5 e Warlord
5 e Warlord
5 e Warlord
wo vast armies stand
across the field of death,
fear gripping the heart of
every soldier. From their
ranks, the banner is carried
forth - a shining beacon
without fear. Before they
even know it, their feet pound across the
ground, their fear left behind as they follow
their symbol of hope to victory.
Collapsing to the ground, a man succumbs
to wounds, exhaustion, terror, and the
overwhelming clash of steel all around.
Death closes in, but before it can claim
him, a hand appears, pulling him to his
feet. "On your feet, soldier".
The line will soon be overrun—until,
among the broken ranks of soldiers, a lone
soldier spots his liege. She stands, unwilling
to turn aside, unwilling to step back from danger,
holding back the horde of enemies alone. Retreat
is no longer an option. With newfound strength
behind every blow, the soldiers stand and fight
like no one has ever fought before.
"How did you do it?" hisses the marauder, his
sword dropped before him in surrender. He kneels
beside his captured comrades, encircled by a smaller
force that seems to have come from nowhere. The
victorious general smiles knowingly and shrugs.
"Luck," he says. "And perhaps a bit of planning."
Warlords are force multipliers for their
companions. Some may be fearsome
combatants, while others may never lift a
weapon, but in either case their presence
on the battlefield will drive their allies to
new heights, guiding them safely through
what would surely have been their doom.
How victory is stolen from the jaws of defeat
can vary, from inciting crazed zeal, to tempering an
overeager charge, to pulling their friends out of the line
of danger in the nick of time. The sole commonality is
that a Warlord alone is but a man, while a Warlord with
their companions is a legend.
Purpose and Drive Power of Presence
Purpose is a common element to those that walk the path of Most warlords have no explicitly magical powers, but the
a Warlord. Purpose empowers Warlords to be a larger-than- presence on the battlefield allows people to exceed what they
life, and allows them to be a guiding hand to their comrades. might have thought of as their own limits, pushing beyond
Some Warlords may not seek any particular cause, and what they could hope to achieve on their own. A Warlord will
merely pursue victory - either as a tribute to a god they make their allies feel like they've become better at everything,
worship or simply to attain personal glory. More often, they will make problems seem surmountable, and they will
though, a Warlord is driven by a higher purpose - a loyalty to make the path clear. They make the world less bleak, they
their country or their men, a drive to protect the innocent or make the foes less terrifying. When you have a Warlord on
crush the weak. your side, more things go right.
Purpose is an important consideration to a Warlord in Just as a dragon's frightful presence instills a supernatural
understanding why they fight, as it will inform how they fight. dread in mortal adventurers, a Warlord's presence is more
Do they try to keep their companions and followers out of than just simple common sense and a head for strategy, it is
danger? Or do they simply press for the strategy that is most the power of conviction, the perfection of tactics, or the will to
likely to win? win incarnated in Adventurer form.
Dauntless Resolve
Starting at 15th level, when you fail a saving throw, you can
choose to succeed instead. Once you do this, you cannot do
this again until you complete a long rest.
Invincible Legion
Starting at 18th level, your allies will never fall so long as
their symbol of hope remains. When a friendly creature
within 60 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed
outright, they can drop to 1 hit point instead so long as they
can see or hear you.
Once a creature benefits from this effect, they cannot
benefit from it again until they complete a long rest.
Tactician's Presence
A Tactician may very well tell you they would just as soon not
be close enough to the battle to be considered a combatant,
preferring to win their fights before they even reach that
stage, but one would be a fool to underestimate how
dangerous they are once on the battlefield.
Tactical Flexibility
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain the ability to use Tactical
Insight, Rallying Mark, Helpful Word, and Urgent Orders as
an action or a bonus action on your turn.
Inscrutable Mind
Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency in Intelligence
Saving Throws.
Additionally, as a reaction when being forced to make a
Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma Saving Throw, you can
expend one Leadership Die and add the die result to the
saving throw.
Control the Field
Starting at 7th level, when you use an ability that moves allied
creatures (such as Urgent Orders or Shift the Field), it gains
the following properties:
Deceptive Movement: You can attempt to move creatures
that are not allies up to 5 feet (or half their movement
speed, whichever is less). The creature must make an
Intelligence Saving Throw with a DC of 8 + your
Intelligence modifier + your Proficiency bonus, or feel
compelled to move to the new position immediately.
Targets moved this way do not gain temporary hit points.
Flanking Maneuvers: If two allies you move are on
opposite sides of a creature after the movement you grant,
the first one to attack that enemy has advantage on their
first attack if they attack before the creature moves.
Coordinated Transitions: Allies can move through each
other's spaces during the movement you grant without it
being difficult terrain.
Tactical Strike
Starting at 11th level, when you succeed on a Tactical Insight
check against a creature, the next time you or a friendly
creature deal damage against it before the start of your next
turn it is increased by 2d6 damage.