Equations For Heat Transfer v1p2 191014
Equations For Heat Transfer v1p2 191014
Equations For Heat Transfer v1p2 191014
for use in Heat Transfer (BMEGEENAEHK) course in undergraduate mechanical engineering program at BME Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering. This document may be used in all quizzes, tests and exams.
Edited by Dr. Balázs Czél, assistant professor
BME Department of Energy Engineering, www.energia.bme.hu
Version 1.2 (2013)
- differential equation
d hP
x , where x T x T , , P is the perimeter and A is the
m m
dx k A
cross-sectional area of the fin
- general solution of the differential equation
x C1 e
m x m x
C2 e
The first boundary condition (BC 1) is the same for all cases: ( x 0 ) 0 .
Depending on the second boundary condition (BC 2) the solutions and the fin heat transfer
rate equations are listed in Table 1 and 2, respectively.
Table 1. Temperature distribution equations for fins with uniform cross-sectional area
x L 0 °C
A 0 e
adiabatic tip
c o s h m L x
B d x 0
0 cosh m L
convection from the tip
cosh m L x s in h m L x
d x k m
D k A h A L
dx cosh m L s in h m L
xL k m
Table 2. Heat transfer rate equations for fins with uniform cross-sectional area
A x L 0 °C k A h P 0
adiabatic tip
B d x k A h P 0 tan h ( m L )
convection from the tip
s in h m L cosh m L
d x k m
D k A h A L
k A h P 0
dx cosh m L s in h m L
xL k m
3. The heat diffusion equation for homogeneous solids
- solution
t /
cp m
(t ) 0 e , where 0 (t 0 ) and is the time constant
h As
- differential equation
2 2
T n T T n
or in dimensionless form 2
r r r t Fo
where for a plane wall n=0, for a cylinder n=1, for a sphere n=2 and
T T r t hL
dimensionless form where: , , Fo 2
, Bi , L for plane walls,
T0 T L L k 2
L R for cylinders and spheres, E 0 c p m (T 0 T ) and s in ( 0 ) / 0 1 .
E0 1
2 E J 1 1
1 2 0, F o
1 F o
cylinder: , F o 1e J 0 1
E0 1
2 s in 1 E s in 1 1 c o s 1
, F o 1e
1 F o
sphere: 1 3 0, F o 3
1 E0 1
1, 1values as a function of the Bi can be found in Table 3, J0 and J1 Bessel functions are
tabulated in Table 4.
Table 3. ν1 and Ψ1 parameters as a function of Bi Table 4. Values of the Bessel function of the
plane wall cylinder sphere first kind (J0 – zeroth order, J1 – first order)
Bi ν1 Ψ1 ν1 Ψ1 ν1 Ψ1 z J0(z) J1(z)
0.01 0.0998 1.0017 0.1412 1.0025 0.1730 1.0030 0.0 1.0000 0.0000
0.02 0.1410 1.0033 0.1995 1.0050 0.2445 1.0060 0.1 0.9975 0.0499
0.04 0.1987 1.0066 0.2814 1.0099 0.3450 1.0120 0.2 0.9900 0.0995
0.06 0.2425 1.0098 0.3438 1.0148 0.4217 1.0179 0.3 0.9776 0.1483
0.08 0.2791 1.0130 0.3960 1.0197 0.4860 1.0239 0.4 0.9604 0.1960
0.1 0.3111 1.0161 0.4417 1.0246 0.5423 1.0298 0.5 0.9385 0.2423
