SCRS/2003/034 Methods For Standardizing CPUE and How To Select Among Them
SCRS/2003/034 Methods For Standardizing CPUE and How To Select Among Them
SCRS/2003/034 Methods For Standardizing CPUE and How To Select Among Them
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require the development of alternate strata for certain explanatory variables in order to
conduct the analysis. In the second approach, adding a constant may cause some bias in
the estimated year effect. The delta-lognormal method (Pennington 1983, 1996; Lo et al
1992) has been used to overcome these problems in a GLM framework. This method
models the zero catches separately and then models the positive catches using a GLM.
The model for the zeros and the GLM are then combined to generate an index of
Nonlinear Models
GLMs are restricted in the relationship between the CPUE and the explanatory variables.
In many situations nonlinear relationships may better describe the relationships between
CPUE and explanatory variables.
General Additive Models
General additive models (GAMs) afford greater flexibility in expressing relationships
between explanatory variables and CPUE, significantly expanding the range of possible
relationships which may be considered during standardization procedures. An example of
use of GAMs in the Pacific to standardize CPUE of swordfish and blue shark is provided
by Bigelow et al (1999).
Neural Networks
Similar to GAMs, neural networks offer more flexible relationships between the CPUE
and explanatory variables. Maunder and Hinton (submitted) developed a neural network
approach to derive estimates of relative abundance for CPUE data. Their major
development was to integrate the year effect as a categorical variable with a neural
network. The Neural network was used to model the non-linear relationships between the
explanatory variables and CPUE. Unlike GLMs for which the relationships are restricted
to linear relationships (with the addition of higher order and interaction terms), neural
networks allow the data to estimate these relationships. A good introduction to the
relationship between neural networks and regression and terminology used in both is
given by Warner and Misra (1996).
One problem with neural networks is that the there may be multiple solutions to the
neural network using the common estimation techniques. These different solutions are
obtained from different starting values for the weights. Initial investigations suggest that
the different solutions provide similar estimates of the year effect (Maunder and Hinton
submitted), to which may be applied simple methods to average the results.
Regression Trees
Regression trees are similar in concept to neural networks. Watters and Deriso (2000)
used regression trees to standardize CPUE for bigeye tuna in the eastern Pacific Ocean.
They suggest that the main advantage of regression trees is that they are ideally suited to
detecting and extracting important and complex interactions of the explanatory variables.
Standardization model integrated with population dynamics model
The traditional approach of including CPUE data into stock assessment models uses a
two-step approach. The first step is to standardize the CPUE using one of the approaches
described here and the second step is to fit to the CPUE based index of relative
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abundance in the stock assessment model. Maunder (1998; 2001a) suggests that the two
step approach usually does not fully propagate uncertainty from one analysis to the next.
For example, most applications assume the same precision for individual estimates of
annual relative abundance. Maunder and Starr (in press) investigate the biased caused by
this assumption and describe two improved methods to include the precision of the
annual relative abundance estimates.
An alternative approach to the two step procedure is to integrate the CPUE
standardization into the stock assessment model (Maunder 2001b). In this method the
standardization is integrated with the stock assessment model. Instead of estimating the
year effect, the population dynamics model is used to represent the year effect. The
parameters of the population dynamics model and those of the standardization model are
estimated simultaneously while optimizing the objective function that combines the
CPUE data and other data used in the stock assessment (e.g. catch-at-age data). Maunder
(2001b) showed in an application using GLM standardization that the integrated method
produced confidence intervals that were narrower and included the true value more often
than if the two step procedure was used.
Habitat Based Models
Nonlinear models, neural networks, regression trees, and GAMs are more general in their
functional forms when compared to GLMs, but they do not in general use analytical
reasoning to define the functional form of the relationship between the explanatory
variables and CPUE. Hinton and Nakano (1996) developed a general habitat-based
standardization (HBS) method that provides an analytical framework, and by extension a
statistical construct [see below], to incorporate understanding of the distributions of the
environmental, fishing gear, and a species into the standardization of CPUE. They
illustrated the method using data obtained from studies of the distribution of depth at
which hooks on longlines are fished, the habitat preference of blue marlin, and the spatial
distribution of temperature in the Pacific. The basic premise is that if a hook is fished in
an environment that is preferred by the species, then it has a higher probability of
capturing that species. This is particularly important, for example, when standardizing
effort of longline gear targeting tuna, because the depth of the gear has increased over
time as fishermen targeted bigeye tuna, which are generally found at deeper depths in the
water column.
