Materials 15 07140
Materials 15 07140
Materials 15 07140
Analytical and Experimental Study on Cold-Formed Steel
Built-Up Sections for Bending
R. Sujitha 1 , N. Sunmathi 1 , R. K. Manikandan 1 , J. Arunprasad 2 , S. Rajkumar 3 , Shubham Sharma 4,5, * ,
Kamal Sharma 6 , Changhe Li 4 and Elsayed Mohamed Tag Eldin 7, *
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur 621212, India
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur 621212, India
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Manufacturing, Institute of Technology, Hawassa University,
Hawassa P.O. Box 5, Ethiopia
4 School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266520, China
5 Mechanical Engineering Department, University Centre for Research and Development, Chandigarh University,
Mohali 140413, India
6 Institute of Engineering and Technology, GLA University, Mathura 281406, India
7 Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University in Egypt, New Cairo 11835, Egypt
* Correspondence: or (S.S.); (E.M.T.E.); Tel.: +91-7009239473 (S.S.)
Abstract: In the construction of steel structures, the two most common types of structural members are
hot-formed and cold-formed members. This paper mainly describes the analytical and experimental
research on the strength and characteristics of CFS bolted built-up sigma sections having different
structural arrangements under bending. The cross-sectional dimensions for the parametric study
were selected by the sizes available in the market. In this paper, ANSYS workbench software was
used to perform FE modeling and observe the local, flexural, and interaction of these buckling. Then,
experimental study was performed by varying the arrangement of open section beams between
Citation: Sujitha, R.; Sunmathi, N.; face-to-face and back-to-back, connected using bolts or fasteners different spacings. Further, we
Manikandan, R.K.; Arunprasad, J.;
conducted bending tests on cold-formed steel built-up members having simple edge stiffeners in
Rajkumar, S.; Sharma, S.; Sharma, K.;
the middle. Comparing both analytical and experimental studies, the results indicate that the back-
Li, C.; Tag Eldin, E.M. Analytical and
to-back connected built-up beam section provides a flexural capacity higher than the face-to-face
Experimental Study on Cold-Formed
built-up section. Moreover, increasing the bolt spacing enhanced the load-carrying capacity of back-
Steel Built-Up Sections for Bending.
Materials 2022, 15, 7140. https://
to-back sigma section built-up beams. It has also been discovered that the flexural strength of beams is primarily determined by bolt spacing or itsposition.
Materials 2022, 15, 7140 tional buckling are the most common mechanisms of beam failure. These failures can be 2 of 14
eliminated or deferred by proposing a new section with different shapes and
cross-sections andthe formation of two or more open sections connected by bolts. Thus, a
newisdesign notion is
familiarized byfamiliarized
enumerating bytheenumerating
stiffened elementthe stiffened
at theelement
flange/web at theand flange/web
simple edge
and stiffeners
simple edge at the stiffeners
intermediateat the flanges
to causea flanges to causea
substantial substantial
change in flexural change
andin other
flexural and other behavior beams.CFS forms in open-section
behavior beams.CFS forms in open-section are channel, sigma, and C and Z sections, among are channel, sigma, and C
and others,
Z sections, with among
varyingothers, with from
thicknesses varying 0.5mmthicknesses
to 3.0mm. fromBolts0.5mm to 3.0mm.
are designed Bolts are
according to the
designed according to the following codes for cold-formed
following codes for cold-formed steel design: EN1993-1-3, EN1993-1-8, and AISI S100 (201). steel design: EN1993-1-3,
EN1993-1-8, and AISI S100
The investigation shows (201). The investigation
the simulated two-runshows flexural thetest
on CFStwo-run of C andflexural
Z sections
test beams
on CFSof ofunbraced
C and Z sections beams of unbraced members using the
members using the finite element (FE) model. Local and distortional finite element (FE)
model. Local and distortional buckling of specified beams
buckling of specified beams is avoided through the fastened panel and specific fastener. is avoided through the fas-
tened panel and specific fastener. The corrugated panel fixed
The corrugated panel fixed at the compression flange was removed at a singlemoment. In at the compression flange
wasthe removed
end, theatspecimens
a singlemoment.
