Sem-5, Finance

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Third Year BBA (Semester 5) Course Structure

(With Effect from A.Y. 2021-22)

Teaching Examination
Course Course Internal Total
Course Type Course Title (Subjects) hours
Code Credits Marks Marks
perweek Duration Marks

Core 501 Summer Training Report* 4 4 ------- 70 30 100

Core 502 Business Research 4 4 3 hours 70 30 100
Core 503 Service Management 4 4 3 hours 70 30 100
Core 504 Legal Aspects of Business 4 4 3 hours 70 30 100
Subject Elective 505 Specialisation 1 4 4 3 hours 70 30 100
Subject Elective 506 Specialisation 2 4 4 3 hours 70 30 100
Foundation Elective 507 NCC / NSS / Saptadhara** 2
Total 24 26 420 180 600
* Summer Training report shall be evaluated by college / institute by VIVA VOCE exam or presentation of the whole industrial visit or both.
** No separate teaching hours should be allotted to NCC / NSS / Saptadhara, but credits should be reflected in mark sheet

Subject Elective Courses for BBA (Sem. 5)

(A student shall have to choose any one of the three groups)
Group 1: Marketing Elective Group
MSE1 Specialisation 1 Advertising and Brand Management
MSE2 Specialisation 2 International Marketing Management
Group 2: Finance Elective Group
FSE1 Specialisation 1 Advance Financial Management
FSE2 Specialisation 2 Strategic Financial Management
Group 3: Human Resource Elective Group
HSE1 Specialisation 1 Human Resource Development
HSE2 Specialisation 2 Advance Human Resource Management
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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
502 - Business Research
Third Year BBA(Semester5) With Effect from A.Y.2021-22

Objective of the course:

1. To acquaint students with the basic procedure of scientific businessresearch

2. To orient students with the methodology of research in a way that they can do their
semester six project report work in an effectivemanner
3. To develop a research aptitude within students that is helpful in taking rational

Teaching Pedagogy:

Lectures, Case Studies from real business worlds, Presentations, Computer Assisted

Course Content:

Unit 1 Introduction toBusinessResearch (25%)

 Concept & Definition, Classification of Business research viz. Basic vs. Applied
Research, Problem Identification vs. Problem Solving Research, Cross Sectional vs.
Longitudinal Research, Internal vs. ExternalResearch
 Methods of Knowing: Scientific & non-scientific methods, Differences between
scientific & non- scientific methods, Different types of non-scientific methods:
Method of tenacity, Method of appeal to authority, Method of self evident truth,
Characteristics of a good scientific research,
 Types of research design (Exploratory and Conclusive), Different types of errors in
business research,
 Meaning of terms: “Concept“, “Construct” and “Definition“ in relation to business
research, Different types of variables in business research, Definition of hypothesis,
Types of hypothesis, Role of hypothesis in research Qualities ofa good hypothesis,
 Business ResearchProcess

Unit 2DataCollection (25%)

 Difference between terms: “Data” and “Information“, Difference between Primary

Data & Secondary Data. Their relative merits & de-merits, various sources of
secondary data (Internal & External), Use of internet in secondary datacollection

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 General Idea of survey methods, Four Survey Methods viz. Telephonic Survey,
Personal Survey, Electronic Survey and Mail Survey, Comparison of four survey
methods on variousparameters
 Definition of Observation, When observation method is suitable, Advantages and
Limitations of Observation Method, Conceptual Understanding of various types of
Observation Methods viz. Direct & Indirect Method, Mechanical & Human
Observation, Disguised & Non-disguised, Structured & Non-Structured, Participative
and Non-ParticipativeObservation

Unit 3 Sampling andScalingMethods (20%)

 Difference between Sample and Census, Sampling Procedure, Qualitative and

Quantitative Factors affecting Sample Size determination, Probabilistic and Non-
Probabilistic SamplingMethods
 Definition and Meaning of Scaling, Concept of Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of
scales, Various Comparative and Non-comparativeScales,
 Ethics inResearch

Unit 4 Design of Questionnaire &DataProcessing (20%)

 Definition of Questionnaire, Process of questionnaire design, Importance of pre-

testing ofquestionnaire
 Data Preparing: Process of Data Preparation (Questionnaire Checking, Editing,
Coding, Transcribing, Data Cleaning, Adjusting thedata)
 Data Analysis: Purpose of Statistical Analysis, General idea of various statistical tools
like Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode), Measures of Dispersion
(Standard Deviation, Variance,Covariance)

Unit 5: An Introduction toQualitativeResearch (10%)

 Concept of Qualitative Research, Difference between Qualitative and Quantitative

 Conceptual understanding of (i) Focus Group Discussions (ii) In-DepthInterview

Suggested Readings:

