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Republic of the Philippines


Camp Marcelo A. Adduru, Tuguegarao City
Tel No. (078) 304-1292,


FOR : The Director

Directorate for Operations
NHQ-PNP, Camp Crame, Quezon City
(Attn: C, SOD)

FROM : Regional Director

SUBJECT : Accomplishments on Red Teaming Operations

DATE : January 15, 2018

1. Reference: Memo from TDO, NHQ-PNP dated July 18, 2017 with
with subject
Reiteration of Compliance on Red Teaming Operations.

2. In compliance with the above reference, respectfully submitted are the

accomplishments reports of this Office on Red Teaming Operations covering the
period from January 1 to 15, 2018.

Defects Noted/
Unit/Office Date/Time SIMEX/CEREX Scenario Action Taken by the Red Team
Abulug PS Red Team conducted SIMEX at
Personnel of said Birthing
Lubo Clinic on NPA attack. The team will take Red Team conducted critique and debriefing in all
January 5, 2018 Center failed to confront the
medicines from the hospital carrying long personnel for their defects noted.
Red team.
Abulug PS, firearms.
Cagayan PPO Abulug PS Red Team conducted SIMEX at
Rural Bank of Luna Apayao on Robbery Duty guard did not noticed the Red Team conducted critique and debriefing in all duty
January 10, 2018
incident. The team will enter inside the team with firearms guards for their defects noted.
establishment while carrying short firearms.
Personnel of ALCALA PS led by PCI RAMON
M MACARUBBO JR conducted Red teaming
January 10, 2018 Operations by entering the Petron Gasoline No Security Guard Team leader of the Red Team reminded the owner to hire
4:00 PM Station office located in Brgy. Tupang, Alcala, CCTVs not functioning security guard.
Cagayan while carrying Illegal Items (short
firearms) inside the compound.
Alcala PS,
Personnel of ALCALA PS led by PINSP
Cagayan PPO
Red teaming Operations by entering the Rural Team leader of the Red Team reminded the security to be
January 4, 2018 The security requested their
Bank of Luna Apayao- Alcala Branch located vigilant especially to suspicious individuals without any
1:00 PM client to deposi t any FA’s
at Alcala commercial center Brgy Centro Sur, valid identification card.
before entering the bank
Alcala, Cagayan while carrying Illegal Items
(short firearms) inside the compound.
Red Team fired three shots at the back portion . Personnel on duty did not
Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Allacapan PS, January 3, 2018, assuming that the Police Station is under react immediately on the shot
debriefing to all duty personnel to know their lapses and
Cagayan PPO 04:15PM attack by more or less 30 fully armed CNN fired at the back portion of the
members. Police Station.
Red Team rang the installed bell at the Building Newly assigned PNCOs to this
Team leader of the Red Team commended all personnel
Guard Post portion assuming that the Police Police Station didn’t know
January 9, 2018, that participated in the conduct of rehearsal of Camp
Station is under attack by more or less 30 fully where to position themselves
9:15AM Defense Plan for familiarizing their positions and roles
armed CNN members. in the execution of Camp
during and after the activity.
Defense Plan.
January 4, 2018 Camp Defense Plan
Aparri PS, Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
08:00am-09:00am No defects/ weaknesses noted
Cagayan PPO debriefing on the said activity.
Red Team of Baggao PS conducted SIMEX
on robbery holdup at Gamboa Grocery located The Security guard on duty Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Baggao PS, January 2, 2018
at San Jose, Baggao, Cagayan. Suspects act failed to hold the clients who debriefing on the Security Guard on Duty to know their
Cagayan PPO 9:30 AM
as a client, entered immediately and declared suddenly entered lapses and weaknesses.
Ballesteros PS Red Team conducted SIMEX Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
at Cebuana Pawnshop located along Rizal The security guard failed to debriefing on the Security Guard, employees and Manager
January 3, 2018 street Barangay Centro east of this check the baggage of the client to know their lapses and weaknesses. The participants
8:00 AM municipality on left suspicious baggage. upon entering inside the were also advise to update their security cameras and as
pawnshop. well to the security guard to be alert and kin observer to
their clients
Ballesteros Red team conducted simulation
No deployed Security guards Recommend to hire security guards and install CCTV
January 9, 2018 exercise at Petron Gas Station located at Brgy
Ballesteros within the business cameras within the business establishment to be able to
9:00 AM Sta Cruz this Municipality wherein the scenario
PS, Cagayan establishment. identify the perpetrators.
was they attempt to hold up the Gas Station.
Ballesteros PS Red Team conducted SIMEX Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
No detailed Security guards
at Ballesteros Bus Line Terminal located along debriefing on the employees and Manager to know their
within the business
Rizal street Barangay Centro east of this lapses and weaknesses. The employees were advise that
establishment and the
January 12, 2018 Municipality on suspicious left baggage they must be cautious on the person who are leaving their
employees of the said bus
8:00 AM allegedly with a bomb inside. baggage’s and also with the person who are entering and
station failed to observe the
leaving their premises and they were also advise to install
owner who left the suspicious
CCTV cameras as additional security measures within
their premises.
Personnel of Calayan PS conducted red Team leader of the red team conduct critique and
teaming Operation at NAPOCOR located at . debriefing to the Security Guard on duty to know his lapses
Poblacion, Calayan,Cagayan and harass by and weaknesses.
Calayan PS,
January 11,2018 unidentified enemy The security guard failed to The red team also disseminated hotline numbers of this
Cagayan PPO
apply resistance to the red office in order to render report immediately in case of
team incidents.

