Soal B. Ingris

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The following text is for question 1 to 4.

Blondine slept profoundly and on awaking, found herself entirely changed. She was much taller,
intellect was depeloped and knowledge broadened. She remembered a number of books she thought she
had read during her sleep. She was sure thought she had read during her sleep. She was sure she had been
writing, drawing, singing, and playing the piano and harp.
She looked around, however, knew that the chamber was the same to which Bonnie-Biche had
conducted her to and in which she had fallen asleep.
Nervous, but restless, she rose and run to the glass. She saw that she had grown and found herself
charming, a hundred times more beautiful than when she retired the night before. Her fair ringlets fell to
her feet, her complexion was that of a lily and rose, eyes celestial blue, nose beautifully forme, cheeks
rosy as the morn and her stance, erect and graceful. In short, Blondine thought herself the most beautiful
person she had ever seen.
Trembling, almost frightened, she dressed herself hastily and ran to seek Bonne-Biche whom she
found in the apartment she had first seen her.
“Bonne-Biche, Bonne-Biche!” she exclaimed, “I entreat you to explain to me the change which I
see and feel in myself. Last night I when to sleep a child I awoke the morning, to find myself a young
lady. Is this an illusion or have I indeed grown and developed thus during the night?”
“Yes, my dear Blondine, you are fourteen years old today, but you have slept peacefully for seven
years. My son Beau-Minon and I wished to spare you the weariness of all early studies. When you first
entered the castle you knew nothing; not event how to read. I put you to sleep for seven years, and Beau-
Minon and I passed this time by instructing you during your sleep. I see by the wonder expressed in your
eyes, sweet princess, that you doubt all this. Come into your study and reassure yourself.”
Blondine followed Bonni-Biche to the little rom. She ran first to the piano, commenced playing
and found that she played remarkably well. She then tried the harp and drew from it the most raishing
sounds and she sang encehantingly.
She took her pencil and brushes, drew and painted with a facility which denoted a true talent. She
wrote and found her handwriting clear and elegant. She looked at the countless books arranged round the
room and knew that she had read them all.
Surprised, but delighted, she threw her arms araound the neck of Bonnie-Biche, embraced Beau-
Minon tenderly and said of them, “Oh! My dear true good friends, what a debt of gratitude I owe you for
having thus watched over my heart. I feel how much I have improved in every respect and I we it all to

1. What happened to Blondine ?

a. She had been unconscious for fourteen years
b. She had changed into a common countryside girl
c. She had grown up into a-fourteen-year-old girl
d. She was very upset knowing her changes

2. What was Blondine like when she woke up?

a. She had long curly hair
b. She lost her memory aternally
c. She did not know how to play the piano
d. She had green eyes and beautiful nose
3. “… and ran to seek Bonne-Biche whom she found in the apartment where she had first seen her.”
(Paragraph 4)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. See
b. Search
c. Sign
d. Set

4. Which of the following can best sum up text)

a. Bonne-Biche and Beau-Minon were Blondine’s parents
b. Bonne-Biche and Beau-Minon were husband and wife
c. Blondine and Bonnie-Biche learned to read together
d. Blondine had changed into a beautiful girl

The following dialog is for question 5 & 6

Erlin : The guests have left. It’s time to tidy up the place
Emily : What do you think I can do to help you, Erlin? Are all the dishes washed?
Erlin : Yes, they are being wahed by Diana, Ernita and Vivi
Emily : What about the backyard? Was it swapt?
Erlin : No, not yet. It isn’t swept yet
Emily : let me sweep it then
Erlin : Thanks, Emily
Emily : My pleasure

5. What is the backyard like?

a. Clean
b. Broken
c. Shady
d. Dirty

6. Erlin says,”Yes, they are being washed by Diana,Ernita and Vivi.”

What does the senence mean?
a. Diana, Ernita and Vivi are wahing the dishes at the moment
b. Diana, Ernita and Vivi have washed the dishes
c. Erlin is helping the girls wash the dishes
d. All the dishes are already clean

The following text is for questions 7 to 10

You may not think about your nails, unless you just painted them blue or your mom says it’s time
to trim them. However, you nails have a jod to do. The hard surface of your nails have a job to do. The
hard surface of your nails help protect the tips of your fingers and toes. Besides, your fingernails make it
easier to scratch or remove a cat hair from your sweater.
When cells at the root of the nail grow, the new nail cells push out the ild nail cells. These old
cells flatten and harden, thanks to keratin, a protein made by these cells. The newly formed nail then
slides along the nail bed, the flat surface under under your nails. The nail bed sits on top of tiny blood
vessies that feed it and give your nails their pink color.
Your fingernails grow slowly-in fact, they grow about one tenth of an inch (2.5 millimeters) each
month. At that rate it can take abut 3 to 6 months to completely replace a nail.
Where your nail meets your skin is your cuticle. Cuticles help protect the the new nail as it grown
out from the nail root. The lunula-which comes from the Latin word for “moon”-is that pale half circle
just above the cuticle. Your lunula is the easiest to see on your thumbnails.

