Molecular Theory of Surface Tension
Molecular Theory of Surface Tension
Molecular Theory of Surface Tension
A molecular theory of surface tension is developed for a liquid-gas interface of a one component system.
The Helmholtz free energy, the quantity minimized in the van der Waals approach, is obtained here from a
rigorous expansion in powers of derivatives of density p and is minimized by the calculus of variations. The
coefficient A(p) of the term in the square of the density gradient is (kT/6)fdr r 2C(r,p), C being the
direct correlation function. In the case in which p varies in one direction x only, the solution of the Euler-Lagrange
differential equation is analyzed in detail. This describes the cases of a single phase and of two coexisting
phases and leads to the equal area Maxwell construction. The effect of an external field on the solution is
discussed. The Euler-Lagrange differential equation provides a differential statement of Bernoulli's
theorem. In a three dimensional treatment the stress tensor formula is obtained from the corresponding
Euler-Lagrange partial differential equation. A (differential) generalization of the Young-Laplace
equation for a spherical interface is also derived. In addition, metastable regions are described and
interpreted. The stress tensor for a system in the presence of any kind of conservative force field is also
3732 The Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 64, No.9, 1 May 1976 Copyright© 1976 American Institute of Physics
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3733
F= J d 3rzjJ(r). (II. 1)
f is the force density. The surface tension emerges as In this section we shall only be concerned with flat
the difference between two components of the stress interfaces (i.e., those associated with a density vary-
tensor, one parallel to the direction of the density gra- ing only in a single linear direction). We will return to
dient and the other normal to it. The spherically sym- discussion of the general equations in Sec. IV. Thus,
metric solution of the three-dimensional partial differ- when the density is a function of x only, (II. 1) becomes
ential equation is a generalized Young-Laplace 9 equa-
tion for a spherical interface. The actual differential
equation is interpretated as a differential form of the
F=a r a
dxzp(x) , (II. 4)
0 (x) (II. 6)
the two-phase region a density profile such as that
shown in Fig, 1 will render the total free energy of the We choose the symbol ~ because, not surprisingly, the
system a minimum. Lagrange multiplier corresponding to (II. 5) proves to
be the chemical potential.
The determination of such a molecular number den-
sity (or mass density) profile is best formulated in The minimization of (II. 6) is a problem in the calcu-
terms of a local free energy density. The same is true lus of variations. Thus the density profile must be a
of density functions which vary in more than one dimen- solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation
sion. In Appendix A we show that a fixed temperature
8P0(x) d 8P0 (x)
T the Helmholtz free energy of a nonuniform system can
be expressed as the definite integral of a local free en-
ap(x) - dx ap'(x) =0 · (II. 7)
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3734 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
JJ.(P) g,
shown in Fig, 2, the van der Waals loop being an ana-
lytic continuation6 • 12 of single phase free energies. M
will be determined by fixing the average density of the
system N/V. Different values of !J. cause !J.(p)- 11- to
I have one, two, or three zeroes (Figs. 3(a)-3(c)].
(a) We discuss the three different cases in turn:
Case A: J.L(p)- J.L has only one zero at Po (Fig. 3(a)].
The plot of g 1(p) vs p will have only one extremum at
p0 (Fig. 4(a)]. Therefore, there is only one value of p
which our solution can approach asymptotically. The
plots of several solutions are shown in Fig. 4(b). Since
the physical solution must satisfy the boundary condi-
tion at both ends, (p' approaches zero at both ends), the
(b) (c)
only physical solution in this case is a constant solution,
FIG. 3. !l(p)-11 for three different values of 11· For 11 = 111 , 112, p =p 0 , the one phase state,
or 113 , !l(p)-11 has (a) one, (b) two, or (c) three zeroes, re-
spectively. Case B: J.L(p)- J.L has two zeroes at p1 and p2 (Fig.
