Research Article: The Influence of The Track Parameters On Vibration Characteristics of Subway Tunnel
Research Article: The Influence of The Track Parameters On Vibration Characteristics of Subway Tunnel
Research Article: The Influence of The Track Parameters On Vibration Characteristics of Subway Tunnel
Research Article
The Influence of the Track Parameters on Vibration
Characteristics of Subway Tunnel
Wenbo Shi ,1,2 Linchang Miao ,3 Junhui Luo ,4 and Honglei Zhang 5
School of Traffic and Transportation, Xuchang College, Xuchang 461000, China
Henan Small and Medium-Sized Cities Public Transport Information Engineering Research Center, Xuchang 461000, China
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210018, China
Guangxi Communications Planning Surveying and Designing Institute Co., Ltd., Nanning 530029, China
Henan Zhibo Architectural Design Group Co., Ltd., Xuchang 461000, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Wenbo Shi; and Linchang Miao;
Received 13 March 2018; Revised 23 May 2018; Accepted 19 June 2018; Published 18 October 2018
Copyright © 2018 Wenbo Shi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In soft soil areas, such as the Nanjing, it is very important to quantitatively analyze the dynamic behaviors of soft soils during the
metro train operation. A nonlinear coupling model of wheel-track and a finite element calculation model of tunnel and soil were
established based on the mechanical character of elastic supporting block ballastless track and the actual parameters of Nanjing
soft soil. The time-variant vertical acceleration of the rail, the sleepers, and the surface of the tunnel can be calculated by the
models, and the frequency dependence acceleration was verified by the fast Fourier transform algorithm. A modified vibration
power level for human sensitivity was used to quantify the vibration energy of each part of the system, and the impact of the
parameters in the model was evaluated. The results can be applied to the metro design and construction, which also can be the
guidance during the tunnel construction.
as an integral system on dynamics of wheel-rail interactions process of vehicle operation, because the soft clay has the
[7–12]. characteristics of high water content, big compressibility,
Research that focused on the propagation of vibration and low intention. The practical engineering shows that the
caused from the wheel-rail exceeding in the soil has also been subsidence generated approximately 16 cm of Shanghai
developed many years in the world. The models, which used metro line 1 during the metro long-term operation, and the
to solve the problem of vibration wave propagation in the soil largest subsidence near the Helen Road station has reached
caused by metro operation, can be classified into two cate- 30 cm [25], and thus, analyzing the effect of track parameters
gories: the finite element models (FEMs) and analytical on the vibration energy generate and transform in soft soil
method. Analytical method is confined by many hypotheses, area has important implications.
like supposing the soil material as elastic continuum material,
supposing the load applied on the tunnel is harmonic in both 2. Vehicle-Track Coupling Model
space and time, and so on. Forrest and Hunt [13] described
a three-dimensional model for the dynamics of a deep un- The settlement of the soft soil surrounding along metro lines
derground railway tunnel in infinite soil, and the ground is caused by the long-term cyclic loading during the metro
vibration due to excitation by running trains in frequency 20 operation. The magnitude of settlement mainly depends on
to 100 Hz was analyzed. Bian et al. [14] used a 2.5D FEM the force at the vehicle-track contact and the vertical vi-
formulation with viscous artificial boundaries to model wave bration acceleration of the system; thus, how to reduce the
propagation from underground moving loads. The periodic effect of the vibration becomes a key, which can decrease the
2.5D FEM models for the dynamic simulation of tunnels have soil settlement. Considering the vehicle leading and trailing
been extensively applied to simulate the dynamic interaction bogie symmetrically arranged in general, and the ups and
between soil and tunnel structures [15, 16]. Many models downs of vibration of car body with nodding vibration will
established in research papers above assumed radius of the not cause coupling, the half car body model is established,
model from the center of the tunnel increases towards infinity which is based on the geometric characteristics of the elastic
in every direction; therefore, it can not calculate the remnant supporting block ballastless track, as shown in Figure 1.
vibration energy transform to the surface of the soil. The
subway operation problem is clearly a moving load problem, 3. The Vehicle Model of the Metro Train
and some elegant solutions in FEM appear in the literature.