On January 4, 2018 at 8:00 o’clock in the

morning, personnel of this station rehearsed
Camalaniugan the Camp defense plan to check their The Acting Chief Of Police/ Red Team leader conducted
January 4, 2018
PS, Cagayan operational readiness and their proper position No defect noted debriefing and reminds security measures re CNN
PPO incase of enemy attacked. Activity ended at atrocities.
about 9.00 o’clock in the morning of sam e date
with satisfactory result.
On January 9, 2018 at 9:00 o’clock in the
morning, personnel of this station conducted
the Camp defense plan to check their
January 9, 2018
operational readiness and their proper position
9:00-10:00 AM
incase of enemy attacked. Activity ended at
about 10.00 o’clock in the morning of sa me
date with satisfactory result
Red Team of Gattaran PS conducted Lack of Security Guard Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
January 6, 2017
inspection at Shell Gas Station, Gattaran, especially at night debriefing to manager and personnel of the establishment
9:00 AM
Cagayan/Burning of the Vital Installation.
Installation. to know their lapses and weaknesses.
Gattaran PS,
Duty guard of said Police
Cagayan PPO Gattaran PS Red Team conducted Camp Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to all duty
January 6, 2017 Station did not notice the illegal
Defense Plan wherein a scenario was the personnel together with the Chief of Police of Gattaran
8:00 AM short firearm carried by the
Gattaran PS was raided by NPA. Police Station for their defects noted.
Red Team of IGUIG PS under the supervision
.PNP building guard personnel Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
always vigilant and ready at all debriefing to the duty PNP personnel to know their lapses
IGUIG PS, January 07, 2018,at conducted rehearsal on SIMEX/red team
time in case of surprise and weaknesses.
Cagayan PPO 02:00 pm operation at Iguig Police Station wherein the
enemy attack at all times to All PNP personnel were advise to be always on alert and
scenario was a surprised attack by CT’S
defend the station expect for unexpected eventualities at all times.
Personnel of Lal-lo PS conducted Red
Teaming Operations at Development Bank of Team leader of the Red Team conducted critique,
January 3, 2018 the Philippines - Magapit Branch on entry of assessment and debriefing on the Bank Security Officer to
firearms and deadly weapons inside their None know their strengths, lapses and weaknesses.
Personnel of Lal-lo PS conducted Red teaming
Team leader of the Red Team conducted critique,
Operations at Cooperative Bank of Cagayan
January 10, 2018 None assessment and debriefing on the Bank Security Officer to
on entry of firearms and deadly weapons
know their strengths, lapses and weaknesses.
inside their premises.
Cagayan PPO Lasam PS Red Team conducted SIMEX at Duty guard of said Municipal
January 2, 2018 Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to all duty
Lasam Municipal Town hall on NPA raid. The hall did not noticed the illegal
9:30AM guards for their defects noted.
team entered the mayor’s office to abduct her  . short firearm carried by a man.
Personnel of Lasam PS conducted Red The security guard failed to
Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
January 4, 2018 teaming Operations at Rural Bank of Gattaran- check and detect the illegal
debriefing on the Rural Bank Security Officer to know their
9:00AM Lasam Branch on the entry of Illegal Items firearms that been use by the
lapses and weaknesses.
(firearms) inside bank. Red Team.
Red Team of Peñablanca conducted SIMEX at The Security guard of Don
Don Severino Pagalilauan High School at Severino Pagalilauan High Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
January 13, 2018 Brgy. Callao, Peñablanca, Cagayan carrying School failed to detect the debriefing to address security concern and issues with the
PS, Cagayan
8:00 AM illegal short fire arm and act as a visitor to the illegal short fire arm carried by School Security Officers, Principal and Teachers to know
school. the visitor. their lapses and weaknesses.