failed under In the end, the buckling
distortional specimens [1].failed under distortional
An experimental comparison
buckling [1]. Anout
was carried experimental
on a CFS bolted comparison
beam with was twocarried outchannel
different on a CFS boltedthat
sections, beam with
is, outstand
two stiffener
differentand channel
extended sections, that by
stiffener, is, injecting
outstandbolts stiffener
and nutsand extended
on stiffener stiffener,
and web byelement,
jecting bolts and They
respectively. nuts on stiffener the
determined anddeformation
web element, of respectively.
load and flexural Theystrength
determined of thethe beam
deformation of load and flexural strength of the beam specimens
specimens and concluded that the CFS beam with an extended stiffener has the best flexural and concluded that the
beam with an extended
[2]. The stiffener shows
study on bending has the thebest flexuralcollapse
aftermath strength [2]. The
behavior of study on
the U section
and Ω
bending shows
section theofaftermath
of 0.6mm behavior
and 1.5mm, of therespectively,
U section and andΩsteel section
grades of thick-
S275 and
of 0.6mm and 1.5mm, respectively, and steel grades S275 and S375, respectively.
The Thetest test
suggeststhe plastic
plastic hinges
hingesand andmoment
momentrotationrotation m-ⱷ diagram diagramhave havehigh
deformation[3]. [3].Additionally,
Additionally,the theFEMFEMininANSYSANSYSwas wasusedusedininthe thenumerical
lation analysis. The The simulation
simulation propagates
propagates thetheforming
forming of hinges
of hinges underunderpure purebending.
bending. It creates
moment rotation curves of beams and thorough details
creates moment rotation curves of beams and thorough details about the stress and strain about the stress and strain of beams
of beams the entire loading
the entire process.
loading A comparative
process. A comparative study study
on experimental
on experimental and analytical
study observed
analytical study observed that thethat FEM theanalysis of U-section
FEM analysis has a deformed
of U-section shape, coinciding
has a deformed shape, co-with
the plastic
inciding with the hinge obtained
plastic experimentally.
hinge obtained Moreover,
experimentally. the numerical
Moreover, simulation
the numerical simu-shows
lation the maximum
shows that the maximum moment reachedamoment reachedahigher value higherthanvaluethe experimental
than the experimental test [4]. This
test [4]. This works
study onworks
a relative
on asurvey
different types of intermediate
of different stiffeners.stiffeners.
types of intermediate These critical
These critical stresses are analysed by finite strip software CUFSM and the ultimate of
stresses are analysed by finite strip software CUFSM and the ultimate resistance re-CFS
is analysedby the direct strength method. Among
sistance of CFS is analysedby the direct strength method. Among several shapes, such as several shapes, such as rectangular,
V, and arc
rectangular, V, shapes, it is observed
and arc shapes, that a V-shape
it is observed stiffener
that a V-shape on theon
stiffener web thewith
web withan anglean of
100 ◦ is optimum, and it has been found that an increase in height increases the ultimate
angle of 100° is optimum, and it has been found that an increase in height increases the
ultimate of theof
resistance moment
the moment [5]. This
[5].paper explained
This paper that thethat
explained increase in bending
the increase moment of
in bending
amalgamation of two vertical and two horizontal
moment of amalgamation of two vertical and two horizontal elements back-to-back elements back-to-back of CFS built-up
beams increases with the yielding strength and thickness
CFS built-up beams increases with the yielding strength and thickness of the steel. of the steel. Moreover, the stiffener
with a reinforcing
Moreover, the stiffenerweb with is adirectly proportional
reinforcing to moment
web is directly carrying capacity
proportional to moment andcarry-
ing capacity and inversely proportional to local web buckling [6]. This deals with the of a
proportional to local web buckling [6]. This deals with the simple lipped channel
simple lippedand unstiffened
channel element.and
of a stiffened Theunstiffened
flexural strengthelement. andThe aspect of thestrength
flexural beam increase and in
aspect of the beam increase in the stiffened element at the flange/web compared withbecause
the stiffened element at the flange/web compared with in the unstiffened element in
the of higher hindrance
unstiffened element againstbecausetorsional
of higher buckling
hindrance andagainst
greater torsional
hindrancebuckling in a moment and of
inertia [7]. The CFS beam built-up I section of the lipped channel with an intermediate
greater hindrance in a moment of inertia [7]. The CFS beam built-up I section of the
and edge web stiffener leads to higher strength because of the considerably reduced LB
lipped channel with an intermediate and edge web stiffener leads to higher strength be-
and TB compared with the I beam without a web stiffener [8]. Comparing the open and
cause of the considerably reduced LB and TB compared with the I beam without a web
closed C-channel of drop flanges of a CFS built-up beam, it ends with a gradual crash, and
stiffener [8]. Comparing the open and closed C-channel of drop flanges of a CFS built-up
further investigation needs to be carried out for thin walls [9]. The author detailed the
beam, it ends with a gradual crash, and further investigation needs to be carried out for
numerical study ABACUS developed for FE modelling and experimentally tested related
thin walls [9]. The author detailed the numerical study ABACUS developed for FE mod-
to lateral-torsional buckling. They have developed a novel design equation to forecast
elling and experimentally tested related to lateral-torsional buckling. They have devel-
moment capacities precisely. They also suggested a design curve named buckling curve
oped a novel design equation to forecast moment capacities precisely. They also sug-
‘a’ of a CFS beam [10–12]. The study demonstrates that there have been few studies on
gested a design curve named buckling curve ‘a’ of a CFS beam [10–12]. The study
cold-formed steel under bending, and there have been even less studies on lipped channels.
