18-21MarshallHVAC Şartname
18-21MarshallHVAC Şartname
18-21MarshallHVAC Şartname
SECTION 23 07 19
B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work.
1. Detail application of protective shields, saddles, and inserts at hangers for each type of
insulation and hanger.
2. Detail attachment and covering of heat tracing inside insulation.
3. Detail insulation application at pipe expansion joints for each type of insulation.
4. Detail insulation application at elbows, fittings, flanges, valves, and specialties for each
type of insulation.
5. Detail removable insulation at piping specialties.
6. Detail application of field-applied jackets.
7. Detail application at linkages of control devices.
RPS - Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HVAC PIPING INSULATION 23 07 19 - 1
B. Products that come in contact with stainless steel shall have a leachable chloride content of less
than 50 ppm when tested according to ASTM C 871.
C. Insulation materials for use on austenitic stainless steel shall be qualified as acceptable
according to ASTM C 795.
D. Mineral-Fiber Blanket Insulation: Mineral or glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin.
Comply with ASTM C 1290, Type I.
2. Type I, 850 deg F Materials: Mineral or glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin.
Comply with ASTM C 547, Type I, Grade A, with factory-applied jacket ASJ or ASJ-SSL.
Factory-applied jacket requirements are specified in "Factory-Applied Jackets" Article.
F. Mineral-Fiber, Pipe Insulation Wicking System: Preformed pipe insulation complying with
ASTM C 547, Type I, Grade A, with absorbent cloth factory-applied to the entire inside surface
of preformed pipe insulation and extended through the longitudinal joint to outside surface of
insulation under insulation jacket. Factory apply a white, polymer, vapor-retarder jacket with
self-sealing adhesive tape seam and evaporation holes running continuously along the
longitudinal seam, exposing the absorbent cloth.
A. Mineral-Fiber, Hydraulic-Setting Insulating and Finishing Cement: Comply with ASTM C 449.
A. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates and for bonding
insulation to itself and to surfaces to be insulated unless otherwise indicated.
23 07 19 - 2 HVAC PIPING INSULATION RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
C. ASJ Adhesive: Comply with MIL-A-3316C, Class 2, Grade A for bonding insulation jacket lap
seams and joints.
A. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates; comply with
MIL-PRF-19565C, Type II.
B. Vapor-Barrier Mastic: Water based; suitable for indoor use on below-ambient services.
2. Water-Vapor Permeance: ASTM E 96/E 96M, Procedure B, 0.013 perm at 43-mil dry film
C. Breather Mastic: Water based; suitable for indoor and outdoor use on above-ambient services.
2. Water-Vapor Permeance: ASTM F 1249, 1.8 perms at 0.0625-inch dry film thickness.
A. Joint Sealants:
1. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates.
2. Permanently flexible, elastomeric sealant.
3. Service Temperature Range: Minus 100 to plus 300 deg F.
4. Color: White or gray.
B. ASJ Flashing Sealants, and Vinyl, PVDC, and PVC Jacket Flashing Sealants:
1. Materials shall be compatible with insulation materials, jackets, and substrates.
2. Fire- and water-resistant, flexible, elastomeric sealant.
3. Service Temperature Range: Minus 40 to plus 250 deg F.
RPS - Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HVAC PIPING INSULATION 23 07 19 - 3
4. Color: White.
A. Field-applied jackets shall comply with ASTM C 921, Type I, unless otherwise indicated.
a. Shapes: 45- and 90-degree, short- and long-radius elbows, tees, valves, flanges,
unions, reducers, end caps, soil-pipe hubs, traps, mechanical joints, and P-trap
and supply covers for lavatories.
A. ASJ Tape: White vapor-retarder tape matching factory-applied jacket with acrylic adhesive,
complying with ASTM C 1136.
2. Width: 3 inches.
23 07 19 - 4 HVAC PIPING INSULATION RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
5. Elongation: 2 percent.
6. Tensile Strength: 40 lbf/inch in width.
7. ASJ Tape Disks and Squares: Precut disks or squares of ASJ tape.
B. PVC Tape: White vapor-retarder tape matching field-applied PVC jacket with acrylic adhesive;
suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.
a. Compac Corporation.
b. Ideal Tape Co., Inc., an American Biltrite Company.
2. Width: 2 inches.
3. Thickness: 6 mils.
4. Adhesion: 64 ounces force/inch in width.
5. Elongation: 500 percent.
6. Tensile Strength: 18 lbf/inch in width.
A. Aluminum Bands: ASTM B 209, Alloy 3003, 3005, 3105, or 5005; Temper H-14, 0.020 inch
thick, 1/2 inch wide with wing seal or closed seal.
A. Surface Preparation: Clean and dry surfaces to receive insulation. Remove materials that will
adversely affect insulation application.
B. Coordinate insulation installation with the trade installing heat tracing. Comply with requirements
for heat tracing that apply to insulation.
C. Mix insulating cements with clean potable water; if insulating cements are to be in contact with
stainless-steel surfaces, use demineralized water.
RPS - Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HVAC PIPING INSULATION 23 07 19 - 5
A. Install insulation materials, accessories, and finishes with smooth, straight, and even surfaces;
free of voids throughout the length of piping including fittings, valves, and specialties.
B. Install insulation materials, forms, vapor barriers or retarders, jackets, and thicknesses required
for each item of pipe system as specified in insulation system schedules.
C. Install accessories compatible with insulation materials and suitable for the service. Install
accessories that do not corrode, soften, or otherwise attack insulation or jacket in either wet or
dry state.
D. Install insulation with longitudinal seams at top and bottom of horizontal runs.
E. Install multiple layers of insulation with longitudinal and end seams staggered.
F. Do not weld brackets, clips, or other attachment devices to piping, fittings, and specialties.
H. Install insulation with tight longitudinal seams and end joints. Bond seams and joints with
adhesive recommended by insulation material manufacturer.
J. Where vapor barrier is indicated, seal joints, seams, and penetrations in insulation at hangers,
supports, anchors, and other projections with vapor-barrier mastic.
K. Apply adhesives, mastics, and sealants at manufacturer's recommended coverage rate and wet
and dry film thicknesses.
23 07 19 - 6 HVAC PIPING INSULATION RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
4. Cover joints and seams with tape, according to insulation material manufacturer's written
instructions, to maintain vapor seal.
5. Where vapor barriers are indicated, apply vapor-barrier mastic on seams and joints and
at ends adjacent to pipe flanges and fittings.
M. Cut insulation in a manner to avoid compressing insulation more than 75 percent of its nominal
N. Finish installation with systems at operating conditions. Repair joint separations and cracking
due to thermal movement.
O. Repair damaged insulation facings by applying same facing material over damaged areas.
Extend patches at least 4 inches beyond damaged areas. Adhere, staple, and seal patches
similar to butt joints.
1. Vibration-control devices.
2. Testing agency labels and stamps.
3. Nameplates and data plates.
A. Requirements in this article generally apply to all insulation materials except where more
specific requirements are specified in various pipe insulation material installation articles.
1. Install insulation over fittings, valves, strainers, flanges, unions, and other specialties with
continuous thermal and vapor-retarder integrity unless otherwise indicated.
2. Insulate pipe elbows using preformed fitting insulation or mitered fittings made from same
material and density as adjacent pipe insulation. Each piece shall be butted tightly
against adjoining piece and bonded with adhesive. Fill joints, seams, voids, and irregular
surfaces with insulating cement finished to a smooth, hard, and uniform contour that is
uniform with adjoining pipe insulation.
3. Insulate tee fittings with preformed fitting insulation or sectional pipe insulation of same
material and thickness as used for adjacent pipe. Cut sectional pipe insulation to fit. Butt
each section closely to the next and hold in place with tie wire. Bond pieces with
4. Insulate valves using preformed fitting insulation or sectional pipe insulation of same
material, density, and thickness as used for adjacent pipe. Overlap adjoining pipe
insulation by not less than two times the thickness of pipe insulation, or one pipe
diameter, whichever is thicker. For valves, insulate up to and including the bonnets, valve
stuffing-box studs, bolts, and nuts. Fill joints, seams, and irregular surfaces with
insulating cement.
5. Insulate strainers using preformed fitting insulation or sectional pipe insulation of same
material, density, and thickness as used for adjacent pipe. Overlap adjoining pipe
insulation by not less than two times the thickness of pipe insulation, or one pipe
diameter, whichever is thicker. Fill joints, seams, and irregular surfaces with insulating
cement. Insulate strainers so strainer basket flange or plug can be easily removed and
replaced without damaging the insulation and jacket. Provide a removable reusable
insulation cover. For below-ambient services, provide a design that maintains vapor
RPS - Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HVAC PIPING INSULATION 23 07 19 - 7
6. Insulate flanges and unions using a section of oversized preformed pipe insulation.
Overlap adjoining pipe insulation by not less than two times the thickness of pipe
insulation, or one pipe diameter, whichever is thicker.
7. Cover segmented insulated surfaces with a layer of finishing cement and coat with a
mastic. Install vapor-barrier mastic for below-ambient services and a breather mastic for
above-ambient services. Reinforce the mastic with fabric-reinforcing mesh. Trowel the
mastic to a smooth and well-shaped contour.
8. For services not specified to receive a field-applied jacket except for flexible elastomeric
and polyolefin, install fitted PVC cover over elbows, tees, strainers, valves, flanges, and
unions. Terminate ends with PVC end caps. Tape PVC covers to adjoining insulation
facing using PVC tape.
9. Stencil or label the outside insulation jacket of each union with the word "union." Match
size and color of pipe labels.
C. Insulate instrument connections for thermometers, pressure gages, pressure temperature taps,
test connections, flow meters, sensors, switches, and transmitters on insulated pipes. Shape
insulation at these connections by tapering it to and around the connection with insulating
cement and finish with finishing cement, mastic, and flashing sealant.
D. Install removable insulation covers at locations indicated. Installation shall conform to the
1. Make removable flange and union insulation from sectional pipe insulation of same
thickness as that on adjoining pipe. Install same insulation jacket as adjoining pipe
2. When flange and union covers are made from sectional pipe insulation, extend insulation
from flanges or union long at least two times the insulation thickness over adjacent pipe
insulation on each side of flange or union. Secure flange cover in place with stainless-
steel or aluminum bands. Select band material compatible with insulation and jacket.
3. Construct removable valve insulation covers in same manner as for flanges, except
divide the two-part section on the vertical center line of valve body.
4. When covers are made from block insulation, make two halves, each consisting of
mitered blocks wired to stainless-steel fabric. Secure this wire frame, with its attached
insulation, to flanges with tie wire. Extend insulation at least 2 inches over adjacent pipe
insulation on each side of valve. Fill space between flange or union cover and pipe
insulation with insulating cement. Finish cover assembly with insulating cement applied in
two coats. After first coat is dry, apply and trowel second coat to a smooth finish.
5. Unless a PVC jacket is indicated in field-applied jacket schedules, finish exposed
surfaces with a metal jacket.
1. Secure each layer of preformed pipe insulation to pipe with wire or bands and tighten
bands without deforming insulation materials.
2. Where vapor barriers are indicated, seal longitudinal seams, end joints, and protrusions
with vapor-barrier mastic and joint sealant.
