Racecar Engineering - May 2024
Racecar Engineering - May 2024
Racecar Engineering - May 2024
F1 Power Units
FIA’s Nikolas Tombazis
talks 2026 regulations
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CONTENTS MAY 2024 Volume 34 Number 5
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Belief system
Relying on assumptions when predicting the performance
of an F1 car is likely to make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’
The physical properties of most aspects of a racecar are now well understood; it’s the constant dynamic changes that cause confusion
ears ago, I took the latest results is that not everything is yet known about Models and simulations these days are
from the wind tunnel tests on all aspects of an F1 car, and so all these based on the best science available: Newton’s
Lotus’ next Formula 1 car to show expensive tools incorporate assumptions Laws; material properties; linkage geometry;
Colin Chapman. He looked at the where knowledge is missing. fluid dynamics; combustion theory;
comparison with the existing car and said, To quote the English philosopher and chemistry, and many other engineering
‘Go and show them to the man with the critic, George Henry Lewes, ‘we must never interpretations of scientific theory, most of
chequered flag.’ That car was the T80, and we assume that which is incapable of proof.’ which have stood the test of time.
were about to discover what we didn’t know However, even science admits the best it
about the aero-elastic characteristics of a Bravado time can do is to come up with ‘the least wrong
ground effect F1 car, the phenomenon that Every year, in February and March, the F1 conclusion, based on the evidence available.’
would become known recently as ‘porpoising’. world turns up to testing and technical The characteristics of most metallic and
Bouyed by the T79’s championship win directors and team principals extol the work composite materials is well established,
the year before, I thought we had it handled. of their engineers in developing significant although not so long ago, British company
This was in 1978. We didn’t have the improvements that will move them up the Rolls-Royce tripped up over the unknown
benefit of computer models or sophisticated grid. The disappointment and disillusion energy absorbing properties of carbon fibre,
simulators, and yet, 44 years later, most of when this doesn’t happen is palpable, when it equipped its RB211 big fan engine
the F1 grid were caught out by the same especially among the team bosses, who with CFRP fan blades.
phenomenon when they started running realise they don’t know why, and that they Fluids are another matter entirely.
their 2022 cars to the new aero regulations. themselves can do nothing about it. Fluid properties, involving temperature,
And this was with the benefits of CFD, six- Of course, predicting performance pressure, velocity, viscosity, compressability,
post rigs, simulators and enough computing relative to one’s competitors is always a risky constituents including gas (mainly air)
power to get to Mars. So, how come it is business but, when absolute performance is inclusion in liquids, and liquid (mainly water
still not possible to accurately predict the no better, or sometimes even worse, there has as vapour) inclusion in gases, are partially
performance of an F1 car? The simple answer to be an explanation. understood in isolation, but there are high
Not everything is yet known about all aspects of an F1 car, and so all these
expensive tools incorporate assumptions where knowledge is missing
MAY 2024 www.racecar-engineering.com 5
After much speculation, Peugeot has taken the wraps off its
updated version of the 9X8 prototype and, as predicted, it has
sprouted a rear wing
Peugeot has changed around 90 percent of the surface area of the new car
while also retaining the family resemblance to its predecessor. Long distance
testing and two races are in store for the 9X8 2024 before Le Mans in June
eugeot has bowed to the inevitable
with the updated version of its FIA
World Endurance Championship
contender, called the 9X8 2024. As
expected, the Hypercar has been equipped
with a rear wing as part of a major upgrade
package for the first time.
The previous 9X8 relied upon underfloor
aero and a front weight bias with the car that
debuted at Monza in 2022. The final race for
that car was the opening round of the 2024
season in Qatar in March as the update was
not yet homologated. Now good to go, the
revised 9X8 is a very different beast.
The old car was an extreme design,
pushing the limits of the regulations as they
were written when the concept was devised.
However, the rules have changed during
what has been a turbulent period for the FIA
and ACO, and Peugeot was unable to react as
quickly to the changes as its arch rival, Toyota. Everything seemed to be going well until Sebring in March 2023. The bumpy track there made a mess of the 9X8’s aero concept
That is not to say the first generation
9X8 was obsolete. It was running second in which helped keep the development cost That was because it conformed to an older
Qatar before it ran out of fuel, but it proved down to an estimated €10m. version of the regulations and there was a
difficult to balance it against the competition However, technical director, Olivier danger that its tyre size choice could lead to
due to its very different design philosophy. Jansonnie, says the team has changed around special development from Michelin.
The updated car is a more traditional winged 90 per cent of the surface of the car, putting The 9X8 was a concept designed to
prototype concept, although the team more air over the top to feed the rear wing extremes, taking full advantage of regulations
behind it is proud of the fact it still looks rather than under it and through tunnels. that made the aerodynamic target relatively
externally quite similar to the previous model. He goes on to say the car is very similar easy to hit, while also using a powerful front
in looks to its predecessor, but has a very hybrid system and by regulation, front tyres
Rearward shift different philosophy, and will rely less on the the same width as the rears.
Peugeot has worked hard to move the weight BoP to keep it at the front of the grid. That combination, coupled with a
further rearwards, reduced its reliance on forward weight bias and strong ground
underfloor aero, and introduced a rear wing. Joker in the pack? effect, enabled Peugeot to dispense with the
The team has also switched tyre concept From the moment that the 9X8 was traditional rear wing. It was so proud of this
to run a narrower front and wider rear that launched, rivals were briefing against the car. fact that at the car’s first race in 2022, the
brings it more in line with its competitors. It was leaked that the team already needed PR team handed out chocolate wings.
The team achieved this while retaining the to invoke its joker package before the car had However, convergence with the LMDh-
same tub, engine, gearbox and hybrid system, even been revealed to the watching world. spec cars meant the LMH concept had no
Peugeot was proud of its original, wingless concept, and eventually proved that it could work, but the new car is more traditional in design and will therefore be easier to manage
to retain the absorbing structure, hybrid system allowing the 9X8s to lead for the first time
we couldn’t re-design the car. It was too late The team also had to do a lot of work on ‘We wanted to keep the overall
for us since we wanted to have a car ready to the overall aero concept. Rivals had noted
race at Monza [in July] 2022. that a shift in aero balance would be helped look of the car, which seems to
‘Now we have this opportunity, and by the addition of a rear wing, and so it was have been quite a success, and keep
actually in testing we found that it has even no surprise that Peugeot followed suit.
more potential than we had expected from From a heavy reliance on underfloor the DNA of the brand, while at the
the simulation, which was a surprise to us. performance in the previous car, the rear
‘Then we adapted the aero to match this wing now needs to be fed, so the splitter has
same time completely revising it’
new tyre dimension so, basically, changing to send more air over the car than before. Olivier Jansonnie
the weight distribution on the car to be much Jansonnie says the 9X8 does still retain
more rearward than the previous version, and a strong element of underfloor-generated
changing the aero balance as a consequence.’ downforce, but its relationship to the rear
wing meant an extensive re-design. downforce from the top of the bodywork,
Aero balance ‘It’s a different concept,’ says the and then you reduce your underfloor
Unsurprisingly, the aero balance is also closely Frenchman. ‘It’s not just an add-on of the rear downforce simply because you have to fit in
regulated, and ballast may be applied to the wing; it is a completely new aero package. the performance window.
car through the BoP system, which makes life But, from the public side of things, the car ‘It’s interesting to see that you can achieve
a little more complicated than just putting looks very similar to the previous car, just a quite substantially different aero concept
lead into the floor of the car to keep the with a rear wing added. with surfaces that are mostly all changed, but
excess weight as low as possible. ‘If you look carefully, though, you will still look the same. If you overlay both cars,
One of the further consequences of the see we have touched 90-95 per cent of the the look of the cars is quite interesting.’
change in weight distribution was that crash surfaces of the car, including the complete While the overall concept has changed,
testing also had to be carefully considered. underfloor. That was one of the challenges, the team says it can still take a benchmark
In the end, Peugeot managed to make the and one of the constraints we had. from the original car when it comes to race
changes without needing to re-test the crash ‘We wanted to keep the overall look of preparation and set-up. Having already
structure at the rear of the car. the car, which seems to have been quite a completed around 7-8000km of testing with
‘Keeping the rear was a challenge with success, and keep the DNA of the brand, the 9X8 2024, including two endurance runs
the new rear wing, but we managed to retain while at the same time completely revising it. (and with more mileage planned before the
the absorbing structure, so didn’t need to re- ‘Everything is connected together. If you 24 Hours of Le Mans in June) it is well placed
crash [test] the car,’ says Jansonnie. ‘That was are going to put some rearward aero balance to judge the correlation between the old
important for us from a schedule standpoint.’ on the car, you can actually create more and updated versions.
Some of that will be to do with the team manufacturers what they are using to make cars were supposed to rely on their front
operation. When the car raced for the first their decisions (see p16). They could look at hybrid systems. Once the hybrid system had
time in 2022, that was also the first race for 20 per cent fastest laps, 40 per cent or 60 per its capacity reduced, organisers forced the
the team of mechanics and engineers. Nearly cent, which would take further into account LMH contenders to introduce adjustable anti-
two years later, there is more strength in the the team and tyre wear, for example, while roll bars into their existing designs which was
team, as well as the car. the 20 per cent option would better suit the not easy in a tightly confined space.
car’s potential to post the fastest lap. Peugeot has kept its monocoque, and so
Race preparation The manufacturers will be better at retained much of the suspension design and
That will surely pay dividends at Le Mans, playing the game if they know the rules, so it’s pick-up points, but has been able to adapt to
which the old car contested only once. easier for the governing bodies to simply not the new rule with the evolution of the car.
There, the wingless 9X8 seemed to be in its show them the full picture. ‘Simply, we had more time to design
element, more so than anywhere else, though That said, Peugeot believes its updated car something, and that drove us to do a bit
Jansonnie disagrees with this observation. will be easier to balance, so it hopes to rely better,’ says Jansonnie. ‘The constraints
‘I would not specifically say that Le Mans less on the BoP and more on its own traits. haven’t changed, and we have not revised
was good for us because of the ground effect, ‘To put it simply, we still believe it was the monocoque to do that.
but I would say that our car concept overall possible to balance the old car concept, but ‘We don’t change what we have already
on aero and tyres was probably less of a unfortunately in 2023 this was not done,’ said, that we think this decision of allowing
disadvantage than in other places. says Jansonnie. ‘We wanted to get rid of the the differential has been taken far too late for
‘I still believe we can achieve at least the dependency on the BoP, and do something the LMH cars. The regulation as we have it
same performance at Le Mans with the new that is closer to our competition so we don’t now, though, we have to live with, and it is a
car as with the old one. depend so much on the track layouts. performance differentiator, so we have to add
‘Secondly, from Le Mans itself, besides ‘We have proven that in low-grip it somehow, but to do that you end up with
the performance, just by doing that race we conditions the car was performing better, something that is complicated.’
learned a lot in terms of preparation, how we but we just wanted to put the car back to a Peugeot will debut the 9X8 2024 at Imola
approach the race, the set-up for the race, the more average window and a more similar and then run it at Spa, giving the FIA and
strategy… I think we can for sure carry these condition to what our competition is doing. ACO two races to assess it before Le Mans.
over with the new car and be stronger at Le ‘In Qatar, for instance, we were in what The team feels it has a good understanding of
Mans than last year.’ I call a corner of the BoP, which means how the update works, and remains confident
For that all to work, of course, relies on the maximum power and lowest weight, but then the BoP will better suit the new concept.
BoP system that the FIA and ACO have again you cannot move from that corner. Now we The wingless 9X8 wasn’t successful,
revised for this year. The race in Qatar was the expect to move to a more average position.’ it wasn’t particularly reliable, but it was
first time the 9X8 raced within the expected memorable. It’s a shame the original rules that
window, and it ran well, almost bringing Roll with it allowed for novel, more extreme designs have
home a podium finish. One of the other big changes that came evolved, and that Peugeot ended up treading
Now, the FIA and ACO will rely on race through convergence was the introduction a well-worn path like the others. However, it’s
data, coupled with simulated data but, of the cockpit-adjustable anti-roll bar, a results that count, and Peugeot now has to
crucially, will keep secret from the teams and mechanism used by LMDh cars, while LMH deliver with its new concept.
