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This is certify that Mr.________________________________ the Micro-project entitled

“Importance of construction Management and types of Construction project”

being submitted here with for the award of DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY in


the result of Micro-project work completed under my supervision and guidance.

Place : Ambad

Date: __/__/2023

Prof. Dr. A. M. AGARKAR Prof. P. V. More Mr.S.B.PAKHARE

(Principal) (H.O.D) Micro-project Guide

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We are the undesired, here by declare that the project entitled

“Importance of construction Management and types of Construction
project” is written and submitted by us to Government Polytechnic Ambad
during Year 2023-24, six Semester for partial fulfillment of the ‘Micro Project’
requirement Of Design of "construction management" subject under
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai curriculum, under
the guidance of Mrs. S.B.PAKHARE

The empirical finding in this Projectare based on the data collected in this
project is not copied from any other sources.



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I have great pleasure to express my immense gratitude to wards a dynamic

person and my project guide Mr.S.B.PAKHARE Department of CIVIL ENGINEERING,
Government Polytechnic, Ambad for giving mean opportunity to work on an
interesting topic over one semester. The work presented here could not have been
accomplished without is most competent and inspiring guidance, incessant in our
constructive criticism and constant motivate on during all phases of our group Micro-
project work. I am greatly indebted to him.
I am very much thankful to Prof. P. V .MORE SIR, Head Of Department Civil
Engineering all HOD so various departments and Prof. Dr. A. M. AGARKAR SIR,
Principal, Government Polytechnic, Ambad, for his encouragement and providing me
motivating environment and project facilities in the Institute to carry out experiments
and complete this Micro-project work.
I would like to extend our thanks to all our professors, staff members and all
our friends who extended their co-operation to complete the project.
I am indeed indebted to my parents and other family members for their
immense help at all levels with moral, social & financial support, care and support
through out my studies without which my work would to have seen light of the day.
With warm regards,
Yours Sincerely
Mr. -------------------------

Place : Ambad

Date : / / 2023

Micro-project proposal

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(Format for micro-proposal)

6th Semester
Title of Micro-project
“Importance of construction Management and types of Construction project”.

1.0 Brief Introduction :

Construction management ensures that each stakeholder in the project
is held accountable for their required portion. This is important to ensure that
what you are paying for is what you are getting. Identifying any issues early
allows your team to seek out remediation without the need for costly delays.

2.0 Aim of the Micro-project

1) To study of importance of construction. .
2) To study about types of project.
3) To learn construction of project .

3.0 Course Outcomes Integrated

1. Create written communications appropriate to the construction

2. Create oral presentations appropriate to the construction discipline.
3. Create a construction project safety plan.
4. Create construction project cost estimates.
5. Create construction project schedules.
6. Analyze professional decisions based on ethical principles.
7. Analyze construction documents for planning and management of
construction processes.
8. Analyze methods, materials, and equipment used to construct projects.
9. Apply construction management skills as a member of a multidisciplinary
10.Apply electronic-based technology to manage the construction process.

4.0 Action Plan

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Sr. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

No start date finished members
. date
1. Project is distributed by our teacher SALUNKE
and our group get the project name YOGITA
2. Group members appointed meeting SALUNKE
and project work is distributed to all YOGITA
group members.
3. First decide and searching SALUNKE
information of project on network YOGITA
,library books
4. The collection of information and SALUNKE
arranged information YOGITA

5. The work to started to make a SALUNKE

project report and model . YOGITA
6. Check the project report when SALUNKE
completed work . YOGITA

7. Making proposal of project report

8. Making Project report

9. Check all information SALUNKE

10 Submitted micro project report and SALUNKE
model YOGITA

5.0 Resources Required

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Sr. Name of resources/ Specification Quanti Remarks

No. material ty

1. Computer Dell 1 good


2. Printer hp 1 good

3. xerox paper A4 size as per thin size


5. search engines chrome,uc browser

6. drawing instrument 2B pencil, clean 1 each good

eraser condition

7. reference book Subject manual 1 easy


8. reference site contain brief as per simple and

information of req important
project knowledge

Importance of construction Management and types of Construction project”.

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1.0 Brief Introduction :

Construction management is particularly vital to large-scale projects that
have more potential for problems that could significantly delay the
project and cost money. A construction manager measures each design
decision with careful analysis that calculates the impact that decision will
make on the budget and schedule.

