Daily Guardian PDF-july-05-2023

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2 Wednesday, July 5, 2023
falls in
gun raid
335 PRO-6 headquarters-based
By Jennifer P. Rendon
cops undergo surprise drug test
A village official was arrest- By Jennifer P. Rendon
ed after a firearm raid on his
house in Sapian, Capiz morn- Hundreds of personnel as-
ing of July 4. signed to the Police Regional
Barangay Kagawad Verge- Office (PRO)-6 headquarters
lio Peralta of Dapdapan village in Camp Delgado, Iloilo under-
was collared in a search and went a surprise drug test on
seizure operation around 7:46 Tuesday, July 4.
a.m. on Tuesday. Records from the Regional
Members of Sapian Munic- Forensic Unit (RFU) 6 indicated
ipal Police Station and Crim- that 335 cops were tested.
inal Investigation and Detec- Majority are police
tion Group (CIDG)-Capiz Field non-commissioned officers
Unit led the operation on the (PNCOs) with 255 while there
strength of Search Warrant are 50 non-uniformed person-
No. 24-07-2023 for violation of nel (NUP) and 30 police com-
Republic Act 10591 (Compre- missioned officers (PCOs).
hensive Firearms and Ammu- Brigadier General Archival
nition Regulation Act). Macala, PRO-6 deputy region-
Judge Judith D. Oren- al director for administration,
dain-Tonogbanua of the 6th said the series of drug tests all
Regional Trial Court Branch 20 over the region is relative to the
in Mambusao, Capiz issued the PNP’s thrust to ensure that its
search warrant on July 3, 2023. personnel are free from illegal
Police recovered a caliber drug use.
.45 pistol (serial no. 579112) “We must lead by example.
with a magazine loaded with Ang hirap magpatupad ng ba-
five ammunition, an ampere tas if hindi namin ‘yun maga-
shell, and a black holster. wa within our ranks. That’s
Staff Sergeant Louie Banate, why, we should always start
Sapian police investigator, from within,” Macala said.
said there were no complaints When Brigadier General
against Peralta for brandishing a Sidney Villaflor assumed post
firearm or indiscriminate firing. as Western Visayas police
But CIDG operatives re- chief, it has been his desire to
ceived reports that he was al- rid PRO-6 of undesirable mem-
legedly keeping an unlicensed bers, especially those who are
firearm. into illegal drugs, Macala said.
Banate said that Peralta had Last month, PRO-6 pro-
no previous criminal arrest. cured 5,000 drug testing kits
He was also not on the police for the exclusive use of organic
watchlist for illegal drug trade. personnel.
Peralta is now detained and Villaflor said the move is part
will be charged for violation of of the command initiative rela-
Republic Act 10591 (Compre- tive to PNP chief General Benja-
hensive Firearms and Ammu- min Acorda’s 5-focused agenda.
nition Regulation Act 2013). MORE THAN 300 cops based in Camp Delgado, Iloilo City undergo a surprise drug test on Tuesday. (Jennifer P. Rendon photo) 335/p11
335 /p11

Antique capital prohibits Cops identify lifeless

man in Manapla
backyard slaughter of hogs By Glazyl Y. Masculino

BACOLOD City – Police have no lead yet on the motive and the
Backyard slaughter of hogs in San Jose de and need a health certificate from the ba- and the circulation of boars for insemina- identity of the perpetrators in the killing of a man in Barangay
Buenavista, Antique is now prohibited to rangay where they came from. tion are being considered “super spread- Tortosa, Manapla, Negros Occidental last Saturday.
prevent the spread of the African swine The first confirmed cases of ASF in this ers” of ASF. Police Major Jaynick Bermudez, town police chief, said the vic-
fever (ASF). provincial capital were from a hog farm in Ardamil added that based on the ex- tim was identified by his live-in partner as Reynald Quiatchon, 30,
Executive Order number 42 issued by Barangay Bugarot on June 23. perience of Hamtic, where index cases of Barangay Taculing here.
Mayor Elmer Untaran on June 27, 2023, Antique Provincial Veterinary Office were recorded, hogs were slaughtered in Despite the victim’s identification, authorities find it difficult to
said hogs would only be slaughtered at the Public Health Division chief Dr. Marco Ra- backyards and sold to ambulant vendors establish a lead on the case as they have yet to talk to the victim’s
municipal abattoir in Barangay San Pedro fael Ardamil said the slaughter of swine Antique/p11 family.
Bermudez said the victim’s family has yet to return to the po-
lice station, thus they could not get more information to help their

156 rebels ‘neutralized’, 223 firearms investigation.

Quiatchon’s hands were tied and his mouth was sealed with

seized in Visayas in Jan-June 2023 – Army

packaging tape when a passerby found him near a sugarcane field.
Police recovered from the scene two fired .45-caliber bullets
and a placard with the words “Wag Tularan, Kawatan Ako (Don’t
follow, I am a thief).”
By Glazyl Y. Masculino neutralized 156 NPA rebels the Visayas. Among the neutralized Bermudez said they received information that Quiatchon was
from January to June this The Army claimed that 103 rebels were 12 high-value in- allegedly involved in a theft case here.
BACOLOD City - The New year. rebels surrendered, 42 died dividuals, including Rogelio But they will conduct their own investigation to determine the
People’s Army (NPA) suffered This was disclosed by the during encounters with the Posadas, the alleged notorious motive for his death.
more losses as the Armed VisCom in a recent command government troopers, and 11 secretary of Komiteng Rehiyon He said Quiatchon’s remains were subjected to a postmortem
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) conference attended by all were apprehended in joint law Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor examination after they failed to get consent from the family for
Visayas Command (VisCom) commanders of AFP units in enforcement operations. 156/p11
156/p11 Cops/p11

Teen killed by stray bullet in barangay fiesta

By Glazyl Y. Masculino lice chief, said they were informed by following a misunderstanding with a was his paramour or girlfriend. time, Ganzon said.
the family of Jeban Sayon of the said local court sheriff. “Tuman gid siguro nga pagpangi- Aburido suffered a lone gunshot
BACOLOD City – An 18-year-old boy village that he succumbed to compli- Abarido, who is a member of the mon, amo to natiruhan niya ang pulis wound in the chest with an exit
passed away in a private hospital cations from a gunshot wound in his Civilian Armed Forces Geographical na nag responde,” Ganzon said. wound on his lower back and is still
here last Monday two days after he abdomen. Unit (Cafgu), figured in a commotion Police Master Sergeant Teofesto confined in a private hospital here. He
figured in a fiesta shooting in Baran- Sayon was attending a barangay with the sheriff twice due to jealousy Aburido, who was detailed to secure is stable, according to the police chief.
gay Alimango, Escalante City, Negros fiesta when 40-year-old Romualdo over a girl that the latter met in the fi- the fiesta, responded to the commo- Jay-r Garganera, 34, of Toboso
Occidental on July 1. Abarido of Barangay Washington esta, Ganzon said. tion. But, he was shot by Abarido, town, was also hit by a stray bullet in
Police Major John Ganzon, city po- shot a policeman and another civilian The suspect alleged that the girl who was reportedly drunk at that Teen/p11
NEGROS Wednesday, July 5, 2023 3
mayor seeks
lifting of

Guv asks 2 OPA staff to name ‘persona

non grata’
vs. vice mayor
person behind missing fertilizer BACOLOD City – Mayor Al-
fredo Abelardo Benitez on
Monday said he is asking Il-
By Dolly Yasa their superiors. I wanted that the personalities involved when he found out there were missing
The governor said “they have to say should also be investigated.” fertilizers,” the governor said. oilo City Mayor Jerry Treñas
BACOLOD City – Negros Occidental it… they have to admit that somebody Lacson admitted that there is no re- Causing will resign his post effective to withdraw the declaration
governor Eugenio Jose Lacson said the told them to do it.” cord on who ordered the release of the August 1, 2023 citing health reasons. of persona non grata against
two personnel of the Office of the Pro- He pointed out that “in the absence fertilizers, although their entry to the Dina Gensola has been designated as Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran
vincial Agriculturist (OPA) who were of that, based on hard evidence, it’s real- warehouse was recorded in the log- OPA officer-in-charge.
over the issue involving the
linked to the missing fertilizer should ly their signatures that appeared in the book. Lacson admitted that Causing has a
name who ordered the release of the receiving form.” He also raised the possibility that the heart ailment. presence of Badjaos.
stocks. “They are given all the opportunity resignation of Provincial Agricultur- He said he was warned about the Treñas made the move on
Lacson issued the statement when to defend themselves. But as of now, ist Edmundo Causing may have been performance of OPA, but Causing want- June 22 after criticizing the
asked for his reaction to claims that they are just admitting that they indeed caused by the missing 789 bags of fertil- ed to give it a try and help the provincial then-acting mayor for suppos-
the two OPA workers are just ordinary signed it,” he added. izer intended for distribution to farmers government. edly sending a group of Badjaos
employees, and the release of fertilizers The governor further said that if affected by Typhoon Odette. Causing, however, admitted later
is not possible without orders from somebody ordered the release, “in fact, “The case has really affected him also Guv/p8 Bacolod/p8