Personnel of Rizal PS conducted Red teaming

Operation SIMEX one member of the
Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
CNN/NPA went to the police station to secure
PNP personnel are unaware to debriefing on the lapses and weaknesses.
Rizal PS, Police Clearance. Upon seeing the laxity of the
January 8, 2017 the entry of CNN/NPA to the Red teams indicate that PNP personnel always be alert
Cagayan PPO guards on duty he immediately draws his
Police Station and ready in checking all visitors entering the station
firearm and shoot the police on duty and
subsequently signaled his comrades who
hastily appeared and executed the raid.
Personnel of Solana PS conducted Red
Solana PS, January, 2, 4, 8, 10, The security guard failed to Red Team conduct critique and debriefing the Security
Teaming Operations at FICO Bank  –Bomb
Cagayan PPO 12, 2018 check the Red Team baggage. Officer to know their lapses and weaknesses.
threats and bomb explosion
Red Team of Sta Ana PS conducted SIMEX Team leader of the Red Team conducted critique,
Sta Ana PS, January 11, 2018 The building guard on duty
on Camp defense plan at Sta Ana Cagayan. debriefing and reminded duty sentinel especially building
Cagayan PPO 09:00 AM was surprised.
guard to be more vigilant and alert at all times.
The personnel of said Team leader of the Red Team conduct assessment and
Red Team of Tuao PS conducted SIMEX at K establishment failed to detect information drive to the establishment personnel to know
Tuao PS, January 10, 2018 Servico Tuao Branch and act as surreptitious the Improvised Explosive their lapses and weaknesses.
Cagayan PPO 10:00 AM customers carrying a carton with Improvised Device carried by the Red The Red Team of Tuao PS reported the defects noted to
Explosive Device. Team. the manager of K Servico Tuao Branch for the immediate
action to deter any terroristic act of the CTs.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Justice Hall of The Security guard failed to Red Team conduct critique and debriefing on the duty
Angadanan located at Centro 2, Angadanan, check the client carrying short Security Officer to know his lapses and weaknesses.
January 11,2018/ Isabela infront of Angadanan Municipal Hall firearm that was hidden inside
PS, Isabela
10:00 AM building. the bag. The security guard
failed to inform or call the said
Police Station.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Sentro Mart The Security guard of Sentro Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Benito Soliven
January 13, 2018 located at Barangay District 1, this municipality Mart failed to conduct body debriefing on the Sentro Mart Security Officer to know their
PS, Isabela
and act as mystery shopper carrying short FA. check during the entry of Red lapses and weaknesses.
Team carrying short FA.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Savemore The Security guard of Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Cabagan Isabela and act as mystery shopper Savemore failed to detect the debriefing on the Mall Security Officer to know their lapses
January 1, 2018
carrying Improvised Explosive Device. Improvised Explosive Device and weaknesses.
carry by the member of the
Red Team.
Cabagan PS,
Isabela PPO Deployed maximum PNP Security Personnel Duty guard of said Police Red Team conducted critique and debriefing in all duty
in potential terrorist target areas like shopping Station did not notice the illegal personnel together with the Chief of Police of Cabagan
January 2, 2018 malls, vital infrastructures, mass transport short firearm carried by the Police Station for their defects noted.
terminals, public markets, seaport, airports, reporter.
schools, hotels and other places of
Red Team conducted Review on Camp Slow reaction need more Team leader of the red team conducted critique and
Cabatuan PS, January 13, 2018/
Defense Plan to test the readiness of PNP exercises debriefing among PNP personnel to know their lapses and
Isabela PPO 8:30 AM
personnel of this office. improved weaknesses.
Red Team of Cauayan CPS through the direct
supervision of PSUPT NARCISO C
PARAGAS, Chief of Police and led by SPO4
Jonathan S Asirit, Senior Operation PNCO
coordinated with Engr Felix Maramag, Asst
Cauayan CPS, January 10, City Engineer personally accompany the
Isabela PPO 2018/9:00 AM personnel of these station in the conduct of
inspection of drainage canal in the vicinity of
Poblacion especially on the proximity of banks,
pawnshop, super markets and other
establishments to further assess and put-up
prevention measures against these criminals.
Red Team conducted SIMEX Drill at Petron The Security Guard of the Team leader of the Red Team of CORDON PS conduct
Gasoline Station located at Brgy. Magsaysay, Petron Gasoline Station failed critique and debriefing on their employee to know their
Cordon PS, January 11, Cordon, Isabela. Act as a customer to buy to detect the improvised lapses and weaknesses.
Isabela PPO 2018/9:00 AM snacks to their store in which carrying an explosive device there is no
improvised explosive device. CCTV in that area.