2.0 Aim of the Micro-project

1. The efficient design of all the structural components and elements.

2. Appropriate selection of machinery and equipment.
3. Suitable procurement of human resources and materials.

3.0 Course Outcomes Integrated

1. Apply basic surveying techniques for construction layout and control.

2. Understand different methods of project delivery and the roles and
responsibilities of all constituencies involved in the design and
construction process.
3. Understand construction risk management.
4. Understand construction accounting and cost control.
5. Understand construction quality assurance and control.
6. Understand construction project control processes.
7. Understand the legal implications of contract, common, and regulatory
law to manage a construction project.
8. Understand the basic principles of sustainable construction.
9. Understand the basic principles of structural behavior.
10.Understand the basic principles of mechanical, electrical and piping

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed

1. Fist we discussed the topic of project to all group member.

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2. Then we meet to sir and discuss about project topic and

suggestions for project and sir give advice for project.

3. First all of we collect the information about the micro-project

topic with help of internet, reference books available in the

4. We collected information in sequence such as we will collect

all information about the point of project.

5. After collect the information about types of street lights .

6. Weekly we meet the teacher or guide and discuss about that
topic and daily searching information.

7. We will collect information in sequence such as first we

collected all information about rationale or importance of the
micro project in this we reported the stret lights
8. Then in micro project report we add our aim of the micro
project of understanding different street lights.

9. Then we add the course outcomes.

10. Then we add the point literature review in which we reported
that the we gated from the person, reference book, Google
and other resources.

11. Then we added the point resources used in which we added

the resources like the reference book, Google information,

12. Then we added the point skill developed in which we added

the skills that we developed.

13. Then we added application of the micro project.

14. Then the collected information we edited it in Microsoft word
and printed it and made the files for submit to sir.

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5.0Actual Resources used

Sr. Name of resources/ Specification Quanti Remarks

No. material ty
1. Computer Dell 1 good
2. Printer Hp 1 good
3. Xerox paper A4 size as per thin size
5. search engines chromium browser
6. made by instrument Fevicol, cutter ,scale 1 each good
wood pad , sit paper condition
7. site of construction good
materials condition
8. reference book ETC 1 easy
9. reference site contain brief as per simple and
information of project req. important

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-projects

1) Suggest to reuse construction material.

2) Give presentation of collected data.


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7.0 Skilled Developed/ learning out of this Micro- Project

1) We make the project of reuse waste in construction.

2) Our skill increased like understanding, reading writing, speaking,

communication skill .

3) We clear the concept reuse the waste

4) learned about how to search information about any topic .

5) learn about how to make the chart.


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No. content

1. Introductio

2. Importance of management

3. Functions/Role of management

4. Management role

5. Line and Staff Organization

6. Types of construction Project and there Management

7. Stages of construction process

8. Construction Planning

9. Methods of construction management

10. Management information systems.


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Management is Associate in Nursing art of obtaining things done through and with the
folks in formally organized teams. it's Associate in Nursing art of making Associate in
Nursing surroundings within which folks will perform and individual and may co - operate to
word attainment of cluster goal.

Management personal could also be delineate because the those who style Associate in
Nursing organization's structure and verify however totally different aspects of the
organization can act.
Management method may be a method of setting goals, designing and/or dominant the
organizing and leading the execution of any style of activity, such as: a project
In general Associate in Nursing organization's senior management is to blame for polishing
off its management method.

Importance of management
1. It helps in Achieving cluster Goals - It arranges the factors of production, assembles and
organizes the resources, integrates the resources in effective manner to realize goals. It directs
cluster efforts towards action of pre-determined goals. By process objective of organization
clearly there would be no wastage of your time, cash and energy. Management converts
disorganised resources of men, machines, money etc. into helpful enterprise. These resources
ar coordinated, directed and controlled in such a way that enterprise work towards attainment
of goals.

2. Optimum Utilization of Resources - Management utilizes all the physical & human
resources profitably. This results in effectuality in management. Management provides most
utilization of scarce resources by choosing its very best alternate use in trade from out of
varied uses. It makes use of consultants, skilled and these services results in use of their
skills, knowledge, and correct utilization and avoids.

wastage. If staff and machines area unit manufacturing its most there's no beneath
employment of any resources.

