Session 3 - Personality and Values

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Personality and Values

Harisenin Bootcamp
Human Resources

July, 2023

Pernahkah kalian mengikuti atau

menjalani “Tes Psikotes” dalam proses
Rekrutmen di sebuah perusahaan?

Kira-kira, apa urgensinya?


Class Agenda Personality Frameworks

Personal Inventory Assessment

Akankah pekerjaan jarak jauh bertahan?

Intro to Corporate Culture & Values

Selanjutnya dalam ruang kerja teknologi

Personality and
Values Explained!

In short, personality represents our

patterns of thinking and feeling (with no
judgement involved).

Whereas values represent what we

believe to be right.

Framework and

More About Personality?

Personality encompasses the relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a
person has. In order to effectively manage organizational behavior, an understanding of
different employees’ personalities is helpful. Having this knowledge is also useful for placing
people in jobs and organizations.

However, personality does change over long periods of time

Studies show that part of our career success and job satisfaction later in life can be
explained by our childhood personality.

Why personality is important to organization?

Considering personalities as an important variable in the organization would help you

Better Job Fit Utilizing strengths and A More Cohesive Team

improving weaknesses

Personalities also factor in an Importance in determining a Understanding your team

employee’s decision to stay in the person’s strengths and members’ personalities, as well as
company or not. And whether a weaknesses. In a team, you can yours, will help you work better
certain personalities would fit to assign a task to a member where with other people. It’s all about
an assigned job (sample; you know they will do well. Also whether the members are “team
Extrovert for sales) you’d be able to think about what players” where all must be able to
member can/can’t do. work and engage together.

1. O.C.E.A.N

Openness Conscientiousness Neuroticism

Being curious, original, intellectual, Being organized, systematic,
Being anxious, irritable,
creative, and open to new ideas. punctual, Have an orientation on
temperamental, and moody.
achievement, and dependable.

Extraversion Agreeableness
Being outgoing, talkative, sociable, Being affable, tolerant, sensitive,
and enjoying social situations. trusting, kind, and warm.

Employee Tendencies in relation to the OCEAN traits

Openness Conscientiousness Agreeableness

● Excel when flexibility is required ● High levels of effort and motivation
● Do well in training ● Low levels of absenteeism and turnover ● Often display high willingness to
● Adapt well to unexpected changes ● Only personality trait that is consistently help others at work and display
● Can become bored with routine jobs linked to career success over time good organizational citizenship
● Can become consumed with details and behaviors
miss the big picture ● Create fair environments when in
management positions
● Work well in team settings
● Might be hesitant to engage in
Extraversion Neuroticism constructive criticism and
encourage change, even when it’s
● Can be successful managers who ● Excitable, often very dynamic needed
motivate employees ● Tendency to analyze self and world realistically
● Often successful in jobs involving sales and critically
● Can be poor fits for jobs that do not ● High tendencies towards job dissatisfaction and
provide sufficient social interaction intentions to leave their jobs
● Tend to create unfair environments when in
leadership positions

2. Most used Personality Framework in HRM?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) relies on the psychological

theories of Carl Jung and works on the basic assumption that individuals fall
into fairly distinct classes, or types, of personalities. Those types are
created by combining personality categorizations along four distinct axes.



Measuring personality alone is only a small piece of the story.

Consistently, and especially in teams where collaboration is
critical, many have found that values alignment between
team members is more predictive of team performance.


More About Values?

Values refer to stable life goals that people have, reflecting what is most important to
them. The values that are important to people tend to affect the types of decisions
they make, how they perceive their environment, and their actual behaviors.

People are more likely to accept job offers when the company possesses the
values people care about.

Theory of Basic The desire of personal

Values Benevolence Conformity

Desire to protect the Motivated by being
The desire of pleasure
well-being of people self-discipline &
in life.
who close to person. obedient.

Security Self-direction
The desire to control
Valuing safety and The desire to be free
over others, attaching
stability. and independent.
power and prestige.

Stimulation Tradition Universalism

The desire for a Acceptance of social The desire to protect
stimulating and customs & traditional well-being of people.

exciting life. ideas in society. Caring about social justice.


Corporate Culture
and Values

Corporate Culture and Values

While they do share similarities, they really are not the same, and it’s important to
understand the distinction.
Values, For instance, it's the guiding light of expected behaviour, such as integrity,
honesty, ethics, and respect for the dignity of others. It shapes the company culture.
Culture, on the other hand, is the way we implement our values. Culture adapts and
changes with the times, as it must. The attributes of culture include teamwork,
cooperation, speed, persistence, and overcoming adversity.