Red Team conducted Red Teaming Civilian Guards of said Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Operations at Delfin Albano Municipal Hall on Municipal Hall failed to debriefing on all Municipal Hall Civilian Guards to their
Delfin Albano
January 3, entry of Illegal Firearms inside Municipal Hall check/detect the illegal shortcomings and vulnerabilities.
PS, Isabela
2017/10:00 AM premises. firearms that the red team was
able to carry inside the
Municipal Hall
Red Team conducted Red Teaming The Securty Guards of said Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Operations in Bangko Magsaysay at Brgy San establishment failed to debriefing on all duty Security Guard and the Manager of
January 8, 2018/9:00
Antonio, Delfin Albano, Isabela. The red team discover that illegal firearms Bangko Magsaysay on their lapses and defenselessness.
was able to sneak guns at said establishment. have been already inside of
the bank.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Delfin Albano Duty guard of said police Team leader of the red team conducted critiques and
Police Stration on NPA attack similar to what station did not noticed that the debriefing on all station personnel including the Acting
happened in other Police Stations and AFP client was already studying Chief of Police and Deputy Chief of Police of Delfin Albano
January 9, 2018/2:00 Detachments. The team will secure a police the geographical situation of Police Station on their security flaws…
PM clearance without the knowledge of personnel the station and taking down
of the station that the red team is already notes of the strength and
surveying/casing the said office weaknesses on security of the
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Isabela The Security guard of Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Electric Cooperative  –  I Sub-Office Echague ISELCO-1 sub office Echague debriefing on the security guard to know their lapses and
Echague PS, January 2, 2018/9:00
Branch, one of the team member acted as a Branch failed to detect the weaknesses
Isabela PPO AM
walk-in costumer who was then armed with Improvised Explosive Device
Improvised Explosive Device. carried by the Red Team.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Echague Municipal hall of Echague, Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to LCE and
Municipal Hall wherein one LGU employee Isabela during that time has employee of their defects noted.
acted as client securing Oplan Visa receipt one (1) security guard, one (1) The K9 Dog Security handler has no trained canine
Echague PS, January 7,
who was then carrying an Improvised K9 Handler security, Duty deployed.
Isabela PPO 2018/10:00 AM
Explosive Device (IED) and a concealed POSU who were all posted Security Guard on duty is debriefed on their security
firearm. outside the municipal hall and lapses.
CCTV was unserviceable.
Red team conducted inspection to personnel The detailed security of the Red Team conducted debriefing among duty personnel.
of Echague PS who was then conducting police station should be very
Checkpoint at Brgy Pag-asa, Echague, Isabela vigilant to all possible external Security consciousness shall be undertaken
January 9, 2018/9:00 and in Brgy Libertad of same municipality. threat of CT’s.
PM Camp defense drill should be
Echague PS, Inspection of the police station perimeter, rehearsed
Isabela PPO security barrier and inner security defense was
Red team conducted SIMEX at the Main Gate The Security guard of the Red Team conducted debriefing among duty Security
January 12, entrance of Isabela State University in Brgy. School failed to detect the personnel of said school and informed them of their
2018/9:00 AM San Fabian, Echague, Isabela wherein a Improvised Explosive Device security lapses.
member of the red team acted as a suspect carried by the Red Team.
armed with Improvised Explosive Devise and
carried a concealed firearm.
Red Team conducted SIMEX in NGCP act as NGCP has only one security Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to Security
Gamu PS,
January 14, 2018 a motorcycle agent carrying an Improvised guard Duty in post at the main guard and staffs of NGCP of their defects noted.
Isabela PPO
Explosive Device (IED). gate.
Entry of Illegal Items (I.E.D) The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
On January 12, 2018 at 10 o’clock AM, a check the bag of the student. debriefing with the Mall manager to know their lapses and
student from Isabela National High School weaknesses.
Ilagan CPS, January 12,
went to Watsons Drug Store and carried a
Isabela PPO 2014/10:00 AM
backpack with improvised explosive device
(IED) then the student left his backpack inside
the mall.
Red Team led by PSI MICAHEL ANGELO DG Duty security guard failed to Red Team conducted critique and debriefing the duty
TUBAÑA, ACOP conducted SIMEX at Mallig check and detect the short Security Guard together with the Branch Manager and
Plains Rural Bank (Isabela) Inc located along firearms that been used by the Employees for their defects noted.
Brgy Centro 2, Mallig, Isabela. PNP personnel covert personnel of Red Team.
of this Police Station enter the bank in civilian
Mallig PS, January 10, 2018/
attire with civilian shoulder bag with short
Isabela PPO 10:00 AM
firearms inside in it purposely to open saving
account on said Bank Establishment without
checking by the Security Guard the bag before
said covert PNP personnel enter said
Personnel conducted Red teaming Operations The employees did not noticed Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Naguilian PS, at PR Bank on entry of Illegal item (firearm) and failed to check and detect debriefing to the manager to know their lapses and
January 7, 2017
Isabela PPO inside premises. the illegal item has been use weaknesses.
by the Red Team.
Red Team conducted SIMEX on NPA attack The Hotline holder did not Red Team conducted critique and debriefing in all duty
before the raid transpired. The attacker will call notice that the caller is NPA personnel for their defects noted.