3. For insulation with factory-applied jackets on above-ambient surfaces, secure laps with
outward-clinched staples at 6 inches o.c.
4. For insulation with factory-applied jackets on below-ambient surfaces, do not staple
longitudinal tabs. Instead, secure tabs with additional adhesive as recommended by
insulation material manufacturer and seal with vapor-barrier mastic and flashing sealant.
23 07 19 - 8 HVAC PIPING INSULATION RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
B. Insulation Installation on Pipe Flanges:
1. Install preformed sections of same material as straight segments of pipe insulation when
2. When preformed insulation elbows and fittings are not available, install mitered sections
of pipe insulation, to a thickness equal to adjoining pipe insulation. Secure insulation
materials with wire or bands.
1. Install preformed sections of same material as straight segments of pipe insulation when
2. When preformed sections are not available, install mitered sections of pipe insulation to
valve body.
3. Arrange insulation to permit access to packing and to allow valve operation without
disturbing insulation.
4. Install insulation to flanges as specified for flange insulation application.
A. Where PVC jackets are indicated, install with 1-inch overlap at longitudinal seams and end
joints; for horizontal applications. Seal with manufacturer's recommended adhesive.
1. Apply two continuous beads of adhesive to seams and joints, one bead under lap and the
finish bead along seam and joint edge.
1. Inspect pipe, fittings, strainers, and valves, randomly selected by Engineer, by removing
field-applied jacket and insulation in layers in reverse order of their installation. Extent of
inspection shall be limited to three locations of straight pipe, three locations of threaded
fittings, three locations of welded fittings, three locations of threaded valves, and three
locations of flanged valves for each pipe service defined in the "Piping Insulation
Schedule, General" Article.
C. All insulation applications will be considered defective Work if sample inspection reveals
noncompliance with requirements.
RPS - Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HVAC PIPING INSULATION 23 07 19 - 9
A. Heating-Hot-Water Supply and Return, 200 Deg F and Below: Insulation shall be:
1. Mineral-Fiber, Preformed Pipe, Type I: 1.5 inch thick.
A. Install jacket over insulation material. For insulation with factory-applied jacket, install the field-
applied jacket over the factory-applied jacket.
B. If more than one material is listed, selection from materials listed is Contractor's option.
C. Piping, Concealed:
1. None.
D. Piping, Exposed:
1. PVC: 20 mils thick.
23 07 19 - 10 HVAC PIPING INSULATION RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
SECTION 23 09 23
A. Section Includes:
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 23 09 24 "Control Valves" for automatic valves that connect to DDC systems.
2. Section 23 09 25 "Temperature Instruments" for thermostats and air sensors that connect
to DDC systems.
3. Raceways:
a. Section 26 05 33 "Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems" for raceways for
low-voltage control cable.
A. Algorithm: A logical procedure for solving a recurrent mathematical problem. A prescribed set of
well-defined rules or processes for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.
B. Analog: A continuously varying signal value, such as current, flow, pressure, or temperature.
E. Controller: Generic term for any standalone, microprocessor-based, digital controller residing on
a network, used for local or global control. Three types of controllers are indicated: Network
Controller, Programmable Application Controller, and Application-Specific Controller.
F. Control System Integrator: An entity that assists in expansion of existing enterprise system and
support of additional operator interfaces to I/O being added to existing enterprise system.
H. DDC System Provider: Authorized representative of, and trained by, DDC system manufacturer
and responsible for execution of DDC system Work indicated.
I. Distributed Control: Processing of system data is decentralized and control decisions are made
at subsystem level. System operational programs and information are provided to remote
subsystems and status is reported back. On loss of communication, subsystems shall be
capable of operating in a standalone mode using the last best available data.
J. Gateway: Bidirectional protocol translator that connects control systems that use different
communication protocols.
L. I/O: System through which information is received and transmitted. I/O refers to analog input
(AI), binary input (DI), analog output (AO) and binary output (DO). Analog signals are
continuous and represent control influences such as flow, level, moisture, pressure, and
temperature. Binary signals convert electronic signals to digital pulses (values) and generally
represent two-position operating and alarm status. "Digital," (DI and (DO), is sometimes used
interchangeably with "Binary," (DI) and (DO), respectively.
N. Low Voltage: As defined in NFPA 70 for circuits and equipment operating at less than 50 V or
for remote-control, signaling power-limited circuits.
Q. MS/TP: Master-slave/token-passing, IEE 8802-3. Datalink protocol LAN option that uses
twisted-pair wire for low-speed communication.
S. Peer to Peer: Networking architecture that treats all network stations as equal partners.
Y. User Datagram Protocol (UDP): This protocol assumes that the IP is used as the underlying
6. When manufacturer's product datasheets apply to a product series rather than a specific
product model, clearly indicate and highlight only applicable information.
7. Each submitted piece of product literature shall clearly cross reference specification and
drawings that submittal is to cover.
B. Shop Drawings:
4. Typical schematic drawings for each controlled HVAC system indicating the following:
a. I/O points labeled with point names shown. Indicate instrument range, normal
operating set points, and alarm set points. Indicate fail position of each damper
and valve, if included in Project.
b. I/O listed in table format showing point name, type of device, manufacturer, model
number, and cross-reference to product data sheet number.
c. A graphic showing location of control I/O in proper relationship to HVAC system.
d. Wiring diagram with each I/O point having a unique identification and indicating
labels for all wiring terminals.
e. Unique identification of each I/O that shall be consistently used between different
drawings showing same point.
f. Elementary wiring diagrams of controls for HVAC equipment motor circuits
including interlocks, switches, relays and interface to DDC controllers.
g. Narrative sequence of operation.
h. Graphic sequence of operation, showing all inputs and output logical blocks.
a. Panel dimensions, materials, size, and location of field cable, and raceways.
b. Interior subpanel layout, drawn to scale and showing all internal components,
cabling and wiring raceways, nameplates and allocated spare space.
c. Front, rear, and side elevations and nameplate legend.
d. Unique drawing for each panel.
C. System Description:
1. Marshall Middle School has an existing installation of Niagra JACE Controllers and
Honeywell Controllers for Air Handling Units. The additional DDC system components
will include additional controllers using BACNet to incorporate all new devices into the
existing architecture.
A. Coordination Drawings: Plan drawings, reflected ceiling plan(s), and other details, drawn to
scale and coordinated with each other, using input from installers of the items involved.
B. Product Certificates:
1. Data Communications Protocol Certificates: Certifying that each proposed DDC system
component complies with ASHRAE 135.
A. Operation and Maintenance Data: For DDC system to include in emergency, operation and
maintenance manuals.
A. Furnish extra materials and parts that match products installed and that are packaged with
protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents.
B. Include product manufacturers' recommended parts lists for proper product operation over four-
year period following warranty period. Parts list shall be indicated for each year.
C. Furnish parts, as indicated by manufacturer's recommended parts list, for product operation
during one-year period following warranty period.
D. Furnish quantity indicated of matching product(s) in Project inventory for each unique size and
type of following:
D. Pipe and Pressure-Vessel Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and operators according
to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
A. Owner has contracted with Nelson-Carlson for boiler and system pump with VFD replacement
and associated controls work that will be happening simultaneously.
A. Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer and Installer agree to repair or replace products that fail
in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period.
3. Warranty service shall occur during normal business hours and commence within 24
hours of Owner's warranty service request.
4. Warranty Period: One year(s) from date of Substantial Completion.
1. Distech Controls.
2. Niagra JACE
3. Schneider Electric USA, Inc.
B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70,
by a qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application.
a. AI point values connected to DDC system shall be updated at least every five
seconds for use by DDC controllers. Points used globally shall also comply with
this requirement.
b. DI point values connected to DDC system shall be updated at least every five
seconds for use by DDC controllers. Points used globally shall also comply with
this requirement.
c. AO points connected to DDC system shall begin to respond to controller output
commands within one second(s). Global commands shall also comply with this
d. DO point values connected to DDC system shall respond to controller output
commands within one second(s). Global commands shall also comply with this
D. Network Bandwidth: Design each network of DDC system to include at least 30 percent
available spare bandwidth with DDC system operating under normal and heavy load conditions
indicated. Calculate bandwidth usage, and apply a safety factor to ensure that requirement is
satisfied when subjected to testing under worst case conditions.
1. When logged into the system, operator shall be able to also interact with any DDC
controller connected to DDC system as required for functional operation of DDC system.
2. System(s) shall be used for application configuration; for archiving, reporting and trending
of data; for operator transaction archiving and reporting; for network information
management; for alarm annunciation; and for operator interface tasks and controls
application management.
F. Future Expandability:
1. DDC system size shall be expandable to an ultimate capacity of at least 20% more than
the I/O points indicated.
2. Additional DDC controllers, I/O and associated wiring shall be all that is needed to
achieve ultimate capacity. Initial network infrastructure shall be designed and installed to
support ultimate capacity.
3. Operator interfaces installed initially shall not require hardware and software additions
and revisions for ultimate capacity.
G. Input Point Displayed Accuracy: Input point displayed values shall meet following end-to-end
overall system accuracy, including errors associated with meter, sensor, transmitter, lead wire
or cable, and analog to digital conversion.
1. Flow:
a. Water: Within 2 percent of design flow rate.
H. Precision of I/O Reported Values: Values reported in database and displayed shall have
following precision:
2. Temperature:
1. Flow:
a. Water: Within 2 percent of design flow rate.
1. Instruments and actuators shall operate without performance degradation under the
ambient environmental temperature, pressure, humidity, and vibration conditions
specified and encountered for installed location.
2. Instruments, actuators and accessories shall be protected with enclosures satisfying the
following minimum requirements unless more stringent requirements are indicated.
Instruments and actuators not available with integral enclosures complying with
requirements indicated shall be housed in protective secondary enclosures. Installed
location shall dictate the following NEMA 250 enclosure requirements:
1. Power-Line Surges:
2. Power Conditioning:
3. Ground Fault: Protect products from ground fault by providing suitable grounding.
Products shall not fail due to ground fault condition.
1. HVAC systems and equipment served by a backup power source shall have associated
DDC system products that control such systems and equipment also served from a
backup power source.
1. Level one LAN is existing and connects network controllers and operator workstations.
2. Level two LAN shall connect programmable application controllers to other
programmable application controllers, and to network controllers.
3. Level three LAN shall connect application-specific controllers to programmable
application controllers and network controllers.
C. DDC system shall consist of dedicated and separated LANs that are not shared with other
building systems and tenant data and communication networks.
D. Number of LANs and associated communication shall be transparent to operator. All I/O points
residing on any LAN shall be capable of global sharing between all system LANs.
E. System design shall eliminate dependence on any single device for system alarm reporting and
control execution. Each controller shall operate independently by performing its' own control,
alarm management and historical data collection.
A. Acceptable networks for connecting workstations, mobile devices, and network controllers
include the following:
1. IP.
2. IEEE 8802-3, Ethernet.
B. Acceptable networks for connecting programmable application controllers include the following:
1. IP.
2. IEEE 8802-3, Ethernet.
A. Network communication protocol(s) used throughout entire DDC system shall be open to Owner
and available to other companies for use in making future modifications to DDC system.
1. ASHRAE 135 communication protocol shall be sole and native protocol used throughout
entire DDC system.