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3735
g. (ll. 12)
(ll. 14)
Thus we have
The plot of g 1 vs p will have one minimum at p 1 and a
point of inflection (with both first and second deriva-
tives of i Ap' 2 equal to zero) at p2 • With only one con-
stant to fix, the zero can only occur at either p 1 or p2
[Fig. 5(a)]. The physical solution in this case will be
either p =p 1 or p =p 2 , depending on the choice of inte-
gration constant, However, only the density p 1 corre-
sponds to a stable state, since the compressibility is
infinite for p = p2 • Thus again p = p 1 is the only physical p<xl
solution [other solutions of the differential equation are
sketched in Fig. 5(b)].
Case C: J.J.(p)- J.1. has three zeroes at Pc, p1 , PL> re-
spectively [Fig. 3(c)].
The plot of g 1 vs p will have two minima and one
maximum [Fig. 6(a)]. Again the integral will be zero
for only one of the three densities Pc, p1 , PL [Fig.
6(b)]. Either Pc or PL may be the stable solution, the
choice depending on which corresponds to the absolute
minimum of the integral. The other solution corre-
sponds to a metastable state. The solution correspond-
ing to p 1 is unstable, the compressibility being negative.
However, if the two minima are at the same height, we (b)
can achieve zeroes at pc 0 and PLo simultaneously [Fig.
FIG. 6. (a) g 1(p) showing two minima at Pc and PL· For differ-
7(a)]. This is the physical solution for the two-phase ent choices of integration constant g 1(p) can be made to be
state [Fig. 7(b)]. The condition for having two minima zero at either Pc (left) or PL (right). (b) Density profiles for
at the same height is unphysical solutions which approach either PL or Pc·
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3736 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
~..!--~~-~P ....___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ X Equation (III. 2) is the statement of mechanical equilib-
rium for a system in an external field. It says that the
(b) internal force, dP(x)/dx, is balanced by the external
force f(x).
JJ.(P)- JL,.u
This equation is also a differential statement of the
Bernoulli theorem. In the liquid phase region the den-
sity p(x) is essentially a constant ("incompressible"),
and (III. 2) implies that
P(x) + U(x)p = P =con st. (III. 3)
This is the usual statement of Bernoulli's theorem for
an incompressible fluid (in the absence of flow) in an
external potentiaL U(x)p is the potential energy density
at point x.
(c) When the spatial variations of p(x) are important, the
FIG. 7. (a) g 1 (p)whenJ.t is chosen so that the two minima are at differential form (III. 2) must be retained. The differ-
the same height. (b) The density profile for the physical two- ential form can be conveniently rewritten as
phase solutions. (c) Maxwell equal area construction.
dP(x)+p(x)dU(x)=O. (III. 4)
The integrated form is
phase interior, where p'- 0 and J.L(p)- J.L, it is
P = P(p) = J.L(p)p- 1/J(p) • (IL 16)
P(x)+ ix
dx ddU(x) p(x)=P(x0 ) .
(III. 5)
Equation (II. 14) is simply the statement that the system The most important external potential for real fluid
is in mechanical equilibrium in the absence of external systems is that due to gravity, which for sufficiently
forces. In Sec. III we will see that (II. 14) is appropri- small xis
ately altered in the presence of an external field. GMm -GMm
U(x)=- R--:::: R +mgx, (IlL 6)
We note that when (II. 15) is integrated over the total o+X o
volume of the system, it can be written as where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of
F = J.LN- P V + a0 a, (II. 17) the earth, m is the molecular mass, R 0 is the distance
of some reference point (e. g., the center of mass of the
where the surface tension a0 is given by system or the Gibbs surface) from the center of the
earth. xis the distance from the reference point and
a0=Jba dxA(p(x))p'(x) 2
• (II. 18)
g=GM/R~ (III. 7)
Thus we see that, even though we have not treated is the gravitational acceleration at distance R 0 •
the interface as a true discontinuity, the surface con-
tribution to the free energy (i.e., the contribution The differential equation (III. 1) becomes
which grows only as the cross sectional area rather J.L + GMm/R 0 - mgx = J.L(p(x))- A(p(x))p"(x)
than as the volume) emerges in a natural way. Thus a
unique expression for the surface tension is obtained
- i A'(p(x))p'(x)2 • (III. 8)
even though the density is everywhere continuous. Thus, as is well known, whenever a specific reference
point in the fluid is chosen, the chemical potential
Ill. EXTERNAL FIELDS changes whenever the system is raised or lowered, We
will return to this point in a subsequent paper, in which
In this section we consider the effects of an external
we shall discuss the properties of the solution of Eq.
