4000 Essential English Words 4
4000 Essential English Words 4
4000 Essential English Words 4
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4000 Essential English W ords 4
4000 Essential English W ords 4
Paul Nation
ISBN: 978-1-59966-405-7
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
12 11
Photo Credits
All images © Shutterstock, Inc. except: p. 180 © iStock International Inc.
Unit Target Words
aroma, beverage, cluster, combine, condensed, contemporary, cultivate, divine, humid,
1 odor, palate, paradise, plantation, rapid, rate, soothing, subtle, texture, toxic, vary
accident, admiral, arc, character, conscience, fiery, flesh, grapefruit, hay, horrified,
2 kerosene, loop, paddle, raft, sour, stake, steward, string, thorn, wreck
admonish, audible, awesome, beware, brag, conscious, disagree, echo, eventual, hint,
3 idiot, immense, indirect, option, pastime, perfect, pinpoint, switch, thorough, torment
beak, damp, disapprove, except, flight, fond, immoral, ivy, moan, oblivious, perish, pit,
4 rim, roost, slippery, soar, trivial, typical, utterly, weep
awhile, cyberspace, edit, essay, evaluate, faint, global, gymnasium, highlight, ignorant,
5 index, lecture, moral, operate, private, recent, resolution, semester, typewritten, weird
absolute, alas, attentive, cape, envision, evenly, folk, melt, patch, pleasure, pop,
6 pudding, rail, recipe, role, shrink, soak, spark, spirit, suit
account, architect, conceal, crime, deed, gratitude, habitat, intervene, landmark, legal,
7 memorable, oblige, offence, proclaim, rally, resolve, resource, sentence, volunteer, witness
access, conduct, constant, crack, device, enclose, grip, halt, impending, influence, law,
8 mode, perspire, replace, snap, sly, tend, valid, version, whatsoever 50
alongside, appetite, assist, breeze, defy, display, efficient, feeble, forgive, lively, majestic,
9 nor, outraged, pessimistic, rumor, slap, smash, subject, wage, whereas 56
animate, classify, concede, concept, construct, decade, diagram, ferry, handy, isolate, longing,
10 numerous, particle, plea, refrain, review, sophisticated, surrender, upright, worthwhile
alternative, avenue, belly, bid, blow, conflict, continent, current, disrespect, enthusiasm,
12 harsh, lean, meantime, mischief, muscle, rescue, succession, terrain, timid, violence
affect, autograph, bead, brew, charm, destiny, horn, irritable, lag, maximize, nightmare,
13 nutritious, protein, signature, stuff, subconscious, van, warn, workout, zoom
brick, crumble, dough, express, fist, flexible, flush, injure, lump, mixture, reconcile, ruin,
14 shatter, shutter, sift, slight, sparkle, sprinkle, stale, utter
although, apply, await, beloved, bury, climate, complain, confuse, due, entire, establish,
15 furnace, leash, mature, measure, midst, misery, prior, research, variety
Unit Target Words
altogether, bind, bruise, custom, disobedient, foresee, glimpse, hoop, misfortune,
16 negative, per, plead, rip, sake, scrape, source, stern, stitch, thump, vehement
civilization, convenient, den, dew, drastic, exit, flock, fold, lid, loom, mighty, mushroom,
17 native, poison, reed, shield, stormy, sway, urban, wade
accent, barber, basement, blank, blink, choir, comic, complicate, decline, errand, glove,
18 hermit, justly, leather, ponder, reserve, script, search, slam, staircase 110
afflicted, aisle , atmosphere, author, breakdown, cargo, chapter, connect, etc., flip, idle,
19 notify, pea, raisin, retain, state, tray, unfortunate, vivid, vomit
betray, blast, bracelet, cease, choke, civil, comment, cross, dent, distrust, fort, found,
20 lining, mass, pray, rife, sole, sweep, treachery, tuck
background, bait, chronicle, copper, disease, folklore, infect, itch, literature, millennium,
21 myth, promote, relate, religion, sum, teller, trustworthy, update, vein, venom
charity, commerce, condemn, cozy, deplete, economy, empire, goods, heed, hitchhike,
22 mock, neutral, persecute, pity, reduce, scribe, temper, throne, unity, victor
accurate, analyze, asteroid, controversy, evolve, factor, genetic, genome, identical, intellectual,
23 majority, mammal, multiply, offspring, pesticide, regulate, reinforce, stricken, vast, vegetarian
cherish, compassion, consent, core, cunning, dizzy, equilibrium, foster, grind, growl,
24 moderation, predator, sane, saucer, snatch, stagger, stumble, tense, tumble, withhold 146
aircraft, celebrity, concrete, decisive, esteemed, ethical, extinct, hardy, institute, jealousy,
25 migrate, nurture, overhead principle, rural, secluded, species, swamp, traverse, zoology
assumption, barley, beast, colonel, contagious, corpse, crisis, cure, deformed, discriminate,
26 embassy, extinguish, flint, harass, integrate, miniature, nutrition, promptly, technician, tropics
automobile, candidate, confidential, corporate, enhance, era, guideline, incorporate, interact, interval,
29 mobile, modify, parallel, phenomenon, pollute, ridicule, solar, territory, tournament, transportation
bill, boundary, chaos, consistent, cyclone, doomed, heir, martial, organic, poultry,
30 scramble, sergeant, sheer, stance, telegraph, textile, tornado, typhoon, wail, wardrobe
T R f f h u ,
1 They are useful in both spoken and written English. No matter what English course
you are studying, the words in these books will be of value to you.
2 Each word in these books is a high-frequency word. This means that the effort in
learning the words is well repaid by the number of times learners have a chance to
encounter or use them.
3 These books as a whole cover a large proportion of the words in any spoken or written
text. They cover at least 80% of the words in newspapers and academic texts, and
at least 90% of the words in novels. They also cover at least 90% of the words in
Illustrations for each target word are provided to help learners visualize the word as it
is being used in the example sentence. These word/image associations aim to help
students grasp the meaning of the word as well as recall the word later.
It should be noted that words have more than one grammatical category. However, this
series focuses on the word’s most common form. This is mentioned to remind learners
that just because a word is labeled and utilized as a noun in this series does not mean
that it can never be used in another form such as an adjective. This series has simply
focused on the word in the form that it is most likely to be expressed.
1 Have students create vocabulary cards with one word from the unit on one side of the
card and the translation of the word in the student’s first language on the other side.
Students should use the cards for study in free moments during the day. Over several
weeks, students will find that quick repeated studying for brief periods of time is more
effective than studying for hours at one sitting.
2 Assign graded readers at students’ appropriate levels. Reading such books provides
both enjoyment as well as meaning-focused input which will help the words stick in
students’ memory.
3 Practice reading fluency to promote faster recall of word meaning for both sight
recognition and usage. Compass Publishing’s Reading for Speed and Fluency is a
good resource for reading fluency material.
beverage [bevaridj] n.
A beverage is a drink.
— The waiter brought our beverages first. Then he brought our food.
cluster [klAstar] n.
A cluster of things is a small group of them placed close together.
-+ She held a large cluster of grapes in her hand.
combine [kambain] v.
To combine is to join together to make a single thing or group.
-» Mina combined peanut butter and jelly to make a sandwich.
cultivate [kAltaveit] v.
To cultivate plants is to care for them and help them grow.
-» A research company is cultivating new kinds of rice to aid poor countries.
d i v i n e [divain] adj.
When something is divine, it is related to gods.
-* Legends say that music was given to men as a divine gift from the gods.
odor [oudar] n.
An odor is a very distinct smell.
-» He knew there was a leak when he noticed the strong odor of natural gas.
palate [paelit] n.
The palate is the top part of the mouth.
-> You can touch your palate with your tongue.
c paradise [pseredais] n.
Paradise is the place or condition of happiness where things are perfect.
-* My vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.
r plantation [plaenteijan] n.
A plantation is a big farm that only grows certain kinds of crops.
-* In the 1800s, there were many cotton plantations in the southern US.
r rate [reit] n.
A rate is the speed at which something happens.
-♦ Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.
r texture [tekstj9:r] n.
