Simulation of Vertical Dynamic Vehicle-Track Inter
Simulation of Vertical Dynamic Vehicle-Track Inter
Simulation of Vertical Dynamic Vehicle-Track Inter
To cite this article: Emil Aggestam, Jens C. O. Nielsen & Rikard Bolmsvik (2018): Simulation
of vertical dynamic vehicle–track interaction using a two-dimensional slab track model, Vehicle
System Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/00423114.2018.1426867
1. Introduction
The use of slab track structures for high-speed railway lines has increased over the
last decades [1,2]. By using a slab track design, the need for maintenance can be
reduced (compared to ballasted track), which is essential due to the trend of growing
traffic and reduced time slots for track works. Other advantages with slab tracks are
increased service life, high lateral track resistance and eliminated problems with degra-
dation of ballast. There are, however, also disadvantages with slab tracks, which include
higher construction cost, a limited possibility of readjustment of the rail if there is an
irregularity in track geometry due to subgrade settlement, and lower vibration/noise
absorption [3].
Accurate simulations based on a comprehensive model of the dynamic vehicle–track
interaction are required for the design of railway track. Today, there is a large span of exist-
ing models that can be used depending on the purpose of the simulation, cf. Connolly
et al. [4] and Knothe and Grassie [5]. One of the first models was presented in 1982 by
Grassie et al. [6]. In this relatively simple model, a point mass moving on a continuously
supported and infinitely long beam is considered, and linearised Hertzian theory is used
for the wheel–rail contact.
Imperfections in the vehicle and track may cause severe damage, independently of the
track design. Typical examples of imperfections are wheel flats, rail corrugation and differ-
ential ballast/soil settlement. In order to understand how these imperfections affect the
deterioration of the vehicle and track, simulation of coupled vehicle–track dynamics is
needed. Combining the dynamics of the vehicle and track in the modelling procedure
started in the early/mid-1990s [7–9], albeit for ballasted tracks. A common approach when
considering coupled vehicle–track dynamics is to model the track using finite elements
together with a modal analysis. Lin and Tretheway [10] applied this approach to model a
mass–spring–damper system moving on an elastic beam. This framework was extended
with a complex-valued modal analysis technique by Nielsen and Igeland [7].
In the last decade, the research regarding slab track structures has grown. For a floating-
slab track system, Li and Wu [11] investigated how load transmission to the soil depends
on the length of the slabs. Bezin et al. [12] used a multi-body system analysis to sim-
ulate key differences between slab track and ballasted track. Zhai et al. [13] developed
a three-dimensional model to investigate the overall vehicle–track system, both for bal-
lasted track and for slab track. Their work included numerical implementations and
experimental validation. The concrete slabs were modelled as elastic rectangular plates,
and asymmetrical vertical irregularities on the two rails were considered. Lei and Wang
[14] modelled the vehicle and track with finite elements and used a moving reference
frame (the track model was assumed to be invariant along the track structure). In doing
so, the vehicle acts at the same position on the rail throughout the simulation, and the
study of the dynamic interaction between a vehicle and a continuous slab track can,
therefore, be done efficiently. For discontinuous slabs, Zhang et al. [15] calculated the
dynamic wheel–rail contact force due to a sinusoidal rail imperfection. In this work, lin-
ear Hertzian theory for the wheel–rail contact was considered, and all simulations were
performed in the frequency domain. In recent studies, Sadeghi et al. [16,17] extended the
model by including nonlinear properties of the wheel–rail contact and simulations in three
In this paper, the vehicle–track interaction is modelled with a complex-valued modal
superposition technique for the track and an extended state-space vector approach. The
vertical dynamic response can then be calculated by considering a generic initial-value
problem. This model was initially developed by Nielsen and Igeland [7] (although for a
ballasted track). The performance of the model is demonstrated by considering imperfec-
tions in both the track and soil. The track imperfection is a dipped rail weld, whereas the
soil imperfection consists of a linear gradient in foundation stiffness and damping.
The paper is organised as follows: Section 2 gives a review of existing slab track systems
with reference to the European standard. Section 3 describes the track and vehicle mod-
els that are used in this paper as well as the generic initial value problem and its solution
procedure. Section 4 presents numerical examples where the rail receptance for different
track forms are compared, and the track response due to periodic and transient excitation
mechanisms are studied. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with a summary and an
outlook to future work.