field on the density profile. We again treat only density
(III. 8) in detail.
variations in one dimension. When the potential energy
term in (II. 4) is retained, the differential equation The differential equation for the pressure in the
takes the form gravitational field is
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3737
dP(x)/dx=- mp(x)g, (ill.9) the condition for mechanical equilibrium. The internal
force V • a{r) precisely balances the external force f(r).
or equivalently
The expression for the stress tensor allows us to uti-
dP(x)+ mp(x)gdx= 0 , (ill.10)
lize an analysis of Laplace type to obtain an expression
where for the surface tension. We define a unit vector which
is everywhere in the direction of the density gradient
P(x) = (j:L- mgx)p(x) -1/'(p)+ t A(p(x))p'(x) 2 •
A Vp(r)
The integrated form is n(r)= !Vp(r)l · (IV. 5)
pure bulk phase is not homogeneous [i.e., p'(x) *0], Thus we see that a(r), the difference between the
although it is usually treated as such (since (p' /p)X« 1, stress normal to the interface and the stress tangential
where X is the height of the sample). Thus for a single to the interface, is a surface tension per unit length.
bulk phase in a gravitation field there is a nonzero con-
The surface tension at a particular point r 0 on the inter-
tribution to the "tension" given in (II. 19). This contri- face is obtained by integrating a(r) along the line which
bution, however, is in general negligible in comparison is everywhere parallel to n(r) and which passes through
with the interfacial contribution (except in the neighbor- "r0 . " Thus
hood of a critical point).
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3738 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
fL!Pl-fL p!r)
FIG. 10. Isotherm (left) and density profile (right) when the
radius of the sphere is small.
the (asymptotic) densities at the boundaries of the vari- The physical solution should also approach another
ous regions are the same, the solutions for these regions constant as r approaches 0 (the center of the sphere).
join continuously at the boundaries. We m'ay therefore We need to know whether or not this constant is another
assume that the true solution is the sum of the solutions zero of IJ.(p)- IJ.. We examine the behavior of the solu-
in the different regions (Fig. 8). In each region we can tion in the neighborhood of r=O. Equation (IV.9) is sin-
assume the solution of the three-dimensional partial gular at r= 0. Therefore, if p' remains nonzero as r
differential equation to be spherically symmetric: approaches zero, p" will diverge, and the solution will
be singular there. Therefore, for a bounded solution,
p(r, IJ, ¢) =p(r) • (IV. 8) p' must approach zero as r approaches zero. Since the
Substituting this into the partial differential equation we differential equation is second order, the solution will
obtain a second-order ordinary differential equation for be determined by the initial conditions p(r0 ) and p'(r0 ). 16
p which contains r explicitly, We choose the reference point as r 0 = 0, where p'(O)
equals zero. Then, once we determine the value for p
IJ.(p)- 1J. =i A'(p)p'(d+Ap"(r)+ (2/r)A(p)p'(r) • (IV. 9) at r= 0, p(O), the whole curve is uniquely determined.
