HighNote3 U8 Test B

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Unit Test 8 | Group B

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the text with the words from the box.

There are two extra words.
1 [Track 09] You are going to hear five people talking
about shopping experiences and spending. For account ATM contactless currency exchange PIN
questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–F) what wallet withdraw
a good experience of buying products or services
means to them. There is one extra letter. I try to save wherever I can, so yes, I suppose you could say
A the level of service is high I’m careful with money. One of my top tips is to only
0 withdraw what you need when you go shopping;
B there is online support available
C payments can be made in different ways otherwise it’s easy to overspend. When I go to the
1 ___________, I just take out the right amount I need and
D there are many products available
E the products are good value put the cash in my 2 ___________ straight away. When it’s
F the people working there can tell you about products gone, it’s gone. I know that lots of people prefer to use a
3 ___________ card because it’s just so easy to scan it in a

Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 shop. But I think that makes you more likely to overspend.
You can make sure you don’t spend too much in other
ways, too. For example, I like travelling, and I often need to
___ / 5
get foreign 4 ___________. To make sure I get the best
deal, I keep an eye on 5 ___________ rates and buy Euros
VOCABULARY when the pound is strong. That way I know I’ll be getting
2 Complete the sentences with the missing word. The more for my money when I go abroad.
first letters are given.
___ / 5
0 Excuse me, please can you tell me the daily rate for bike
1 I put a few coins into that v____________ machine, but
it didn’t give me my drink! 4 Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
2 Is that a l____________ for a sports brand on his 0 Prince Harry will visit the new shopping centre.
T-shirt? I don’t recognise it. The new shopping centre will be visited by Prince
3 What a rip-off! Do you know they c____________ you Harry.
€10 for a drink? 1 They had ended his contract after a few weeks.
4 The bank say I need ‘p____________ of address’, but I ___________________________________________
haven’t got any official documents with my address on ___________________________________________
them. 2 They can’t close our local swimming pool!
5 I keep getting these annoying s____________ emails ___________________________________________
from a company that I bought from online. ___________________________________________
___ / 5 3 They were updating the report last night.
4 Several million people will visit the resort this summer.
5 The head teacher has announced the news.
___ / 5

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5 Complete the dialogue with a suitable verb and READING
have/get something done.
8 Read the article. Match sentences A–F with gaps
0 A: Nice tattoo. Is it new? 1–5. There are two extra sentences.
B: Yeah, I had it done last week in Manchester.
1 A: Did you go to the beauticians today?
The power of persuasion
People read a lot about influencers in the media and are
B: No, but I need to. I ___________ my nails
quick to make judgements – they are paid to promote
___________ in ages.
products, and often get access to brand name items for free.
2 A: Wow, these are impressive posters! Does he make
I’m a social media influencer. I’m reasonably well-known as
them himself?
an actor, and have appeared in a few different reality TV
B: No, he ___________ at a studio near here.
shows. 1 ___
3 A: Did they design their new home themselves?
So, in return for a fee, I advertise different products in the
B: No, they ___________ by an architect.
content I post in the form of videos and blogs. Sometimes
4 A: Is your car working a bit better now?
I tell people why I like them, and sometimes just use or wear
B: Yeah, I ___________ at the garage last week.
them. But it’s not always easy money. Keeping your various
5 A: Are you going to let me cut your hair?
accounts up to date and winning new contracts with different
B: No, I ___________ at the salon later.
businesses means that you’re likely to be working extremely
___ / 5
long hours.
There’s a big-time commitment in making videos which are
USE OF ENGLISH more fun than typical advertisements. You want people to
6 Complete the text with one word in each gap. be interested in what you’re showing without feeling that
they are being sold to all the time. On top of the time spent
At the moment, I’m saving 0 up for a car, but it’s taking a filming and editing, there’s lot of work involved in managing
long time. Annoyingly, last week I lost quite a lot when my your comments. People who follow you online need to know
wallet 1 ___________ stolen from my bag. I 2 ___________ that you are interested in them, and what they have to say.
my bike repaired, so I had to pay for the new parts and 2 ___ For example, I’ve been asking a friend to read through
service. I had at least £100 3 ___________ me at the time. my follower’s comments, and send quick replies and
My wallet was taken when I was getting a coffee. The police updates or respond to people who complain. Without that
have been told, but I don’t think I’ll get it back. The annoying help I couldn’t keep working.
thing was that I usually only withdraw small amounts from It’s really important to keep producing new content for
the cash 4 ___________, but this time I had taken out a lot Instagram feeds or YouTube channels. If we don’t keep our
more. I’m particularly disappointed because I try to be presence strong, then we’re not in the public eye, and that
careful 5 ___________ my money – I don’t earn a lot! means you get dropped by bigger clients. That’s tough.
___ / 5 Sometimes you might make a poor decision, too. 3 ___
Once they do that, it’s hard to make a comeback. Things
7 Circle the word which completes both sentences. move so quickly with social media that if you get a trend
wrong, or don’t make a good impression, then you’ve
0 You’ve got more ___ than sense! become yesterday’s news.
How can we raise some ___ for charity? The positives are great though. I get lots of fashion
A value B payment C money accessories for nothing, I get my hair and make-up done as
1 I’m going to buy a shirt – they’re ___ special offer. often as I want, and I am invited to movie premieres, fashion
You spend a fortune ___ clothes. shows and concerts nearly every week. The last video I did
A on B for C in was filmed in Paris, during fashion week. 4 ___ Thousands
2 Make sure you ___ a good deal at the market. of people have watched it, so now I’ve got lots of offers of
I think I’ll ___ my ears pierced in the summer. work coming in.
A have B get C make I love most things about being an influencer, but I know it
3 So, what are you going to do? You’ll have to ___ won’t last long. One thing that I have noticed is that a lot of
a decision soon. really young kids are encouraged by their parents to be
I don’t think you should ___ out a loan. You won’t be influencers for children’s fashion and toys. 5 ___ Kids should
able to pay it back. be allowed to enjoy their childhood, not sell a version of it.
A make B get C take
4 It says the ___ is €2, but they charged me €5.
You can get two packets for the ___ of one. That’s a
A price B rate C cost
5 I haven’t got my bank card, so I’ll have to pay ___ cash.
Let’s ask Sam to help us buy the bike. He’s rolling ___
A for B on C in
___ / 5

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A If your number of likes goes down, the designers and
clothing companies lose interest in you.
B Because of this, I have quite a large number of fans and
online followers, which means my public profile helps
businesses to sell.
C You also have to make sure that anything too critical
gets removed, or at least hidden from general view.
D It cost a small fortune to make, so I was short of money
for a while, but I think it has paid off in the end.
E It’s the price you pay for being in the public eye.
F I’ve got a slight problem with that.
G The cost of filming is something you’ve got to consider
___ / 5

9 Do the exam task.

Żyjemy w społeczeństwie, w którym ludzie pokazują, kim są,

poprzez to, co posiadają, a nie przez to, co robią. Napisz
rozprawkę, w której wyrazisz swoją opinię na ten temat,
ilustrując ją przykładami.

Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać

wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.

___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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