Ys%, XLD M Dka S%L Iudcjd Ckrcfha .Eiü M %H: The Gazette of The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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II fldgi - YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2024.

02'02 11
Part II – Gazette of the democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - 02.02.2024

YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;l%s iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h

The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
wxl 2"370 - 2024 fmnrjdß ui 02 jeks isl=rdod - 2024.02'02
No. 2,370 friday, february 02, 2024
(Published by Authority)

Part II —
­ Legal
(Separate paging is given to each Language of every Part in order that it may be filed separately)
Page Page
Appointments of Fiscals’ Marshals ... —
Laws ... — Notices of Fiscal’s Sales ... —
Supreme Court Notices ... — Notices in Testamentary Actions ... —
Court of Appeal Notices ... — Council of Legal Education Notices ... —
District and Magistrates’ Courts Notices ... — List of Notaries .... —
Notices in Insolvency Cases ... — Miscellaneous Notices .... 12

Important Notice Regarding Acceptance of Notices

For Publication in the Weekly “Gazette”
Attention is drawn to the Notification appearing in the 1st week of every month, regarding the latest dates and times of acceptance of Notices
for publication in the weekly Gazettes, at the end of every weekly Gazette of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes shall close at 12.00 noon of each Friday, two weeks before the date of publication.
All Government Departments, corporations, Boards, etc. are hereby advised that Notifications fixing closing dates and times of applications in
respect of Post-Vacancies, Examinations, Tender Notices and dates and times of Auction Sales, etc. should be prepared by giving adequate time
both from the date of despatch of notices to Govt. Press and from the date of publication, thereby enabling those interested in the contents of such
notices to actively and positively participate please note that inquiries and complaints made in respect of corrections pertaining to notification will
not be entertained after three months from the date of publication.
All notices to be published in the weekly Gazettes should reach Government Press two weeks before the date of publication i.e.

Notices for publication in the weekly Gazette of 22nd February 2024 should reach Government Press on or before 12.00 noon on 09th February
2024 Electronic Transactions Act, No. 19 of 2006 - Section 9
“Where any Act or Enactment provides that any proclamation, rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other matter shall be
published in the Gazette, then such requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if such rule, regulation, order, by-law, notification or other
matter is published in an electronic form of the Gazette.”
Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Govt. Printing,
Colombo 08,
1st January, 2024.
This Gazette can be downloaded from www.documents.gov.lk

11-B 82537- 353 (02/2024)

12 II fldgi - YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2024.02'02
Part II – Gazette of the democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - 02.02.2024

Miscellaneous Notices
An Act to Incorporate the Vattakkachchi Tamil Shangam (Incorporation)

I, S. Sritharan do hereby give notice under Standing Order No. 53 of Standing Order of the Parliament of the Democratic
Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka that I Propose to Introduce in Parliament a Bill entitled "An Act to incorporate the
"Vattakkachchi Tamil Shangam".

The aim of the Bill is to incorporate the said Shangam which has the following General Objects :-

(a) to establish information technology centers for the advancement of scientific studies :
(b) To take measures to protect the discipline and cultural values of the people ;
(c) To give assistance to develop worships places ;

S. Sritharan,
Member of Parliament.


An Act to incorporate the Kalmunaiyans Forum (Incorporation)

I S. M. M. Musharraf do hereby give notice under Standing Order No. 53 of the Standing Order of the Parliament of the
Democratic Socialist Repulic of Sri Lanka that I propose to introduce in Parliament a Bill entitled "An Act to incorporate
the Kalmunaiyans Forum".
The aim of the Bill is to incorporate the said forum which has the following General Objects :-

1. To establish information technology centers for the advancement of scientific studies :

2. to provide self – employment opportunities for unemployed ;
3. to participate in social, cultural and economic development of the country ;

S. M. M. Musharraf
Member of Parliament.

An Act to Incorporate the Ajith Rajapakse Foundation (Incorporation)

I, Weerasumana Weerasinghe do hereby give notice under Standing Order No. 53 of the Standing Order of the Parliament of
the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka that I Propose to introduce in Parliament a Bill entitled " An Act to incorporate
the "Ajith Rajapakse Foundation".
The aim of the bill is to incorporate the said Foundation which has the following General objects :-
(a) To conduct motivation programmes to encourage school children ;
(b) To participate in social, cultural and economic development of the country ;
(c) To give assistance to develop worship places.