Bigelow et al. (2002) have used the habitat based standardization method (HBS) to create
CPUE based indices of relative abundance for bigeye and yellowfin tuna in the Pacific
Ocean. These indices have been used for assessments in both the western-central Pacific
Ocean by SPC (Hampton 2002a,b) and the eastern Pacific Ocean by the IATTC
(Maunder 2002; Maunder and Harley 2002). Maunder et al. (submitted) showed that the
HBS standardized CPUE for these stocks was a statistically significant improvement over
nominal effort.
Statistical Habitat Based Model
When the HBS method is applied using data on the distributions of a species and of
fishing effort with respect to the environment as input for the model, the method is
deterministic in nature. The fact that the model has an analytical basis does not mean that
it will necessarily produce better estimates than other methods, such as a GLM, and
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whether it performs better or worse than competing standardization models when used in
this way may be tested (Maunder et al (submitted)). However, Hinton et al (2001) and
Hinton and Maunder (In Prep) have developed a statistical version of the HBS method
that provides improved estimation of CPUE by estimating the parameters of the HBS
model. The version used by Hinton et al (2001) incorporated the integrated model
approach of Maunder (2001b) to provide maximum use of information in standardization
and fitting of population dynamics models. The statistical HBS method uses the
information on such as the habitat preference of a species as a prior that can be updated
based on a better correspondence between the observed and predicted CPUE. In addition,
the statistical HBS (statHBS) integrates a GLM based component that allows for
additional explanatory variables, a gear retrieval component, and gear depth modification
from shear. Because of the flexibility of this method, additional components, linear or
nonlinear, can easily be added to the model.
Model Tests and Comparisons
The objective of many regression analyses is to provide a predictor of unobserved events
given a set of observed explanatory variables. Therefore, the goal of the analysis is to
choose the model that best predicts these unobserved events. The development of the
model requires fitting the model to observed events. If the model is chosen that best fits
the observed events, then it may not be a good predictor of unobserved events. This can
be illustrated by the fact that a model with more parameters will always fit the data as
well or better than a model with less parameters if the models are nested. However, the
model with more parameters may be fitting the noise rather than the general pattern.
Therefore, when applied to data for prediction, it may perform poorly. A model with
fewer parameters may be a better predictor, as it predicts the overall trend and not the
noise. The goal thus becomes selecting the model with the optimal number of parameters.
Unfortunately, not all models are nested and it may be desirable to test among models
with different structures, e.g. testing a GLM versus a neural network.
The methods used to standardize CPUE are based on predicting catch or CPUE, with the
goal of providing an index of relative abundance, usually by estimating a year effect.
Good prediction of catch or CPUE does not necessarily infer good estimation of the
relative abundance, but it is generally assumed that the best model or fit provides the best
available indicator of relative abundance. The year effect may explain variation caused
by other factors, or other explanatory variables included in the analysis may explain
variation that should be attributed to abundance. In either case, the estimated year effect
may be a biased representation of the abundance. Therefore, it would be appropriate to
develop tests based on the ability to estimate the year effect. Unfortunately it is not
possible to know the actual abundance, and therefore the tests that can be used to evaluate
methods are limited. Below we describe three categories of tests, the first two are based
on the ability to predict catch, or CPUE. Dependence on these tests strictly assumes that
models that best predict catch or CPUE are the best predictors of relative abundance. The
third category is based on how consistent the estimates are with auxiliary information
about the year effect. This category of tests examine a universe of available information
beyond catch and effort data.
Likelihood ratio, AIC, BIC, and Bayes Factors
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A majority of tests are based on maximum likelihood. The likelihood ratio test (LRT)
tests if a more complex model, one with more estimated parameters, fits the data
significantly better than a less complex model. The LRT requires that the models be
nested. Nested means that the less complex model is equivalent to the more complex
model with one or more of the parameters fixed (usually at zero, one, or equal to another
parameter). The test criterion is based on the Chi-square distribution with the degrees of
freedom equal to the difference between the number of parameters in the models.