1. Business Research Methods: Donald Cooper & Schindler, Tata McGraw Hill (Main Text)
2. Marketing Research: NareshMalhotra, Pearson Publications ( Second Text)
3. Marketing Research: Churchill, Dryden Press, HarcourtPublications
4. Business Research Methods: Zikmud , CengagePublishing
5. Business Research Methods: Saunders, PearsonPublications
6. Social Research Methods: Alan Bryman, OXFORD University Press (For Unit5)

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
503 - Service Management
Third Year BBA(Semester5) With Effect from A.Y.2021-22

Objectives of the course:

1. To explain basic concepts of services to thestudents

2. To relate concepts and principles of services with real world working of various

Pedagogic Tools:

Lectures, assignments, group presentations, practical examples of corporate world, project


Course Content:

Unit 1: Introduction toServiceIndustry (20%)

Introduction to Services, Unique characteristics of Services, Classification of Services,
Challenges confronted by Service sector in India, Factors responsible for growth of Service
Economy, Service Management. Consumer Behavior in Services: Search, Experience and
Credence Properties, Stages in Consumer Decision Making forservices

Unit 2: ServiceMarketingMix (30%)

Product: Core and supplementary Elements, Branding service Products, Price: Role of Non
monetary costs, Pricing strategy, Pricing and Revenue Management, Yield Management,
Place: Service Distribution, Role of Customers in Service Delivery, delivery through
intermediaries, Franchising, Electronic Channels, Self Service Technologies, Promotion: Role
of Marketing Communication, Marketing Communication Mix, Integrated Services Marketing
Communication, People: Employee’s role in Service Delivery, Service Leadership and culture,
Process: Service Blueprinting, Service Process Redesign, Physical Evidence: Servicescape,
Service Environments
Unit 3: Service QualityandMeasurement (10%)
What is Service Quality, The Gaps Model, Service Quality Dimensions (SERVQUAL)

Unit 4: Handling Customer Complaints andServiceRecovery (20%)

Understanding complaining behavior, Principles of Effective service recovery systems,

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Service Guarantees, Discouraging abuse and Opportunistic Customer behavior, Seven types
of Jaycustomers
Unit 5: Introduction toDifferentServices (20%)
[Introduction, SWOC, Types / Segments, Latest Developments in India, Major Players, 7Ps
of following sectors, other contemporaryissues]
Retailing, Hospitality - Travelling and Tourism, IT Enabled Services, Consultancy Services,
Transportation Services, Banking Services, Insurance Services, Healthcare and Hospital
Management,Telecom Sector, Education Sector

Suggested Readings:
1. Services: Marketing, Operations and Management - JauhariDutta, Oxford University
2. Services Marketing - GovindApte, Oxford UniversityPress.
3. Services Marketing: Text and cases - RajendraNargundkar, Tata McgrowHill.
4. Services Marketing: Concept, Planning and Implementation - C Bhattacharjee, Excel
5. Services Sector Management: An Indian Perspective - C Bhattacharjee, Jaico Publishing
6. Services Marketing - Zeithmal, Bitner, Gremler and Pandit, Tata Macgrow-Hill
7. Services Marketing: a south Asian Perspective - Christopher Lovelock, JochenWirtz,
JayantaChatterjee, PearsonEducation.
8. Services Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology - Fitzsimmons and
Fitzsimmons, Tata Mcgraw-Hill.

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
504 – Legal Aspects of Business
Third Year BBA(Semester5) With Effect from A.Y.2021-22

Objective of the course:

 To aware the students about legal and regulatory framework of business related

Pedagogic Tools:

Lectures, assignments, Guest Lectures, Professional Visits, group presentations, project work

Course Content:

Unit 1: The Indian ContractAct,1872 (20%)

Definition of a contract, Essential of a valid contract, Discharge of a contract, Remedies for

breach of a contract

Unit 2: The Negotiable InstrumentAct, 1881 (20%)

Definition of Negotiable Instrument, Characteristics of a negotiable instrument, Types of

negotiable instrument, Parties to negotiable instrument, Holder and Holder in due course,
Liabilities of parties

Unit 3: The Sale of GoodsAct,1930 (20%)

Formation of contract of sale, Subject matter of contract of sale, Conditions and Warranties,
Express and Implied Conditions and Warranties, Caveat Emptor

Unit 4: The Consumer ProtectionAct,1986 (20%)

Introduction, Definitions, Consumer protection redressal agencies

Unit 5: The Information TechnologyAct,2000 (20%)

Definitions, Electronic Signature, Electronic Governance, Regulations of certifying

authorities, Penalty-Compensation andAdjudication

Suggested Readings:

1. Prof AkhileshwarPathak Legal Aspects of Business Tata McGraw Hill 4th Edition
2. N. D. Kapoor, Mercantile Law Sultan Chand & Sons LatestEdition
3. S SGulshan Business Law Excel 3rdEdition

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
FSE-1: 505 – Advance Financial Management
(Finance Elective Group)

Third Year BBA(Semester5) With Effect from A.Y.2021-22

Objectives of the course:

 To equip to students with basic tenets of long term financialdecision-making.