The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels.
The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.
P tO X iC [taksik] adj.
When something is toxic, it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous.
-» Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.
r vary [veari] v.
To vary means to be different from another thing in size or amount.
-» The heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. rapid / rate
The population growth in the city was incredibly__________ . It is quite surprising
that people settled there at such a fast__________ .
2. contemporary / vary
Many___________ laws make it illegal for business to compete in unfairways.
However, the specific laws in different countries___________ greatly.
3. humid/toxic
Because it is quite___________ on the island, various kinds of plants grow well
there. However, some of these plants are__________ to humans.
4. texture / aroma
The cheese has a smooth__________ . However, some people find it hard to eat
because of its powerful__________ .
5. cluster / combined
A ___________of people suggested that nearby cities could fight the invaders if
they cooperated with each other. As a result, everyone__________ their efforts and
defeated the invaders.
6. soothing / subtle
The artist uses___________differences of color in her landscapes. This has an
overall calming and___________ effect on the viewer.
7. cultivated / odor
A huge garden was___________ in the middle of the city. However, a species of rare
plants gave off an unpleasant__________ .
8. beverage / palate
1 During a four or five course meal, one should drink something to clean the
__________ between courses. The perfect___________ for this is, of course, water.
9. condensed / divine
. I can explain the basic story in a simple,___________way. A boy is given a
__________ message, and he begins an exciting adventure.
10. plantations / paradise
The island of Oahu is not a natural like Maui. However, tourists still
P/MT A Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
1. A soothing cup of tea _
2. The odor of the cheese.
3. The pot’s texture____
4. The chemical is toxic______.
5. The contemporary fiction class_____
6. The rate at which these flowers grew _
7. My mother cultivates_____ .
8. The plantation had .
9. The thick and humid forest .
10. That cluster of stars in the sky makes.
a. so economic growth was rapid b. and Jim thought it was a divine message
c. people call it a paradise d. the effects of the medicine will vary
e. and she looked at his palate f. and she smelled the aroma of cookies
g. so they combined the chemicals h. because it has a subtle taste of chocolate
i. but I wanted my own beverage j. but the condensed version was shorter
The History of Chocolate
Many people believe that chocolate originally came from Europe. However, chocolate,
called the “food of the gods,” was first made in the Americas. The first chocolate was
very different from contemporary chocolate.
Wild chocolate trees can grow easily in the humid Amazon rainforest. Clusters of
flowers growing on these trees turn to seeds. About 20 to 60 cacao beans can be found
1 „JI in the seeds. Cacao beans are the ingredient needed to create sweet, soothing, and
; jl
delicious chocolate treats.
L^~M The Mayan and Aztec cultures both thought that chocolate trees were brought from
paradise by gods. The Mayans and Aztecs used the beans from this divine tree to create
a special beverage with a very pleasant odor. Surprisingly, the Aztecs believed that it
would be toxic to women and children.
-v-M In the 1500s, the Spanish explorer Cortes met the Aztecs. Cortes became quite
interested in the plantations where the Aztecs cultivated chocolate trees. When he
returned to Europe, he took cacao beans with him. He introduced the people of Spain to
the Aztecs’ chocolate beverage.
Over the next 100 years or so, kings, queens, and members of the upper class
enjoyed drinking chocolate. They enjoyed it even more once they learned to add sugar
to the beverage! Soon, chocolate had spread all across Europe. New machines allowed
chocolate makers to perfect their products and produce them at a very rapid rate.
Preparing the beans in special ways brought out the aroma of chocolate. The beans were
combined with condensed milk to give the chocolate a smooth texture.
Today, contemporary chocolates with subtle flavors fill the shelves of expensive
chocolate shops. The different types of chocolate
*1 w&
m available today vary widely. True chocolate
lovers can tell which is best, though. They will
r* tell you that the flavor of high quality
chocolate stays on the palate long
after you finish it.
A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Wild chocolate trees grow well in humid weather.
2. The Mayans and Aztecs said chocolate was a divine plant brought from paradise.
4. Beans were combined with condensed milk to give chocolate a smooth texture.
3. Which group of people believed that chocolate was toxic to women and children?
a. Chocolate makers b. Plantation owners
c. The upper class in Europe d. The Aztecs
accident [seksidant] n.
An accident is an unexpected undesirable event.
She had to go to the hospital after she was in a serious car accident.
a d m i r a l [aedmaral] n.
An admiral is someone who controls many military ships.
-» They won the sea battle because of the admiral’s great leadership.
a r c la:rk] n.
An arc is a curved shape.
-» A rainbow has the shape of an arc.
character [k^nkted n.
Your character is your personality.
— My sister’s character is fun and very outgoing.
conscience [kdnjans] n.
Your conscience is your inner sense of what is right and wrong.
-* I recycle everything I can, so my conscience is clear!
flesh [flej] n.
Flesh is the skin, muscle and fat on your body.
-» The zebra’s flesh has black and white stripes.
h a y [hei] n.
Hay is dry grass used to feed animals or used as a covering.
-* I need to buy some more hay for the horse to sleep on.
r lo o p [lu:p] n.
A loop is a line made into the shape of a circle.
-» He made a loop with the rope and placed it over the post.
r paddle [p&di] n.
A paddle is a piece of wood or plastic that moves a boat across water.
-* We need a paddle to help us move across the water.
C raft [raeft] n.
A raft is a floating platform made from pieces of wood tied together.
-► The man made a raft out of bamboo and floated out to sea.
r S O U r [sauax] adj.
When something is sour, it has a sharp and unpleasant taste.
-* I don’t like lemons because I think they are too sour.
r stake isteik] n.
A stake is a small, sharp piece of wood or metal that is put into the ground.
-* We marked our property by placing stakes into the ground.
r steward [syu.ard] n.
A steward is a person like a waiter who serves food on planes and ships.
-» The steward is bringing some tea.
r string [strinl n.
String is a thin piece of fabric or rope.
-* I found a large ball of string.
r thorn [eorn] n.
A thorn is a sharp part of a plant.
-» Be careful of the thorns when you pick the roses!
r wreck [rek] v.
To wreck something means to destroy or ruin it.
-+ The teenagers wrecked the house for no reason at all.
Exercise 1
2. arc
a. a thin rope b. a part of your mind
c. a circle in a rope d. a curved shape
3. raft
a. a waiter b. an undesirable event
c. on fire d. a floating platform
4. hay
a. oil b. dry grass
c. a piece of wood in the ground d. a fruit
5. character
a. where something is bought b. personality
c. difficulties d. skin and muscle
2. frightened
a. wrecked b. horrified
c. fiery d. sour
3. a curved shape
a. arc b. hay
c. kerosene d. string
4. part of your mind that stops you from doing bad things
a. character b. conscience
c. accident d. steward
2. Some people thought that the meal was too sharp and unpleasant tasting.
4. Why did you steal the woman’s bag? Don’t you have a mind that understands what is
5. Can you buy three yellow pieces of fruit that are like oranges from the supermarket
6. I hope that the waiter on the plane will bring some water soon.
7. After lightning struck the tree, the forest turned into a burning blaze.
9. I cleaned the rabbit’s cage and left some dry grass for it to eat.
10. I threw the ball through the line in the shape of a circle.
Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank.
2. The admiral caught the monkeys using loops of string and stakes.
3. What did the monkeys eat while they were in the cages?
a. Thorns b. Hay
c. Grapefruit d. Flesh
beware [biwear] v.
To beware means to be careful of something or someone that is dangerous.
-* You should beware of driving fast on wet roads.
b r a g [brseg] v.
To brag means to talk of one’s abilities or achievements in a proud way.
-* He had strong muscles and bragged about it to the entire class.
disagree [disagri:] v.
To disagree with someone means to have a different opinion from them.
-*• The lawyers disagreed about the best way to settle the case.
e c h o [ekou] v.
To echo means that a sound repeats itself because it bounced off an object.
-* The child yelled over the canyon, and the wall echoed the sound.
hint [hint] n.
A hint is information that suggests something will happen or is true.
-* I quietly passed on a hint to my sister about the test.
idiot [fdiat] n.
An idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly.
— Because he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.
o p t io n [dpjan] n.
An option is a choice between two or more things.
-* The children were given the option of three houses to pick from.
pastime [paestaim] n.
A pastime is an activity done for fun that you do often.
-♦ In the US, baseball is considered the national pastime.
pinpoint [pinpoint] v.
To pinpoint something means to locate it exactly.
-♦ The navigation system in my car is able to pinpoint my exact location.
switch [switj] v.
To switch means to change something to something else.
-* Mom switched the TV station from the news to her favorite show.
torment [torment] v.
To torment someone means to cause them to suffer on purpose.
-» She tormented her little brother by taking his favorite toy.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. idiot /option
I had the___________ of going with them or staying home. I felt like an __________
for the choice I made.
2. admonished / torment
Because he liked to___________the kitten by pouring water on it, the boy’s mother
___________ him for his cruel behavior.
3. echoed / pinpoint
It was difficult to___________the dog’s location because its cries___________ off
of the hills.
4. brag / perfect
My sister likes to___________ about how my mother and father think her behavior is
5. beware / switch
When you___________the machine on, you need to___________ because the
machine is dangerous.
6. eventual / pastime
All of the accidents at the swimming pool led to the__________ closing of it and
the end of a favorite summer__________ .
7. disagreed / awesome
The king wanted people to think that his power was__________ . He would put
people in jail if they___________with him.
8. audible / conscious
Even though the little girl was trying to sneak up on her parents, her__________
steps made her parents___________ of her.
9. immense / indirect
An___________tree fell across the road, forcing the travelers to take a more
__________ route through the countryside.
a. and it led to her eventual illness b. because they gave him so many hints
c. if they wanted to get a perfect grade d. but he was conscious of the other boats
e. because bad dreams tormented him f. then people might think you’re an idiot
g. but it was just the echo of her voice h. because there weren’t any other options
i. so he could pinpoint his location in the wild
j. because the sound of the bone breaking was audible
The Young Man
and the Old Man
A proud young man was looking for a new pastime. He heard about people hiking in
the national parks and decided to try it for himself. As he started his stroll, an old man
walked up to him.
“Don’t go this way,” the old man said. “Beware. The paths are not clear. It’s easy to
become lost.”
But the young man disagreed with the old man and bragged that he had a perfect
understanding of the park. “I studied maps of this area,” he told him. “I believe I have a
thorough knowledge of these trails. I won’t become lost.”
The old man listened to the young man and then admonished him for his pride.
“I have walked these trails my entire life,” he said. “If you think you will be safe, then
go ahead.”
The young man ignored the old man and started along the trail.
Whenever he had to choose between an easy or difficult route, he always chose the
more difficult option. In addition, he was not conscious of which direction he was going.
After a while, he decided to return home. Because his course through the wilderness was
so indirect, he had no idea where he was.
He looked at his map but could not pinpoint his location. He walked one path after
another but soon realized he was lost.
The sun was going down, and sudden strong winds gave a hint that it might rain.
Immense clouds filled the sky. Awesome sounds of thunder were audible from all
directions. It echoed off the mountains. The thought of the eventual storm tormented the
young man. He hurried in one direction, but soon switched out of confusion. Luckily, it
led him out of the park.
When he arrived home, he knew that he had acted like
an idiot. He realized he was lucky to be alive. He decided
to listen to people with more experience than himself.
P/MT A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The young man decided to hike in the national parks.
3. The young man believed that his knowledge of the park’s trails was thorough.
4. When the young man had an option of two trails, he always chose the easier one.
5. The young man was tormented by the thought of the eventual storm.
6. When the young man got home, he knew that the old man had acted like an idiot.
b e a k [beak] n.
A beak is the hard curved part of a bird’s mouth.
-♦ The bird used her beak to dig a small hole in the ground.
disapprove [disapru:v] v.
To disapprove of something is to think that it is wrong.
-+ Alex, disapproved of his son’s behavior.
flight [flait] n.
A flight is an act of flying, often in an airplane.
-»■ The airplane made a flight around the world.
ivy [aivi] n.
Ivy is a plant with long vines that grows upward typically on walls.
-» The walls of the castle are covered with ivy.
m o a n [moun] v.
To moan is to make a low sound when feeling pain or sadness.
-* The sick man moaned from his bed.
pit [pit] n.
A pit is a big hole in the ground.
— Michael fell into the pit and needed some help to get out.
rim [rim] n.
The rim is the outside edge of a round thing, like a cup or bottle.
-* I put my lips to the rim of the bottle and took a drink.
rOOSt [ru:st] n.
A roost is a place where birds can land and rest or sleep.
-» The family of doves made a roost at the top of the tree.
soar [sot] v.
To soar means to fly high in the air.
-* As the sun rose, two eagles soared through the sky.
weep [wi:p] V.
To weep means to cry.
-+ My sister told me the dramatic movie would make me weep.
Choose the answer that best fits the question.
1. What does a sad movie cause people to do?
a. To weep b. To except
c. To perish d. To disapprove
10. Which person has been proven to have committed an immoral act?
a. A teacher b. A criminal
c. A judge d. A fireman
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. oblivious / perish
All of the people in the movie will___________ if they remain___________ of the
2. roost/fond
When the owl wants to make a __________ , itis ___________ of using an empty
3. pit /rim
He grabbed the can by its__________ , then tossed it far down into the
4. flight / soars
The eagle___________ into the clouds when it goes on a long__________
5. moan / weep
Every time the sick woman would___________ in pain, her daughter would
6. immoral / typical
It is not___________for a policeman to do things like stealing.
7. beak/except
Every part of the bird was beautiful,_____ for its short, ugly
8. trivial / disapprove
Because his assistant is teaching them__ plays, the coach will
__________ of the time wasted.
9. utterly / ivy
Because it__________ covered the fence, the gardener had to remove all of the
3. The damp ivy was too slippery for Fox to climb out.
cyberspace [saibarspeis] n.
Cyberspace is the imaginary place of the Internet where activities occur.
-+ I didn’t receive your email. It probably got lost in cyberspace.
edit [edit] v.
To edit means to correct a piece of writing so that it is suitable to be published.
—- She asked her brother to edit her paper before she submitted it to her teacher.
essay [esei] n.
An essay is a short piece of writing on a certain subject.
-+ She had to write a two-page essay for her English class.
e v a l u a t e [ivaeljueit] v.
To evaluate something means to study it, so a decision can be made.
-»Joe and Ken evaluated the plan and agreed that it would work.
faint [feint] v.
To faint means to go unconscious and fall down.
-* Carol fainted because she hadn’t eaten in over a day.
highlight [hailait] v.
To highlight something means to mark it with a color so that it is easy to see
-* I read my vocabulary list and highlighted the most difficult words.
lecture [lektfar] n.
A lecture is a long, educational speech.
-» His lecture on world hunger was very informative.
moral [m6(:)rel] n.
A moral is a message at the end of a story that teaches you something.
-* At the end of the story, Mother explained the moral to the children.
operate [apareit] *
To operate means to work or function.
-* I’m sorry, but the trains are not operating today.
r e c e n t [ri:sant] adj.
When something is recent, it happened a short time ago.
-» I did not know what caused his recent behavior.
resolution [rezalu:Jan] n.
A resolution is a personal decision.
-> At New Year, I made a list of resolutions to help me have a better year.
s e m e s t e r [simestar] n.
A semester is a portion of a school year.
Jack is in his second semester of college.
4. essays / edit
Joe has the ability to write great. His writing is so good that he never
has to___________ his work.
5. semester/index
The report is due at the end of the . You should look in the
to see if this book will help you with the report.
6. fainted / lecture
Ourteacher____ . while she was giving us a . about health!
7. highlighted / typewritten
Jennifer’s notes are very neat! They are _ _, and she has. the
most important parts with a green pen.
8. gymnasium / resolution
I made a ___________to go tothe____ more often to improve my health.
9. moral / awhile
The___________ ofthe story is that you should think. before saying
anything that might hurt someone.