2. DDC system shall not require use of gateways except to integrate HVAC equipment and
other building systems and equipment, not required to use ASHRAE 135 communication
3. If used, gateways shall connect to DDC system using ASHRAE 135 communication
protocol and Project object properties and read/write services indicated by interoperability
4. Operator workstations, controllers and other network devices shall be tested and listed by
BACnet Testing Laboratories.
1. DDC system shall use any one or a combination of the following industry standard
protocols for network communication while complying with other DDC system
requirements indicated:
a. ASHRAE 135.
B. Include gateways to connect BACnet to legacy LON systems, existing non-BACnet devices, and
existing non-BACnet DDC-controlled equipment, only when specifically requested and approved
by Owner.
C. Include with each gateway an interoperability schedule showing each point or event on legacy
side that BACnet "client" will read, and each parameter that BACnet network will write to.
Describe this interoperability of BACnet services, or DIBBs, defined in ASHRAE 135, Annex K.
1. Read and view all readable object properties on non-BACnet network to BACnet network
and vice versa where applicable.
2. Write to all writeable object properties on non-BACnet network from BACnet network and
vice versa where applicable.
3. Include single-pass (only one protocol to BACnet without intermediary protocols)
translation from non-BACnet protocol to BACnet and vice versa.
4. Comply with requirements of Data Sharing Read Property, Data Sharing Write Property,
Device Management Dynamic Device Binding-B, and Device Management
Communication Control DIBBs according to ASHRAE 135.
5. Hardware, software, software licenses, and configuration tools for operator-to-gateway
6. Backup programming and parameters on CD media and the ability to modify, download,
backup, and restore gateway configuration.
B. DDC controllers shall perform monitoring, control, energy optimization and other requirements
C. DDC controllers shall use a multitasking, multiuser, real-time digital control microprocessor with
a distributed network database and intelligence.
D. Each DDC controller shall be capable of full and complete operation as a completely
independent unit and as a part of a DDC system wide distributed network.
E. Environment Requirements:
1. Include spare processing memory for each controller. RAM, PROM, or EEPROM will
implement requirements indicated with the following spare memory:
2. Memory shall support DDC controller's operating system and database and shall include
the following:
H. DDC Controller Spare I/O Point Capacity: Include spare I/O point capacity for each controller as
I. Maintenance and Support: Include the following features to facilitate maintenance and support:
1. Mount microprocessor components on circuit cards for ease of removal and replacement.
2. Means to quickly and easily disconnect controller from network.
3. Means to quickly and easily access connect to field test equipment.
4. Visual indication that controller electric power is on, of communication fault or trouble,
and that controller is receiving and sending signals to network.
1. Hardwired input and output points shall connect to network, programmable application
and application-specific controllers.
2. Input and output points shall be protected so shorting of point to itself, to another point, or
to ground will not damage controller.
a. AIs shall include monitoring of low-voltage (zero- to 10-V dc), current (4 to 20 mA)
and resistance signals from thermistor and RTD sensors.
b. AIs shall be compatible with, and field configurable to, sensor and transmitters
c. Controller AIs shall perform analog-to-digital (A-to-D) conversion with a minimum
resolution of 8 bits or better to comply with accuracy requirements indicated.
d. Signal conditioning including transient rejection shall be provided for each AI.
e. Capable of being individually calibrated for zero and span.
f. Incorporate common-mode noise rejection of at least 50 dB from zero to 100 Hz
for differential inputs, and normal-mode noise rejection of at least 20 dB at 60 Hz
from a source impedance of 10000 ohms.
5. AOs:
6. DIs:
a. Controller DIs shall accept contact closures and shall ignore transients of less than
5-ms duration.
b. Isolation and protection against an applied steady-state voltage of up to 180-V ac
c. DIs shall include a wetting current of at least 12 mA to be compatible with
commonly available control devices and shall be protected against effects of
contact bounce and noise.
d. DIs shall sense "dry contact" closure without external power (other than that
provided by the controller) being applied.
e. Pulse accumulation input points shall comply with all requirements of DIs and
accept up to 10 pulses per second for pulse accumulation. Buffer shall be provided
to totalize pulses. Pulse accumulator shall accept rates of at least 20 pulses per
second. The totalized value shall be reset to zero on operator's command.
7. DOs:
a. Controller DOs shall include relay contact closures or triac outputs for momentary
and maintained operation of output devices.
1) Relay contact closures shall have a minimum duration of 0.1 second. Relays
shall include at least 180 V of isolation. Electromagnetic interference
suppression shall be provided on all output lines to limit transients to non-
damaging levels. Minimum contact rating shall be 1 A at 24-V ac.
2) Triac outputs shall include at least 180 V of isolation. Minimum contact
rating shall be 1 A at 24-V ac.
b. DOs shall include for two-state operation or a pulsed low-voltage signal for pulse-
width modulation control.
1. Equal to Distech ECB-300 for Heating Coils (HCs), or Distech ECL-400 for Air Supply
Units (ASUs)
2. Include adequate number of controllers to achieve performance indicated.
3. Controller shall have enough memory to support its operating system, database, and
programming requirements.
4. Data shall be shared between networked controllers and other network devices.
5. Operating system of controller shall manage input and output communication signals to
allow distributed controllers to share real and virtual object information and allow for
central monitoring and alarms.
6. Controllers that perform scheduling shall have a real-time clock.
7. Controller shall continually check status of its processor and memory circuits. If an
abnormal operation is detected, controller shall assume a predetermined failure mode
and generate an alarm notification.
8. Controllers shall be fully programmable.
B. Communication:
C. Operator Interface:
D. Serviceability:
1. Controller shall be equipped with diagnostic LEDs or other form of local visual indication
of power, communication, and processor.
2. Wiring and cable connections shall be made to field-removable, modular terminal strips
or to a termination card connected by a ribbon cable.
3. Controller shall maintain DIOS and programming information in event of a power loss for
at least 72 hours.
B. Security:
1. Operator access shall be secured using individual security passwords and user names.
2. Passwords shall restrict operator to points, applications, and system functions as
assigned by system manager.
3. Operator log-on and log-off attempts shall be recorded.
4. System shall protect itself from unauthorized use by automatically logging off after last
keystroke. The delay time shall be operator-definable.
C. Scheduling: Include capability to schedule each point or group of points in system. Each
schedule shall consist of the following:
1. Weekly Schedule:
2. Exception Schedules:
a. Include ability for operator to designate any day of the year as an exception
b. Exception schedules may be defined up to a year in advance. Once an exception
schedule is executed, it will be discarded and replaced by regular schedule for that
day of week.
3. Holiday Schedules:
D. System Coordination:
E. Binary Alarms:
1. Each analog object shall have both high and low alarm limits.
2. Alarming shall be able to be automatically and manually disabled.
G. Alarm Reporting:
H. Remote Communication:
7. Include the following information and reports, to be available on an hourly, daily, weekly,
monthly and annual basis:
J. Maintenance Management: System shall monitor equipment status and generate maintenance
messages based on operator-designated run-time, starts, and calendar date limits.
L. Control Loops:
M. Staggered Start: Application shall prevent all controlled equipment from simultaneously
restarting after a power outage. Order which equipment (or groups of equipment) is started,
along with the time delay between starts, shall be operator-selectable.
N. Energy Calculations:
O. Anti-Short Cycling:
1. Include an algorithm that allows a DO to be cycled based on a controlled variable and set
2. Algorithm shall be direct- or reverse-acting and incorporate an adjustable differential.
Q. Run-Time Totalization:
B. Internal Arrangement:
1. Internal layout of enclosure shall group and protect pneumatic, electric, and electronic
components associated with a controller, but not an integral part of controller.
2. Arrange layout to group similar products together.
3. Include a barrier between line-voltage and low-voltage electrical and electronic products.
4. Factory or shop install products, cabling and wiring complying with requirements and
standards indicated.
5. Terminate field cable and wire using heavy-duty terminal blocks.
6. Include spare terminals, equal to not less than 20 percent of used terminals.
7. Include spade lugs for stranded cable and wire.
8. Install a maximum of two wires on each side of a terminal.
9. Include enclosure field power supply with a toggle-type switch located at entrance inside
enclosure to disconnect power.
10. Include enclosure with a line-voltage nominal 20-A GFCI duplex receptacle for service
and testing tools. Wire receptacle on hot side of enclosure disconnect switch and include
with a 5-A circuit breaker.
11. Mount products within enclosure on removable internal panel(s).
12. Include products mounted in enclosures with engraved, laminated phenolic nameplates
(black letters on a white background). The nameplates shall have at least 1/4-inch-high
13. Route cable and wire located inside enclosure within a raceway with a continuous
removable cover.
14. Label each end of cable, wire in enclosure following an approved identification system
that extends from field I/O connection and all intermediate connections throughout length
to controller connection.
15. Size enclosure internal panel to include at least 25 percent spare area on face of panel.
C. Environmental Requirements:
a. Hoffman (Pentair).
b. Saginaw Control & Engineering.
4. Finish enclosure inside and out with polyester powder coating that is electrostatically
applied and then baked to bond to substrate.
5. Hinged door full size of front face of enclosure and supported using:
6. Removable internal panel with a white polyester powder coating that is electrostatically
applied and then baked to bond to substrate.
a. Hoffman (Pentair).
b. Saginaw Control & Engineering.
2. Enclosure shall be NRTL listed according to UL 508A.
3. Seam and joints are continuously welded and ground smooth.
4. Where recessed enclosures are indicated, include enclosures with face flange for flush
5. Externally formed body flange around perimeter of enclosure face for continuous
perimeter seamless gasket door seal.
6. Single-door enclosure sizes up to 60 inches tall by 36 inches wide.
7. Double-door enclosure sizes up to 36 inches tall by 60 inches wide.
8. Construct enclosure of steel, not less than the following:
a. Size 24 Inches and Larger: 0.067 inch thick.
10. Corner-formed door, full size of enclosure face, supported using multiple concealed
hinges with easily removable hinge pins.
11. Removable internal panel with a white polyester powder coating that is electrostatically
applied and then baked to bond to substrate.
a. Size 24 Inches and Larger: Solid steel, 0.093 inch thick.
12. Internal panel mounting studs with hardware, grounding hardware, and sealing washers.
13. Grounding stud on enclosure body.
14. Thermoplastic pocket on inside of door for record Drawings and Product Data.
F. Accessories:
A. Transformers:
1. Transformer shall be sized for the total connected load, plus an additional 25 percent of
connected load.
2. Transformer shall be at least 100 VA.
3. Transformer shall have both primary and secondary fuses.
B. DC Power Supply:
1. Plug-in style suitable for mating with a standard eight-pin octal socket. Include the power
supply with a mating mounting socket.
2. Enclose circuitry in a housing.
3. Include both line and load regulation to ensure a stable output. To protect both the power
supply and the load, power supply shall have an automatic current limiting circuit.
4. Performance:
D. LAN and Communication Cable: Comply with DDC system manufacturer requirements for
network being installed.
A. Comply with requirements in Section 26 05 33 "Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems" for
electrical power raceways and boxes.
B. Valve Tags:
1. Acrylic label with pressure-sensitive adhesive back and peel-off protective jacket.
2. Lettering size shall be at least 14-point type with white lettering on red background.
3. Warning label shall read "CAUTION-Equipment operated under remote automatic control
and may start or stop at any time without warning. Switch electric power disconnecting
means to OFF position before servicing."
