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Fermented plant juice from Kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica),

Kulitis (Amaranthus spp) and Kulapo (Phaeophycea)

in the production of Hydroponic lettuce
(Lactuca sativa)

Researchers Name: Veejay Andrew G. San Felix

Aloa Andred G. Gillaco

Jonnel G. Gabuyog

Angel G Giner

Phia Nicole B. Santiago

A. Rationale

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is a member of

the Asteraceae family and is widely recognized as one of the
most important leafy vegetable crops in terms of crop value.
It is a delicious vegetable consumed all over the world due to
its crispness, pleasant aroma, and high levels of
phytonutrients, such as phenolic components and vitamins (C, K
and folate). Lettuce is one of the most widely grown
hydroponic vegetables. Additionally, several reports have
revealed that lettuce has a high yield and good quality when
grown in a soilless system. Because of increasing
environmental and ecological awareness, and potential human
health risks caused by the overuse of chemical fertilizers,
consumer demand for vegetables and fruits produced organically
is growing. As a result, the number of farmers who want to
adapt strategies that respect the environment, preserve
valuable resources like water, provide healthy and safe
products, and use sustainable and efficient agricultural
practices is increasing. Lettuce production in the lowland
part of the Philippines is considered impractical due to its
tropical climate; however, the need to produce is important
due to the increasing demand.
According to Chan, Darren (2019), Kulapo are rich in
nutrients that are safe and non-toxic. In fact it has 40 kinds
of minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc,
and iodine. According to Andreas W Ebert, TH Wu, ST Wang
(2011) Kulitis is one of the most delicious and nutritious
leafy vegetables. It contains vitamins (A, B6, C, riboflavin,
folate, and K) and dietary minerals (including calcium, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and copper). According
to Singh et al. (2001) Water Spinach or kangkong
contains Vitamin, B and C. It also contains minerals such as
calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorous. Phosphorous
help to any plants for flowering.

The study aimed to determine the effect of fermented

plant from kangkong, kulitis, and kulapo on the production of
lettuce under hydroponic system. However, Chemical products,
once misused and mishandled will be a great disgust to
farmers. It will force them to plant another seed and in line
with that, it will make them spend money one more time. Once
chemical products are applied, some of the nutritional value
of the plant could be depleted. This study would like to help
people, especially farmers in growing hydroponic lettuce plant
organically and cost efficient that would improve their
product and living.

B. Research Questions & Hypothesis

General Objective

This study aims to determine the effect of fermented

plant juice from kangkong, kulitis, and kulapo in the
production of lettuce.

Specific Objectives

1. What is the effect of fermented plant juice for

hydroponic lettuce?
2. Which among the four treatments is most effective for
hydroponic lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in terms of:
a. Height
b. Weight
3. Is there a significant difference in the varying
concentrations of fermented plant juice for hydroponic
lettuce in terms of height?
4. Is there a significant difference in the varying
concentrations of fermented plant juice for hydroponic
lettuce in terms of weight?
1. Among the four treatments made, no one is most effective
for lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in terms of:
a. Height
b. Weight
2. There is no significant difference in the varying
concentrations of fermented plant juice for hydroponic
lettuce in terms of height.
3. There is no significant difference in the varying
concentrations of fermented plant juice for hydroponic
lettuce in terms of weight.
C. Materials and Procedures

Preparation of Experimental Area

Preparation of Mixture

Planting of Lettuce and Applying the Mixture

Test on the Fertilizing and Insect Repelling


Preparation of Experimental area

An area in Poblacion ILaya, Tapaz, Capiz was selected for

the experimentation.
Gathering the Plant Materials and Equipment

The researchers first gathered the materials needed.

Plant materials were collected at Tapaz, Capiz. (Kangkong,
Kulitis, Kulapo, Lettuce) measuring tools (Graduated cylinder,
markers), basins, plastic pots or plastic pails, Styrofoam,
chopping board, scissors or knives, water jars, bag, net bag,
brown sugar, and spatula.

Preparation of Materials:

Preparation of seed box. The seed box were made from used
Styrofoam. The Styrofoam were cut with 5 holes to put the
lettuce, each Styrofoam box was filled with water.


In 7 days, plant juice is extracted and fermented. The

fermented plant juice will change its color from green to
yellow, then to brown and will smell sweet and alcoholic.
After 7 days, lift the bagged mixture and squeeze hard to get
the remaining extracts.

Preparation of Mixture

500g of fermented kangkong, fermented kulitis, and

fermented kulapo was blended, extracted and divided into two
100g and 150g, water the same of its mass is also added. After
blending the fermented kangkong, fermented kulitis, and
fermented kulapo, the three parts were mixed and agitated with
brown sugar (100g) using a spatula and put in a net bag.

Preparation of Treatment

Treatment A- 50g of fermented kangkong, 50g of fermented

kulitis, 50g of fermented kulapo, and 50 ml water, 50g
brown sugar

Treatment B- 100g of fermented kangkong, 100g of

fermented kulitis, 100g of fermented kulapo, and 100 ml
water, 100g brown sugar
Treatment C- 150g of fermented kangkong, 150g of
fermented kulitis, 150g of fermented kulapo, and 150 ml
water, 150g brown sugar

Treatment D- control (chemical product)

Planting of Lettuce
Lettuce seeds were gathered and are sowed in the three
plots 5 inches between each.
Transplanting of Lettuce seedlings. After 2-3 weeks of
sowing, the Lettuce pots was put in 5 holes. It was
transferred one by one.
Watering. Lettuce needs much water during its growing
period. The plants were watered early in the morning to
prevent sunscald. The lettuce were watered everyday if there
is no rain.
Application of treatments. The treatments with the same
dosage: it was dropped on the water of each box.
Test on the Fertilizing Ability
Five weeks after the application of the treatment to each
plot, Height and weight of lettuce are measured. CRD was used
as the experimental design and ANOVA was used to determine the
level of significance. Descriptive analysis was also used to
differ the treatments from each other.
Harvesting. Lettuce plants were harvested as early as
three weeks after planting or between 30-40 days after putting
in the box.

Data and Data Gathering Procedure

The data needed were gathered using researchers made

observation sheet. Results were based on the height and weight
to test the effectiveness of the treatments and control. It
was measured in centimetres and kilograms.

D. Data Analysis
The data obtained from the study were subjected to the
following descriptive and inferential statistical treatments
using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)

The statistical tools used in this study were:

Mean- the mean will be used to determine the average

scores of the results of the treatments in this study.

ANOVA will be used to determine the difference between

two or more means set at 0.05 level of significance.

E. Bibliogaphy

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glutamic acid on vegetable growth and soil bacterial community
structure." Applied Soil Ecology 147 (2020): 103405.

Wondu, G., Y. Zekeria, and J. M. Sasi Kumar. "Hydroponic

Growing of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Using Bioorganic Liquid
Fertilizer from Groundnut Husk and Onion Bulbs."

Ahmed, Zienab FR, et al. "Evaluation of Lettuce (Lactuca

sativa L.) Production under hydroponic system: Nutrient
solution derived from fish waste vs. Inorganic nutrient
solution." Horticulturae 7.9 (2021): 292.

Singh, G., Asha Kawatra, and S. Sehgal. "Nutritional

composition of selected green leafy vegetables, herbs and
carrots." Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 56 (2001): 359-364.

Capuno, O. B., et al. "Growth and yield of lettuce (Lactuca

sativa L.) Grown under two types of cultivation systems as
influenced by different organic soil
amendments." International Symposia on Tropical and Temperate
Horticulture-ISTTH2016 1205. 2016.

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