Foundation/soil Foundation/soil
Figure 1. Profile of two typical designs used for slab track systems described in [19]. Track systems corre-
spond to (a) German design with hydraulically bound layer and (b) Austrian design with load distribution
by bending, it is evident that they are intended to act only as members that transfer vertical
loads in the track structure. Thus, it is not clear which of the track components that should
handle the design principle of distributing the load by bending.
In this paper, both the slab track systems sketched in Figure 1 will be modelled.
Depending on the physical properties of the different layers, different models can be used.
Throughout this paper, the rail and concrete panels are modelled using finite elements,
while the foundation/soil and the frost protection layer are combined into an effective
stiffness and damping of a Winkler foundation. For the slab track type in Figure 1(a), the
roadbed is also included in the Winkler foundation, while the roadbed is modelled with
finite elements for the slab track type in Figure 1(b).
Figure 2. Sketch of track model where the slab is modelled as one continuous layer of beam elements.
The model contains two layers of beams: rail (r) and concrete panel (s). The concrete panel is supported
by a Winkler foundation, where the prescribed (possibly random) variation in stiffness is indicated by the
irregular ground surface. This slab track model is used to model the slab track type in Figure 1(a).
Figure 3. Sketch of track model where the slab is modelled as two layers of beam elements. The model
contains three layers of beams: rail (r), discrete panels of concrete slab (s1 ) and continuous concrete
roadbed (s2 ). The concrete base is supported by a Winkler foundation. Note that the coupling between
layers (s1 ) and (s2 ) is continuously distributed. This slab track model is used to model the slab track type
in Figure 1(b).
in the Winkler foundation. Similarly, the slab track model in Figure 3 represents the slab
track illustrated in Figure 1(b). Here, the reinforced roadbed may distribute the load by
bending and, therefore, the rail, concrete panels and reinforced roadbed are all modelled
as layers of beam elements, while the frost protection layer and soil are incorporated in
the Winkler foundation. Note that the spring–damper coupling between the two concrete
layers is continuously distributed.
The load from the vehicle is assumed to be symmetrically distributed between the two
rails and, therefore, only half of the slab and one rail need to be considered. Moreover, only
vibrations in the vertical direction are studied in this paper.
In the simulations, the moving wheel–rail contact forces are converted into spatially sta-
tionary nodal forces on the finite element track model. The conversion implies that the true
local deflections under the contact forces are somewhat underestimated between nodes
[20]. This effect can be reduced by increasing the number of beam elements per unit length.
In the current study, the rail and concrete slabs between two rail seats are each modelled
by 16 elements. For such a discretisation, the effect is negligible. Convergence studies in
terms of the influence of the number of beam elements on receptance, wheel–rail contact
forces and bending moment in the panels have been performed. From these studies, it was
found that convergence of the track responses could be seen already when four elements
were used.2 However, 16 elements per rail seat distance are preferred to improve the load
representation without introducing unmanageable computational times.
disturbances in the wheel–rail contact force each time an element boundary is passed
(which would not be present if Euler–Bernoulli beam elements were used). In the numeri-
cal example in Section 4.2, this effect is rather pronounced since no wheel/rail irregularity
is considered.
Mass, stiffness and damping matrices for the track structure are derived using third-
degree polynomial shape functions derived for Rayleigh–Timoshenko beam theory, cf.
[21,22]. Let xt (t) be a vector containing the degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) of the track model
and let F t (t) contain the external loads (in particular, the wheel–rail contact force F a (t)).
The coupled equations of motion can then be written in state-space form (superscript t
denoting track) as
t t t t F (t)
A ẏ (t) + B y (t) = , (1a)
t xt (t) t Ct Mt t Kt 0
y (t) = t , A = , B = , (1b)
ẋ (t) Mt 0 0 −Mt
where K t , Ct and Mt are the stiffness, damping and mass matrices of the track, respectively.
