Personal Development - Midterm Reviewer

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Personal Development Named for its creators, Joseph Luft and

Harry Ingham
Lesson 1: Knowing and
Understanding Oneself During
Middle and Late Adolescence
Concept About Self
a. Self-Concept - It is an individual's
knowledge of who he or she is. It is the
general thought of your behavior, abilities
and unique character.
b. Self Esteem - The feeling of having
respect for yourself and your abilities. This
shows how much you appreciate and like
yourself. How do you perceive yourself?
c. Self Confidence - It is an attitude about The four "panes" of the Johari Window
your skills and abilities. You set realistic represent four parts of our Self.
expectations and goals, communicate  My Public Self I what I show others
assertively and can handle criticism. about me
1. Ideal Self - The version of yourself  My Hidden Self is what I choose to
created out of what you have learned from hide from others
your life, demands of society and what you  My Blind Spots are parts of me that
admire in your role models. others see but I do not
2. Real Self - The self that refers to actually  My Unconscious Self are parts of
who we are. It is how we think, how we feel, me I do not see nor do others
look and act. We all have these four parts of Self, as
Human Development shown in the Johan Window diagram, but
 Infant development (newborn-one year) their respective sizes vary in each of us.
 Toddler development (1 - 3years old) 1. A more fully aware person has a large
 Pre-schooler development (3-5 years old) Public Self with the other three areas small
 Middle childhood development (6-11 years in comparison. This person understands why
old) she acts the way she does and is genuine and
 Adolescent development (12-18 years old) open with others because she has minimized
 Adulthood (18-65 years old) her Hidden Self and Blind Spots while
Personal effectiveness means making use of working to bring the Unconscious Self to
all the personal resources – talents, skills, greater awareness. She is in touch with her
energy and time, to enable you to achieve needs, feelings, and values – her True Self –
life goals. the source of her wisdom and identity.
Lesson 2: Developing the Whole 2. A generally unaware person has a small
Person Public Self with the other three areas large
Aspects of the Self in comparison. This person acts in ways he
 Emotional doesn’t understand because outdated
 Social decisions and defense mechanisms have
 Mental caused him to develop substantial Blind
 Spiritual Spots. In addition, he is guarded and less
 Physical genuine with others because he has
developed a significant Hidden Self as a
defense against his own deep-seated shame.
In short, he has disconnected from his True
Self, becoming more defended than genuine.
The Relationship of Thoughts, Feelings are more often held inside. They are hidden.
and Actions You suffer quietly and you experience stress.
Do not confuse positive situations with
positive emotions. A wedding, for example,
is a positive situation that often brings about
the negative emotions of anxiety and
tension. So, stress can exist in great
What are the Causes of Stress?
Just as there is great variety in the range of
emotions you might experience, there are
many possible manifestations of stress – in
your private life and in your working life.
Here are some words that describe the
Thoughts: emotions associated (as cause and effect)
I will make a mess of things with stress:
I will lose control  Anxiety
They will thing I’m weak or stupid  Pressure
I shouldn’t feel like this  Misery
Emotions:  Strain
Irritable  Desperation
Sad  Tension
Anxious  Anger
Embarrassed  Panic
Guilt  Dejection
Physical Sensations: Everyday frustrations cause stress build-up.
Tense Problems in our personal life can be
Shaky devastating. A common cause of stress is
Nausea dealing with life’s transitions.
Weak Lesson 4: The Powers of the Mind
Butterflies The Dominant Side of the Brain
Hot and Sweating Researchers believed that brain dominance
Behaviors: determines a person’s preferences, problem-
Avoiding people solving style, personality characteristics, and
Avoiding situations
Staying overly busy
Lesson 3: Coping with Stress in
Middle and Late Adolescence even career choices.
Stress Management There is nothing good or bas about either
Dictionary defines and describes the preference. Both orientations can be equally
meaning of stress as an “emotional factor successful in accomplishing a single task;
that causes bodily or mental tension.” however, one may be more appropriate over
A practical way of defining stress is the the other depending on the situation.
feeling one gets from prolonged, pent-up
emotions. If the emotions you experience are
pleasant and desirable – joy, elation, ecstasy,
delight – you usually feel free to let them
show. They are not suppressed. Therefore;
positive emotions do not usually cause
stress. Negative emotions, on the other hand,
every stage of life, from childhood and
Mind Mapping adolescence through adulthood.