The Akaike Information Criteria (AIC, Akaike 1973) and Bayes Information Criteria
(BIC, Schwarz 1978) are used to determine which model best fits the data. The models
do not need to be nested and can have the same number of parameters or different
number of parameters. It should be noted that increasing the number of CPUE data points
does not increase the number of parameters, unless there are more years of data or more
explanatory variables are added to the analysis.
A third family of tests which is not restricted in application to nested models are Bayes
factors (Aitkin 1991), which can be used to determine a significant difference between
models with the same number of parameters. A more in-depth discussion of the
application of these various methods to testing models used to standardize CPUE may be
found in Maunder et al (Submitted).
Cross validation
Simple cross validation is an alternative to likelihood-based tests for selection among
models. In simple terms, cross validations uses part of the data set (the training set) to
estimate the parameters of the model (called training the model) and part of the data set
(the test data set) to determine how well the predictions fit the data (testing the model).
The model that best predicts the test data set is chosen as the best model. Unlike the
likelihood based tests, cross validation does not make assumptions about the distribution
of the errors, and it does not require the models to be nested. Cross validation can also be
used to compare multiple models of different types. Many modifications to the simple
cross validation have been proposed and used to make cross validation more efficient.
We suggest that a three-subset test can be used to test among models of different types.
The first subset of the data is used to estimate the parameters of the model. The second
subset of the data is used to determine the complexity of the model for each model type,
e.g. what variables to include in a general linear model or how many neurons to include
in a neural network. The third subset is used to select among the different types of
models, e.g. neural network versus a GLM. The cross validation tests may be sensitive to
the proportion of the data set used as the test data set, therefore it is important to
determine the optimal size of the test data set for the particular application (Maunder and
Hinton submitted).
System-based Testing
In general it is held that the measure of CPUE is the principal measure of relative
abundance providing information to the population dynamics model, however in many
models ancillary data on age or size structure or movement is included in an effort to
improve the estimation of the status of a population or stock. Within the context of such a
model it is possible to determine which of a series of CPUE estimates is most consistent
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with the additional information inputs and the model structure. For example, Kleiber et al
(In Press) compared results obtained using CPUE series for blue marlin in the Pacific
using MULTIFAN-CL (Fournier et al 1998) and found that CPUE from HBS provided
significant improvements in precision of estimated parameters of interest to fisheries
management. In other words, they found that in this instance results obtained using HBS
were most consistent with the ancillary data used in the analyses.
McDonald et al (2001) described a method for estimating the weighting factors for
multiple indices of abundance. The method is based on the normal likelihood function
and the analytical maximum likelihood estimates of the standard deviation. However,
they relaxed the commonly used assumption of statistical independence of surveys
implied by univariate likelihood functions by using a multivariate likelihood function.
Thus, they generalized the method to include correlation among the index errors. They
described likelihood ratio tests to determine if correlation between index errors should be
included in the analysis by restricting the multivariate likelihood function covariance
matrix (i.e. setting some cells to zero). Analytical estimates of the variance and
covariance parameters were described. Simulations showed that the tests correctly chose
the appropriate correlation structure. The method of McDonald et al (2001) may provide
a measure of the reliability of the standardized CPUE series based on the variance
estimates obtained. This method was also suggested by White and Lubow (2002) and is
described in Seber and Wild (1989) using iterative methods.
Model Selection and Future Research
Immediate needs of management and conservation, and current data availability will
drive the model selection process at the first level. But in the process of providing
scientific advice based on current data availability and appropriate models, it must never
be left that the second level, continuing and anticipated future application requirements,
is left untended.
Meeting Immediate Needs
We suggest the following approach to determining the most appropriate CPUE based
relative abundance index to meet immediate management and conservation needs using
available data in a cross validation method. First a candidate set of methods should be
chosen. We suggest that a GLM-based method should always be included in this set of
candidates because it is the most familiar model used to standardize CPUE and will
provide a convenient point for comparison to other methods. Whenever a habitat-based
model is used, we recommend that it should be a statHBS model.