By utilising that At and Bt are symmetric, which makes the left and right eigenvectors each
other’s transpose, the complete modal solution to Equation (1a) is given by
t−1 t −1 (n) (n)
K C K t Mt ρ 1 ρ
=− , (2)
−I 0 iωn ρ (n) iωn iωn ρ (n)
where ωn are angular eigenfrequencies, ρ (n) are eigenvectors and I denotes the unit
matrix.6 By solving the eigenvalue problem expressed in Equation (2), the modal matrix,
P, can be assembled. The modal matrix works as a mapping between the spatial and modal
domains as
F (t)
yt (t) = Pqt (t), Qt (t) = PT , (3)
where qt (t) is the modal displacement and Qt (t) is the modal load vector. By using the
orthogonality of the modal matrix, the decoupled equations of motion can be written as
diag(an ) = PT At P, diag(bn ) = PT Bt P. (4b)
When qt (t) and Qt (t) have been calculated (see Sections 3.3 and 3.4), it is straightforward
to determine the physical displacements, velocities and accelerations. For more general
information about the track modelling approach, see [7].
single bogie model is considered since the secondary suspension acts as a dynamic filter
isolating the car body from the bogie in the frequency range where the dynamics of the
track is significant (20 < f < 1500 Hz) [5].7 The bogie is modelled by six DOFs and is con-
taining wheel–rail contact stiffness and primary suspension stiffness k and damping c. Four
of the vehicle DOFs represent the motion of the vehicle and bogie, while the two remaining
DOFs are interfacing the track and are used in the formulation of the constraint equations.
The weight of half of the car body is accounted for by a static point-force acting at the cen-
troid of the bogie. The axle load of the vehicle is 17 tonnes. The bogie also contains two
unsprung masses Mb1 and Mb2 , corresponding to the two wheelsets, separated by distance
from each other, and a bogie frame with mass Mb3 and inertia Jb3 . The parameter values
for the vehicle are presented in Table 3 and were collected from [23] (except M0 ).
The DOFs of the vehicle are collected in two vectors: xva = {xa1 xa2 }T that contains the
two massless DOFs that are interfacing the track and xvb = {xb1 xb2 xb3 xb4 }T that contains
the non-interfacial DOFs (representing the two wheelsets and one bogie). Superscript v
denotes vehicle and will be used throughout this paper. The equations of motion for the
vehicle can then be written as
v v
0 0 ẍa (t) 0 0 ẋa (t)
0 Mvbb ẍvb (t) 0 Cvbb ẋvb (t)
K aa K vab xva (t) F a (t) 0
+ + = ext , (5)
K vba K vbb xvb (t) 0 Fb
where F a (t) are contact forces between the wheels and the rail and F ext
b contains all exter-
nal forces (in this study only gravity loads). The stiffness matrix K v includes the Hertzian
contact stiffness, which is given by
where CH is the Hertzian constant and the Macaulay brackets are defined as
• = 12 (• + | • |).
1 3ξj2 2ξj3
βj ξ
N3j = − ,+
1 + βj lj2 1 + βj lj
1 ξj ξj3 βj ξ ξ2 lj
N4j = − lj + − , (7)
1 + βj lj2 lj3 1 + βj lj lj2 2
Further details on the derivation of the constraint equations are given in [24].
⎡ ⎤
diag(an ) 0 0 0 0 −PintT N T
⎢ 0 0 0 0 0 I ⎥
⎢ ⎥
A11 A12 ⎢ 0 0 Cvbb 0 Mvbb 0 ⎥
A(z, t) = =⎢
⎢ 0
⎥ (15a)
A21 A22 ⎢ 0 I 0 0 0 ⎥
⎣ R 0 0 −I 0 0 ⎦
NPint −I 0 0 0 0
⎡ ⎤
diag(bn ) 0 0 0 0 0
⎢ 0 K vaa K vab 0 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 K vba K vbb 0 0 0⎥
B11 B12 ⎢ ⎥
B(z, t) = =⎢
⎢ 0 0 0 0 −I 0⎥
⎥ (15b)
B21 B22 ⎢
⎢ S 0 0 0 0 0⎥
⎣ dN ⎦
v(t)Pint 0 0 0 0 0
F(z, t) = F T1 F T2 = 0T 0T F extT
b 0T −ẍirrT −ẋirrT . (15c)
By exploiting that the modal analysis yields complex-conjugated sets of modal parameters,
the real and imaginary parts of Equations (4a) and (9)–(12) can be separated making the
initial-value problem in Equation (16) real valued. Moreover, it is noted that both A and B
are sparse matrices.
q (t) = Q (t), (17)
τ diag(bn ) τ
where the subscript τ indicates that the equation is only valid for the truncated modes.