4. In his project, the student had to evaluate the government’s response to global
5. The geography test was worth fifty percent of the final grade.
6. The student failed the test because he was completely ignorant about the
3. What did the student NOT have to do in order to use the magic computer?
a. Type in the essay title b. Edit his paper
c. Plug it in d. Wait awhile
C a p e [keip] n.
A cape is a large cloth that covers one’s back and is tied around the neck.
-* The superhero wore a long red cape.
r folk [fouk] n.
Folk are common or average people.
-*■ I’ve invited all the folks from our street to a gathering at my place.
m e l t [melt] v.
To melt means to turn from a solid to a liquid.
-♦ The snowman that we made yesterday melted in the sun.
r patch [paetj] n.
A patch is a part of a surface that is different in appearance from the rest.
-* There was one small patch of grass in the sand-covered desert.
pleasure [Pie38r] n.
Pleasure is a feeling of happiness.
-* The student smiled with pleasure when she received the prize.
p o p [pap] n.
A pop is a short, loud sound.
-* I heard a loud pop; then my computer screen shattered.
pudding tpudirj] n.
A pudding is a sweet dessert.
-► Would you like some chocolate pudding and coffee for dessert?
rail [reil] n.
A rail is a horizontal bar made of metal or wood.
-» The cat was sitting on the rail of the fence.
recipe [resspi:] n.
A recipe is a set of instructions to make food.
-» The apple cake that you made is really tasty. Can I have the recipe, please?
r o le [roul] n.
A role is the normal purpose or function of a person or thing.
-* My role at work is to check the quality of the products.
shrink [jriQk] v.
To shrink means to get smaller.
-* If you stick to a healthy diet, your stomach will shrink!
soak [souk] v.
To soak something means to make it very wet.
-* You need to soak these beans overnight before you cook them.
spark [spark] n.
A spark is a small, quick flash of fire.
-* As he welded the two pieces of metal together, sparks flew everywhere.
suit [suit] n.
A suit is a set of clothes. It usually includes a jacket with pants ora skirt.
-* I wore my new suit on my date with Melissa.
P/ABU A Choose the right word for the given definition.
1. a set of clothes
a. spirit b. suit
c. recipe d. rail
2. common people
a. folk b. pleasure
c. absolute d. attentive
3. to get smaller
a. melt b. pop
c. shrink d. envision
2. spark
a. a flash of fire b. a set of clothes
c. a sweet dessert d. a set of instructions
3. rail
a. a horizontal bar b. a common person
c. a normal purpose d. a different part of a surface
4. absolute
a. said when bad things happen b. careful
c. happening at the same rate d. total and complete
5. pleasure
a. to make a noise b. to get smaller
c. a feeling of happiness d. personality
P/MF A Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
1. Mom made chocolate pudding_____ .
2. He is very attentive_____ .
3. People wore capes more often_____ .
4. His strong spirit .
5. I can’t envision you_____ .
6. It was a pleasure .
7. His role at work is .
8. The cat is sitting on the rail .
9. Forthis recipe, I will need .
10. There were sparks flying .
^>^**i*---*^---M-~.-!.i~h^;/^;-*£k ... j .■-. ..5,.-^.J..jafa,-.Y . .;-. .■■,rr. f An. ■»-ll'-,;fa k
6. When Jack Frost set fire to the food, the eggs started to melt.
architect [dirkitekt] n.
An architect is a person who designs buildings.
-+ The plans for building the new home were drawn by a famous architect.
conceal [kansi:l] v.
To conceal something means to hide it.
-* You should conceal your money so no one can take it from you.
C r im e [kraim] n.
A crime is something bad that a person does that can be punished by law.
-+ Police quickly arrived at the scene of the crime.
d e e d [di:d] n.
A deed is a certificate that proves that someone owns something.
-* When she bought the car, she was given a deed to show the car was hers.
gratitude [graetat/'u:d] n.
Gratitude is a feeling of being thankful.
-» The kids showed Aunt Tess much gratitude for visiting them.
habitat [haebataet] n.
A habitat is the natural home of animals or plants.
-♦ Frogs are often found in a wet habitat, such as near a lake, river, or pond.
intervene Dnta/vim] *
To intervene means to help stop a problem between two people or groups.
-+ The students argued until the teacher intervened.
landmark [laendmdrk] n.
A landmark is an object that helps people find or remember a location.
-* The tall tree was used as a landmark for people to find the road to the inn.
oblige [sblaid3] v.
To oblige someone means to require them to do something.
-*• If I wanted to have playtime, I was obliged to clean my room once a week.
O f f e n s e [afens] n.
An offense is an action that breaks the law and requires punishment.
-* He was put in jail for two days for the offense.
proclaim [prot/kleim] v.
To proclaim something means to say it in public.
— The army general proclaimed that the war was won.
rally [raeli] n.
A rally is a large public meeting in order to support something.
-» The school had a rally in the gym to support the basketball team.
resolve [rizalv] v.
To resolve something means to find a solution.
-* She resolved the problem with her children by giving them both a toy.
resource [ri:so:rs] n.
Resources are a person or country’s money and materials that they can use.
-» The poor man didn’t have the resources to feed himself.
S e n t e n c e [sentans] n.
A sentence is punishment given to someone who didn’t follow the law.
-*• The sentence for stealing a car is much worse than for stealing candy.
volunteer [valantfar] v.
To volunteer means to offer to do something for free.
-♦ Many people volunteered to help the adults learn to read.
witness [wrtnis] n.
A witness is someone who sees or hears a crime or accident happen.
-» The woman was the only witness of the horrible crime.
P/MlST A Choose the right word for the given definition.
1. to work to correct a problem between two people
oblige b. intervene
conceal d. volunteer
3. to find a solution
a. proclaim b. sentence
c. resolve d. rally
2. witness
a. a designer of buildings b. an important person
c. someone who obeys the law d. a person who sees a crime
3. deed
a. money and materials b. proof of ownership
c. a natural home d. an action that breaks the law
4. sentence
a. a punishment for a crime b. an object that helps people
c. something against the law d. a large public meeting
5. proclaim
a. to hide something b. to offer to help
c. to say in public d. to stop a problem
Exercise 2
Choose the answer that best fits the question.
1. Which of the following is most likely a habitat?
a. A pond b. Abridge c. A broom d. A picture
2. When something is concealed, what is it called?
a. Loud b. Colorful c. Hidden d. Quick
3. What is something that an architect makes?
a. A law b. A house c. A cake d. A dress
4. Which of the following is NOT legal?
a. Swimming b. Singing c. Crying d. Stealing
5. What is someone who feels gratitude most likely to say?
a. “Hello.” b. “I’m sorry.” c. “Go away.” d. “Thankyou.”
2. The town had a large public meeting to discuss the problem with the sidewalks.
3. The necklace was remembered fora special reason because it was from her grandmother.
4. His act that broke the law was serious enough to require him to stay in jail for 60 days.
5. She had iust enough money in her arrangement with the bank.
10. He was filled with a feeling of being thankful when he was given the dog.
The Architect’s Plan
An architect wanted to build a new office building.
He selected some land that seemed perfect. He
planned to cut down the trees to make room for the
building. But there was a problem . . . a big problem.
The land was actually the habitat of several types
of birds. Some nature lovers were very upset with the
architect. First, they held a rally and told others about
the issue. Then, they decided to take legal action because
the architect didn’t respect the animals’ rights.
To resolve the problem, they asked a judge to
The judge could not call any witnesses for the nature lovers, so he first asked
the architect to tell his side of the story.
“Why are you going to destroy the birds’ habitat?” the judge asked.
The architect replied, “I have the deed to the land. I want to make a great
building there. As you may know, all my buildings become memorable landmarks.”
Then one of the nature lovers spoke. “We believe that there’s no
reason to destroy all the trees. We just want to protect the birds.”
Then the judge made his decision. “I proclaim that
the office building should be built,” he said. “It is not
a crime to remove those trees. I cannot give you a
sentence for any offenses, but I feel obliged to
make one request. I will only allow you to use
half of the land. The other half will remain
free, so the birds have a place to live.
The nature lovers could not conceal
their gratitude. All of the people cheered.