Mind mapping is a powerful thinking It’s the way your thoughts, feelings, and
tool. It is a graphical technique that behaviors affect your life. Good mental
mirrors the way the brain works, and health leads to positive self-image and
was invented by Tony Buzan. Mind in-turn, satisfying relationships with
mapping helps to make thinking visible. friends and others. Having good mental
Most people make notes using lined health helps you make good decisions
paper and blue or black ink. Making and deal with life’s challenges at home,
notes more attractive to the brain by work, or school.
adding color and rhythm can aid the It is not uncommon for teenagers to
learning process, and can help to make develop problems with their mental
learning fun. The subject being studied is health. Problems can range from mild to
crystallized in a central image and the severe, and can include depression,
main theme radiates out from the central anxiety, body esteem issues, and suicide,
image on branches. Each branch holds a among others.
key image or a key word. Details are Unfortunately, most young people with
then added to the main branches and mental health problems don’t get any
radiate further out. treatment for them. Research shows that
Mind maps have a wide variety of uses, effective treatments are available that
for example, note taking, revision can help members of all racial, ethnic,
planning, planning for writing and and cultural groups.
problem solving can all be successfully If you broke your leg or came down with
carried out using the technique. The pneumonia, you wouldn’t let it go
colors and the graphics used will help untreated. Often however, young people
children to organize their ideas and ignore mental health problems thinking
thoughts. They can be very simple or, they will “snap out of it,” or that they
quite detailed depending upon the age of are something to be ashamed of. That
the children and the complexity of the kind of thinking prevents people from
subject. Because creating the mind map getting the help they need. Sometimes
involves the use of the left and right getting help is a matter of understanding
brain, remembering the information mental health issues and changing your
becomes easier! mind about them.
Strategies for Becoming a Critical Viewer
of the Media
Media messages about body shape and
size will affect the way we feel about
ourselves and our bodies, only if we let
them. One of the ways we can protect
our self-esteem and body image from the
media’s narrow definitions of beauty is
to become a critical viewer of the media
Lesson 5: Mental Health and Well- messages we are bombarded with each
Being in Middle and Late day.
Adolescence Media messages about body shape and
Change Your Mind About Mental Health size will affect the way we feel about
Mental health includes our emotional, ourselves and our bodies, only if we let
psychological, and social well-being. It them. One of the ways we can protect
affects how we think, feel, and act. It our self-esteem and body image from the
also helps determine how we handle media’s narrow definitions of beauty is
stress, relate to others, and make healthy to become a critical viewer of the media
choices. Mental health is important at messages we are bombarded with each
Remember: All media images and People with high self-esteem know
messages are constructions. They are not themselves well. They're realistic and
reflections of reality. Advertisement and find friends that like and appreciate them
other media messages have been for who they are. People with high self-
carefully crafted with the intent to send a esteem usually feel more in control of
very specific message. their lives and know their own strengths
Advertisements are created to do one and weaknesses.
thing: convince you to buy or support a Body image is how you view your
specific product or service. physical self —including whether you
To convince you to buy a specific feel you are attractive and whether
product or service, advertisers will often others like your looks. For many people,
construct an emotional experience that especially people in their early teens,
looks like reality. Remember that you are body image can be closely linked to self-
only seeing what the advertisers want esteem.
you to see. What Influences a Person's Self-Esteem?
Advertisers create their message based Puberty and Development
on what they think you will want to see Some people struggle with their self-esteem
and what they think will affect you and and body image when they begin puberty
compel you to buy their product. Just because it's a time when the body goes
because they think their approach will through many changes. These changes,
work with people like you doesn’t mean combined with wanting to feel accepted by
it has to work with you as an individual. our friends, means it can be tempting to
As individuals, we decide how to compare ourselves with others. The trouble
experience the media messages we with that is, not everyone grows or develops
encounter. We can choose to use a filter at the same time or in the same way.
that helps us understand what the Media Images and Other Outside
advertiser wants us to think or believe Influences
and then choose whether we want to Our tweens and early teens are a time when
think or believe that message. We can we become more aware of celebrities and
choose a filter that protects our self- media images — as well as how other kids
esteem and body image. look and how we fit in. We might start to
Through the use of magazine compare ourselves with other people or
advertisements, we have discussed what media images ("ideals" that are frequently
motivates the advertising industry and airbrushed). All of this can affect how we
the effect that media has on body image. feel about ourselves and our bodies even as
A final conclusion is that each student is we grow into our teens.
