Seminar 1st Semister
Seminar 1st Semister
Seminar 1st Semister
I take the privilege to thank Dr. L.MANJESH, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Bangalore University for suggesting this topic and for his untiring guidance and constant inspiration throughout this work. I like to thank Dr M.S.AMARNATH, Professor of Civil Engineering Department for his suggestions to complete this work. I am extremely thankful to Dr.G.SURESH, Senior Lecturer of Civil Engineering Department, for his suggestions and guidance to complete this work. I wish to express my gratitude to all my friends, classmates, seniors and technical assistants for their kind co-operation during the experimental investigations and analysis of my seminar work successfully.
airplanes and to produce a firm, stable, smooth, all-year, all-weather surface free of debris or other particles that may be blown or picked up by propeller wash or jet blast. In order to satisfactorily fulfill these requirements, the pavement must be of such quality and thickness that it will not fail under the load imposed. In addition, it must possess sufficient inherent stability to withstand, without damage, the abrasive action of traffic, adverse weather conditions, and other deteriorating influences. BIAL is the main gateway to Silicon City. The airport is facing unexpected traffic growth since the globalization. The current parallel runway at th airport is already reaching its capacity limit. When the operation reaches the capacity limit it will interrupt the airport operation, especially delay in the arrivals and departure operations. This paper present the current runway operation and runway design capacity based on departure and arrival data. Based on the data and calculations, BIAL need new additional runway to cater for the future air traffic operation. Hence it is required to design an additional runway. The calculation is presented based on the data collected.
airplanes and to produce a firm, stable, smooth, all-year, all-weather surface free of debris or other particles that may be blown or picked up by propeller wash or jet blast. In order to satisfactorily fulfill these requirements, the pavement must be of such quality and thickness that it will not fail under the load imposed. In addition, it must possess sufficient inherent stability to withstand, without damage, the abrasive action of traffic, adverse weather conditions, and other deteriorating influences. To produce such pavements requires a coordination of many factors of design, construction, and inspect ion to assure the best possible combination of available materials and a high standard of workmanship.
Types of Pavement.
Pavements discussed in this document are flexible and rigid. Various combinations of pavement types and stabilized layers result in complex pavements classified between flexible and rigid. The design and evaluation guidance in this circular can be adapted to any pavement type.
Compatability of aircraft and pavement is necessary so that there is no excessive damage to the pavement and air craft operations are unrestricted. So long as the aircraft is having single wheel, the comparision of strength could be made by simple load tests. With the advancement of technology in aircraft design having complex wheel configurations and assemblies came in use and therefore a methodology to define the compatability between the aircraft and pavement with a common datum was felt necessary. Different methods are available in use, however, it is required that a uniform method needs to be applicable to all types of aircrafts and the most widely accepted ones are stated here. 1. Aircraft classification number (ACN) 2. Pavement classification number (PCN)
1. To evaluate the engineering properties of sub grade soil. 2. To design the overall thickness for the flexible pavement based on FAA method. 3. To design the crust thickness and composition of proposed rigid pavement as per FAA method and IRC:58:2002.
To fulfill the above objectives, laboratory experiments are performed on the subgrade soil
sample. Laboratory experiments are performed to evaluate the strength aspect. To design the crust thickness, material, and density requirements for airfield pavements. It includes criteria of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) procedure for flexible pavements and the Westergaard Analysis for rigid pavements.
application of a significant horizontally applied compressive stress during construction. (6) Rigid overlay pavement is a rigid pavement used to strengthen an existing flexible or rigid pavement. (7) Nonrigid overlay pavement is either all-bituminous or bituminous with base course used to strengthen an existing rigid pavement.
Suitability of Subgrade.
The information obtained from the explorations and tests previously described should be adequate to enable full consideration of all factors affecting the suitability of the subgrade and subsoil. The primary factors are as follows: a. The general characteristics of the subgrade soils. b. Depth to bedrock. c. Depth to water table (including perched water table). d. The compaction that can be attained in the subgrade and the adequacy of the existing density in the layers below the zone of compaction requirements. e. The strength that the compacted subgrade, uncompacted subgrade, and subsoil will local environmental conditions. f. The presence of weak or soft layers in the subsoil. g. Susceptibility to detrimental frost action. h. Settlement potential. I. Expansion potential. j. Drainage characteristics. have under
Grade Line. The soil type together with information on the drainage requirements, balancing cut and fill,
flooding potential, depth to water table, depth to bedrock, and the compaction and strength characteristics should be considered in locating the grade line of the top of the subgrade. Generally, this grade line should be established to obtain the best possible subgrade material consistent with the proper utilization of available materials; however, economics of plans for construction must be given prime consideration.