the PNPHOTLINE and report vehicular and the responding team did
Roxas PS,
January 4, 2018 incident while the Patrol Team responding at not verify if there is actually
Isabela PPO
the crime scene the NPA conduct ambuscade incident happen in the area.
and the other intruders will be deploy at the
vicinity of Police Station.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Banco de Oro Duty Security Guard of said Red Team conducted critique and debriefing in all duty
Roxas PS, on NPA attack before the raid transpired. The establishment did not notice security guard together with the Bank Manager of East-
January 9, 2018
Isabela PPO team will conduct surprise inspection on that inspecting team has a West Bank Roxas for their defects noted
issued firearms of duty security guard and plan to rob the bank
unknowingly the inspecting team has a plan to
rob the said establishment.
Red Team conducted Red teaming Operations The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
January 9, 2018/9:00 at AGRI Bank on entry of Illegal Items check and detect the illegal debriefing on the Bank Security to know their lapses and
AM (firearms) inside Bank premises. firearms that been use by the weaknesses.
Red Team.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at JBR Mini Mart The CCTV of JBR Mini Mart The Red Team of San Guillermo PS reported the defects
San Guillermo
January 10, and act as mystery shopper carrying failed to identify the Improvised noted to the owner of the Mini Mart to be more vigilant in
PS, Isabela
2018/10:00 AM Improvised Explosive Device. Explosive Device carry by the monitoring their CCTV.
Red Team.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at ISELCO The security guard failed to Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to the duty
January 12, Office. The team will assume to pay their bill check and detect the illegal Security Guard together with the Branch Manager for their
2018/9:00 AM while carrying illegal item (short firearm). firearms that been use by the defects noted.
Red Team.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Department of The guard did not check the Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
January 10,
Public Works and Highways (DPWH) and act bag carried by the client debriefing with the Security Guard to know their lapses
2018/10:00 AM
as walk – in client. and weaknesses.
San Isidro PS, Red Team headed by PCI VICENTE L Cameras are only located Team leader of the Red Team conducted critique and
Isabela PPO GUZMAN conducted inspection/checking of inside the establishment and debriefing on the personnel of the establishment and
January 10, 2018 /
CCTV and the surroundings of MLhullier  – San the Guard are for day time shift critics the absence of camera outside the building and
10:00 AM
Mariano especially the large drainage system only. instructed to be vigilant for any suspicious personality in
near the said establishment. or outside the facility.
Red Team conducted Red teaming Operations Security Guard did not inspect Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
San Mateo
at Cebuana Pawshop on entry of Deadly the red team. debriefing to know their lapses and weaknesses.
PS, Isabela January 12, 2018
Weapon (firearms) inside premises.
Red Team conducted SIMEX at Xentro Mall Duty guard of said mall did not Red Team critiqued and debriefed the security guard to be
Tumauini PS, January 13, 2018
Tumauini acting as shopper carrying firearm notice/detect the firearm. vigilant at all times.
Isabela PPO /10:30AM
inside his sling bag.
Red Team of Villaverde PS conducted SIMEX The Rural Bank of Villaverde Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
and Bank Security Inspection at Rural Bank of located at Brgy Bintawan Norte debriefing on the security guard to know their lapses and
Villaverde located at Brgy Bintawan Norte and and Rural Bank of Bagabag- weaknesses.
Villaverde PS,
January 3, 2018 Rural Bank of Bagabag-Villaverde Branch Villaverde Branch located at
10:00aM located at Brgy Ibung, Villaverde, Nueva Brgy Ibung both has no Alarm The Red Team of Villaverde PS reported the defects noted
Vizcayan system installed neither to manager of the Bank for his appropriate action.
connected at this Police
Villaverde PS Red Team conducted SIMEX No Defects noted was Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to personnel
January 5, 2018 on Camp Defense Plan of this Police Station to observed during the said of Villaverde PS for their defects noted and advised them
9:00 AM remind the personnel their fire sector and activity. to be more vigilant at all times.
contingency plan in case of enemy attack.
Security Inspection at Rural Bank of VillaverdeThe Rural Bank of Villaverde Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
located at Brgy Bintawan Norte and Rural located at Brgy Bintawan Norte debriefing on the security guard to know their lapses and
Bank of Bagabag-Villaverde Branch located at and Rural Bank of Bagabag- weaknesses.
Villaverde PS,
January 10, 2018 Brgy Ibung, Villaverde, Nueva Vizcaya n Red Villaverde Branch located at
1:00 PM Team of Villaverde PS conducted SIMEX and Brgy Ibung both has no Alarm The Red Team of Villaverde PS reported the defects noted
Vizcaya PPO
Bank system installed neither to manager of the Bank for his appropriate action.
connected at this Police
Villaverde PS Red Team conducted SIMEX No Defects noted was Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to personnel
January 12, 2017 on Camp Defense Plan of this Police Station to observed during the said of Villaverde PS for their defects noted and advised them
4:00PM thwart enemy from possible attack/raid of activity. to be more vigilant at all time.
Red Team of Bambang PS conducted SIMEX The Security guard of Lucky Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Bambang PS, Jan 12, 2018 at Lucky 99 Store, Bambang, NV and act as 99 Store failed to detect the debriefing on the store Manager and Security Officer to
Nueva 3:00 mystery shopper carrying a bladed weapon. bladed weapon carried by the know their lapses and weaknesses.
Vizcaya PPO PM Red Team.

