476-22, BS 476-23,
materials and standard heating BS 476-24, BS 4422,
structures. Method for conditions. BS 4937-4,
determination of the Appendix D contains BS 4937-5, ISO 834
fire resistance of Method for
elements of determination of the
construction (general fire resistance of
principles) elements of
construction for the
ISO 22899-1:2007 – Determination of the ISO/TR 834-3, ISO
Determination of the resistance to jet fires 13702:2015
resistance to jet fires of of passive fire Petroleum and natural
passive fire protection protection materials. gas industries –
materials - Part 1: Dimensions of Control and
General requirements sample smaller than mitigation of fires and
in real situation explosions on
offshore production
installations —
Requirements and
822 M. Gravit et al.

Table 1. (continued)
European/International Russian normative The content of the Degree of compliance
normative document document document, the with ND/Reference to
difference and standards-test
similarity methods for fire
ISO/TR 22899-2:2013 – Determination of the ISO/TR 834-3 and
Determination of the resistance to jet fires EN 1363-2:1999
resistance to jet fires of of passive fire
passive fire protection - protection; guidance
Part2: Guidance on on implementation
classification and methods (large-scale
implementation tests)
ISO 13702 Petroleum ISO 13702:2015 ISO 13702 describes ISO 22899-1, API RP
and natural gas Petroleum and the objectives and 2FB, API RP
industries — Control natural gas industries functional 14 J, API RP
and mitigation of fires – Control and requirements for the 14G, API RP 75, API
and explosions on mitigation of fires control and mitigation RP 500, API RP
offshore production and explosions on of fires and 505, API RP
installations — offshore production explosions on 2003, API
Requirements and installations – offshore installations 2030, ASTM
guidelines Requirements and used for the E119, EN 1834, EN
guidelines development of 13463, IMO
hydrocarbon resolution A.1021
resources (26), UL 1709

Table 2. The normative documents of the United States, containing test methods with different
temperature conditions.
Name of standard Definition area Links to standards-methods
UL 1709 standard for safety UL 1709 remains a leading NFPA 1H, API RP 14FZ,
for rapid rise fire tests of standard in the evaluation by API RP 2218, API STD 2510,
protection materials for testing of PFP materials used API RP 14G, NFPA 30H,
structural steel to protect structural steel from NFPA 850, NFPA 556,
the effects of hydrocarbon CEN EN ISO 13702, ASTM
fires. The test method includes C1094, NFPA 502
a supplementary test method
for beams, intended to
evaluate the ability of
protective materials to
perform when subject to
significant deflections, for use
in conjunction with the
full-scale exposure test and
applicable for beams and
other sections subject to
Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures 823

Table 2. (continued)
Name of standard Definition area Links to standards-methods
ASTM E119 Fire tests of Prescription of standard ISO 834-1 Fire Resistance
building construction and exposing fire of controlled Tests - Elements of Building
materials extent and severity. Construction - Part 1: General
Performance is defined as the Requirements
period of resistance to
standard exposure elapsing
before the first critical point in
behavior is observed. For the
masonry and combined
ASTM E 1529-14A Standard Contains requirements for IMO A754, ISO 834-1 Fire
test methods for determining hydrocarbon fire Resistance Tests - Elements of
effects of large hydrocarbon Building Construction - Part
pool fires on structural 1: General Requirements
members and assemblies
NFPA 290 standard for fire This standard provides a test UL 1709, ISO 22899-1, ISO
testing of passive protection method to determine the fire 13702
materials for use on LP-Gas resistance of passive fire
containers. Current Ed. 2013 protection (PFP) materials
applied to the exterior of
LP-Gas containers. It is
intended to identify insulation
systems that retard or prevent
the release of the container’s
contents in a fire environment

Disadvantage of Russian National Standard EN 1363-2 is an absence of conjunc-

tion with EN 1363-1:1999 and ISO/TR 834-3. ISO 13702:2015 contents requirements
to hydrocarbon regime and is in conjunction with American Standards ASTM E119
and UL 1709, however, ISO/TR 22899-2:2013 is equaled to European Standards.
It should be stressed that the values of the consumption of means of fire protection
according to ASTM E119 and UL 1709 require correlation due to Global Asset Pro-
tection Services LLC (GAPS) [2].