3. Reduces prices - It gets most results through minimum input by correct designing and by
victimization minimum input & obtaining most output. Management uses physical, human
and monetary resources in such a fashion which ends in best combination. This helps in price

4. Establishes Sound Organization - No overlapping of efforts (smooth and coordinated

functions). to ascertain sound structure structure is one in every of the target of management
that is in tune with objective of organization and for fulfillment of this, it establishes effective
authority & responsibility relationship i.e. UN agency is responsible to whom, UN agency
will offer directions to whom, UN agency area unit superiors & UN agency area unit


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subordinates. Management fills up varied positions with right persons, having right skills,
coaching and qualification. All jobs ought to be cleared to everybody.

5. Establishes Equilibrium - It permits the organization to survive in dynamical setting. It

keeps in reality with the dynamical setting. With the amendment is external setting, the initial
co-ordination of organization should be modified. therefore it adapts organization to
dynamical demand of market / dynamical wants of societies. it's chargeable for growth and
survival of organization.

6. Necessities For Prosperity Of Society - economical management results in higher

economical production that helps successively to extend the welfare of individuals. smart
management makes a tough task easier by avoiding wastage of scarce resource. It improves
customary of living. It will increase the profit that is helpful to business and society can get
most output at minimum price by making employment opportunities that generate financial
gain in hands. Organization comes with new merchandise and researches helpful for society.

Functions/Role of management

1. Planning :

It is the essential perform of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action
& deciding earlier the foremost applicable course of actions for action of pre-determined

According to KOONTZ, “Planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how to
do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”.

A plan could be a future course of actions. it's Associate in Nursing exercise in drawback
dPlanning is determination of courses of action to realize desired goals.

Thus, coming up with could be a systematic brooding about ways in which & means that for
accomplishment of pre-determined goals. coming up with is critical to make sure correct
utilization of human & non-human resources.


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2.Organizing :

It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing
productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals.

According to Henry Fayol,

etermination & higher cognitive process.

“To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its functioning i.e. raw
material, tools, capital and personnel’s”.

To organize a business involves deciding & providing human and non-human resources to the
structure structure. Organizing as a method involves:

• Identification of activities.
• Classification of grouping of activities.
• Assignment of duties.
• Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
• Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships.


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3. Staffing

It is the operate of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has
assumed bigger importance within the recent years because of advancement of technology,
increase in size of business, complexness of human behavior etc. the most purpose.

staffing is to place right man on right job i.e. sq. pegs in sq. holes and spherical pegs in
spherical holes. consistent with Kootz & O’Donell, “Managerial operate of staffing involves
manning the organization structure through correct and effective choice, appraisal &
development of personnel to fill the roles designed international organisation the structure”.
Staffing involves:

1. Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the person
and giving the right place).
2. Recruitment, Selection & Placement.
3. Training & Development.
4. Remuneration.
5. Performance Appraisal.
6. Promotions & Transfer.

4. Directing

It is that a part of social control perform that actuates the structure strategies to figure
expeditiously for action of structure functions. it's thought of life- spark of the enterprise that
sets it in motion the action of individuals as a result of designing, organizing and staffing area
unit the mere preparations for doing the work. Direction is that inert-personnel side of
management that deals directly with influencing, guiding, oversight, motivating sub-ordinate
for the action of structure goals. Direction has following elements:

 Supervision
 Motivation
 Leadership
 Communication

1. Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. it's the act of
observation & directive work & staff.

2. Motivation- means that inspiring , stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with zeal
to figure. Positive, negative, monetary, non-monetary incentives could also be used for this

3. Leadership- could also be outlined as a method by that manager guides and influences the
work of subordinates in desired direction.