The architect said, “I have an idea.
I will volunteer my time and efforts to
design a new type of building. It will
provide bushes on the roof where birds
can live. There are enough resources in
my company’s bank account to create the
best building ever made.”
The architect did exactly as he
promised. He built this new type
of building, which was loved by
P/MT A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The architect wanted to build a new school.
6. There were enough resources in the company’s bank account to build a new
2. Which of the following about the land did the architect NOT tell the judge?
a. He wanted to make a great building.
b. He had a deed forthe land.
c. He thought nobody lived there.
d. His building would be a memorable landmark.
3. What did the group do in order to resolve the problem with the architect?
a. Ask a judge to intervene b. Proclaim war on the architect
c. Move the birds to a new habitat d. Sell the land to the architect
conduct [kandAkt] n.
Conduct is the way that someone acts.
-*• She was punished for her bad conduct.
crack [kraek] n.
A crack is a narrow space between the parts of something broken.
-*■ The old window was covered with cracks.
device [divais] n.
A device is an object or a machine.
-* A thermometer is a device that tells temperature.
enclose [inklouz] v.
To enclose something is to contain it.
-► The cows in the field were enclosed by a fence.
grip [grip] v.
To grip something is to hold it very tightly.
-* I was scared, so I gripped my older sister’s hand.
halt [ho:It] V.
influence [influans] v.
To influence someone or something is to have an effect over them.
-*• My friend influenced my decision to attend Terrance University.
law [to:] n.
A law is a rule made by the legislative body.
-> The students learned about different laws during social studies class.
m ode [moud] n.
A mode is a setting or condition on a machine.
-* Mother turned the 7V to quiet mode while she talked on the phone.
p e r s p i r e [parspaiar] v.
To perspire means to sweat.
-* I usually perspire a lot when I am at practice.
re p la ce [ripleis] v.
To replace something is to put it in the place of something else.
-♦ I replaced the tire on my car because it was flat.
S n a p [snagp] v.
To snap something means to break it suddenly, which causes a loud noise.
-» I took the stick and snapped it with my hands.
S ly [slai] adj.
If a person or animal is sly, they are sneaky or good at tricking people.
-» The sly fox stole the eggs from the nest.
tend [tend] v.
To tend to do something is to be likely to do it or to do it often.
-* My mom tends to buy me the perfect gift each Christmas.
v e rsio n M>:/3an] n.
A version is an account of something that differs slightly from the original.
-* She read the students British version of the Chinese fairy tale.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. conduct / replace
Mr. Holloway was sent to__________ the old coach, who was known for his wild
________during games.
2. influenced / laws
Decisions made in courts are often__________ by the personal views of the judge.
In some cases, the decisions help change__________ .
3. gripped / snapped
I ___________the pencil and squeezed it until it__________ .
4. whatsoever / enclosed
My father___________ a check in the letter he sent me. He always offered to help
even if I didn’t ask for any help__________ .
5. constantly / impending
The soldier dreaded the__________ battle. He___________ thought about what
might happen to him.
6. tends / cracks
I saw several___________ in the ice.This___________ to happen when the weather
becomes warmer.
7. device / mode
Sheila took the___________from her purse and pressed a couple of buttons. It took
her awhile to figure out how to turn it to silent__________ .
8. halt / access
She ran from room to room quickly, but__________suddenly. She couldn’t have
__________ to the room without a key.
9. valid / version
The student had a ___________ reason for leaving the classroom when his teacher
was gone. He tried to explain his___________ of what happened while she was
a. as she turned around the corner b. when the electricity went out
c. by holding it too tightly d. light bulb with a new one
e. in the summer f. them tell how old an object is
g. to miss school today h. students who do all of their homework
i. my brother in trouble j. his mother wasn’t watching him
2. Janie halted while she walked to class because she found a backpack.
6. Janie’s parents gave the music player to Linda to replace the one she broke.
2. The reading explains that Janie lied to her teacher about what?
a. A backpack she found b. Taking Linda’s music player
c. The reason she snapped the player d. How the player got a crack
alongside [sb:rjsaid] adv.
If something is alongside another thing, then it is next to it.
— We work alongside each other in the office.
appetite [sepitait] n.
Your appetite is your hunger for food.
-* Tom has a big appetite. He eats all the time.
assist [asfst] v.
To assist someone is to help them.
-* Andrew assisted me with my homework.
breeze [brkz] n.
A breeze is a soft wind.
-* The breeze caused the leaves to fall off the tree.
defy [difai] v.
To defy someone is to work against them or refuse to do what they say.
— The students got into trouble for defying their teacher’s rules.
display [displei] v.
To display something is to show it, especially by putting it in a certain place.
-* The museum displayed many wonderful paintings.
forgive [fargfv] v.
To forgive someone is to stop being angry with them.
-* Sandra forgave Peter after he said he was sorry.
n o r [no:r] conj.
You use nor to connect two negative ideas.
-* I eat neither apples nor oranges. I don’t like either one.
rumor [ru:mar] n.
A rumor is something people talk about even though it may not be true.
-+ Kevin was spreading rumors about Marcia to everyone.
slap [slaep] v.
To slap someone means to hit them with the palm of the hand.
-» Out of anger, Helen slapped Eunice on the face.
smash [smsej] V.
To smash something is to break it into many small pieces.
-> Jacob smashed the window with a rock.
subject [sAbd3ikt] n.
A subject is the topic that is being discussed or taught.
-» The subject of Marco’s speech was the economy.
W age [weid3] n.
A wage is the money that a person gets for doing a job.
-* The wages I receive from my job are really great!
4. full of energy
a. lively b. nor
c. pessimistic d. alongside
2. slap
a. to hit someone b. to break something
c. to be beside d. to be small or weak
3. rumor
a. to pay b. to become windy
c. to be a sign d. an unproven story
4. outraged
a. angry b. connecting two ideas
c. showing contrast d. believing something bad will happen
5. defy
a. hunger b. to stop being angry
c. helping someone d. to go against
Exercise 2
3. The story that may not be true about his life is spreading around town.
5. The chair broke into small pieces when Rob sat down on it.
4. When George grew up, he gave some of his wages to the people who had assisted
6. George smashed things and slapped other boys when he was outraged.
C l a s s i f y [klsesafai] v.
To classify things is to put them into groups based on their type.
-* The biologist classified the plant as a completely new species.
concede [kansi.d] v.
To concede is to admit that something is true against your wish.
-* The student conceded that he had cheated on the test.
c o n c e p t [kansept] n.
A concept is an idea about something.
-* I learned some concepts of molecules before working in the science lab.
construct [kanstrAkt] v.
To construct something means to make or build it.
-» The men used wood and metal to construct a house.
decade [dekeid] n.
A decade is a period often years.
-* She celebrated her three decades of work with the company.
diagram [daiagraem] n.
A diagram is a simple drawing that explains what something is or how it works.
— By following the diagram, I was able to put the desk together.
r ferry Eteri] n.
A ferry is a boat that carries passengers over short distances.
-* The ferry took the people across the lake.
isolate [aisaleit] v.
To isolate is to separate one person or thing from a group.
-* The teacher isolated the bad child from the class before talking with her.
longing [l6(:)t]iQ] n.
A longing is a strong feeling of wanting.
-* Since he skipped breakfast, he had a longing for food all morning.
particle [pd:rtikl] n.
A particle is a very small piece of something.
-> The bottles of wine were covered in a layer of dust particles.
p l e a [pH:] n.
A plea is a request that is urgent or emotional.
The poor, hungry man made a plea for food.
refrain [rifrein] v.
To refrain from something is to avoid doing it.
-» The doctor asked Mary to refrain from eating fast food as part of her diet.
review [rivju:] n.
A review of something is a formal inspection of it by people in authority.
-► The government ordered a careful review of the economic situation.
surrender [sarendar] V.
Exercise 1
5. important
a. refrain b. numerous
c. worthwhile d. animate
2. decade
a. an idea about something b. a period often years
c. a type of boat d. a thing that has life
3. upright
a. important b. to not do something
c. standing straight d. a request
4. isolate
a. to separate b. to group together by type
c. to give up c. to accept the truth
5. handy
a. to make something b. common
c. plentiful d. useful
Exercise 2 10
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. animate / particle
Scientists thought that the tiny___________was not a living thing, so they were very
surprised to find that it was indeed__________ .