4. Lettering shall be enclosed in a white line border. Edge of label shall extend at least 0.25
inch beyond white border.
A. Product(s) and material(s) will be considered defective if they do not pass tests and inspections.
A. Examine substrates and conditions for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances
and other conditions affecting performance of the Work.
B. Examine roughing-in for products to verify actual locations of connections before installation.
C. Examine walls, floors, roofs, and ceilings for suitable conditions where product will be installed.
E. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
1. DDC system shall have communication interface with equipment having integral controls
and having a communication interface for remote monitoring or control.
B. Install products level, plumb, parallel, and perpendicular with building construction.
C. Support products, piping wiring and raceways. Brace products to prevent lateral movement and
sway or a break in attachment when subjected to a force.
D. If codes and referenced standards are more stringent than requirements indicated, comply with
requirements in codes and referenced standards.
E. Fabricate openings and install sleeves in ceilings, floors, roof, and walls required by installation
of products. Before proceeding with drilling, punching, and cutting, check for concealed work to
avoid damage. Patch, flash, grout, seal, and refinish openings to match adjacent condition.
H. Welding Requirements:
I. Fastening Hardware:
1. Stillson wrenches, pliers, and other tools that damage surfaces of rods, nuts, and other
parts are prohibited for work of assembling and tightening fasteners.
2. Tighten bolts and nuts firmly and uniformly. Do not overstress threads by excessive force
or by oversized wrenches.
3. Lubricate threads of bolts, nuts and screws with graphite and oil before assembly.
K. Corrosive Environments:
2. When conduit is in contact with a corrosive airstream and environment, use Type 316
stainless-steel conduit and fittings or conduit and fittings that are coated with a corrosive-
resistant coating that is suitable for environment. Comply with requirements for
installation of raceways and boxes specified in Section 26 05 33 "Raceways and Boxes
for Electrical Systems."
3. Where instruments are located in a corrosive airstream and are not corrosive resistant
from manufacturer, field install products in NEMA 250, Type 4X enclosure constructed of
Type 316L stainless steel.
A. Install gateways if required for DDC system communication interface requirements indicated.
C. Install controller with latest version of applicable software and configure to execute
requirements indicated.
D. Test and adjust controllers to verify operation of connected I/O to achieve performance
indicated requirements while executing sequences of operation.
F. Application-Specific Controllers:
1. Gateways.
2. Routers.
3. Controllers.
4. Electrical power devices.
5. Relays.
6. Accessories.
7. Instruments.
8. Actuators
B. Attach wall-mounted enclosures to wall using the following types of steel struts:
1. For NEMA 250, Type 1 or Type 12 Enclosures: Use corrosion-resistant-coated steel strut
and hardware.
2. Install plastic caps on exposed cut edges of strut.
D. Install continuous and fully accessible wireways to connect conduit, wire, and cable to multiple
adjacent enclosures. Wireway used for application shall have protection equal to NEMA 250
rating of connected enclosures.
A. Connect electrical power to DDC system products requiring electrical power connections.
B. Design of electrical power to products not indicated with electric power is delegated to DDC
system provider and installing trade. Work shall comply with NFPA 70 and other requirements
C. Comply with requirements in Section 26 28 16 "Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers" for
electrical power circuit breakers.
E. Comply with requirements in Section 26 05 33 "Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems" for
electrical power raceways and boxes.
A. Install laminated acrylic or melamine plastic signs with unique identification on face for each of
the following:
1. DDC controller.
2. Enclosure.
D. Where product is installed above accessible tile ceiling, also install matching identification on
face of ceiling grid located directly below.
E. Where product is installed above an inaccessible ceiling, also install identification on face of
access door directly below.
A. Install balanced twisted pair cable when connecting between the following network
devices located in same building:
A. Coordinate with Owner and provide unique naming and addressing for networks and devices.
1. MAC Address:
a. Every network device shall have an assigned and documented MAC address
unique to its network.
b. Ethernet Networks: Document MAC address assigned at its creation.
c. ARCNET or MS/TP networks: Assign from 00 to 64.
2. Network Numbering:
a. Assign unique device object identifier property numbers or device instances for
each device network.
b. Provide for future modification of device instance number by device switches or
operator interface.
c. LAN shall support up to 4,194,302 unique devices.
a. Device object name property field shall support 32 minimum printable characters.
b. Assign unique device "Object Name" property names with plain-English descriptive
names for each device.
1. Install cables with protective sheathing that is waterproof and capable of withstanding
continuous temperatures of 90 deg C with no measurable effect on physical and electrical
properties of cable.
a. Provide shielding to prevent interference and distortion from adjacent cables and
4. Terminate field wiring and cable not directly connected to instruments and control devices
having integral wiring terminals using terminal blocks.
5. Install signal transmission components according to IEEE C2, REA Form 511a, NFPA 70,
and as indicated.
6. Use shielded cable to transmitters.
7. Use shielded cable to temperature sensors.
8. Perform continuity and meager testing on wire and cable after installation.
1. Comply with Section "260533 "Raceways and Boxes for Electrical Systems" for control-
voltage conductors.
B. Perform the following tests and inspections with the assistance of a factory-authorized service
1. Perform each visual and mechanical inspection and electrical test stated in NETA
Acceptance Testing Specification. Certify compliance with test parameters.
2. Test and adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and
C. Testing:
A. Check installed products before continuity tests, leak tests and calibration.
C. Check instruments for proper installation on direction of flow, elevation, orientation, insertion
depth, or other applicable considerations that will impact performance.
1. For pneumatic valves, verify that pressure gages are provided in each air line to valve
actuator and positioner.
E. Instrument Checkout:
1. Verify that instrument is correctly installed for location, orientation, direction and operating
2. Verify that attachment is properly secured and sealed.
3. Verify that conduit connections are properly secured and sealed.
4. Verify that wiring is properly labeled with unique identification, correct type and size and
is securely attached to proper terminals.
5. Inspect instrument tag against approved submittal.
6. For flow instruments, verify that recommended upstream and downstream distances
have been maintained.
7. For temperature instruments:
A. Calibrate each instrument installed that is not factory calibrated and provided with calibration
B. Provide a written description of proposed field procedures and equipment for calibrating each
type of instrument. Submit procedures before calibration and adjustment.
C. For each analog instrument, make a three-point test of calibration for both linearity and
D. Equipment and procedures used for calibration shall comply with instrument manufacturer's
written instructions.
F. Field instruments and equipment used to test and calibrate installed instruments shall have
accuracy at least twice the instrument accuracy being calibrated. An installed instrument with an
accuracy of 1 percent shall be checked by an instrument with an accuracy of 0.5 percent.
I. Comply with field testing requirements and procedures indicated by ASHRAE's Guideline 11,
"Field Testing of HVAC Control Components," in the absence of specific requirements, and to
supplement requirements indicated.
1. Check analog voltage signals using a precision voltage meter at zero, 50, and 100
2. Check analog current signals using a precision current meter at zero, 50, and 100
3. Check resistance signals for temperature sensors at zero, 50, and 100 percent of
operating span using a precision-resistant source.
K. Digital Signals:
L. Control Valves:
1. Stroke and adjust control valves following manufacturer's recommended procedure, from
100 percent open to 100 percent closed and back to 100 percent open.
2. Stroke control valves with pilot positioners. Adjust valve and positioner following
manufacturer's recommended procedure, so valve is 100 percent closed, 50 percent
closed and 100 percent open at proper air pressures.
3. Check and document open and close cycle times for applications with a cycle time less
than 30 seconds.
4. For control valves equipped with positive position indication, check feedback signal at
multiple positions to confirm proper position indication.
M. Meters: Check sensors at zero, 50, and 100 percent of Project design values.
N. Sensors: Check sensors at zero, 50, and 100 percent of Project design values.
P. Transmitters:
1. Check and calibrate transmitters at zero, 50, and 100 percent of Project design values.
2. Calibrate resistance temperature transmitters at zero, 50, and 100 percent of span using
a precision-resistant source.
B. Verify that wire and cabling is properly secured to terminals and labeled with unique
A. Testing:
1. Test every I/O point connected to DDC controller to verify that safety and operating
control set points are as indicated and as required to operate controlled system safely
and at optimum performance.
2. Test every I/O point throughout its full operating range.
3. Test every control loop to verify operation is stable and accurate.
4. Adjust control loop proportional, integral and derivative settings to achieve optimum
performance while complying with performance requirements indicated. Document
testing of each control loop's precision and stability via trend logs.
5. Test and adjust every control loop for proper operation according to sequence of
6. Test software and hardware interlocks for proper operation. Correct deficiencies.
7. Operate each analog point at the following:
A. Perform validation tests before requesting final review of system. Before beginning testing, first
submit Pretest Checklist and Test Plan.
B. After approval of Test Plan, execute all tests and procedures indicated in plan.
D. Pretest Checklist: Submit the following list with items checked off once verified:
1. Detailed explanation for any items that are not completed or verified.
2. Required mechanical installation work is successfully completed and HVAC equipment is
working correctly.
3. HVAC equipment motors operate below full-load amperage ratings.
4. Required DDC system components, wiring, and accessories are installed.
5. Installed DDC system architecture matches approved Drawings.
6. Control electric power circuits operate at proper voltage and are free from faults.
7. Required surge protection is installed.
8. DDC system network communications function properly, including uploading and
downloading programming changes.
9. Using BACnet protocol analyzer, verify that communications are error free.
10. Each controller's programming is backed up.
11. Equipment, products, wiring cable and conduits are properly labeled.
E. Test Plan:
1. Prepare and submit a validation test plan including test procedures for performance
validation tests.
2. Test plan shall address all specified functions of DDC system and sequences of
3. Explain detailed actions and expected results to demonstrate compliance with
requirements indicated.
4. Explain method for simulating necessary conditions of operation used to demonstrate
5. Include a test checklist to be used to check and initial that each test has been
successfully completed.
6. Submit test plan documentation 10 business days before start of tests.
F. Validation Test:
6. Completely check out, calibrate, and test all connected hardware and software to ensure
that DDC system performs according to requirements indicated.
7. After validation testing is complete, prepare and submit a report indicating all I/O points
that required correction and how many validation re-tests it took to pass. Identify
adjustments made for each test and indicate instruments that were replaced.
1. Simulate HLC.
2. Initiate 10 successive occurrences of HLC and measure response time to typical alarms
and status changes.
3. Measure with a timer having at least 0.1-second resolution and 0.01 percent accuracy.
4. Purpose of test is to demonstrate DDC system, as follows:
a. Alarm reporting at printer beginning no more than two seconds after the initiation
(time zero) of HLC.
b. All alarms, both binary and analog, are reported and printed; none are lost.
c. Compliance with response times specified.
6. Prepare and submit a report documenting HLC tested and results of test including time
stamp and print out of all alarms.
1. Test network bandwidth usage on all DDC system networks to demonstrate bandwidth
usage under DDC system normal operating conditions and under simulated HLC.
2. To pass, none of DDC system networks shall use more than 70 percent of available
bandwidth under normal and HLC operation.
A. Submit written request to Architect and Owner’s Construction Manager when DDC system is
ready for final review. Written request shall state the following:
1. DDC system has been thoroughly inspected for compliance with contract documents and
found to be in full compliance.