Weerasumana Weerasinghe,
Member of Parliament.

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Part II – Gazette of the democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - 02.02.2024

In the High Court of the Western Province (Holden in Colombo in

the Exercise of its Civil Jurisdiction)

In the matter of an Application for the Winding up by Court, of the

Company named Edna Chocolates Ceylon (Private)
Limited bearing Company registration No. PV 9317 of No. 257
Grandpass Road, Colombo 14 under Part XII of the Companies
Act No. 07 of 2007.
Case No. : CHC/104/2023/CO,
Nature : Winding – Up
: Regular Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC,
Value : Rs. 58,942,.888.24 No. 21, Sir Razik Fareed Mawatha, Colombo 01, and Having
a Branch Office and/or a Place of Business called and known
as the ''Foreign Branch" at No. 21, Sir Razik Fareed Mawatha,
Colombo 01.

Notice is hereby given that a Petition for the winding up of the above named Company by the High Court of the Western
Province (Holden in Colombo in the exercise of its Civil jurisdiction) was, on the 18th December, 2023, presented to the said
Court by Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC of No. 21, Sir Razik Fareed Mawatha, Colombo 01. And that the said Petition is
directed to be heard before the Court on the 19th March 2024 ; and any creditor or contributory of the said Company desirous
to support or oppose the making of an order on the said Petition may appear at the time of hearing in person or by his Counsel
or Registered Attorney for that purpose ; and a copy of the Petition will be furnished to any creditor or contributory of the
said Company requiring the same by the under signed on payment of the prescribed charge for the same.

Mohamed Kalil Mohamed Irshad,

Attorney –at – Law for the Petitioner,
No. 180, Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
Colombo 04.

Note : Any person who intends to appear on the hearing of the said Petition must serve on or send by post, to the above – named
Mohamed Kalil Mohamed Irshad, Attorney- at – Law, Notice in writing of his intention so to do. The notice must state that
the name and address of the person, or if a firm the name and address of the firm, and must be signed by the person or firm
or his or their Attorney-at – Law (if any) and must be served or if posted, must be sent by post in sufficient time to reach the
above – named, not later than 6.00 O' clock in the after noon of the 18th March, 2024.

14 II fldgi - YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2024.02'02
Part II – Gazette of the democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka - 02.02.2024


THE Weekly issue of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is normally published on
Fridays. If a Friday happens to be a Public Holiday the Gazette is published on the working day immediately
preceding the Friday. Thus the last date specified for the receipt of notices for publication in the Gazette also
varies depending on the incidence of public holidays in the week concerned.

The Schedule below shows the date of publication and the latest time by which notices should be
received for publication in the respective weekly Gazette. All notices received out of times specified below
will not be published. Such notices will be returned to the sender by post for necessary amendment and return
if publication is desired in a subsequent issue of the Gazette. It will be in the interest of all concerned if those
desirous of ensuring the timely publication of notices in the Gazette make it a point to see that sufficient time is
allowed for postal transmission of notices to the Government Press.

The Government Printer accept payments of subscription for the Government Gazette.

Note.—Payments for inserting Notices in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
will be received by the Government Printer.

The Schedule

   Month Date of Publication Last Date and Time of

Acceptance of Notices for
           Publication in the Gazette


February 02.02.2024 Friday –– 19.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
09.02.2024 Friday –– 26.01.2024 Friday 12 noon
16.02.2024 Friday –– 02.02.2024 Friday 12 noon
22.02.2024 Thursday –– 09.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

March 01.03.2024 Friday –– 16.02.2024 Friday 12 noon

07.03.2024 Thursday –– 22.02.2024 Thursday 12 noon
15.03.2024 Friday –– 01.03.2024 Friday 12 noon
22.03.2024 Firday –– 07.03.2024 Thursday 12 noon
28.03.2024 Thursday –– 15.03.2024 Friday 12 noon

April 05.04.2024 Friday –– 22.03.2024 Friday 12 noon

10.04.2024 Wednesday –– 28.03.2024 Thursday 12 noon
19.04.2024 Friday –– 05.04.2024 Friday 12 noon
26.04.2024 Friday –– 10.04.2024 Wednesday 12 noon

Gangani Liyanage,
Government Printer.
Department of Government Printing,
Colombo 08,
01st January, 2024.

Printed at the Department of Government Printing, Sri Lanka.

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