Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
After reading this unit, you will be able to:
z identify important mulberry varieties cultivated in Eastern and North-eastern
regions of India;
z explain the mulberry cultivation practices followed in Eastern and North-eastern
regions of India;
z compute the quantity of manures and fertilizers to be applied to mulberry; and
z determine the quality and quantity of leaf produced per unit area.
The purpose of this unit is to make you understand the mulberry cultivation practices
suitable for eastern and north-eastern regions of India. You have also learnt in Block
1, Unit 1 about factors responsible for getting higher yield of quality mulberry leaf
suitable for silkworm rearing.
Eastern India comprises of Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa
and West Bengal States. All these states are located at different altitudes (heights)
from sea level and have different types of soil and climatic conditions. These states
come under tropical climate and most of the time in the year high temperature prevails.
Out of these states, mulberry sericulture has been practised in West Bengal for
centuries and hence it called as “traditional state”. The state produces about 11 % of
18 raw silk in India.
Similarly, North-Eastern region of India comprises of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Mulberry Cultivation
Practices for East/North-
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura States. These states have Eastern India
very wide variation in altitude (location from sea level), soil, temperature and rainfall.
The temperature is moderate to low throughout the year; hence, called as sub-
tropical to temperate region. The people of these states used to practise mostly the
non-mulberry silk i.e. Oak Tasar and Eri culture since long, while Muga is being
practised intensively and traditionally in Assam. Though the North-Eastern states
are popular for non-mulberry silk production, mulberry silk is also produced in a
limited scale particularly in Manipur and Assam.
Due to the highly variable agro-climatic conditions of Eastern and North-Eastern
regions of India, mulberry cultivation has been broadly classified into irrigated, rainfed
and hilly regions and improved mulberry cultivation package to produce high yield
of quality leaf has been developed. Thus, it is necessary to define a proper package
of practices of mulberry cultivation comprising of suitable pruning method, dose of
organic manure and chemical fertilizers required for any mulberry variety in the
concerned region.
Under rainfed condition with red lateritic soil, the varieties S1 and C-1730 are
recommended for plantation. The variety C-1730 produces entire, greenish leaf
with smooth surface. 19
Mulberry Cultivation for North, For hilly region, the varieties Tr-10 and BC-2-59 are recommended for plantation.
East and North-East India
The leaves of these varieties are greenish and broad. Recently, S-146, a mulberry
variety is also found promising in foothills as high bush as well as for tree plantation.
For flood prone area of Gangetic plains of West Bengal, C-2028 mulberry variety is
found suitable and may be used for better survivability and growth.
The recommended spacing of mulberry plantation under irrigated conditions in plains
of Eastern and North East India is followed as row system with a spacing of 60 cm
from plant to plant and 60 cm from row to row. The recommended spacing of
mulberry plantation under rainfed condition in hilly regions of Eastern and North
East India is followed by terrace cultivation or planting in contour bunding at
90 cm × 90 cm spacing in pits during rainy season.
Activity 1
Visit a mulberry farm and find out the differences between the high yielding
mulberry varieties and local mulberry varieties. Also, find out different mulberry
varieties which are recommended for irrigated and rainfed conditions.
Check Your Progress 1
Note: a) Use the spaces given below for your answers.
b) Check your answer with those given at the end of the unit.
1) Name any two mulberry varieties recommended for irrigated condition.
2) Which are the varieties recommended for rainfed conditions?
3) Which are the varieties recommended for hilly region?
You have already learnt in Block 2 Unit-1, the importance of pruning as one of the
cultural operations in mulberry cultivation. It is an important practice, which helps in
the proper maintenance of the garden and also to produce suitable quality of leaf for
different instars of silkworm rearing. Thinning and removal of unwanted branches as
well as dead stumps, helps in vigorous growth of mulberry plants and assures high
yield of quality leaf. Under irrigated condition, the pruning is resorted to after every
crop harvest at 20-30 cm above the ground level with the help of Secateur or by
pruning saw (Fig. 2.3 & 2.4).
Mulberry Cultivation
Practices for East/North-
Eastern India
c) Green Manuring
Besides, growing of green manuring crops like Sun Hemp/Dhaincha/ Cowpea/
Rice bean etc. at the rate of 30 kg seeds / ha in between mulberry once or twice
during rainy season is also recommended to improve the soil fertility. These plants
are generally known as leguminous plants and produce root nodules containing a
bacterium called Rhizobium, which helps in nitrogen fixation. When these plants
are grown and are mixed in the soil by ploughing they improve the soil organic
carbon content and also help in weed control. This further increases water-holding
capacity of soil and maintains soil moisture during dry season. The details of green
manuring have already been discussed in Unit 2 of Block 1.
d) Bio-fertilizers
Further, bio-fertilizers are one of the very good sources of plant nutrients, especially
nitrogen and phosphorus. Bio-fertilizers are produced by using live or latent cells of
micro-organisms mixed with carrier material like lignite or charcoal. The use of
bio-fertilizer like “Nitrofert” that contain bacteria called Azotobacter chroococcum
at the rate of 20 kg /ha/year in irrigated mulberry cultivation can save the application
of chemical nitrogen fertilizer by 50 % besides keeping the soil free from chemical
pollution (Fig. 2.6). However, in case of rainfed and hilly regions the recommended
dose of “Nitrofert” is 10 kg/ ha/ yr. This may be applied at the root zones of
individual mulberry plant, half in rainy season and the rest half in post - rainy season.
Mulberry Cultivation
Practices for East/North-
Eastern India
Alluvial Soil : These soils are formed from the sediments
deposited by the rivers. They are coarse to
medium textured.
Bivoltine : Two silkworm crops are produced during the
28 year.
Compost : Process of conversion of any organic residue Mulberry Cultivation
Practices for East/North-
into manure through decomposition. Eastern India
Kawakami, K. and Yanagawa. 2003. Illustrated Working Process of New
Mulberry Cultivation Technology (English – Kannada). JICA, India Project for
Strengthening Extension System for Bivoltine Sericulture in India. pp. 1-78.
Rangaswamy, S. and Jolly, M.S. 1976. Sericulture Manual 1 - Mulberry
Cultivation, FAO Publication.
Mulberry Cultivation for North, Check Your Progress 3
East and North-East India
1) Farm yard manure, Vermicompost, Green manure. Green manure are crops
like Sun Hemp, Dhaincha, Cowpea and Rice bean which helps in weed control
as well as improving the soil fertility by nitrogen fixation.
2) Nitrofert, VA- Mycorrhiza and Phosphofert.
Check Your Progress 4
1) Providing irrigation through furrows prepared between two rows of mulberry
2) By covering the mulberry field with organic residue like dry grass etc.
3) Weeds compete with mulberry for food and space.
Check Your Progress 5
1) Leaf harvest should be done during cool hours of the day.
2) Tender, Medium and Coarse leaf is fed to young, medium and late age silkworms,
3) Leaves should be transported by covering with wet gunny cloth.
Check Your Progress 6
1) To assess the quantity of layings to be brushed.