2. DDC system has been calibrated, adjusted and tested and found to comply with
requirements of operational stability, accuracy, speed and other performance
requirements indicated.
B. Review by Architect and Owner’s Construction Manager shall be made after receipt of written
request. A field report shall be issued to document observations and deficiencies.
C. Take prompt action to remedy deficiencies indicated in field report and submit a second written
request when all deficiencies have been corrected. Repeat process until no deficiencies are
D. Should more than two reviews be required, DDC system manufacturer and Installer shall
compensate entity performing review for total costs, labor and expenses, associated with third
and subsequent reviews. Estimated cost of each review shall be submitted and approved by
DDC system manufacturer and Installer before making the review.
F. A part of DDC system final review shall include a demonstration to parties participating in final
1. Provide staff familiar with DDC system installed to demonstrate operation of DDC system
during final review.
2. Provide testing equipment to demonstrate accuracy and other performance requirements
of DDC system that is requested by reviewers during final review.
3. Demonstration shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
B. Upgrade Service: At Substantial Completion, update software to latest version. Install and
program software upgrades that become available within one year(s) from date of Substantial
Completion. Upgrading software shall include operating system and new or revised licenses for
using software.
1. Upgrade Notice: At least 30 days to allow Owner to schedule and access system and to
upgrade computer equipment if necessary.
B. Extent of Training:
1. Base extent of training on scope and complexity of DDC system indicated and training
requirements indicated. Provide extent of training required to satisfy requirements
indicated even if more than minimum training requirements are indicated.
2. Inform Owner of anticipated training requirements if more than minimum training
requirements are indicated.
3. Minimum Training Requirements:
C. Training Schedule:
1. Schedule training with Owner 20 business days before expected Substantial Completion.
2. Provide staggered training schedule as requested by Owner.
1. Request from Owner in advance of training a proposed attendee list with name, phone
number and e-mail address.
2. Provide a preprinted sign-in sheet for each training session with proposed attendees
listed and no fewer than six blank spaces to add additional attendees.
3. Preprinted sign-in sheet shall include training session number, date and time, instructor
name, phone number and e-mail address, and brief description of content to be covered
during session. List attendees with columns for name, phone number, e-mail address and
a column for attendee signature or initials.
4. Circulate sign-in sheet at beginning of each session and solicit attendees to sign or initial
in applicable location.
5. At end of each training day, send Owner an e-mail with an attachment of scanned copy
(PDF) of circulated sign-in sheet for each session.
1. Provide each attendee with a color hard copy of all training materials and visual
2. Hard-copy materials shall be organized in a three-ring binder with table of contents and
individual divider tabs marked for each logical grouping of subject matter. Organize
material to provide space for attendees to take handwritten notes within training manuals.
3. In addition to hard-copy materials included in training manual, provide each binder with a
sleeve or pocket that includes a DVD or flash drive with PDF copy of all hard-copy
F. Instructor Requirements:
1. Organize training sessions into logical groupings of technical content and to reflect
different levels of operators having access to system. Plan training sessions to
accommodate the following three levels of operators:
a. Daily operators.
b. Advanced operators.
c. System managers and administrators.
2. Plan and organize training sessions to group training content to protect DDC system
security. Some attendees may be restricted to some training sessions that cover
restricted content for purposes of maintaining DDC system security.
H. Training Outline:
I. On-Site Training:
1. Owner will provide conditioned classroom or workspace with ample desks or tables,
chairs, power and data connectivity for instructor and each attendee.
2. Instructor shall provide training materials, projector and other audiovisual equipment used
in training.
3. Provide as much of training located on-site as deemed feasible and practical by Owner.
4. On-site training shall include regular walk-through tours, as required, to observe each
unique product type installed with hands-on review of operation, calibration and service
5. Operator workstation provided with DDC system shall be used in training. If operator
workstation is not indicated, provide a temporary workstation to convey training content.
J. Off-Site Training:
1. Provide conditioned training rooms and workspace with ample tables desks or tables,
chairs, power and data connectivity for each attendee.
2. Provide capability to remotely access to Project DDC system for use in training.
3. Provide a workstation for use by each attendee.
1. Provide a digital video and audio recording of each training session. Create a separate
recording file for each session.
2. Stamp each recording file with training session number, session name and date.
3. Provide Owner with two copies of digital files on DVDs or flash drives for later reference
and for use in future training.
4. Owner retains right to make additional copies for intended training purposes without
having to pay royalties.
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 23 09 23 "Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC" control equipment and software, relays,
electrical power devices, uninterruptible power supply units, wire, and cable.
2. Section 23 09 93 "Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls" for requirements that relate to
Section 23 09 23.
B. Shop Drawings:
1. Include diagrams for power, signal, and control wiring.
2. Include diagrams for pneumatic signal and main air tubing.
C. Delegated-Design Submittal:
1. Schedule and design calculations for control valves and actuators, including the following:
a. Flow at project design and minimum flow conditions.
b. Pressure differential drop across valve at project design flow condition.
c. Maximum system pressure differential drop (pump close-off pressure) across valve at
project minimum flow condition.
d. Design and minimum control valve coefficient with corresponding valve position.
e. Maximum close-off pressure.
f. Leakage flow at maximum system pressure differential.
g. Torque required at worst case condition for sizing actuator.
h. Actuator selection indicating torque provided.
A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, by a
qualified testing agency, and marked for intended location and application.
B. ASME Compliance: Fabricate and label products to comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
where required by authorities having jurisdiction.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls CONTROL VALVES 23 09 24 - 1
C. Ground Fault: Products shall not fail due to ground fault condition when suitably grounded.
E. Control valve characteristics and rangeability shall comply with ISA 75.11.01.
F. Selection Criteria:
1. Control valves shall be suitable for operation at following conditions:
a. Heating Hot Water: 50 PSI at 200 Deg F.
2. Fail positions unless otherwise indicated:
a. Heating Hot Water: Last position.
3. Minimum Cv shall be calculated at 10 percent of design flow, with a coincident pressure differential
equal to the system design pump head.
4. In water systems, select modulating control valves at terminal equipment for a design Cv based on
a pressure drop of 5 psig at design flow unless otherwise indicated.
A. Actuators for Hydronic Control Valves: Capable of closing valve against system pump shutoff head.
E. Deliver torque required for continuous uniform movement of controlled device from limit to limit when
operated at rated voltage.
G. Construction:
23 09 24 - 2 CONTROL VALVES RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
1. For Actuators Less Than 100 W: Fiber or reinforced nylon gears with steel shaft, copper alloy or
nylon bearings, and pressed steel enclosures.
2. For Actuators from 100 to 400 W: Gears ground steel, oil immersed, shaft hardened steel running
in bronze, copper alloy or ball bearings. Operator and gear trains shall be totally enclosed in
dustproof cast-iron, cast-steel or cast-aluminum housing.
H. Field Adjustment:
1. Modulating Spring Return Actuators: Easily switchable from fail open to fail closed in the field
without replacement.
J. Position Feedback:
1. Equip two-position actuators with limits switches or other positive means of a position indication
signal for remote monitoring of open and close position.
2. Provide a position indicator and graduated scale on each actuator indicating open and closed travel
L. Valve Attachment:
1. Unless otherwise required for valve interface, provide an actuator designed to be directly coupled
to valve shaft without the need for connecting linkages.
2. Attach actuator to valve drive shaft in a way that ensures maximum transfer of power and torque
without slippage.
3. Bolt and set screw method of attachment is acceptable only if provided with at least two points of
N. Enclosure:
1. Suitable for ambient conditions encountered by application.
2. NEMA 250, Type 2 for indoor and protected applications.
3. NEMA 250, Type 4 or Type 4X for outdoor and unprotected applications.
4. Provide actuator enclosure with heater and control where required by application.
O. Stroke Time:
1. Operate valve from fully closed to fully open within 15 seconds.
2. Operate valve from fully open to fully closed within 15 seconds.
3. Move valve to failed position within 15 seconds.
4. Select operating speed to be compatible with equipment and system operation.
P. Sound:
1. Spring Return: 45 dBA.
A. Control Valves:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls CONTROL VALVES 23 09 24 - 3
1. Select from valves specified in "Control Valves" Article to achieve performance requirements and
characteristics indicated while subjected to full range of system operation encountered.
2. Heating How Water System, Reheat Coils, Two-Way Applications Controlled by Flow: Ball valves
with single port and characterized disk.
A. Furnish and install products required to satisfy most stringent requirements indicated.
B. Install products level, plumb, parallel, and perpendicular with building construction.
C. Properly support instruments, tubing, piping, wiring, and conduits to comply with requirements indicated.
Brace all products to prevent lateral movement and sway or a break in attachment when subjected to
D. Provide ceiling, floor, roof, and wall openings and sleeves required by installation. Before proceeding with
drilling, punching, or cutting, check location first for concealed products that could potentially be damaged.
Patch, flash, grout, seal, and refinish openings to match adjacent condition.
E. Firestop penetrations made in fire-rated assemblies and seal penetrations made in acoustically rated
F. Fastening Hardware:
1. Stillson wrenches, pliers, and other tools that will cause injury to or mar surfaces of rods, nuts, and
other parts are prohibited for assembling and tightening nuts.
2. Tighten bolts and nuts firmly and uniformly. Do not overstress threads by excessive force or by
oversized wrenches.
3. Lubricate threads of bolts, nuts, and screws with graphite and oil before assembly.
G. Install products in locations that are accessible and that will permit calibration and maintenance from floor,
equipment platforms, or catwalks. Where ladders are required for Owner's access, confirm unrestricted
ladder placement is possible under occupied condition.
H. Corrosive Environments:
1. Use products that are suitable for environment to which they will be subjected.
2. If possible, avoid or limit use of materials in corrosive environments, including. but not limited to,
the following:
a. Laboratory exhaust airstreams.
b. Process exhaust airstreams.
3. Use Type 316 stainless-steel tubing and fittings when in contact with a corrosive environment.
4. When conduit is in contact with a corrosive environment, use Type 316 stainless-steel conduit and
fittings or conduit and fittings that are coated with a corrosive-resistant coating that is suitable for
5. Where control devices are located in a corrosive environment and are not corrosive resistant from
manufacturer, field install products in a NEMA 250, Type 4X enclosure constructed of Type 316L
stainless steel.
A. Furnish and install electrical power to products requiring electrical connections. Comply with NEC and
manufacturer’s installation requirements.
B. Furnish and install raceways. Comply with requirements in Section 26 05 33 "Raceways and Boxes for
Electrical Systems."
23 09 24 - 4 CONTROL VALVES RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
A. Install pipe reducers for valves smaller than line size. Position reducers as close to valve as possible but at
distance to avoid interference and impact to performance. Install with manufacturer-recommended
C. Valve Orientation:
1. Where possible, install globe and ball valves installed in horizontal piping with stems upright and
not more than 15 degrees off of vertical, not inverted.
2. Install valves in a position to allow full stem movement.
3. Where possible, install butterfly valves that are installed in horizontal piping with stems in horizontal
position and with low point of disc opening with direction of flow.
D. Clearance:
1. Locate valves for easy access and provide separate support of valves that cannot be handled by
service personnel without hoisting mechanism.