2.3.3 Subgrade CBR. The strength of the subgrade may be expressed in terms of the CBR for flexible pavement design. The CBR test is described in CRD-C 654. It includes procedures for making tests on samples compacted to the design density in test molds and is soaked 4 days for making in-place CBR tests and for making tests on undisturbed samples. These tests are used to estimate the CBR that will develop in the pavement structure. However, a subgrade design CBR value above 20 is not permitted unless the subgrade meets the requirements for subbases. The CBR selected for the subgrade will be based on the
predominant moisture conditions occurring during the life of the pavement. This moisture situation can be obtained from pavement evaluation reports and from soil tests under existing pavements. Where long duration soil moisture conditions cannot be determined with confidence, the soaked laboratory CBR will be selected for the subgrade soil.
a. Laboratory Tests. Tests results should include a full family of curves (Figure 6-1) as describedin CRD-C 654. These curves show the three-way relationship of water content at the time ofcompaction, compacted density, and CBR after soaking. These curves should be studied in view of the actual water contents and densities that can be expected considering the natural scatter when specific control values are specified. The scatter that can be expected with normal control procedures will vary with the soil type. A spread of plus or minus 2 percent can be anticipated for soils with low optimum moisture contents (in the range of 10 percent), whereas a spread of plus or minus 4 percent can be anticipated for soils with high optimum moisture contents (in the range of 25 percent). Poor construction control may result in even greater scatter. A comparable scatter in the density can also be expected. After the range of moisture contents and densities that can be expected during actual construction is estimated, the range of CBR values that will result from these variations in moisture and density should be determined. The design CBR value for the specific soil tested should be selected near the lower part of the range. The following steps along with Figure 6-1 illustrate the selection of a design CBR value. 1. Determine moisture/density relationship. Plot density to which soil can be compacted in the field. For the clay of this example,use 95 percent of maximum density. Plot the desired moisture content range. For the clay of this example, use 1-1/2 percent of optimum moisture content for approximately 13 and 16 percent. Shaded area represents compactive effort greater than 95 percent and within 1-1/2 percent of optimum moisture content.
(3) Plot CBR versus dry density at constant moisture content. Plot attainable compaction limits of 1,770 and 1,840 kg/m3 (110.6 and 115 lb/ft3) for this example. The hatched area represents attainable CBR limits for desired compaction 1,770 and 1,840 kg/m3 (110.6 to 115 lb/ft3) and moisture content (13 to 16 percent). CBR varies from 11 (95 percent compaction and 13 percent moisture content) to 26 (15 percent moisture content and maximum compaction). For design purposes, a CBR at the low end of range is used. In the example, a CBR of 12 with a moisture content specified between 13 and 16 percent is selected.
b. In-place Tests and Tests on Undisturbed Samples. Where an existing pavement at the site has a subgrade constructed to the same standards as the job being designed, in-place tests or tests on undisturbed samples may be used in selecting the design CBR value. Also, where no compaction is anticipated, as in the layers below the zone of compaction, tests should be conducted on the natural material. 2.4 Classification of Air Field Pavement The scientists of UK air ministry observed that the load carrying capacity of pavement varies with the tyre pressure or contact radius using the relationship (a1/a2). The aircraft is thus defined by a curve having exponent of passing through the point obtained by contact area and the all up weight. A load classification number is assigned to such a sets of load on single wheel and tyre pressures which are expanded to give a curve. A family of curves for various sets of load and tyre pressure is developed and such cureve is assigned a number. The load classification number (LCN) defines the load effect of an aircraft. The safe load tested for pavement with reference to the area of contact rate used in the test, read on such curves gives the LCN of the pavement. Aircraft classification number (ACN) is defined as the load carried by a single wheel in terms of 500kg , at a constant tyre pressure of 1.2MPa by a pavement required for the aircraft using standard method of design using CBR method for flexible pavement and PCA for interior loading for rigid pavement Pavement classification number (PCN) is the ACN of aircraft which the pavement is capable of carrying for unrestricted movement. It may be noteworthy that the ACN/PCN are the constant tyre pressure where as LCN is for constant contact area. This makes computations of permissible load of an aircraft compatible to the pavement strength. 2.4.1 Determination of PCN PCN is defined for constant pressure and no method is available for direct measurement this has therefore can be determined by combined analysis with the measurement, it provides a choice to the airport authorities to use the method of there preference. Methods available presently use the stiffness of the pavement obtained by non destructive test method to this stiffness permissible deflection is applied to obtain the maximum permissible load. This load which is for the particular contact area and pressure is modified for standard contact pressure of 1.25MPa. This cycle is repeated for the stable values.