The contribution from the truncated modes to the physical displacements and velocities
Exploiting that the flexibility elements δejk can be calculated from a frequency-dependent
flexibility matrix implies that
r ρ (n)
ρ (n)
δejk = ejk (ωref ) − , (19)
ian (ωref − ωn )
where r is the number of retained modes and ejk (ωref ) is the flexibility matrix at a much
lower frequency than any of the eigenvalues of the truncated modes.
The sectional forces (shear force and bending moment) at a given node in the track
model are calculated using the corresponding element stiffness matrix, F, and the asso-
ciated physical displacements and rotations. Let the subset of xt containing the physical
displacements and rotations (including the quasistatic contribution from the truncated
modes) at the two nodes of the given element be denoted as n. The vector Ñ(t), containing
the time-variant sectional forces, is then calculated as
The bending moment for the given node is obtained by extracting the associated term in
Ñ. To calculate the load distribution on the foundation, the physical displacements and
velocities of the bottom beam layer (panel for the track model shown in Figure 1(a) and
roadbed for the track model shown in Figure 1(b)) are extracted from xt and ẋt , respec-
tively. For a given longitudinal coordinate X, the time-variant load Ld (X, t) per unit beam
length [N/m] is calculated as
where kf (X) and cf (X) are the properties of the foundation at the given element, b is the
width of half of the slab (since only half of the slab is used in the track model) and n
contains the physical displacements and rotations (including the quasistatic contribution
from the truncated modes) at the two nodes adjacent to the coordinate X. The four inter-
polation polynomials in N are evaluated at the corresponding local coordinate ξ of the
corresponding element.
4. Numerical examples
In this paper, three demonstration examples are presented. In Section 4.1, the track
response is investigated by calculating the rail receptance for the two slab track models,
and comparing the results with the receptance of a traditional ballasted track model. In
the other two demonstration examples, the track model with discrete panels in Figure 3 is
used. In Section 4.2, the influence of a foundation stiffness gradient on the wheel–rail con-
tact force, the corresponding stiffness gradient at the rail level and the load distribution on
the foundation is investigated. Finally, the effect of a dipped welded rail joint is investigated
in Section 4.3. The weld is modelled by prescribing a vertical rail irregularity (accounted
for in xirr , see Equation (8)). The resulting wheel–rail contact force and bending moment
in the slab are evaluated for different depths of the dip. Furthermore, the influence of the
weld location, relative to the ends of the discrete panels, is investigated. The demonstra-
tion examples in Sections 4.2 and 4.3 show significant dynamic effects. The magnitudes
of these dynamic effects, which would not have been captured by calculations according
to the European Standard [19] (which only applies static calculations), are easily analysed
using the presented model.
H tr (ω) = , (22a)
F tr
H ts (ω) = . (22b)
F tr
In the presented numerical example, the excitation and the response are evaluated at a rail
seat. Magnitudes and phases of the complex-valued receptances H tr and H ts are presented
in Figures 4 and 5.
For the ballasted track model, the same rail and soil properties are used, but
the slabs/panels are replaced by discrete sleepers. Each sleeper is modelled by
Rayleigh–Timoshenko beam elements. The pad stiffness and viscous damping are higher
for the ballasted track (kp = 120 kN/mm, cp = 25 Ns/mm), compared to the slab track
models since this is common design practice.
From Figure 4, it can be seen that all track types have two resonances and two anti-
resonances in common (in the studied frequency range). At the first resonance frequency
(40–140 Hz depending on track model), the slab/sleeper and rail move in phase, while they
move out of phase at the second resonance frequency (160–300 Hz) [5]. The anti-resonance
at about 950 Hz is the so-called pinned-pinned frequency, where the rail vibrates with a
wavelength corresponding to the distance between two rail seats while the slab/sleeper
does not move. The small difference in magnitude and frequency of the ‘pinned-pinned’
mode between the slab track models and the ballasted track model is due to differences
in the vertical and rotational rail pad stiffness and damping. The point receptance on the
rail between two rail seats is similar to the response on the rail at the rail seat up to about
500 Hz (not shown here). Above 500 Hz, the receptances differ, and at the ‘pinned-pinned’
frequency, there is a resonance peak. The presented receptances can be compared with the
calculated receptance for a floating-slab track (up to 500 Hz) [11]. As expected, the same
resonances can be identified, but with slightly different magnitudes and frequencies due to
different input data.