The LMDh integration heavily compromised the original design of the Peugeot, with the front hybrid system having its impact reduced. Fortunately, the team was able to retain its monocoque
Law of averages
After years of struggling and complaining, the WEC is implementing
a new BoP system this year, but with some key details hidden
he ongoing saga of Balance of The rumour was that an agreement had deliberate. ‘It is linked to lap time simulation,’
Performance (BoP) took some been reached, only to then be put in the bin Bouvet confirmed. ‘Homologation parameters
dramatic steps in the early part of in favour of a new system that was presented are done from wind tunnel data, c of g height,
2024. The FIA and ACO presented in Qatar ahead of the 2024 season. fuel loads. We do the simulation post event,
their new method of balancing the Hypercars ‘We are looking at the performance of for the next event, but that does not mean
to the media at the opening round of the FIA the best car from each manufacturer and we will intervene every race. The BoP can be
World Endurance Championship in Qatar. we do an average of that,’ explained ACO identical but you will see different figures
Shortly afterwards, IMSA announced that competition director Thierry Bouvet. ‘So, because it is a different track.
the method it implemented in GTD at the let’s say you have five manufacturers, we ‘Describing the whole process, since last
Daytona 24 Hours was too complicated to take the best car per manufacturer – so you year we have a year of data, and we use it.
replicate for the remainder of the season and have five cars – and then we take an average The result of the BoP today is not only due
so, in agreement with the manufacturers, it from each of those five cars. That defines the to homologation parameters. The result
reverted to last year’s more traditional system. performance window and then hopefully all for Qatar was homologation parameters,
The performance balancing system the cars are inside.’ which are improved from last year, the
for the WEC’s flourishing top class was That ‘performance window’ is rumoured result of equivalence of platform, and of the
controversial last year. The engineers used to be around + / -0.2 per cent. Around a manufacturer compensation.’
first order parameters of weight, power and 100-second lap, that’s + / - two tenths of a
aerodynamic efficiency to balance the cars. second, though Bouvet was not willing to Top speed
Toyota, however, was better than anyone else confirm that figure. This is infuriating for One of the big changes to the system will
in race conditions, notably on second order the teams, as is the unwillingness to explain be the study of the cars over 210km/h. The
parameters such as tyre wear and strategy, what other performance parameters are wind tunnels are only able to simulate up
and won the opening races comfortably. being taken into account. to this speed, but there’s around 100km/h
So for the centenary race at Le Mans, the The idea of not telling the manufacturers extra to be had at Le Mans and the cars are
FIA and ACO changed their minds. Instead of means teams and manufacturers will not clearly performing differently at these speeds,
leaving the BoP alone until after Le Mans to be able to ‘game’ the system. Obfuscation is outside the parameters of the BoP.
prevent sandbagging, as promised, they took
into account the second order parameters
and promptly upset Toyota. There were even
rumours the Japanese manufacturer would
cancel its hydrogen programme in protest.
So, post Le Mans, the FIA and ACO
reverted to the original BoP format, which
led to Ferrari refusing to speak to the
media following the Monza race. The Italian
constructor clearly felt Toyota had been given
an advantage but, as regulations ban teams
from speaking about BoP, nothing was said.
Secret squirrel
Clearly, something had to be done, so the
FIA and ACO took the decision to create
a new system. This opened the door to
multiple options for the organisation, but
the governing bodies had to decide.
Some, such as Ferrari, wanted to have no
performance balancing for cars that had
been designed to fit in performance windows.
Others, such as Porsche, made it clear that
it only signed up to the WEC on the proviso
that there was performance balancing. The core concept of BoP remains to de-incentivise teams and manufacturers from over spending to try and improve the performance of their cars
Unsurprisingly, some manufacturers There, they will use the experience from data from the homologation process. They
promptly pointed at others saying that even last year, simulated data from the first three will then take performance data from the
extrapolating the information available, top races this year (Qatar, Imola and Spa), and will simulation process that the FIA is trying to
speed performance of rivals was unusual. try to balance the cars from there. perfect and match that with a percentage of
To combat this, the FIA and ACO tried to If they see a car performing too well, they lap times seen in real-world competition.
measure the cars at the pre-season test in will react quicker than if a car was too slow, What percentage of lap time will be
Qatar, and said they were analysing the data Bouvet indicated. That does rather suggest no analysed is a closely guarded secret. The
that was available. one will be trying to appear too fast… fastest 20 per cent of lap time, for example,
‘Before, you had some differences in drag Porsche’s problem in that scenario is that it would focus on the outright speed capability
and downforce on one car, and you were has customer teams in JOTA and Proton that of the car, while the fastest 60 per cent of
trying to compensate the difference between desperately want to beat the factory Penske lap time would also take into account set-up
power and weight,’ explained Bouvet. ‘So, if cars, and it has no control over those teams’ and tyre performance.
you would have had more because the car performance, unlike both Ferrari and Toyota. That’s why Cadillac ran multiple stints on
was draggy, then you would probably need to the same tyre in Qatar, both slowing the car
Cruise control
Photos: XPB
add more weight. It was kind of a loop. on track and reducing time spent in the pit.
‘Now, with this two-stage power, we’re Le Mans is the longest race on the calendar, ‘It is not simple lap time, because it
able to differentiate acceleration and top and outright performance is often not the would be too easy,’ confirmed Bouvet. ‘It
speed. Basically, that’s giving us another key to success. In fact, it’s rare for the quickest is performance related and it is related to
tool to be able to address the gap, and as car to win the race. Therefore, what the BoP correlation of simulation.’
a consequence of that you will have less has to achieve there is to ensure one car is
difference in weight, which you can see in not cruising to a lap time, while others are Rumble on
LMGT3, for example.’ pushing hard to achieve that same lap time. By keeping the criteria private, it’s hard to
In order to prevent teams and ‘The idea is to intervene as little as know what will happen, and difficult to
manufacturers from playing the game in possible,’ said Bouvet, re-iterating that the challenge the FIA and ACO on their decisions.
the run up to Le Mans, the FIA and ACO core idea of performance balancing is to This is now a system based on trust, the
have stated that the BoP for that race will be prevent the incentive to improve a car manufacturers having to hope the FIA and
separated from all the other tracks. and out-spend the opposition, rather than ACO are correct in their sums.
manufacture laptime. ‘Within platforms at Qatar saw Porsche take the first WEC win
Le Mans, there was not so much difference for an LMDh car. It remains possible for LMDh
The FIA and ACO will take the power, between the cars. We don’t have to intervene and LMH to be balanced against each other;
a lot, which is good.’ That’s why the two this is now termed ‘Equivalence of Platform’.
weight and aero efficiency data from regulatory bodies won’t get involved in Where it all falls down is the new circuits
the homologation process. They will balancing the weight of the drivers. Heavier on the schedule this year – Qatar, Imola,
drivers are at a disadvantage compared to São Paolo and Austin. For these races,
take the performance data from the lighter ones in terms of overall lap time, but the organisers will have to rely more on
that’s a step too far for endurance racing. simulation data than real-world experience,
simulation process… and match In summary then, the FIA and ACO will which makes life even more complicated.
that with a percentage of lap times take the power, weight and aero efficiency Expect this to rumble on for a while yet.
Bespoke engine
The car was designed at Michelotto by Luigi
Dindo. It is powered by an all-new, bespoke,
3.0-litre, 90-degree V6 engine that has
been developed for the project by HWA in
Germany. The unit has a single turbocharger,
similar to that of the Alpine A424, and the
turbo sits outside the v of the engine.
Power is fed to the rear wheels through
the tried and trusted, seven-speed Xtrac
P1395 gearbox, mounted transversely. The chassis of the Isotta Fraschini was designed entirely at Michelotto to current Le Mans Hypercar regulations
The design of the chassis was supposed
to have been undertaken by Christiano
Michelotto, but the popular Italian who was
heavily involved in the development, build
and delivery of the GT3 Ferraris, was relieved
of his post by his father after the company
lost the Ferrari 296 GT3 deal to ORECA.
That left Dindo, the long-serving designer
of the company, to produce an LMH car fit to
take on the biggest and best in the endurance
racing world. A weighty responsibility.
The idea was to build a pure racecar to the
current LMH regulations, and then produce
customer cars at a later date. Partners are established players in sportscar racing, such as Brembo, Bosch and Multimatic, so component quality is high
Suspension is double wishbone and torsion bar with integrated brake-by-wire system, carbon discs and a combination of six-piston (front) and four-piston (rear) calipers by Brembo
Steering is by way of electric steering rack, while the majority of the control systems Isotta Fraschini signed two Silver-rated WEC rookies to partner Vernay. It says this will
onboard come from Bosch Motorsport, including the ECU, VCU and PowerBox relieve pressure, but is such an approach tenable considering the level of competition?
F1 is approaching
its biggest engine Formula 1 has been racing with hybrids for a decade now, but
regulation overhaul a new era begins in 2026. Racecar spoke to FIA single seater
since the introduction
of the 1.6-litre V6 director, Nikolas Tombazis, to find out what we should expect
hybrids back in 2014
under the new engine regime
FIA single seater director, Nikolas Tombazis, has been central in developing the new regulations that feature less complex, less efficient ICE PUs, with more emphasis put on the electric side
decade ago, a new era began in This will all be different in 2026. Years current Power Unit, but this marvel of
Formula 1. High-revving, of discussion, negotiation and haggling technology is what makes the engines so
naturally-aspirated V8 engines culminated in version one of the 2026 incredibly efficient. Its elimination will
had had their day. Since then, regulations on 16 August 2022. The inevitably make the 2026 engines less efficient.
manufacturers no longer talked of engines, negotiations were complicated because the The thermal efficiency of the engines
but of Power Units. Mercedes High FIA had to take various points of view into today is over 50 per cent. With a maximum
Performance Engines therefore became account. On the one hand, there were the fuel flow of 100kg per hour from 10,500rpm,
Mercedes High Performance Powertrains. manufacturers already involved – Mercedes, the power units achieve a system output of
In addition to the combustion engine, Ferrari, Renault and Honda. On the other, over 1000bhp.
there was now also a turbocharger with an there were potential newcomers to the series. It’s not just the removal of the MGU-H that
electric component, the MGU-H, as well as So, while the FIA didn’t want to scare off will reduce efficiency; the combustion engine
further development of the former KERS, any of the established manufacturers, it also will suffer as a result of other measures, too.
which was now called MGU-K. At 120kW, the wanted to keep the entry barrier as low as Although key parameters such as stroke and
Motor Generator Unit-Kinetic, delivered twice possible for interested parties. bore remain identical, further restrictions are
as much power as KERS to the crankshaft, being brought in on the combustion engine
with the electrical energy temporarily Efficiency compromise side. For example, the maximum compression
stockpiled in the 4MJ Energy Store. That, in a nutshell, is why the new regulations ratio will be reduced from 18:1 to 16:1.
