Chona Sir Redulla 3

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Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati

Institute of Education and Teacher Training

Educ 108: Assessment in learning 2


Submitted by:
Chona P. Goden

Submitted to:
Mr. Romeo Redulla

November 16, 2020

Affective Learning Competencies

Affective learning reaches the emotional and belief system aspects of

those who facilitate and participate in it. For me, affective learning has been
defined both by the types of educational objectives sought in planning
educational experiences, and through conceptual models portraying the range
of impact possible. As the learning that relates to the learner’s interest,
attitudes, and motivation and also destined to be technology driven at least

Development of Assessment Tools

Assessment tools are techniques used to measure a student’s academic

abilities, skills, and/of fluency in a given subject or to measure one’s progress
toward academic proficiency in a specific subject area. Educator’s use
assessment tools to make informed decisions regarding strategies to enhance
student learning.

Nature of Portfolio Assessment

Portfolio assessment is a collection of students efforts, progress, and

achievements in various areas of the curriculum. Portfolios are collection of
student work that allows assessment by providing evidence of effort and
accomplishments in relation to specific instructional goals.

Utilization of Information

Product-oriented Assessment Based

Process-oriented assessment is an evaluation that depends on the

teacher’s observation. The teacher watches the students in order to know their
actual reading and writing ability. Some of the children do not test well and
that the test grade is not a true reflection of what are their capabilities and
skills. It is concerned with the actual task performance rather than the output
of product of the activity.

a. Product - oriented Learning Competencies

Competencies are defined as groups or clusters skills and abilities

needed for s particular task. Information about outcomes is high importance
where students “end up” matter greatly.
b. Task Designing

Task designing is connecting to the learning competency. It is need to be

carefully planned. In particular, the teacher must ensure that the particular
learning process be observed contributes to the overall understanding of the
subject or course. Also to have a more interesting performance.

c. Scoring Rubrics

Scoring Rubric is a rating system by which teachers can determine at

what level of proficiency a student are able to perform a task or display
knowledge of a concept.

d. Utilization of Information

Learning Summary

From the given topic all of this assessment is to assess us and we gain
us more comprehensive learning that developed our performance into a higher
level of being a good students.

For me it is important to assess student’s learning not only to their

outputs or products but also the processes which the student underwent in
order to arrive at these products or outputs. I have learned that this kind of
assessment provides insight into student thinking, reasoning and motivation. It
also helps support the cognitive development of the student learning.

1. Objectives:

After the discussion the students, will be able to:

a. Identify the parts of speech;

b. Determine the differences of each part;

c. Point out example for each.

2. Instructional Materials:

Across Cultural book

3. Learning Content


Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech Function Example words Example

Verb Action or state (to) be, have, do,
like, work, sing, is a web site.
can, must
Noun Thing or person Pen, dog, work, John is making
music, town, an artwork.
teacher, John
Adjective Describe a noun a/an, the, 69, My cat is chubby.
some, good, big,
red, well,
Adverb Describes a verb Quickly, silently, My flower is very
adjective or well, badly, very, beautiful.
adverb really
Pronoun Replaces a noun I, you, he, she, He is very
some handsome.
Preposition Links a noubn to to, at, after, on, The ball is on the
another word but tree.
Conjunction Joins clauses or And, but, when I like chocolate
sentences or when it’s not
words milted.
Interjection Short Oh!, ouch!, hi!, Ouch! That hurts!
exclamation, well, wow!
inserted into a

4. Desired Response:

Identity the following according to the part of speech it belongs. Write your
answer before the number.

________1. Quickly ________6. Meadow

________2. to ________7. justice

________3. Ouch! ________8. freedom

________4. Well ________9. garden

________5. But ________10. work



Topic Learning Contact % of No. Remembering Understanding Applyin Analysis Evaluatin Creating
objectives hours item of g g
Parts of Identify the 1,2,3,4,5,6,
Speech parts of 20mins. 33.3 10
speech % 7,8,9,10
Determine 11,12,13,14,
differences 20mins. 33.3 10 15,16,17,18,
of each part %
19, 20
Point out 21,22,
example for 20mins. 33.4 10 23,24,25,
each % 26,27,28,
1 hour 100% 30
Total Items


DIRECTION: Read and circle the correct answer. Identify the parts of speech.

1. Which of the following is the example of part of speech?

a. noun b. phrase c. sentence

2. Ana and Rosa is best friend they are eating under the mango tree. The word
under is an example of what part of speech?
a. conjunction b. preposition c. interjection

3. Ben loves to play online games. Ben is what part of speech?

a. preposition b. verb c. noun

4. The horse runs quickly. The word quickly is an example of ____?

a. adjective b. adverb c. pronoun

5. I, you, he, she and some are some example of what part of speech?

a. noun b. pronoun c. adverb

6. A noun is a name of people, places and things.

a. true b. false c. maybe

7. To, ___, at, ___, ___ is a sample of preposition.

a. To, after, at, on, but, is a preposition.

b. To, you, at, she, he is a preposition.

c. To, some, at, good, big is a preposition.

8. My blue pen is being borrowed by my classmate. What kind of speech is the

word blue?

a. blue is pronoun b. blue is an adjectives c. blue is an interjection

9. What is the function of a preposition?

a. it describe a name of a person or thing.

b. it describe an action or a state.

c. it links a noun to another word.

10. Which of the following is the function of interjection?

a. interjection is a join clauses or words.

b. interjection is a short exclamation, sometimes inserted into a sentence.

c. interjections describe a noun and pronoun.


DIRECTION: Determine the part of speech and answer the following question.

______11. Describe the manner, time, degree or place in which a verb is done.

______12. Use to join together sentences, ideas, phrases or clauses.

______13. As small comments that has specific meanings usually caused with
by strong emotions.

______14. Naming words used for things place and people.

______15. Used in place of noun and referring to the things previous identified
in conversation.

______16. Describes and action or state.

______17. Used for describing nouns.

______18. Expressed relationship between words.

______19. It’s start with introducing people and possessions.

______20. Used to described a verb, adjective or adverb.


DIRECTION: Give examples of the given parts of speech. In a sentence form.

(2pts each)

21-22. noun

23-24. adverb

25-26. adjective

27-28. preposition

29-30. conjunction
Cadiz, M. (2020) affective Learning Competencies. Retrieved from

Laosinguin, L. Product Oriented Assessment. Retrieved from

Meador, D. (2019) The purpose of building a portfolio assessment. Retrieved


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