Senate hearing on Negros Island Region bill to resume after SONA

BACOLOD City – The Senate hear- by Sen. Joseph Victor Ejercito has al- it. The filing (of the bill) in the Senate is ministration’s goal of rightsizing. It was introduced by all the leg-
ing on the proposed creation of the ready held two hearings. simpler that filing in the lower House. House Bill 7355, creating the NIR, islators from Negros Occidental, in-
Negros Island Region (NIR) is expect- “We are just waiting for the Senate They will decide which version and was passed on the third and final cluding Rep. Benitez, Rep. Juliet Marie
ed to continue when the session re- hearing. I have talked to Senator Ejercito how to push it forward,” he added. reading in the House of Representa- Ferrer (4th District), Greg Gasataya of
sumes after the State of the Nation and he said once the Senate opens after In the Senate, the committee on lo- tives in March this year. the Lone District of Bacolod, Gerar-
Address (SONA) of President Ferdi- the SONA, it’s already in the agenda. cal government approved Senate Bill Titled “An Act Establishing the NIR, do Valmayor Jr. (1st District), Alfredo
nand R. Marcos Jr. on July 24. He just did not say when,” Benitez told 1236, authored by Ejercito, seeking to and Appropriating Funds Therefor,” HB Marañon III (2nd District), Emilio Ber-
Negros Occidental (3rd District) reporters during an interview in Victo- create the NIR to boost the efficiency 7355 provides that the NIR shall be com- nardino Yulo (5th District), Mercedes
Rep. Jose Francisco Benitez, one of rias City Monday afternoon. of the delivery of government ser- posed of the cities, municipalities and ba- Alvarez (6th District) and Joseph Ste-
the authors of the House bill, said the “Since they have conducted two vices and provide convenience for the rangays in Negros Oriental, Negros Occi- phen Paduano of the Abang Lingkod
committee on local government led hearings, probably they want to finish region’s residents in line with the ad- dental and the island province of Siquijor. party-list. (PNA)
4 Wednesday, July 5, 2023
‘Laugh (at) the
“We strongly believe that the Philippines has huge potential in
the tourism industry, given our beautiful islands, moderate weather
conditions, good cuisine, and the flair of Filipinos for hospitality and
entertainment.”—Henry Sy

IDEMUS ne clamare or we laugh in order not cry.
We must laugh, err love the Philippines even if, for a
while, we became the laughing stock of tourism indus-
try in the world with the stupefying rev-
elation that a stock video was deliberately
used to promote “Love the Philippines,” the
new Department of Tourism (DoT) slogan
coined under the Marcos Jr. administra-
Of all the scandals that rocked the DoT
in the past, this is the most unique: two
birds in one stone.
First, the use of fake or plagiarized foot-
Alex Vidal ages and second, the copying of the slo-
ABOVE gan itself from the original “Love Cyprus”
lunched by the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of
THE BELT Tourism in 2021.
Two major crimes in one fell swoop.
How could lightning strike twice in such horrific proportion
for an agency considered as the show window of the Philippines?
We just hope they were telling the truth that the hilarious vid-
eo wasn’t yet paid with the taxpayers money; we’re sure millions

of pesos have been set aside for this DoT project handled by ad-
vertising agency DDB Philippines, which had already apologized
for the fiasco.

Even if they claimed that no public funds have changed hands
gayong lagda na lamang ni Pan- pala itong napaka-komplikadong disiplina. ito: “Invest only what you can afford to
for the conceptualization and release of the controversial video,
gulong Bongbong Marcos ang Kung mag-iinvest pala tayo nang walang lose.”
the people are skeptical.
hinihintay upang opisyal nang sapat na kaalaman at hustong kasanayan Mula nang magsimula akong mag-in-
When you deal with government nothing is free!
maipatupad ang kontrobersyal na Ma- sa framework at konsepto vest sa mutual funds noong
harlika Investment Fund (MIF), sa tingin ng mga investment securi- 2019, itinuturing ko na ang
-o0o- ko ay napapanahon na gawing paksa ng ties gaya ng stocks, mutual aking sarili na isang con-
Heads must roll? Must the DoT bigwigs be held accountable for
ating talakayan ang pag-iinvest. Hayaan funds, bonds, at cryptocur- servative investor sapag-
the shame that has caused the Philippines?
ninyo na sa pagkakataong ito ay ibahagi ko rency ay may posibilidad kat sa kasalukuyan ay mas
We haven’t heard Malacanang tell DoT Secretary
sa inyo ang ilan sa aking mga nalalaman na malugi tayo at mawala sa prayoridad ko na tustusan
Maria Esperanza Christina Frasco (what are you waiting for
patungkol dito. Paalala lamang na hindi isang iglap ang inilagak nat- ang aking mga pangangail-
Secretary Frasco?) to initiate a housecleaning, or for the embat-
ako eksperto at wala akong propesyunal ing pera. angan. Hindi ako naglalaan
tled lady secretary herself to voluntarily resign for delicadeza as a
na background sa larangang ito. Ang aking Marami tayong dapat ng malaking halaga para sa
command responsibility.
mga tatalakayin ay base lamang sa aking malaman at isaalang-alang investment. Tanging ’yung
This type of scandal has stirred the hornet’s nest beyond the
periphery of the entire archipelago and could not be kept under
limitadong kaalaman at karanasan bilang sapagkat ang high-returns Jaime Babiera sobrang pera lamang mula
isang ordinaryong mamamayan.
Namulat ako sa ideya na para yu-
na malimit iniuugnay sa
investment ay may mga
BALINTATAW sa aking sahod ang itinatabi
ko at inihuhulog dito. Kaya
You see it was not an ordinary scandal. Major media networks
maman tayo, kailangan nating mag-invest risks na kaakibat. Tama ang kagaya ng karamihan ay
in Europe, Asia, and the United States tackled the embarrassing
ng salapi. Ika nga ng karamihan ay dapat inyong nabasa. Palaging may risks na na- hindi ako sumasang-ayon sa approval ng
advertising snafu in prime time news.
habang bata pa ay nagsisimula na tayong kabuntot sa lahat ng uri ng investments. Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF). Naba-
The humiliation was sweeping as it involved a major state
mag-invest para sa ating ating pagtanda Bagama’t totoong kumikita ang iniwan bahala ako na ang bilyon-bilyong pondo
agency tasked to promote what is best and good in the Philippines,
ay malaki na ang halaga ng ipinuhunan nating pera sa investment, may mga pag- nito ay hindi magmumula sa surplus o so-
the heart and soul of the country.
nating pera. Naniniwala naman ako rito. kakataon rin na maaaring bumaba ang brang kita ng ating bansa kundi sa budget
We don’t want people around the world to think that we are a
Batid ko na ang salapi sa mga investments value nito. Nakadepende ang performance mismo ng gobyerno at mga kontribusyon
nation of copycats and counterfeits.
ay tumutubo sa paglipas ng panahon. ng ating ipinuhunang salapi sa maraming mula sa state-owned banks gaya ng Land
We have been listed in the Book of Records as having a former
Ngunit kalaunan nang magsimula akong factors gaya ng ekonomiya, inflation, mga Bank of the Philippines at Development
president with the most number of accumulated unexplained
magbasa ng ilang articles at manood ng polisiyang ipinatutupad ng gobyerno, mga Bank of the Philippines.
wealth, and our politicians are among the most loathed in Asia.
samot-saring YouTube videos tungkol dito politikal na kaganapan sa ating bansa o sa Wala akong ekonomikong argumento
The list mustn’t grow.
ay napagtanto ko na hindi pala basta-bas- buong mundo, at marami pang iba. Kaya upang detalyadong ipahayag ang aking
Above the belt/p5 ta ang kumita ng pera sa pag-iinvest. Isa madalas ay naririnig natin ang advice na Balintataw/p5


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OPINION Wednesday, July 5, 2023 5