The engine manufacturers agreed on are a compromise. At first glance, everything ‘Of course, you lose a little bit of efficiency,’
these regulations around 15 years ago. looks like it remains the same with the admits Nikolas Tombazis, single seater
Even then, electrification and high-efficiency combustion engine and it’s the rest of the director at the FIA, in an interview with
engines were still magic words in the Power Unit that has changed quite a lot. Racecar Engineering for this article.
automotive industry. The 1.6-litre, V6, turbocharged ICE ‘18:1 would lead to a more efficient
However, the Power Unit was not remains, but the MGU-H has been removed. engine. While we don’t want to negate that,
immediately well received in Formula 1. The elimination of the electric turbocharger ultimately, these engines are a compromise
Too complicated, too expensive, too was the most important point in order to between different parameters: cost, efficiency,
heavy, too quiet, so the critics kept saying. attract new manufacturers. whether it is possible for newcomers to get
Well, 10 years later, the criticism has fallen The electric motor rotates up to 125,000 into the sport – and all of these parameters
almost silent. All manufacturers now have times per minute, delivers between 60 and are slightly contradictory. In the end, the
the technology under control and are at a 70kW and switches back and forth between solution has to be a compromise.’
similar performance level. Consequently, power delivery and harvesting in the shortest This is also the reason why the
the regulations on the powertrain side have possible time. The MGU-H is probably the combustion engine has been limited to the
remained largely unchanged. single most complicated component in the essentials. Variable geometry turbochargers
Formula 1 currently uses 10 per cent renewable ethanol fuel, but the 2026 rules take sustainability further by removing the fossil fuel content entirely, in the push for carbon neutrality by 2030
‘We’ve wanted to simplify the
ICE in order to make it possible
for newcomers to come into the
sport and not have to go through
a few years of humiliation before
they can be competitive’
Nikolas Tombazis, single seater director at the FIA
Audi, one of the new manufacturers coming into F1, argued for the use of aluminium pistons rather than steel ones
are still not permitted, and variable intake The incentives have paid off. Audi and Red At the same time, this means only the
trumpets will be banned again under the Bull Powertrains (with Ford) will join in 2026, basic architecture of the existing engines
new 2026 regulations. while Honda will return with Aston Martin. remains suitable. Also because the previously
‘Variable geometry technology is quite Thanks to the slight simplifications, the unlimited boost pressure is now being limited
high and quite expensive and would mean newcomers will be able to catch up more to 4.8bar since the MGU-H was removed. So,
that this area is subject to constant change. quickly with the largely unchanged in effect, all new Power Unit development will
We felt this was not an area where we wanted combustion engine. The reduction of the start virtually from scratch.
to fight a battle,’ says Tombazis. compression ratio illustrates the approach.
‘We’ve wanted to simplify the ICE in order ‘To work at the compression ratio of 18:1, Material matters
to make it possible for newcomers to come you would need to get there very gradually, Another concession has been the permitted
into the sport and not have to go through a step after step after step,’ explains Tombazis, piston material. Aluminium pistons were
few years of humiliation before they can be ‘and we don’t want them to make new extensively discussed, but existing PU
competitive. It’s still going to be very difficult engines every year. We felt that if we left it at manufacturers wanted to keep steel pistons.
for them. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, 18:1, it would just increase the gap between ‘It was a big topic,’ recalls Tombazis. ‘When
but we wanted to make some simplifications.’ newcomers and the incumbents.’ we did the analysis, we found that aluminium
performant. Therefore, it was decided that Energy flows, power and energy storage and state of charge limits for the 2026 F1 PU regulations
pistons had to be made out of steel.’
This conclusion was no great surprise
to many as the incumbent manufacturers
had already gone through this process. In
retrospect, the switch from aluminium to steel
was one of the trend reversals in Formula 1
Power Unit development.
‘I guess the steel piston is a good example.
We were definitely coming to the limits of
what was possible with aluminium ones. It
just came to that tipping point, and that was
an interesting journey to go through,’ recalls
Mercedes engine boss, Hywel Thomas.
Even with the lower compression ratio,
steel is still the material of choice for pistons.
‘The way these engines work is very close
to the knock level; the pressures are
extremely high,’ says Tombazis. ‘So aluminium
cannot be as effective.
‘It would make them a lot cheaper as an
individual unit because these pistons are very
expensive to machine, and very complicated,
but considering a whole engine has to last, on
average, about eight races, the benefit of the
extra reliability [of steel] outweighs that.’
Pioneering role
So, accepting that the new F1 ICE will be
significantly less efficient in 2026, how does
this fit with the current zeitgeist?
The answer is fuel. While the current fuel
only has to contain 10 per cent advanced
sustainable ethanol, fuel in 2026 will have to
be completely sustainable. This was not only a
key criterion for new entrants, but for all
manufacturers. This change was even able to
persuade Honda to revoke its withdrawal.
The aim is to shift the technological
pioneering role on the combustion side
towards drop-in fuel.
‘We’ve eliminated the fossil components
in the fuel, and fuel manufacturers now need 2026 Power Unit element minimum mass limits (for reference only)
to develop manufacturing and production
techniques for such fuels,’ says Tombazis.
As a result, the efficiency of the MGU-K
ESME MGUK mechanical ICE TC Powerbox
combustion engine is no longer so transmission
elementary from an environmental No No
perspective. Especially as the proportion of individual
mass limit mass limit
combustion engine power will also be
drastically reduced. In 2026, the maximum
Min Min Assumed Min ICE+TC+Powerbox
fuel flow of 100kg per hour will become a 35kg 16kg 4kg 130kg
maximum energy flow of 3000MJ per hour
from 10,500rpm. The mode of operation 2026 Power Unit mass allowances as weighed
remains the same. Fuel flow will still be
measured, and the energy content of the Total PU
min mass min mass Not ICE min mass as weighed minimum
as as weighed
homologated petrol will be determined in weighed weighed mass
the laboratory. Tombazis explains the
Drive in
thinking behind the decision: > 35kg > 20kg > – > 130kg > 185kg
‘We felt it was more correct to have an Drive
> 35kg > 18kg > – > 132kg > 185kg
energy limit because it means if you have a split
component with maybe a bit smaller energy Drive in
> 35kg > 16kg > – > 134kg > 185kg
density per unit mass - but otherwise a very
good fuel - it should be allowed, not stopped.
This, however, shifts the problem to the The lower heating value (LHV), the
‘That’s why we’ve made these chassis side, as it could possibly mean larger available thermal energy produced by the
fuel tanks are required. combustion of one kilogram of fuel, must be
regulations. To make sure fuel between 38 and 41MJ, according to the new
development happens at the fuel Pump up the volume regulations. The competition is therefore not
‘We don’t expect a huge variation there. I only between the engine manufacturers, but
manufacturer and engine development don’t think anyone is going to come with also between the oil companies.
a fuel that needs twice the volume, or There are measures in place to ensure no
happens at the PU manufacturer’ something like that. Plus, there is a limit on engine manufacturer has an advantage in this
energy content per kilo,’ notes Tombazis. respect. Development on single-cylinder test
benches is permitted, but strictly controlled.
Red Bull Powertrains, the only ‘There are some areas of the engine, like
independent engine manufacturer currently the cylinder head, which cannot be additive Initially, there was talk of
operating in the championship, would prefer manufactured for cost reasons. Generally
to push more petrol through the injection speaking, though, AM is an area where we are
recuperation on the front axle,
nozzles. This is because the 2026 Power Unit modernising the regulations for 2026, and as well as recuperation via the
only works to a limited extent. that also applies on the chassis side.’
The size of the energy storage unit Back to the energy dilemma. In racing crankshaft on the rear axle as before.
remains unchanged at 4MJ for weight mode, a maximum of 9MJ may be consumed In the future, power units will be
reasons, but the maximum e-boost has and released by the MGU-K per lap, but in
almost tripled. If more electrical power can be qualifying, 13MJ can be released if the battery operated like a serial hybrid
delivered, the electrical energy must also be is full at the start of the lap.
fed in. However, the MGU-H is no longer there However, even 13MJ is not enough on
as a power supplier. Instead, the MGU-K is most tracks to deliver full power every time at ‘I think perhaps where we need to pay
allowed to slow down the crankshaft more. full throttle. 13MJ is 13,000kW seconds. With urgent attention before it’s too late is to look
350kW of electric power, that’s a good 37 at the ratio between combustion power and
Battery development seconds of full power available, but the electrical power to ensure we’re not creating a
Up to now, only 2MJ per lap may be energy storage system is currently only technical Frankenstein that will require the
recuperated at the rear axle. In 2026 it will be sufficient for 33.3 seconds of full e-power, chassis to compensate to such a degree, with
9MJ. The battery must therefore be fully plus a contribution from the MGU-H. moveable aero to reduce the drag to such a
charged and discharged on average more The full power output time is similar, but level that the racing will be affected,’ warns
than twice per lap. For this reason, the focus there is one major difference: when the Red Bull’s Christian Horner.
of battery development will now shift to e-power stops in 2026, only 400 combustion
power density, not energy density. engine kW will remain. Recuperating 9MJ per Speed profile
Consequently, the regulations for battery lap will therefore be a Herculean task. Max Verstappen, for one, was very worried
technology are much more open than for Initially, there was talk of recuperation on about the speed profile, as on some tracks
combustion engines. Manufacturing the front axle, as well as recuperation via the drivers have to downshift at the end of long
processes are more free and additive crankshaft on the rear axle as before. In future, straights well before the braking zone.
manufacturing is now playing a greater role. the power units will be operated like a serial According to FIA analyses, such fears are
‘It was identified that some of the exhaust hybrid. In partial load operation, when the unfounded. Nevertheless, adjustments will
components, for example, were actually driver is not calling for full power, the still be made to the regulations.
cheaper to make with additive combustion engine will charge the battery. ‘What we are dealing with is just making
manufacturing,’ acknowledges Tombazis. That alone is not enough, so the 2026 sure that at circuits with very long straights
Certain parts, such as the three-into-one chassis regulations must follow suit and we distribute the power more evenly along
collector, can now come from the 3D printer. produce cars with less aerodynamic drag. the straight and don’t have it all at the start.
Rules such as the ‘three per cent’ clause are part of the FIA’s plan to develop engine regulations that are as equal as possible, making it harder for any team or manufacturer to gain an advantage
The MGU-H will no longer be present in 2026, yet engine weight is set to increase further still as the MGU-K becomes more powerful
I think that has been working quite okay now,’ ‘We had infinite discussion with the Industry view
says Tombazis, adding, ‘We also wanted to
make sure on some circuits that we don’t PU manufacturers about weight
and they were all very concerned
have any stupidly high speeds, and we’ve also ambridge University spin-off
got that under control now.’ company Echion is involved in
Currently, lap time-optimised, maximum about this topic in case it became a developing battery technologies
power is delivered as soon as traction permits, for heavy duty vehicles, and
but because only a limited amount of energy
battleground. All of them pushed has developed an anode material called
is available, the power output then decreases very hard for a weight limit’ XNO, based on mixed niobium oxide
as the straight progresses. In order to prevent ompositions and microparticle designs.
this, appropriate adjustments will be made in It says this provides ‘substantial amounts
the next version of the regulations. ‘We don’t want to say you just have the of power’ while also supporting ultra-fast
For some tracks, there will even be special cost cap and can do what you want with charging and higher capacity retention
rules regarding energy output. ‘That will be everything else, because we feel it then puts
at fast charging rates compared to LTO
the exception, not the norm,’ says Tombazis. enormous pressure on the cost cap, which
and graphite.
can lead to distortions, or to even breaches.’
Increasing the battery’s responsibility
Heavy weights In contrast to the current engine freeze,
in the power unit will see teams pay
That was not the only criticism of the new more thought has been given to potential
engine regulations. The complex technologies problem cases this time around. For example, greater attention to battery design, from
onboard were largely responsible for the what happens if a manufacturer is too far overall weight down to the molecular
weight explosion of the cars in 2014, which behind? If a three per cent deficit in the detail of the battery anode material,
saw the current Power Units weighing in at a combustion engine is exceeded, additional says Echion. Under the 2026 regulations,
whopping 151kg. Although the MGU-H will updates can be made. The exact nature of harvestable energy per lap of the ERS-K
be omitted in 2026, the more powerful this process is still being defined, but it’s not will increase as will peak power provided
MGU-K, in particular, will continue to drive up just about peak performance. to the MGU-K. However, the amount
the weight, so the entire Power Unit looks ‘It is more like an integrated power, but of energy that can be used from the
likely to weigh at least 185kg. it’s not exactly a simple integration,’ says battery at any one time is still capped.
However, there was no requirement in the Tombazis. ‘It depends on how power is The 2026 competition will therefore be
the new regulations to impose a limit here. delivered around the track. a battle of fast-charging batteries, with
Because a budget cap now applies to the ‘We are planning to refine this particular teams likely to trial different approaches.
engine manufacturers for the first time, the clause a bit more. We want to find a range of Manufacturers might opt for chemistries
lightweight arms race would have regulated conditions. If an engine is running much
that minimise degradation, reducing the
itself. In contrast to the chassis, there are no cooler than another engine, for example, that
need for oversized batteries.
major safety concerns being flagged up. is also a drawback. So you may have equal
This leads to the area of development
‘We had infinite discussions with the PU power between two engines, but an engine
around anode materials. The anode is an
manufacturers about weight and they were may have to run 10 degrees cooler than
area where battery manufacturers are
all very concerned about this topic in case it another to achieve that, which then increases
became a battleground. All of them pushed the amount of cooling needed.’ already working hard to improve charge
very hard for a weight limit,’ says Tombazis. It’s clear there is still work to do on the rates, capacity and performance. Anode
Ultimately, the FIA did not want to give finer details, but the 2026 Formula 1 Power materials, says Echion, have the potential
too much freedom here in order to avoid Unit regulations certainly look to be a big to unlock more power from traditional
putting unnecessary pressure on the system. step in the right direction. lithium-ion batteries.