Amado-Mendes et al. [17] devised the subway finite element As shown in Figure 1, Mc , Mt , and Mw stand for the quality
model to determine the dynamic stress and analyzed dynamic of half train body, the bogie, and the wheel set, respectively;
response under vibration loading. The relationship between Jt is nod inertia of the body’s frame; Ksz and Kpz is the
the train speed and the vibrations on the track with a FEM stiffness of the vehicle primary and secondary suspension;
model is studied by El Kacimi et al. [18]. Gardien and Stuit Csz and Cpz is the damping of the vehicle primary and
[19] established a modular model that consists of static de- secondary suspension; and z1 and z2 are, respectively, for the
flection model, track model, and the propagation model, and location of the wheel-rail contact irregularity. Vibration
the effect of change element size, soil stiffness, damping, and equation about the upper part of the vehicle model is
boundary conditions is analyzed. Ekevid et al. [20] described established according to the Hamilton principle as follows:
in detail the mesh refinement and coarsening in the case of Mu {u€} + Cu {u_ } + Ku {u} � Pu . (1)
HST applications, with successful validations. Ju [21] in-
vestigated the characteristics of building vibrations induced
by adjacent moving trucks using finite element analyses. 4. The Track Model of the Metro
Regarding urban traffic, research is scarcer. Andersen and
Jones [22] investigated the quality of the results obtained from The elastic supporting block ballastless track is supported by
a 2D-coupled FE-BE model comparing it with a 3D-coupled rail, fasteners, concrete supporting block, rubber pads under
FE-BE model. Real et al. [23] developed a 3D numerical FEM supporting block, rubber boots, concrete track bed, etc., and
model of a railway tunnel to predict railway-induced vibra- the track’s vertical stiffness and damping is mainly provided
tions. Vogiatzis [24] studied the effect of ground-borne vi- by the fasteners and the piece of rubber pad. These com-
brations generated by underground metro and their effects on ponents of the model can use the stiffness and damping
ancient monuments. parameters to describe them, such as, Kr , Cr and Ks , Cs ,
The research of the subway system mostly focused on the respectively. Thus, acceleration of vibration of the elastic
vibration damping track, and the vehicle-wheel coupling supporting block ballastless track is mainly reflected on the
system was established; the effect on the environment by rail and concrete supporting block.
subway vibration was discussed through field measurement Newton and Clark [26] analyzed the impact on the
and data fitting during the metro operation. Quantitatively vehicle-track coupling nonlinear system with assuming track
analyzing each parameter’s influences, which focused on for Euler beam and Timoshenko beam, respectively. The
system vibration energy causing and spreading, is particu- results showed that the Timoshenko beam has a higher
larly important through establishing a vehicle-rail-sleeper- accuracy when analyzing the rail shear stress; however, the
ballast-lining-soil body model. The subway tunnel buried in computational time was higher for the Timoshenko beam.
a soft soil area will have a big settlement, which is caused by This paper uses the Euler model because the two beams have
the vibration energy of vehicle long cycle action during the little difference in accuracy in the analysis of the vertical
Shock and Vibration 3
Mc Jc zc
M1 q€ + C1 q_ + K1 q � P1 . (7)
Simplifying the track nonlinearity equations by For each time step, calculate the displacements and ve-
substituting Equation (6) into Equations (2) and (3), the final locities of the vehicle calculate model (1) and the track cal-
vibration equation is as follows: culate model (7) with the Newmark integration method, and
4 Shock and Vibration
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)
Figure 2: Track random irregularity.
the nonlinear wheel-track contact forces can then be de- the sleeper’s displacement during train service and used
termined based on the calculated Equation (8). With these a modified beam on an elastic foundation method (BOEF) to
known results, the accelerations of the vehicle and the track are calculate the displacement of the sleeper. The time domain
finally calculated from each equation of motion. result is shown in Figure 3.
These show similar behavior of the sleeper displacement
during the operation in Figure 3. The calculation of vehicle-
7. Applying of the Stochastic Irregularity track coupled model is closer to the measured one when
compared with BOEF method; nevertheless, the decay of the
In general, the stochastic irregularity in the vehicle-track displacement is slower than BOEF method because of the
modelling is used to represent the vehicle travel state be- characteristic of the modal analysis.
cause of the nondeterministic excitation in the wheel-track The accuracy of the vibration prediction depends on the
system. As the rail surface geometry is influenced by many chosen input parameters in the system. The vehicle-track
complex factors, these effects caused by the track irregularity nonlinear coupling system can be used to analyze the in-
have obvious randomness. The spectrum density function of fluence of the parameters’ change on the system vibration,
the metro track for line grade six from America Railway including vehicle speed, the stiffness and damping of the
Standard is used in this calculation. The simulation using fastener and the rubber pad, random irregularity, and wave
trigonometric series method converts track irregularity power depth. Nevertheless, the most easily implemented measure is
spectrum to the time domain excitation function which applied to adjust the stiffness and damping of the fastener and the
to the system as a random excitation. The final amplitude rubber pad for the engineering practice. Thus, analysis effect
curves of vertical track irregularity is shown in Figure 2. of the stiffness and damping of the fastener and the rubber
pad will play a key role in the vibration-controlling tech-
nique design of the practical engineering.