demonstrates that there have been few studies on cold-formed steel under bending, and
Hence, the scope of this study is to inspect the behavior of the CFS built-up sigma section
have been at theeven less studiesand
intermediate on edges
bending.Hence,On thethe scope
whole, of this
three sigma study is to are
inspect the behavior of the CFS built-up sigma section stiffened
taken. They are connected symmetrically using bolts of the varied spacing by labeling at the intermediate andwith
edgesnamesin bending.
B2B100, where On theB2B whole,
refersthree sigma sections
to back-to-back, and 100 are refers
taken.toTheythe bolt arespacings
connected in mm,
as well as face-to-face F2F100 and B2B157, respectively. Analytical studies are carried out
using finite element modeling software ANSYS workbench 16.1. The developed analytical
Materials 2022, 15, 7140 3 of 14
results tend to verify the experimental results. These results are useful to conclude on the
mechanical strength properties and other behavior of CFS built-up beams.
Figure 1. Meshing.
Figure Meshing.
FigureFigure 4 shows
Figure 3. Buckling and the Buckling
stress andof
distribution ofstress distribution of F2F100 Specimen.
3. Buckling and stress distribution B2B100.
Figure 5. Buckling
Figure 5. Buckling and
and stress
stress distribution
distribution of
of B2B157.
From the
the table,
table, itit is
is found
found that
that the
the B2B100
B2B100 standard
standard section
section has
has aa critical
critical load
load of of
70kN. The most effective section is B2B157, having a critical load of 85kN, which is
kN. The most effective section is B2B157, having a critical load of 85 kN, which is aa
21.4% increase
increase inin aa load-carrying
load-carrying capacity
capacity relative
relative to
to the
the standard
standard section
B2B100. The The
suggestedCFS CFSsections areare
sections determined
determined to be local
to be buckling
local andand
buckling lateral-
torsional buckling. The specimens’ maximum load-carrying capacity
eral-torsional buckling. The specimens’ maximum load-carrying capacity is compared is compared and
shown in theinFigure
and shown 6. 6.
the Figure
Figure 6.
Figure 6.The
The ultimate
ultimate load
load capacity
capacity of
of the
the built-up
built-up section.
The beam
The beam specimens are are placed
placed ininaaloading
500kN kNin in
two-point loading for
for OneOne
testing. endend
of the
of support is hinged,
the support whilewhile
is hinged, the other end is end
the other a roller.
is a The specimens
roller. The speci-are
mens are regularised to apply the
similarly regularised to load
the loadThe beam isThe
vertically. laterally
is laterally at the
support to prevent lateral movement. The overall stability of the experimental
strained at the support to prevent lateral movement. The overall stability of the experi- equipment
is verified,
mental and a small
equipment amount of
is verified, andpreload is applied
a small amount to of
the specimen in position
is applied to seatbefore
it is released.
specimen All of the
in position instruments
before are inAll
it is released. place andinstruments
of the the load is applied using
are in place a hydraulic
and the load
isjack with using
applied a capacity of 200kN.