• Reliability and results
• Safety reassurance
• Reduced costs
St a n d ard
& C u sto m
Protot yp e o r M a s s Pro duct i o n
The FIA has recommended that the World Rally Championship drop hybrid
powertrains for 2025 with a view to a new rule set for 2026. The FIA’s
David Richards and Andrew Wheatley take us through the plans
‘The complication of [hybrids], the cost, and
the barrier to participation from the next level
down of drivers are significant issues’
David Richards, chair at the FIA Foundation
A big part of the decision-making process was to bring Rally1 and Rally2 closer together, in order to provide a more achievable step between the two classes for younger teams and drivers
RE: We’re in the middle of a rule cycle I wouldn’t say every decision taken The other thing that’s important to
and the manufacturers have already has been unanimous, but I would say bear in mind is that this 2025 / 2026
invested a lot of time and money into it’s definitely a majority decision that regulation is a step towards the new 2026
getting to grips with the hybrid system hybrids should take a back seat now. The rules. It’s part of a transition. The intention is
and the strategies it involves. How complication of them, the cost, and the that the new regulations will be published
dramatic is the change in philosophy barrier to participation from the next level at the start of 2025 for the 2026 application,
going to be after this decision? down of drivers are significant issues. and then into the 2027 world championship.
DR: It has been done in conjunction Andrew Wheatley: I think that’s fair to say. It makes sense when you see the transition
with the manufacturers. They were Each manufacturer has a different reason from where we are now to where we’re going,
involved at the beginning of December why they would like or not like hybrid but, to see how this develops in these steps.
and have been party to discussions for the greater good of the sport, this was
right the way through the process. perceived as a positive step forward. RE: We note that WRC uses a sustainable
fuel supplied by P1, and Formula 1 will
While Rally2 cars are still popular and introduce sustainable fuel to its 2026
affordable, current Rally1 cars are not. technical regulations. The torque curve
M-Sport, for example, has only sold one changes also closely resemble what’s
of its Rally1 Fiestas to a customer happening in FIA GT3. Is this part of a wider
FIA strategy, or is this specific to rallying?
DR: I think from a rally point of view,
it’s a logical step. It’s therefore no
coincidence that other motorsports
are following a similar trend.
‘One of the simple things
to help reduce the cost of
aerodynamic development
is a top speed cap’
Andrew Wheatley, FIA rally director
In a further move to keep a lid on costs, top speeds will be limited in 2026, while hydrogen remains on the cards as rallying seeks to remain open minded about future fuel sources
That’s where the promotion of the fundamentally different philosophies; To base the Rally1 regulations on
sport, and communication, comes in. [Rally2] is a customer philosophy, and a standard road ’shell was just not
Hand in glove with the changes to [Rally1] is purely professional. feasible, or at least if it was, it would be
technical, it’s a significant commitment However, it will enable those drivers extraordinarily costly. So, the new concept
from the FIA, to promote the sport more to take one step closer to being able to is an extension of what we have today.
effectively and to review the commercial show their worth. Secondly, it will allow the All the safety work from today’s Rally1
aspects of it to build a better profile. Rally1 category to come down one small cars will carry over to the new version. It
I don’t think anyone can criticise the TV step so drivers can make that transition will be a sort of evolution, if you like.
coverage it gets today. It’s been superb and without full factory support, and all the The proposal is that it’s slightly larger
the promoters are doing an excellent job. But simulation and testing that comes with that. than the current car, which will not only give
their focus has been very much TV centric. increased safety, but make it more relevant to
We intend to broaden that now to make RE: Do you think it’s fair to say people the cars the manufacturers are promoting.
sure we communicate not just to the fan have underestimated the technical The intent is for the FIA to homologate a
base, which the TV tends to do, but to the leap that hybrid has required? set of tooling and have an authorised supplier
broader public and those on the periphery DR: One of the other aspects, of course, sell it, allowing manufacturers, or tuners,
of the WRC. Or those that we’ve lost in is that whereas Malcolm Wilson [M-Sport] anywhere in the world to make the spaceframe.
recent years and need to capture back. used to regularly sell a number of cars to So it’s the tooling that will be standardised.
private competitors, he has so far only
RE: Rally2 cars will be closer to Rally1, sold one of the latest generation cars.
making it easier for those in the secondary The private competitors have all seen the
class to race in the top level of WRC. Was problems of [hybrid], the expense, and
that one of the reasons to drop hybrid? there’s just no demand for these cars.
DR: That’s a good observation. The perception So, the secondary market, those
and the truth, from what I’m told by drivers gentleman drivers who would have turned
who tried to make this transition, is that it’s up at the World Rally Championship and
an extremely difficult step. Andrew has some made up the top 20, just don’t exist anymore.
anecdotal evidence of drivers that have AW: That’s the bit that’s missing right now.
done it and has spoken to them afterwards.
AW: It’s easy if you step into a full factory RE: The idea is for the 2026 Rally1 regulations
team environment, and you’re engaged from to have a common safety cell onto which the
the start with all that application. Where it’s manufacturers can hang their bodywork.
challenging for drivers is trying to step into What is the background to this decision?
that environment. That’s the difficult bit. DR: To be honest with you, that was not the
At the moment, the step between Rally2 original idea. The original thought process,
and Rally1, in terms of performance, is before we researched this properly, was that
relatively small, but in terms of the whole a more powerful Rally2 car would be the
process it’s much more complex. That’s answer. But what became apparent talking
another thing we’re talking about with to the manufacturers was that the cars
this transition to the next set of technical currently competing in Rally2 are reaching TV coverage of rallying, including special made for TV
regulations, to enable those two disciplines the end of their lives. And, in that segment stages, is already excellent, but there are even greater
to come closer together. They won’t of the market, there are no cars going to marketing opportunities out there to be exploited
merge, because that’s impossible as they’re follow behind internal combustion engines.
With those constraints, it should be an the World Rally Championship any time soon?
easy car to build anywhere in the world. DR: One of the great things about the WRC
And it should keep the price down as well. is we must look to engage and embrace all
the new technologies the car manufacturers
RE: You’ve suggested a car cost of €400,000 are looking to promote because that’s how
(approx. £342,300 / US$435,700). How does we’ll encourage them into the championship,
that compare to the current Rally1 cars? whether it’s electric, hydrogen, whatever it
DR: Double that price. might be. We must protect that for the future.
Personally, I think the new car will be But, at the same time, we’ve got to be very
below that figure, looking at comparable cautious that we don’t create an imbalance
GT4 cars, which are about £280,000 (approx. and don’t end up with all the problems that
$356,600). I don’t see these cars being are raised around balancing performance.
much more complicated than that. If there are ways of controlling engine
Now that we’ve set that target, performance, so it’s the same running on
though, we mustn’t let it escalate. hydrogen as on a sustainable fuel, that should
AW: There are a couple of interesting things be taken on board as soon as possible.
here. There is the torque meter on the engine, Liquid-based hydrogen seems to be a
which does restrict the development race. The sensible route forward, and the FIA is doing
manufacturers still want to have the lightest a lot of research into it at the moment, a lot
and most reliable unit they can, but searching of crash protection testing, and I suspect it’ll
for the last 2bhp, that’s the expensive bit. only be a matter of time before that’s feasible.
Also, by reducing the aerodynamics, we Knowing Toyota, and their enthusiasm for
again stop some of the peak development [hydrogen], I suspect they’ll be pushing us to
cost. One of the simple things to help reduce bring that into the world championship.
edis posted the fastest lap of the
season at two UK circuits last year,
Brands Hatch Indy and Silverstone
International. That news will come as
no surprise to many on the British club racing
scene, for this potent little racecar has been
punching above its weight – currently just
350kg – for four decades now.
Remarkably, during that time its design
has not strayed far from the initial concept,
yet it remains fast and relevant, now plying
its trade in its own F1000 championship,
while it also gives Formula 3 cars a run for
their money in Monoposto races.
Wellingborough, Northamptonshire-based
Jedi Racing Cars is owned and run by father
and son, John and Frazer Corbyn, although
John is semi-retired and ‘now only comes in
six days a week,’ jokes Frazer.
John designed and built the first Jedi in
1984, with the help of Roger Grigg, who did
the drawings. It was Frazer, at the time a Star Chassis is of spaceframe construction, making it both strong and cheap to fix. Additional safety measures include anti-intrusion plates
Wars obsessed young lad, who named it.
Initially, there was no intention to sell the One of the clearest signs of the Jedi’s
Hill start car but, with its success on the hills, potential evolution was an early alteration to the frame.
However, to really understand this car and, by customers soon came knocking at the door. ‘The chassis is now deeper, because it was
extension, the company that makes it, you By the late 1990s, when Jedis were also out designed to run 10in wheels originally,’ says
need to look at its story, which did not begin on the circuits, that interest increased John, ‘but we very quickly moved on to 13in,
a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but exponentially, and the little racecars have so we lowered it, which then lowered the
in the sport of hillclimbing. been a staple of UK club racing ever since. driver and the engine, and that was a bonus.’
We’re used to seeing bike-engined racecars Partly to mark the 40th anniversary of the
these days but, in 1984, when the first Jedi original car, ‘Number 1’ is at present being Spaceframe chassis
made its debut with a Suzuki T500 engine, rebuilt at Jedi’s factory, and in its naked More recently, for the Mk6, which represented
they were a rare thing indeed. spaceframe form it is noticeably similar to the one of the biggest performance hikes in the
‘I think the first car wasn’t only right, it was current Mk7 frames sitting alongside it. car’s history, the chassis was altered again, this
also built at the right time,’ says Frazer. ‘There ‘The car has never really chopped and time at the front to allow for a higher nose,
was nothing else like it. Other bike-engine changed too much,’ confirms Frazer. ‘When and we’ll come to why later. However, while
cars had been done, there was the Johnny Number 1 is rebuilt, we’ll stick it next to a there have undoubtedly been changes, there
Walker 4 for example, but this was different. current Mk7, and you’ll immediately see the has never been any thought of moving away
‘This was the first time anybody really shared DNA between the two cars. from a spaceframe, for a multitude of reasons.
successfully used a two-stroke,’ John explains. ‘It’s a bit like the original Lotus 7 and the ‘It’s a tough car,’ says Frazer, ‘and the good
‘And the car was very light. It was the same current Caterham. It’s never really changed thing about a spaceframe is you can repair it
weight as the bike that donated the engine.’ much, it’s just evolved.’ fairly easily. You can also see damage.
Jon Elsey
Bodywork is of a modular design and comes in seven separate pieces. This was a consideration right from the start, again to help keep potential (perhaps inevitable) crash damage costs down
Budget bodywork
There isn’t a huge amount of bodywork on a
Jedi, and what there is is of a modular design,
which is a trend with racecar builders in recent
times, although the British constructor took
this approach from the start.
‘The bodywork is done in sections because
I had a smash at Prescott in a Formula Ford
2000 once and the bodywork was all one
piece, so it cost a lot to fix,’ explains John. ‘So,
when I did this, I thought we’ll have a separate
nosecone, separate cockpit surrounds,
everything separate. That way you don’t have
to replace everything if you do have a shunt.’
That said, the original car was even more
basic in terms of the bodywork, being just a
The race prep shop at Jedi’s Wellingborough base. The cars compete in their own F1000 championship, and also in Monoposto GRP nosecone and aluminium sides.