7. What is the best title of the text?

a. Our nails
b. Human Body
c. How Nails Grow
d. Nails on the Wall

8. What is kerantin?
a. A place where nails start start growing
b. A substance to create nail hair
c. A substance to color nails, hair and skin
d. A substance to protect the new nail as it grows

9. What makes our nails pink?

a. Kerantin
b. The skin color
c. The thin skin layer
d. Tiny blood vessels

10. Which of the following conclusion is suitable for the text ?

a. The pale half circle just above the cuticle is called lanula
b. The hard tip of nails help to protect the tips of our fingers
c. Fingernails and toenails will grow as soon as we are born
d. Our fingernails grow slowly, about one tenth of an inch each month

The following text is for questions 11 to 14

You may be surprised to discover that skin, which you may not regard as an organ, is very
important. It covers and protects everything inside your body. Without skin, people’s muscles, bones and
organs would be hanging out. Skin holds everything together. It also;
 Protects our bodies
 Helps keep our bodies at just the right temperature
 Allows us to have the sense of touch
Skin is made up of three layers, each with its own important parts. The layer on the outside is
called the epidermis (say: eh-pih-DUR-mis). The epidermis is the part of your skin you can see.
Look at your hands for a minute. Even though you can’t see everything happening, your
epidermis, new skin cells are forming.
When the cells are ready, they move towards the top of your epidermis. This move takes about 2
weeks to a month. As newer cells continue to move, older cells near the top die and rise to the surface of
your skin. What you see on your hands (and everywhere else on your body) are really dead skin cells.

11. What is the suitable title of the text?

a. Our skin
b. An organ
c. Our bodies
d. Epidermis

12. The skin regeneration happen at the …

a. Top
b. Bottom
c. Inside
d. Surface

13. “When the cells are ready, they move towards the top of your epidermis.” (Last paragraph)
What does ‘they’ refer to?
a. New skin cells
b. Three layers of skin
c. Human’s hands
d. Human’s organs

14. From the text we can conclude that …

a. We will suffer from high temperature with our skin
b. The innermost layer of our skin is the epidermis
c. What we see on our bodies is lively skin cells
d. Skin is very significant for our bodies

The following text is for questions 15 to 18

Sand is composed of loose, stony grains between 1/16mm is diameter. Large particles are
categorized as grave and smaller as silt ar clay. Sand is usually created by the breakdown of rocks
transported by wind and water. Then, it forms soil, beaches, dunes and underwater fans or deltas.
Deposits of sand are often cemented together over time to form sandstone.

15. What is sand composed of?

a. Water
b. Small particles
c. Hard materials
d. Loose and very small stony grains
16. What are large particles of sand called?
a. Gravel
b. Silt
c. Clay
d. Rock

17. How is sand created?

a. By freezing ice over time
b. By cementing for a long time
c. By evaporating water from lakes and seas
d. By breaking down rocks transported by wind and water

18. What is the form of deposits of sand cemented over time?

a. A beach
b. A dune
c. A sandstone
d. A delta

The following text for questions 19 to 22

The cells of the body need to grow in an isotonic environment in order to maintain their fluid and
electrolyte balance. The kidneys maintain the body’s osmotic balance by controlling the amount of water
that is filtered out of the blood and excreted into urine. When a person consume a large amount of water,
the kidneys reduce their reabsorption of water to allow the excess water to be excreted in urine. This
result in the production of dilute, watery urine. In the case of the body being dehydrated, the kidneys
reabsorb as much water as possible into the blood to produce highly concentrated urine full of excreted
ions and wasted. The changes in excretion of water are controlled by antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH
is produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary gland to help the body retain

