Solid Waste Management - Guide For Teens 2.5
Solid Waste Management - Guide For Teens 2.5
Solid Waste Management - Guide For Teens 2.5
Everything we use is made from natural resources. Write down 5 things in your room. Do research on
how each item is made and what they are made of. List the parts and materials of each item in the
second column. Estimate how long you can use it before you need to throw it away. (An example is
provided in the first row.)
Everything we use, their parts and materials, are taken from the Earth. Trees, plants and animals are used
to make paper products, food and clothing. Minerals and sand are used to make metal and glass products.
Gas, oil and fossil fuels are used to make plastic products.
Let’s look at this process of
TAKING and MAKING in the case
of a disposable baby diaper.
Products are designed to last in such a way that we lessen the resources we need to take from the
Earth. They are designed so that their components can be reused, repaired, or recycled - and not
merely disposed. In a Circular Economy, used materials are recovered for further use.
But in a CIRCULAR ECONOMY we look for ways to avoid having to extract more oil to make
plastic bottles. We gather used plastic bottles and recycle them for future products, rather
than simply throwing them away.
or reducing waste, and prioritizing use of
products that can be recycled or reused.
• State the importance of practicing the
3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
• Give examples of how to practice the 3Rs.
Ultimately our goal is to control the amount of natural resources that we need to take from
the environment and minimize the amount of waste we generate.
• Protects the inner contents from getting wet or being exposed to elements that can affect its
quality or cause spoilage.
• Prevents contamination from germs and bacteria that could make you sick.
• Protects the product while it is stored and transported, especially if the factory is far away from
the places where it is sold.
• Gives important information about
ingredients, calories, nutritional
value that can help you make better
food choices and avoid food that
you’re allergic to.
Here are nine challenges to show you care for the environment! How many can you do in one
week? For each challenge you accomplish, describe what you did or how you did it in the space
How mindful are you about managing waste? Answer the questions
belo w to find out.
Does your family use a separate container for each type of waste?
1 (i.e. compostable, non-recyclable, recyclable and special waste)
Does your family consistently set aside recyclable materials to be turned over
2 to a recycling center or materials recovery facility?
Does your family make a consistent effort to prepare waste items for collection,
such as:
• cutting or folding items (such as boxes or steel) to save space
• separating broken glass, by color, in sturdy containers
• separating white paper from colored paper
3 • cleaning and drying items that have potential for recycling, such as used
beverage cartons or food cans
(If you answer NO to any one of the above bullet points, then your response for
the entire item should be NO.)
Do you know where the collected waste is taken for final disposal when it
leaves your neighborhood?
Do you know whether the final disposal of your barangay’s waste is
5 environmentally safe and sustainable?
• Hazardous waste that contain toxic
materials or chemicals
• Healthcare waste that contain infected
materials and require special handling.
• Bulky waste that require special
hauling arrangements due to their size
and physical attributes.
k$7 POINTS • Republic Act No. 9003, also known as the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
• Waste can be classified as biodegradable and 2000, describes the responsibilities of each
non-biodegradable. city/municipality, barangay and household
in protecting public health and environment
• Biodegradable waste are those that can be through solid waste avoidance and volume
broken down by microorganisms naturally, reduction, and proper segregation, collection,
such as leftover food, paper waste, or plant transport, storage, treatment and disposal.
waste. Biodegradable waste can be used as
compost for gardens or to feed animals.
• Non-biodegradable waste cannot be broken O&K3C1IVtS
down by microorganisms, and these can
stay on the earth for thousands of years. By the end of this lesson, you shall be able to:
Non-biodegradable waste can be further • Define what is meant by waste and classify
segregated into the following categories, different types of waste.
which also is the basis for their proper
disposal. • Identify the proper means of disposal for
different types of waste.
• Recyclable waste includes plastic, dry
paper, metal, glass. These are sent to • Explain why proper waste disposal is
recycling centers for further processing. important to our health and well-being.
Reducing, reusing and recycling items can make a big difference in lowering the
waste we generate — but we still have to think of responsible ways to manage
whatever waste is left. Here are some alternatives to putting them in landfills.
Waste treatments can help minimize the space that waste occupies, remove toxic
effects, and use waste to generate energy. This includes:
World Bank. (2012). What a Waste: A Global Review of Solid Waste Management.
A sanitary landfill is carefully designed to prevent chemicals and unsafe substances from contaminating
the surrounding soil and water, and the water table beneath it.
In these landfills, layers of garbage are alternated with layers of soil. This controls odors, allows the
garbage to decompose more rapidly, and also helps keep the piles stable to prevent erosion and trash
When a landfill is full, it is sealed and covered with a thick layer of clay soil. It is left to settle for a very
long time—roughly 20 to 30 years—and once it has been evaluated as safe, the land is converted back
into a park or open space for recreation.
This is why it is so important for us to segregate our waste properly at home. This simple step makes it easier
for waste materials to go to the right recycling facility, or be properly treated before being sent to a landfill.
Want to know how much food waste you
generate? Try this:
Place your food waste in an empty tub
after every meal. Once you fill up a tub,
ALWAYS separate BIODEGRADABLE WASTE. you may dispose its contents, but keep
track of how many tubs you fill up in a
This includes kitchen waste like leftovers, week. Ask your friends to do the same
vegetable peelings, and garden waste like dried and analyze how much food waste you
leaves, grass, plant stems and branches. all could potentially generate in a week,
a month, or even a year.
Biodegradable waste can be used for animal feed
or composting for fertilizer. If you do not have a Challenge each other to reduce your food
pet, you can give it to a neighbour who does. waste and measure your progress.
Clean up residual wastes.
There are three sub-categories of special, non-biodegradable waste. The first is hazardous waste.
These should not be thrown away with other wastes because they contain toxic materials and must be
registered with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in order to obtain the necessary
permits for their disposal.
The two other kinds of special waste are healthcare waste and buiky waste. These also need special
hauling and handling.
Yard Waste