a hydraulic jackAll relevant
with data of
a capacity are200kN.
recorded, including
All relevant theare
data applied force
and the specimen’s
including the applied deformation.
force and the All of the tests are
specimen’s completed to
deformation. Alltheofpoint of failure.
the tests Dial
are com-
gauges of least a count of 0.01 mm with a maximum travel of 50 mm
pleted to the point of failure. Dial gauges of least a count of 0.01 mm with a maximum were kept to measure
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
deflection 8 of 15
travel of 50atmm
the mid-point.
were kept Atoproving
measure ring of 100kNwas
deflection at theused to measure
mid-point. the load ring
A proving applied
in the section (Figure 8).
100kNwas used to measure the load applied in the section (Figure 8).
Figure CFS beam
beam specimens
specimens before testing cold-formed
before testing cold-formed built-up
built-up sections.
3.1. Experimental
Experimental Results
The experimental investigation
experimental investigation was
was carried
carried out
out for
for specimens
specimens B2B100,
B2B100, F2F100,
F2F100, and
B2B157. Loading was applied as shown in the figure and the amount
B2B157. Loading was applied as shown in the figure and the amount of load applied of load applied
was obtained
obtained fromfrom the proving
the proving ring.ring.
The The deflection
deflection value value
was was taken
taken fromfrom the dial
the dial gauge.
gauge. The
The parameters
parameters considered
considered forpresent
for the the present
are (a)are (a) buckling
buckling mode mode
of the of the section,
section, (b) ul-
(b) ultimate
timate load load carrying
carrying capacity,(c)
capacity,and and (c) load–deflection
load–deflection behavior.
Figure 10.The
failure mode
mode of F2F100.
of F2F100.
Materials 2022, 15, 7140 9 of 14
Figure 11.
The The
failure failure
mode mode
of B2B157.
of B2B157. of B2B157.
Figure 14. Ultimate
Ultimate load
load carrying
Load Corresponding to
% Variation in Ultimate Load (kN) % Variation in Strength
Specimen Max Deflection (kN)
Strength (Analytical) PEXPERIMENT (Experimental)
B2B100 73.44 - 70.21 -
F2F100 56.77 −22.6% 55.23 −21.3%
Materials 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW
B2B157 87.05 18.6% 85.33 21.6% 12 of 15
Figure 15.Comparative
Comparative bar chart
bar chart of the experimental
of the experimental and results
and analytical analytical resultsload-carrying
of ultimate of ultimate
capacity. capacity.
Thus, theload-carrying
capabilityis is improved
improved byby increasing
increasing the the
boltbolt spacing
spacing within
within the
the permissible
permissible limits,
limits, whichwhich eventually
eventually depictsdepicts
similarsimilar findings
findings to the literature
to the literature sources
sources [17–19].
4.2. Comparison of Load versus Deflection Curve
4.2. Comparison of Load VersusDeflection
The load correlating Curvecomparison for specimens B2B100, B2B157,
to the deflection
and F2F100 for both analytical and experimental
The load correlating to the deflection comparisonbehaviour was plotted
for specimens as shown
B2B100, in
Figures 16–18. This analytical behavior has a somewhat greater value than the experimental
and F2F100 for both analytical and experimental behaviour was plotted as shown in
behavior and, inThis
Figures 16–18. addition, the outcomes
analytical exhibit
behavior has a similar trend
a somewhat variation
greater to the
value than theexisting
outcomes [20,21]. and, in addition, the outcomes exhibit a similar trend variation to the
mental behavior
existing outcomes [20,21].
4.2. Comparison of Load VersusDeflection Curve
The load correlating to the deflection comparison for specimens B2B100, B2B157,
and F2F100 for both analytical and experimental behaviour was plotted as shown in
Figures 16–18. This analytical behavior has a somewhat greater value than the experi-
Materials 2022, 15, 7140 12 of 14
mental behavior and, in addition, the outcomes exhibit a similar trend variation to the
existing outcomes [20,21].
Figure 17.
17. Load vs.
vs. deflection for
for B2B157.
Figure 17. Load
Figure Load vs. deflection
deflection for B2B157.