left with strategies about how to Families and School
strengthen themselves against these Family life can sometimes influence our
messages. body image. Some parents or coaches might
Self Esteem and Body Esteem be too focused on looking a certain way or
Why Are Self-Esteem and Body Image "making weight" for a sports team. Family
Important? members might struggle with their own
Self-esteem is all about how much you body image or criticize their kids' looks
feel you are worth — and how much you ("why do you wear your hair so long?" or
feel other people value you. Self-esteem "how come you can't wear pants that fit
is important because feeling good about you?"). This can all influence a person's self-
yourself can affect your mental health esteem, especially if they're sensitive to
and how you behave. others peoples' comments.
You think others notice only your flaws and
judge you.
People also may experience negative understand others. Part of EQ is being able to
comments and hurtful teasing about the way imagine how other people might feel in certain
they look from classmates and peers. situations. It is also about understanding why
Although these often come from ignorance, they feel the way they do. Being able to imagine
what emotions a person is likely to be feeling
sometimes they can affect body image and
(even when you don’t actually know) is called
empathy. Empathy helps us care about others
Generalization and build good friendships and relationships. It
Mental health is important at every stage of guides us on what to say and how to behave
life, from childhood and adolescence around someone who is feeling strong emotions
through adulthood. Having good mental Skill/Values: Empathy – Understanding
health helps you make good decisions and what drives others’ actions and behaviors
deal with life’s challenges at home, work, or c. Managing Emotional Reactions – We all get
school. angry. We all have disappointments. Often, it’s
Lesson 6: Emotional Intelligence important to express how you feel. But
IQ is just one measure of our abilities, managing your reaction means knowing when,
though. There are many other kinds of where, and how to express yourself. When you
understand your emotions and know how to
intelligence in addition to intellect. For
manage them. You can use self-control to hold a
example, spatial intelligence is the ability to
reaction if now is not the right time or place to
think in 3D. Musical intelligence is the express it. Someone who has good EQ knows it
ability to recognize rhythm, cadence, and can damage relationships to react to emotions in
tone. Athletic, artistic, and mechanical a way that’s disrespectful, too intense, too
abilities are other types of intelligence. impulsive or harmful
What is Emotional Intelligence? Skill/Values: Self-Regulation – controlling
Emotional intelligence is the ability to and redirecting your moods and reactions
understand, use, and manage our emotions. d. Social skills – is all about making the right
Emotional intelligence is sometimes called choices. In order to get people to buy into your
EQ (or EI) for short. Just as a high IQ can vision, you need to go beyond simply
predict top test scores, a high EQ can predict understanding your audience, and work to build
success in social and emotional situations. enthusiasm by knowing how to appeal to their
EQ helps us build strong relationships, make emotions, ideals, and values, depending on the
good decisions, and deal with difficult
Skill/Values: Social Skill – Bringing other
to your way of thinking
One way to think about EQ is that it’s part of
e. EQ: Under Construction – emotional
being people-smart. Understanding and
intelligence is something that develops as we get
getting along with people helps us to be older. If it didn’t, all adults would act like little
successful in almost any area of life. In fact, kids, expressing their emotions physically
some studies show that EQ is more through stomping, crying, hitting, yelling, and
important than IQ when it comes to doing losing control. Those who have a high IQ may
well in school or being successful at work continue to gain knowledge throughout their
Improving Your EQ years, but their IQ test scores stay predictably
Emotional intelligence is a combination of level. But research shows that EQ tends to
several different skills: increase with age. Increasing emotional
a. Being aware of your emotions – most people intelligence may lead to heightened levels of
feel many different emotions throughout the day. wisdom. It comes as no surprise that such virtues
Some feelings (like surprise) last just a few as empathy, understanding, tolerance, and
seconds. Other may stay longer creating a mood compassion are seen in many Elders. It certainly
like happiness or sadness. Being able to notice is not a given, but it could become our aspiration
and accurately label these everyday feelings is as we grow older. We can be intentional about
the most basic of all the EQ skills better listening skills so that we can respond, not
Skill/Values: Self-Awareness – Knowing react.
your own strengths and weaknesses
b. Understanding how others feel and why –
people are naturally designed to try to

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