BBM, rated ‘incomplete’ Beware of

HILE it may be true that Pres- Fast-forward to the end of BBM’s first
ident Ferdinand “Bongbong” year in office, it’s here where two contro-
Marcos has often lied, he re- versial events stick out like a sore thumb.
cy DDB Philippines.
Methinks such an action would not
speak better than words. Why not sim-
the devil
ply prove to tourists that the Philippines HERE is a part in the gospel that talks about two
plied “incomplete” when asked how he rat- First, there’s the appointment of disbarred
lawyer Larry Gadon to the Cabinet as Pres- is worth coming to? Why not follow the demoniacs whom Christ met as he was going to a
ed himself in his first year in office.
example of other Asian countries which certain place. (cfr. Mt 8,28-34) They were known to
How can we disagree? Until now, he idential Adviser for Poverty Alleviation.
no longer enforce Covid-19 vaccination re- be so savage that no one could pass by the place where
has not appointed a sensible Secretary of The man had never worked for any pro-
strictions? Singapore’s Changi Airport, for they were.
Agriculture, having concurrently assigned poor organization, whether public or pri-
instance, no longer imposes vaccination The demons behind these possessed men readily recog-
himself to that position. His move raised vate, but has “distinguished” himself only
and antigen tests for both natives and for- nized Christ for who he really was and asked what he would
eyebrows, since he had had no track re- for uttering one-word mockeries against
whomever he perceives to eigners. I should know; I recently returned do with them. And since Christ would definitely free the pos-
cord in farming whatsoever.
be “enemies” of Marcos and from a four day visit to Singapore. sessed man of them, they begged that they be driven to a herd
It was a kick-off to a bad
former President Rodrigo Today, while Filipinos on domestic of swine nearby.
start, with massive smug-
Duterte. flights are no longer required to present That was when the demons entered the swine, and the
gling of rice, sugar and onion
The second event con- vaccination cards or antigen test results, swine ran off into the sea and drowned, leading the swine-
breaking out. Onion, inciden-
cerned the appearance of we – as well as foreign tourists -- are re- herd to report this disquieting event to the townspeople
tally, zoomed to an unprece-
President Marcos in the quired to do so on entering the country who, disturbed by what happened, asked Christ to leave the
dented price of ₱700 per kilo.
50th anniversary celebra- from abroad. place.
It took Sultan Kudarat 2nd
tion of the Department That was the wrong thing to do, of course. But given their state
District Representative Hora-
of mind at that moment, they failed to realize that what they actu-
cio Suansing Jr., an Ilonggo, to of Tourism, where he un- -oOo-
muster the courage to expose PEOPLE veiled the big screen show- HATS OFF TO MAYOR ALBEE ally had was a golden opportunity to be with someone who could
solve their problems.
ten individuals and to ask
Congress to invite them over
POWWOW ing its new tourism slogan,
“Love the Philippines.”
BACOLOD City Mayor Alfredo “Al-
bee” Benitez was correct in requesting for
We have to be wary of this ten-
Herbert Vego dency to run away from Christ or,
allegations that they were in- He boasted that the temporary suspension of the plebiscite
country had recorded worse, to ask him to leave when
volved in large-scale agricul- on the joint venture agreement (JVA) be-
we find ourselves in similar situ-
tural smuggling in Philippine ports. No. 1 in 2,641,993 visitors from January to June tween Central Negros Electric Cooperative
ations. We may be stunned and
Suansing’s list happened to be Michael Ma, this year and was close to breaching the (Ceneco) and Primelectric Holdings Inc. to
frightened for a while, but we
alleged to be a close friend of First Lady 2.65 million arrivals recorded in 2022. “cleanse” the voters’ list, which included
Foreign tourists must have loved so- should not forget that Christ holds
Liza Araneta Marcos. the names of dead people.
the answer to all the problems and
That Suansing knew “too much” could cialist Vietnam more, which registered 3.6 I am hopeful that the National Electri-
difficulties we may have.
not be denied because he had been Bureau million post-pandemic tourist arrivals in fication Administration will agree it is no
But we have to be more wary
of Customs deputy commissioner for en- 2022. longer accurate to assume that there really
of the very subtle tricks of the
forcement. Little did Marcos know that the “Love are 192,188 member-consumers who are Fr. Roy Cimagala devil. Being spiritual beings, they
For whatever reason, Suansing stopped the Philippines” promotion – for which
singing. Another suspected smuggler, Leah the government had made a down pay-
eligible to vote in order for the JVA to be
ratified. Some of those in the list are no lon-
REFLECTIONS are be smarter than us. We should
always be aware that they are
Cruz, showed up instead of Ma, but only to ment of ₱49 million to an ad agency -- ger alive.
around, ever eager to deceive us,
deny her involvement. The issue has since would gain brickbats in all media here On the other hand are supposedly eligi-
and abroad for showcasing still photos offering us sweet poisons of all kinds.
then been set aside. ble voters who could not find their names
That we now have many cases of people in serious predica-
Renowned political analyst Dennis and video footages of tourist destinations in the voters’ list. Disenchising them would
ments in the areas of mental health, addiction, etc., somehow
Coronacion, president of the Philippine Po- belonging to other countries, such as the be an injustice.
point to the handiwork of the devil. They know very well how
litical Science Association, described Mar- rice terraces of Bali, Indonesia; net fish- Accuracy of names and numbers are
to take advantage of our weaknesses to inflict their malice on
cos’ first year in office as “mediocre” be- ing in Thailand; a passenger plane land- essential here, since the final approval of
cause of his failure to draw a blueprint on ing in Zurich, Switzerland; and the sand the JVA will depend on the decision of the
We, therefore, should never take the devil for granted. They
how he would solve the immediate prob- dunes at Dubai. majority of 192,188 individuals in the list,
Rather than apologize for the fiasco, are always around, ever scheming and plotting against us in
lems of ordinary Filipinos such as hunger not of only those who voted. Therefore, if
many, many ways, and often in a manner that is so subtle that we
and inflation that has weakened the peso Tourism secretary Christina Frasco vowed some of them are dead, then the number
to terminate its contract with the ad agen- may not even notice him. As St. Peter would put in his first letter:
from ₱50 to ₱55 against the US dollar. ought to be reduced.
“Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seek-
ing someone to devour.” (5,8)

Free from fault or stain?

We should never consider the devil as a myth, or as some kind
of literary device only to highlight a point in the drama of our life.
He is as real as you and me. Our problem is that we think lightly or,
worse, falsely of him. And so, we become completely unprepared

t the younger age of well experience the monopo- bles with fairness. The labor- will receive a certain reward -
to deal with his antics.
one of my nieces here lies of electricity or telecom- ers in the vineyard certainly regardless of any differences in
But in spite of that unfortunate fact of life, we should remem-
in the Philippines, munication ser- did. They re- the situation. God knows that
ber that the devil cannot do anything against us unless allowed
whenever she felt she was vices! ceived exact- categories only outline the sort
by God. And if allowed, it is because God in his mysterious provi-
wronged, she cried out, “It isn’t How about ly what they of people we are. He knows that
dence can always draw a greater good from any evil the devil may
fair!” Fair has many mean- our workplace had bargained each of us is unique. He gives
cause in us.
ings, such as light-colored, not surroundings? for, yet they each of us according to our indi-
We should have a strong and intimate relation with God in
cloudy, hopeful, plausible, mid- How do we deal complained vidual needs.
order to deal with the devil properly. Our spiritual life, our piety
dling. How about “fairly”? Just- with our busi- when others In our everyday life, do we
should be continually nourished through prayer, sacrifices, re-
ly, tolerably, wholly. ness partners? got the same practice the idea of fairness in
source to the sacraments and to some program of ongoing forma-
My niece’s father, whose pa- Fairness in pay for less our work or in our dealings
tience was always exhausted, the workplace work. If this with others? How? Analyze
We should never forget that only with God can we properly
responded grimly, “LIFE is NOT contributes to parable were yourself. You are the only one
deal with our own weaknesses, and the many temptations and
fair!” In my opinion, that is not employees feel- Klaus Doring a story about with our dear Lord above, who
sins around. Only with him can we manage to resist the devil
really a satisfying answer. ing safe and earned wages, knows the right answer. May
himself. Without him, we are an easy prey, a sitting duck. Our ear-
Even adults often have trou- engaged in the SO TO SAY the grumblers we learn what it means to be
nest desire should be how we can be with God always, our union
bles with the idea of fairness. work they pro- would have fair to one another.
with him as strong and vibrant as ever.
The government body tasked duce. It creates been quite
Email: roycimagala@gmail.com
to ensure fair competition, is a productive environment for right to complain. But this sto- +++
investigating power firms as
well as scrutinizing telecom-
employees in which the com-
pany compensates them fairly
ry is about the way God deals
with us, and how can we say
Email: doringklaus@gmail.
com or follow me on Facebook,
Above the belt... from p.4
munication services in a bid and management professionals that God is not fair? LinkedIn or Twitter or visit www.
Happy 4th of July, America! For embracing me, I will never get
to protect consumers against equally appreciate each em- Fairness requires people to be germanexpatinthephilippines.
tired of saying “Thank you, United States of America” as long as I
monopolies, cartels and unfair ployee’s hard work. put into categories. Anyone who blogspot.com or www.klausdor-
live. Together, Let’s Make A Memory!
trade practices. We all can very Yes, even adults have trou- fulfills certain requirements ingsclassicalmusic.blogspot.com.
May peace and blessings be with us on this occasion. May
we feel joyous as we commemorate the national heroes as
Balintataw... from p.4 we celebrate with our family. Happy Independence Day!
mariing pagtutol sa naturang panukala lahat o ’di kaya ay ang malaking porsi- sa pagtatatag ng Maharlika Investment May America continue to be grateful for the freedom well
dahil hindi ako eksperto pagdating dito. yento ng ipinuhunan nating pera? Pan- Fund ay makarating sa kinauukulan at fought for.
Gayunpaman, nais ko mag-iwan ng ilang galawa, kung sakaling malugi ang MIF mabigyan tayo ng konkretong kasagutan Let’s shout out the victories we have achieved in life!
mga katanungan sa mga mambabatas na ay gaano kahanda ang ating gobyerno bago ito tuluyang pirmahan ni Pangu- Louis D. Brandis once said, “Those who won our independence
nagsusulong nito. Una, kung sakaling sa maaaring maging epekto nito sa ating long Bongbong Marcos at opisyal na mai- believed liberty to be the secret of happiness.”
malugi ang MIF ay nakasisiguro ba tayo bansa? patupad sa ating bansa. (The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the
na afford ng ating bansa na mawala ang Nawa ang mga concerns na ito hinggil Email: jaime.babiera@yahoo.com editor of daily newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed)
welcomes 6 Wednesday, July 5, 2023
higher PH
rankings in NGCP highlights RE integration in long term
relations, plans, seeks gov’t and regulator support
debt Power transmission service provider National Grid NGCP an edge in ensuring that the Philippine grid is energy industry must also be in full force to accommo-
transparency Corporation of the Philippines NGCP said it supports ready and capable of integrating high levels of variable date this integration. Roads and ports must be ready
the energy sector’s move towards green energy or al- renewable energy. “With its access to SGCC’s technol- to accommodate the expected influx of materials that
ternative renewable sources of power. ogy, NGCP is more than capable to accommodate the will be needed to build the needed transmission facil-
Finance Secretary Benjamin NGCP’s Transmission Development Plan (TDP) al- increasing integration of renewable energy into the ities.
E. Diokno welcomed the Phil- ready considers variable renewable energy and com- grid for a more sustainable energy mix,” the company “The ERC, among all agencies, will be centrally
ippines’ standing in the 2023 mitted RE plants which will connect to the grid in the added. crucial to the success of all this. The DOE itself has
lnvestor Relations and Debt next few years. However, integrating more RE into the grid will recognized, through Undersecretaries Rowena Cris-
Transparency Report released “The annual TDP prepared by NGCP and presented require more from the energy sector including signif- tina Guevarra and Sharon Garin, that transmission
by the lnstitute of lnternation- to stakeholders in public consultations is aligned with icant transmission backbone expansion. This will also projects to support their recent off-shore wind proj-
al Finance (llF) in June 2023. the Department of Energy’s National Renewable En- require reinforcement in both policy and support in- ects have not been included in NGCP’s 5th regulatory
According to the report, the
ergy Program 2020-2040. This targets 50% integration frastructure. Capital expenditure heavy projects will period application with the ERC,” the company stated.
Philippines ranked 3rd out of
of renewables in the grid’s installed capacity by 2040”, require regulatory approval from the Energy Regu- “Access to funding was never a problem for NGCP. Ex-
41 countries in terms of inves-
tor relations (IR) practices. It said the company. latory Commission. The entry of more conventional, ternal limitations, including regulatory caps on capital
attained an IR country score of The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), NGCP’s non-variable generation and energy storage systems expenditures, protracted permitting processes by the
47.8 out of 50, which is higher technical partner, owns world-leading grid technolo- to support VRE installations must be planned simul- local government units, and difficult rights-of-way
by 6.4 index points compared gies as it runs a green and sustainable power grid. The taneously. Support policies including but not limited procurement, have proven to be the primary road-
to the previous year’s report company integrated the largest amount of renewables to the Philippine Grid Code must be revisited, and blocks to project completion,” NGCP stressed. “If the
where it stood at the 12th spot. in the world with the installed capacity of renewables prioritization of the development of Competitive Re- ERC will allow us to spend the capital expenditures
“The Department of Fi- at 540 GigaWatts (GW) and utilization rate at 97.4% in newable Energy Zones to synchronize generation needed to support this laudable push towards green
nance owes this feat to the 2021. and transmission projects must be well coordinated, energy, we are very confident that NGCP will be able
concerted investor relations This technological partnership with SGCC gives among others. Support from other sectors outside the to deliver,” the company said.
efforts of the economic team.
We have been strategic in the
conduct of bilateral meetings,
non-deal roadshows, and in-
vestor attraction engagements
such as the Philippine Econom-
ic Briefings abroad, which have
given us the platform to inspire
confidence in the Philippines’
strong economic performance
and favorable macroeconomic
fundamentals,” said Secretary
Strong IR programs sup-
port countries’ efforts to attain
stable and affordable access
to international debt markets
and are effective in mobilizing
international private capital to-
wards achieving global climate
and sustainable development
The Report highlights vari-
ous lR practices across emerg-
ing markets and developing
countries, and ranks selected
countries with respect to ad-
herence to standard lR prac-
tices and debt transparency DTI Secretary Fred Pascual leads a Roundtable Meeting (RTM) with Dutch industrialists on June 30, 2023, focusing on semiconductors, automotive, and integrated circuit (IC) design.
The assessment is based on
three (3) scores: the IR Coun- DTI targets employment opportunities for Filipino
engineers in semiconductor and high-tech industries
try Score, Debt Transparency
Score, and ESG Data and Policy
Dissemination Score.
Debt transparency, on the
other hand, is a subset of the THE NETHERLANDS—In a concerted pine government’s continuing efforts to He added, “We are moving toward smartphones, wearables, high-end net-
headline IR country score and effort to intensify initiatives to pro- attract more investments in the coun- a more interconnected and data-driv- works, and automotive among others.
assesses sovereign borrowers’ mote and expand investments in the try that will generate high-quality and en world, this is why the demand for The Dutch companies present at the
data and policy dissemination semiconductor and high-tech sectors better-paying jobs for Filipinos, facili- high-performance and energy-efficient roundtable expressed their satisfaction
practices, with a maximum within the Philippines, Trade and In- tate technological transfer, and develop semiconductors continue to rise. This, with the exciting developments unfold-
score of 13. dustry Secretary Fred Pascual led an- domestic industries. in turn, presents a huge opportunity for ing in the country. Mr. Smit of Holland
The Philippines scored 11.8, other Roundtable Meeting (RTM) on Despite recent global political and the Philippines as this sector possesses Semiconductor and Mr. Van Endhoven
earning 2nd place from its 20th
Friday, 30 June 2023, focusing on semi- economic developments, the Philip- huge long-term potential that will drive of High Tech NL, on the other hand,
spot in the previous year. The
conductors, automotive, and integrat- pines achieved a GDP growth rate of the country’s economic growth.” encouraged the sustained engagement
country ranked higher than
lndonesia (5th), Malaysia (14th), ed circuit (IC) design. 6.4 percent during the first quarter of Through the RTM, Secretary Pascual and collaboration between the semi-
Thailand (17th), China (32nd), In his message, Secretary Pascual 2023, the fastest growth among ASEAN also aims to open up employment op- conductor and high-tech sectors of the
and Vietnam (34th). highlighted that the country is on a countries. Currently, the government portunities for Filipino engineers, not- two countries. The upcoming Dutch
Meanwhile, the Environ- remarkable journey toward economic is targeting 6.0 percent to 7 percent ing, “The Philippines boasts itself in our trade mission to the Philippines in Octo-
mental, Social, and Gover- development. He said, “The Philippine growth for 2023. vast number of engineers and robust ber 2023, led by Business Connect and
nance (ESG) Data and Policy economy accelerated to a GDP growth The semiconductor and high-tech workforce, having a nearly competitive the Dutch Chamber of Commerce of the
Dissemination ranking consid- rate of 7.6 percent in 2022, from 5.7 sectors remain a top priority for the integrated circuit (IC) design engineers Philippines (DCCP) in coordination with
ers the availability of ESG data, percent in 2021. This growth surpassed Philippines. Secretary Pascual also and experience in FinFET technology.” the Philippine Trade and Investment
the provision of ESG-related major emerging economies such as stressed, “One of the critical reasons FinFET technology is a type of Center (PTIC), directly contributes to
statistics on risk assessments, Vietnam with 5.9 percent and China why semiconductor investments are field-effect transistor (FET) that has a this objective. Additionally, Filipinos in
and how investor feedback with 2.9 percent.” gaining traction is the rapid pace of in- thin vertical fin instead of being com- the Dutch semiconductor industry are
is incorporated in policy de-
According to him, such growth is a novation and the increasing complexity pletely planar. Its application include keen to support the government’s ini-
cisions regarding ESG-related
testament to the efficiency of the Philip- of semiconductor technology.” home computers, laptops, tablets, tiatives.
information sharing.