2. Install valves with at least 12 inches of clear space around valve and between valves and adjacent
E. Threaded Valves:
1. Note internal length of threads in valve ends, and proximity of valve internal seat or wall, to
determine how far pipe should be threaded into valve.
2. Align threads at point of assembly.
3. Apply thread compound to external pipe threads, except where dry seal threading is specified.
4. Assemble joint, wrench tight. Apply wrench on valve end as pipe is being threaded.
F. Flanged Valves:
1. Align flange surfaces parallel.
2. Assemble joints by sequencing bolt tightening to make initial contact of flanges and gaskets as flat
and parallel as possible. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads. Tighten bolts gradually and
uniformly with a torque wrench.
H. Identify system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals. Each piece of wire, cable, and tubing shall
have the same designation at each end for operators to determine continuity at points of connection.
I. Install engraved phenolic nameplate with valve identification on valve and on face of ceiling directly below
valves concealed above ceilings.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls CONTROL VALVES 23 09 24 - 5
11. After piping systems have been tested and put into service, but before insulating and balancing,
inspect each valve for leaks. Adjust or replace packing to stop leaks. Replace the valve if leaks
A. Stroke and adjust control valves following manufacturer's recommended procedure, from 100 percent
open to 100 percent closed back to 100 percent open.
B. Stroke control valves with pilot positioners. Adjust valve and positioner following manufacturer's
recommended procedure, so valve is 100 percent closed, 50 percent closed, and 100 percent open at
proper air pressures.
C. Check and document open and close cycle times for applications with a cycle time of less than 30
D. For control valves equipped with positive position indication, check feedback signal at multiple positions to
confirm proper position indication.
23 09 24 - 6 CONTROL VALVES RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
SECTION 23 09 25
A. Section Includes:
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 23 09 23 "Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC" for control equipment and
software, relays, electrical power devices, uninterruptible power supply units, wire, and
2. Section 23 09 93 "Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls" for requirements that
relate to Section 23 09 25.
B. Shop Drawings:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS 23 09 25 - 1
A. Environmental Conditions:
2. Instruments and accessories shall be protected with enclosures satisfying the following
minimum requirements unless more stringent requirements are indicated. Instruments not
available with integral enclosures complying with requirements indicated shall be housed
in protective secondary enclosures. Instrument's installed location shall dictate following
NEMA 250 enclosure requirements:
a. Indoors, Heated with Filtered Ventilation: Type 1.
b. Indoors, Heated with Non-Filtered Ventilation: Type 2.
c. Indoors, Heated and Air Conditioned: Type 1.
d. Mechanical Equipment Rooms:
1) Air-Moving Equipment Rooms: Type 12.
4. Transmitter Requirements:
a. Transmitter optional for 1000-ohm RTD, contingent on compliance with end-to-end
control accuracy.
B. Platinum RTD, Single-Point Air Temperature Duct Sensors (Equal to Kele A/CP-D(x)-GD):
1. 10,000 ohms.
2. Temperature Range: Minus 40 to 275 deg F
3. Probe: Single-point sensor with a stainless-steel sheath.
4. Length: As required by application to achieve tip at midpoint of air duct, up to 18 inches.
5. Enclosure: Junction box with removable cover; NEMA 250, Type 1 for indoor
6. Gasket for attachment to duct or equipment to seal penetration airtight.
7. Conduit Connection: 1/2-inch
D. Space Air Temperature Sensors for Use with DDC Controllers Controlling Terminal Units:
a. Pre-aged, burned in, and coated with glass; inserted in a metal sleeve; and entire
unit encased in epoxy.
b. Thermistor drift shall be less than plus or minus 0.5 deg F over 10 years.
A. Source Limitations: Obtain temperature-measuring sensors and transmitters and airflow from
single manufacturer.
1. Duct: Type 1.
2. Space: Type 1.
D. Functional Characteristics:
1. Input:
2. Span (Adjustable):
a. Space: 40 to 90 deg F.
b. Supply Air Cooling and Heating: 40 to 120 deg F.
3. Output: 4- to 20-mA dc, linear with temperature; RFI insensitive; minimum drive load of
600 ohms at 24-V dc .
4. Zero and span field adjustments, plus or minus 5 percent of span. Minimum span of 50
deg F.
5. Match sensor with temperature transmitter and factory calibrate together.
E. Performance Characteristics:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS 23 09 25 - 3
1. Calibration Accuracy: Within 0.1 percent of the span.
2. Stability: Within 0.2 percent of the span for at least 6 months.
3. Combined Accuracy: Within 0.5 percent.
A. Install products level, plumb, parallel, and perpendicular with building construction.
B. Properly support instruments, tubing, piping, wiring, and conduit to comply with requirements
indicated. Brace all products to prevent lateral movement and sway or a break in attachment
when subjected to force.
C. Fastening Hardware:
1. Stillson wrenches, pliers, and other tools that cause injury to or mar surfaces of rods,
nuts, and other parts are prohibited for work of assembling and tightening nuts.
2. Tighten bolts and nuts firmly and uniformly. Do not overstress threads by excessive force
or by oversized wrenches.
3. Lubricate threads of bolts, nuts, and screws with graphite and oil before assembly.
D. Install products in locations that are accessible and that permit calibration and maintenance
from floor, equipment platforms, or catwalks. Where ladders are required for Owner's access,
confirm unrestricted ladder placement is possible under occupied condition.
E. Corrosive Environments:
1. Use products that are suitable for environment to which they are subjected.
2. If possible, avoid or limit use of materials in corrosive environments.
3. When conduit is in contact with a corrosive environment, use Type 316 stainless-steel
conduit and fittings or conduit and fittings that are coated with a corrosive-resistant
coating that is suitable for environment.
4. Where instruments are located in a corrosive environment and are not corrosive resistant
from manufacturer, field install products in a NEMA 250, Type 4X enclosure constructed
of Type 316L stainless steel.
23 09 25 - 4 TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
B. Furnish and install raceways. Comply with requirements in Section 26 05 33 "Raceways and
Boxes for Electrical Systems."
A. Mounting Location:
1. Roughing In:
2. Install switches and transmitters for air and liquid temperature associated with individual
air-handling units and associated connected ductwork and piping near air-handling units
co-located in air-handling unit system control panel to provide service personnel a single
and convenient location for inspection and service.
3. Install liquid and steam temperature switches and transmitters for indoor applications in
mechanical equipment rooms. Do not locate in user-occupied space unless indicated
specifically on Drawings.
4. Install air temperature switches and transmitters for indoor applications in mechanical
equipment rooms. Do not locate in user-occupied space unless indicated specifically on
5. Mount switches and transmitters on walls, floor-supported freestanding pipe stands, or
floor-supported structural support frames. Use manufacturer's mounting brackets to
accommodate field mounting. Securely support and brace products to prevent vibration
and movement.
C. Mounting Height:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS 23 09 25 - 5
2. Mount switches and transmitters located in mechanical equipment rooms and other
similar space not subject to code or state and Federal accessibility requirements within a
range of 42 to 72 inches above the adjacent floor, grade, or service catwalk or platform.
D. Seal penetrations to ductwork, plenums, and air-moving equipment to comply with duct static-
pressure class and leakage and seal classes indicated using neoprene gaskets or grommets.
1. Conceal assembly in a low profile surface mount electrical box of sufficient size to house
sensor and transmitter.
2. Install electrical box with stainless steel faceplate sensor cover.
3. Align electrical box with other electrical devices such as visual alarms and light switches
located in the vicinity to provide a neat and well-thought-out arrangement. Where
possible, align in both horizontal and vertical axis.
1. Install averaging-type air temperature sensor for temperature sensors located within air-
handling units, similar equipment, and large ducts with air tunnel cross-sectional area of
20 sq. ft. and larger.
2. Install sensor length to maintain coverage over entire cross-sectional area. Install multiple
sensors where required to maintain the minimum coverage.
3. Fasten and support sensor with manufacturer-furnished clips to keep sensor taut
throughout entire length.
4. If required to have transmitter, mount transmitter in an accessible and serviceable
A. Identify system components, wiring, cabling, and terminals. Each piece of wire, cable, and
tubing shall have the same designation at each end for operators to determine continuity at
points of connection.
B. Install engraved phenolic nameplate with instrument identification and on face of ceiling directly
below instruments concealed above ceilings.
A. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt, stains, fingerprints, labels, and other foreign
materials from exposed interior and exterior surfaces.
A. Check installed products before continuity tests, leak tests, and calibration.
23 09 25 - 6 TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
B. Check temperature instruments for proper location and accessibility.
A. Perform tests and inspections with the assistance of a factory-authorized service representative:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS 23 09 25 - 7
SECTION 23 09 93
A. Section includes control sequences for DDC for HVAC systems, subsystems, and equipment.
B. Related Requirements:
B. Circulating Pump(s) Failure Alarm: Signal alarm condition, if there is no pressure differential
between supply and return piping.
C. Control Circulating Pump(s) Speed: Control pump speed to maintain pressure differential
matching existing.
A. Heating Coils, Hydronic: Modulate valve to maintain space temperature set points.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS FOR HVAC DDC 23 09 93 - 1
1. Space Temperature:
a. Occupied and Unoccupied Temperature shall be as dictated by the district
B. Sequence Control:
1. Space Temperature: Modulate control valves to maintain space temperature set points.
a. Occupied and Unoccupied Temperature shall be as dictated by the district.
b. Modulate reheat coil valve from closed to fully open upon call for heat from space
temperature sensor through DDC system.
c. If occupied space temperature is not maintained indicate alarm state for that
d. Reverse the sequence for full heating to full cooling.
23 09 93 - 2 SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS FOR HVAC DDC RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
SECTION 23 21 13
A. Section includes pipe and fitting materials and joining methods for the following:
1. Pipe.
2. Fittings.
3. Joining materials.
A. ASME Compliance: Comply with ASME B31.9, "Building Services Piping," for materials,
products, and installation.
A. Hydronic piping components and installation shall be capable of withstanding the following
minimum working pressure and temperature unless otherwise indicated:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HYDRONIC PIPING 23 21 13 - 1
2. Grooved-End Copper Fittings: ASTM B 75, copper tube or ASTM B 584, bronze casting.
A. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53/A 53M, black steel with plain ends; welded and seamless, Grade B, and
wall thickness as indicated in "Piping Applications" Article.
B. Cast-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.4; Classes 125 and 250 as indicated in "Piping
Applications" Article.
C. Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.3, Classes 150 and 300 as indicated in "Piping
Applications" Article.
D. Malleable-Iron Unions: ASME B16.39; Classes 150, 250, and 300 as indicated in "Piping
Applications" Article.
E. Cast-Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: ASME B16.1, Classes 25, 125, and 250; raised
ground face, and bolt holes spot faced as indicated in "Piping Applications" Article.
F. Wrought Cast- and Forged-Steel Flanges and Flanged Fittings: ASME B16.5, including bolts,
nuts, and gaskets of the following material group, end connections, and facings:
A. General Requirements: Assembly of copper alloy and ferrous materials with separating
nonconductive insulating material. Include end connections compatible with pipes to be joined.
