Ciem Chapter 1.1
Ciem Chapter 1.1
Ciem Chapter 1.1
Chiemel A. Santoile
Practical Research 1
April 2023
Chapter 1
Modern policing is not only the sole job of the police but of course
old concept, wherein the police Is basically more reactive in nature. This
study also revealed the level of Public awareness about modern policing,
implementation does not affect the increase of the crime rate in rape
cases. This suggests that the PNP personnel failed to create a more
from sexual violence. The recommendation stated above will help the
and place of residency (based on highest and lowest crime rate) exhibited
insights to policy makers for the improvement of peace and order at the
Crime is very rampant now a day and becomes one of the major
see a police officer patrolling in a specific area where most of the crimes
Pandemic is triggering our country and BPATs are one of the members of
the City of Cabanatuan was mobilized, working and effective during the
strengthen and update the knowledge, skills and attitude of the members
This system can improve the quality of domestic justice; it would reduce
reduce the number of cases filed there to the courts. (Marecon &
Pangkat,” to fully give Effectiveness and best serve the interest of their
constituents thru an effective mediation between the adversarial Parties
in the system.
This study was anchored on the duties and responsibilities that are
currently facing?
2. What are the coping mechanisms that the BPSO uses to address
the community?
Barangay 9 BPSO will benefit from this study, as the study this
Other Communities will benefit from this study, as the study can
study can pave the way for more extensive studies that will help
Barangay 9 only, and will not cover the entire region. Additionally, the
officer responsible for ensuring the safety and security of Barangay 9's