Active Voice Passive Voice
Active Voice Passive Voice
Active Voice Passive Voice
Module 01
Basic Grammar and Four skills
Rule #1
Identify the (S+V+O) Subject, Verb and object in the active sentence to convert to passive voice.
Example: He drives car. (Subject – He, verb – Drives, object – Car)
Rule #3
In passive voice sometimes the subject is not used, i.e., the subject in passive voice can be omitted
if the sentence without it gives enough meaning.
Example: Milk is sold in litres
Rule #4
Change the base verb in the active sentence into the past participle i.e., third form verb in a passive
sentence i.e., preceded by (By, With, to, etc). Base verbs are never used in passive voice sentences.
Active voice: She prepares dinner.
Passive voice: The dinner is prepared by her.
Active voice: She knows him.
Passive voice: He is known to her.
Active voice: Juice fills the jar.
Passive voice: The jar is filled with juice.
Rule #5
While conversion of Active voice sentence to Passive voice sentence, the pronoun used in the
sentence also changes in the following manner.
Active Voice Pronoun Passive Voice Pronoun
I Me
We Us
He Him
She Her
They Them
You You
It It
Note: Except certain exemptions, no passive Voice formation for the following tenses can be
formed - Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Perfect
Continuous Tense and Future Continuous Tense.
Answer: 1
2. The students were listening to the teacher.
Answer: 4
3. I have to do it.
1. It is be done by me.
2. It should to be done by me.
3. It has to be done by me.
4. It would to be done by me.
Answer: 3
4. Tell the maid to prepare tea.
Answer: 4
5. Who stole your bike?
Answer: 2