B. Dielectric Unions:
HYDRONIC PIPING 23 21 13 - 2 RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
2. Description:
A. Hot-water heating piping, aboveground, NPS 2 and smaller, shall be any of the following, match
existing piping materials at each location to minimize use of dielectric unions:
A. Drawing plans, schematics, and diagrams indicate general location and arrangement of piping
systems. Install piping as indicated unless deviations to layout are approved on Coordination
B. Install piping in concealed locations unless otherwise indicated and except in equipment rooms
and service areas.
C. Install piping indicated to be exposed and piping in equipment rooms and service areas at right
angles or parallel to building walls. Diagonal runs are prohibited unless specifically indicated
D. Install piping above accessible ceilings to allow sufficient space for ceiling panel removal.
J. Select system components with pressure rating equal to or greater than system operating
K. Install groups of pipes parallel to each other, spaced to permit applying insulation and servicing
of valves.
L. Install drains, consisting of a tee fitting, NPS 3/4 ball valve, and short NPS 3/4 threaded nipple
with cap, at low points in piping system mains and elsewhere as required for system drainage.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HYDRONIC PIPING 23 21 13 - 3
M. Install piping at a uniform grade of 0.2 percent upward in direction of flow.
N. Reduce pipe sizes using eccentric reducer fitting installed with level side up.
O. Install branch connections to mains using mechanically formed tee fittings in main pipe, with the
branch connected to the bottom of the main pipe. For up-feed risers, connect the branch to the
top of the main pipe.
Q. Install unions in piping, NPS 2 and smaller, adjacent to valves, at final connections of
equipment, and elsewhere as indicated.
S. Comply with requirements in Section 23 05 53 "Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment"
for identifying piping.
A. Install dielectric fittings in piping at connections of dissimilar metal piping and tubing.
1. Adjustable steel clevis hangers for individual horizontal piping less than 20 feet long.
2. Adjustable roller hangers and spring hangers for individual horizontal piping 20 feet or
3. Pipe Roller: MSS SP-58, Type 44 for multiple horizontal piping 20 feet or longer,
supported on a trapeze.
4. Provide copper-clad hangers and supports for hangers and supports in direct contact with
copper pipe.
B. Install hangers for steel piping with the following maximum spacing and minimum rod sizes:
C. Install hangers for drawn-temper copper piping with the following maximum spacing and
minimum rod sizes:
1. NPS 3/4: Maximum span, 5 feet; minimum rod size, 1/4 inch.
2. NPS 1: Maximum span, 6 feet; minimum rod size, 1/4 inch.
3. NPS 1-1/4Maximum span, 7 feet; minimum rod size, 3/8 inch.
4. NPS 1-1/2: Maximum span, 8 feet; minimum rod size, 3/8 inch.
HYDRONIC PIPING 23 21 13 - 4 RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
A. Ream ends of pipes and tubes and remove burrs. Bevel plain ends of steel pipe.
B. Remove scale, slag, dirt, and debris from inside and outside of pipe and fittings before
C. Soldered Joints: Apply ASTM B 813, water-flushable flux, unless otherwise indicated, to tube
end. Construct joints according to ASTM B 828 or CDA's "Copper Tube Handbook," using lead-
free solder alloy complying with ASTM B 32.
D. Brazed Joints: Construct joints according to AWS's "Brazing Handbook," "Pipe and Tube"
Chapter, using copper-phosphorus brazing filler metal complying with AWS A5.8/A5.8M.
E. Threaded Joints: Thread pipe with tapered pipe threads according to ASME B1.20.1. Cut
threads full and clean using sharp dies. Ream threaded pipe ends to remove burrs and restore
full ID. Join pipe fittings and valves as follows:
1. Apply appropriate tape or thread compound to external pipe threads unless dry seal
threading is specified.
2. Damaged Threads: Do not use pipe or pipe fittings with threads that are corroded or
damaged. Do not use pipe sections that have cracked or open welds.
F. Flanged Joints: Select appropriate gasket material, size, type, and thickness for service
application. Install gasket concentrically positioned. Use suitable lubricants on bolt threads.
G. Plastic Piping Solvent-Cemented Joints: Clean and dry joining surfaces. Join pipe and fittings
according to the following:
1. Comply with ASTM F 402 for safe-handling practice of cleaners, primers, and solvent
2. CPVC Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2846/D 2846M Appendix.
3. PVC Pressure Piping: Join ASTM D 1785 schedule number, PVC pipe and PVC socket
fittings according to ASTM D 2672. Join other-than-schedule number PVC pipe and
socket fittings according to ASTM D 2855.
4. PVC Nonpressure Piping: Join according to ASTM D 2855.
H. Grooved Joints: Assemble joints with coupling and gasket, lubricant, and bolts. Cut or roll
grooves in ends of pipe based on pipe and coupling manufacturer's written instructions for pipe
wall thickness. Use grooved-end fittings and rigid, grooved-end-pipe couplings.
A. Sizes for supply and return piping connections shall be the same as or larger than equipment
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HYDRONIC PIPING 23 21 13 - 5
1. Leave joints, including welds, uninsulated and exposed for examination during test.
2. Provide temporary restraints for expansion joints that cannot sustain reactions due to test
pressure. If temporary restraints are impractical, isolate expansion joints from testing.
3. Flush hydronic piping systems with clean water; then remove and clean or replace
strainer screens.
4. Isolate equipment from piping. If a valve is used to isolate equipment, its closure shall be
capable of sealing against test pressure without damage to valve. Install blinds in flanged
joints to isolate equipment.
5. Install safety valve, set at a pressure no more than one-third higher than test pressure, to
protect against damage by expanding liquid or other source of overpressure during test.
1. Use ambient temperature water as a testing medium unless there is risk of damage due
to freezing. Another liquid that is safe for workers and compatible with piping may be
2. While filling system, use vents installed at high points of system to release air. Use drains
installed at low points for complete draining of test liquid.
3. Isolate expansion tanks and determine that hydronic system is full of water.
4. Subject piping system to hydrostatic test pressure that is not less than 1.5 times the
system's working pressure. Test pressure shall not exceed maximum pressure for any
vessel, pump, valve, or other component in system under test. Verify that stress due to
pressure at bottom of vertical runs does not exceed 90 percent of specified minimum
yield strength or 1.7 times the "SE" value in Appendix A in ASME B31.9, "Building
Services Piping."
5. After hydrostatic test pressure has been applied for at least 10 minutes, examine piping,
joints, and connections for leakage. Eliminate leaks by tightening, repairing, or replacing
components, and repeat hydrostatic test until there are no leaks.
6. Prepare written report of testing.
HYDRONIC PIPING 23 21 13 - 6 RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
SECTION 23 21 16
B. Related Requirements:
1. Section 23 05 23 "Ball Valves for HVAC Piping" for specification and installation
requirements for ball valves common to most piping systems.
2. Section 23 09 24 "Control Valves" for automatic control valve and sensor specifications,
installation requirements, and locations.
1. Hydronic Specialty Valves: Include flow and pressure drop curves based on
manufacturer's testing for calibrated-orifice balancing valves and automatic flow-control
2. Air-control devices.
3. Strainers
4. Connectors.
A. ASME Compliance: Safety valves and pressure vessels shall bear the appropriate ASME label.
Fabricate and stamp air separators and expansion tanks to comply with ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code: Section VIII, Division 1.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HYDRONIC PIPING SPECIALTIES 23 21 16 - 1
1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the
following, or owner approved equal during bidding:
a. Bell & Gossett; a Xylem brand.
b. Grinnell Mechanical Products.
c. HCI; Hydronics Components Inc.
e. TACO Comfort Solutions, Inc.
2. Body: Bronze, ball or plug type with calibrated orifice or venturi.
A. Install shutoff-duty valves at each branch connection to supply mains and at supply connection
to each piece of equipment.
B. Install calibrated-orifice, balancing valves in the return pipe of each heating or cooling terminal.
C. Install check valves at each pump discharge and elsewhere as required to control flow direction.
HYDRONIC PIPING SPECIALTIES 23 21 16 - 2 RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
SECTION 26 05 19
B. NEMA WC 70 - Power Cable Rated 2000 V or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy
A. Set sleeves in cast-in-place concrete, masonry walls, and other structural components as they
are constructed.
B. Conductor Insulation: THHN/THWN for wires #2 and less; and XHHW-2 for wires outside of
building envelope and larger than #2.
A. Description: Factory-fabricated connectors and splices of size, ampacity rating, material, type and
class for application and service indicated.
1. Spring Wire Connectors: Corrosion resistant, insulated steel, 105oC.
2. Connectors and Lugs shall be circumferential compression type.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL CABLES 26 05 19-1
B. MC Cable connectors shall comply with UL 514B. MC Cable fitting shall be listed for use with
Interlocked Armor Ground MC Cable Type “MCI-A”. MC Cable fitting shall also be listed as
being suitable for grounding for in circuits over and under 250 volts.
A. Cable Assembly: Type THHN insulated copper conductors and an insulated grounding conductor.
Minimum size shall be #12 AWG for lighting and power circuits.
1. Cable Jacket color shall be:
a. Black Coated for 120V Normal Power.
b. Brown Coated for 277V Normal power.
B. Metal-Clad Sheath/Armor Assembly: The interlocking metal tape armor shall be aluminum and
shall be listed as being suitable for grounding.
A. Steel Pipe Sleeves: ASTM A 53/A 53M, Type E, Grade B, Schedule 40, galvanized steel, plain
C. Motors and equipment connections subject to vibration: Copper. No. 12 AWG and larger,
stranded conductor, single conductor.
D. MC Cable may only be used at the contractor’s option for lighting branch circuits between fixtures
and junction boxes. Install per manufacturer’s instructions.
1. DO NOT USE for home runs, receptacles, above in-accessible ceilings, exposed in
unfinished spaces, circuits crossing smoke or fire barriers, in exterior locations, or
where exposed to view.
2. Support MC cables above accessible ceilings from the building structure. DO NOT
SUPPORT from cable tray, ductwork, equipment, or ceiling support wires.
26 05 19-2 LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL CABLES RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
D. Feeders Concealed in Concrete, below Slabs-on-Grade, and Underground: Single conductors in
F. Branch Circuits Concealed in walls, Concrete, below Slabs-on-Grade, and Underground: Single
conductors in raceway.
A. Conceal cables in finished walls, ceilings and floors, unless otherwise indicated. Neatly train and
lace wiring inside boxes, equipment, and panelboards.
C. Use pulling means, including fish tape, cable, rope and basket-weave wire/cable grips, that will
not damage cables or raceway.
D. Install exposed conduits parallel and perpendicular to surfaces of exposed structure members,
and follow surface contours where possible.
E. Support cables according to Section 260529 – Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems.
F. Identify and color-code conductors and cables according to Section 260553 – Identification for
Electrical Systems.
G. Provide Heat Shrink tubing equal to 3M FP-301VW for all existing wiring that shows signs of
insulation damage or wear, and will be re-terminated to new panelboards or devices.
Provide heat shrink to all exposed wiring and 2” into the associated raceway. Heat Shrink
shall be color coded per Section 26 05 53.
A. General: Metal raceways, cable armor and other metal enclosures for conductors shall
metallically joined together into a continuous electric conductor and shall be connected to all
boxes, fittings, and cabinets or enclosures so as to provide an effective ground fault current
path per Section 250.4 of the NEC.