Ap' /r has a removable singularity at r= 0, since p'- 0
Comparing Eq. (IV. 9) with Eq. (II. 8), we notice that
as r-0. We can find the limit of Ap' /r as r-0 by
Eq. (IV. 9) has the additional term, (2/r)Ap'. This
L'Hospital's rule,
term makes the analysis more complicated than that in
Sec. II. lim Ap' = lim d(Ap') . (IV. 10)
In analyzing the solution, we first examine the behav- r•O r r•O dr
ior of the solution as r-oo and r- 0. As r gets large, As r- 0 the differential equation (IV. 9) becomes
the contribution from the term Ap' / r becomes smalL
(IV. 11)
Then the solution will behave similarly to the solution in
the one-dimensional treatment. Thus, one of the 2
where A'p' +Ap" is limr.a,p•·o(Ap' /r). Since p'- 0 as
boundary conditions is that p( r) approaches Po asymp- r-0, we have from Eq. (IV. 11)
totically as r-oo, where p0 is a zero of IJ.(p)- IJ.,
limp" =t (IJ.(p)- iJ.)/A • (IV. 12)
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3739
IPL (JJ.(p)- JJ.) dp (Fig. 11) ' (IV. 15) p' will be negative. This corresponds to a liquid drop
PG in a uniform gas phase (Fig, 13),
i.e.' Since A is small, the principal contribution of
PL iPL 2Ap1 f(2Ap' /r) dp comes from the region where p' is signifi-
!Ap' 2
-iAp' 2
r cantly large, i, e., the interfacial region. (In the re-
gion where r is very small, L'Hospital's rule gave
(IV, 16)
Ap' /r-Ap", which is a small quantity for a nonoscil-
The dependence of the solution on the chemical poten-
lating solution). The value of f(2Ap' /r) dp then depends
tial can be seen from Eq. (IV. 16). Both A and rare
on the position of the interface on the r axis, i.e., the
positive quantities, and p' will always have the same
radius of the sphere r 0 • Therefore, by (IV, 16), the
sign between PL and Pa· Thus, the sign of the integral
smaller I J:<f(JJ.(p)- JJ.) dp I is, the greater r 0 will be.
In fact, as JJ.- IJ.max>
(IV. 19)
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3740 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
Plnslde -Poutslde=...!_
J 2
2Ap' dr- 2 r-ro
A p ,zdr, For a flat interface, the requirement that the density
asymptotically approach single phase densities on ei-
ther side of the interface led to the necessary introduc-
(IV. 22) tion of the Maxwell equal area construction for the
That this is a generalization of the Young-Laplace chemical potential as a function of the density. The
equation is easily seen, If the interfacial thickness is equal area condition requires that the equilibrium pres-
much smaller than the radius of the sphere r 0 , we can sure be the same in the two phases (usual statement of
drop the second term on the right hand side of Eq. mechanical equilibrium).
(IV. 22) and obtain
In the presence of an external field the pressure has
P inside - Pouts ide = - 2
f Ap 12 dr , (IV. 23)
been rendered a function of position, The density is a
function of position even in a single bulk phase. This
leads to the surprising conclusion that even a single
Using the definition of the surface tension obtained in bulk phase has a nonvanishing "surface" tension in the
Sec, II [Eq. (II, 19)], we obtain the ordinary Young- presence of an external field such as gravity. This
Laplace equation for a spherical interface, contribution is generally negligible compared with an
interfacial contribution except in the critical region.
(IV. 24) This may be one source of the well-known difficulty in
identifying the critical point in the presence of grav-
Equation (IV. 24) is the usual statement of mechanical ity.
equilibrium for a spherical surface. The differential
equation (IV. 9) can be written as For a spherical interface the theory has provided a
differential form of the Young-Laplace equation for the
dP/dr=- 2a/r. (IV. 25) pressure variation across a spherical interface. The
generalization of this equation to arbitrarily curved in-
This is a differential statement of the Young-Laplace terfaces was seen in Appendix B to arise naturally from
equation. It is valid even when its integrated form, the differential equation for the stress tensor. The
(IV. 24), is not. In Appendix B the general forms of physical spherically symmetric solutions provide a
(IV. 24) and (IV. 25) for interfaces of arbitrary curva- thermodynamic interpretation of nucleation of a stable
ture will be obtained. internal phase from the metastable external phase,
The one-dimensional (flat interface) solution has been
We have obtained an interpretation of metastable seen to arise as the limit of a spherical interface (ei-
states. At a given temperature a metastable phase ther vapor internal or liquid internal) of infinite ra-
(liquid or vapor) can be an external phase in mechanical dius.