Pag-IBIG Fund earns COA’s unmodified opinion for record 11th straight year
Pag-IBIG Fund has earned the Com- developments have enabled the agen- Acuzar, who heads the Department ficer Marilene C. Acosta, meanwhile, cial needs. In the same year, we also
mission on Audit’s unmodified cy to maintain its streak of garnering of Human Settlements and Urban De- emphasized the value of the state launched service innovations such
opinion on the presentation of its fi- COA’s highest audit rating for the 11th velopment and the 11-member Pag- auditor’s findings citing that these fit- as the Virtual Pag-IBIG Mobile App
nancial statements for the 11th con- straight year. IBIG Fund Board of Trustees. tingly complete the agency’s best per- and the Lingkod Pag-IBIG On Wheels,
secutive year, top officials announced “This is truly a significant mile- COA rendered unqualified opin- forming year of 2022. which now provide our members bet-
on Monday (July 03). stone in Pag-IBIG Fund’s history. Earn- ions on Pag-IBIG Fund’s financial “The year 2022 stands out as our ter access to our services and benefits,”
State auditors, in a letter dated ing the highest opinion from COA for statements from 2012 to 2017 and un- best performing year yet, as we posted Acosta said.
June 22, informed Pag-IBIG Fund that the 11th consecutive year is yet an- modified opinions for the years 2018 our highest ever annual net income “With our 2022 performance
it has rendered an unmodified opin- other proof that Pag-IBIG Fund has to 2022. of P44.50 billion. We also posted re- capped by this unmodified opinion
ion on the fairness of the presenta- been, and continues to be, managed Auditors use both unqualified and un- cord-highs in home loan takeout worth from COA, this shows that we have
tion of its financial statements for the properly. This is a testament to how modified opinions, which are the highest P117.85 billion which benefitted 105,212 achieved our best performance ever
years 2021 and 2022. Pag-IBIG Fund upholds excellence and opinions that COA can give to a govern- members who now have new or better while maintaining the highest stan-
In the same letter, COA upgraded integrity in managing their funds, in ment agency or corporation, to mean that homes, membership savings collections dards of financial integrity. This is
its prior issued modified opinion on the fulfillment of our mandates and the financial statements of a company amounting to P79.90 billion and loan what our members and stakeholders
the agency’s books for the year 2021, in line with the directive of President or agency are presented, in all material payment collections worth P127.42 can expect from us, that we shall re-
after Pag-IBIG Fund enhanced its data Marcos of providing Filipinos with respects, in accordance with applicable billion. We also extended P53.76 billion main transparent in our operations
migration system following the state more stable and more prosperous financial reporting frameworks. in short-term loans to aid a record-high and serve them with excellence and
auditors’ recommendations. These lives,” said Secretary Jose Rizalino L. Pag-IBIG Fund Chief Executive Of- 2,612,491 members with their finan- integrity,” Acosta added.
BUSINESS Wednesday, July 5, 2023 7
NIC approves roadmap towards AI for
a smart, innovative Philippines service
The National Innovation Council (NIC), chaired by edge and ideas into high-quality and competitive chair of the NIC, added that establishing a dynamic Leading digital solutions
President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., has approved the products and services to promote economic growth, innovation ecosystem is one of the six cross-cutting platform Globe is looking for
National Innovation Agenda and Strategy Document wellbeing, social inclusion, and environmental sus- strategies in the transformation agenda identified in ways to unlock the potential
of artificial intelligence (AI) to
(NIASD) 2023-2032. This document outlines the tainability. However, the government needs to steer the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2023-2028 to
significantly improve custom-
country’s plan to improve innovation governance the process to avoid the undesirable outcomes—or the achieve a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society. er experience by automating
and establish a dynamic innovation ecosystem. “unwanted futures”—of constant distress and disasters “Chapter 8 of the PDP elaborates on this strategy routine tasks.
During the 5th NIC meeting, National Economic (Masakuna), greater inequalities (Langit-Lupa), and by situating it within the continuum of research and Globe Group President and
and Development Authority (NEDA) Undersecretary sluggish progress (Mabagal). development, innovation, technology adoption, then CEO Ernest Cu said in a recent
for Policy and Planning, Rosemarie G. Edillon present- The NIASD characterizes a dynamic innovation commercialization” stated Balisacan. interview with Bloomberg
ed the rationale and features of the NIASD. ecosystem as one that fosters a pervasive culture of The NIC is a 25-member policy advisory body that Television that the company
“The future, even the near future, is expected to innovation driven by market demands. It facilitates comprises 16 Department Secretaries and seven Exec- is looking at AI to bring down
be volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. De- collaboration through active, reliable, and useful utive Members from the private sector. costs and improve efficiency.
“Given the fact that we’re
veloping a dynamic innovation ecosystem is critical platforms, and provides innovation actors with the The Executive Members’ Oath-Taking ceremony
driving automation towards
to achieving our AmBisyon Natin 2040 of a matatag, necessary facilities and resources to transform their also took place shortly before the 5th NIC meeting.
cost and operational efficiency,
maginhawa at panatag na buhay for all Filipinos,” said ideas into innovative products and services. Further, During this ceremony, the new NIC members, Ria Liza I think this is going to be a big
Edillon. it connects the innovator-entrepreneur to potential C. Canlas, Mark Sultan D. Gersava, Monchito B. Ibra- contributor to our exercise,” he
She emphasized that a dynamic innovation ecosys- investors and funders. him, and Earl Martin S. Valencia, swore their oaths of said.
tem facilitates the creation and translation of knowl- NEDA Secretary Arsenio M. Balisacan, the vice- service. AI is the ability of a com-
puter or a computer-controlled
robot to do tasks that require