Willows-Glenn County Airport Master Plan (Adopted August 19, 2008) The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides guidance and standards for airport design through a series of Advisory Circulars (ACs). These guidelines promote airport improvements which enhance airport safety and operational utility. Major considerations include: The total volume of aircraft operations; The types of aircraft seeking to operate at the airport; and Availability of instrument approach procedures.
Airport Role The purpose of the proposed airfield improvements is to continue to facilitate the established airport role and enhance the airports ability to accommodate the forecast growth in business aircraft operations. The operational role of Willows-Glenn County Airport that of a general aviation airport requires it to serve a wide variety of aircraft sizes and types. Currently, the airport primarily serves agricultural (aerial applicators) and personal/recreational aircraft operations. The aerial applicators principally use singleengine turboprop aircraft. The Personal/recreational use aircraft are mostly single-engine, piston powered aircraft. The airport also sees regular, but less frequent use by piston and turboprop twins, and small-to-mid-size business jets. Airport Classification For airfield design purposes, the FAA has established a set of airport classifications known as Airport Reference Codes (ARC). An ARC is applicable to each airport and its individual runway and taxiway components. The primary determinants of these classifications are the critical aircraft (design aircraft) a runway or taxiway is intended to serve and the instrument approach minimums applicable to a particular runway end. Each ARC consists of two components relating to an airports design aircraft: Aircraft Approach Category depicted by a letter (A-E), this component relates to aircraft approach speed, an operational characteristic that provides an indication of runway length requirements. Within this category, aircraft that have gross weights of 12,500 pounds or less are classified as small and have distinct airfield design criteria. Airplane Design Group depicted by a Roman numeral (I-VI), the second component relates to airplane wingspan, a physical characteristic.
Generally, Aircraft Approach Category applies to runways and runway related facilities. Airplane Design Group primarily relates to separation criteria involving taxiways and taxi lanes.
Grain size analysis is also known as mechanical analysis of soils is the determination of the percent of individual grain sizes present in the sample. The results of the test are of great value in soil classification. In mechanical stabilization of soil and for designing soil-aggregate mixtures the results of gradation tests are used.
Sieving is performed by arranging the various sieves one over the other in the order of their mesh openings. Wet sieve analysis was carried out by washing the oven dried and weighed soil samples through 75 sieve. The samples were soaked in water for 24 hrs prior to washing to break the soil lumps. The dried residues were sieved through a set of IS sieves and weight of soil samples retained on each sieve was measured accurately the percentages of Gravel, Sand, Silt and Clay are shown in Table 3.1.
Fig 3.1 Set Of Sieves 3.4.2 Liquid limit The liquid limit for all the samples were conducted as procedure given in IS: 2720, (part-5)1985. The Liquid limit reported is an average of three determinations. 3.4.3 Plastic limit The plastic limit of the various samples were determined as per the standard method (test for determination of plastic limit of soil IS: 2720 (part-5)-1985. The plastic limit reported is an average of three determinations.
