2023 ECB. Market Research Outcome Report
2023 ECB. Market Research Outcome Report
2023 ECB. Market Research Outcome Report
As part of the digital euro project investigation phase, the Eurosystem has conducted
a market research exercise1 to inform the ongoing investigative work on the design
of a possible digital euro and to show a possible way forward should it be decided to
continue the project in autumn 2023. On 6 February 2023 the Eurosystem published
a supplementary document2 providing answers to participants’ questions to facilitate
a good reciprocal understanding of concepts in the final submissions.
A digital euro3 would allow end users of retail payment instruments to access and
transfer central bank money in electronic form. Every digital euro will always be a
central bank liability, enabling end users to make and receive payments throughout
the euro area in a similar way to what they are used to doing with cash. Digital
money issued by the central bank would provide a monetary anchor of stability for
the euro area, strengthening its monetary sovereignty and fostering innovation,
competition and efficiency in the European payments landscape.
The aim of the market research exercise was to obtain feedback from relevant
interested parties and to gain non-binding information on potential technical solutions
for a digital euro. The feedback received has helped the Eurosystem to better
understand the current level of knowledge in the market and the existing experience
in building solutions and identifying suitable technologies to potentially implement a
digital euro. Participation in this market research exercise was entirely voluntary and
has no impact on eligibility for future procurement procedures related to a digital euro
or any other procurement. Nor does it imply pre-selection for a potential subsequent
1 Market research on possible technical solutions for a digital euro took place between 13 January and 17
February 2023.
2 See “Digital euro market research – Answers to questions received.”, ECB, February 2023.
3 The digital euro glossary provides a resource for terms and definitions that apply to a digital euro
4 Components included in the market research: Settlement, Dedicated Cash Account (DCA) Management,
Reference Data Management, Data Warehouse, Offline Solution, Access Gateway, Standalone App,
Integrated Banking App Software Development Kit (SDK), Proxy Lookup, Onboarding Repository,
Dispute Management, and Fraud Detection and Prevention.
The market research also added to the Eurosystem’s understanding of the options
for a digital euro technical architecture.
Chart 1
Overview of number of responses received per component
The Eurosystem reviewed all proposed approaches for individual components and,
where further clarity was needed, followed up bilaterally with selected respondents to
clarify open questions and better understand the feedback received.
It should be noted that since the information was collected through an open
consultation, the responses do not constitute a representative sample in any
statistical sense. This report summarises the responses using various descriptive
metrics but does not intend to imply that any of the solutions presented by the
respondents are necessarily optimal or best-fit solutions for a digital euro.
The Eurosystem wishes to thank all respondents and express its appreciation for
their valuable input on the possible technical solutions for a digital euro and remains
committed to taking into account the views of market participants in the potential
development of a digital euro.
Through an analysis of the responses, the Eurosystem has been able to broaden its
understanding of the wide range of approaches and potential technical solutions to
5 “Development and maintenance only” covers the first five years of maintenance, after which this is viewed
as an operational task.
At a cross-component level, the results of the market research revealed that most
functional and non-functional requirements can be addressed in multiple ways. The
technical designs of the proposed approaches vary in terms of architecture,
technology and level of integration or interoperability among digital euro
components, with the existing Eurosystem financial market infrastructures and,
where relevant, with other existing market infrastructures.
Requirements related to data privacy, scalability and security were also covered in a
comprehensive manner. In particular, a high level of privacy could be met for the
purpose of settlement. The Eurosystem will not see or store users’ private
information. When supporting other potential functionalities, like fraud detection,
more data might need to be processed by the relevant service provider. Concerning
development approaches, respondents considered solutions based on a software
architecture distributed across multiple regions and sites. With regard to the
deployment model of the digital euro infrastructure, most respondents proposed
cloud-based solutions, while a few respondents offered both cloud-based and on-
premises solutions.
For the Settlement component, most respondents confirmed there are solutions
able to fulfil the market research requirements. Only few respondents indicated
approaches based on existing products or prototypes, whereas others considered
custom-made approaches necessary to cater for the Eurosystem requirements.
6 Unit-based solutions also include unspent transaction output (UTXO)-based and digital bill-based
7 A waterfall is a method for facilitating the use of a digital euro by automatically converting the amount of
digital euro that exceeds a defined holding threshold into private money in a linked liquidity source chosen
by the end user, such as a commercial bank account.