4.Communications- is that the method of passing info, experience, opinion etc from one
person to a different. it's a bridge of understanding


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5. Controlling

It implies mensuration of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if

any to make sure accomplishment of structure goals. the aim of dominant is to make sure that
everything happens in conformities with the standards.
An economical system of management helps to predict deviations before they really occur. in
line with Theo Haimann, “Controlling is that the method of checking whether or not or not

proper progress is being created towards the objectives and goals and acting if necessary, to
correct any deviation”. in line with Koontz & O’Donell “Controlling is that the mensuration
& correction of performance activities of subordinates so as to form certain that the enterprise
objectives and plans desired to get them as being accomplished”. thus dominant has
following steps:

1. Establishment of standard performance.

2. Measurement of actual performance.
3. Comparison of actual performance with the standards and finding out deviation if any.
4. Corrective action.
5. Management theories
6. It is a collection of ideas which set forth general rules on how to manage a business or
7. Management theory addresses how managers and supervisors relate to their
organizations in the knowledge of its goals, the implementation of effective means to
get the goals accomplished and how to motivate employees to perform to the highest

Management theories are implemented to help increase organizational productivity and

service quality. Not many managers use a singular theory or concept when implementing
strategies in the workplace

Management role

A well-known researcher by the name of Henry Mintzberg identified three general

management roles. They are interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles.

Interpersonal Role

Management is essentially regarding social relations between the manager and folks each
within and out of doors the organization, like workers, superiors, suppliers and customers. As
a supervisor, Alexander can serve in his social role whereas acting as a figurehead, leader and

As a figurehead, he represents the face of the corporate once interacting with individuals. He
additionally is a pacesetter to his team and acts as a liaison between his team members and


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management. He may occasionally act as a liaison between the company and suppliers or

Informational Role

Management is additionally concerning managing info. Alexander's infoal role includes

grouping information, receiving info and dispersive info. for instance, Alexander can receive
production goals from his boss and can air, or communicate, them to his team. He also will
collect info on current production and send it to his boss for review.

Decisional Role

Managers are decision makers. In fact, failure to form choices can typically cause failure.
Alexander's decisional role includes being associate businessperson, disturbance handler,
resource distributor and a negotiant. for instance, manager should typically ask for inventive
solutions to issues similar to associate businessperson. he's additionally chargeable for
managing and allocating resources to accomplish his production goals. additionally he should
handle unforeseen complications that disrupt his team and its goals, referred to as disturbance

Line and Staff Organization:

The line associate degreed workers organization is an improvement over the higher than
mentioned 2 systems viz,

line organization and purposeful organization. the road organization concentrates an

excessive amount of on

management whereas the purposeful system divides the control an excessive amount of.

The would like was, therefore, for a system which will guarantee a correct balance between
the 2.

The would like has been consummated by line and workers organization. The system like
organisation additionally owes its birth to army.

The commanders within the field WHO area unit line officers area unit assisted by the
workers that helps them in formulating methods and plans by provision valuable data.

Similarly in organization, line officers get the recommendation of the workers that is
extremely useful in carrying on the task in associate degree economical manner. However,
staff’s role is informatory in nature.


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Line officers area unit typically assisted by workers officers in effectively determination
numerous business issues.

The staff is usually of three types :

1. Personal Staff:

This includes the personal staff attached to Line Officers. For example, personal
assistant to general manager, secretary to manager etc. The personal staff
renders valuable advice and assistance to Line Officers.

2. Specialized Staff:

This category includes various experts possessing specialized knowledge in different fields
like accounting, personnel, law, marketing, etc. They render specialized service to the

For example, a company may engage a lawyer for rendering legal advice on different legal
matters. Similarly, it may engage a chartered accountant and a cost accountant for tackling
accounting problems.

3.General Staff:

This comprises of various experts in different areas who render valuable advice to the top
management on different matters requiring expert advice.

Types of construction Project and there Management.

Generally speaking, however, you can separate construction project types into three

(i) Private construction;

(ii) State construction;

(iii) Federal Construction. Before getting

into these three categories


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(i) private construction projects

• The 1st style of construction project is that the non-public Construction Project. Put
simply, non-public comes ar comes of each kind that ar closely-held, controlled or
commissioned by a non-public party. non-public parties embody people, homeowners, firms,
alternative business entities, non-profit associations, in private funded faculties, hospitals,
publically listed corporations, etc. Anything, in alternative words, that's not the govt..

• Private construction comes are available all totally different shapes and sizes, and this is
often once it’s helpful to seem at the character of the work performed to section non-public
construction into totally different subcategories. These subcategories would include:

• Residential Construction: Whenever construction work is being performed to a single-

family residence or a residential facility with (usually) but three or four units. If you're
engaged on AN living accommodations complicated this might additional possible be thought
of an advertisement project rather than a residential project. Similarly, if you're acting at a
condominium, the work would be residential if upon one unit, however if on the complete
complicated or the common components, the work would additional possible be thought of

• industrial Construction: Commercial construction is that the construction of any buildings

or similar structures for industrial functions. industrial construction includes a large type of
comes together with building restaurants, grocery stores, skyscrapers, searching centers,
sports facilities, hospitals, personal colleges and universities, etc.