3.4.4 Compaction Compaction of soil is a mechanical process by which the soil particles are constructed to be packed more closely together by reducing the air voids. Soil compaction causes decrease in air voids and consequently an increase in dry density. The possibility of future settlement or compressibility decreases and also the tendency for subsequent changes in moisture content decreases. Degree of compaction is usually measured qualitatively by dry density. Increase in dry density of soil due to compaction mainly depends on two factors: 1. Moisture content. 2. Amount of compaction. Practically all soils it is found that with increase in moisture content, dry density first increases and then decreases 3.4.5 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test The CBR is a measure of resistance of material to penetration of standard plunger under controlled density and moisture conditions. The CBR test was developed as a method of classifying and evaluating soil sub-grade and base course materials for flexible pavement. The CBR test may be conducted in re-molded or undisturbed specimen in the laboratory. Many methods exist today which utilize mainly CBR test values for designing pavement structure. CBR tests were carried out in the laboratory for each soil sample, passing through 20 mm sieve. The samples were compacted in the CBR mould at OMC and soaked for 4 days. The soaked samples
were subjected to CBR test. Atleast 2 specimens were prepared for each soil sample and average of the results was considered for analysis. A graph was plotted between penetration v/s load. The unit load values corresponding to 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm penetration values are found from the graph. The CBR value is calculated by % CBR = (load 100) / 1370 for 2.5 mm penetration % CBR = (load 100) / 2055 for 5.0 mm penetration
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter details about the experiments performed and a brief discussion on the experimental results is presented. In the present investigation for the subgrade soil samples, the index properties, and strength properties are studied. Wet sieve analysis, density determination by core cutter method, Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Modified Proctors Compaction and CBR tests were conducted for the subgrade soil samples.
iii) Plasticity Index The range of consistency within which a soil exhibits plastic properties is called plastic range and is indicated by plasticity index.
Test Results
As per experimental programme liquid limit and plastic limit tests are conducted as
explained in section 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. Table 4.3 presents the plasticity characteristics of subgrade soils.
Soil Sample C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C19 C20
Liquid Limit 34.30 33.10 36.00 33.10 34.50 35.20 36.00 32.10 31.50 34.10 33.90 34.60 31.40 30.40 30.90 33.90 34.80 29.25 32.00
Plastic Limit 21.30 20.60 24.00 20.80 21.00 22.10 24.00 19.50 18.00 21.50 20.10 20.20 16.00 17.20 17.10 21.40 20.10 17.00 19.00
Plasticity Index 13.00 12.50 12.00 12.30 13.50 13.10 12.00 12.60 13.50 12.60 13.80 14.40 15.40 13.20 13.80 12.50 14.70 12.25 13.00
Sample C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C19 C20
% Sand
% Gravel
59.80 56.44 65.20 55.24 59.24 60.26 65.18 55.58 52.52 58.06 56.30 57.84 45.18 51.04 50.52 57.62 61.00 44.24 52.16
37.16 40.48 29.68 40.28 36.74 36.96 31.78 37.38 40.76 37.58 38.38 39.10 48.94 39.02 45.52 33.80 38.56 41.06 32.02
3.04 3.08 5.18 4.48 4.02 2.78 3.04 7.04 6.72 4.36 5.32 3.06 5.88 9.94 6.96 8.58 0.40 14.70 15.82
Sample no C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C19 C20
Bulk density Moisture Dry density bulk(g/cc) content (%) dry (g/cc) 1.99 2.00 1.97 2.08 2.07 2.15 2.12 1.97 1.98 1.79 2.01 2.27 2.00 2.11 2.10 2.01 1.92 2.32 1.87 9.09 5.73 8.37 16.36 11.11 9.09 9.45 20.88 11.11 8.30 14.29 25.71 7.05 8.82 14.29 13.60 6.92 19.15 10.70 1.83 1.89 1.82 1.79 1.86 1.97 1.93 1.63 1.79 1.65 1.76 1.81 1.87 1.94 1.84 1.77 1.79 1.95 1.69
Test Results
As per experimental programme compaction test is conducted as explained in section 3.4.4. Table 4.4 presents the compaction characteristics of subgrade soil.
Theoritical Compaction Sample C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C19 C20 OMC ()% 7.70 7.80 10.80 11.00 7.70 10.90 7.60 11.00 8.30 9.30 7.90 8.00 7.45 7.60 7.90 7.40 8.00 7.90 7.90 Maximum Dry Density(dry) 2.01 2.03 2.21 1.88 1.99 2.21 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.23 1.91 2.01 1.99 2.05 1.92 2.02 2.02 1.98 1.91 Degree Of Compaction(%) 90.90 93.03 82.40 95.14 93.62 89.02 99.71 83.01 90.20 74.10 91.98 89.85 93.74 94.68 95.84 87.68 88.78 98.24 88.29
Test Results
As per experimental programme CBR test is conducted as explained in section 3.4.5. Table 4.5
presents the CBR values of subgrade soil after soaking for 4 days.