3 Guidance Documents for the Design of Fire-Resistant

Structures for Marine Transport and Offshore Structures

The International Code for application of fire test procedures, 2010 (FTP Code),
adopted by Resolution MSC.307 (88) [3] are the parts of International Convention for
the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) [4].
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) [5] and International Code for Construction
824 M. Gravit et al.

and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) [6] are taking
into account in the case of transportation of liquids and make additional calculations for
risk of hazards.
Bulkheads and decks of ships are divided into main vertical zones and horizontal
zones by structural elements with thermal insulation and without it in order to achieve
the objectives of fire safety; there is a restricted use of combustible materials to meet the
fire safety requirements [4].
The Convention provides only with the definition of “standard resistance test”, in
which samples of the relevant bulkheads or decks are exposed to heating in furnace at
temperatures due to Cellulosic-Fire (standard fire) temperature/time curve in accor-
dance with the method that meets the requirements of FTP Code [3].
The main guidance documents for the design of fire-resistant structures for marine
transport and offshore structures, which refer to ISO 834-1:
– International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) [4];
– FTP Code [3];
– IBC Code [5];
– IGC Code [6];
– Technical regulation on the safety of sea transport, Government Decree No 620 of
August 12, 2010 [7];
– IMO Resolution A 754 (18) Recommendation for fire resistance tests for structural
floor “A”, “B” and “F” [8];
– Rules for the classification and construction of sea-going ships [9];
– Rules for the classification, construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling
units and fixed offshore platforms [10];
All the documents above, except for [10], describe the requirements to construc-
tions for classes “A”, “B”, “F” and “C”. Only structures of class “C” are testing without
using standard heating regime. Method in [10] contains only standard fire resistance
test. This regime is described in FTP code, adopted by Resolution MSC.307 (88) [3].
«Type «H» constructions» [10] - structures formed by bulkheads and decks that
must be constructed in such a way as to prevent smoke and flame from passing through
them within 120 min of a standard fire resistance test; are insulated with
non-combustible materials or equivalent fire retardants so that cf. and max. the tem-
perature on the side opposite to the fire effect did not increase compared to the original
temperature by more than 140 °C and 180 °C.
Designations are assigned in the process of standard test designations: H-120;
H-60; H-0.
The structures are tested for fire resistance according to the procedure described in
Resolution A.754 (18) [14], taking into account that «the temperature curve as a
function of time should correspond to the temperature curve versus time in the case of
carbon combustion».
For instance, the definition of “H” Class Divisions in Rules for building and
classing facilities on offshore installations [11] is not equal to determination in [4, 10]:
instead of the standard fire regime there hydrocarbon fire conditions are pointed out.
This document makes more correctly demands regarding “H” Class Divisions.
According to [11], intumescent coating can be applied for increasing the value of
Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures 825

H-parameter, but it must have low flame-spread, smoke generation and heat dissipation.
It is also necessary to assess the toxicity of emitted products of combustion. In Table 3
there is a fire integrity of desks separating adjacent spaces/areas according to [11].

Table 3. Fire integrity of desks separating adjacent spaces/areas.