• Industrial Construction: this can be a comparatively tiny phase of the development


These comes embody power plants, producing plants, solar radiation farms, refineries, etc.
whereas termed “industrial construction,” it's pretty interchangeable with “commercial

(ii) State construction


• Some individuals get confused by the term “state” once talking regarding state construction
comes as a result of the term “state” will discuss with comes commissioned by a county, city,
municipality, government board, public board of education or the other state-funded entity.
The term “state construction” means that, therefore, any government funded construction
that's not “federal” –which is mentioned within the next section.State construction comes will
take a range of forms.


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• They will be pretty ancient comes just like the construction of a public faculty or building
(like a court room). These comes may be pretty refined, like the development of a bridge,
sewer line, highways, etc.

(iii) Federal Construction. Before getting

• Federal construction comes area unit terribly almost like state comes. a bit like state comes
they'll wrestle a range of forms: terribly straightforward and ancient, and really advanced. and
therefore the stuff being made are often pretty almost like the things made by state authority:
courthouses, government buildings, control comes, etc.

• Major sorts of Construction comes In designing for numerous sorts of construction, the
ways of procuring skilled services, grant construction contracts, and finance the made facility
are often quite completely different. The broad spectrum,constructed facilities could also be
classified into four major classes, every with its own characteristics.

• Residential Housing Construction Residential housing construction includes homes and

high-rise residences. throughout the event and construction of such comes, the developers
typically function surrogate house owners and take hold, creating necessary written
agreement agreements for style and construction, and arrangement the finance and sale of the
finished structures.

Stages of construction process :

The Construction Process is composed of six distinct stages, which are:

 Concept.
 Contracts and Bid Documents.
 Bidding.
 Construction.
 Construction Payments.
 Completion

Construction designing

An body method by that appropriate line of action is chosen out of the varied alternatives on
the market for the project work is termed designing


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• Importance of construction project/construction designing

1) Planning helps to attenuate the value by optimum utilization of accessible resources.

2) Planning reduces irrational approaches, duplication of works and entomb division


3) Planning encourages innovation and ability among the development managers.

4) Planning imparts competitive strength to the enterprise.

Importance of Construction Management:

1) Construction management practices invariably cause “maximum production a minimum

of cost”.

2) A smart construction management, ends up in completion of a construction project with

within the stipulated budget.

3) Construction management provides importance for optimum utilization of resources. In

different words, it ends up in completion of a construction project with even handed use of
accessible resources.

4) Construction management provides necessary leadership, motivates workers to complete the

troublesome tasks well in time and extracts potential abilities of its workers.

5) Construction management is helpful to society because the effective and economical

management of construction comes can avoid, step-up of prices, time overrun, wastage of
resources, unlawful exploitation of labor and pollution of surroundings.


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Conclusion :

Project management is the primary tool for executing the business plan,
installing the businesses processes, and achieving the strategic ambitions of the

Project management helps to detail what tasks will be accomplished, who will
be involved in completing the tasks, and when tasks should start and finish.

Typically, projects progress in steps or incremental stages; however, other

approaches for rapid, interactive project management are also widely used.

Several tools can be used to manage the project and communicate timing and
status, including task diaries, WBSs, and Gantt charts.

Projects fail for many reasons. It is management’s responsibility to determine

whether the inherent risks in the project can be accepted and the project can be
launched, or whether the project be delayed.


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1. "Glossary - Wastenot- Waste management in the South

East". 2007-03-10. Archived from the original on 2007-
03-10. Retrieved 2020-02-21.
2. ^ "Safety Knowledge". Retrieved 16 April 2018.
3. ^ Skoyles ER. Skoyles JR. (1987) Waste Prevention on Site. Mitchell
Publishing, London. ISBN 0-7134-5380-X
4. ^ "Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)". GOV.UK. Retrieved 2020-02-21.
Architects and Contractors" (PDF). April 2005.
6. ^ "Construction Waste Management | WBDG Whole Building Design
Guide". Retrieved 2017-05-06.


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