SAMPLE CBR RESULTS FOR SAMPLES NO. CBR @2.5 mm CBR @5.0 mm C1 3.21 3.11 C2 4.20 3.50 C3 2.85 2.53 C4 4.23 3.99 C5 3.28 3.11 C6 3.18 3.16 C7 2.12 2.04 C8 4.53 3.50 C9 4.67 4.04 C10 3.25 2.91 C11 4.38 4.11 C12 3.87 3.45 C13 8.91 6.81 C14 5.26 4.48 C15 5.77 4.72 C16 4.42 4.86 C17 2.12 5.01 C19 10.73 8.90 C20 5.62 5.30
Pavement Design
The structural design of airport pavements consists of determining both the overall pavement thickness and the thickness of the component parts of the pavement. The factors which influence the pavement design include the strength of foundation or sub-grade soil, quality of materials that form the pavement structure and type, mix and volume of air craft it has to serve. The parameters considered for design are presented as below 1. Design life has been considered as 30 years. 2. Sub-grade should posses a CBR of 6% which [
1500 26
3. Granular Sub-base layer is a crushed stone material with CBR of 20%. 4. Dry lean concrete will be used as base course. The E modulus assumed for this layer is 3447 MPa. 5. Pavement quality concrete is assumed to have the flexural strength of 4.5 MPa which corresponds to M40 grade concrete. 6. Poissons ratio = 0.15 7. Traffic and fleet mix has been provided by ROMAN TARMAT
Aircraft Airbus A320-200 Boeing 737-100 Boeing 737-200 Airbus A320-200 Airbus A300-600 Airbus A310-300 Boeing 757-200 Airbus A330-200 Boeing 747-400 MD11 ER Boeing 747-800 Airbus A380-800 Annual Departure 568 406 408 14 521 104 1562 346 183 212 34 34 Gross Weight (T) 73.900 50.349 58.332 44.400 172.600 142.900 116.900 230.900 414.130 287.124 443.613 591.995
The thickness of the runway is designed using FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) method.
4. Compute Equivalent design departure Equivalent Design departure => log(R1)= log (R2)x
1 2
Where R1= equivalent annual departures by the design aircraft R2= annual departures expressed in design aircraft landing gear W1= wheel load of the design aircraft W2= wheel load of the aircraft in question 5. Sum the total Number of departures, this will be the design departure and the design load will be that of the design air craft 6. Using FAA charts find the thickness corresponding to 6978 departures of 172.60 T We get for k= 95 pci. Flexural strength of concrete = 653 psi Thickness of runway t= 13.5 in = 34.29 cm Provide 40 cm thick pavement. 7. Calculate the temperature stresses and the edge load stresses. 8. Design the dowel bars. Also as per requirement provide Dry lean concrete of thickness 10 cm
Table 4.6: COMPUTATION AND CONVERSION OF GEAR, WHEEL LOADS AND EQUIVALENT DESIGN DEPARTURES FOR DUAL GEAR Annual Departure 568 406 408 14 521 104 1562 346 183 212 34 34 Gross Weight (T) 73.900 50.349 58.332 44.400 172.600 142.900 116.900 230.900 414.130 287.124 443.613 591.995 Gear type DT D D D DT D DT DDT DT DT DDT DDT Equivalent dual gear departure 966 406 408 14 521 104 2656 589 311 360 58 58 Aircraft wheel loads (T) 17.550 11.957 13.850 10.545 40.990 33.938 27.570 54.830 98.355 68.192 105.358 140.589 Equivalent design departures 26 10 11 4 74 104 94 122 303 159 58 41 1006
Aircraft Airbus A320-200 Boeing 737-100 Boeing 737-200 Airbus A320-200 Airbus A300-600 Airbus A310-300 Boeing 757-200 Airbus A330-200 Boeing 747-400 MD11 ER Boeing 747-800 Airbus A380-800
