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Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and microstructural

features of resistance spot welded dual phase steel sheets joint

Article in Materials Today Proceedings · September 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.08.201


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4 authors, including:

P. Sivaraj M. Seeman
Annamalai University Annamalai University


D.Kanagarajan Kanagarajan deivasigamani

Annamalai University


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Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

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Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and

microstructural features of resistance spot welded dual phase steel
sheets joint
P. Sivaraj a, M. Seeman a,⇑, D. Kanagarajan a, R. Seetharaman b
Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar 608 002, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Anna University, Dindigul 624 622, Tamil Nadu, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Similar joints of DP600 (Dual Phase) steel in lap joint design were fabricated using resistance spot weld-
Received 20 July 2019 ing (RSW) method. The most influencing welding parameters of resistance spot welding are welding cur-
Received in revised form 14 August 2019 rent, welding time and electrode force. The mechanical properties evaluated through shear fracture test
Accepted 20 August 2019
in a universal tensile testing machine. Hardness measurement carried out different regions of the weld-
Available online xxxx
ment. The fusion zone microstructure was analyzed through the optical microscopy. In this study mainly
focused on varying the current level and remains constant other processes parameters while fabricating
lap joints of the RSW. From the results observed that while increasing current range the shear strength
DP600 steel
Resistance spot welding (RSW)
values have increased up to certain limit then it gets degrades. It also found that most of the failures in
Tensile shear fracture the nearer region of the fusion zone (FZ). This mainly due to straining distortion of Crystal lattice it
Microstructures weaken the nearer region of the fusion zone.
Fusion zone (FZ) Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Crystal lattice Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Confer-
ence on Materials Engineering and Characterization 2019.

1. Introduction the material for automotive application it’s always essential. Thus,
Dual phase steel having more attractive in the automotive industry
The recent times automotive industries to replace existing because of material performance superior compared to other
material with advanced new material to improving the safety of material the features like strength, toughness for crashworthiness,
the automotive component with nominal cost. Also, these new improving performance of the automotive body due to weight
materials improve the fuel efficiency of manufactured automobiles reduction [5].
through the low fuel consumption by improving the high strength In automotive assembly, the electrical resistance spot weld has
to weight ratio of material this improve the performance [1–3]. The major influencing in white body assembly portion. To improve the
implementation of new materials mainly to solve the existing reliability of the metal joining as well as necessary to improve the
issues of the material before prefer for fabrication. The dual phase joint integrity of the welding in chassis assembly application. Per-
steel is the category under the advance high strength steel formance of the automotive body is not only depended on materi-
(ADHSS), these strengthen behavior mostly due to material pro- als property. It’s also depends on metal joining processes and
cessing such as cold rolling in actual low carbon steels, which quality of the joint, which represents metallurgical deformation
induces the formation of martensite rich phase in the advanced on generated welding heat it assists the formation various complex
high strength steel. DP steel one of the categories in the ADHSS microstructure at a critical cooling rate than other welding pro-
steel metallurgically it adheres combination of ferrite and marten- cesses [6]. Ramazani et al. investigate metallurgical characteristics
site phase [3,4]. These DP steel having superior physical and and mechanical behavior of Gas metal arc welded dual phase steel
mechanical properties which is replace the High Strength Steel (DP600). They analyze variation heat affected zone microstructure
(HSS). This steel also followed good elongation and ductility of from bainite structure disturbed coarse grain ferrite and tempered
martensite structure. Also, they result in tensile test characteristics
⇑ Corresponding author. of dual phase dual achieved experimental and predicted flow curve
E-mail address: (M. Seeman).
was achieved [7]. Shen et al. states evaluation of tensile shear test
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Materials Engineering and Characterization 2019.

