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Giving Peace a Chance:

Performance of Katarungang Pambarangay in Settling Disputes and Its

Impacts to the Community of Barangay Dugayung, Amulung, Cagayan

Chapter I



The Katarungang Pambarangay or Barangay Justice System is a

community-based dispute settlement mechanism that is administered by
the basic political unit of the country, the barangay. As a community-
based mechanism for dispute resolution, it covers disputes between
members of the same community (generally, same city/municipality) and
involves the Punong Barangay and other members of the communities (the
Lupon members) as intermediaries (mediators, conciliators, and,
sometimes, arbitrators).

The establishment and operation of the Barangay Justice System is

mandated by Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of
1991. Prior to this law, however, the establishment of the Barangay
Justice System had been covered by Presidential Decree 1508 in 1978
and Batas Pambansa Blg. 337 or the 1983 Local Government Code.

These same objectives are stated in the Katarungang Pambarangay

Rules that were promulgated by the Department of Justice on June 1,
1992, pursuant to the mandate of the Local Government Code. These
rules serve as the implementing rules for the provisions of the Local
Government Code on the establishment, administration, and operation of
the Barangay Justice System.

Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the 1991 Local Government

Code, gives barangays the mandate to enforce peace and order and
provide support for the effective enforcement of human rights and
justice. Decentralization has facilitated the recognition of the
Katarungang Pambarangay or Barangay Justice System as an alternative
venue for the resolution of disputes. The challenge facing local
governments now is to maximize and harness the katarungang pambarangay
as one of the most valuable mechanisms available in administering
justice, advancing human rights protection and resolving and/or
mediating conflict at the barangay level through non-adversarial

Under the Barangay Justice System, the main strategy for settling
disputes is to provide a venue for the disputing parties to search for
a solution that is mutually acceptable. Hence, the primary role of the
system is not to decide disputes and impose a solution on the parties
but to assist the parties in discussing the possible amicable
Settlement of their disputes. The Punong Barangay and the community
conciliators (Lupon members) do not act as judges or adjudicators of
disputes but as facilitators for the disputing parties’ discussion of
possible solutions. For this reason, the personal appearance and
participation of the disputing parties is necessary, while the non-
appearance of the parties will have corresponding sanctions. Also
because of the need for the disputing parties’ personal participation
in the conciliation proceedings, disputes involving non-natural
persons like corporations are not subject to the conciliation
proceedings of the Barangay Justice System.

Meanwhile, Republic Act No. 9285 or the Alternative Dispute

Resolution Act of 2004 enacted by the Philippine Congress declares as
a policy of the State to actively promote party autonomy in the
resolution of disputes or the freedom of the parties to make their own
arrangements to resolve their disputes (Sidiq & Hariyanto, 2019). It
empowers the barangays to maintain peace and order and supports the
effective enforcement of human rights and justice (Habiatan, 2019).

Currently, all of us are facing a worldwide outbreak of COVID19

pandemic disease which affects all government agencies and have a
great contribution to helping each other overcome this infectious
disease even Barangay has its own way of dealing with this kind of
problem (Torneo et al., 2020). Katarungan pambarangay is an
instrumental mechanism for building rural peace in a community; it was
established as a means to notify courts of cases filed there. It is
also a centuries-old tradition of resolving disputes between family
and barangay members amicably at the barangay level without resorting
to judicial resources (Guia & Mangubat, 2021).

Conflicts are resolved when destructive behavior is reduced and

hostile attitudes are reduced. Therefore, dispute management can be
directed towards dispute resolution. Alternatively, you can turn to
achieve more complex but lasting consequences of dispute resolution
(Bercovitch, 2019). Disputes among communities are necessarily part of
human conditions. The court’s role was to settle disputes concerning
the two opposing parties’ rights and interests, suitability, and

A better procedure for peaceful dispute resolution in the

community through the barangay justice system is a breakthrough in the
provision of judicial services in the community (Pagandian & Pasule,
2019). People who have handled cases in the past have indicated that
they are not interested in submitting the records or documents of the
case process and resolution. However, these people, in particular the
barangay officials, after attending courses in the barangay justice
system training realized the shortcomings and be aware of this
shortcoming (Guia, & Mangubat, 2021).

The effectiveness of barangay officials in conciliation process

as a practical way of delivering justice in barangay the effectiveness
of barangay officials in conciliation process is as important any
other community concerns (Agustin, Cruz, Medrano, & Sinco, 2018). To
resolve disputes as an underlying unit of authority and how the
dispute resolution procedure enables both parties to conciliate a
dispute resolution and resolve the dispute peacefully out of court by
the parties involved rather than through the highly technical strategy
of filing petitions and presenting evidence in court(Barangay Justice
System (BJS) in the Philippines, which is a community mediation
programme, whose overarching objective is to deliver speedy, cost-
efficient and quality justice through non-adversarial processes
(Mohammed & Caingat, 2017). Members of the lupon must enhance their
paralegal training and skills to make them more effective in settling
the disputes and update themselves with laws promulgated and
implemented (Sobradil, 2019).

Benter (2020) implied a clear indication that the members of the

barangay justice are trying their very best in the discharge of their
mandated powers and functions to fully serve the interest of their
constituents. The study found out the different aspects of
responsibility in their level of readiness to fulfill their duties on
how the role of each member of barangay officials effectively mediates
disputes that affect the rights and interests of the parties involved
in dispute resolution the research method used in conducting an in-
depth interview or on a phone call with the barangay officials and its
constituent of barangay Aguada, Tinago and Carmen Annex, Ozamiz City
(Porio & Roque-Sarmiento, 2019).

Theoretical/conceptual framework:

This study is supported by the macro theory of conflicts which

focuses on the interaction of groups, specifically on the conscious
level. Early political theorists, from Thucidydes and Sun Tsu to
Machiavelli and von Clausewitz, have chosen one particular element to
concentrate on: power. The use and exercise of power is a central
concept of macro theory of conflict. Macro theorists would agree that
power comes in many forms: economic, political, military, even
cultural. On the other hand, this is also supported by the classical
theory that capitalises on observations of group phenomenon for single
events in order to study the problem in depth, and to determine the
importance and relationships of many variables.

Paradigm of the Study:


Attaining Peace in the


Statement of the Problem:

This study aims to asses the work performance in settling disputes and
impact of Katarungang Pambarangay of the Barangay Dugayung, Amulung,
Cagayan. Speciffically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the structural composition of the Katarungang

2. How many cases are lodged to the barangay justice system in every
3. How many cases are resolved by the barangay justice system in
relation to the cases lodged before it?
4. How do members of the justice system in the barangay settle
5. What skills do the members possess and they still need to acquire
to improve their resolution of cases?

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on the work performance of the katarungang

pambarangay of Dugayung, Amulung Cagayan for the calendar year 2022
specificlly on the nature and number of cases filed, number of
reconciled disputes, and cliets satisfaction.

Importance of the Study

The results of the study will serve as the basis for improving the
work performances of the Katarungang Pambarangay of Dugayung, Amulung,
Cagayan. The searcher aslo believes that it shall benefit the

The Barangay Officials. The barangay officials are expected to benefit

from the results of this study. For any improvement in the work
performance of the barangay officials would bring a better change in
the running of the affairs of the community.

Members of the Barangay Justice System. This study is evaluative of

the performance of the members of the Katarungang Pambarangay. It
looks on their areas for improvement so that they can discharge their
functions withs effectivity and efficiency in the future.

The Community. Better performance of the members of the barangay

justice system would mean higher possibility to resolve disputes in
the community. In effect, the community will experience peace and
order and an improved relationship with one another.

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