Class Xi Biology Annual Exam 2017 18

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Regional Office Varanasi

Session Ending Exam 2017-18
Time: 3 Hrs. Class-XI Max Marks: 70
Subject - Biology

(i) All Questions are compulsory
(ii) This question paper consists of five sections. Section A
contains 5 questions of one mark each, Section B contains 5
questions of two marks each, Section C contains 12
Questions of three marks each, Section D contains 1 value
based Question of four marks and section E contains 3
questions of five marks each.
(iii) There is no overall choice, However an internal choice has
been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3
marks and all three questions of 5 marks weightage. A
student has attempt only one of the alternatives in such
(iv) Attempt all questions serially only.

1. Which organ in the human body produces sound?
2. Plant Cuttings are dipped in a Solution and then placed in
necessary beds to fasten the rooting. What we use to initiate
rooting in plants?

3. Given below is the scientific name of Mango. Identify and

rewrite the correctly written name
(a) Mangifera Indica
(b) Mangifera indica
4. Give scientific term for the multicellular, free living, thalloid,
photosynthetic gametophyte of Pteridophyte.
5. Which tissue stores fat in humans ?

6. (a) Who proposed Binomial nomenclature?
(b) Give scientific name of a living fossil.
7. What is the edible part in following fruits?
(a) Mango
(b) Coconut
8. (a) Define R.Q.
(b) What is its value for Carbohydrates?
9. What is the full form of the following -
(a) ATP
(b) NADP
Name two types of cells which lack nucleus.
10. What is the primary CO2 acceptor in the following
(Write in Full)
(a) C3 cycle
(b) C4 cycle


11. With which organism would you associated the following.

Mention function of each
(a) Mantle (b) Setae (c) Flame cell
12. Draw a well labelled neat diagram of Mitochondria upto its
unit structure as seen under electron microscope.
13. (a) What are pneumatophores?
(b) What is its function?
(c) Give scientific name of a plant having phoumatophore
Which part of the plant is modified into the following -
(a) Haustoria in Cuscuta
(b) Tendrils in pumpkin
(c) Pitcher in pitcher plant
14. What are the various cellular components of the blood. Write
one main function of each.

15. Observe the given diagram carefully and answer the


o o o o o o o o
o o o o o oo
o o o o o o oo Solute molecules
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o
Semi permeable membrane
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o
o o o o


(a) Solution of which chamber has higher solute Potential?

(b) In which direction will osmosis occur?

(c) At equilibrium which chamber will have lower water

16. Deficiency of which specific element causes the following
symptoms in plants?
(a) Death of stem and root apices
(b) Yellowish edges appear in leaves
(c) Mottle leaf or little leaf in the plants
17. Complete the pathway of water absorption in roots -
Root hairs A? Hypodermis Cortex

C? Stele B? Endodermis

18. (a) Which gland in humans act as both endocrine and exocrine?
(b) Which harmones are secreted by alpha and beta cells of this
19. Which plant growth regulators would you use if you are
asked to -
(a) Quickly ripen a fruit
(b) Delay leaf senescence
(c) Induce immediate stomatal closure in leaves
20. Draw a well labelled neat diagram of a neuron.
21. Complete the equations with appropriate enzymes that bring
the required changes in the following -
(a) Tripsinogen A? Tripsin
(b) Caesin B? Paracasein + Whey Protein
(c) Triglycerides C? Fatty acids + Glycerol
22. Which types of joints present in the following
(a) Between Humerus and Pectoral girdle
(b) Knee joint

(c) Between carpal and metacarpal of thumb

23. Nisha tried to find out different wild plants to make
herbarium sheets for her school assignment. She was
amazed that there are many plants having different coloured
leaves and flowers. Next day in school she asked her teacher
about different types of pigments and their role in plant life.
(a) Why some plant parts are colourless?
(b) What is Chromoplast?
(c) Which pigment form food in plants?
(d) What values are shown by Nisha?

24.(a) With the help of neat schematic diagrams explain the light
dependent steps of Photosynthesis.
(b) How many turns of Calvin cycle is required to produce one
molecule of hexose
With the help of neat schematic diagrams briefly explain the
various steps involved in complete oxidation of one molecule
of hexose.
(b) What is the net gain of ATP in this process?
25. A plant X has 2n = 4 Chromosomes. With the help of well
labelled neat diagrams explain the various stages of Prophase
I of Meiosis I in this plant.
(a) Who proposed fluid Mosaid Model of plasma membrane

(b) With the help of well labelled neat diagram explain the
structure and function of Plasma membrane as it stands
26.(a) Draw a well labelled neat diagram of V.S. of heart showing
course of circulation in it.
(b) Give a brief account of the cardiac cycle.
(a) Draw a well labelled neat diagram of a nephron showing
blood vesells, ducts and tubules
(b) Give a brief account of the counter current mechanism?

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