Naresh DC Re Injection Final
Naresh DC Re Injection Final
Naresh DC Re Injection Final
B.Naresh M.TECH (PE&ED)1 ,Prof. P.V.Kishore M.TECH,(Ph.D)2 Prof.Dr. S. Rama Reddy3 1,2 ( Electrical and Electronics department / MIST, Sathupally, JNTUH, A.P, India. 3 Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, India. Email
A new concept, the multi level voltage/current reinjection is described in this paper. A voltage source converter is proposed, in which the multistep output voltage waveform is achieved by the reinjection of different DC voltage levels via the common neutral point of the converter bridges an 84-pulse voltage source converter (VSC), assembled by combining one twelve-pulse VSC, in conjunction with an asymmetric single phase seven-level converter plus an injection transformer. With this arrangement, the VSC output's total harmonic distortion in voltages is reduced, allowing it to be used in especial applications or as the basement of flexible A.C. transmission systems (FACTS) devices. The proposed strategy allows savings in the number of employed switches. Simulations results are provided to show the proposal appropriateness. should be taken to ensure not to pollute the system to prevent further harmonic issues. In general, there are three feasible strategies to assemble a VSC:(i) the multi-pulse; (ii) the multi-level; (iii) and the pulse width modulation (PWM) [9, 10]. Strong efforts have been made in order to reach minimum harmonic distortion in the VSCs output voltage. A strategy to build an 84-pulse equivalent output voltage waveform, which employs a twelvepulse along with an eight-level reinjection converter is presented in [10]. However, the cost for this is 26 extra switch devices and 7 DC voltage sources (capacitors).This array makes the control task difficult because of the amount of gate signals needed, and it is prone to unbalance, due to the large chain of capacitors. Multi-Level Voltage Reinjection (MLVR) H-bridge conversion is another option to generate 84 pulses, which requires the use of 5 additional DC voltage sources and 12 switches, as opposed to the conventional 12-pulse converter. It may be easily utilized to attain more levels on the reinjection by adding H-bridges in series [11]. This paper describes a strategy to generate the 84pulse VSC, assembled with the combination of one 12-pulse converter with a seven-level converter, as well as one reinjection transformer to attain the required performance. The extra components are: 8 switches, 4 DC voltage sources, and 4 diodes for the seven-level converter. A reinjection transformer is needed, which is able to work properly within a wide range of its turn ratio. This constitutes an attractive array in terms of costs. In high-voltage applications, the voltage will generally be higher than the switches and diodes ratings at the current technology. Therefore, each symbol in the following diagrams may represent a chain of series-connected switches with auxiliary components [11].
Key words: FACTS devices, Multi pulse converters, StatCom, Voltage source converters (VSC). 1. INTRODUCTION
A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is a regulating device used on alternating current electricity transmission networks. It is based on a power electronics voltage-source converter and can act as either a source or sink of reactive AC power to an electricity network. If connected to a source of power it can also provide active AC power. It is a member of the FACTS family devices. By regulation of the StatComs output voltage magnitude, the reactive power exchange between the device and the transmission system maybe controlled to improve the power system voltage profile [4,5, 6, 7, 8]. Since the StatCom may cause interference on the systems fundamental sine wave at frequencies that are multiples of the fundamental one, especial care
The injection voltage is determined by the sevenlevel inverter switching pattern and the injection transformer turns ratio. By using voltages Y V and V as inputs to the six-pulse converters, a cleaner VSCs output voltage comes about. Fig.4 (a&b) exhibits the followed strategy to build VYU and VY as the interaction of the seven-level output and the corresponding six-pulse signals. Through the 1:1 ratio for the YY TRANSFORMER,1:3 for the Y TRANSFORMER, and adding their corresponding output signals, the 84-pulse line-to-neutral signal VU emerges (Fig.5a). The corresponding harmonic spectrum is depicted in Fig. 5b, illustrated on a linear scale, while the one presented in Fig. 4 is displayed in decibels.VU is an odd symmetric signal, so that the Fouriers even terms are zero. Thus,
In (4), a is the reinjection transformer turns ratio. The 84-pulse signal value (VU) depends on the injection transformer turns ratio a, which is determined so as to minimize the total harmonic distortion (THD), which is defined by [9, 17]:
V dc + U I
(1) (2)
V dc - U I
The minimization of THD yields the parameter a. In this paper such estimation has been made through MATLAB for a value n = 7200, with increments of a = 0.0001. With these parameters, the minimum THD becomes 2.358% with a = 0.5609 , value employed in previous figures. According to the IEEE Std. 519, the distortion limits indicate that the llowed THD voltage is 10% in dedicated ystems,5% in general systems, and 3% for special applications as hospitals and airports [17]. Table 1 presents the voltages minimum THD generated by several multipulse configurations. Through our proposition, the resultant THD allows its use even in applications
with stringent quality requirements; it exhibits less dependence to variations in the transformers turn ratio a, which can have a variation until 12.5%to reach a maximum THD lower than 3%. This means that it does not need a strict reinjection transformer turn ratio in order to get the THD for stringent conditions.
