Icmsystem: Power Diagnostix Systems GMBH

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PD • Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH


ICMsystem - Digital Partial Discharge Detector

The ICMsystem is part of the Power Diagnostix ICMseries of digital partial dis-
charge detectors. The ICMsystem is a powerful, versatile instrument for evaluat-
ing the condition of medium and high voltage insulation. The ICMsystem is usable
over a range of frequencies of applied voltage, including power system frequency
(50/60 Hz) and VLF (0.1 Hz).
Partial discharge (PD) measurements Assorted coupling devices, including
are a proven method for effective, non- quadrupoles, coupling capacitors, and
destructive evaluation of electrical insu- current transformers, are available to
lation. The Power Diagnostix ICMsystem sense the PD signal in the object under
provides high-resolution digital PD pat- test. Like the other instruments in the
terns for characterization of defects in
high voltage insulation systems. The key to the versatility of
the ICMsystem is its
The key to the versatility of the
modular design.
ICMsystem is its modular design. The
ICMsystem can be matched up with a ICMseries, the ICMsystem provides ef-
variety of special accessories that adapt fective noise gating that blocks phase-
it to virtually any high-voltage testing en- stable noise as well as noise indepen-
vironment. A wide range of external dent of the applied voltage cycle, allow-
preamplifiers provides control of the fre- ing the ICMsystem to be used in noisy
quency range in which PD activity is de- environments without losing significant
tected, from 40kHz up to 2GHz. PD data. Appropriate selection of a
preamplifier can assist further in achiev-
ing a high signal-to-noise ratio.

PC Software
The operating parameters of the
ICMsystem are fully computer con-
trolled, making it simple to use with stan-
dard Power Diagnostix software. The
actual recording of PD patterns is in-
dependent of the PC, so the perfor-
mance of the ICMsystem is unaffected
by speed limitations of the PC or com-
Phase-Resolved PD Pattern munications.
PD •

The ICMsystem’s PC software in- widely separated components of a

cludes convenient options for in-depth test setup. The modem option permits
analysis and printing of stored PD pat- remote access to data and control of
terns. the ICMsystem. The full command set
of the ICMsystem is provided with the
Special Applications and Options device also, so users may create cus-
For applications such as DC testing tom programs to control the
or stepped high-voltage testing, the ICMsystem for highly specialized ap-
ICMsystem allows recording PD ac- plications or for integration into an
tivity versus time (sequentially) instead overall high-voltage test control pro-
of versus phase angle. Options such gram.
as a multiplexer module, fiber optic
bus, and built-in modem further extend Options:
the capabilities of the ICMsystem. The
• Multiplexer
multiplexer module, working with
ICMmux software, allows easy selec- • Built-In Spectrum Analyzer
tion among eight channels for PD mea- • RIV measurement
surement. The fiber optic bus provides • Cable Fault Location
enhanced protection in hazardous • Acoustic PD Location
measurement conditions and can link

Giving users complete access to detailed control parameters and the ability
to download and analyze PD patterns on a PC makes the ICMsystem the
ideal instrument for advanced analysis of phase-resolved partial discharge
patterns, whether in research, utility, or industrial applications.
 Power Diagnostix 2008

Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH Email: support@pdix.com

Brüsseler Ring 95a Web Site: www.pdix.com
52074 Aachen Tel: + 49 241 74927
Germany Fax: + 49 241 79521

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