equilibrium with a spherical bubble or drop of a stable
phase. The radius of the sphere which must satisfy the A final note of caution is in order here. Although we
mechanical equilibrium condition is the Young-Laplace have obtained the local free energy (II. 2) from a rigor-
radius defined by (IV. 24). ous expansion of the exact free energy, (A. 20), the ex-
pansion cannot converge in general [e. g., the moment
As is well known, 17 this Young-Laplace radius pro- f d3rr4 C(r) does not exist for any potential behaving as
vides a critical nucleation size for a given tempera- 1/ r 6 for large r]. The expansion can at best only be
ture. asymptotic, but, as pointed out by Widom, 12 may nev-
ertheless yield a numerically accurate approxima-
We have provided a microscopic formulation of the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
van der Waals theory of surface tension. The van der We thank Dr. Alan Dunker for helpful discussions.
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3741
APPENDIX A: LOCAL FREE ENERGY DENSITY functional F', 19 Indeed, (A5) is the Legendre transfor-
mation which transforms from the potential u(r) as a
In this Appendix we derive the local free energy den-
variable to the density p(r) as a variable. Thus, if we
sity from microscopic theory. The derivation is simi-
can express the one-body potential u(r) as a functional
lar to that given by Lebowitz and Percus. 11 Our basic
of p(r), we can obtain F' by functional integration from
approach is taken from a rigorous treatment of static
a known reference point.
properties of classical fluids given by Martin. 18
For a system with no interaction, the density p(r) is
We assume that the system is described by a classi-
given by
cal Hamiltonian of the form
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3742 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
Jd r G- (r
1, r 2 )G(r2 , r 3 ) = 1i(r1 - r 3 ) , (A17)
C(r 1 , p) = Jd r 1 dsC(r
1, r 2 , sp)p(r 2 ) • (A19)
obtained by expansion of J(r) in powers of the force
Thus, the free energy is given formally by First we examine the expansion of C,
ds'C(r,r2 ,ss'p),
In accordance with translational invariance, the cor-
relation functions depend only upon the independent dif-
ds'C(r,r 2 ,r3 ,ss'p),
/(r) =p(r)(lnp(r)X3 - 1)-! p(r) J d 3r 2C0(r2 , p{r ))p(r+ r 2 )-! p(r) J d3r d r CO(r
3 2, r 3 , p(r))p(r+ r 2 )
The only contribution to the integrals in (A23) comes from points within a force range of the field point r. Thus we
can effectively expand p(r+ r 2 ) in a Taylor series about the point r:
p(r+r2 )=p(r)+r2 • Vp(r)+Hr2 • V)2 p(r)+••• • (A24)
Substituting into (A23) and dropping all terms of higher than second order in gradients, we obtain
f{r)=f0(p(r))-!p(r) Jd r {r 3
2 2• Vp{r)+Hr 2 • V)2 p{r)}{C0(r2 ,p(r))+p(r) Jd r;C (r ,r ,p(r))}
3 0
2 3
-! p{r) f asr2 d3ra(ra. Vp{r))(r3 ° Vp{r)){CO(rz, rs, p(r)) +! p(r) f d3r4CO(rz, r3, r4, p(r))} ' (A25)
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3743
With use of the symmetry properties of the correlation functions, f 2(p) can be rewritten
1 ~V Jd r r d r (r r C(r r r p) +~ Jd r C(r
3 1-
2) { 1, 2, 3,
4 1, r 2 , r 3 , r 4 , p)}
In order to obtain a free energy density of the form of (II. 2), we must eliminate the Laplacian term in (A26). We
note that it can be rewritten as
f(r) = / 0(p(r)) +! A(p(r))Vp(r) 2 - V • {/1(p(r))Vp(r)} , (A28)
! A(p) =jf(p)-fz(p) •
The divergence term in (A28) does not contribute to the free energy (A20). From (A15) and (A21) we have
OCb(rz, p) =
f daraCO(rz, r a• p) (A29a)
5CO(r2, ra, p) =
J d ar 4-C0( r 2 , ra, r 4 , p ) • (A29b)
1 52
2 ()p2 2 (1
{p C 0(r2 , p)}= .,t sds Jo ds'
(1 1)2
()p 2
2 0
{p C (r2 , ss' p)}=
11 1 d
dsp ds P
111 ds' ds' d 2 0
{ss' p CO(r2 , ss' p)}= C (r2 , p) • (A31)
0 0
Hence A(p) is given by (II. 3). Equation (II. 2) is obtained by combination of (A31), (A28), (A20), and (A6).
