Cell BiologyHistologyEmbriology
Cell BiologyHistologyEmbriology
Cell BiologyHistologyEmbriology
“Chemistry and organic chemistry” exam (1 semester,1 academic year) is required to sustain CBHE exam.
Topic 2. The epithelial tissue: Apical and basolateral specialization of epithelial cells. Cell junctions.
Learning goals:
• Illustrate the morphology and function of the apical and basal domains of epithelial cells
• Illustrate the morphology and function of the specialized structures of the lateral domain: occluding,
anchoring and gap junctions
Clinical drop: Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cancer
Topic 12. The muscle tissue: Skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues
Learning goals:
• Illustrate the general overview and function of the striated muscle tissue
• Illustrate the structure of the skeletal muscle and its components
• Illustrate the neuro-muscular junction and understand basic knowledge of striated muscle contraction
• Recognize the morphological criteria to distinguish skeletal and cardiac muscle in histological
Clinical drop: Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Topic 15. The nervous tissue: Synapses. Neuroglia. Peripheral nerve terminals
Learning goals:
• Illustrate the structure of the neural synapse and its role in nerve impulse transmission
• Classify the different glial cells: morphology, general functions and relationship with neurons
• Illustrate the structure and function of the blood-brain barrier
Topic 16. The nervous tissue: Synapses. Neuroglia. Peripheral nerve terminals
Learning goals:
• Illustrate the structure of the neural synapse and its role in nerve impulse transmission
• Classify the different glial cells: morphology, general functions and relationship with neurons
• Illustrate the structure and function of the blood-brain barrier
Embryology Module
Topic 1. Principles of gametes production and maturation
Learning goals:
• To describe the main phases of gametogenesis:
- origin and migration of germ cells
- increase in their number, reduction in chromosomal numbers
- structural and functional maturation of gametes
Topic 2. Female gametogenesis and overview of the related changes in the female genital tract and
hormonal control
Learning goals:
• To describe the structural aspects of the ovary
• To describe the main features of oogenesis and ovulation: the ovarian cycle
• To outline the intrinsic and extrinsic hormonal guidance of the ovarian cycle
• To illustrate the changes in the ovaries during the ageing process.
• To outline the general structure of the uterus and uterine tube and of their cyclic changes
• To give an overview of some of the molecules involved in embryonic development: Transcription
factors, Signaling molecules
Clinical drops: Mittelschmerz (abdominal pain) and ovulation
Topic 4. Fertilization
Learning goals:
• To describe the transport of the egg and sperm
• To describe the process of fertilization
• To describe the cleavage process of the zygote and the relevance of the different components of the
early embryo: inner cell mass, trophoblast, zona pellucida, blastocele
• To describe the embryo transport to the uterus
Topic 8. The 4th week: Embryonic circulation and principal aspect of body organization
Learning goals:
• To describe the formation and general organization of the embryonic circulation
Clinical drops: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
• To explain some basic molecular aspects characterizing the establishment of the body plan
• To relate the developmental aspects of the body plan to the adult body organization
Teaching Methods
The described topics will be explained during lectures, that will be held synchronously, either in presence or
with streaming platforms. Students are expected to participate in a proactive manner. Lectures will be
integrated by scheduled contributions of internationally renowned experts on specific course topics,
organized in “Meet the expert session”, where students will have the opportunity to directly interact with
scientists/medical doctors and prepare compelling questions to pose to the experts in the Q/A discussion.
During histology classes students will observe histological preparations at the microscope. During the course,
students will also be asked to carry out and present to the class a group project on topics discussed during
lectures, to activate, integrate and solidify the knowledge acquired in class in an interdisciplinary manner.
Peers’ assessments of the project will be part of the activity. Teachers will evaluate the group activity and
integrate the score with the end of semester exam (ESE).
Verification of learning
The final exam will consist of a written and oral part.
Written test
The test will consist of questions from material covered in lectures. Learning goals and objectives presented
at the start of each lecture will serve as a study guide for the final exam at the end of the semester. The test
will be composed of 45 questions, proportionally distributed among the course modules, to be answered in
50 minutes. In detail: 20 for Cell Biology, 17 for Histology, and 8 for Embryology. Questions may include:
Multiple choice questions, Matching, Select missing words, Short answers.
To pass the test students need to correctly answer 30 out of 45 (2/3) questions (grade: 18/30), and to reach
a minimum of 50% correct answers in each module (10 for Cell Biology, 8 for Histology, 4 for Embryology).
The mark will be computed as 18 + any number of correct answers in excess of the initial 30 correct answers.
Practical examples of the questions proposed in the test will be provided during the course and a practical
test will be offered (not mandatory) to students to familiarize with the exam platform and assessment
modality prior to the final exam.
Oral interview
To access the oral interview students must pass the written test (mark >=18/30). During the interview,
students will be asked questions of Cell Biology, Histology, Embryology and will be asked to recognize and
describe a histological preparation at the microscope as performed during practical lessons.
Cell Biology:
• Alberts B et al. Essential cell biology. 5th edition
• Hardin et al. Becker’s World of the cell. 9th edition
• Ross and Pawlina, Histology A Text and Atlas - With Correlated Cell and Molecular Biology, 7th
International Edition.
• Barbara Young et al. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 6th edition. Churchill
• Bruce M. Carlson, Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, 5th edition, Elsevier, 2013
• Gary C. Schoenwolf et al. Larsen's Human Embryology, 5th Edition.
• Kevin L. Moore, T.V.N Persaud, Mark G.Torchia, The developing human. Clinically oriented
embryology, 10th edition.
Code of conduct
Students who falsify attendance to classes or any teaching activities will be officially reported to the Student
Office and the members of the Teaching Committee. Class attendance is mandatory. Students who do not
reach 75% of attendance will be warned and reported to the Student Office. Severe cases will be dealt with
by the Teaching Committee according to the University Policy.