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Figure 4. Point receptance on the rail at a rail seat: (a) magnitude and (b) phase.
In Figure 5, H ts is presented for the different track models. The receptance varies sig-
nificantly between the different models. However, it can be seen that the first resonance
observed in H tr (between 40 and 140 Hz) has a pronounced effect also on H ts . Moreover, the
resonance at about 850 Hz for the continuous one-layer model can be seen as a small peak
in Figure 4(a). It is important to emphasise that the presented results are receptances based
on the input values presented in Tables 1 and 2. Although the input values are selected to
be as realistic as possible, no experimental calibration/validation has yet been performed
for the slab track model. The ballasted track model has been verified and compared with
physical testing, cf. [26].
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Figure 5. Cross receptance on the sleeper/slab at a rail seat (excitation on the rail): (a) magnitude and
(b) phase.
investigated. In this case, the dynamic excitation is dominated by the rail seat passing fre-
quency (periodic excitation) and a transient excitation due to the stiffness gradient. The
foundation stiffness is altered along the track by a stepwise change in stiffness and damping
of the Winkler foundation in adjacent beam elements according to Figure 6.
Based on the stiffness matrix of the track model, the static stiffness at the rail level
along the track is calculated for the given foundation stiffness gradients, see Figure 7. As
expected, the stiffness at the rail level has a periodic pattern due to the discrete rail sup-
ports. For the given slab track design, it can be evaluated that gradients in the foundation
stiffness of 0, 5 and 15 (kN/mm)/m2 correspond to average stiffness gradients of 0, 0.5 and
1.5 (kN/mm)/m at the rail level.9
Figures 8–10 show the calculated wheel–rail contact forces for three different vehicle
speeds. For a given foundation stiffness gradient, it is observed that the influence of the
32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Figure 6. Foundation stiffness gradients per unit beam length in the demonstration example.
32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Figure 7. Calculated static stiffness at the rail level of the discrete two-layer slab track model for different
foundation stiffness gradients. The start and end points of the stiffness gradient are marked by vertical
vehicle speed on the amplitude of the wheel–rail contact force due to the periodic excitation
by the rail seat passing frequency is significant. For v = 100 km/h, the two positive stiffness
gradients lead to an increase in contact force amplitude, see Figure 8, whereas the same
gradients lead to a decrease in contact force amplitude at v = 150 km/h, see Figure 9. For
v = 300 km/h, the influence of the studied stiffness gradients is negligible, see Figure 10.
In the results illustrating the calculated wheel–rail contact forces, a low-pass filter
has been applied for aesthetic reasons since Rayleigh–Timoshenko beam theory has
been used when deriving the finite element matrices. As discussed in Section 3.1, in
Rayleigh–Timoshenko beam theory, there is a (non-physical) discontinuity in slope over
the element boundaries due to the applied interpolation polynomials, cf. [21]. Without a
low-pass filter, this can be observed to cause small disturbances in the wheel–rail contact
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Figure 8. Influence of foundation stiffness gradient on calculated wheel–rail contact forces. Discrete
two-layer slab track model and v = 100 km/h. The start and end points of the stiffness gradient are
marked by vertical lines. Low-pass filtered with cut-off frequency fc = 650 Hz.
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Figure 9. Influence of foundation stiffness gradient on calculated wheel–rail contact forces. Discrete
two-layer slab track model and v = 150 km/h. The start and end points of the stiffness gradient are
marked by vertical lines. Low-pass filtered with cut-off frequency fc = 650 Hz.
force each time an element boundary is passed. The cut-off frequency is selected to be
below the element passing frequency, which for the lowest considered speed (100 km/h) is
684 Hz. Therefore, the cut-off frequency was set to 650 Hz. It has been confirmed that the
influence of higher frequencies on the dynamic response (except the spurious effect of the
element boundaries) is negligible.