Kasibu PS, January 11, 2018 Personnel of Kasibu PS conducted SIMEX at No detector being put up at The team leader gave his critique and suggestion to the
Nueva @ 09:30 AM Agri Bank located at Brgy Poblacion this the entrance of the security guard and staffs.
Vizcaya PPO Municipality. establishment
NPA Attack at Police Station and Municipal Recommendation. More personnel outside the flag rising
Quezon PS,
January 8, 2018 Hall during flag rising. And PNP personnel on Deploy personnel outside flag
ground or outside the LGU GYM
Monday their normal functions outside the police rising ground Vehicles must not enter the premises of Municipal hall
Vizcaya PPO
8:00 AM station during the ceremony
NO security Guard Team inspected the CCTV Camera if operational, (NO
Robbery holdap transpired at AURUM Gas POWER SUPPLY DURING BROWNOUT)
January 11, 2018 STATION Perpetrated by 2 motorcycle riding Personnel of the Gas station Standby GenSET or Alternate power supply needed.
Quezon PS,
Thursday criminal on board a single motorcycle. failed to immediately The Red Team Recommendation to the owner… to have
9:00 AM report/call the police hotline atleast 1 security guard specially on closing time.
Vizcaya PPO
Dupax Del Red Team of Dupax del Norte PS conducted -The Security guard of Rural Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Norte PS, January 2, 2018 SIMEX at Rural Bank of Dupax Norte Nueva Bank of Dupax del Norte is comment on the Security guard to know their lapses and
Nueva Vizcaya and act as Robbers. not Strictly implementing body weaknesses.
Vizcaya PPO Search of the person.
-No Detector to use to an The Red Team of Dupax Del Norte reported the
object. comments to the Manager of the said Rural Bank of Dupax
Del Norte (RBBI) for their appropriate action on the
Security Agency.
Red team under the supervision of PCI Duty guard is not on alert Red Team conducted comment and debriefing in all duty
ALEXANDER C BALUT, COP conducted -He entertains the personnel specialy the duty on post while performing duty
SIMEX at this office on NPA attack. Two complainant immediately together with the Team leader of Dupax del Norte Police
January 7, 2018
personnel will act as civilian for police without searching and Station for their defects noted.
clearance purposes carrying short firearms endorses him to the duty
and explosive. investigators.
Personnel of Dupax del Norte PS conducted The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Red teaming Operations at MLhullier on entry check and detect the illegal debriefing on the MLhullier Security to know their lapses
January 14, 2018 of Illegal Items (money ) inside MLhulliers entry of the suspect that been and weaknesses.
premises. use by the Red Team.