The general partial differential equation (IV. 3) can be derived by direct expansion of the chemical potential in
powers of the density gradient. We expand the right hand side of (A12). We note that C(r) can be expanded as
C(r) = C(p(r))+ J dar1C 0(r1> p(r)){p(r +r 1)- p(r)} + ~ J dar 1 dar2 C0(r 1 , r 2 , p(r)){p(r+ r 1 ) - p(r)}{p(r+ r 2 ) - p(r)}+ ·" ,
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3744 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
Next we note that where J1 is the surface tension exponent, v is the cor-
relation length exponent, y is the compressibility ex-
~ V~(r) Vp(r)• V.LIVp(r)l
V.L. n(r)= ap(r)/ar" ponent, and f3 is the order parameter exponent. These
!Vp(r)! 2
exponents are defined for the two-phase region at tem-
V~p(r) peratures near the critical temperature. For T suffi-
IVp(r)l ciently near Tc they are defined by
But from differential geometry, 20 ao=Aao(Tc- T)JJ.' (C2)
V.L• n(r)=-2H(r)=2/R(r), (B5) ~=A~(Tc- rrv, (C3)
where H(r) is the invariant mean curvature, and R(r) is
the mean inverse radius of curvature of the constant x =_!(ap)
P ap r
=A (T -
x c
density surface passing through the point r. Thus,
from (B3) and (IV" 4) we have
PL- PG =Al>.(Tc- T)S • (C5)
ap"(r) =-A( (r))2 ap(r)2/ar" _ aU(r) (r)" (BB)
arn p R(r) arn p That is, these exponents characterize how the surface
tension and the density difference vanish and how the
Equation (B6) is a differential statement of the Young- correlation length ~ and compressibility x diverge at
Laplace law for an interface of arbitrary curvature. the critical point. Widom 's derivation of (C 1) was
We obtain the usual form by integrating (B6) along a based on a three-step procedure involving assumptions
line passing through a point rn= r 0 {defined as point at about the singular part of the free energy and the spe-
which [ a p(r)/ar~Jrn=ro = o},
cific heat exponent. Here we show that the equality can
be obtained directly from the theory presented here.
Pn(ro- ~) -Pn(ro+ ~) = ar/R , (B7)
The argument to be presented below reveals the basis
where of the satisfaction of (C 1) in the Fisk-Widom 6 calcula-
tion of the density profile from a van der Waals theory
and a scaling equation of state.
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Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3745
Thus, from (ll. 19) we have approximately employed in the approximate density profile (C6), must
be proportional to (i.e. , diverge with the same exponent
Uo"" M(p(O))~L ~ PG =A(p(O)) (pL ~ PG)2 (C8) as) the correlation length in the critical region. To see
this we first note' that an assumed density profile of the
Next we examine A(p). We recall that the inverse of form (C6) amounts to considering a restricted varia-
the structure factor [cf. (A16)] tional problem. The true density profile which solves
d.x[lJ!(x)- /lp(x)] • (D1)
Thus we have
+ t A(PL; PG +(pG _ PL)s) (PL ~ PG ) 2
]- 11-~~PL; PG ).
s-t(k) =1.{8!{3) + /3A(p)!z2
p\ p T Variation of (F- gN} with respect to Pv and PL yields
(1/!'(po)- IJ./b-
a(f.- IJ.N.)
