Chapter 7

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CHAPTER 7 Step 2: Identify Environmental and Cultural


1. Supervisors = overworked - elaborate, time-

Step 1: Determine the Reason for Evaluating consuming performance appraisal system
Employee Performance NOT SUCCESSFUL

2. No money available merit pay, = numerically

Forced-choice rating scale complex system become frustrating =
- excellent determining compensation/ terrible evaluation NOT seriously
training purposes
- supervisor, behaviors, forced choose most 3. Environment employees = cohesive, - peer
typical ratings reduce cohesiveness

360-degree feedback
- excellent source improving employee Step 3: Determine Who Will Evaluate Performance
performance, NOT - salary increases
360-degree feedback - feedback obtained multiple
sources (supervisors, subordinates, & peers)
Providing Employee Training and Feedback - source of training & employee development
Performance appraisal review - seldom used in appraisal process
- excellent time meet employees/ discuss
strengths & weaknesses Multiple-source feedback - employee receives
- meeting from supervisor/subordinate feedback from sources (e.g., clients, subordinates,
performance appraisal results peers)

Supervisors - common source of performance

Determining Salary Increases appraisal
Difference compensation (two individuals within the 1. Direct supervisor - sole source
same job) - function (tenure/job performance) employee’s evaluation

Peers – actual behavior

Making Promotion Decisions - come from employees who work directly with
1. senior = unions an employee
Peter Principle - certain employees = lenient in their peer
- the promotion of employees reaches highest ratings
level of incompetence
2. performance evaluation = care Subordinates
1. Subordinate feedback (upward feedback)
important component of 360-degree
Making Termination Decisions feedback (subordinates provide different
Performance management techniques NOT view supervisor’s behavior)
successful, results of a performance = terminate o supervisors open to employee
employee comment
o ratings made anonymously
o ratings developmental purposes
Conducting Personnel Research o feels competent make the rating
- organizations, union contracts forbid =
performance evaluations 2. Subordinate ratings - difficult obtain
employees fear backlash unfavorably rate
their supervisor (supervisor has only one or  employee’s knowledge, skills, and
two subordinates) abilities
o writing skills, oral presentation skills, and
3. “called on the carpet” – audacity rate boss driving skills
poorly o easy provide feedback/ suggest steps
necessary correct deficiencies
Customers - filing complaints/complimenting manager C. Task-Focused Performance Dimensions
about one of her employees  similarity of tasks performed
 POLICE - following radio
secret shoppers - current customers who procedures/court testimony
enlisted by company to periodically evaluate o ADVANTAGE - easier to evaluate
service they receive performance
o DISADVANTAGE - more difficult offer
Self-Appraisal - evaluate her own behavior &
o suffer from leniency
D. Goal-Focused Performance Dimensions
o correlate only moderately with  preventing crimes from occurring,
actual performance finishing shift without personal
o poorly w/ subordinate – injury, and minimizing number of
management ratings citizen complaints
o ADVANTAGE - easier for employee
Note: understand certain behaviors expected
a. accurate when self-appraisal not used
(administrative purposes - raises or Contextual Performance
promotion) - effort an employee makes get along with
b. employees understand performance peers, improve the organization, and perform
appraisal system tasks needed but not necessarily official part
c. employees believe objective record of - Prosocial organizational behaviors
performance = available supervisor can - (integrity tests, personality inventories)
compare self-appraisal
Decision 2: Should Dimensions Be Weighted?

Step 4: Select the Best Appraisal Methods to

Accomplish Your Goals

Criteria - ways describing employee success

Decision 1: Focus of the Appraisal Dimensions

A. Trait-Focused Performance Dimensions
 employee attributes, dependability,
honesty, and courtesy
o not good idea provide poor feedback
o not result in employee development growth
o “be more responsible and friendly”

B. Competency-Focused Performance

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