B. Branch circuits:
1. Do not use wire smaller than No. 12 AWG (unless otherwise noted) for branch circuit
wiring, including motor circuits. All 20 amp, 120 volt and 277 volt branch circuit
homeruns (to panelboard) serving receptacles, equipment and lighting shall be No.
10 AWG minimum to first outlet or light fixture.
2. Size 120V branch circuits for length of run on the following basis:
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL CABLES 26 05 19-3
a. 0 to 50 ft. run from panelboard to first outlet: No. 12 AWG minimum.
b. 51 to 85 ft. run from panelboard; No. 10 AWG minimum.
c. 86 to 135 ft. run from panelboard; No. 8 AWG minimum to first outlet.
d. 136 to 225 ft. run: wiring shall be No. 6 AWG minimum to first outlet.
e. For other branch circuits, size conductors so that voltage drop does not
exceed 3%.
A. Concrete Slabs and Walls: Install sleeves for penetrations unless core-drilled holes or formed
openings are user. Install sleeves during erection of slabs and walls.
B. Fire-Rated Assemblies: Install sleeves for penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall assemblies
unless openings compatible with firestop system used are fabricated during construction of
floor or wall.
C. Cut sleeves to length for mounting flush with both wall surfaces.
E. Fire-Rated-Assembly Penetrations: Maintain indicated fire rating of walls, partitions, ceilings, and
floors to cable penetrations. Install sleeves and seal with firestop materials according to
Section 078400 – “Firestopping”.
F. Roof-Penetration Sleeves: Seal penetration of individual cables with flexible boot-type flashing
units applied in coordination with roofing work.
G. Aboveground Exterior-Wall Penetrations: Seal penetrations using sleeves and mechanical sleeve
A. Apply firestopping to electrical penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall assemblies to restore
original fire-resistance rating of assemble according to Section 07 84 00 – Firestopping.
26 05 19-4 LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL CABLES RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
B. Test Reports: Record test results that do not comply with requirements and corrective action
taken to achieve compliance with requirements.
END SECTION 26 05 19
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL CABLES 26 05 19-5
SECTION 26 05 29
A. This Section includes Hangers and supports for electrical equipment and systems.
A. Design supports for multiple raceways capable of supporting combined weight of supported
systems and its contents.
A. Steel Slotted Support Systems: Comply with MFMA-4, factory-fabricated components for field
1. Metallic Coating: Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and applied according to MFMA-4.
2. Channel Dimensions: Selected for applicable load criteria.
3. Fittings and Accessories: Products of channel and angle manufacturer and designed for use
with those items.
4. Fitting and Accessory Materials: Same as channels and angles, except metal items may be
stainless steel.
5. Rated Strength: Selected to suit applicable load criteria.
C. Conduit and Cable Support Devices: Steel and malleable-iron hangers, clamps, and associated
fittings, designed for type and sizes of raceway or cable to be supported.
E. Structural Steel for Fabricated Supports and Restraints: ASTM A 36/A 36M, steel plates, shapes,
and bars: black and galvanized.
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HANGERS & SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 29-1
F. Mounting, Anchoring and Attachment Components: Items for fastening electrical items or their
supports to building surfaces include the following:
1. Power-Actuated Fasteners: Threaded-steel stud, for use in hardened Portland cement
concrete, steel or wood, with tension, shear, and pullout capacities appropriate for supported
loads and building materials where used. Approval from structural engineer shall be obtained
prior to the use of power-actuated fasteners.
2. Mechanical-Expansion Anchors: Insert-wedge-type, zinc-coated steel, for use in hardened
Portland cement concrete with tension, shear, and pullout capacities appropriate for
supported loads and building materials in which used.
3. Concrete Inserts: Steel or malleable-iron, slotted support system units similar to MSS Type
18; complying with MFMA-4 or MSS SP-58.
4. Clamps for Attachment to Steel Structural Elements: MSS SP-58, type suitable for attached
structural element.
5. Through Bolts: Structural type, hex head, and high strength. Comply with ASTM A 325.
6. Toggle Bolts: All-steel springhead type.
7. Hanger Rods: Threaded steel.
A. Description: Welded or bolted, structural-steel shapes, shop or field fabricated to fit dimensions of
supported equipment.
B. Materials: Comply with requirements in Division 05 Section “Metal Fabrications” for steel shapes
and plates.
C. ASTM A 36A/36M steel plates, shapes, and bars; black and galvanized.
A. Comply with NECA 1 and NECA 101 for application of hangers and supports for electrical
equipment and systems except if requirements in this Section are stricter.
B. Maximum Support Spacing and Minimum Hanger Rod Size for Raceway: Space supports for
EMT and RMC as required by NFPA 70. Minimum rod size will be ¼ inch in diameter.
C. Multiple Raceways or Cables: Install trapeze-type supports fabricated with steel slotted support
system, sized so capacity can be increased by at least 25 percent in future without
exceeding specified design load limits. Secure raceways and cables to these supports with
two-bolt conduit clamps for conduits 1 ¼ inch and larger, single-bolt conduit clamps for
conduits 1 inch and smaller.
A. Comply with NECA 1 and NECA 101 for installation requirements except as specified in this
B. Strength of Support Assemblies: Where not indicated, select sizes of components so strength will
be adequate to carry present and future static loads within specified loading limits. Minimum
26 05 29-2 HANGERS & SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
static design load used for strength determination shall be weight of supported components
plus 200 lb.
C. Mounting and Anchorage of Surface-Mounted Equipment and Components: Anchor and fasten
electrical items and their supports to building structural elements by the following methods
unless otherwise indicated by code:
1. To Wood: Fasten with lag screws or through bolts.
2. To New Concrete: Bolt to concrete inserts.
3. To Masonry: Approved toggle-type bolts on hollow masonry units and expansion anchor
fasteners on solid masonry units.
4. Instead of expansion anchors, powder-actuated driven threaded studs provided with lock
washers and nuts may be used in existing standard-weight concrete 4 inches thick or greater.
Do not use for anchorage to lightweight-aggregate concrete or for slabs less than 4 inches
5. To Steel: Welded threaded studs complying with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, with lock washers and
nuts and Beam clamps (MSS Type 19, 21, 23, 25 or 27) complying with MSS SP-69.
6. To Light Steel: Sheet metal screws.
7. Items Mounted on Hollow Walls and Nonstructural Building Surfaces: Mount cabinets,
panelboards, disconnect switches, control enclosures, pull and junction boxes, transformers
and other devices on slotted-channel racks attached to substrate.
D. Drill holes for expansion anchors in concrete at locations and to depths that avoid reinforcing
A. Comply with installation requirements in Division 05 Section "Metal Fabrications" for site-
fabricated metal supports.
B. Cut, fit, and place miscellaneous metal supports accurately in location, alignment and elevation to
support and anchor electrical materials and equipment.
A. Touchup: Clean and touchup painting of field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of
shop paint on miscellaneous metal.
B. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean welds, bolted connections and abraded areas and apply galvanizing-
repair paint to comply with ASTM A 780.
END SECTION 26 05 29
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls HANGERS & SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 29-3
SECTION 26 05 33
A. This Section includes raceways, fittings, boxes, enclosures, and cabinets for electrical wiring.
A. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70,
Article 100, and marked for intended use.
F. Fittings for Conduit (Including all Types and Flexible and Liquidtight), EMT, and Cable: NEMA FB
1; listed for type and size raceway with which used, and for application and environment in
which installed. Fittings for EMT: Steel Insulated Throat, set-screw or gland compression type.
G. Joint Compound for Rigid Steel Conduit: Listed for use in cable connector assemblies, and
compounded for use to lubricate and protect threaded raceway joints from corrosion and
enhance their conductivity.
D. Fittings for RNC: NEMA TC 3; match to conduit or tubing type and material.
A. Boxes, enclosures, and cabinets installed in wet locations shall be listed for use in wet locations.
C. Cast-Metal Outlet and Device Boxes: NEMA FB 1, ferrous alloy, Type FD, with gasketed cover.
B. Minimum Raceway Size: Minimum conduit size shall be ¾-inch trade size except for switch legs
and control circuits may be ½ inch.
D. Minimum FMC size shall be ½”, except that lighting fixture connections may be 3/8”.
E. Raceway Fittings: Compatible with raceways and suitable for use and location. Rigid and
Intermediate Steel Conduit: Use threaded rigid steel conduit fittings, unless otherwise
26 05 33-2 RACEWAYS & BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls
A. Comply with NECA 1 for installation requirements applicable to products specified in Part 2
except where requirements on Drawings or in this Article are stricter. Comply with NFPA 70
limitations for types of raceways allowed in specific occupancies and number of floors.
B. Keep raceways at least 6 inches away from parallel runs of flues and stream or hot-water pipes.
Install horizontal raceway runs above water and steam piping.
E. Arrange stub-ups so curved portions of bends are not visible above the finished slab.
F. Install no more than the equivalent of three 90-degree bends in any conduit.
G. Conceal conduit within finished walls, ceilings and floors, unless otherwise indicated.
I. Where RNC conduit is installed, all 90 degree bends for conduit 1-1/2” and larger shall be made
with a black mastic coated rigid steel conduit elbow.
J. Threaded Conduit Joints, Exposed to Wet, Damp, Corrosive, or Outdoor Conditions: Apply listed
compound to threads of raceway and fittings before making up joints. Follow compound
manufacturer’s written instructions.
K. Install pull wires in empty raceways. Use polypropylene or monofilament plastic line with not less
than 200-lb tensile strength. Leave at least 12 inches of slack at each end of pull wire.
L. Install raceway sealing fittings at suitable, approved, and accessible locations and fill them with
listed sealing compound. For concealed raceways, install each fitting in a flush steel box with a
blank cover plate having a finish similar to that of adjacent plates or surfaces. Install raceway
sealing fittings at the following points:
1. Where conduits pass from warm or cold locations, such as boundaries of
refrigerated spaces.
2. Where otherwise required by NFPA 70.
M. Expansion-Joint Fittings for RNC: Install in each run of aboveground conduit that is located where
environmental temperature change may exceed 30 deg F, and that has straight-run length that
exceeds 25 feet. Install each expansion-joint fitting with position, mounting and piston setting
selected according to manufacturer’s written instructions for conditions at specific location at
the time of installation.
N. Flexible Conduit Connections: Use maximum of 72 inches of flexible conduit for recessed and
semi-recessed lighting fixtures, maximum of 36 inches of flexible conduit equipment subject to
RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls RACEWAYS & BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 05 33-3
vibration, noise transmission or movement; and for transformers and motors. Use LFMC in
damp or wet locations
O. Recessed Boxes in Masonry Walls: Saw-cut opening for box in center of cell of masonry block,
and install box flush with surface of wall.
A. Apply firestopping to electrical penetrations of fire-rated floor and wall assemblies to restore
original fire-resistance rating of assembly. Firestopping materials and installation requirements
are specified in Division 07 – Firestopping.
A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure coatings, finishes, and cabinets are
without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion.
1. Repair damage to galvanized finishes with zinc-rich paint recommended by
2. Repair damage to PVC or paint finishes with matching touchup coating
recommended by manufacturer.
END SECTION 26 05 33
26 05 33-4 RACEWAYS & BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS RPS – Thurgood Marshall MS Controls