‘Then, as we started needing more cooling
‘No one will argue against carbon tubs The steel used for most of the spaceframe on the cars, we began putting sidepods and
being the correct direction for the high-end structure is ERW, while the roll hoop and engine covers on,’ says Frazer.
stuff, but there’s a cost with it. Also, can you sidebars are CDS. The chassis is also clad in As far as materials are concerned, Jedi
see the damage? There are lots of second stressed aluminium panels. bodies are still mostly GRP and aluminium.
hand cars out there with carbon tubs, and ‘We’ve made certain modifications to it ‘Again, it’s the big carbon debate,’ notes
sometimes you wonder how many of them over the years,’ admits Frazer. ‘ROPS [the then Frazer. ‘You might ask why don’t we do carbon
have been x-rayed, just to see what has new Roll Over Protection System regulations] wings? And people do ask us that. Well, we
happened to them. was a thing we had to go through a few years can do carbon wings. The problem is that
‘With this car, it’s just the direction we ago, but we got through that and, in the the front wing always gets hit straight away
carried on with. Because the performance was process, had the roll hoop tested at MIRA. in an accident, and aluminium wings are
there, and the safety record was so good, we ‘We wanted to do our own [hoop] because much cheaper to produce, which means it’s
simply never needed to change it.’ we really wanted the car to still look the same. cheaper for the customer.
Jon Elsey
Tubular steel spaceframe; built-in front end crash structure;
removable foot box protection; side impact bars; anti-intrusion plates
Dry sumped Suzuki GSX-R1000 (K8); power: 170bhp at the wheels
Six-speed Suzuki gearbox; chain drive with Quaife ATB LSD
Modular design with seven GRP elements
Adjustable twin-element aluminium front and rear wings; front
splitter and diffuser; rear diffuser
Adjustable rod end suspension with unequal length wishbones;
double adjustable coilover dampers to Jedi specification
AP two-pot calipers front and rear; Ferodo pads
Hoosier slicks and wets
Radiator and oil cooler in sidepods
Dash and datalogging
Carbon dash with choice of instrumentation
Foam moulded seat; FIA-approved, six-point, HANS-friendly harness
with HANS-spec mounting points; two-way, plumbed-in fire
extinguisher system
Engine evolution
Perhaps the biggest changes the car has seen
over the years have come with the
bewildering array of powerplants run in Jedis,
from Yamaha TZ and R1 engines, to Honda
CBR 600s, Fireblade engines and many more. Most Jedis now pack a dry sumped Suzuki GSX-R1000 (K8) motorcycle engine, which produces 170bhp at the wheels
In the beginning, John had to solve the
problems associated with early bike-engine There are also some cars using Yamaha R1 up specifically for a bike engine car,’ says
cars, such as oil surge and poor pick-up, which engines in the F1000 championship, while Frazer. ‘He took a Mini diff’, and that Mini diff’
was sorted easily enough on the original car anything goes in Monoposto. Indeed, one Jedi is used to running in engine oil in a Mini
by fitting a dry sump system. in that championship is competing with a gearbox; it’s part of the engine. So, you have
‘Not only did this cure any problems with BMW S1000RR unit (see RE V34N12). to put a pot on that, and run it so the oil is
the oiling, but also the main problem of sealed within it. The first one he did for the
overheating,’ recalls John. ‘It cured that Shift and diff’ first car was a dog food tin! And that stayed
instantly. We found we could run half the The Suzuki engines are very reliable, though on the car for a season. After that, we had
cooling system, and so we ran with one Frazer says they don’t like to be over-revved proper machined cans.’
radiator instead of two.’ on the downshift, which brings us neatly to The current Jedi uses a Quaife ATB limited
It’s possible to fit more powerful engines the car’s gearbox. This, as with most slip differential, which is ideal in such a light
into a Jedi, including Suzuki’s legendary motorbike-engine racecars, is integrated with car with a relatively powerful engine.
1300cc Hayabusa, but John feels this has a the powerplant and it’s a six-speed sequential ‘It’s just improved everything, and it’s
detrimental effect on the car’s weight unit. Where the Jedi differs from other similar strong as well,’ says Frazer.
distribution, and the extra power does not cars, though, is in its lack of a paddle shift.
necessarily equate to lower lap times. With ‘We have had inquiries asking if we can Simple suspension
this in mind, the most commonly used engine go down the paddle shift route,’ Frazer Those who race Jedis, such as F1000 front
for the spec F1000 championship is the Suzuki acknowledges, ‘and we can do it, there are runner, Dan Gore, have told Racecar they’re
GSX-R1000, which Frazer describes as ‘just systems we know will work. The issue is what great fun to drive, and to slide, which is down
brilliant’, giving around 170bhp at the wheels it does to performance and cost in a to the combination of power, differential and
and revving to 13,500rpm. one-make championship. the relatively light aero, but also the
It remains pretty much factory standard, ‘You can run them on hills, or sprints, suspension. The latter is another area where
too. ‘We dry sump it,’ he says. ‘Then, for even in Monoposto, but in a one-make Jedi got it right first time around.
F1000 it’s a tight rule book, so basically, they’re championship, if putting a paddle shift on Yet, interestingly, when the car first saw
just blueprinted. You can skim the head makes a difference to lap time, then it’ll the light of day in 1984, it was bucking
slightly and you can port them, but you’ve become the thing to have. But not everyone contemporary trends in suspension design
got to have standard crank, rods, pistons and has the same budget, and you have to look by not using inboard coilover dampers. That
valves. You’ve also got to use standard cams, after the whole group. philosophy continues to this day.
but you can put an aftermarket slotted cam ‘If the guys with the money can afford it, ‘We didn’t want to do that,’ says John. ‘We
wheel on the end, just so you can tickle up but there’s a portion of the grid that can’t wanted something really simple. But we do
your timing a little bit.’ afford it, it’s no longer a level playing field.’ have very strong front springs set at a high
F1000 engines are generally put together To transmit the power, Jedis use a angle, so they change rates very quickly…
by specialist engine builders, but the K8 unit superbike O-ring chain, which is easily strong It runs on average about 700lb front springs
most commonly used is becoming a little old enough to last a season or more, chiefly and 250 rears. If you have a soft rear, you get
now. Fortunately, there is a newer alternative because even though it transfers power good traction on the rear, while the front
in the GSX-S engine, which is found in Suzuki’s through relatively wide tyres compared to controls the roll.’
range of sports tourers. a motorbike, it does not need to do so It is possible to go to inboard suspension
‘It’s got different cams in it, different valves through a swinging arm. with a Jedi, but again the constructor has felt
and different pistons,’ notes John, ‘but to get However, it’s with the differential that Jedi no need to do so. The car works as it is, and its
the right power, you just swap all those for the broke new ground all those years ago. entire concept has always been about
K8 bits. As the rest of it is all new, you’re then ‘This was one of the things dad did that straightforwardness. Hence the lack of any
sort of getting a new K8.’ nobody had done at the time, design a diff’ set suspension aids such as anti-roll bars.
Aero package
Helping to get the most from those tyres is a
neat aero package which, while it obviously
has a job to do, is certainly not the be all and
end all with this car.
‘Let’s not pretend this is a full aero car. It’s
not,’ says Frazer. ‘It’s a car that was built for
mechanical grip. It was originally built without
any wings at all but, as the car got quicker, it
needed some aero on it to take over when
required. So, we started putting wings on it.
‘We’ve now got a full floor, a splitter and
diffuser at the front, a diffuser at the back and
Rear aero comprises a centre post, twin-element wing and diffuser, but Jedis are not high downforce cars, which means close racing fully adjustable front and rear wings. It’s still
as simple as it can be though.’
‘This is club racing, and One of the noticeable aero tweaks,
which was originally introduced on the Mk6,
who wants carbon all is the higher nose mentioned earlier, along
over the track, which can with an underslung wing that is also a bit
bigger than on previous cars. It’s a very neat
then go through tyres?’ approach and a good way to gain additional
Frazer Corbyn front downforce on a small car.
Best of all, it has been developed using old
fashioned engineering nous, rather than CFD.
‘You change the front springs if it’s wet,’ As Frazer says, ‘This car has seen none of that.’
says John, matter-of-factly. It’s interesting that in Monoposto, where
There is also adjustment available in the these cars will often nibble at the rear diffusers
unequal length double wishbone suspension. of F3s, it’s the low drag and mechanical grip
‘You can adjust pretty much everything that gives the Jedi its rapid lap times, through
you need to,’ says Frazer. ‘You can adjust your the high straight-line speed that results. The
cambers, toe, caster; the shock absorber is car’s relative lack of downforce also means
adjustable, with separate bump and rebound, Jedis can run close together in F1000, which
and you can also use alternative springs.’ produces some great racing.
Jedis have been used in a number of
Changing rubber one-make, single-seater series over the years,
Jedi has resisted the temptation to go with a paddle gear shift While the suspension concept has been including Formula 600, Formula Honda – with
mechanism to keep costs down in its one-make championship. The proved to work very well over many years, manufacturer support – and Formula Jedi,
gearbox is a stock Suzuki six-speed sequential there has been one fundamental change but around six years ago the company settled
Competitive cost
It’s no surprise the cars are so popular, for
they give phenomenal bang for buck,
reaching 60mph in just three seconds and
being capable of up to 150mph. All this for
around £40,000 (approx. US$51,175) plus tax
for a complete new car. If that’s a bit much for
your pocket, there are plenty of cheaper,
second hand examples around, too.
Running them on a tight budget is also
possible, with some owner / drivers telling Current car has an undercut to work the front wing more efficiently. All aero development is the result of experience, not CFD
Racecar they have completed a season in
Jon Elsey
F1000 for between £10,000 and £12,000
(approx. $12,795-$15,350), while arrive and
drive deals, which are offered by teams and
also by Jedi itself, come in around the £30,000
mark (approx. $38,380).
It’s interesting to note that it costs that
much to race in the Star of Tomorrow Formula
Ford 1600 series in 1984, when the first Jedi
was built, which further points to how
competitive the cost of racing these cars is.
Another popular option is owning the car,
but having it run from and by the factory.
Arrive and drive your own car, if you will.
Because F1000 is a spec championship,
there is little ongoing development of the
current Jedi, and the Corbyns feel this is
another important point.
‘As a manufacturer, the only thing we’re
doing by not bringing out rafts of regular
updates is shooting ourselves in the foot,’
says Frazer, smiling. ‘But we believe that if F1000 grids are healthy, with around 20 cars regularly lining up, thanks to the great performance-to-price ratio.
you buy a second-hand car, or you buy a Jedis can also be raced for around £10,000 a season, yet post some of the fastest lap times in the UK
new car for F1000, or even Monoposto, this
looks after your investment a little bit. You ‘We like to do as much as we can in house, ‘It’s still a quick car, and it’s surviving
know your car is still going to be relevant, if because that way we can regulate what stock
you later want to sell it.’ we hold,’ says Frazer. ‘We’ve always liked to rely in the modern world. There’s also
Jedi, as a company, remains extremely
busy, both with its work organising the
on ourselves.’
something a little bit retro about it,
championship and running cars, as well as Jedi master? and I think people quite like that’
the engineering projects it does for race As for the future, Jedi is aiming to carry on as
Frazer Corbyn
teams and other racecar constructors. it always has, building on the approach that
With such a strong second hand market has served it well for 40 years.
for its products, it doesn’t build as many new ‘I think right now it’s about keeping company, we were hillclimbing into the late
cars these days as it used to, and a lot of the everything as stable as we can for the ’90s, but quite early on dad recognised how
day-to-day work is spares, repairs, customer base,’ Frazer says. ‘We’ve never expensive the arms race in that sport would
maintenance and service work. chopped and changed the design, so I can’t become. Sure enough, there are some very
Sensibly, Jedi has also made the effort to see the point in doing that now. It’s still a high end, bespoke hillclimb cars now that
diversify in recent years, building aerospace- quick car, and it’s surviving in the modern have been developed for that purpose with
spec fuel cells for Shadow Microlight aircraft, world. There’s also something a little bit retro the right budgets behind them.
for example, among other projects. about it, and I think people quite like that. ‘For us to be on a level playing field with
All of this is the work of a small team, just ‘The only way we would maybe change them would take the right customer, with the
five or six heads, including fabricators, Rocky the design would be for the hillclimb side.’ right investment. But, yes, there is some
Botticelli and Frazer himself, plus former Jedi Which raises an interesting question: unfinished business there.’
racer, Murfie Aldridge, and one or two might Jedi consider building an all-new car In the meantime, Jedi will continue to do
part-time employees. Between them, they do specifically for the hills? what it does best, provide blindingly fast,
pretty much everything, except for some of ‘I think in some respects, for dad, there’s affordable racecars based on sound principles
the more specialised CNC work. unfinished business there,’ says Frazer. ‘As a and no-nonsense engineering.