19. What organ maintains the body’s osmotic balance?

a. The lungs
b. The kidneys
c. The heart
d. The skin

20. What will happen if people drink a lot water?

a. The kidneys produce the hypothalamus to retain water
b. The kidneys reabsorb as much water as possible into the blood
c. The body keeps the isotonic environment in order to maintain the electrolyte
d. The kidneys reduce their reabsorption of water to allow the excess water to be excreted in urine
21. When do the kidneys reabsorb as much water as possible into the blood?
a. When we do exercise regularly
b. When we consume nutritious food and drinks
c. When the body is losing a large amount of water
d. When the body is over heated and weekens

22. “ADH is produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary gland to help the body
retain water.” (Last sentence)
What is the synonym of the underline word?
a. Put
b. Disperse
c. Hold
d. Convene

The following text is for questions 23 to 27

Electricity is not found in power lines and electronics made by man, but also found in nature. In
fact, electricity is all around us. We see it in lightning storm, animals use it as a defense, even our bodies
use it to send messages to our muscles/
One of the most fantastic displays of electricity in nature is lightning occurs when large amounts
of electrostatic energy builds up in clouds from the energy of storms. When electrically charged region of
clouds discharge their energy, a large flash of electricity can be seen in the sky. Lightning may occur
from cloud to cloud or it can occur from cloud to earth.
Lightning strike carry huge amounts of energy. A typical lightning strike carries an electric
current of over 30,000 amps and delivers 500 megajoules of energy.
Lightning also creates a loud noise called thunder. This is because the air within lightning gets so
hot, that it transforms into plasma for short period of time. When the molecules of air turn from gas to
plasma, their expansion causes a shockwave that we hear as thunder.
A few animals use electricity to survive in nature. Many of these animals are found in the ocean
where some electricity to detect objects around them (sort of like seeing) and others use electricity to fend
off predators or even hunt for food.
One of the most famous of the electric animals is the electric eel. The electric eel can produce
large amounts of electricity, enough to even kill a human or stun a large horse. The eels typically swim
into a school of fish, discharge a large amount of electricity, and then dinner is served!
Another example of animals using electricity is electroreception. Many fish such as sharks,
lampreys and catfishes have the ability to generate electric fields and then use fields to detect object
around them. This helps them “see” in the dark areas and to sense hidden prey.

23. What the form of electricity in nature?

a. Lightning
b. Pulse
c. Storm
d. Clouds
24. What is thunder?
a. A loud noise created by lightning
b. Blaze happening before drizzle
c. A loud noise created by blaze
d. Hot air among dark clouds

25. What animals have electric power?

a. Buffaloes and goats
b. Elephants and girrafes
c. Shark, lampreys and catfishes
d. Bird of paradise, cranes and bats

26. What will happen when lightning strikes people?

a. They will get severely injured or be killed
b. They will have electric power
c. Nothing will happen to them
d. They will become powerful

27. Which of the following has the same purpose as the above text?
a. The discovery of water on mars
b. The description of Milky Way
c. The story of a victim of a natural disaster
d. The story of Cinderella

The following text for question 28 to 32

Magnetism is an invisible force or field caused by the unique properties of certain materials. In
most objects, electrons spin in different, random directions. This causes them cancel each other out over
time. However, magnets are different. In magnets the molecules are uniquely arranged so that their
electrons spin in the same direction. This arrangement of atoms created two poles in a magnet, a North-
seeking pole and a South-seeking pole.
The magnetic force in a magnet flows from the North pole to the South pole. This creates a
magnetic field around a magnet.
Have you ever held two magnets close to each other? They don’t act like most objects. If you try
push the South poles together, they repel each other. Two North poles also repel each other.
Turn one magnet around, the North (N) and the South (S) poles attract each other. Just like
protons and electrons-opposites attract.
Where do we get magnets? Only a few materials have the right type of structures to allow the
electrons to line up accurately to create a magnet. The main material we use in magnets today is iron.
Steel has a lot of iron in it, so steel can be used as well.
At the center of the Earth spins the Earth’s core. The core is made up of mostly iron. The outer
portion of the core is liquid iron that spins and makes the earth a giant magnet. This is where the names
for the north and south poles emerge. These poles are actually the positive and negative poles of the
Earth’s giant magnet. This is very useful to animal such a birds and whales that use the Earth’s magnetic
field to find the right direction when migrating. Perhaps the most important feature of the Earth’s
magnetic field is that protects us from the Sun’s solar wind and radiation.