PH has widest employment gap in STEM between

human intelligence and dis-
cernment. While AI may not
be capable of executing the

men and women in the Asia Pacific region – LinkedIn broad spectrum of tasks people
can do, it can still rival human
performance in some aspects.
New data from LinkedIn – which only decreases as they STEM jobs tends to be minor. to labor market uncertain- tions can create mentoring and Given the scenario, Globe
some of which was published start climbing the leadership The average drop off in fe- ty. training programs for wom- is exploring the potential of
recently in the World Eco- ladder. In the Philippines, male representation between “While action is already en in STEM, where they can utilizing AI to enhance cus-
nomic Forum’s (WEF) Global tomer service. Currently, the
women comprised 4 out of 10 graduation and entering the being taken to close the gen- support women to stay in the
Gender Gap Report 2023 – re- company’s main focus is on op-
(41%) of STEM graduates in STEM workforce in Singa- der gap, we need to go further workforce and further their erations, where AI has shown
veals that women continue to 2017, but only slightly more pore (8%), India (4%), and It- and faster to level the playing careers, but also provide in- promising use cases. This is es-
be significantly underrepre- than 3 out of 10 (36.6%) were aly (10%) are smaller, which field. Enabling more women to valuable guidance and support pecially evident in outbound
sented in Science, Technology, in the STEM workforce a year results in negligible gender enter and advance in rapidly networks, facilitating a path to- calling, customer care, and col-
Engineering, and Mathematics later. The drop in representa- gaps in STEM jobs at 15%, 5%, growing sectors such as STEM wards leadership roles through lection.
(STEM) roles globally, making tion between graduation and and 12% respectively. Mean- will help make them more the influence of inspiring role Cu shared that one of the
up 29% of the STEM work- joining the workforce has been while, countries like the Phil- resilient to external econom- models. Inclusive hiring prac- most promising applications of
force, with 8 in 10 leadership stable at around 11% from the ippines (14%), Australia (17%), ic shocks,” Atul Harkisanka, tices, visibility of women in top AI he has observed from the
roles filled by men. 2017 graduating batch, but it and the US (20%) show higher Globe team is the successful
Head of Emerging Markets and jobs, and upskilling and career
LinkedIn data finds that completion of customer inter-
spiked to 14% in 2021. dips in female representation Country Manager for the Phil- growth opportunities for wom-
actions entirely in Tagalog. He
the widest STEM gender gap 2. Lack of female role mod- post-graduation, resulting in ippines of LinkedIn, said. en, particularly in high-growth expressed awe and admiration
in APAC is in the Philippines, els in the field contributes to wider gender gaps in STEM “Furthermore, our data and high-earning sectors like for the human-like quality of
along with the US and UK, at the drop off of women work- employment at 22%, 21%, and shows that women tend to STEM, will help correct this these conversations and his
22%. In the Philippines, women ing in the STEM industry. 22%, respectively. stay in STEM if they have role worrying trend, but we need belief in their potential effec-
comprised 58.8% of the work- LinkedIn data shows that in The Global Gender Gap models to look up to. Organiza- to act now,” he added. tiveness.
force in non-STEM fields but countries where the decline Report and LinkedIn’s data
only 36.3% in the STEM work- in female representation show that systemic change
force. Gender gaps in STEM from graduation to joining is needed to make work-
employment in the Asia Pacific the STEM workforce is less places more fair and equal
region were also seen in Aus- significant, the disparity be- to future-proof women’s ca-
tralia (21%), Singapore (15%), tween men and women in reers and be more resilient
and India, with the smallest
gap at 5%.
As STEM roles are among ERRATUM
the fastest growing and most In the publication of PETITION FOR CANCELLATION /
likely be more resilient to eco- BIRTH OF ANA KARININA PALLON BALONO WITH
nomic pressures. With the in- REGISTRY NO. 2009-1368; ANA KARININA PALLON
creasing importance of STEM BALONO-SIALSA, Petitioner; with Spl. Pro. No. 2022-10-1125
to the global economy, it is im- published in Daily Guardian on its April 27, May 4 & 11, 2023
perative to take steps toward issues, the correct entry should be AMENDED ORDER (Notice
leveling the playing field for of Hearing), and not as published.
women to ensure they will Our Apologies.
benefit from industry advance-
LinkedIn’s new data high- Notice is hereby given that the property of the late Linda L.
lights two trends: Gerardino known as parcel of land, Lot No. 462-B, with Transfer
1. Women in STEM are Certificate of Title No. CT-5738, situated in Barangay Poblacion,
graduating but not staying in Ilaya, Lambunao, Iloilo, with an area of Thirty Thousand
the field. While women grad- (30,000) square meters, more or less; is subject of DEED OF
uate globally with STEM de- ADJUDICATION WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS to her surviving
grees, fewer are entering the
heirs; Steven L. Gerardino and Linwil Warren L. Gerardino; do
STEM workforce. The sharpest
hereby waive his rights on the said parcel of land in favor of
drop in female representation
(7 percentage points) happens
Steven L. Gerardino, a resident of Ladrido St., Lambunao, Iloilo.
between graduation and en- As per Doc. No. 331; Page No. 68; Book No. IV; Series of 2023;
tering the STEM workforce, under Notary Public Atty. Igmedio S. Prado, Jr.


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8 Wednesday, July 5, 2023

G ...
uv from p.3 Bacolod... from p.3
that there is great stress as OPA head, the governor said. to Iloilo without coordination. dressed to the City of Iloilo was based on The city government here is also coordi-
Meanwhile, Lacson said the provincial government is now Benitez, who was on an official trip the actual report submitted by the city’s nating with the Department of Social Wel-
sourcing out funds for its own fertilizer program, with local Department of Social Services and Devel- fare and Development to send back 54 more
abroad at that time, had already apologized
government units that did not receive the fertilizers from the
to Treñas. opment. Badjaos to Mindanao.
Department of Agriculture, being prioritized for the distribu-
tion. “I have expressed concern that maybe Treñas had accepted the apology of Beni- Reacting to Treñas’ declaration, Famili-
This was the answer of Lacson to the request of DA West- he can recall his move to declare the vice tez, but still sent back 77 Badjaos to Bacolod aran said the mayor could have investigat-
ern Visayas for the provincial government of Negros Occiden- mayor as persona non grata. Technically, en route to their trip back to Zamboanga ed first before jumping the gun on blaming
tal to replace the 789 sacks fertilizers, valued at P2.3 million, there were lapses done that were not the City via Dumaguete City in Negros Oriental him for what happened, adding that the
which were reported missing from the Capitol warehouse in
vice mayor’s doing,” Benitez said in a press province last weekend. destination of the vessel boarded by the
Brgy, Tabunan, Bacolod City.
The missing fertilizer was part of the 4,000 bags allocated conference at the Government Center here. “I value very much the harmonious relations Badjaos was not Iloilo City, but Dumangas
by the DA for farmers affected by Typhoon Odette in Negros He added that the statement he ad- of both our cities,” the Iloilo City mayor said. Port in Iloilo province. (PNA)
Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines
Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-295 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-296 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-297
Michelle Leah Torres Renan S. Dela Cruz Irish Mae Zapanta
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 18, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 18, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 18, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 3rd day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 3rd day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 3rd day of
July 2023. July 2023. July 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-294 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-293 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-291
Vilma R. Gustilo Dona B. Celiz Alfred John T. Alingasa
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 18, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 18, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 3rd day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 3rd day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of
July 2023. July 2023. June 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-288 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-289 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-290
Kristine Cutanda Larios Jesmar T. Villavicencio Aloha J. Presquito
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of
June 2023. June 2023. June 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-287 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-286 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-285
Ma. Jenefe S. Ucag Kett Patopatin Danilo V. Paclibar Jr.
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of
June 2023. June 2023. June 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-281 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-282 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-283
Keith Justine A. Celo Jan Lemer C. Delgado Annie Rose Diche
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of
June 2023. June 2023. June 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-280 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-279 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-278
Ma. Donnabelle P. Carmona Efren Lames Laudato Hector D. Pama
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of
June 2023. June 2023. June 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer

Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines

Department of Transportation Department of Transportation Department of Transportation
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City Region VI, Jaro, Iloilo City
Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-254 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-292 Case No.: RVI-NC-TNVS-2023-06-23-277
Siegfredo L. Cachuela Michael Makalintal Figueroa Marjorie S. Gatungay
Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner Applicant/Petitioner
Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing Notice of Hearing
Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to Applicant request authority for issuance of a CPC with provisional authority to
operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform operate a Transportation Network Vehicle Service (TNVS) using a Digital Platform
Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in Technology of MYTAXI.PH, INC. to operate on the line: Iloilo City to any point in
Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit. Panay, with the use of ONE (1) unit.
This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 11, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 18, 2023 at This application/petition shall be considered by the Board on July 13, 2023 at
9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing. 9:00 a.m. thru online hearing.
At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall At least FIVE (5) days prior to the date of hearing, applicant/peitioner shall
publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI. publish this notice once in any newspaper of general circulation in Region VI.
Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least Proof of the publication and other piece of evidence must be sumbitted at least
three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing. three (3) days before the scheduled online hearing.
Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are Together with the foregoing proof of publication, applicant and counsel are
directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses. directed to submit their email addresses.
Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their Parties opposed to the granting of this application/petition must file their
written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board written opposition supported by the documentary evidence unless the Board
deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence. deems it necessary to receive additional documents and/or oral evidence.
Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 23rd day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 3rd day of Witness the Honorable Richard Z. Osmeña, Regional Director, this 27th day of
June 2023. July 2023. June 2023.
Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr. Atty. Salvador A. Altura Jr.
Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Hearing Officer
CLASSIFIED ADS Wednesday, July 5, 2023 9

For deliveries call: 320-1336

#39 Lopez Jaena St., Lapaz, Iloilo City
10 Wednesday, July 5, 2023 HEALTH
WHO outlines 40 research priorities
on antimicrobial resistance
WHO has published its first global research policy,” said Dr Hanan Balkhy, WHO Assistant
agenda for the world’s scientists to address the Director-General for AMR. “This first research
most urgent human health priorities to com- agenda from WHO will provide the world’s
bat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It outlines AMR researchers and funders with the most
40 research topics on drug-resistant bacteria, important topics to focus on and give the
fungi and Mycobacterium tuberculosis that world its best chance to combat AMR,” add-
must be answered by 2030, in line with the ed Dr Silvia Bertagnolio, Unit Head in WHO
Sustainable Development Goals. AMR Division.
The WHO Global Research Agenda for AMR The research agenda was developed based
in human health will catalyze innovation and on a review of over 3000 relevant documents
implementation research, spanning the epidemi- published over the past decade. The review
ology, burden and drivers of AMR, context-spe- identified 2000 unanswered questions or
cific and cost-effective strategies to prevent in- knowledge gaps, which were further consoli-
fections and emergence of resistance. dated and prioritized by a large group of AMR
It will also involve the discovery of new experts to conclude with the 40 most pivotal
diagnostic tests and improved treatment regi- research topics. A summary report containing
mens, the identification of cost-effective meth- the research priorities is available here.
ods to collect data and translate it into policy, AMR occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi
as well as how to implement current interven- and parasites change over time and no longer
tions more efficiently in resource-limited set- respond to antimicrobial medicines making
tings. Ultimately, the generated evidence will infections harder to treat and increasing the
inform policies and interventions to strength- risk of disease spread, severe illness and death.
en the response to antimicrobial resistance, As a result, antimicrobial medicines be-
particularly in low- and middle-income coun- come ineffective and infections persist in the
tries. body, increasing the risk of transmission to
“Antimicrobial resistance is an urgent pub- others. AMR remains one of the top global
lic health and economic challenge, and good public health threats facing humanity and was
quality research is a vital part of the response. associated with the death of close to 5 million
To help preserve antimicrobials and save lives people globally in 2019. Importantly, it is also
and livelihoods, this research agenda is a cru- a threat to the global economy, with impact on
cial tool for researchers and funders to prior- international trade, health care and productiv-
itize research questions, and promptly and ity. If no action is taken, AMR could cost the
efficiently generate evidence that informs world’s economy US$ 100 trillion by 2050. WHO / Sarah Pabst

Trial finds therapy does

not increase incidence of
major adverse cardiac events
for men with low testosterone
A trial led by global health these products to large num-
system Cleveland Clinic has bers of men,” said senior author
found that testosterone-re- Steven Nissen, M.D., Chief Ac-
placement therapy did not ademic Officer of the Heart,
result in a higher incidence of Vascular & Thoracic Institute
major adverse cardiac events at Cleveland Clinic.
in middle-aged and older men “Because testosterone defi-
with hypogonadism (also ciency is not a life-threatening
known as low testosterone) condition, uncertainty about
who also had preexisting or cardiovascular outcomes has
a high risk of cardiovascular weighed on treatment deci-
disease. However, researchers sions by clinicians and patients,”
still urge caution when con- said Michael Lincoff, M.D.,
sidering testosterone therapy. TRAVERSE’s lead author and
Results from the Testosterone vice chair for research in the
Replacement Therapy for As- Cleveland Clinic Department of
sessment of Long-term Vascular Cardiovascular Medicine. “Our
Events and Efficacy Response in findings may facilitate a more
Hypogonadal Men (TRAVERSE) informed consideration of the
trial were presented during a potential benefits and risks of
late-breaking science session at testosterone therapy among
ENDO 2023, the Endocrine Soci- middle-aged and older men with
ety’s annual meeting, and simul- hypogonadism.”
taneously published in the New The issue of low testoster-
WHO TPPs on snake antivenoms provide essential guidance to ensure that venoms used in manufacturing meet all the necessary requirements to England Journal of Medicine. one, or “low T,” for aging men
ensure quality and efficacy of final products. David Williams
“Although the trial showed has been a growing topic in

First WHO guidance on

some evidence that testoster- today’s society. A study pub-
one treatment may be safe for lished in JAMA Internal Med-
men with low levels of testos- icine showed prescriptions for

snakebite treatments published

terone, these findings should testosterone therapy in the U.S.
not be used as a justification tripled between 2001 and 2011
for widespread prescription of for men over 40.

The World Health Organization (WHO) A high-quality antivenom provides the tional animal plasma-derived antivenoms Novak... from p.12
has published the first in a series of best available treatment for approximate- The first of these is for products that The 23-time Grand Slam champion recorded a total of 13 ser-
WHO public-benefit target product pro- ly 5.4 million people who are bitten by are intended for widespread use through- vice aces with most of them scored in the last 20 minutes of the
files (TPPs) for snakebite treatments, in snakes each year. Safe, effective antiven- out sub-Saharan Africa, for treatment of opening set, helping him clinch the momentum heading into
order to improve the quality of antiven- oms could prevent many of the 83 000- snakebites irrespective of the species of the second and third sets.
oms available in the market. This is the 138 000 deaths caused by snakebites and snake causing the bite. The second is for Djokovic started the second frame on a high note as he exposed
first-ever guidance to improve the quality reduce the severity of serious disabilities treatment of bites from a single species (or Cachin’s weak link in his back-hand side and started to target that
of such products. The TPP is a document that impact many thousands more victims. group) of snake(s). Products in both these stroke for the majority of the match.
that provides regulators, manufacturers, “Access to high quality, safe and effec- categories are currently on the market. Seeking to change the tempo of the match, Cachin opted to try
researchers and procurement agencies tive antivenom is an issue of equity and The other two categories are for prod- the serve-and-volley to disrupt Djokovic’s hitting rhythm but that
with essential information about the min- this critical work brings us one step for- ucts that do not yet exist in sub-Saharan would take no effect as the Serbian knew every counter and hit
imum and optimum characteristics of spe- ward in being able to make this a reality” Africa, but evidence from other parts of him with several lob shot winners.
cific products for specific use cases, in this Dr Socé Fall, Director of the WHO Global the world suggests that if developed they Cachin showed great improvement in the third and final set
case, antivenoms used for the treatment NTD Programme. may have a useful role to play. One of as he dragged Djokovic to a thrilling extension set up to seven set
of snakebites caused by various types of Antivenoms have been made for some these new product types is for antivenoms points.
sub-Saharan African snakes. TPPs help 130 years and yet, remarkably, there has where the snakebite mainly causes a syn- However, Djokovic still pulled off the win and scored back-to-
to ensure that products are designed and been until now, no guidance on how to de- drome dominated by neurotoxic effects, back crucial down-the-line winners to stun Cachin and advance
manufactured to meet the match the clin- sign and manufacture a product of high while the other is intended for non-neu- to the second round of the Wimbledon Grand Slam tournament.
ical needs of populations at risk, and are quality that meets the correct requirements rotoxic snakebite syndromes that involve Djokovic will look to balloon his winning streak on the grass
“fit-for-use” – e.g., are safe, effective and for safety, effectiveness, and functional use. effects on blood clotting or tissue necrosis court against Jordan Thompson of Australia as they meet today
adapted to the use environment, Four TPPs for different types of conven- without paralytic effects. in the second round.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023 11 MPIW... .1
data-handling errors.
from p
into public roads or areas. Those who would be caught
MPIW has consistently re- Repairs that do not require would be encouraged to regis-

