ICMsys Broc E934

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The ICMsystem is part of the Power Diagnostix ICMseries of digital partial dis-
ICMsystem - Digital Partial Discharge Detector

charge detectors. The ICMsystem is a powerful, versatile instrument for evaluating

the condition of medium and high voltage insulation. The ICMsystem is usable
over a range of frequencies of applied voltage, including power system frequency
(50/60 Hz) and VLF (0.1 Hz).
Partial discharge (PD) measurements Assorted coupling devices, including
are a proven method for effective, non- quadrupoles, coupling capacitors, and
destructive evaluation of electrical insu- current transformers, are available
lation. The Power Diagnostix ICMsystem to sense the PD signal in the object
provides high-resolution digital PD pat- under test. Like the other instruments
terns for characterization of defects in
high voltage insulation systems. The key to the versatility of
the ICMsystem is its
The key to the versatility of the ICMsystem
modular design.
is its modular design. The ICMsystem
in the ICMseries, the ICMsystem pro-
can be matched up with a variety of spe-
vides effective noise gating that blocks
cial accessories that adapt it to virtually
phase-stable noise as well as noise in-
any high-voltage testing environment.
dependent of the applied voltage cycle,
A wide range of external preamplifiers
allowing the ICMsystem to be used in
provides control of the frequency range
noisy environments without losing sig-
in which PD activity is detected, from
nificant PD data. Appropriate selection
40 kHz up to 2 GHz. of a preamplifier can assist further in
achieving a high signal-to-noise ratio.

PC Software
The operating parameters of the
ICMsystem are fully computer con-
trolled, making it simple to use with
standard Power Diagnostix software.
The actual recording of PD patterns is
independent of the PC, so the perfor-
mance of the ICMsystem is unaffected
by speed limitations of the PC or com-
Phase-resolved PD pattern munications.
The ICMsystem’s PC software in- and can link widely separated com-
cludes convenient options for in-depth ponents of a test setup. The modem
analysis and printing of stored PD option permits remote access to data
patterns. and control of the ICMsystem. The
full command set of the ICMsystem
Special Applications and Options is provided on request, so users may
For applications such as DC testing create custom programs to control
or stepped high-voltage testing, the the ICMsystem for highly specialized
ICMsystem allows recording PD applications or for integration into
activity versus time (sequentially) an overall high-voltage test control
instead of versus phase angle. Op- program.
tions such as a multiplexer module,
fiber optic bus, and built-in modem Options:
further extend the capabilities of the
ICMsystem. The multiplexer module, • Multiplexer
working with ICMmux software, allows • Built-in spectrum analyzer
easy selection among eight channels • RIV measurement
for PD measurement. The fiber optic • Cable fault location
bus provides enhanced protection in
• Acoustic PD location with φ-q Trigger
hazardous measurement conditions
Giving users complete access to detailed control parameters and the ability to
download and analyze PD patterns on a PC makes the ICMsystem the ideal
instrument for advanced analysis of phase-resolved partial discharge patterns,
whether in research, utility, or industrial applications.
ã Power Diagnostix 2019

Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Email: support@pdix.com

Vaalser Strasse 250 Web site: www.pdix.com
52074 Aachen Tel: + 49 241 74927
Germany Fax: + 49 241 79521
The multi-channel ver-
sion of the ICMsystem is
specifically designed to
meet the requirements
of partial discharge ac-
ceptance tests on large
power transformers. The
instrument builds on the
acquisition core of the ICMsystem with ten channels
standard ICMsystem.
However, by introducing an individual Besides the partial discharge channels,
amplifier plug-in for each channel, true the instrument offers the same number
parallel acquisition of the discharge mag- of independent channels for the mea-
nitude of up to ten channels is achieved. surement and sampling of the AC volt-
The instrument can be equipped with age signal provided by the quadrupole.
optional features like RIV or acoustic PD Pattern Acquisition
In addition to the parallel acquisition of
Using the multi-channel ICMsystem the PD activity for the meter and strip-
greatly simplifies partial discharge chart displays, the pattern acquisition
acceptance tests on large power trans- core offers the defect identification ca-
formers. With the true parallel acquisition pabilities of the phase-resolved partial
of the partial discharge activity on eight discharge analysis. The influence of
channels, the overall testing period is power frequency harmonics on the PD
substantially shortened. pattern, often found with power trans-
formers, can be clearly identified, as the
waveform of the AC voltage is available
True multi-channel partial dis- for each channel.
charge acquisition Specialized Software
The ICMsystem control software for
Independent Channels transformer acceptance testing offers
manual and automatic modes for the
For each of the partial discharge mea- acceptance test.
surement channels an independent
quadrupole, pre-amplifier, and amplifier Reporting is simplified with MS Word
plug-in is provided. Internally, the sys- and plain text output formats. The
tem controller processes the discharge reports are based on user-selectable
readings acquired for each channel in a templates.
true bipolar peak amplitude acquisition.
Optionally, the PD readings can be
weighted according to IEC 60270-2000.

Typical test sequence for HV transformer Report data

In acceptance test mode, the software
shows eight meter displays, each indi-
cating PD level, voltage, and frequency
of the specific channel. With the center
display, the automatically or manual-
ly triggered values are presented in
list mode or as a strip-chart. Further,
during calibration, the cross-coupling
matrix between the channels is built
up, which eventually can help locating
the source of PD activity. Additionally,
the multi-channel ICMsystem software
provides the user with all the features
known from the standard ICMsystem,
such as multi-channel consecutive
pattern acquisition, movie-like replay,
or statistical evaluation, for instance. Multi-channel ICMsystem in-
stalled in a control room

The ICMsystem for power transformer acceptance testing is the first com-
mercially available partial discharge detector with true parallel acquisition on
eight channels. The instrument and its software greatly simplify the testing
procedures and, thus, reduce the time the transformer needs to stay in the
ã Power Diagnostix 2019 acceptance test lab.

Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Email: support@pdix.com

Vaalser Strasse 250 Web site: www.pdix.com
52074 Aachen Tel: + 49 241 74927
Germany Fax: + 49 241 79521

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