Annual Departure Airbus A320-200 568 Boeing 737-100 406 Boeing 737-200 408 Airbus A320-200 14 Airbus A300-600 521 Airbus A310-300 104 Boeing 757-200 1562 Airbus A330-200 346 Boeing 747-400 183 MD11 ER 212 Boeing 747-800 34 Airbus A380-800 34 Aircraft
Gross Weight 73.900 50.349 58.332 44.400 172.600 142.900 116.900 230.900 414.130 287.124 443.613 591.995
Equivalent dual tandem gear 568 244 245 14 313 63 1562 346 183 212 34 34
Aircraft Equivalent design wheel loads departures 17.550 64 11.957 20 13.850 24 10.545 4 40.990 313 33.938 104 27.570 416 54.830 865 98.355 3196 68.192 1002 105.358 285 140.589 685 6978
4.3.3 DESIGN ASPECTS FOR CC PAVEMENT (M40) SLAB (As per IRC 58 1988) Flexural strength of cement concrete Elastic modulus of concrete (E) Poisson ratio () Coefficient of thermal coefficient of concrete () Length of the Pavement Slab, L Width of the Pavement Slab, B Maximum temperature differential during day between top and Bottom of the slab for the Banglore Region Design Load on the dual wheel assembly Tyre Pressure Design life Thickness of slab = 26 C = 172600 kg = 14.15 kg/cm2 = 30 years = 40 cm = 45 kg/cm = 3 x 105 kg/cm2 = 0.15 = 10x 10-6 /C = 500 cm = 500 cm
Temperature Stresses The temperature stress at the critical edge region is obtained as per Westergaard analysis using Bradburys coefficient as follows: Edge warping stress, Ste = CEt 2 Radius of relative stiffness (l), l =
3 12 (1 2 )
= 133.15 cm
Bradburys Coefficient, C = 0.37375 (As per IRC 58- 1988 for L/l =3.755) Edge warping stress, Ste = 14.576 kg/cm Residual available strength of concrete for supporting traffic loads
= Flexural Strength of cement concrete Edge Warping Stress = 45.00 kg/cm - 14.576 kg/cm Edge Load Stress, Se: Using Westergaard Equation as under: Se =
0.572 2
= 33.133 kg/cm
0.359 + 4 log10
b = radius of equivalent distribution of pressure = a (Radius of load contact) for a/h > 1.724 = ((1.6 a2 + h2)0.5) - 0.675h for a/h < 1.724 Radius of load contact, cm, (assumed circular), a = 115.81 cm b = 115.81 cm Edge Load Stress, Se = 30.424 kg/cm < 45 kg/cm (Flexural Strength of cement concrete) Corner Load Stress, Sc: Corner load stress, Sc = 2 1
3 2 0.6
Sc = 38.43 kg/cm < 45 kg/cm (Flexural Strength of cement concrete) Factor of Safety (FOS) = Residual Strength of concrete Edge Load Stress FOS =
33.133 30.424
= 1.089 > 1
4.3.4 DESIGN OF DOWEL BARS (AS PER IRC 58 2002) Design Wheel Load = 140.589 T(Dual Wheel Load) Percentage of Load Transfer =95% Slab Thickness, h = 40 cm Joint width, z = 3.0 cm Radius of Relative Stiffness, l = 133.15 cm Permissible bearing stress in concrete is calculated as under: Fb = (10.16 b) fck/9.525 fck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete cube (15 cm) after 28 days of curing concrete = 400 kg/cm2 for M 40 Grade. b= diameter of the dowel bar = 3.0 cm (FAA specification) Fb = (10.16 3.0)x400/9.525 = 272.79 kg/ cm2 Spacing between the dowel bars = 38 cm (FAA specified) First dowel bar is placed at a distance = 15 cm from the Pavement Edge Length of the dowel bar = 51 cm (FAA Specified) No. of Dowel bars participating in Load transfer = 1 + l /Spacing = 1+133.15/38 = 4 dowels Assuming that the load transferred by the first dowel is Pt and assuming that the load on dowel bar at a distance of l from the first dowel to be zero, the total load transferred by the dowel bar system = 1+
133.1538 133.15
133.1576 133.15
133.15114 133.15
= 2.287
Load carried by the outer dowel bar, Pt = (140.589 x 1000 x 0.95 /2.287) = 58267 kg.