In Figures 8–10, it is observed that the wheel–rail contact force is dominated by the
periodic response due to the rail seat passing frequency. For direct rail support systems,
the rail seats induce a parametric excitation due to the repetitive variation in track stiff-
ness. Therefore, the track dynamics at the rail seat passing frequency will, to a large extent,
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Figure 10. Influence of foundation stiffness gradient on calculated wheel–rail contact forces. Discrete
two-layer slab track model and v = 300 km/h. The start and end points of the stiffness gradient are
marked by vertical lines. Low-pass filtered with cut-off frequency fc = 650 Hz.
determine the magnitude of the wheel–rail contact forces. For stationary harmonic exci-
tation, the amplitude of the contact force is proportional to the inverse of the system
receptance, cf. [6,27]. Thus, the influence of the vehicle speed on the wheel–rail contact
force amplitude can be explained by the receptance of the vehicle–track system. By let-
ting xv be the displacement of the wheelset/unsprung mass and F v the force applied on
the wheelset/unsprung mass, the receptance of the wheelset/unsprung mass is given by
(neglecting the influence of the primary suspension and the sprung components of the
xv 1
Hv = v =− . (23)
F mω2
The system receptance is obtained by adding the receptance of the vehicle and track as10
H tot = H tr + H v . (24)
For the two-layer slab track model, Figure 11 shows the magnitude of the system recep-
tance for three different soil stiffnesses (low, mean and high stiffness when the stiffness
gradient is 15 (kN/mm)/m2 according to Figure 6). The vertical lines indicate the rail seat
passing frequency when v = 100 km/h, v = 150 km/h and v = 300 km/h. As can be seen
from the figure, at vehicle speed v = 100 km/h, the rail seat passing frequency coincides
with a local minimum in the system receptance for the slab track on the high foundation
stiffness. Further, at this frequency, the slab track on the high foundation stiffness has the
lowest system receptance for the three foundation stiffnesses considered. This explains why
the amplitude of the wheel–rail contact force increases with increased foundation stiffness
when v = 100 km/h, see Figure 8. An opposite situation occurs at v = 150 km/h, where the
track model on the low foundation stiffness leads to the lowest system receptance, which
explains the negative slope in the amplitude of the wheel–rail contact force in Figure 9.
Moreover, it can be seen that the system receptance is independent of the stiffness of the
50 100 150 200 250 300
Figure 11. System receptance for wheelset on discrete two-layer slab track model for three different
foundation stiffnesses. The vertical lines mark the rail seat passing frequency at (from left to right)
v = 100 km/h, v = 150 km/h and v = 300 km/h.
Figure 12. System receptance for a wheelset on ballasted track model for three different foundation
stiffnesses. The vertical lines mark the rail seat passing frequency at v = 100 km/h, v = 150 km/h and
v = 300 km/h.
soil at v = 300 km/h, which explains why also the amplitude of the wheel–rail contact force
is not influenced by the stiffness gradient in Figure 10.
Figure 12 shows the system receptance, but for the ballasted track model. From the
figure, it can be seen that there is a difference in the receptance for the different foundation
stiffnesses up to much higher frequencies, compared to the slab track model. This phe-
nomenon is expected since the panel, together with the roadbed, is a much stiffer structure
compared to the sleepers. Finally, Figure 13 shows that an increase in foundation stiff-
ness gives an increase in the wheel–rail contact force amplitude when v = 150 km/h for the
ballasted track, which is in line with the conclusions drawn from Figure 12.
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
Figure 13. Influence of foundation stiffness gradient on calculated wheel–rail contact forces. Ballasted
track model and v = 150 km/h. The start and end points of the stiffness gradient are marked by vertical
lines. Low-pass filtered with cut-off frequency fc = 650 Hz.
Based on the calculated displacement and velocity fields of the roadbed, the influence of
the foundation stiffness gradient on the load distribution at the interface between roadbed
and foundation has been investigated. Figure 14 shows the load distribution on the founda-
tion at a time instant for three different cases with uniform soil stiffness (low, mean and high
stiffness when the stiffness gradient is 15 (kN/mm)/m2 according to Figure 6). In all simu-
lations, the thickness of the roadbed is hs2 = 20 cm and the vehicle speed is v = 300 km/h.