Space below# Space above! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Control stations including central (1) A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
process control rooms (d)
Corridors (2) A-0 * * A-0 * A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * *
Accommodation Spaces (3) A-60 A-0 * A-0 * A-60 A-0  A-0 A-0 * *
Stairways (4) A-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0 A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
Service spaces (low risk) (5) A-15 A-0 A-0 A-0 * A-60 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
Machinery spaces of category A (6) A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 A-60 * (a) A-60 H-60 A-60 A-60 * A-0
Other machinery spaces (7) A-15 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 * (a) H-0 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(a) (d)
Process areas, storage tank areas, (8) H-60 H-60  H-60 H-60 H-60 H-60 – – H-60 – H-60
wellhead/manifold areas (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)
Hazardous areas (9) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-60 A-0 – – A-0 – A-0
Service spaces (high risk) (10) A-60 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 A-0 H-60 A-0 A-0 * A-0
(d) (c)
Open decks (11) * * * * * * * – – * – *
Sanitary and similar spaces (12) A-0 A-0 * A-0 * A-0 A-0 H-60 A-0 * *

“H” Class Divisions [11] – divisions formed by bulkheads and decks that are
constructed of steel or other equivalent material, suitably stiffened, and are designed to
withstand and prevent the passage of smoke and flame for the 120-min duration of a
hydrocarbon fire test. “H” class divisions are to be insulated so that the average
temperature of the unexposed face will not increase by more than 139 °C any time
during the two-hour hydrocarbon fire test, nor will the temperature, at any point on the
face, including any joint, rise more than 180 °C above the initial temperature, within
the time listed below: Class “H-120”: 120 min Class “H-60”: 60 min Class “H-0”:
0 min This division is to remain intact with the main structure of the vessel, and is to
maintain its structural integrity after two (2) hours”.
Hydrocarbon Fire Test – A test in which specimens of the relevant bulkheads or
decks are exposed, in a test furnace, to temperatures corresponding to the hydrocarbon
fire time-temperature curve as defined by the U.K. Department of Energy/Norwegian
Petroleum Directorate Interim Hydrocarbon Fire Resistance Test for Elements of
Construction for Offshore Installations.
826 M. Gravit et al.

4 Means of Fire Protection Under Conditions

of a Hydrocarbon Fire Regime

In Table 3 there are data based on certificates of bulkheads and decks “H”- class from
the official cite of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS) 2015–2017.
Structures meet the requirements of Part VI (I.2.2, 2.1) due to conducted tests [10].
There are extra mentions about compliance to in some certificates. Materials from the
official site RMRS are shown in Table 4 (6 of 16).
RMRS for standard products uses various documents and testing normatives. In
Table 3 there are data for the class A for comparison some decks and partitions. There
is no difference between consumption of means of passive fire protection for classes
A-60 and H-60 for materials Sherwin-Williams, but for Russian materials for A-60
value of consumption is lower (30%).

5 Normative Documents for Fire Protection of Steel

Structures in Industry of Oil-and-Gas Complex

The anti-corrosion protection standards are developed in Russian PJSC “LUKOIL”,

Open Joint Stock Company “Gazprom” and Public Joint Stock Company “Transneft”,
but not for passive fire protection: fireproofing and flame-retardant coating for building
structures (hydrocarbon fire), only the standard regime is described in Construction
Rules. “Fire protection. Requirements to fireproofing coverings of buildings and
constructions” is the project of standard, which Gasprom is developing, where testing
methods in hydrocarbon fire are described.
French oil and gas corporation Total S.A. has its own standard for means of fire
protection. “General specification safety. GS EP SAF 337. Passive fire protection:
Basis of design” [12] defines the requirements to design, choice and using of passive
fire protection for marine transport and offshore structures. This document also clas-
sifies the means of passive fire protection.
The standard NORSOK M-501 “Surface preparation and protective coating” [13]
can be used also for the marine platforms. Document contains a list of various methods
and values of technical characteristics of coverinfs for different types of constructions
and conditions. Most of noted systems are in conjunction with ISO 20340:2003(E)
“Paints and varnishes. Technical requirements for the system of protective paint
coatings for marine and similar structures”. There are 8 systems, which differ in
functions, preparing the surface, thickness of dry outer skin, etc. The fifth system is
used for sprayed systems of passive fire protection, which contains of epoxy and
concrete fire protections. Optimal consumption is recommended [14–17].
In Table 4 there are data from official sites of some companies, who give the
information about means of passive fire protection, which were tested in hydrocarbon
heating regime, and the certificates UL 1709 in Database of Underwriters Laboratory.
The thickness of the layer of fire retardant coating according to UL 1709 is equaled
approximately 6 mm (column W10  49). The process of applying of epoxy intu-
mescent coatings (YAMAL LNG) are displayed on Fig. 2 (Table 5).
Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures 827

Table 4. Type “H” constructions. RMRS 2015–2017.