duced its NRW in 2022 (35.9 permits can be completed ter for a legal connection with
ore from p.1 MLD), 2021 (43.44 MLD), and within 5 days, while those the water utility. If they refuse,
29 operating RE projects in the Defensor Jr. said the provin- energy projects. 2020 (45.86 MLD). with requirements were still they will face criminal charges.
region which generate a com- cial government has allocated “I must say that Iloilo is the Roxas explained that NRW far from the target of 35 days.
bined installed capacity of 708 PHP30 million for the devel- most active when it comes to rose in 2020 because they had To address this, MPIW de- Cañonero said curbing il-
MW, opment of renewable energy investment in renewable ener- to buy more bulk water to re- veloped standard procedures legal connections will also
The renewable energy proj- sources this year. gy and I hope we can continue spond to the public’s needs for all types of leak repairs. prevent water contamination,
ects include 24 hydropower Much of the budget will our support,” UNDP Resident amid the coronavirus disease “Majority of our water citing last year’s surge in cases
projects, 17 for offshore wind be used to install mixed so- Representative to the Philip- 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. losses is composed of commer- of acute gastroenteritis (AGE)
projects, 14 for solar, 12 for on- lar-powered energy in some pines Dr. Selva Ramachandran MPIW Legal and Regula- cial and physical, but for the and cholera that were partly
shore wind, and one for geo- hospitals in the province. said in a media conference on tory Affairs head Jon Cerlan MPIW, our focus is more on the blamed on contaminated deep
thermal. Meanwhile, a clean and June 28. Bangoy said that due to rate physical losses, so we focus on wells.
Data from the DOE showed renewable energy provider is Floradema Eleazar, team variations in their service ac- the technical solutions for the “It’s crucial to protect our
Western Visayas has had a 28 also eyeing to install 25 wind leader for the Climate Action counts (Government and Resi- water losses,” Roxas said. water resources and infra-
percent renewable energy uti- turbines in four barangays in Program of the UNDP, empha- dential, Commercial, and Bulk “We still get limited supply. structure, and we must do ev-
lization rate since 2021. the province. The proposed sized the significance of local Water Supply), they could not As much as possible, we’re try- erything possible to prevent
In June 2023, Energy Secre- project by the First Gen Corpo- government units (LGUs) in at- immediately estimate their ing to deliver water when the illegal water connections and
tary Raphael Perpetuo Merca- ration will cover an estimated tracting investors in renewable losses in peso value. customer would need it. For reduce Non- Revenue Water in
do Lotilla said Western Visayas area of 5,346 hectares and pro- energy. But Bangoy described said example in Iloilo City, from Iloilo. Illegal connections to the
has the potential to become duce 25 megawatts of renew- “In the case of Iloilo prov- a “great deal of money (is) lost” their consumption data, we try water supply network could
the country’s renewable en- able energy. ince, they are investing part to NRW. as much as possible to get wa- cause other users to lose pres-
ergy capital, highlighting the In 2022, Iloilo enacted the of their IRA (Internal Revenue Technical solutions for physi- ter to them in the morning, and sure or even worse could cre-
region’s capacity for renewable first renewable energy ordi- Allotment) to support renew- cal losses include improvements then we control the supply in ate a danger to public health,”
energy supply. nance in the country through able energy development in in the speed and quality of re- the evening when much isn’t Cañonero said.
Lotilla detailed that West- the Iloilo Provincial Ordinance the province, a portion of it,” pairs, pressure management, being used to reduce leakages Corporate Affairs and Com-
ern Visayas has a hydropower of Renewable Energy Ordi- she said. active leakage control, and asset as well,” he added. munication head Marie Joy Josue
potential of 930 MW, a solar nance of 2022 (I-PORE 2022). Eleazar said that this goes management. Aside from the technical admitted that addressing water
energy potential of nearly 500 The United Nations Devel- to show that LGUs have recog- Bangoy touted their active solutions to physical losses, pilferage is a challenge for MPIW,
MW, and a wind energy poten- opment Program (UNDP) has nized that incorporating a re- leakage control strategy, where MPIW is also seeking to re- comparing it to similar efforts for
tial of approximately 13,000 commended the Iloilo provin- newable energy mix into their they break down the entire spond to commercial losses. power thieves in the city.
MW. cial government’s commitment infrastructure leads to signifi- distribution system into small- To this end, the water utili- “Most of the illegal [water]
In Iloilo, Governor Arthur to bringing more renewable cant cost savings. er areas, then find where water ty’s Commercial Division head connections are within the
losses are highly concentrated. John Cañonero, said that they premises, so we cannot just
I ...
nclude from p.1 As of 2021, MPIW opened 11
hydraulic systems in its entire
are set to launch TAPIC (Tap-
naon ang Illegal Connection) to
enter that. There are certain
issues [and] mechanics that we
exclusion of Mayon Volcano in lic. its contract with DDB, the ad-
service area via installed Inser- go after illegal service connec- have to go through to be able to
the original tourism campaign. The tourism department’s vertising firm behind the cam-
tion and Mechanical Type Flow- tions of commercial and indus- implement this project. Unlike
Salceda, who chairs the promotional video has drawn paign video.
meters and Valve Isolations. trial establishments. [MORE Power], you cannot see
House ways and means pan- flak after netizens pointed out DBB publicly apologized for
The firm had also traced The program is based on the [water pipelines],” she said.
el, suggested to the tourism that it contained stock footage the incident and clarified that
leaks, with 108 (79 visible and Section 8(d) of Republic Act No. MPIW is the joint venture
department to have a “gen- of sceneries from Thailand, In- the video “was intended to be
29 underground) detected so 8041 (National Water Crisis company of public Metro Iloi-
uine rebrand and restart” of donesia, and the United Arab a mood video to excite internal
far this year. It previously de- Act of 1995), which prohibits lo Water District (MIWD) and
the tourism sector through Emirates. stakeholders about the cam-
tected 611 leaks in 2022, 432 in the tapping, making, or causing private firm Metro Pacific Wa-
consultation with the pub- DOT has since terminated paign.”
2021, and 23 in 2020. “to be made any connection ter (MPW) which commenced
Turnaround time for fix- with water lines without prior operations on July 1, 2019.
335... from p.2 ing reported leaks is within 4
days for those without permit
authority or consent from the
water utility concerned”.
Its serves the majority of
Iloilo City (except for some
Macala said that the series charged for drug-related of- who got arrested during a buy-
of drug tests should serve as a fenses from March 1, 2021 to bust operation. requirements and 77 days for Any concerned citizen portions of Jaro district), por-
stern warning for personnel to March 1, 2023. Twenty-three have been those with requirements. may report illegal connections tions of Leganes town, and the
not get involved in drug-relat- Twenty-two of whom have dismissed from service while The permits are from local to the MPIW, and if verified, towns of Cabatuan, Maasin,
ed activities. been found positive for illegal two were suspended. and national agencies, especial- they would be rewarded with Oton, Pavia, San Miguel, and
Meanwhile, Major Mary drug use; four for failure to Five, including the three ly if the repairs require digging ₱3,000 cash. Santa Barbara.
Grace Borio, PRO-6 spokesper- submit to a drug test; three for who were charged for their
son, said 30 personnel have their alleged involvement in alleged involvement in illegal
already been administratively the illegal drug trade; and one drugs, were exonerated.
SEAFDEC... from p.1

Antique... from p.2

licly funded aquaculture facil-
ities in the country.
In his welcome remarks,
SEAFDEC-AQD research di-
He touted that the provin-
cial government will be look-
since the municipality has no nation purposes” until the town ment with the Iloilo City Vet- SEAFDEC-AQD chief Dan vision head Dr. Leobert Dela ing for opportunities to collab-
slaughterhouse. registers a zero-ASF status. erinarian to transport healthy Baliao inaugurated the new Peña said that with the new fa- orate with the SEAFDEC-AQD
“ASF had spread fast in The municipal agriculture hogs from the towns of Hamtic Black Tiger Shrimp Broodstock cilities, they may be able reach for its thrusts.
Hamtic because the slaugh- office of San Jose de Buenavis- and San Jose de Buenavista to and Milkfish Larval Rearing fa- their goal of a sustainable aqua- “Iloilo is an agricultural
tered hogs were not monitored ta reported 44 mortalities in the regional capital where the cilities on Monday, July 3. culture industry in the whole province. We want to maxi-
in the absence of a slaughter- Barangays Bugarot, Maybato demand for pork is high. Agriculture Senior Under- of Southeast Asia. mize our agricultural produc-
house,” he said. Sur, Maybato North, and Bariri “Iloilo City is already consid- secretary Domingo Pangani- “The new facilities (sic) aim tion. That includes fisheries
It is also necessary for the as of June 26. ered a red zone or has ASF cas- ban, Bureau of Fisheries and to SEAFDEC’s demonstration and aquaculture, and in the
barangay captain to issue a Only Bugarot has confirmed es since last year that it could Aquatic Resources-Region 6 on technology transfer pro- process, we want to create a
certification to make sure that ASF cases while the Region- accept for trading the hogs in (BFAR-6) director Remia Apar- grams to solve the shortage of value chain in our agricultural
hogs are not suffering from al Animal Disease Diagnostic Antique,” he said. ri and Iloilo Governor Arthur aquaculture seeds in the Phil- products, so that we can gener-
any signs and symptoms of the Center of the Department of Hamtic, as of the June 26 Defensor Jr. joined the inaugu- ippines. These facilities are ate employment and business
disease, Ardamil said. Agriculture is yet to release the report of its Municipal Agri- ration. expected to boost the produc- opportunities for the agri-tour-
In addition to the banning result of samples taken from culture Office, some 2,335 hog The Black Tiger Shrimp tion of good quality seeds to be ism industry of the province,”
of backyard slaughter, the EO the three other barangays. mortalities in 28 barangays Broodstock Facility aims to made available to fish farmers the governor said.
has temporarily suspended the Meanwhile, Ardamil said with an estimated damage of supply hatcheries with dis- of the country,” Dela Peña said. SEAFDEC was established
“circulation of boars for insemi- that they had a verbal agree- PHP22,682,500. (PNA) ease-free shrimp breeders (Pe- In his message, Baliao said in 1967 with its current mis-
naeus monodon) and contrib- that these new facilities will sion, adapted in 2017, to pro-