The plan with SuperVan 4.2 is to attack lap records on some of the world’s most demanding circuits. At Mount Panorama in Australia, Romain Dumas re-set the non-race lap record to 1m56.3247s
he first SuperVan, built for Ford by Sriram Pakkam, lead engineer on the
Terry Drury Racing in 1971, was a project at Ford Performance, outlines the
decidedly analogue affair, featuring company’s reasoning.
a tube frame chassis and the engine ‘We’ve got all the NASCAR stuff, sportscars,
and gearbox from a GT40 mounted in the Formula 1, and then you’ve got these EV
load area. It was used as a promotional demonstrators that we’re really pushing.
tool, even lapping the Nürburgring in a If you look at all the other series we’re
respectable nine minutes and 13 seconds, participating in, there are rule sets which
and was a roaring success for the company. vary in how restrictive they are, technically
SuperVan 2 followed in 1984, this time speaking. The point with these demonstrators
with a Cosworth DFL motor, and that was is to take those shackles off and just let
followed up with the SuperVan 3 in the 1990s, physics be your rule set. Go as hard as you
again using Cosworth power, this time an HB. can, until the limit of physics prevents you
Following a near 30-year hiatus, Ford has from going any further.’
upped its efforts to employ demonstration and
prototype cars, both as R&D platforms and Pushing the limits
marketing tools, leading to the return of the This approach has been applied to a range of Ford sees its current range of performance demonstrators as test beds
unhinged Transit concept, SuperVan 4 in 2022. demonstrators Ford has rolled out recently. for pushing various areas of its automotive technology to the limits
Developed in conjunction with STARD, ‘We have eight or nine of them, all
the Austrian-based creator of racing EV pushing in very different directions,’
powertrains, it was based around the recently continues Pakkam. ‘When it comes to
launched E-Transit, pepped up with a quad something like SuperVan 4.2, we’re pushing
electric motor drivetrain putting out a frankly the limits on aerodynamics, on how you
ludicrous (for a delivery van) 2000bhp. load tyres up. I mean, we’re literally running
This was a good starting point, but the out of tyre on this thing.’
company really wanted to make a statement Across these other demonstrators, which
with this evolution of the concept, and only include the Mustang Cobra Jet 1800 electric
the heat of competition could provide that. drag car, an off-road performance version of
But where can you take something that the F-150 Lightning and the Mustang Mach-E
doesn’t fall within any recognised rule set 1400, the company is working on all areas of
and race it? Pikes Peak, of course. vehicle performance, from cell and battery
Enter SuperVan 4.2, which took the pack system development to motor and
underpinnings of version 4, turned inverter technology.
everything up to 11 and took on the best of ‘In some, we play with just pushing Finding suitable tyres for the SuperVan 4.2 project in a very short
the rest at the Race to the Clouds in 2023. off road suspension to the extreme and timeframe tested the engineers at Ford’s partner company, Pirelli
SuperVan 4.2 is the first in a long line of Ford SuperVans to feature an all-carbon fibre body. Aerodynamics have been significantly re-booted from the 4.0 version of 2022 that it is based upon
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Depending on where it is racing, SuperVan 4.2 features either a three or four-motor drivetrain, offering the team a
choice of 1400bhp or 2000bhp. Naturally, at such extreme power levels, the cooling package has its work cut out
The whole powertrain is of modular design, so can easily be tweaked to suit different environments and challenges. EVs are ideally suited to events like Pikes Peak where instant torque
Ford says it’s also very tunable and uses DiL simulators and desktop physics models to validate the project’s aims response and lack of atmospheric effect on the motors pays dividends
between CFD, track and tunnel, so the team putting huge amounts of current through is where the modular nature of SuperVan’s
was happy to go down this route. the contactors and the busbars. If you don’t powertrain pays dividends.
‘We’re fairly confident on that so, once design that right, there’s a very real chance ‘It’s highly tuneable and very modular,
we got the van ready, there was correlation you will literally melt the contactors. and that in many ways is the power of the
work done from the track to CFD. Generally ‘We’re running into very extreme regimes thing,’ asserts Pakkam.
speaking, all the changes we made, like of electrical performance, and you have to An EV powertrain offers a level of flexibility
dropping or raising ride heights, wing angle design your cooling to protect from that.’ it would be impossible to achieve with an
adjustments, they all correlated very well.’ Ensuring everything stays within the right ICE. ‘Modularity is key,’ says Pakkam. ‘Targets
The benefit of working outside of a rule parameters is a balancing act between all the are super important. You need to know what
set also meant the team wasn’t chasing different systems. From an aero perspective, you are aiming to do with the vehicle, and
absolute values, hunting for fractions of a Pakkam notes that while at Pikes Peak the top the only way you can figure that out is by
per cent of downforce or drag. Instead, it just speeds are relatively low, meaning drag is less simulating around either your Driver-in-the-
needed to ensure the aero was consistent. of an issue, the reduction in air density as the Loop simulator or desktop physics models.
‘You just want to know that the change van climbs the mountain impacts cooling. Those tell you roughly what a vehicle is
you’re making is going to respond the way ‘There is less mass flow to the coolers capable of, so we run various scenarios on
you think it is,’ concurs Pakkam. [higher up the track], but this if offset by the each of these things. Max power is almost
Linked to the aero package is the cooling reduction in full throttle compared to running always not the answer.’
system, which, unsurprisingly, has its work cut on a traditional racetrack.’ Being able to switch configurations
out. Pakkam says the heat rejection from the easily makes it simpler to find the right
powertrain in 4.2 is considerably higher than Modular tuning compromise from track to track, but the
it was with SuperVan 4.0. This is just one element of the equation. The impact of changing layouts still needs to be
‘When you’re running our sort of power way the battery cells are tuned, the discharge considered from a whole vehicle performance
level and need robustness, running at rates and a host of other factors are also perspective. For example, swapping from
those levels with wide open throttle, you’re tweaked to suit individual conditions, which three to four motors changes the axle weights.
• Hydraulic power steering racks (prototype and from OEM) • Manual steering racks • Repackaging of electric power steering racks
• Hydraulic pumps • Electro hydraulic pumps (12V and 48V) • Ball joints
The team uses different, driver-controllable maps to get the maximum performance
out of the vehicle. A lower power map was used in the tighter sectors at Bathurst,
for example, where the full 2000bhp on tap would have been overkill
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Control environment
Formula E
In series like Formula E,
energy is like gold.
Managing it effectively
is essential to success
n the high adrenaline world of They comprise three main components: The result was fuel economy and
motorsport, the quest for speed, sensors to measure the physical emissions gains, a smoother running
efficiency, and precision is part of the quantities we want the system to engine and an easier car to drive.
game. At the heart of this pursuit lies the influence; controllers, which run software In this simple example, sensors measure
complex and sophisticated realm of control algorithms and perform the calculations things like airflow into the engine, air
systems – a convergence of mechanical to generate a control output, and and water temperatures, exhaust O2,
innovation, electronic ingenuity and actuators, which achieve a desired result. throttle position and engine speed, and
software sophistication. Today, these systems feed these into a control unit. There, an
are integral to the performance, safety Control evolution adjustment to injector duty is calculated
and competitiveness of racing vehicles. One of the earliest examples of automotive from a look-up-table to alter the duration
The domain of control systems and control systems was electronic fuel injection, of injector spray and keep the engine in
mechatronics is a broad and highly which evolved from the trusty mechanical its optimal region for a given air intake.
developed sub-sector in the world of carburettor assembly into the complex Today, we are in an age where sensor
motorsport. From battery controllers to port injection systems we have today. sophistication, processing power and
chassis systems, drive-by-wire to hybrid Once, the driver would manually operate mechanical components offer such precision
powertrain integration, control systems a choke valve to make basic adjustments to that in a modern combustion engine, dozens
have become pivotal in defining the the air / fuel ratio for different conditions, of control systems manage operation to
capabilities of a modern racecar. such as on a cold start where a rich mixture maximise efficiency and performance
As these systems evolve, they push the is needed, then leaning it out when the throughout the operating range.
boundaries of what is technically possible system is up to operating temperature. Chassis systems have also benefited
and re-shape the very nature of racing. By automating this system, the task was from this technology. ABS controls
Control systems have evolved to allow not only removed from the driver (providing caliper clamping force to maximise
very fine, automated control of mechanical some great marketing material), but finer, deceleration, while traction control ensures
components on modern racecars. more accurate control was possible. wheelspin is controlled at corner exits.
The proliferation of electrified These algorithms make split- between electronics and machine, but
powertrains has initiated a step second decisions on control actions, the one thing all the techniques have in
change in this technology and not only translating complex data into precise common is they all use closed-loop control.
amplified the technical challenges, but actuator responses with the goal of In a closed loop, the response of
opened new avenues of performance minimising lap times and optimising the system environment to a control
optimisation, which, for a motorsport energy management, all whilst staying action is measured and fed back into
engineer, is where the fun resides. within new regulatory boundaries. the system in a correction loop until
In this performance-orientated the desired condition is reached.
environment, the role of sensors, Harder, faster, smarter There are two main approaches with
particularly in the chassis and integrated As we explore this dynamic world control algorithms. They can be reactive
powertrain systems, has evolved from of control systems, we’ll see how and generate a control output based on
mere trackside data collection to becoming cutting-edge software and hardware live observations - examples of this are PID
pivotal in real-time decision making innovations come together to create (Proportional Integral Derivative), State-
processes, providing vital data that feeds not just faster, but smarter racecars. Space or Fuzzy Logic (see box out below).
into sophisticated control algorithms There are many different methods of The second approach, and one which
and informs a wealth of choices. implementing control to bridge the gap is more appropriate to the complexity of
Ferrari uses a central vehicle control unit (VCU) to orchestrate torque and manage energy distribution around the 499P’s many complex, integrated systems, each of which has its own controller
Hybrids in LMH and LMDh blend torque from ICE and e-motor, and regen’ using a torque guided approach which enables all the onboard systems to commmunicate using a common language
The driver has not been entirely forgotten in the modern racecar. If regulations allow, they are able to alter torque curves, the way the throttle pedal requests torque and adjust axle torque split
562-945-7578 79 ANNIVERSARY
Bosch Motorsport
stiffen or soften the front and rear [anti-]
roll bars on the car,’ explains Cannizzo.
‘On the chassis side, with the TC system,
we give the driver the ability to set up when
to start controlling or cutting traction in
the corner. They can also adjust the level or
intensity of the torque cut and how long the
cut will last, down to the specific corner.’
Comms network
With the VCU taking information from
all these sensors and exchanging large
quantities of data between all the
component controllers to achieve this, a
strong, robust communication network is
required. A combination of CAN (Controller
Area Network) and ethernet lines is the best
solution for this in a racecar environment.
CAN communication is robust, reliable
and well suited to electronically noisy
environments like motorsport, with low
latency and, importantly, the ability to An example of one of the many electronic controllers featuring on today’s high-tech racecars
provide consistency in timing of data packets.
CAN allows multiple devices to be linked We had closed-loop control based on If your algorithms are more
in a ‘daisy chain’ arrangement, which reduces these signals, synchronised to be able to
wiring complexity and weight. correct for the next combustion cycle.’ precise, and your systems are
For applications requiring very high data For a V10 turning at 19,000rpm, that’s better integrated, there are clear
rates, ethernet lines are more suited. a combustion event every 0.63ms.