8. The Result Solutions of the Vehicle-Track According to the nonlinear-coupled system established
Coupled Model earlier, the rail and sleeper vibration acceleration in time
domain can be obtained in the process of metro vehicles
The parameters adopted for computing system at Section 1 driving shown in Figures 4 and 5 shows the acceleration
are listed in Tables 1 and 2. power spectrum density of the rail and sleeper vibration.
The speed of the metro vehicle is 40–80 km/h in a general Figures 4 and 5 show that the acceleration amplitude of
way, and the faster the speed is, the bigger the wheel-track the rail vibration is bigger than the sleeper, which illustrates
contact force is. In this calculation, the speed of the vehicle is the energy of vibration attenuated in the spread of rail, fas-
set to 80 km/h. According to the vehicle-track nonlinear teners, sleeper, and the rubber pad. Thus, the quantitative
coupled calculation model shown at Section 1 and the pa- analysis of track parameters is of great significance for vi-
rameter values shown at Tables 1 and 2, the displacement of bration energy transmission system.
the sleeper in the process of metro vehicle driving can be Single bogie is able to be applied for the qualitative
basically in agreement with the Newmark integration analysis of influence on vibration generation and attenua-
method. Priest and Powrie [30] used geophones to measure tion during its transform by parameter change.
Shock and Vibration
0.15 The modified vibration power level index is used to quantify
0.10 the sense of the human body for the environmental vibration
0.05 and to clearly recognize the harm to human body by vi-
0.00 bration. According to the recommendations in International
–0.10 Standards Organization (ISO2631), the most sensitive hu-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 man body to vibration frequency is mainly concentrated in
Time (s) the domain of 1–80 Hz, meanwhile the human body re-
Vehicle-track couple model sponds to the vibration of different directions shown in
Measured Figure 7.
BOEF Based on the investigations of International Standards
Organization, human body sensitive degree is different to
Figure 3: Comparison of measured sleeper displacement with that
obtained from using the vehicle-track coupled model and BOEF the vibration of different frequency ranges [31]. The mod-
model for a single bogie. ified vibration power level is an index to evaluate the in-
fluence of vibration on human by amending the effective
amplitude of acceleration based on human reactivity, and
4 the unit of the modified vibration power level is dB, which
Amplitude of the acceleration
0 a0
where a0 � 1 × 10−6 m/s2 and ae is the correction of accel-
–2 eration RMS, and the specified solving equation is as follows:
–3 �����������
ae � a2n · 10Cn /10 , (14)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Time (s) where an is the effective acceleration amplitude for n Hz and
Rail Cn is the modification value according to the human re-
Sleeper sponse to vibration, as shown in Figure 7, and the specific
value is given in Table 3.
Figure 4: Rail and sleeper vibration acceleration time-domain
amplitude. The rail and sleeper vibration acceleration amplitude in
time domain can be calculated according to the vehicle-track
coupling nonlinear model presented in this paper; and then
30 its power spectral density amplitude is obtained by the fast
Fourier transform. However, the analysis of the data often
Admittance (m∗s–2∗Hz–1)
Frequency (Hz)
Body response correction (dB)
4 16 64
Horizontal vibration
Vertical vibration
Figure 7: Human body response to different direction vibration.
Table 3: Modification value of vertical effective acceleration within the center frequency.
1/2 octave bands center frequency (Hz) 1 2 4 8 16 31.5 63 90
Vertical modified vibration power level (dB) −6 −3 0 0 −6 −12 −18 −21
the vehicle-track coupled model can be collected; the result is Figures 10 and 11 show that the track vibration power level
shown in Figures 8 and 9. reduces 25 dB and the sleeper vibration power level decreases
The result shows that the track vibration power level more than 45 dB when the stiffness of the under sleepers’
reduces nearly 23 dB when the stiffness of fastener increases rubber pad also increases from 0.5 × 107 N/m to 100 × 107 N/m.
from 0.5 × 107 N/m to 100 × 107 N/m, but vibration power At the same time, the vibration power level of the rail will be
level of the sleeper reduces less than 2 dB. Similarly, track reduced nearly 7 dB and sleeper vibration power level will be
vibration power level will decrease 6 dB when damping of lost about 4 dB when the damping of the rubber pad increased
the fastener increases from 0.5 × 104 N·s/m to 50 × 104 N·s/m from 0.5 × 104 N·s/m to 50 × 104 N·s/m. Thus, it can be seen
and vibration power level of the sleeper reduces nearly 2 dB. that increasing the stiffness of fastener and under sleeper
Changing stiffness and damping of the fastener have great rubber pad can significantly reduce the rail and sleeper vi-
influence on the vibration performance of rail, but the effect of bration power level. The vibration of the subgrade is small in
the vibration of the sleeper damping is small. Meanwhile, elastic supporting block ballastless track system, so the in-
stiffness change of the fastener has better consequence on fluence of the stiffness and damping of rubber pad which at the
vibration attenuation. However, it is bound to reduce de- bottom of the system on the vibration characteristics is bigger.