=0 (D3a)
where and
(ap) _&!_
~ (p) = P ap r A(p) = 1/J"(p)
2 - (1/J'(pL)- g) (a+~)+ a(fs ~~N,) =0 . (D3b)
is the square of the correlation length. Thus, for ~/b« 1 and Ua« 1 we have
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3746 Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension
~= J1/2 dsA(_pL; PG + (pL- PG)~ ( PL ~ PGY = 2 J1/2 ds q/PL2+ PG + (pL- PG)s) -1/J(pL) -1/J(pG) . (D6)
s -1/2 \ s -1/2 \
Thus, solving (D6) for ~ 2 yields
~2 _ f_lft~ ds A((pL + PG)/2 + (pG- PL)s) (pL- PG)
- I_lj ; ds[21f!((pL + PG)/2 + (pG- PL)s) -1/J(pL) -1/J(pG)] ·
Next we note that the terms in the integrand of the denominator can be written as
1/!~L; PG + (pG- PL)s) -1/J(pL) =Ls ds'1f!'(PL; PG + (pG- PL)s') (pG- PL) • (DSb)
ds1/J'(pL)=(S+~)1/J'(pL)= Jl(S+~). (D9b)
[1/J'~L; PG -1/J'(PL~]= (pL- PG){£
+ Ls ds' + (pG- PL)s') ds' [ ds"1f!"(PL; PG + (pG- PL)s")
Integrating (D10) over sand noting that the term linear ins gives no contribution to the integral, we obtain
1/2 dsA ~ PL+PG +(pG-PL)s) { !1/2 ds [J1/2 ds' !1/2 ds"1f!" ( PL;PG +(pG-PL)s")
~2 =
-1/2 2 -1/2 s s'
Downloaded 10 Feb 2005 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
Yang, Fleming, and Gibbs: Molecular theory of surface tension 3747
From comparison of (D 12) with (C 14) it is clear that edited by C. Domb and M. S. Green (Academic, New York,
the divergence of the interfacial width is the same as 1972), Vol. 2, Chap. 3.
13A similar derivation of the Maxwell construction has been
that of the correlation length. We can estimate the
given by N. G. van Kampen, Phys. Rev. Sec. A 135, 362 (1964).
proportionality constant if we assume that A(p) is reg-
The generality of his argument, there applied to the original
ular for p near the critical density [actually, to be con- van der Waals equation, is seen by the discussion presented
sistent with (C14) we must assume A(p)=(Tc- T)"- 2 v here.
g(p), where g(p) is finite and nonzero at the critical 14 Recently, K. W. Sarkies and N. E. Franke1 [Phys. Rev. A
point] and note that the multiple integ.rals in the denom- 11, 1724 (1975)] have considered nucleation theory within the
inators have their principle contributions at Pc and PL, context of van der Waals theory. Their approach, similar
respectively. From the assumed regularity of A we to ours although specialized to analysis with the Fisk-
must have Widom6 scaling equation of state and to density-independent
A, is based on the earlier work of Cahn and Hilliard [J. Chern
(D13) Chern. Phys. 31, 688 (1975)].
15 This expression for the stress tensor was obtained by Lovett1
sufficiently near the critical point. Hence, we have in his Ph. D. thesis by use of the same variational principle
2- HA(pL)+A(pG)) applied to the expanded free energy (II. 2) [his II. 1)]. How-
~ - Hlfi"(pL) + 1/J"(pG)) ever, as was the case with Lebowitz and Percus, 1 he did not
reproduce Eq. (IV. 3) [his II. 3)] by direct expansion of the
or, using (C14), chemical potential and was led to conclude that the van der
~2- ~ 2 (pL)lf/'(pL)+ ; (pc)lf/'(pG) Waals free energy density was incorrect. Accordingly, he
3 (D15) did not publish this expression for the stress tensor, for
- 1/J"(pL)+I/J"(pG)
which he should nonetheless be credited.
Thus, in this approximation the interfacial width dif- 16 All the higher order derivatives are determined by the dif-
fers by a trivial factor ,f3 from a rms correlation ferential equation (IV. 9).
length. Since both HpL) and ~(pc) diverge with expo- 11 H. Reiss, Methods of Thermodynamics (Blaisdell, New York,
nent v, ~ must diverge with exponent v as well. A 1965), pp. 202-203.
more correct treatment of the integrals in (Dl2) should 18 p, C, Martin (lecture notes, unpublished).