Table 1 Minimum THD reached through VSC multi-pulses-based
Number of pulses 12 24 48 60 84
Fig. 2 illustrates the THD dependence respect to variations in the reinjection transformers turn ratio a
3.3. Seven-Level Pulse Generator To operate the seven-level inverter, six times the frequency of the six-pulse generator must be ensured. This is achieved by monitoring the falling border in the novel PLL output signal, using it along with the modulus operator with the 3 argument. This signal will be the period for the seven-level generator which will change its state each / 42 rad.
3.2. Six-Pulse Generator The second block is the six-pulse generator, responsible for generating the pulse sequence to fire the three-phase IGBT array. It consists of an array of six-pulse spaced 60 each other. The IGBT will operate at full 180 for the on period and 180 for the off period. Any disturbance on the frequency will be captured by the synchronizing block, preventing malfunctioning. The falling border in the synchronizing block output signal is added to a series of six 60 spaced signals. The modulus operator with the 2 argument gives the needed on sequence that will be sent to the gate opto-coupler block, which will feed each six-pulse converter. The off sequence turns out on a similar way but waiting 180 to keep the same on and off duration in each IGBT.
Fig .4(b ) Mixing seven-level, six-pulse signals, and transformers ratios to attain V Y
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V. CONCLUSIONS This paper describes the strategy to obtain an 84pulse VSC three-phase voltage with the associated low THD, by combining one twelve-pulse converter plus a seven-level converter. The device performance, proven on a lab prototype, allows to verify the harmonic content of the resultant voltage signal. The exhibited low THD, permits the system to be used in especial applications or as basement of FACTS devices. The three-phase digital PLL used to detect the phase of the fundamental voltage, synchronizes the firing signals in all switches within a sample cycle.
B. Naresh received his B.Tech degree in EEE from JNTU University in the year 2006. Presently, he is pursuing his M.TECH in the Department of Electrical Engineering from MIST, Affiliated JNTU,HYD,A.P.
Mr. P. Venkata Kishore has obtained his B. Tech degree from S.V. University India, in 1998 and M. Tech degree From S. V. University India, in 2003. He has 12 years of teaching experience. He is presently a research scholar at Satyabhama University, Chennai, India. He is working in the area of D-STATCOM.
Dr. S. Rama Reddy is professor in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, India. He obtained his D.E.E from the S.M.V.M. polytechnic, Tanuku, A.P., A.M.I.E. in Electrical Engineering from the Institution of Engineers (India), M.E. in Power Systems from Anna University, Chennai, India in 1987 and He received Ph.D degree in the area of Resonant Converters from College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai India in 1995.He has published over 40 technical papers in national and international conferences proceedings / journals. He has secured the A.M.I.E. institution gold medal for obtaining the highest marks. He has won the AIMO best project award and Vijaya Ratna Award. He has 20 years of teaching experience. His research interests include the areas of resonant converters and FACTS. He is a life member of the Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Technical Education, Systems Society of India, Society of Power Engineers and Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India).