2. handy / numerous
My uncle, the carpenter, keeps___________tools in his truck. However, he keeps
the most___________ones on his tool belt at all times.
3. classify / upright
One way that scientists___________the different species of early humans is by how
they walked. Homo Erectus, for example, walked__________ .
4. longing / plea
After sitting in the cell for just one hour, the prisoner felt a __________ to be free.
He made a ___________to the officers to release him immediately.
5. sophisticated / worthwhile
Learning how to speak another language is a ___________ skill to have in the world
of international business. It also can make one into a more___________ person.
6. review / concept
Jack had a great__________ for a new system, but his boss needs to conduct a
thorough___________to see if it will work.
7. diagram / isolate
William used a piece of white paperto__________ the different plants in the
garden. That made it easier for him to draw a __________ of the leaves of each type
of plant.
8. constructed / decades
The great pyramids of Egypt were not__________ overnight. In fact, it took many
__________ to complete them.
9. concede / ferry
As he drove his car onto the__________ , John felt sad. He wanted to travel by
airplane, but after looking at ticket prices, he had to ___________that air travel was
just too expensive.
10. refrain / surrender
In maintaining good health, it is important to__________ from eating unhealthy
foods. But that doesn’t mean you must__________ all of the foods that you enjoy.
Anton’s Great Discovery
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch cloth merchant. His life began to change after
he got his first microscope in 1653. It was a very simple microscope. It had a lens in an
upright stand. It could make small things look large. It was handy for looking closely at
Soon, Anton felt a longing to build a more powerful microscope. He dreamed of
using it to make an important scientific discovery. He wanted to become famous. Three
decades later, he did.
For many years, Anton experimented with microscopes and lenses. Eventually he
constructed a very powerful microscope. If he had sold the concept to others, it would
have made him very rich. However, Anton refrained from surrendering his secret
to anyone. Instead, he wanted to use it to become famous. So he used his secret
microscope to study the natural world.
One day he was looking at saliva from his mouth with the microscope. In the saliva,
he saw numerous tiny particles. Some of them were moving! He thought that the
particles were tiny organisms. So he isolated them from each other and studied each
one carefully. Then he classified them into different categories. Some
were round. Others were long and had tails. All were alive.
Anton was so excited. He knew he could become famous
now. He was the first person to see these tiny organisms. So
he drew diagrams of the organisms and sent them to a group
of scientists in London. The scientists were sophisticated men
who did not believe tiny, animate organisms could live in our
mouths. Anton made a plea for them to come to Holland to
see the organisms with their own eyes. The men took a ferry
to Holland and met Anton. They performed a careful review of
his work, and they conceded that he had made a
worthwhile discovery. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
had discovered bacteria. After decades of
hard work, he had become famous.
■ ■
P/M? A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Anton’s first microscope had an upright stand.
a p p la u s e M o z] n.
Applause is the noise made when people clap hands to show approval.
-* At the end of his speech, everyone gave applause.
a rm e d [a:rmd] adj.
If you are armed, you are carrying a weapon.
-+ The robber was armed with a gun.
ce re m o n y [seramouni] n.
A ceremony is an event that happens on special occasions.
-» Tom and Amy’s marriage ceremony is in June.
CUltUre [kAltJar] n.
Culture is the music, art, and writings of a certain place or group of people.
-* Ancient Mexican culture is renowned for its architecture.
d e fe n s e [difens] n.
A defense is something that is done to protect another thing.
-» The airforce works in defense of its country.
d e ta il [dliteil] n.
A detail is a small piece of information.
-»Jane told Ben all the details of her trip to China.
d iv e rs e [divers] adj.
When a group of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety of things.
Big cities have diverse populations with people of different races and ages.
e n c h a n t [int/sent] v.
To enchant someone is to make them feel very interested or happy.
The beautiful woman enchanted everybody in the room.
equip [ikwfp] v.
To equip someone is to give them the things needed to do something.
-» Steve was equipped with the tools needed to do the job.
exception [iksepjan] n.
An exception is someone or something not conforming to a rule.
-* Most students thought the test was hard, but Tim was the exception.
genre [3d:nr0] n.
A genre is a type of literature, art, or music characterized by its style.
-* She is considered a master in the comedy genre.
impact [fmpaekt] n.
An impact is the effect someone or something has on another.
— My grandmother had a great impact on my life.
lure [iusr] y.
To lure someone is to convince them to do something, by using a trick.
-» The store lures people in with big signs that say “Sale!”
obstacle [abstaksl] n.
An obstacle is an object or a problem that stops you from doing something.
-» Climbing over the giant rock was the biggest obstacle for the hikers.
shelter [feitar] n.
A shelter is a place to go that is safe from danger or bad weather.
-» The frog took shelter from the storm in a nearby cave.
SOrt [so:rt] v.
To sort means to separate things into different groups or classes.
-* He sorted his clothes by colors and sizes.
supply [saplai] v.
To supply something means to give people what they need or want.
-» The water heater supplied the house with warm water.
V a in [vein] adj.
If people are vain, they are only concerned with how they look.
-* Rebecca is so vain that she looks at herself in every mirror.
Choose the right word for the given definition.
1. to provide the things that someone needs to do something
a. sort b. enchant c. equip d. lure
2. a safe place
a. genre b. shelter c. defense d. culture
3. holding a weapon
a. authoritative b. vain c. diverse d. armed
4. pieces of information
a. details b. impacts c. applause d. supplies
5. a group working together
a. ceremony b. alliance c. exception d. obstacle
2. Everybody was very interested when Kate read that beautiful poem out loud.
4. Tim takes a long time to get ready because he is so concerned with how he looks.
8. The city’s only action taken to protect itself was to build a giant brick wall around it.
10 . Most girls like to play with dolls, but Samantha is the one who doesn’t conform.
• a. and officer Jones is no exception b. and her work impacted many lives
: c. but everyone else is enchanted by her d. but I like a diverse selection
: e. so we ran inside for shelter f. so they will form an alliance
i g. and the crowd gave him great applause h. so he supplied them with blankets
j i. but it had so many details that he couldn’t finish
1 j. because he sounds authoritative when he speaks
mmm ***> :
How a Singer
Helped Win the War
Sometimes famous people are vain. They only care about themselves. But Josephine
Baker was an exception. In the 1930s and 1940s, Baker was one of the most famous
women in France. She was a big part of the new jazz genre and culture and had a diverse
group of fans. The French people especially loved her. And she loved France. So when
World War II started, she wanted to help the nation that had given her so much.
In 1940, armed German troops entered Paris. When this happened, some French
people formed a secret alliance. It was called the French Resistance. The group worked
for the defense of France. It helped the European and American armies fight the
Baker was an important member of the Resistance. She had three
jobs. The first was to carry messages to and from other members.
The messages were written in code on her sheets
of music. The second was to provide shelter and *•
supply goods to Resistance members. It would have
been dangerous if the Germans found them.
Baker’s third job was the most important. Baker held
concerts for European politicians and army members.
She lured them in, promising an entertaining show.
She enchanted them with her singing and dancing
and got lots of applause.
But Baker was L
r always equipped
with a small
notebook at these
2. Baker provided shelter for Resistance members and supplied them with goods.
3. Baker was always equipped with a small notebook during her concerts.
5. Baker enchanted politicians and army members with her singing and dancing.
6. Baker sorted details about the war and gave authoritative reports.
avenue [aevaryu:] n.
An avenue is a road, often a large one with buildings on each side.
-*■ Drive down this avenue and then turn left to go to the park.
bid [bid] n.
A bid to do something is an attempt to do it.
-* He made a bid to become the university’s next president.
blow [blou] v.
To blow means to move air or move something through the air, as in the wind.
— The wind is blowing very hard today. We should stay inside.
conflict [kdnflikt] n.
A conflict is a fight between different people or groups.