0.2 0.4328 1.0311 0.6170 1.0483 0.7593 1.0592 0.6 0.9120 0.2867
0.3 0.5218 1.0450 0.7465 1.0712 0.9208 1.0880 0.7 0.8812 0.3290
0.4 0.5932 1.0580 0.8516 1.0931 1.0528 1.1164 0.8 0.8463 0.3688
0.5 0.6533 1.0701 0.9408 1.1143 1.1656 1.1441 0.9 0.8075 0.4059
0.6 0.7051 1.0814 1.0184 1.1345 1.2644 1.1713 1.0 0.7652 0.4400
0.7 0.7506 1.0918 1.0873 1.1539 1.3525 1.1978 1.1 0.7196 0.4709
0.8 0.7910 1.1016 1.1490 1.1724 1.4320 1.2236 1.2 0.6711 0.4983
0.9 0.8274 1.1107 1.2048 1.1902 1.5044 1.2488 1.3 0.6201 0.5220
1 0.8603 1.1191 1.2558 1.2071 1.5708 1.2732 1.4 0.5669 0.5419
2 1.0769 1.1785 1.5995 1.3384 2.0288 1.4793 1.5 0.5118 0.5579
3 1.1925 1.2102 1.7887 1.4191 2.2889 1.6227 1.6 0.4554 0.5699
4 1.2646 1.2287 1.9081 1.4698 2.4556 1.7202 1.7 0.3980 0.5778
5 1.3138 1.2403 1.9898 1.5029 2.5704 1.7870 1.8 0.3400 0.5815
6 1.3496 1.2479 2.0490 1.5253 2.6537 1.8338 1.9 0.2818 0.5812
7 1.3766 1.2532 2.0937 1.5411 2.7165 1.8673 2.0 0.2239 0.5767
8 1.3978 1.2570 2.1286 1.5526 2.7654 1.8920 2.1 0.1666 0.5683
9 1.4149 1.2598 2.1566 1.5611 2.8044 1.9106 2.2 0.1104 0.5560
10 1.4289 1.2620 2.1795 1.5677 2.8363 1.9249 2.3 0.0555 0.5399
20 1.4961 1.2699 2.2880 1.5919 2.9857 1.9781 2.4 0.0025 0.5202
30 1.5202 1.2717 2.3261 1.5973 3.0372 1.9898 2.6 –0.0968 0.4708
40 1.5325 1.2723 2.3455 1.5993 3.0632 1.9942 2.8 –0.1850 0.4097
50 1.5400 1.2727 2.3572 1.6002 3.0788 1.9962 3.0 –0.2601 0.3391
100 1.5552 1.2731 2.3809 1.6015 3.1102 1.9990 3.2 –0.3202 0.2613
∞ 1.5708 1.2732 2.4048 1.6021 3.1416 2.0000
5. Heat exchangers
- notation
C m cp – heat capacity rate, W/K
C1 C 2
U As
NTU – number of transfer units, –
CR – ratio of the heat capacity rates, –
where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, As is the surface area of the heat exchanger
if CR 1
6. Heat convection without phase change
6.1 Forced convection
valid if 0 .6 P r 5 0 and R e 5 1 0
Dimensionless numbers:
N u h L / k f , Pr / , Ra Gr Pr g co s L 3
Ts T .
Accuracy of the calculated heat transfer coefficients: 20% .
laminar flow turbulent flow
Average Nusselt number: Average Nusselt number:
0 ,25
0, 670 R a
N u 0 .6 8 4 /9
. N u 0 .1 0 R a
1/ 3
9 /1 6
1 0 , 6 7 1 / P r
Valid, if 9
1 1 0 R a 1 1 0
and 0 60 .
Valid, if 0 R a 1 1 0
and 0 60 .
7. Radiation
7.1 Emitted radiation of the blackbody
Eb T E ,T d
where 5 .6 7 1 0
2 4
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and T is the absolute
m K
1 1
1 2
- convex object in a large cavity (heat transfer rate)
T2, A2, ε2
A1 T 1 T 2 T1, A1, ε1
4 4
Q , A1 A 2
1 A1 1
1 A2 2
- general case
Q 1 2 F1, 2 A1 T1 T 2
4 4
- thermal resistance
R rad 3
1 2 F1 , 2 A1 4 T m
T1 T 2
where Tm .