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
5. Conclusions
The analytical
The analytical investigationfocused
focused on on finding all three specimens’ ultimate
The analyticalinvestigation
investigation focused finding
on all three
finding specimens’
all three ultimate
specimens’ load-
carrying capacity.
capacity. Finite Finite
element element
models models
were were developed
developed using using ANSYS
ANSYS software software
16.1 to
load-carrying capacity. Finite element models were developed using ANSYS software
study to study
thestudy the
buckling buckling behavior of the fabricated sections. Specimen B2B157 was
16.1 to the behavior
buckling of the fabricated
behavior of thesections. Specimen
fabricated sections.B2B157 was discovered
Specimen B2B157 was to
be the most to be the section
effective most effective
compared section
with compared
the standardwith the standard
section B2B100. section
Thus, B2B100.
discovered to be the most effective section compared with the standard section B2B100.
Thus, sections
B2B100, F2F100,B2B100, F2F100,
and B2B157 andfabricated,
were B2B157 were andfabricated,
a test wasand a test was
performed to performed
find the ulti-to
Thus, sections B2B100, F2F100, and B2B157 were fabricated, and a test was performed to
find the
mate ultimate load-carrying
load-carrying capacity and capacity
relation toand
analyticalto results.
the analytical results. This
This experiment ex-
find the ultimate load-carrying capacity and relation to the analytical results. This ex-
periment study
investigated investigated
in depth in depth
the behaviour of the behaviour of cold-formed
cold-formed steel built-up sec-
periment study investigated in depth the behavioursteel built-up sections.
of cold-formed To acquire
steel built-up sec-a
tions. To knowledge
complete acquire a complete
of the knowledge
behaviour of of proposed
the the behaviour
cold of the proposed
formed steel coldsections,
built-up formed
tions. To acquire a complete knowledge of the behaviour of the proposed cold formed
steel built-up sections, both experimental and finite element analyses were used. The
steel built-up sections, both experimental and finite element analyses were used. The
advanced finite element tool ANSYS was used to create finite element models of
advanced finite element tool ANSYS was used to create finite element models of
cold-formed steel built-up beams that were tested. The load–deflection curves and buck-
cold-formed steel built-up beams that were tested. The load–deflection curves and buck-
ling modes from the test and the finite element analyses were compared to validate them.
ling modes from the test and the finite element analyses were compared to validate them.
Materials 2022, 15, 7140 13 of 14
both experimental and finite element analyses were used. The advanced finite element tool
ANSYS was used to create finite element models of cold-formed steel built-up beams that
were tested. The load–deflection curves and buckling modes from the test and the finite
element analyses were compared to validate them. Cold-formed steel built-up beams were
the subject of the experimental studies. The beams were put through their paces with a
two-point load and a simply supported end condition. The failure modes predicted by
finite element analysis match the failure modes observed in the tests very well.
i. B2B157 is the most effective section among the proposed built-up beams, according
to analytical and experimental data.
ii. The fabricated section B2B157 has a load-carrying capacity that is 21.6 percent
higher than B2B100 for the same quantity of material.
iii. Load-carrying capability is improved by increasing the bolt spacing within permis-
sible limits.
iv. The ANSYS software-based finite element model accurately predicts the strength
and behavior of the beams. As a result, the finite element analysis may be utilized
to predict the flexural member’s load capacity with a high confidence level. While
designing cold-formed steel beams, local, distortional, bending, web buckling, and
lateral-torsional buckling must be considered.
v. The addition of a stiffened element at the web area and edge stiffeners at the flange
significantly improves the flexural strength and behavior of the beams.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.S., N.S., R.K.M., J.A., S.R. and S.S.; methodology, R.S.,
N.S., R.K.M., J.A., S.R. and S.S.; formal analysis, R.S., N.S., R.K.M., J.A., S.R. and S.S.; investigation,
R.S., N.S., R.K.M., J.A., S.R. and S.S.; resources, R.S., N.S., R.K.M., J.A., S.R. and S.S.; writing—original
draft preparation, R.S., N.S., R.K.M., J.A., S.R. and S.S.; writing—review and editing, S.S., K.S., C.L.
and E.M.T.E.; supervision, S.S., C.L. and E.M.T.E.; project administration, S.S., K.S., C.L. and E.M.T.E.;
funding acquisition, S.S., C.L. and E.M.T.E. All authors have read and agreed to the published version
of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No data were used to support this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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