Please cite this article as: P. Sivaraj, M. Seeman, D. Kanagarajan et al., Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and microstructural fea-
tures of resistance spot welded dual phase steel sheets joint, Materials Today: Proceedings,
2 P. Sivaraj et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

behavior of resistance spot welded dual phase steels. To find the

maximum load-carrying capacity of the weld spot strength cold
rolled DP steels. They also represent deformation mode on the
weld joint while occurring the crash event and describes the types
loading [8]. Infusion techniques of both laser and Arc processes
produced the acicular ferrite in the weld region in many advanced
high strength sheets of steel (ADHSS) such as DP 600, DP 780, DP
980, but weld failure mostly influences the softening of the heat
affected region even having the high-volume fracture of martensite
structure [9–11].
From literature found that researchers were attempted in vari-
ous advanced high strength steel category, but investigation
among the influencing process parameter was very limited. In this
study mainly focuses on the influence of welding current instead of
other process parameters. It would give attention to understand
the characteristics of the welding process parameter for electrical
resistance spot welding. The new materials evaluated for their Fig. 1. Optical micrograph of the dual phase steel.
lightweight or higher strength, with the ultimate goal reducing
the weight of the vehicle that will result in lower fuel
consumption. machine. The fabricated defect-free resistance spot welded joint
represented in Table 4, which shows the good nugget formation
among the various levels of the DP steel joints.
2. Experimental techniques
The hardness of the weldment and other zones are measured
through the Shimadzu Vickers hardness testing machine. The
2.1. Material characterization
parameters for measuring the hardness load about 0.5 kg and
dwell for 20 s are used. The recorded various zone values are
The material used for the entire investigation 1.6 mm thick
pointed on the hardness map through the average of the three
cold-rolled, zinc galvanized Dual phase steel sheet supplied by Kai-
indentation measurements.
zen cold-formed Steel. The major elements present in this
The microstructural features extracted from the cross section of
advanced high strength steel was manganese (Mn), Silicon (Si)
the spot welded joint. The sample was polished through the silicon
and fewer amounts of chromium (Cr) and titanium (Ti), Table 1
carbide abrasive paper through the belt grinder and disk polishing
represents the elemental composition of the DP 600 steel. These
machine with various grades. The superior polishing has been
advanced high strength steel has generally offered twin phase
completed through the diamond paste and fine micron level alu-
microstructures in the alloy matrix. Fig. 1 reveals the DP 600
mina powder. The polished specimen was etched with a suitable
matrix having an average of 85% ferrite and 15% martensite phases.
etchant for revealing the grain boundaries of the microstructure.
The average ferrite grain size was 7 mm. The manganese and other
For this investigation, Nital used as etchant 20 ml ethanol and
elements influence the strength properties. The mechanical prop-
1 ml Hcl with probable amount of distilled water. The macro-
erties of DP 600 steel are given in Table 2.
scope was used to reveals the weld appearance of the spot welding
of the DP 600 joint. Generally, the macro-scope has low magnifica-
2.2. Welding experiment tion about 10 to 50. The metallurgical features of the microstruc-
ture obtained through the MEIJI optical microscopy instrument. It
The welding experiments were carried out as per conditions are shows the microstructure of the various region presences in the
given in Table 3 in the dual phase steel (DP 600) with the aid of spot weld cross section.
manual pedestal type Electrical resistance spot welding machine.
The current level has been varied five levels (40 kA to 60 kA) with
5 kA interval other process parameter remain keep as constant.
This manual electrical resistance spot welding machine capacity 3. Results and discussion
about 150 kVA, though the maximum thickness to be welded in
this machine about 6 mm. The spot-weld quality depends on the 3.1. Macrostructure and microstructure
many factors such as the electrode design and configuration also
impact on the weld metal properties. The conical type design, chro- The macrostructure is an effective tool to reveal the defective
mium assisted zirconium coated copper electrode has been used analysis of the weldment. Table 4 shows the effect of current on
for this investigation. macrograph various current ranges from maximum to minimum.
The dimensions of the material to be welded in this DP 600 steel From Table observed that the nugget formation of the weldment
mentioned in Fig. 2, it following the as per the ASTM standard (D varies from the lower level to upper level (45 to 55 kA). While cur-
1002-01) guidelines. The shear strength of resistance spot welded rent increasing the nugget, formation has been wider range in the
DP steel joints examined through the transverse tensile shear frac- lap joints. Although further increasing the welding current it
ture test using the universal tensile testing machine. The trans- affects the joint integrity and tends to pull out failure. The only
verse tensile testing machine having a maximum capacity of welding current level 50 kA gives the better nugget formation with
about 500 KN semi-automatic servo mechanical controlled the macro-level defect-free joint.

Table 1
Chemical composition (wt%) dual phase steel.