For the presented set of track model input data, it can be seen that the soil stiffness has
a low impact on the magnitude and extent of the load distribution (less than 1%). Even
though the effect is small in the presented figure, a higher foundation stiffness leads to a
higher maximum value and a more narrow distribution compared to the case with a lower
foundation stiffness.11 A stiffness increase implies a displacement decrease, which (for the
considered vehicle model) leads to similar load distributions independently of soil stiffness.
Note that the results in Figure 14 are only considering half of the slab.
Note that the shape and peak value of the load distribution depends on the thickness
of the roadbed. A thicker roadbed would imply a wider distribution and a reduced peak
value. If the roadbed was decreased significantly, e.g. hs2 = 5 cm, two peaks (one from each
wheelset) would have been seen, and the influence of the discrete panels had been more
pronounced (not shown in Figure 14). For results illustrating the influence of the thickness
of the roadbed, see [28].
For each track position, and for the three different stiffness gradients defined in Figure 6,
the maximum value of the load distribution due to the moving vehicle load has been iden-
tified and is presented in Figure 15.12 The vertical lines indicate where one discrete panel
ends, and the next panel begins. Two periodic patterns are visible in the figure, one is due
to the discrete rail seats, and one is due to the discrete panels. Further, the foundation
stiffness gradients start at track position x = 35.9 m and end at track position x = 41.4 m.
These track positions correspond to minima and maxima in the load distribution on the
foundation. These extreme points occur since the physical displacement field is smooth
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
Figure 14. Load distribution on foundation at a time instant for three different foundation stiffnesses.
The position of the leading and trailing wheelsets are marked by vertical lines. No low-pass filter applied.
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Figure 15. Peak value of the foundation load distribution as a function of track position for three
different stiffness gradients. The vertical lines indicate where panels start/end. No low-pass filter applied.
over the start and end points of the stiffness gradient, while the foundation stiffness has
discontinuous derivatives at these locations, cf. Figure 6 and Equation (21).
38 38.2 38.4 38.6 38.8 39 39.2 39.4
Figure 16. Geometrical imperfection representing a dipped welded rail joint: d = 1 mm, D = 1 m.
The symmetrical imperfection consists of two second-order polynomials as, cf. [29],
⎨−4d(X − X̄ + D/2) /D , X̄ − D/2 ≤ X < X̄,
2 2
x (X) = −4d(X − X̄ − D/2) /D2 , X̄ ≤ X ≤ X̄ + D/2,
2 (25)
0 else,
where X is the track position, X̄ is the centre position of the weld, d is the depth of the
weld and D is the length of the rail that is affected by the irregularity. An illustration of the
irregularity with depth d = 1 mm is shown in Figure 16.
In all simulations in this section, the vehicle speed is 300 km/h, and the weld is located at
X̄ = 38.675 m, which is above the centre of a panel (and therefore also midway between two
rail seats). Figure 17 shows the wheel–rail contact force at the leading wheelset as a function
of track position. From the figure, it can be seen that the depth of the weld has a large
influence on the maximum value of the wheel–rail contact force. For the given input data,
the maximum value of the wheel–rail contact force is increased by 46% for d = 0.5 mm and
by 93% for d = 1 mm. Apart from the large dynamic loads when the leading wheelset passes
the weld at X̄ = 38.675 m, large dynamic loads can also be seen around X̄ = 41.175 m,
which is the position when the trailing wheelset passes the weld. The impact load from the
trailing wheelset has a significant effect also at the leading wheelset due to the low stiffness
and damping of the rail pads which imply a low decay rate of rail vibrations.
The effect of a dipped welded rail joint is further studied by calculating the bending
moment in the panels (following the procedure described in Section 3.5). The bending
moment is generally higher below the rail seats compared to between the rail seats, and,
therefore, the bending moment is calculated in the panel below the first rail seat after the
weld. In Figure 18, it is observed that the depth of the weld has a large impact also on the
magnitude of the bending moment. Note that the results in Figure 18 are only considering
half of the slab.
Finally, the influence of the weld location, relative to the end of the discrete panels, is
investigated. Several simulations were performed where the centre position of the dipped
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Figure 17. Time history of wheel–rail contact force for the leading wheelset on discrete two-layer slab
track model. The centre of the weld is located at X̄ = 38.675 m. No low-pass filter applied.
