HighNote3 U8 Test B
HighNote3 U8 Test B
HighNote3 U8 Test B
Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 shop. But I think that makes you more likely to overspend.
You can make sure you don’t spend too much in other
ways, too. For example, I like travelling, and I often need to
___ / 5
get foreign 4 ___________. To make sure I get the best
deal, I keep an eye on 5 ___________ rates and buy Euros
VOCABULARY when the pound is strong. That way I know I’ll be getting
2 Complete the sentences with the missing word. The more for my money when I go abroad.
first letters are given.
___ / 5
0 Excuse me, please can you tell me the daily rate for bike
1 I put a few coins into that v____________ machine, but
it didn’t give me my drink! 4 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
2 Is that a l____________ for a sports brand on his 0 Prince Harry will visit the new shopping centre.
T-shirt? I don’t recognise it. The new shopping centre will be visited by Prince
3 What a rip-off! Do you know they c____________ you Harry.
€10 for a drink? 1 They had ended his contract after a few weeks.
4 The bank say I need ‘p____________ of address’, but I ___________________________________________
haven’t got any official documents with my address on ___________________________________________
them. 2 They can’t close our local swimming pool!
5 I keep getting these annoying s____________ emails ___________________________________________
from a company that I bought from online. ___________________________________________
___ / 5 3 They were updating the report last night.
4 Several million people will visit the resort this summer.
5 The head teacher has announced the news.
___ / 5
9 Do the exam task.
___ / 10
TOTAL ___ / 50