C Si Mn Cr P S Ni Mo Ti
0.146 0.88 1.500 0.025 0.007 0.0036 0.027 0.0018 0.0016

Please cite this article as: P. Sivaraj, M. Seeman, D. Kanagarajan et al., Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and microstructural fea-
tures of resistance spot welded dual phase steel sheets joint, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P. Sivaraj et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Table 2
Mechanical properties of dual phase steel.

Material 0.2% offset Yield Strength (MPa) Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa) Elongation in 50 mm gauge length (%) Microhardness (HV)
Dual-phase Steel 604 832 26 295

Table 3
Welding parameters used to fabricate the joints.

Welding Current kA 40 45 50 55 60
Electrode Force MPa 4 4 4 4 4
Welding Time sec 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5

Fig. 2. Specimen dimension (in mm).

Table 4
Effect of current on macrograph.

Photograph of Nugget surface Macrograph of nugget cross-section Observation

40 Not welded

45 Welded but defect are present

50 Proper penetration

55 Due to current undercut has been taken place

60 Due to high current metal deformation has been

taken place

Please cite this article as: P. Sivaraj, M. Seeman, D. Kanagarajan et al., Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and microstructural fea-
tures of resistance spot welded dual phase steel sheets joint, Materials Today: Proceedings,
4 P. Sivaraj et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Microstructural features of joint made using 50 kA.

The microstructure of Nugget Zone, IF and HAZ are depicted in 3.2. Mechanical properties of DP 600 lap joint
Fig. 3. The microstructure reveals the features in the dynamic
recrystallization region (DRX), interfacial zone (IF) and heat The outcome of after tensile-shear and cross-tensile tests are
affected zone (HAZ) in the cross section of the resistance spot weld exemplified in Fig. 4. Since it appears from Fig. 5.The failure mode
joint. The nugget zone having rich martensite phase, Retained is pull-out, and the fracture has begun from an outside edge point
austenite (RA) and a minor amount of bainite. Thus, the low heat around the weld nugget. Load vs. displacement graph relating to
input and small fusion area have led to a critical cooling rate in tensile-shear and cross-tensile tests are revealed in Fig. 6.
the Fusion zone, it induces the nucleation grains as much rapid The recorded maximum tensile shear fracture load value about
as the conventional fusion welding techniques. Metallurgically 18 kN at 50 kA welding current compare than other welding cur-
nugget zone consists of columnar grains with finer equiaxed grains rent. So, load displacement was plotted in optimized condition
at the ripping section. The heat affected region deflects with forma- (50 kA) in Fig. 6. If the applied welding current varies with different
tion grain structure such as coarser grain and finer grain heat levels, the nugget area has been increasing due to increasing the
affected zone (CGHAZ, FGHAZ). The weld failure occurs at the welding current up to certain yield limit afterward tends to
interfacial region of the Heat affected regions. The many reports degrade. Most of the tensile failure happens in the interfacial
state solidification rate of the resistance spot welding at nugget region of the heat affected region which is already elaborated with
about 400–420 °Cs 1 [10]. the aid of microstructure. The fracture modes categories into the

Fig. 4. Specimens after the test.

Fig. 5. The fracture surface of the RSW DP600 steel after the cross-tensile test (a); Fracture surface of SEM fractograph (b).

Please cite this article as: P. Sivaraj, M. Seeman, D. Kanagarajan et al., Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and microstructural fea-
tures of resistance spot welded dual phase steel sheets joint, Materials Today: Proceedings,
P. Sivaraj et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 5

cooling rate, the formation tempered martensite in the HAZ, it

has characteristics of more failure brittle nature [13–15].

4. Conclusions

 The most influencing parameter of DP600 steel RSW process is

welding current, as welding current increases, it increases the
depth of the nugget zone its increase weld strength.
 The microstructure of the fusion zone consists of hard/lath/nee-
dle like martensite structure with the maximum hardness val-
ues recorded 480 Hv.
 The weld failure purely occurs due to the presence of tempered
martensite presence of the interfacial zone (IF), nearer the heat
affected region.
 The fracture mode had depicted interfacial failure and pull-out
off failure.

Fig. 6. Load-displacement curves relating to tensile-shear.


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Please cite this article as: P. Sivaraj, M. Seeman, D. Kanagarajan et al., Influence of welding parameter on mechanical properties and microstructural fea-
tures of resistance spot welded dual phase steel sheets joint, Materials Today: Proceedings,
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