Resumen Reglas
Resumen Reglas
Resumen Reglas
Round Start: Any scenario effects related to “upkeep” occur, and the turn marker advances
Hero Phase:
Upkeep: all cubes in the outer circles move to the fatigue zone, then start of Hero turn effects trigger.
Stance: Each hero chooses: Active (can take actions) or Resting (recovers more cubes) and recover cubes accordingly.
Actions: Hero players performs actions, in whatever order the players decide:
Note: If an Action circle has its maximum cubes in it- it may not be chosen
Dropping equipment into your area is not an action and can be done freely
Attack one enemy in Attack one enemy in Manipulate an object Process an object in the 1st time using
your hero’s area, LOS (no obstacles) in your Area your Area MOVE this phase, gain
or in an Area with an move points as
LOS letter matching These are described These are described indicated on your card
your Area. by the scenario by the scenario (less if encumbered)
adding 1 die to your adding 1 die to your If “automatic” it If “automatic” it add 1 move point per
attack dice pool per attack dice pool per costs 1 cube costs 1 cube cube
cube cube •Give/Take equipment
•Pickup equipment If “complex” add 1 Note: an Area may
add z to this pool die to dice pool per not be entered if
per elevation above If “complex” add 1 cube doing so would exceed
your target. die to dice pool per it’s size limit.
cube Movement Costs:
•Toss equipment 1 per Area entered
(difficulty = distance) +1 per difficult terrain
You may apply any You may apply any You may apply any You may apply any level of area left
rerolls (and pay rerolls (and pay rerolls (and pay rerolls (and pay +1 per Size of enemy in
cubes for more) cubes for more) cubes for more) cubes for more) an area entered.
+1 per level climbing
Reduce successes If “complex” reduce If “complex” reduce If falling- take b
rolled by the total successes rolled by successes rolled by damage per level
⚠ from enemies in the total ⚠ from the total ⚠ from fallen.
your Area enemies in your Area enemies in your Area
Reduce successes by Reduce successes by If the remaining If the remaining When entering (or if
the target’s defense the target’s defense number of successes number of successes the area a character
The defender may pay The defender may pay match or exceed the match or exceed the is in becomes)
for additional dice to for additional dice to difficulty apply the difficulty apply the dangerous, take z
defense as well as defense as well as successful results. successful results. damage per level of
re-rolls re-rolls dangerous terrain
When all players have performed all the actions they wish to (or are unable to take more, they may pass)
Cleanup: End of Hero turn effects trigger , then all cubes in the outer circles move to the fatigue zone.
check for any game end conditions
Villain Phase:
Upkeep: cubes outside of the fatigue or reserve zones move to the fatigue zone, then RECHARGE cubes from your
fatigue zone into the reserve zone as indicated on the command board. Finally, start of Villain turn effects trigger.
(at any time In this phase): Dredge: remove one or more neutralized tiles from the river at a cost of 2 cubes from
fatigue (removed permanently) per tile removed from the river
(1x per game) Demobilize: neutralize one “elite” or “henchman” tile, removing all of its corresponding miniatures from
the game board, then immediately dredge (see above) to remove this tile.
tile activation: Spend cubes to activate a tile set by its position in the river, then place it at the end of the river.
For each character associated with the tile:
Move a character (as if it was a hero move above) up to its move point bonus, spending cubes for additional move
points, then Perform one action (as a hero) which they have an action multiplier for:
The action can be repeated up to the action multiplier. Then, Move them up to any remaining move points, again
spending cubes for additional move points if desired.
If no character is associated with the tile (i.e. the “warning” tile) consult the scenario for its effects when activated.
if you have only activated 1 tile, you may return to tile activation, otherwise advance to the cleanup.
end of Villain’s turn effects trigger.
check for any game end conditions
Reinforcements: When the villain gains reinforcement points they must be spent to place miniatures from their pool
with a reinforcement cost (on their tile) into areas indicated by the reinforcement token. If the area is full, place
the figure in an adjacent area that is not full if possible- if not it does not enter play. If this figure’s tile was
neutralized, flip it face up again.
Neutralized: if a hero has all cubes in their wound zone, it is neutralized. That hero must choose resting stance and
it’s skills do not apply for the remainder of the turn.
When a character is neutralized (by being depleted to zero HP) remove its miniature from the board. Flip any
character tile that has no miniatures remaining on the board indicating that the tile is neutralized.
Explosions: if an area has an explosion, the area temporarily becomes dangerous terrain of level equal to the
explosion, and then the area returns to the dangerous terrain level (if any) that it was before the explosion