19 That (AS) is associated with a stationarity ofF' under varia-
not alter this conclusion. 22
tion of the density p(r) has been demonstrated by C. De
Dominicis and P. C. Martin, J. Math. Phys. 5, 14 (1964),
*Work supported by the Materials Research Laboratory at This general variational principle forms the basis for the
Brown University, funded by the National Science Founda- approximate (expanded) variational principle employed here
tion, and by the United States Public Health Service, Grant to obtain (IV. 3) from (II. 2). In contrast to Lebowitz and
GM10906-12. Percus, 11 we have shown that the same differential equation
tPresent address: Fu Jen University, Chemistry Department, results from either extremizing the expanded free energy or
Taipei, Taiwan. from expanding the general stationarity condition (A. 8),
tPresent address: Research and Development Department, 20 See, for example, I. S. Sokolnikoff, Tensor Analysis, Theory
Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, OK 74004. and Applications to Geometry and Mechanics of Continua
1This paper is based in part upon a thesis (Brown University, (Wiley, New York, 19xx), pp. 176-186.
May, 1975), presented by Arthur J. M. Yang in partial full- 21 L. S. Ornstein and F, Zernike, Proc. Akad. Sci. (Amster-
fillment of the requirements for the Ph. D. degree. A pre- dam) 17, 793 (1914); reprinted in The Equilibrium Theory of
liminary report of this work was presented by Dr. Yang at Classical Fluids, edited by H. L. Frisch and J. L. Lebowitz
the March 1975 American Physical Society Meeting in Denver (Benjamin, New York, 1964).
[see A. J. M. Yang, J. H. Gibbs, and P. D. Fleming, Bull. 22 For the special case of the Fisk-Widom6 scaling equation of
Am. Phys, Soc. 20, 305 (1975)]. state we have
2J. G. Kirkwood and F. P. Buff, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 338
(1949). >11" {(pL + Pc)/2+ (pG- PL)s"]
3F. P. Buff, Z. Elektrochem. 56, 311 (1952).
4J. D. van der Waals, Z. Phys. Chern. 13, 657 (1894),
5J. W. CahnandJ. E. Hilliard, J. Chern. Phys. 28,258
=(Tc-T)Y[(1;f3 z-~j(Z)+Z(Z;1) f(Z)],
(1958). where Z = I - 2s" 1 118 , and j(Z) is the Fisk-Widom scaling
6s. Fisk and B. Widom, J. Chern. Phys. 50, 3219 (1969). function. Evaluation of the integrals in (D 12) for this case
F. P. Buff, R. A. Lovett, and F. H. Stillinger, Phys. Rev. yields
Lett. 15, 621 (1965); R. A. Lovett, Ph. D. thesis, Univer-
1;2 1;2 2
sity of Rochester, 1965; R. A. Lovett, P. W. De Hav~,
!; 2(pL) = !; 2(pr) = f3 2w(O)'
James J. Vieceli, and F. P. Buff, J. Chern. Phys. 58, 1880
(1973). where w(t) is defined by Fisk and Widom to be
8D. G. Triezenberg and R. Zwanzig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28,
1183 (1972).
9This equation has also been called the Laplace-Kelvin equa-
w(t) = 2 jt1 z28- 1(1-Z) ~ dZ.
tion, the Kelvin equation, the Laplace equation, or the Pla- Recall that for the Fisk-Widom equation of state !; 2(pL)
teau equation. The confusion is furthered by the usual ref- =!; 2(pr) (=L 2 in their notation). For one choice of scaling
erence to J. W. Gibbs, Scientific Papers (Dover, New York, function [(1-Z)j{Z)/j(1) = £(1-z 4 13)], w(O) =~and (D 12) be-
1961), Vol. 1, p. 229, Eq. 500. comes (using f3 = !l
10 B. Widom, J. Chern. Phys. 43, 3892 (1965).
11 !;/!; (pL) = 2v'3"',
J. L. Lebowitz and J. K. Percus, J. Math. Phys. 4, 116
(1963). Again the interfacial width differs by a trivial factor from the
12 B. Widom in Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena,
correlation length.
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