8 A reverse waterfall is a method for facilitating the use of a digital euro in which private money from a
linked liquidity source chosen by an end user (e.g. a commercial bank account) is automatically converted
into digital euro when the end user’s digital euro holdings are not sufficient to make a payment.
In terms of structure of the ledger, respondents saw different pros and cons in both
unit-based and balance-based approaches9. Respondents stressed that unit-based
approaches would more easily enable the required level of privacy, as obfuscation of
end users’ payment patterns can be addressed in a variety of ways, although
privacy-enhancing techniques could also be applied to balance-based approaches. It
was noted, however, that obfuscation of end users’ payment patterns could hinder
fraud monitoring.
For the DCA Management component, the feedback received on the feasibility of
meeting the requirements exemplified in the market research was reassuring.
Respondents suggested approaches that align the DCA management with well-
established features in other TARGET Services. Regardless of the structure of the
ledger, i.e. balance-based or unit-based, the interaction with the other components
and the Central Liquidity Management (CLM)10 of TARGET Services by means of
application-to-application (A2A) interfaces must be guaranteed. Concerning
maintenance and operation, almost all respondents concurred that a high degree of
automation is essential to minimise downtime and increase availability when
performing routine tasks, like software updates or backups. Many respondents also
envisaged the use of liquidity monitoring and alerting tools.
9 Unit-based approaches refer to a digital representation of an asset that can only be spent once in its
entirety in one payment, similar to banknotes in the physical world. Balance-based refers to the typical
accounting recording process of increasing or decreasing a holding balance.
10 CLM provides information on central bank liquidity, managing credit lines and central bank operations.
11 CRDM is the TARGET Services common component for the management of reference data.
12 Technical and governance interdependencies with other services will need to be analysed.
Concerning the Offline Solution component, most of the respondents indicated their
compliance with the requirements defined by the Eurosystem.13 However, further
exploration will be needed into how the required security, integrity and privacy goals
can be reached. The responses to the market research indicated that solutions
compliant with the Eurosystem requirements would be novel and might create
uncertainty when an offline solution might be ready to be rolled out. The proposed
functional implementations vary, with most respondents claiming it would be possible
to complete transactions via near-field communication (NFC) or Bluetooth interfaces.
As an alternative approach, some respondents highlighted the possibility of relying
on quick response (QR) codes for the exchange of information. In terms of access to
the technical specifications, none of the respondents followed the approach of
providing open specifications. The feedback also confirmed the readiness of
European market providers to participate in the development of an offline solution.
Regarding the Access Gateway component, respondents indicated that meeting the
requirements stated in the market research was feasible. Some respondents
considered that the deployment model of the digital euro infrastructure, i.e. whether it
would be on-premises or cloud-based, could influence its development. Most
respondents further specified approaches in which the access gateway could rely on
a combination of already existing commercial solutions. A few respondents also
provided further details on the distinction between direct internet connectivity and
connectivity via network service providers (NSPs), for example in terms of different
user types and the services that need to be provided, like endpoint protection.
13 Some respondents proposed a delayed settlement approach, which refers to an online ledger to which
the offline transaction is sent, but this is not in line with the exemplificatory requirements defined by the
Eurosystem. Other responses explicitly referred to the ability to settle locally with finality and allowing
consecutive offline payments. However, all these approaches relied on a systematic transfer of
transaction information to an online back-end, which has privacy implications.
With regard to the Proxy Lookup component, respondents acknowledged that there
is sufficient market knowledge and experience to meet the exemplificatory
Eurosystem requirements. Respondents differentiated between two main
approaches to development: a greenfield approach and one relying on existing
market solutions. Relying on existing market solutions would mostly correspond to a
decentralised approach owing to the absence of a widely used pan-European
solution. Some respondents advised that all repositories should ideally adhere to the
same technical, messaging and data processing standards.
Finally, regarding the Fraud Detection and Prevention component, the majority of
respondents confirmed that they could meet the market research requirements and
that both approaches – real-time and ex post fraud detection – are feasible, provided
sufficient information is available to the fraud detection engine. Several respondents
confirmed the technical possibility of performing real-time assessments of fraud risk
within milliseconds. For ex post fraud detection, considerations also included how to
benefit from machine learning. Some respondents mentioned the challenges of
designing a potential fraud detection and prevention solution balancing privacy
considerations and effective fraud prevention.