Variations in temperature and moisture content can cause volume change and slab warping resulting in significant stresses. In order to reduce the detrimental effects of these stresses and to minimize random cracking, it is necessary to divide the pavement into a series of slabs of predetermined dimension by means of joints. Pavement joints are categorized according to the function that the joint is intended to perform. The following joints are envisaged in this project. 4.4.1 Thickened Edge Isolation Joint The function of the isolation joints is to isolate intersecting pavements and to isolate the structures from the pavement this is used when conditions preclude the use of load transfer devices that span across the joint, such as where the pavement abuts the structure or where horizontal differences in movement of the pavement occur(e.g. at catch pits, longitudinal drain, fuel hydrant pits etc) these joints are formed by increasing the thickness of the pavement along the edge slab. No dowel bars are provided. 4.4.2 Sawn Contraction Joint The function of contraction joint is to provide controlled cracking of the pavement when the pavement contracts due to decrease in in moisture content or a temperature drop. Contraction joint also decrease stresses caused by slab warping. 4.4.3 Doweled Construction Joints Construction joints are required when two abutting slabs are placed at different times, such as at the end of a days placement or between paving lanes. Dimensions And Spacing Of Dowels
Dowels are used at joints to provide for transfer of load across the joint and to prevent relative vertical displacement of adjacent slab ends. For the slab thickness of 400 mm, the FAA recommends the following dowel dimension and spacing. Diameter = 30 mm Length= 510 mm Spacing= 380 mm The same are adopted in the present project.
4.4.4 Joint Spacing According to FAA, the maximum spacing of 6.1m is recommended for is recommended for slabs equal to or thicker than 400 mm since the slab thickness for the present project is 400mm, a maximum joint spacing of 6.1m will be adopted. The ratio of the longest side of a slb to the shortest side of a slab at two intersecting sides shall not exceed 1.25. 4.4.5 Runway Length
Design Condition Data Airplane 747-400 (PW4056) Mean daily maximum temperature of hottest month at airport1 80.6 Fahrenheit (27 C) Airport Elevation 2935 feet above MSL Maximum design landing weight 574,000 pounds Maximum design takeoff weight 875,000 pounds 95% design takeoff weight 831,250 pounds Takeoff Length Requirements 95% Useful Load Takeoff Length with 20 degree flap setting @ 92F3 10,171 feet Adjusted Takeoff Length for Elevation (dry pavement)4 10,234 feet Existing main runway length = 10,400 feet Hence provide runway length of 10,400 feet
Sl no 1
Description Dressing of earth work including cutting and filling up to 15 cm thick or depth. Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse graded material spreading in uniform layer, mixing at mix plant at OMC and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve desired density. Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular sub base of low porosity such as WBM and WMM including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.75 kg/sqm using mechanical means. Providing and laying bituminous macadam 50 mm thick as per MORTH specification clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achive the desired compaction with 80/100 grade bitumen. Providing and laying semi dense bituminous concrete 25 mm thick as per MoRTH specification clause No. 508 in all respect over B.T.surface using 80/100 grade bitumen
Unit cum
Quantity 35662.50
Rate 19.20
Amount 684720.00
14265000.00 cum
7132.50 cum
3566.25 cum
Sl no 1
Description Dressing of earth work including cutting and filling up to 15 cm thick or depth. Construction of granular sub base by providing coarse graded material spreading in uniform layer, mixing at mix plant at omc and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve desired density. Construction of base courseby providing Dry lean concrete spreading in uniform layer, mixing at mix plant and compacting with vibratory compactor. Construction of surface course by providing Pavement quality concrete spreading in uniform layer, mixing at mix plant and compacting with vibratory compactor.
Quantity 35662.50
Rate 19.20
Amount 684720.00
57060.00 cum
3450.00 196857000.00
5.2. Conclusions
1. The runway length to be provided is 10,400 feet (3170 m). 2. Thickness for the flexible pavement shall be 110 cm above the prepared subgrade. The components are Provide 2.5 cm thick SDBC (Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete) as the wearing course Provide graded bituminous macadam Base Course, the thickness is 7.5 cm. Provide granular subbase course of thickness is 100 cms. 3. The thickness of the rigid pavement to be provided is 40 cm. 4. Number of dowel bars shall be 4. 5. The pavement composition and layer thickness are as follows Pavement quality concrete (PQC) Dry lean concrete (DLC) Granular sub-base (GSB) = 400 mm = 100 mm = 150 mm
6. Observing the cost abstract it is feasible to provide the Rigid pavement for the present project.