-♦ The two nations had a conflict over which one could use the water in the river
fM Continent [kantanant] n.
A continent is one of the seven large areas of land on the Earth.
-+ Asia is the largest continent.
current [ka:rant] n.
A current is a steady and constant flow of air or water in a river or ocean.
-*■ The ocean currents took the ship far off into the sea.
disrespect [disrispekt] n.
Disrespect is rudeness or a behavior that shows a lack of respect.
-* He showed disrespect by arguing with his boss during a meeting.
enthusiasm [eneuizisezam] n.
Enthusiasm is a very strong good feeling about something.
-» The crowd showed their enthusiasm for the soccer team by cheering loudly.
' -- - - -: "
harsh [ha4] adj.
When something is harsh, it is very unpleasant.
-» The desert can be a very harsh environment.
lean [ii:n] v.
To lean is to bend the body in a particular direction.
-* The woman leaned against the counter because she was tired.
mischief [mistjif] n.
Mischief is behavior that is meant to trick or cause trouble for people.
-> Ben was up to mischief when he persuaded Ken to paint his face.
muscle [mAssI] n.
Muscle is a mass of tissue attached to bone that helps you move.
-* She went to the gym in order to make her muscles stronger.
r e S C U e [reskju:] v.
To rescue someone means to remove them from danger.
-» The firefighter rescued the man from the burning building.
SUCCeSSion [saksejan] n.
A succession is a number of things that follow one afterthe other.
The student said the letters of the alphabet in succession.
terrain [tarein] n.
The terrain is the land and all of its physical features or parts.
-*■ The terrain below was rocky and full of hills.
violence [vaialans] n.
Violence is forceful action that is meant to injure or kill people.
-* The boy hit his brother in an act of violence.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. muscle/violence
It was bad that the man had a lot of__________ because he used it to cause
2. belly/bid
He had a __________ to win the race, but he had to quit when he got a bad pain in
h is__________ .
3. disrespect / timid
The boy was always__________ because his classmates were mean and treated him
with__________ .
4. continent / enthusiasm
The boy had a lot of__________ before his trip to Europe. He had never been to a
different__________ before.
5. lean / meantime
The movie will start soon. In the__________ , help me to___________these heavy
boards against the wall.
6. alternative / avenue
The___________that the man wanted to drive on was blocked, so he found an
___________ route.
7. conflict / rescue
The police officer had to ___________the woman from a bad___________ she had
with anotherwoman.
8. harsh / terrain
The girl walked along the rough beach. The rocky__________ was___________ on
her feet.
9. mischief / succession
The boys were up to their usual___________and were throwing balls of paper at
each other in __________ .
3. The pitcher threw the balls to home plate in a series, one after another.
4. The student left for school early. She had to walk down an extended road to get there.
5. Brian was tired. He needed to bend over and rest on the side of his car.
6. The student decided that the answer was A and not the other choice. B.
7. The river’s fast steady movement of water made it difficult to swim to the other side.
8. He talked about US history, and the pupils wrote notes in the time during the event.
9. The dog continued barking. The loud noise was painful and rough to her ears.
10. The boys used forceful action to get what they wanted.
rTT tiil^
yp. ' is
? wmmmm mm
[fflO1A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The North Wind thought that he was stronger than everyone else.
5. The Sun was timid and did not teach the North Wind a lesson.
2. Why did the North Wind fill his lungs with air?
a. To avoid conflict b. To find an alternative to violence
c. To help his muscles d. To blow air at his target
4. What happened in the meantime while the Sun and the North Wind were talking?
a. The man started to laugh. b. The man felt the cold air currents,
c. The man took off his jacket. d. The man began walking along the avenue.
d List
affect [afekt] v.
To affect someone or something is to have an influence over them.
-» The student’s poor attitude affected the other students in the class.
autograph [5:tagraef] n.
An autograph is the written name of a famous person.
-» Everybody wanted the movie star’s autograph.
bead [bi:d] n.
A bead is a drop of liquid.
-* Beads of water collected outside the glass.
b r e w [bru:] v.
To brew coffee or tea means to pour hot water over it.
-♦ Please brew a fresh pot of coffee.
d e s t i n y [destani] n.
A destiny is all the things that happen or will happen to a person in their life.
-> It was his destiny to become a great singer.
horn [horn] n.
A horn is a device that makes a loud noise.
-♦ The boy honked his horn while he rode his bicycle past the house.
lag [laeg] v.
To lag behind is to move slowly behind other moving objects.
-+ The girl on rollerblades lagged behind the little girl on the bicycle.
m a x i m i z e [maeksamaiz] v.
To maximize something means to make it the biggest in size or amount.
-> Businesses try to maximize their profits.
nightmare [naitimax] «.
A nightmare is a bad or scary dream.
The girl was scared to go back to sleep because she had a nightmare.
protein [proutiin] n.
Protein is a substance that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong.
-*• Fish and beef are good sources of protein.
signature [signatjax] n.
A signature is your name that you have written in your own way.
-» I put my signature at the end of the letter.
S tu ff [stAfl n.
Stuff is a word used to refer to things without mentioning the things by name.
-* We gave a lot of stuff to the charity.
V a n [vasn] n.
Avan is a vehicle that is used for carrying things but is smaller than a truck.
-* The delivery company uses large vans to deliver packages.
warn [wo:m] v.
To warn someone is to make them know of possible danger in the future.
-* The lifeguard warned people to stay away from the rough ocean.
W 0rk0Ut [waxkaut] n.
A workout is an exercise routine that helps improve health.
-*■ She doesn’t do her workout on the weekends.
ZOOm [zu:m] v.
To zoom is to move quickly.
-» The cars zoomed along the road.
Choose the right definition for the given word.
1. irritable
a. to please b. to get angry easily c. having a routine d. healthy
2. zoom
a. to move quickly b. dangerous c. healthy d. to attract
3. subconscious
a. not aware b. handwritten c. bad dream d. pleasing
4. charm
a. to please b. to make a noise c. to exercise d. to influence
5. brew
a. to make coffee b. to move slowly c. to have a routine d. to attract
2. He isn’t allowed to watch scary movies because they give him bad dreams.
3. Push everything to one side to make the most of the space of the gymnasium.
5. Ellen wanted to get to the gym and try a new exercise routine.
7. The cars honked their devices for making noises while they waited in traffic.
8. If you don’t start trying harder, you will move slowly far behind the rest of us.
6. What are things that happen and will happen in a person’s life?
a. Their workout b. Their destiny
c. Their stuff d. Their autograph
M l A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Alex had a nightmare that he forgot his stuff at home.
4. Alex did a workout with his jump rope to help him feel less nervous
6. Alex lagged behind while the other runners zoomed past him.
EftTB Answer the questions.
1. What did Alex think his destiny might be?
a. To become irritable b. To become a loser
c. To maximize energy d. To have nightmares
m mm
brick [brik] n.
A brick is a block of hard clay that is used for building things, such as walls.
— There were several bricks scattered on the ground.
crumble [krAmbl] v.
To crumble means to break or fall apart into small pieces.
-* The old house’s walls crumbled into a pile of rock and wood.
d0Ugh [dou] n.
Dough is a mixture of flour and water that becomes bread when baked.
-» I made heart-shaped cookies from the dough.
express [ikspres] v.
To express a feeling or idea means to show others how one thinks or feels.
-♦ The nurse expressed her sympathy for the sick patient.
fist [fist] n.
A fist is a hand with fingers bent in toward the palm.
-* The bully made a fist and threatened to hit the small boy.
flush [fiAj] v.
To flush means the face becomes red due to heat, illness, or emotion.
-+ After the long race, the runner’s face was flushed.
injure linear] v.
To injure someone means to damage a part of their body.
-* The car crash injured two people.
lump [lAmp] n.
A lump is a small piece of something that is solid.
-» The artist took a lump of clay and turned it into a beautiful pot.
mixture [m ikstM n.
A mixture is something that is made by mixing other things together.
-* The walls were built using a mixture of water, rock, and dirt.
reconcile [rekansail] v.
To reconcile means to return to a friendly relationship.
-* After arguing, the two friends were reconciled with each other.
ruin [ru:in] V.