Teaching Pedagogy:

Lectures, PowerPoint presentations, Group Work

Course Content:

1. Valuation ofSecurities(Numeric) (30%)

Concept of value, Importance of Valuation, Bond Valuation :- Basic bond valuation, semi-annual
interest payment, effect of relation between required rate of return & coupon rate on bond
values, effect of years to maturity on bond values, yield to maturity, perpetual bonds. Equity
valuation: Divided capitalization (Single period/ Multi period), Earnings capitalization Techniques
(Numeric), Give a small assignment on equity valuation from BSE and NSE listedcompanies

2. Cost ofCapital(Numeric) (30%)

Meaning & significance, explicit & implicit cost, Cost of debt, equity and retained earnings, Cost
of equity through dividend capitalization approach, realized yield method, CAPM & earning price
method, weighted average cost ofcapital

3. CapitalStructure(Numeric) (20%)
Meaning and Significance, Net Income, Net Operating Income, Traditional & MM Theory
(Including Arbitrage)

4. Assets Financing andVentureCapital (20%)

Lease Financing: Concept, Classification, Essential Elements, Significance and Limitations, Hire –
Purchase Finance: Conceptual Framework, Parties to a Hire Purchase Contract and Lease
Financing vs. Hire Purchase Financing, Venture Capital: Theoretical Framework, Features,
Selection of Investment, Stages of Financing and Indian Venture Capital Scenario

Suggested Reading:

 Pandey, I.M. (2010) Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi.

 Jain, P.K. and M.Y. Khan. (2007) Financial Management, 6th Edition. New Delhi: Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing CompanyLimited.

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 Bhala, V.K. (2006) Financial Management and Policy. New Delhi: Anmol PublicationPvt. Ltd.

 Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management-Theory Practice, Tata McGraw HillPublication

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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
FSE-2: 506 – Strategic Financial Management
(Finance Elective Group)

Third Year BBA(Semester5) With Effect from A.Y.2021-22


 To make aware about various fundamental concepts of strategic financial

 To develop a perspective of students towards combining finance functions with
 To ensure that students can exercise judgment and technique to make business
value added decisions in strategic financialmanagement.
Teaching Pedagogy:

 Students are involved through lectures, discussions, numerical, corporate cases and
power pointpresentation

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Strategy andFinancialManagement (10%)

Basic Concepts and Significance of Strategic Financial Management, Strategic planning
process, Financial, planning process and Financial Forecasting, Benefits and Techniques
of Financial Forecasting

2. Project PlanningandControl (10%)

Meaning of project management, Classification of projects Stages in setting up of a
project, Cost benefit analysis in project, Project Appraisal Techniques and appraisal by
financial institution

3. Long Term StrategicFinancialDecisions (30%)

Investment decision process, Cost of Project and Means of Financing, Risk Evaluation in
capital budgeting: Business risk and Financial risk, Risk analysis in project selection,
Techniques and models in taking decisions under risk and uncertainty (Numeric):

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4. ValuationofBusiness (30%)
Meaning of equity value and enterprise value, Reasons for valuation of an enterprise
and Valuation Approaches, Methods of valuation (Numeric), Discounted Cash Flow
Method, Free Cash Flow to Firm Model

5. Corporate Restructuring andIndustrialSickness (20%)

Meaning and Reasons for corporate restructuring, Meaning, Process and Techniques of
Financial Restructuring, Companies Act, 2013 and RBI’s definition of industrial sickness
and causes of sickness, Prediction of sickness: Multiple Discriminant Analysis (Z – Score
Model withNumeric)

Suggested Reading:

 Ravi M. Kishore (2011), Strategic Financial Management, Second Edition, Taxmann

Publications Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi.

 Rajesh Kumar P. (2011), Mergers & Acquisitions, First Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New

 Godbole Prasad G. (2009), Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate and Corporate

Restructuring, First Edition, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi.

 Weston Fred J., Chung S., Hoang E. (2007), Mergers, Restructuring and Corporate
Control, Latest Edition, Prentice – Hall of India, NewDelhi.

 Khan and Jian (2011), Financial Management, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New

 Pandey I. M. (2012), Financial Management, tenth Edition, Vikas Publishing House

Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi

 DamodaranAswath (2006), Damodaran on Valuation, Second Edition, Wiley India

Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi

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