‘We have around 10 major ECUs in the Just operating these systems coherently performance gains to be had
car, and many more smart components,’ is one thing. Doing it better than your
notes Cannizzo. ‘In total, we have around a competitors is an edge. In short, if your
dozen CAN communication lines in the car.’ algorithms are more precise, and your This allows controllers to be provided
That’s a lot of computing power and a systems are better integrated, there are with artificial sensor inputs to
lot of data bandwidth. To obtain the best clear performance gains to be had. test how the system reacts.
solution, some specialised integrated circuits In fact, the entire system can be
are employed in the form of FPGA (Field Lucrative field built and run in a HiL simulation, but
Programmable Gate Array) semiconductors. Development of controls technology in an environment this complex and
FPGAs have architecture that can be is also an area not currently closed dynamic, it’s more feasible to test
configured specifically for the type of down by regulations, so investing time individual systems or components.
computing they will be doing, meaning and resources in it can be lucrative. Because of this, the objective with HiL
they excel at parallel processing, allowing Ferrari’s LMH programme, for example, testing isn’t so much performance
them to perform multitudes of operations has a controls team of 10 full-time engineers, development but functionality and
simultaneously. This sets them apart from while the VCU and control software, as well error proofing to ensure the system can
the microprocessors we find in our home as most of the major hardware controllers resume after a fault, for example.
electronics, which have a fixed, generalised for components such as the battery and Again, the CAN system is very effective,
architecture and compute tasks in series. electric motor, are developed in house. but can also be fragile in certain ways.
With such precise and dynamic control OEMs and teams can also, in the case Some of the controllers share lines so,
requirements, the timing and integrity of Bosch Motorsport’s experience, hand if one of the controllers on the line sends
of messages is crucial, which is another it over to the system supplier, and some a delayed message, or sends a message
area where FPGAs shine. Any hesitancy clients opt to have them design the software with an incorrect ID, it can commonly
or mistimed messages can bring the control as well as supply the hardware. disturb the whole system.
whole system to an abrupt halt. ‘We are using a MATLAB / Simulink Losing communication in a motorsport
The key phrase here is ‘real-time’ environment to develop our control situation, with critical systems such
processing, which FPGA achieves by structures using a model-based approach,’ as torque control or battery isolation
synchronising the clock cycles of each notes Parvaud. ‘It allows us a common monitoring, can mean the end of a race.
controller in the network. In a well designed language with which to exchange
system, the timing of each sent and received ideas and cooperate. We can also System verification
message is consistent and reliable. simulate the whole system with this.’ ‘You need to test a number of scenarios
‘An interesting anecdote on this kind When the software models are created, and understand that you can get back
of system is in Formula 1,’ says Parvaud. real-world verification is initially tasked to to normal operation,’ concurs Kloess.
‘In the past, we had cylinder pressure HiL (Hardware-in-Loop) testing, which ‘If the system develops a fault, you
sensors and we had a device allowing allows the real hardware to be connected to need some code in place to exit the
real-time analysis of the cylinder pressure a simulation environment that replicates fault and resume normal operation
signals for each combustion cycle. the operational context of the system. without resorting to a reset.’
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‘On some of our printers, there are over Excess powder is removed after the resulting in the highest resolution of
350 parameter sets just to make filament printing process is complete, the build plate 3D printed parts available.
come out of a nozzle accurately and reliably.’ drops and the re-coater applies a new layer of In the case of DLP, the surface quality
There is a plethora of 3D printing powder on top. This process repeats until the achieved is comparable to injection
technologies on the market today, but entire geometry of the part is printed. moulding. UV lasers, DLP projectors or injet
typically they fall into three main categories: PBF can be used for printing polymers nozzles draw the cross section of the part,
powder-based, liquid-based and filament- such as in Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and selectively curing the liquid. Once a layer
based. Each has its own variety of associated SAF (Selective Absorption Fusion), as well as is complete, the build plate moves and the
processes, depending on the type of material metals in Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS). printer cures the next layer of resin to the part.
and printer that is being used. Filament-based printers, on the other
In motorsport, the predominant powder- Highest resolution hand, such as Fused Deposition Modelling
based process is Powder Bed Fusion (PBF). Instead of powder, resin-based technologies, (FDM) extrude a thermoplastic filament
This is where a roller, or blade, applies a thin such as Stereolithography (SLA), Digital through a nozzle, which deposits thin
layer of powder over a build plate. Lasers, or Light Processing (DLP) and Polyjet use a strands along predefined paths onto the
other radiant heat sources, above then melt vat or injet heads filled with photosensitive build plate. The filament then solidifies as
the powder particles according to the cross resin to print plastic components. The build it cools and the build plate drops, ready
section of that layer of the part. plate is moved precisely in very thin layers, for the next layer to be applied.
the best printed part comes down to a
process of elimination,’ says Kreemer. ‘You
first have to ask yourself, what does victory
look like for the part? Once the customer
has defined the mechanical loading, heat
deflection or chemical exposure required,
that often eliminates a number of processes
and materials right at the start.
‘Typically, we find that production parts
on racecars such as body panels, ducts and
brackets are best suited for FDM, while
engine components are best for DMLS and
scale model aerodynamic test parts are best
done using SLA.
‘On average, the thickness of layers FDM
can print in ranges between 127 to 500
microns, whereas SLA, DMLS and SLS can
print layers as thin as 100 microns and Polyjet
and DLP even thinner at 14-20 microns.’
Orientation day
The first stage of making a part ready for 3D
printing is to orientate it in a way that gives
the printer the best chance of building a part
that accurately represents the original design.
‘Certain orientations will give you a much
better representation of the CAD model
without having to resort to post processing
after the part has been printed,’ explains
Colin Blain, Advanced Applications Engineer
at 3D Systems.
‘It’s similar to the contours on a map.
Instead of printing shallow gradients with
large gaps between the edges of the layers,
you ideally want to orientate the part so the
layers have high gradients, making the edges
of the layers as vertical as possible.
‘For example, if we wanted to print a
tube, orientating this horizontally means you
would have to section those curves into flat
planar, 2D cross sections. Even if the layers are McLaren uses Stratasys SLA 3D printers to make wind tunnel F1 parts, allowing it to go from CAD to printed part in three to four days
extremely thin, the layering or ‘stair stepping’
will be far more pronounced where the
3D Systems
use environment of the part and achieving a The orientation of the part on the right has been optimised, requiring
high quality surface finish,’ says Kreemer. fewer support structures, less post processing and cleaner surfaces
Support act
Once the orientation has been decided, the
next question is whether the part requires
any supporting structures, either internally
or externally. A general rule of thumb in
DfAM is that any feature with an overhang
angle below 45 degrees to the z axis is
self-supporting, otherwise some kind of
assistance is required.
This is particularly relevant in FDM, where
layers are applied on top of each other. If the
layer on top is at an angle greater than 45
degrees, it will overhang the layer beneath
by more than 50 per cent, causing the top
layer to droop because it cannot support itself
during the manufacturing process.
Powder-based technologies such as SLS,
on the other hand, require no assistance as
the surrounding powder bed supports the
entire geometry, including any overhangs.
The precise geometry of these supports
can be defined by intuitive software.
‘Our software generates support
structures autonomously based on a
predefined minimum angle of the surfaces
of the part,’ explains Blain. ‘The software
also looks out for any down-facing features
that come into play during the print. Any
features that hang past horizontal, when
Penske’s brake caliper ducts are 3D printed on Stratasys’ Neo800 machine sliced into 2D cross sections, will form islands
that are initially disconnected from the main
‘On average, the thickness of layers FDM can print in geometry, so we have to provide support
structures for those, too.
ranges between 127 to 500 microns, whereas SLA, ‘We can also design these supports to
be multifunctional,’ continues Blain. ‘Often,
DMLS and SLS can print layers as thin as 100 microns we will have some sacrificial geometry that
and Polyjet and DLP even thinner at 14-20 microns’ serves as a support structure, as well as a
means of holding the component during
Allen Kreemer, principal applications engineer at Stratasys post processing and handling further
downstream – similar to the tabs in an Airfix
FDM printers from Stratasys include a multi-solid import function, which automatically generates internal lattice or honeycomb support structures
Whether it is filament,
Conflux Technology
powder or resin, each material
needs to be applied within a
precise temperature range
to ensure effective adhesion
between the layers
T: +44(0)1234 391894
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Deep sub-zero processing 3DDC Ltd, Unit 4B, Hurst End Farm, North Crawley, Bucks, MK16 9HS
printer was over a long period
of time and I’d say we’re 40
to 60 per cent of the way
there with 3D printing’
Allen Kreemer
thermal behaviour, while its powder-based
SAF (Selective Absorption Fusion) technology
combines an infrared camera and heaters
to continuously monitor and adjust the
temperature of the active print layer.
‘Controlling the temperature to within a
tight range is really critical for geometrical
accuracy and adhesion between layers,’
explains Kreemer. ‘Our SAF printers use an
infrared camera and over a dozen ceramic
heaters in the hood assembly that sits above
the active build layer. This technology jets
out an infrared absorption fluid onto the
powder bed, which is then exposed to
infrared energy, fusing the layers together. So
we know what the cross section of each layer
looks like before it is fused and, by monitoring The LED lenses on the Acura ARX-05 DPi sportscars were 3D printed from 2018 to 2020. Originally, these were made of
the temperature distribution, we can see if an cast polycarbonate, but 3D printing accelerated lead times from several weeks to just eight days
area is getting too hot. If that occurs, we turn
that heater down. If an area is becoming too ‘However, a lot of the more complex parts ‘That tribal knowledge of tuning hundreds
cold, we turn that heater up. for motorsport don’t lend themselves to of parameters in the development lab is slow
‘Each layer takes around 12 seconds, so that and do require some human expertise,’ and tedious,’ notes Kreemer. ‘It’s a necessary
this temperature control needs to have a very continues Blain. ‘The big shift has been in data evil, but I don’t feel it’s a value add for the
fast response. By keeping the temperature quality and reliability, as well as the quality of customer to be aware of this effort because,
tightly controlled we can achieve nearly the STL files from CAD, which has improved at the end of the day, they just want to hit
isotropic material properties that are greatly over the last 20 years, so the support print and produce a high-quality part.
comparable to injection moulding. It also generation is now much more accurate.’ ‘So, that’s a big area of opportunity for
helps guarantee accuracy and repeatability.’ ‘If you think back to the old dot matrix machine learning. Parts could be put through
2D printers in the late 1980s, users had to high-resolution photogrammetry and the
Simulated future set margins, indents and all sorts of printing algorithms could analyse the geometry,
With simulation already automating some of parameters just to get a sheet of paper to surface finish and automatically tweak the
the stages of transforming a CAD model into come out of the printer,’ recalls Kreemer. ‘Now, parameters to improve it.’
a 3D-printed part, you might be wondering you can hit print on your iPhone and print any The orientation of a part could also be
how long it will be before simulation can take document on whatever printer you want. another process that would benefit from AI.
care of the entire process. ‘The evolution of the 2D printer was over a ‘That’s where I think AI could play a huge
‘In terms of pressing a button and long period of time and I’d say we’re 40 to 60 part,’ says Blain. ‘We’re not far away from
printing, we are kind of already there,’ says per cent of the way there with 3D printing.’ loading a CAD file and automatically printing
Blain. ‘We are already using numerous pieces The big opportunities for simulation in 3D it, but fundamental to that is the initial part
of software for generating supports and printing lie in utilising AI to automate data orientation because that has the biggest
dividing the part into layers. In fact, for some processing. The algorithms underpinning AI influence on the quality of the final part.
other applications, such as for the dental and machine learning are ideal for iterating ‘AI could help define optimum orientation,
industry, the data is loaded in and the parts through large volumes of data to converge on which might not necessarily be the quickest
are orientated, supported and sent to a an optimised result, and this could accelerate print, but the best for quality, whilst at the
printer without any human intervention at all. the task of tuning printing parameters. same time helping maximise production.’
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Spreading disease
Why motorsport must stop the insanity of ever-tighter technical regulations
F3000 in 1991, when the rule book was open and the racing grids were full. Despite what some now cite as the problems with open technical regulations, back then teams could afford to race
ne of the great paradoxes of fact, if not addressed, there is a very real which started with F3000 in 1996, and then
motor racing is for something chance they will kill the sport completely. spread to most major open-wheel series in
that professes to be a technical This is what we’ll be discussing in this article. the decade and a half that followed.
sport, it has the most Jekyll and So, how did all this work out?