Key Areas Differences

Culture Values

Impact Often occurs at the employee level. Each Enforced by key decision-makers /
person within a company contributes to its leaders in all company activities.

Things that affects its ●Size of the organization

change ●Change in leadership
●Merger or acquisition
●A spin-off from a parent company
●Disruptive change in the market (globalization, digitalization, etc)

Implementation Take a long time to implement Can change immediately


Why Strong Sets standards

and moral
Increase team

Corporate Culture
Empower decision Attract right

and Values matters? making people

Guides hiring,
disciplining, and

Increase retention
and employee

Exemplified by idealism and altruism. Employees are
Focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Employees
united by a focus on sustainability and global
are united by loyalty; leaders emphasize sincerity,
communities; leaders emphasize shared ideals and
teamwork, and positive relationships.
contributing to a greater cause.

Learning Enjoyment
Characterized by exploration, expansiveness, and
Expressed through fun and excitement. Employees are
creativity. Work environments are inventive and
united by playfulness and stimulation; leaders
open-minded places where people spark new ideas
emphasize spontaneity and a sense of humor
and explore alternatives. Employees are united by
curiosity; leaders emphasize innovation, knowledge, and

Result Authority
Characterized by achievement and winning. Employees Defined by strength, decisiveness, and boldness.
are united by a drive for capability and success; Employees are united by strong control; leaders
leaders emphasize goal accomplishment. emphasize confidence and dominance.

Safety Orders
Defined by planning, caution, and preparedness. Focused on respect, structure, and shared norms.
Employees are united by a desire to feel protected and Employees are united by cooperation; leaders
anticipate change; leaders emphasize being realistic emphasize shared procedures and time-honored
and planning ahead. customs.

Corporate Culture and Values

Purpose : Whole Foods

Most of the greatest companies in the world also
have great purposes... Having a deeper, more
transcendent purpose is highly energizing for all of
the various interdependent stakeholders.
-John Mackey, Founder and CEO

Corporate Culture and Values

Learning : Tesla
I'm interested in things that change the world or that
affect the future and wondrous new technology
where you see it and you're like "Wow, how did that
even happen?"
-Elon Musk, Co-founder and CEO

Corporate Culture and Values

Learning : Huawei
We have a wolf spirit in our company. In the battle
with lions, wolves have terrifying abilities. With a
strong desire to win and no fear of losing, they stick
to the goal firmly, making the lions exhausted in
every possible way.
-Ren Zhengfei, CEO

Live Mission - Case Study

PT. SB sudah 2 tahun terakhir ini masalah ketidakdisiplinan karyawan menjadi sorotan besar bagi
para jajaran Direksi. Beberapa karyawan datang ke kantor tidak lagi sesuai dengan aturan yang
berlaku. Bahkan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang terlambat setengah hingga 1 jam setiap harinya
(dengan atau tanpa izin atasan). HR Department membuat laporan mengenai persentase
keterlambatan karyawan sebagai bahan laporan dan evaluasi untuk setiap Department Head. Akan
tetapi, laporan yang disajikan tidak sesuai dengan apa yang ada dan terdapat kejanggalan dalam
laporan tersebut. Mereka memaparkan persentase keterlambatan semua departemen kecuali HR
Department. Hal itu membuat geram para karyawan karena terjadi ketidakadilan didalamnya. Dari
laporan tersebut, menggambarkan seolah-olah HR department lah yang paling baik dalam urusan
kedisiplinan, sehingga mereka tidak masuk dalam daftar laporan tersebut. Padahal seperti yang
diketahui oleh semua pihak, HR department lah yang paling sering terlambat dan tidak disiplin. Hal
itu bukan saja terjadi pada anggota nya tetapi juga Direktur HR nya. Dimana seharusnya mereka
menjadi contoh dan panutan untuk karyawan yang lain dalam hal kedisiplinan. Selain itu,
penghitungan persentase keterlambatan tidak sesuai dengan yang seharusnya.

Live Mission - Case Study

Hasil Laporan Keterlambatan setiap divisi

Departemen % Keterlambatan
Accounting 3,37 %
Merchandiser 3,26 % Berdasarkan kondisi dan masalah tersebut,
Sebagai seorang HR bagaimana kalian
Retail Office 2,84 %
menangani dan apa inisiatif dari kalian
IT 2,42 % untuk mencegah timbulnya masalah
Corsec 1,58 % keterlambatan yang terjadi?
Industrial 1,58 %
Distributor 1,26 %
Adv and store 1,16 %

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