Next, the data should be divided into two sets. If the application has a large data set (see
Amari et al 1997) as are available for analyses of tunas and tuna-like species, then we
suggest that the data set should be subdivided into one set containing 90 percent and one
containing 10 percent of the data. The first set should be used to estimate the parameters
of each candidate model using the optimal method for each model type. For example, in
the case of a GLM, all of the data points in the 90 percent data set may be used in a
stepwise selection procedure to determine the best GLM model. In the case of a neural
network, a training and testing data sets are selected from the 90 percent, and the best
neural network model is determined using cross validation (see section above). The final
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set of 10 percent of the original data should be used to compare among methods to
determine which is the “best model” in terms of predicting catch or CPUE.
In addition to determining which of the models (e.g. GLM or neural network) was the
best predictor of the final 10 percent data set, a standardized CPUE series may be
generated from each and then compared for consistency with ancillary data by using the
standardized CPUE series from each in a population dynamics model such as
MULTIFAN-CL, as discussed above. A finding that the data is consistent with the
ancillary data means that under the assumption that the dynamics model is correct, the
information contained in the modeled CPUE is consistent with the other data and the
assumed structure of the dynamics model. Thus, in this framework a comparison of two
models that provide the best measures of relative abundance, e.g. our GLM and neural
network, using measures of variance of parameter estimates or other dynamics-model
diagnostics, is conditioned on the assumption that the dynamics model is the correct
Future Application Requirements
It is not sufficient to say that what has functioned in the past will continue to suffice for
the future, for the certainty in resource management is that the status of the resource will
change, due to changes in natural or anthropogenic stress or both, and that harvesters will
make every effort to improve their economic return by seeking means to improve their
catch rates. Thus, it is critical that research be devoted to developing and improving the
understanding of factors which may change the relationship between catch and effort. We
believe that future research will be driven by the need to maximize the information
obtained from existing long-term databases, while at the same time anticipating the data
that will be required to provide scientific advice for future management and conservation
We suggest that future research may be seen as consisting of five related components: (1)
determining which of currently available methods for standardizing CPUE are generally
applicable and the conditions under which they will perform better than other methods;
(2) developing tests appropriate for determining which standardization methods provide
the best index of relative abundance from a set of candidate methods; (3) determining the
status of current data holdings, including identifying the nature and magnitude of
deficiencies, and determining the priority for data collection for current model
application; (4) defining what data should be collected in the future to attempt to capture
changes in the relationship between catch and effort and to ensure the ability to maintain
the information context and usefulness of long-term data series; and (5) exploring new
methods for standardizing CPUE anticipating various changes in requirements of
management and fisherman response.
The currently available standardization methods that are generally applicable can be
examined using simulation analyses. These analysis should include many different
combinations of population, catch, and effort trajectories, i.e. many possibilities which
might represent some realized situation. This will allow the general performance of the
methods to be determined using tests developed under (2) above. Methods that
consistently perform poorly can then be rejected. Other methods can be further tested and
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The development of appropriate tests needs to start with a through review of the
appropriate literature. Starting points include likelihood-based tests (Maunder et al
submitted), cross validation tests (Maunder and Hinton submitted), and system-based
tests (Kleiber et al In Press; McDonald et al 2001). The statistical literature contains a
wealth of information on model testing, and this should be used to help improve the
further development of model selection tests. The performance of candidate tests should
be evaluated using simulation analysis.
Finally, it is important to know the limitations current data places on application of
models and to anticipate the future by deciding what data should be collected into the
future. For example, one of the most important factors for standardization of effort data
from tuna longline fisheries is some measure of the depth at which the hooks on the
longline are fished. Therefore, no matter which method is used to standardize the CPUE,
the method will not perform well unless the appropriate explanatory variables are
available. This information was not routinely collected prior to 1975 in the Japanese
fishery (Hinton and Nakano 1996), and in some longline fisheries it is still not collected,
which has been identified as a data deficiency in the information required for
standardization models such as GLM and statHBS. One approach to setting data
requirements is to collect all the possible information about the fishing process (e.g. the
date, time, bait used, size of the boat, etc.), however this may not be all that is required,
and in fact may include factors which have little or no bearing on catch and effort. For
example, the analytical framework of the HBS model indicates that the habitat preference
of the species and the environment may be as important as the depth of the longline.
Basic research is needed on individual species, fishing technology, and the environment
to determine what factors are most influential in determining CPUE.
We thank M. Shiham Adam for suggesting the three subset test procedure to compare
among models of different types.
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