Name of material, manufacturer Fire and technical characteristics Laboratory, documents on the basis
of which the tests were carried out
*Deck «H»-class (H-0, H-60, Decks with minimal thickness «BRE Global», UK. Part 3 of FTP
H-120). Jotachar JF750. Jotun 4.5 mm, which isolated from the Code. Resolution IMO A.754 (18)
paints (Europe) ltd. reinforcing rib by epoxy covering
with thickness from 5.5 mm for
decks H-0; 11.9 mm for decks H-60
and 17.9 mm for decks H-120
*Bulkhead «H» (H-0, H-60, Bulkhead with thickness from «BRE Global», UK. Part 3 of FTP
H-120). Jotachar JF750 4.5 mm, which isolated from the Code. Resolution IMO A.754 (18)
other side by epoxy covering
Jotachar JF750. Its minimal value of
thickness 5.6 mm for bulkhead H-0,
12.9 mm for bulkhead H-60 and
17.6 mm (H-120)
Steel bulkhead, type H-0 (400). Bulkhead with thickness from Danish Institute of Fire and Security
Rockwool International 4.5 mm, which isolated by 2 layers Technology (DIFT). Part 3 of FTP
of mineral wool SeaRox SL 660 Code. Resolution IMO A.754 (18).
(q = 150 kg/m3) 2  30 mm. Hydrocarbon curve (EN 1363-2)
Isolation is fastened by wire screen
and steel pins. Covering is foil or
fiberglass with density 200–
400 g/m2 by glue ЗPVDC Latex
*PITT-CHAR XP. PPG Protectiv Steel deck: inner layer is epoxy Exova Warringtonfire, UK.
@ Marin Coating, Poland. Steel covering Piltt-Char XP with Application can be in case of
deck “H-120”, “H-60”, “H-0” thickness 4.9–8.0 mm, which is prepared steel or soil with coat
(“H-30”) reinforced with fiberglass or screen
Piltt-Char XP; external layer is
epoxy covering Piltt-Char
XP. Nominative value of dry outer
skin of 2-layer covering: 8.2 mm for
floor H-0, (H-30); 11.9 mm, for floor
H-60; 16.3 mm, for floor H-120
*PPG Coatings SPRL/BVBA. Bulkhead: inner layer is epoxy Part 3 of FTP Code. Resolution IMO
Belgi Bulkhead “H-120”, “H-60”, covering Piltt-Char XP 4.9– A.307 (88). Exova Warringtonfire,
“H-0” (“H-30”) 10.8 mm, which is reinforced by UK
fiberglass Piltt-Char XP; external
layer is epoxy covering Piltt-Char
XP. Nominative value of dry outer
skin of 2-layer covering: 7.6 mm
H-0, (H-30); 10.5 mm H-60 (without
reinforcement); 14.4 mm for
bulkhead H-120 (without
*Decks «H»-class (H-0, H-60, Steel deck with thickness from «Warrington Fire Research Center»,
H-120). Sherwin-Williams 4.5 mm, which isolated by epoxy UK due to requirements in Part 3 of
Protective & Marine Coatings. coating FIRETEX M90. Minimal FTP Code (Resolution IMO A.307
United Kingdom thickness 6 mm for H-0; 11.0 mm - (88), BS 476, part 20, app.D)
H-60 and 15.4 - H-120. The screen
«Firetex J220» can also be used
Annotation. *Covering is flammable and can be applied only to external surfaces and in spaces which are not
intended for people attendance. Isolated side should be from fire influence and from the other side of reinforcing rib.
828 M. Gravit et al.