28. What is the best title fo the text?

a. Electricity
b. Magnetism
c. Electron spin
d. North and South Poles

29. What happens when each North pole of two magnets meets?
a. They will jump
b. They will merge
c. They will push apart
d. Electric force will be created

30. How does magnetic force flow?

a. From the North pole to the South pole
b. From the South pole to the North pole
c. Into many different direction
d. At the middle of magnet

31. From the text we can infer that …

a. Any objects can be made into magnets
b. Only protons have magnetic force
c. Only bird use magnetic field when migrating
d. Steel is a good material to create magnets

32. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. Information about magnetic force
b. Materials to create magnets
c. The movement of magnets
d. The Earth is a giant magnet

The following text is for questions 33 to 36

One upon a time, a simple and kind-hearted woman lived with one simple dream which was to
have a baby girl. Days and month passed by, but her dream did not come true. Her desire to have a little
girl grew stronger and stronger.
One day to make her dream come true, she visited a witch. She expressed her desire to have a
baby girl. The witch offered a magic barley grain and asked her to plant it.
Although the woman wasn’t happy, she planted the magic grain in a flower pot. To her surprise,
the very next day, the magic barely grew into a beautiful big flower bud, like a tulip!
Mesmerized by the beauty of the flower, she softly and gently kissed the bud. Being a magic
flower, it blossomed instantly with her kiss on the bud. The women was greatly surprised as inside the
flower sat a tiny and cute little girl, who looked as small as a thumb. The woman named her Thumbelina!
She became the part of the woman’s life. The woman provided Thumbelina everything she
needed. She used walnut shell as her bed, petals of violet flower as her mattress and petals of violet
flower as her mattress and petals of beautiful roses as her blanket.
Thumbelina played in the petal boat of the tulip and floated on a plate of water. She used two
horse hairs as oars to sail around the lake. She had a beautiful voice. She played, floated, rowed the boat
and sailed around by singing along beautifully!

33. What is the story about?

a. A good witch
b. A good mother
c. Thumbelina
d. A beautiful flower

34. Where did the woman find a tiny cute girl?

a. In a flower pot
b. Inside a nut shell
c. Among barley grains
d. Inside a beautiful big flower bud

35. What kept Thumbelina warm?

a. A walnut shell
b. The petal boat of the tulip
c. Petals of violet flower
d. Petals of beautiful roses

36. How did Thumbelina live?

a. Luxuriously
b. Carefully
c. Happily
d. Diligently

The following text is fo question 37 to 40

A Bowl of Noodles from a Stranger
That night, sue quarreled with her mother, then stormed out of the house. While enroute, she
remembered that she did not have any money in her pocked, she did not even have enough coins to make
a phone call home.
At the same time, she went through a noodle shop, picking up sweet fragrance, she suddenly felt
very hungry. She wished for a bowl of noodles, but she had no money!
The seller saw her standing wheat faltered before the counter and asked, ”Hey little girl, you want
to eat a bowl?”
“But … but I do not carry money,” she shyly replied
“ Okay, I’ll treat you,”the seller said. “ Come in, I wull cook you a bowl.”
A few minute later the owner brought her a steaming bowl of noodles. Having eaten some
pieces, Sue cried.
“What is it?” he asked
“Noting. I am just touched by your kindness!” Sue said as she wiped her tears, “even a stranger
on the street gives me a bowl of noodles, and my mother, after a quarrel, chased me out of the house. She
is cruel!”
The seller sighed, “Girl, why did you think so? Think again. I only gave you a bowl of noodles
and you felt that way. Your mother has raised you since you were little. Why are you not grateful and
disobeyed your mom?”
Sue was really surprised after hearing that. “Why did I not think of that? A bowl of noodles, and
my mother has raised me since I was little and I have never felt so, even a little.”
On the way home, Sue thought in her head what she would say to her mother when she arrived
home, “Mom, I’m sorry. I know it is my fault, please forgive me.”
One up the steps, Sue saw her mother worried and tired of looking for her everywhere. Upon
seeing Sue, her mother gently said, “Sue, come inside honey. You are probably very hungry. I have
cooked rice and prepared the meal already. Come eat while it is still hot.”
Being unable to control her emotion any longer, Sue cried in her her mom’s hands.

37. The text is conducted to …

a. Tell us how to do something
b. Entertain the readers
c. Relate one’s experience
d. Describe a particular person

38. What was the mother like?

a. Kind
b. Diligent
c. Honest
d. Caring
39. What mistake di Sue do?

a. She did not carry any money

b. She begged for a bowl of noodles
c. She left the house after quarelling
d. She never realized her mother’s big love

40. What can we learn from the text?

a. Never neglect our parent’s sacrifices
b. Be grateful for what we have achieved
c. Never argue with our parents
d. Always stay and help our parents

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