156... from p.2

ute to the Oplan Balik Sugpo
program to reinvigorate the
be instrumental in fulfilling
the SEAFDEC-AQD’s mandate
mote and facilitate concerted
actions among the Member
(KR-NCBS) who died in an en- counters in Moises Padilla, total of 942 people’s organi- tiger shrimp industry in the of primarily developing aqua- Countries to ensure the sus-
counter in Binalbagan, Negros Negros Occidental and Guihul- zations were established, re- country. culture technologies through tainability of fisheries and
Occidental on April 20, accord- ngan City, Negros Oriental that directed, and coopted by the It has four 120-ton brood- relevant research and develop- aquaculture in Southeast Asia.
ing to VisCom. killed nine NPA rebels. Community Support Program stock tanks which could hold ment. The AQD, established in
Government forces also Lieutenant General Ben- (CSP) Teams of Team VisCom in 1,440 breeders (960 females “Constructing these facilities 1973, is one of its departments,
seized 223 firearms and 82 an- edict Arevalo, commander the entire Visayas region. and 480 males) that can pro- is costly, of course, but if that is with others housed across the
ti-personnel mines in the said of VisCom, commended the Of the number, 600 are in duce 80 million postlarvae an- what is needed to catalyze the region including its Training
period. members of Team VisCom for a Western and Central Visayas, nually. further development of aqua- Department (Thailand), Ma-
The rebels suffered the most job well done. while 342 others are in Eastern The Milkfish Larval Rearing culture in this country and the rine Fisheries Research Depart-
in April and May, according to “The exceptional perfor- Visayas. Facility, meanwhile, is expect- whole Southeast Asian region, ment (Singapore), Marine Fish-
VisCom. mance that you have shown Arevalo said the support of ed to expand the department’s we can say that that would ery Resources Development
A total of 21 NPA rebels were manifests your strong desire the people is vital in their cam- production of fish fry to supply mean money well-spent,” the and Management Department
neutralized and 25 firearms and motivation to serve and paign to end the reign of terror farms. department head said. (Malaysia), and Inland Fishery
were seized in April, citing the protect our people and end the in the region. It has four 500-ton brood- Defensor said the opening Resources Development and
April 30 incident wherein mil- local communist armed con- “As we sustain our focused stock tanks that can hold 100 of the two new facilities was Management Department (In-
itary troopers clashed with the flict in this part of the country,” military operations to prevent breeders per tank, and pro- timely to his vision of greater donesia).
rebels in Barangay Santander, Arevalo said. the Communist Party of the duce 320 million eggs and 256 food security in the province Other SEAFDEC mem-
Bobon, Northern Samar that “Let us sustain our gains and Philippines (CPP)-NPA from million larvae annually, and 12 which was part of his Move- ber countries include Brunei
killed seven NPA rebels. continue doing our best to end the taking advantage of the up- larval rearing tanks and 12 nat- ment for a Robust, Progressive, Darussalam, Cambodia, Japan,
The following month, 40 local communist armed conflict in coming barangay and Sanggu- ural food tanks which are ex- Globally Competitive, and Re- the Lao People’s Democratic
NPA rebels were neutralized, the Visayas region, at the soonest niang Kabataan (SK) elections, pected to produce 10.8 million silient Province of Iloilo (MoR- Republic, Myanmar, and Viet-
and 54 firearms were seized, possible time,” Arevalo said. let us also continue engaging to 18 million fish fry per year. ProGRes Iloilo) agenda. nam.
highlighting the series of en- It was also revealed that a our people,” he added.

Cops... from p.2 Teen... from p.2

autopsy. son of interest” in the case of press charges against him. his left ankle and is about to be micide, and serious physical by the Army’s 79th Infantry
Meanwhile, Police Captain missing fighting cocks in Ba- He said that it’s been a discharged from the hospital, injuries were already filed Battalion (IB) to the police on
Dax Santillan, head of Police rangay Taculing a few months month since Quiatchon and according to Ganzon. against Abarido last Mon- Saturday night, along with his
Station 6, said that Quiatchon ago. his family left the village after Ganzon said that charges day. .45 caliber firearm allegedly
was allegedly tagged as a “per- But the complainant did not their house was demolished. for homicide, frustrated ho- Abarido was turned over used in the incident.
Novak Djokovic kicks off Wimbledon Jordan Clarkson is set to
sign three-year $55 million
title bid with sweeping victory extension with the Utah Jazz
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña

Filipino-American scoring guard Jordan Clarkson will be stay-

ing with the Utah Jazz for three more years after agreeing to a
$55 million contract extension last July 3, 2023.
Seeking for more options during the busy NBA free-agency
fever before the next playing season kicks off, Clarkson finally
agreed to the terms and conditions set by Utah and will be looking
to extend his stellar run donning the white and the blue jersey.
It was The Athletic’s Shams Charania who announced the de-
velopment after Clarkson chose to clinch his $14.3 million player
option for the next season.
With that being said, the Jazz then just pulled the trigger out of
his player option extension which paved the way for a long-term
three-year deal to happen.
Clarkson saw his numbers skyrocket after joining the Dono-
van Mitchell-led squad several years ago and won the NBA Sixth
Man of the Year during the 2021 playing season.
After that season, Clarkson became one of the most reliable
threats on the offensive end and displayed his insane scoring bag
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña
in the NBA.
Serbian tennis superstar Novak Djokovic is off From 16.0 points per game average, Clarkson improved his
to an excellent start in his grass-court Grand scoring numbers to 20.8 and has shot the ball well from the
Slam championship title quest after sweeping three-point range at 33.8% during the recently concluded sea-
Pedro Cachin of Argentina- 6.3, 6.3, 7.6- last son.
July 3, 2023, during the opening game day of
Now that Clarkson is done finalizing his NBA deal, questions
the Wimbledon tournament.
Djokovic had no problems switching from now surround whether he will be joining the Gilas Pilipinas men’s
the clay court surface to grass as he just stomped national basketball team or spend more weeks in the US for Utah’s
over his Argentinian foe on a jam-packed first training camp build-up.
day in London, England. One week ago, Gilas’s head coach Chot Reyes revealed that
Despite starting the match a little shaky af- Clarkson will be joining Gilas for their intensive training camp in
ter committing several unforced errors during
the upcoming FIBA World Cup after settling his contract in the
the long baseline rally exchanges, Djokovic was
quick to bounce back and made it up with his NBA.
flawless service game. Now that Clakson just got a huge bag from the Jazz for three
Novak/p10 years, will he now commit to the Gilas national team and par-
ticipate in the series of international and national training
NOVAK Djokovic marches through the second round of the 2023 Wimbledon tournament (sg.style.yahoo.com) camps?

Ateneo women’s
volleyball squad
names Sergio Veloso
as new head coach
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña

The transition now begins for the Ateneo de Manila University

(ADMU) women’s volleyball team.
After failing to win a UAAP championship title since their
majestic 2019 campaign, the Ateneo women’s volleyball man-
agement just kicked off its major off-season move after tapping
Brazilian mentor Sergio Veloso as their newest head coach an-
nounced last July 3, 2023.
The Brazilian tactician was formally welcomed to the Ateneo
women’s volleyball program during a courtesy call with president
Fr. Roberto C. Yap.
Veloso will be taking over the position of coach Oliver Alma-
dro, Ateneo’s long-time head coach for six years. CONGRATULATIONS ICBC kings, Team Dois! (ICBC photo)
The Brazilian veteran will be looking to reclaim the lost glory

Team Dois Seafood bags 2023 ICBC

of the Ateneo women’s team and will also be tasked to form an-
other championship unit after the departure of superstar hitter
Faith Nisperos and reliable scorer Vanie Gandler who are now

first conference championship title

playing in the Premier Volleyball League (PVL).
Veloso first took part in the men’s national volleyball squad
program alongside the legendary Edson Souza de Brito arranged
by the FIVB several years ago.
After several stints, Veloso was then named as the head coach By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña end of the opening quarter. points but Ariane Tupas scored a timely
of the PHL men’s national team but is yet to announce if he will Despite the effort team QL showed to basket for team Dois to balloon their lead
be playing a dual role or will be fully committed to the Ateneo
Team Dois Seafood/Its RELX Iloilo capped chip away their deficit and place them- back to double digits.
women’s program.
Veloso will be handling a rebuilding Ateneo squad that just off its stellar Iloilo City Basketball Club selves in a favorable position, team Dois After that sequence, team QL never re-
missed the UAAP Final Four last season when the De La Salle Uni- (ICBC) first conference of the year tour- just shut every door on them and protect- covered from the game as Dois just poured
versity dethroned National University during the grand finals. nament campaign with a championship ed their lead throughout the game. in its final scoring attack capped off by a
As of now, Ateneo is still searching for the right players that trophy after sweeping team QL Mortgage Team Dois then waxed hot just when Krister Villaruz trey that increased their
will fit in Veloso’s system and is hoping to make the Final Four
in the grand finals last July 1, 2023, held the first half was about to expire and shot lead again to 15 points.
at the Monterosa Subdivision basketball the lights out to balloon their advantage to With his consistent performance ev-
gym, Mandurriao, Iloilo City. 22 points, 44-22. ery game, Rubin was hailed as the 2023
Despite joining the prestigious hoops QL got off to a good start in the sec- ICBC 1st conference Most Valuable Player
tournament for the first time, the talented ond half after draining back-to-back (MVP) and also led the squad during Game
Dois squad showed dominance during the three-pointers but Dois always had an- 2 with 20 markers.
second half of the regular season to clinch swers courtesy of the consistent Rush Ru- The team owners for Dois Seafood/It’s
the much-needed team meshing which bin. RELX Iloilo are Mr. Manuel Dolar and Mr.
prepared them for the playoffs. Rubin halted team QL’s momentum and Joshua Mana-ay.
All hard work then paid off after Dois countered with a foul-counted play which Mr. Kris Noel Adricula, president of the
completed a 2-0 sweep over the top-seed- eventually led to another dominant quar- ICBC, together with Mr. Peter Oñate, John
ed team QL during the crucial Game 2 of ter after team Dois picked up their defen- Paul Sarmiento, Julius Velez, and Aerol
the finals, 76-63. sive tenacity to force turnovers. John Acurantes would like to thank B Life-
It was a wire-to-wire victory for the However, at the start of the final period, style Complex, Selecta, and Medal Sports-
SERGIO Veloso replaces Oliver Almadro as the new head coach of the championship squad after quickly jump- team QL’s never-say-die attitude rose to the wear.
Ateneo women’s volleyball program (Ateneo de Manila University photo
via mb.com) ing ahead by as much as 10 points at the occasion and cut their deficit to just eight Congratulations, team Dois!

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