RED team of this station conducted SIMEX at Team leader of the Red Team reminded the security guard
Diadi PS, MLhuiller pawnshop in coordination with the The guard did not inspect the and employees to be always security conscious or review
Nueva January 1-14, 2018 branch manager on the entry of deadly bag of a client entering the their security protocol to avoid any untoward incident to
Vizcaya PPO weapon inside the bank. pawnshop. happen.

Personnel of Bagabag Police Station Detailed security guard failed Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
conducted Red teaming Operations at Saint to detect the illegal items debriefing on the security guard to know their lapses and
January 04, 2018 Jerome Academy re: Grenade Throwing (Explosive Device) used by weaknesses.
Incident resulting in Conflagration and /or the Red Team
Bagabag PS, Arson
Vizcaya PPO Personnel of Bagabag Police Station No detailed security guard to Red Team inspected the CCTV Camera if operational,
conducted Red teaming Operations at Dela detect the illegal items (ShortTeam leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
January 07, 2018 Peña Super Mart re: Hostage Taking Firearm) used by the Red debriefing on the owner to know their lapses and
Team weaknesses,
Team leader of the Red Team advise the owner to hire
security guard for security purposes.
January 10 and 12, Red Team of Santa Fe PS conducted No defects noted by the PSI JULIA A MEJIA, Team leader of the Red Teaming
Santa Fe PS,
2018 @ 10:00 AM operation at AGRI BANK and MH Lhuillier members of Red Teaming. give
Pawnshop located at Brgy Poblacion, Santa advise to the duty security guard to continuously
continuousl y alert and
Vizcaya PPO
Fe, Nueva Vizcaya vigilant on their duty
January 3, 2018 LGU building on NPA Attack. Guard on duty of LGU building PSINSP JOLLY A VILLAR, COP, leader of the Red Team
around 9:30 AM. . did not notice the suspicious conduct critique and debriefing to the Security guards to
person carried deadly know their lapses and weaknesses and advised security
weapon. guards to be always alert and vigilant.
Ambaguio PS,
January 8, 2018 SIMEX at Ambaguio Elementary School on Guard on duty failed to detect
around 9:30 AM. planting of Improvised Explosive Device . the entry of Improvised
Vizcaya PPO
Explosive Device carried by
disguise visitor.
January 6 , 2018 Red Team of Solano PS conducted Scenario Alertness of force multipliers Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to all SG’s
for Bomb Threat transpired at Saint Louis deployed. Don’t know what and personnel to inform them the importance of
Parish Church in preparation to the translation the first thing to do for quick consciousness, alertness and what will they do in times of
ng Poong Nazareno. response. Limited idea of the subject scenario transpire within the place at the time of
deployed force multiplier who the Feast of the Christ the King.
participated on the conduct of Communication System must be intensified to all force
Solano PS, the said activity, on how to multiplier.
Nueva handle said scenario.
Vizcaya PPO
January 12, 2018 Red Team of Solano PS conducted Scenario Position of every personnel in Red Team conducted critique and debriefing in all
on CTs attack in the Police Station. case of attack. Proposed personnel to discuss adjustments or improvement for the
snipers hole at the rooftop of said Scenario. Intensification of PASA BILIS to all
the building. Barangay Captain within AOR, BINs, and other force
multipliers in case of monitored CTs within their AOR for
an immediate action.
January 9, 2018 Red Team of Aritao Police Station conducted The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Red Teaming Operation at Cebuana check and did not notice the debriefing on the Security on-Duty on their lapses and
Pawnshop on entry of Short Firearm inside the illegal firearm that been use weaknesses.
Aritao PS,
Bank. by the Red Team.
Vizcaya PPO January 9, 2018 Red Team of Aritao Police Station conducted The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Red Teaming Operation at Cebuana check and did not notice the debriefing on the Security on-Duty on their lapses and
Pawnshop on entry of Short Firearm inside the illegal firearm that been use weaknesses.
Bank. by the Red Team.
The Security guard of Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
Team of Aglipay PS conducted SIMEX at MLhuiller, Total Gas Station debriefing on the security guards/managers to know their
MLhuiller, Total Gas Station and Mallig Plains and Mallig bank did not lapses and weaknesses.
Aglipay MPS, January 9, 2018 Rural Bank Inc. regarding Robbery hold-up, immediately notify the
Quirno PPO 10:00 AM and bank robbery perpetrated by syndicated managers in robbery hold-up
groups. and bank robbery perpetrated
. by syndicated groups.
Cabarroguis January 10, 2018 Personnel of Cabarroguis PS conducted Red The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and
PS, Quirno 9:00 AM teaming Operations at Quirino Capitol Peoples check and detect the illegal debriefing on the said Security Officer to know their lapses
PPO Mart, Cabarroguis, Quirino on entry of Illegal firearms. and weaknesses.
Items (firearms).
The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conducted critique and
detect immediately the debriefing to the security guard to know his lapses and
unattended baggage. weaknesses.
Red Team of Diffun MPS conducted SIMEX at
Diffun MPS, January 10, 2018 The security guard was
Golden City Pawnshop and left-
Quirno PPO 10:00AM hesitant to check the
behind/unattended baggage.

The security guard did not

secure the area immediately.
Team leader of the Red Team conducted debriefing to
congratulate the personnel on their impressive
Red Team of Diffun MPS conducted SIMEX on performance during the SIMEX.
Diffun MPS, January 12,2018
NPA ambuscades and attacks in the police No defects noted.
Quirno PPO 6:00PM
station. The Red Team leader directed all personnel to continue to
familiarize the Station’s Contingency Plan.

Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and

Personnel of Maddela PS conducted Red The security guard failed to
debriefing on the Bank Security to know their lapses and
Maddela PS, January 14, 2018 teaming Operations at FICO Bank Maddela check and detect the illegal
Quirno PPO 10:00 AM Branch on entry of Illegal Items (firearms) firearms that been use by the
inside the bank Red Team.
Red Team of Saguday PS conducted SIMEX The security guard failed to Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and debriefing
January 10, on the security guard to know their lapses and weaknesses
Saguday PS, at Bangko Magsaysay, Saguday, Quirino and report the left-
Quirno PPO 201810:00 AM Red Team left- behind an unattended baggage behind/unattended baggage
without noticing from the security guard by the Red Team.
Red Team of Basco PS conducted SIMEX at There is no security guard Team leader of the Red Team conducted critique and
January 12, 2018/ the Cebuana LHUILIER Basco Branch and act employed. debriefing to the manager to know their lapses and
10:00 AM as Robbery Holdaper holding m16 rifle with weaknesses.
January 10, 11, Red Team of Ivana PS conducted SIMEX at The staff failed to asked and Red Team reiterated security measures to enhance the
Ivana PS,
2018/ 9:00 AM/ the Municipal Mayor’s Office and Sangguniang inspect what is inside the bag. knowledge of the staffs.
Batanes PPO
10:00 AM Bayan Office and act as anonymous individual
carrying a black drop bag as suspected to Red team advised all teachers not to open any suspicious
have a bomb inside. baggage and to immediately report such to the police
Red Team of Uyugan PS conducted SIMEX at The duty security guard busy Red Team conducted critique and debriefing to the
Uyugan PS, January 8, 2018/ Uyugan Globe tower and act as civilian texting and listening music. Security Guard to know their lapses and weaknesses.
Batanes PPO 3:15 PM passing by and throw hand grenade to the
tower power box.
Red Team of Itbayat PS conducted SIMEX at The security guard of Team leader conducted critiques and debriefing to the
Itbayat PS, January 14, 2018/ Municipal Building and act as anonymous Municipal Building immediately duty guard of Municipal Building what possible to be done
Batanes PPO 7:00 AM individual carrying deadly weapon. call the attention of police. in case of the like incident.