formation of the track caused by vibration and to restrict the Rail and sleeper vibration energy are basic agreement when
development of the long wave acceleration if the stiffness of the stiffness of the rubber pad is relatively small. The main
the fastener is blindly increased. In addition, the stiffness of reason is that the lower rigidity leads to large deformations of the
the fastener that is increased will lead to the increment of the rubber pad when the overlying load transfers to it and the
wheel-track coupling force and the generation of noise. stiffness increment of the fasteners cannot be able to play its role
8 Shock and Vibration
111 116
106 108
96 92
91 84
86 76
81 68
76 60
0.0E + 00
2.0E + 08
4.0E + 08
6.0E + 08
8.0E + 08
1.0E + 09
0.0E + 00
2.0E + 08
4.0E + 08
6.0E + 08
8.0E + 08
1.0E + 09
Stiffness of the fastener (N·m–1) Stiffness of the rubber pad (N·m–1)
Rail Rail
Sleeper Sleeper
Figure 8: The influence of stiffness of fastener on the vibration Figure 10: The influence of stiffness of the rubber pad on the
power level. vibration power level.
Vibration level (dB)
Vibration level (dB)
0.0E + 00
1.0E + 05
2.0E + 05
3.0E + 05
4.0E + 05
5.0E + 05
0.0E + 00
1.0E + 05
2.0E + 05
3.0E + 05
4.0E + 05
5.0E + 05
Damping of the fastener (N·s·m–1)
Damping of the rubber pad (N·s·m–1)
Sleeper Rail
Figure 9: The influence of damping of fastener on the vibration
power level. Figure 11: The influence of damping of the rubber pad on the
vibration power level.
in the system. The small stiffness of the rubber pad made the
structure on it to form an integral whole when the large vi-
bration load transfers from the rail to here. has great impact on the construction and residents’ life when
In the whole vehicle-track system, the effect of the it transfers to the subway tunnel surface; therefore, the
stiffness and damping of the fastener will gradually appear analysis of the change of damping and stiffness of the fas-
when the stiffness of the rubber pad increases, the difference tener and sleeper rubber pad is of great significance to the
of the rail and sleeper vibration energy amplitude gradually influence of vibration energy spreading to the surface.
expend as shown in Figure 10. The deformation is small The finite element method is used to calculate the accel-
which is caused by the vehicle-track exciting force when the eration of an arbitrary point in the soil due to an operation
stiffness of the rubber pad is increased to a greater value vehicle. The superiority of the finite element method is to analyze
under low frequency arrange. Thus, the vertical vibration the interaction between the tunnel segments and the sur-
speed of the sleeper will be decreased as the damping of the rounding soft soil, and the subroutine can be used to simulate the
sleeper increased, which will also reduce strain velocity of soil to ensure the validity of the result calculated in the model.
the track and then affect its vibration energy change. According to the size of elastic supporting block bal-
lastless track, the finite element model was established.
10. The Finite Element Modelling Generally, the size of mesh must be at least 1/8th wave-
lengths to ensure calculated precision when meshing the
Vibration will generate because of track irregularity during finite element model [32]. The size of mesh should be around
the metro operation. The vibration energy passes onto the 2.4 m because the nature frequency of vibration in Nanjing
soil via rail, sleeper, track ballast, and tunnel lining, and it soft soils is 10–80 Hz and the speed of stress wave is 190 m/s,
Shock and Vibration 9
than increasing the damping. Meanwhile, changing the
stiffness of the sleeper rubber pad has the greatest
30 impact on the vibration level of rail, sleeper, and the
20 surface soil. The changing stiffness of the fastener has
10 great influence on the vibration level of rail and sleeper,
0 while a certain impact will happen on the vibration
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 level of the system when the damping of the fastener
εd (%) and sleeper rubber pad changed, but it is relatively
Test points small to the change of stiffness.
Fit curve (3) During the operation of the metro vehicle, the vi-
Figure 16: The relationship between dynamic elastic modulus and bration energy continuously decays pass through
dynamic strains. rail, sleeper, the tunnel lining, and finally the soil,
Shock and Vibration 11
0.010 1.05
0.006 0.90
0.002 0.75
0.000 0.65
–0.002 0.60
Tunnel lining
Ground surface
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time (s)
Figure 20: The attenuation of vibration energy in the system.
Figure 17: The time history of the acceleration.
56.5 The data used to support the findings of this study are
available from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
54.5 The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
0.0E + 00
2.0E + 08
4.0E + 08
6.0E + 08
8.0E + 08
1.0E + 09
Stiffness (N·m–1)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (no.
Stiffness of the fastener 51278099) supported this work.
Stiffness of the sleeper
Figure 18: The influence of stiffness change on the vibration power References
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