Figure 18. Time history of bending moment of the discrete two-layer slab track model, calculated at the
rail seat adjacent to the dipped welded rail joint. The leading and trailing wheelsets pass the centre of the
weld at t = 0.464 s and t = 0.494 s, respectively (indicated by vertical lines). No low-pass filter applied.
welded rail joint was changed. For each position of the weld, the bending moment in the
panel was calculated below the position of the weld and at the adjacent rail seats. The max-
imum bending moment of the considered simulation was then identified as an indicator
for the considered weld position.
Figure 19 shows the maximum bending moment as a function of the position of the weld
for three different panel lengths, p. The considered panel lengths are p = 2.6 m, p = 5.2 m
and p = 10.4 m, which corresponds to 4, 8 and 16 rail seat distances. To compare the shape
of the maximum bending moment as a function of weld location for the different panel
lengths, the track length is normalised such that the length of one panel is 1. The locations
where one panel ends and the next panel begins are indicated by vertical lines. From the
Figure 19. Maximum bending moment as a function of the position of the centre of the weld for three
different panel lengths. The vertical lines indicate where panels start/end. Depth of the dipped welded
rail joint d = 1 mm. No low-pass filter applied.
figure, it can be seen that there is a periodic pattern due to the discrete panels. In particular,
the bending moment is always lower at the joint between two panels compared to other
positions (independently of panel length).
5. Conclusions
A general procedure for analysing the vertical dynamic vehicle–track interaction has
been presented and implemented successfully in a slab track context. The performance
of the procedure has been illustrated by demonstration examples that contain structural
Based on the demonstration examples, it was found that the influence of a founda-
tion stiffness gradient on the amplitude of the wheel–rail contact force is vehicle speed
dependent due to the rail seat passing frequency and the excitation of the fundamental
vehicle–track system resonance. For the given slab track models, it was observed that the
influence of the studied foundation stiffness gradients on the wheel–rail contact force was
negligible when high speed was considered (v > 200 km/h). Even if the amplitude of the
wheel–rail contact force was found independent of the foundation stiffness gradient at high
speed in the slab track context, other dynamic responses such as the bending moment in
the slab and the load distribution on the foundation were affected. Moreover, it was found
that a geometrical rail imperfection, here exemplified by a dipped welded rail joint, has a
large impact on the wheel–rail contact forces as well as on the bending moment in the pan-
els. In addition, it was found that the spatial location of the weld, relative to the transition
between two slab panels, affects the results significantly. Thus, in the described demon-
stration examples, significant dynamic effects were observed. In contrast to the European
Standard [19], which only applies a static calculation approach, the magnitude of these
dynamic effects is analysed with the presented model.
In future work, the model of the slab will be extended to three spatial dimensions, and
it will be determined whether it is sufficient to model the panels as Rayleigh–Timoshenko
beams or if a three-dimensional (3D) slab track model with plate elements is necessary.
Since the computational cost can be controlled by the number of used modes, the presented
analysis procedure seems suitable also for a 3D model. Moreover, transition zones between
slab track and ballasted track will be investigated to evaluate an optimal design.
1. How to interpret the European Standard is further elaborated by the International Union of
Railways [30].
2. Depending on the accepted error tolerances.
3. Replace A with the label of the considered layer (r, s, s1 or s2 ). As an example, the bending
stiffness of the rail is denoted EIr (X).
4. Replace B with k or c depending on if it is a spring or a damper and let the spring/damper connect
layers C and D.
5. This has been confirmed by a convergence study.
6. Underline indicates complex-valued quantities.
7. When acoustic effects of the track are studied, frequencies up to 5000 Hz is typically studied.
8. The interpolation polynomials are the shape functions derived from Rayleigh–Timoshenko
beam theory.
9. Since the foundation is described by a Winkler model where the stiffness is given as stiffness per
unit beam length, the unit of the foundation stiffness gradient is [(N/m)/m2 ].
10. Here, the influence of wheel–rail contact stiffness on the system receptance is neglected as it is
11. This effect is more pronounced if only one wheelset is used as vehicle model or if the distance
between the wheelsets is increased.
12. Similar to Figure 14, the results in Figure 15 are highly dependent on the thickness of the
This work has been a part of the research activities within the Centre of Excellence CHARMEC
(CHAlmers Railway MEChanics, In particular, the support from
Trafikverket (the Swedish Transport Administration) and Abetong AB is acknowledged.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Emil Aggestam
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