Hyde relationship with technology of any Tipping point In IndyCar’s golden era of CART and
area of engineering I have encountered. The reason we are in this mess is that as Champ Car, Penske and Chip Ganassi Racing
A few classic examples are Balance of costs were climbing in the late 1980s to ruled the roost. That said, there were a lot of
Performance, which in recent years has got mid-’90s, motorsport regulatory bodies other good operations that kept them on
its tentacles into just about all forms of the started panicking. The tipping point was their toes. Fast forward the tape to now and
sport, the dominance of single spec (or near when the Williams Formula 1 team fielded it’s largely Penske and Ganassi again at the
single spec) formulae and regulatory bodies a combination of effective active top of the championship’s spec incarnation.
mandating competitors must run x brand suspension and a works engine. The FIA Formula 2 is another case in point. In
of spring, damper or data system. resident techno hysteria in motorsport 1995, the last season of the free technical
Add to this the second there is a immediately went into overdrive and the era of F3000, the operating budget per car
processional race, the commentators FIA promptly banned active suspension and was about £600,000 (approx. US$770,000).
wheeling out the familiar punching bags of traction control for the 1994 F1 season. Today, the operating budget of
aero and technology spoiling the show. Not The other thing that emerged around a typical Formula 2 team is in the order of
only do comments like this have no basis: in that time was the concept of spec formulae, two to four million pounds.
A budget cap will address this somewhat, but it won’t account for
technical infrastructure that is already invested
74 www.racecar-engineering.com MAY 2024
Fig 1: Reward vs cost / time curve
An unintended consequence of all this from one to two brings just a 15 per cent active suspension, and is one of the
is the ladder that teams previously used increase in performance. What is shown sharpest minds I’ve come across in this
to move up into Formula 1 is now here is a tanh curve, but that is pretty much business). He made the point that when
completely shattered. The evolution of standard engineering knowledge. you tighten regulations, you always end
Jordan Racing into Jordan Grand Prix, that up spending more money.
would then eventually morph into Aston Cold facts
Martin Racing is most instructive here. There are some rather stark examples that Arms race
Eddie Jordan’s team started competing represent the first part of the curve. Firstly, The reason for this is shown by the second
in F3 in the early 1980s, and then moved to let’s wind the clocks back to the later stages part of the curve in figure 1. Far from
F3000 before entering F1 in 1991. The team of the Cold War. The Soviet Union Fulcrum cutting costs, all that happens is the teams
experienced quite a few bumps along the and Flanker family of jets had a fraction of that have more money, and better technical
way, but it showed it could be done. the development budget of their western infrastructure, spend more trying to figure
‘teen’ counterparts (namely F-14, F-15, F-16 out how to make a wing flex 2mm to pass
Series disconnect and F-18), yet their aero propulsive an FIA test, yet deflect 4mm on track. And
Even as late as 1995, the things that performance was near identical. so the arms race begins.
separated an F3000 car from an F1 car were The reason was very simple. The Flanker A budget cap will address this somewhat,
the engine, the lack of carbon-carbon and Fulcrum were well developed where but it won’t account for technical
brakes and details of the aero. Now, FIA they needed to be, but the back of the jet infrastructure that is already invested.
F2 and F1 are so disconnected, the only looked like a dog’s breakfast. Little wonder team principals like
things they have in common are they are A more motor racing relevant case is the Guenther Steiner have given us such a
both open wheelers that run downforce cockpit X-wings that appeared on the Tyrrell colourful demonstration of the English
with CLA values of more then 3.5 and they 025 F1 car in 1997. Everyone looked at them language, because in this environment they
have DRS. Consequently, the jump for and said, ‘What the?!’ yet it allowed a dying are taking a water pistol to a gun fight.
aspiring F2 teams wanting to do F1 is Formula 1 team a decent shot at getting To further illustrate the situation, let’s
now virtually impossible. back into the mix. Then, of course, the FIA, review the validity, or lack of, introducing
Need further proof? Let’s put some in its infinite wisdom, banned them. spec dampers us engineers cannot touch.
figures to the idea that tightening technical The second part of the curve is where In last year’s ChassisSim bootcamps, I
regs is a bad idea with a cost / return / the big formulae are right now. gave the students a demonstration of how
development curve, as shown in figure 1. I remember spending some time with to use the shaker rig toolbox, a virtual
This makes for sobering reading. To go Dave Williams on the Multimatic rig in equivalent of the shaker rigs you see at
from zero to one on the time / cost axis nets Thetford in the UK in mid-2008 (for the facilities like Sauber and Multimatic.
you 80 per cent of the reward. But to then go uninitiated, Dave was the father of Lotus’ F1 Some of the results are shown in table 1.
There are options here, and for a team running in any of the mid-
level formulae, these sorts of costs are not a deal breaker
EVENTS - a comprehensive OPPORTUNITES - seeks out SUPPORT - provides a range PROMOTION – actively
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78 www.racecar-engineering.com MAY 2024
Enjoy 3 months free
its 2026 Formula 1 entry.
Andreas Seidl will be Audi F1
Team CEO, while Audi technical
chief, Oliver Hoffmann, will
become head of the Sauber
board and Audi Formula
Racing’s shareholder committee.
The FIA is putting
most of its focus
Lamborghini announced the
sudden exit of its motorsport on hydrogen
director, Giorgio Sanna, in stored in liquid
March. Sanna had been at the form as it aims to
helm of the Italian marque’s develop more
racing activities since 2015, sustainable racing
overseeing its growth in
GT3 and its prototype debut
with the SC63 LMDh.
Lamborghini’s chief technical
officer, Rouven Mohr, has
All-new technical triumvirate at Alpine
stepped into the directorial
Alpine has re-structured its ‘We have decided to make these
Polish team, Inter Europol, won the LMP2 class at Le Mans last year and was one outfit that used the option of shorter ratios in the race. For this year’s competition, all cars will have to run with the same ratios
To be or not to be?
Andrew Cotton @RacecarEd
The ongoing case for, and against, hybrids in motorsport
Email andrew.cotton@chelseamagazines.com
Deputy editor he recommendation by the FIA to drop hybrids WRC cars of the future will be lighter in weight, easier
Daniel Lloyd @RacecarEngineer
Email daniel.lloyd@chelseamagazines.com from the World Rally Championship in the middle to build, safer and just as fun to watch. They will also
Sub editor
Mike Pye
of a rule cycle is a strange one but, at the same carry good credentials for the environment, with less
Art editor time, long term one that can be understood. complication and producing less CO2 per kilometre than
Barbara Stanley
On the face of it, the teams have been busy managing cars of even five years ago, thanks to the sustainable fuel
Technical consultant
Peter Wright the technology in competition, the FIA has mastered the that will be used to power them.
Christian Menath, Lawrence Butcher,
safety aspects and the manufacturers have what they While the WRC long-term planning department put all
Mike Breslin, Jahee Campbell-Brennan, wanted: a car that carries similar badging to their products this into place, the British Touring Car Championship’s boss
Gemma Hatton, Danny Nowlan, Peter Wright
Photography sold on the road. But not the same technology, of course. Alan Gow stated in an interview with Autosport that his
James Moy, Jack Shanlin, What’s needed in competition bears little resemblance series would not be changing its position on hybrids within
Chris Green Photography
Group sales director Catherine Chapman to what’s needed on the run to the shops, but at least the the current rule cycle. That caveat does leave the door open
Head of sales operations Greg Witham manufacturers involved can claim they race what they sell. to drop hybrid systems in the future if necessary.
Advertising manager Doug Howard
Tel +44 (0) 20 7349 3796; +44 (0) 7743 192 575 However, the decision is worth more than that. It needs
Email doug.howard@chelseamagazines.com
Marketing executive Bret Weekes
to be as there are contracts in place with the supplier, and Masters of technology
Email bret.weekes@chelseamagazines.com the manufacturers who based their costs on developing As for the drivers, they are quite capable of driving the
Publisher Simon Temlett hybrid over four years, not two, and now will have to hybrid cars to their limit, and across the sport it seems
Managing director James Dobson
Editorial and advertising optimise their cars without the electric energy. It remains they are quickly able to understand what they are doing. It
Racecar Engineering, Chelsea Magazine
Company, 111 Buckingham Palace Road,
to be seen how they react and took F1 teams years to master the
London, SW1 0DT Tel +44 (0) 20 7349 3700
Tel: +44 (0)1858 438443
whether or not they accept the
FIA’s recommendations. With
What’s needed in technology, even with their huge
budgets, while it has taken sportscar
competition bears
Email: racecarengineering@subscription.co.uk
Online: www.subscription.co.uk/chelsea/help
only Ford, Toyota and Hyundai teams longer still. They are now
Post: Racecar Engineering, Subscriptions competing in the top Rally1 there, helped by simulators. If teams
Department, Sovereign Park, Lathkill St,
Market Harborough, Leicestershire,
United Kingdom, LE16 9EF
Subscription rates
class, there needs to be a closer
association with the Rally2 cars, little resemblance had to rely on track running only,
they may well have had a problem.
drivers, and teams.
to what’s needed on That’s why a driver like Oliver
UK (12 issues) £84
Europe (12 issues) £100/€120
ROW (12 issues) £120/USD$165 The FIA has an eye on the Bearman was able to step up to
Citroëns, Skodas and Volkswagens Ferrari’s F1 car in Jeddah. He is used
Did you know you can manage
your subscription online?
that compete in Rally2. The hybrid the run to the shops to driving hybrids on the simulator
Oversee your print and digital subscriptions
systems took the Rally1 cars too and, despite only limited real world
online today simply by signing up at far away from the other categories and so dropping it track testing, delivered a point-scoring debut which was as
Stay up to date with the latest issues, update
makes sense. The question is what now happens to Rally2? much a testament to the virtual world as to his maturity.
your personal details, and even renew your
subscription with just a click of a button.
The cars are popular: Toyota recently launched a new GR On a side-note, Formula 1 will have to be careful when it
Yaris for the class, M-Sport has sold hundreds of Fords goes to a more powerful hybrid system in 2026. Once that
Back Issues
www.chelseamagazines.com/shop and Hyundai has sold 90 units of its i20 N models. Will a technology is mastered, and reliability rates are as high as
News distribution silhouette Rally2 car be as popular as the current one? they currently are, there will still need to be a marketing
Seymour International Ltd,
2 East Poultry Avenue, London EC1A 9PT case for this expensive technology, and we can then all
Tel +44 (0) 20 7429 4000
Fax +44 (0) 20 7429 4001 Majority decision focus on that, rather than WhatsApp messages. At the
Email info@seymour.co.uk
Hybridisation of Rally1 also threatened the customer racing moment the technology is reliable. It’s rare to have a hybrid
Racecar Engineering (ISSN No: 0961-1096,
USPS No: 463) is published monthly by departments, which have relied instead on Rally2 sales. As or battery failure, and we are more focused on power
The Chelsea Magazine Company Limited, and
distributed in the USA by Asendia USA,
we have written in previous articles, the hybrid system was games of the boardroom variety than on track.
701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft PA. POSTMASTER: send not yet perfect and teams have had to find work arounds. That said, during a discussion around the benefit of
address changes to Racecar Engineering,
701 Ashland Ave, Folcroft, PA. 19032. Losing it is therefore probably a welcome decision hybrid systems to the LMDh cars that compete in the WEC
Printed by William Gibbons for those that are running the system in competition. For and IMSA, there was a slight hesitation from one of the
Printed in England
ISSN No 0961-1096 the manufacturers, though, it’s a different story. As David engineers. ‘Why don’t you highlight the efficiency of these
USPS No 007-969
Richards points out on p32, the decision to drop hybrids cars compared to the old DPi cars that raced in IMSA from
was not unanimous, but was agreed by the majority. 2017 to 2022?’ I asked. ‘There isn’t a benefit,’ came the reply.
Such a major technical regulation change during a rules ‘The cars are heavier, faster and less fuel efficient. The fuel
cycle is never going to be universally popular. Hyundai, for that goes into them is better for the environment, but they
example, stated that it needs to ‘conduct a deep dive into drink plenty of it.’ Clearly, there’s still work to do.
our short and mid-term plans’ after initially setting up its
programme around a long-term hybrid investment. ANDREW COTTON Editor
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