Red Team of Sabtang PS conducted SIMEX at The duty security guard failed Team leader of the Red Team conduct critique and debriefing
Sabtang Integrated School of Fisheries and to inspect the bag nor just on the duty security guard with the principal to know their lapses
January 9, 2018/ and weaknesses.
Sabtang PS act as parent visiting the school carrying bag smiled and sit down.
10:00 AM
and suspected with improvised explosive
device inside.
At about 8:00 AM of January 5 personnel of this Police
Station led by PCI REYNALDO N MAGGAY, Acting
Station Commander, conducted Camp Defense Plan,
Santiago City Police Station 2 Red Team conducted SIMEX The undersigned observed the Simulation Exercises (SIMEX), Crisis Emergency
Jan 5, 2018
PO at their station located at Dubinan West, alertness and readiness of Response Exercises (CEREX), and Communication
8-10 AM
Santiago City on CNN/Terrorist attacks personnel of this Station. Exercises (COMMEX) to be conducted by the National
Headquarter (NHQ) on the second week of January 2018.
Said activity ended at about 10:00 AM of same date with
fruitful result
At about 8:00 AM of January 12 personnel of this Police
Station led by PCI REYNALDO N MAGGAY, Acting
January Station Commander, conducted Camp Defense Plan,
Police Station 2 Red Team conducted SIMEX
Santiago City 12,2018 The undersigned observed the Simulation Exercises (SIMEX), Crisis Emergency
at their station located at Tumanut Street
PO 8:00 am-10:00 am alertness and readiness of Response Exercises (CEREX), and Communication
Barangay Villasis, Santiago City on
personnel of this Station . Exercises (COMMEX) to be conducted by the National
CNN/Terrorist attacks
Headquarter (NHQ) on the second week of January 2018.
Said activity ended at about 10:00 AM of same date with
fruitful result
Santiago City January 3, 4, 5, 10, Personnel of this Office conducted simulation Exercises
Savemore Maharlika Highway, Plaridel, There were no defects noted (SIMEX), Crisis Emergency Response Exercises led by
PO 11, 12, 2018 8:00
Santiago City during the conduct of SIMEX
am-10:00 am PSINSP JOSE L CABADDU JR ,deputy COP prior to the
drill, final briefing was conducted to ensure procedures
and actions during attack. During the event personnel take
post on their designated area and other aspects had been
executed based from the Camp Defense Plan.
Personnel of this Office conducted Camp Defense
exercises led by PSINSP JOSE L CABADDU JR ,Deputy
Santiago City Station Commander 2, prior to the drill, final briefing was
January 9, 11, 13, Police Station 2 and Police Station 1 Office Shortage of Issued Long conducted to ensure procedures and actions during
2018 9:30 AM and parameters Firearms attack. During the event personnel take post on their
designated area and other aspects had been executed
based from the Camp Defense Plan.
Santiago City SCPO, CMFC Red Team   conducted
January 9, 11, 2018 Shortage of Issued Long Rapid Deployment Platoon Personnel drilled in the
PO simultaneous SIMEX at Rapid Deployment
8:00 PM Firearms designated area of camp defense plan
Platoon on CNN/Terrori sts attacks

d g t
l r k g et ni a lli g e p
a c in t h t r ni g
d g te n al k s n s s
in e ell o tat k
a e e t c
a t ra t e D b t k
c n
ef k ld h
h g I s o A di R n J- n n id e b m n at c o s
Office/Unit e a h t T c e i e C e c a k o e t e n a H u
g f m S e n di di tf di e a m di al b TOTAL
B g o et e isr g nI
io c H c ar c In S u o /Bt c /A D
P H yr
tf a yr I vi or at er s nI tf nI nI l q B a nI id p b e m
e B t t i ol ar cr a thr er a m e b A
L n c r
o F p cr i ict a R a b
E A T x i A ir h C W o
Cagayan PPO 2 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 4 0 3 0 26
Isabela PPO 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 0 2 0 27

Nueva Vizcaya PPO 0 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 6 0 21

Quirino PPO 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 6

Batanes PPO 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5
Santiago CPO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 5

TOTAL 4 28 7 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 19 10 0 13
13 0 90


Asst. SOS PNCO Chief, Operations Section Chief, ROPD

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