Fig. 2. Application of fire-retardant coating Firetex® M93/02 (left) and Firetex M90,
Sherwin-Willams® 11 mm. Modules for YAMAL LNG. Photos were provided by Muehlhan
Morflot LLC and LLC Osoran.

Table 5. Indicators of means of fire protection under conditions of a hydrocarbon fire regime.
The name of Binder Reinfor- Duration of R(HC) R(HC) R(HC) 90 R(HC) 120 R(HC) 150 R(HC)180/240
mean cement maintenance 45 60
OGRAKS-SKE ES + 40 5.0/6.0 5.0/6.0 8.0/9.6 11.5/13.8 15/18 –
Chartek 1709 ES + 25 3.76/3.76 5.12/5.12 7.85/7.85 10.57/10.57 13.3/13.3 –
Chartek 7 ES + 25 – 8.38/8.38 10.16/10.16 15.24/15.24 20.32/20.32 23.93/23.9331.14/31.14
FIRETEX M90 ES + 25 5.61/5.61 7.45/7.45 10.79/10.79 13.66/13.66 16.07/16.07 18.02/18.0220.54/20.54
FENDOLITE Portland – 50 17.5/11.3 20.7/13.4 27.0/17.4 33.4/21.5 39.7/25.6 46.0/29.758.8/37.9
MII cement
Pyrocrete 241 Portland + 35 15.9/11.0 17.4/12.0 23.8/16.4 28.6/19.7 33.3/23 35.0/24.239.7/27.4
Note. ES - epoxy resin; reinforcement “ + ” - is present; numerator - the thickness of the layer of fire retardant coating, denominator - theoretical consumption
per sq.m.

6 Conclusion

Hydrocarbon-Fire has a rapid flame temperature rise after ignition. The standard
HF-curve shall be taken from UL 1709, EN 1363-2:1999, ISO 834-1:1999, ASTM E
1529, DIN 4102-2, BS 476-20.
Definitive requirements to the limits of fire resistance of structures to the effects of
the hydrocarbon fire regime are present only for the designs of drilling platforms and
offshore installations in some industry documents of oil-and-gas complex.
The normalization of the fire resistance limits for the hydrocarbon fire regime is
absent; the testing process goes haphazardly and leads to additional costs for manu-
facturers of fire protection means.
It is necessary to differentiate the protection objects against a possible fire regime,
justify the calculation and confirm the experimental data with the limits of fire resis-
tance of structures. Assessment of fire risk and consequences should be carried out
before using means of passive fire protection in order to define the degree of required
Increase of Fire Resistance Limits of Building Structures 829

1. Dennis, P., Nolan, P.: Fire & Explosion Protection Engineering Principles for Oil, Gas,
Chemical, and Related Facilities. Noyes Publications, Westwood (1996)
2. Fireproofing for hydrocarbon fire exposures. GAPS Guidelines. Publication of Global Asset
Protection Services LLC
3. The International Code for application of fire test procedures. Resolution MSC 307(88)
4. The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
5. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)
6. The International Code for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases
in Bulk adopted by IMO by resolution MSC 5(48)
7. Technical regulation on the safety of sea transport. Government Decree No 620 (2010)
8. IMO Resolution A754(18). Recommendation for fire resistance tests for structural floor “A”,
“B” and “F”
9. Rules for the classification and construction of sea-going ships
10. Rules for the classification, construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units and
fixed offshore platforms
11. Rules for building and classing facilities on offshore installations. American Bureau of
Shipping (2014)
12. General Specification Safety GS EP SAF 337. Passive fire protection. Basis of design (2009)
13. NORSOK Standard M-501. Surface preparation and protective coating (2012)
14. Adamtsevich, A., Pustovgar, A., Pashkevich, S., Eremin, A., Zhuravlev, A.: Appl. Mech.
Mater. 670–671, 339–343 (2014).
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