To ruin something means to harm or damage it greatly.
-+ Our walk in the park was ruined by the sudden rain.
shatter [Jaetar] V.
To shatter something means to break it suddenly into many tiny pieces.
-» When the ball hit the window, the glass shattered.
shutter [JAta:r] n.
Shutters are wooden or metal covers in front of a window.
-* Mr. Smith closed the shutters every night to make his bedroom dark.
Sift [sift] v.
To sift something means to remove all the large pieces.
-» The baker sifted the flour into a large bowl.
sparkle [sparkal] v.
To sparkle means to shine brightly with quick flashes of light.
-» The stars sparkled in the winter night’s sky.
sprinkle [sprirjkal] v.
To sprinkle means to scatter something all over something else.
-♦ He sprinkled the pasta with salt and black pepper.
Utter [Atari v.
To utter a word or a sound means to say it.
-» The lost boy was so scared that he could barely utter a single word.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
2. reconciled / uttering
Five minutes ago, the two senators were___________insults at each other, but now
they have___________ because they both agree with the new law.
3. shutters / sparkled
In the middle of the night, she got out of bed and opened the__________ . She
gazed at the sky where the stars__________ like tiny fires.
4. flushed / stale
The rice was not eaten soon enough, so it tasted__________ . It made me feel sick
and my face became__________ .
5. crumbled / dough
The cook picked up the block of cheese and___________ it into little pieces. Then he
mixed them with the__________ before placing it in the oven.
6. sift / shattered
When he started to___________the flour into the bowl, he slipped and dropped it.
The bowl hit the ground and__________ .
7. fist / flexible
He hit the punching bag with h is__________ . Since the bag was___________ , it
did not break.
8. sprinkle / mixture
The__________ of ice cream and chocolate tastes good, but it will be even better if
you__________ sugar on the top of it.
9. slight / expressed
The doctor___________ a lot of concern for my hurt ankle, but I told him the pain
was only__________ .
2. What happened when the older brother hit the dough with his fist?
a. The dough hit the shutters. b. A glass shattered,
c. The brothers were injured. d. The dough crumbled.
apply [aplai] v.
To apply something means to put it on.
-* She always applies makeup to her face before going outside.
await [aweit] v.
To await something means to wait for it.
-* The players awaited the judge’s decision.
bury [beri] v.
To bury someone or something means to put them in the ground.
-* They buried their grandfather under his favorite tree after he died.
climate [klaimit] n.
A climate is the usual weather in a place.
— The climate in the desert is very hot.
complain [kamplein] v.
When you complain, you say that you are unhappy about something.
-* The workers complained that they were being treated unfairly.
confuse [kanfjuiz] v.
To confuse someone means to make them feel like they are unsure.
-* The sign confused the traveler because it pointed in two directions.
d u e [d/u:] adj.
When something is due, it is expected to happen or be done at that time.
-♦ The papers were due on the 19th.
establish [istsebnj] v.
To establish something means to create it.
— He wanted to establish a club for people to help the Earth.
furnace [fa:rnis] n.
A furnace is a place where heat is made.
-* Mr. Jones came to fix the furnace.
leash [li:J] n.
A leash is a rope or chain that is used to lead an animal.
-> A lot of dogs must wear a leash to keep them from running away.
mature [mat/ua:r] v.
To mature means to grow up to become an adult.
-*■ When they matured, they became as tall as their parents.
measure [m^ax] *
To measure something means to find out the quality, value, or effect of it.
-♦ The scientists carefully measured the amount of chemicals in the tubes.
midst [midst] n.
The midst of something is the middle of it.
-* She was in the midst of cleaning when the telephone rang.
misery [mi'zari] n.
Misery is extreme suffering.
-* There was a lot of misery after Sam lost his dog.
p r i o r [praiar] adj.
When something happened prior to something else, it happened earlier.
-» Ron had to wait since he arrived prior to the scheduled meeting time.
research [risartj] n.
Research is close and careful study to discover new things.
Scientists did a lot of research on the subject of blood type.
variety [varaiati] n.
A variety of something is a group of many different kinds of it.
-♦ There are a variety of flowers at the shop.
Choose the word that is a better fit for each blank.
1. research / await
After weeks of hard work, the scientists must___________the results of their
2. misery / beloved
After the death of her___________ pet, the woman felt nothing but__________ for
many weeks.
3. complained / variety
The store had a __________ of canned vegetables, but the man___________ that
they didn’t have his favorite brand.
4. due / confused
The new schedule___________ passengers who thought the train was__________
at 8 a.m.
5. climate / establish
The island was a great place to ___________ a hotel sincethe___________ was
warm throughout the year.
6. although / prior
___________ he had a lot of bad luck in the past, he refused to let__________
events stop him from moving forward.
7. furnace / entire
The___________was turned up to the highest temperature, but it couldn’t heat the
___________ room.
8. mature / midst
In the___________ of a terrible war, the young boys had to___________ quickly.
9. measured / leash
To make sure the dog’s ___________was long enough, Bob took out a ruler and
__________ it.
10. buried/apply
She insisted that they___________ her mother’s favorite perfume before they
__________ her.
P/MT A Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
1. Although he didn’t know how to dance,_____ .
2. A furnace keeps .
3. Florida’s warm climate makes .
4. He wanted to establish .
5. The train was due to arrive at .
6. A lot of research is needed______.
7. Shoppers have a variety of_____ .
8. In the midst of the game .
9. A leash keeps .
10. Her beloved sister .
a. scientists measured all the effects b. but his prior works were very successful
• c. because the pirate had buried it d. so she applied makeup to her face
: e. but the pain in his ankle gave him too much misery
| f. so she patiently awaited his letters g. so they drank the entire bowl of punch
: h. so the diners complained to the waiter
: i. but she became more serious as she matured
• j. so he became confused
MM1 A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Scientists did a variety of tests for research before the Sputnik 2 was due to
2. Wires were applied to Laika’s leash so that scientists could find the ship.
3. Although Laika could not be buried, a spaceship was established in her honor.
4. In the midst of the scientists’ excitement, Laika’s ship became too hot.
6. Many people complained that Laika should not have gone to space.
r bind [baind] v.
To bind is to bring people together.
-* The victims of the flood were bound by their need to help each other.
r bruise [bru:z] n.
A bruise is a dark mark caused by being hit by something.
-* She got a bruise on her knee from falling down.
r custom [kAstsm] n.
A custom is a way of doing things that has been the same for a long time.
-> It is a custom that the bride and groom have the first dance.
r foresee [forsi:] v.
To foresee something is to know about it before it happens.
-♦ The teacher didn’t foresee any problems with her large class.
r glimpse [giimps] *
To glimpse something is to see it for a short time.
-> She glimpsed outside the window as the plane was about to land.
r hoop [h u :p ] n.
A hoop is a ring that is made of plastic, metal, or wood.
-* The boys tried to toss the ball through the basketball hoop.
r misfortune [misfoxtjan] n.
Misfortune is bad luck or an unlucky event.
-> His family helped him when he encountered misfortune.
plead [pii:d] v.
To plead is to ask for something you want very badly.
-> He pleaded for his parents to let him go to the soccer game.
rip [rip] v.
To rip something means to pull it apart.
-» She ripped the paper in half by accident.
sake [seik] n.
The sake of something is the reason for doing it.
-*■ The parents worked hard for their children’s sake.
scrape [skreip] K
To scrape something is to rub it very hard with something sharp.
-» I accidentally scraped the paint off the side of the car.
stitch [stitj] v.
To stitch is to use a needle and thread to join pieces of cloth together.
-» My grandmother stitched the pieces together to make a big blanket.
thump [e A m p ] n.
A thump is the sound of a heavy object falling.
-» They heard the thump when the bowling ball hit the floor.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. negative / misfortune
Greg had the___________ of falling in a pool, though he didn’t know how to swim.
The experience left him with__________ feelings about swimming pools.
2. bruise / altogether
After one day, the___________on her lip began to go away. In a week, it had
disappeared__________ .
3. per / sake
For the__________ of fairness, we tried to divide the pizza equally. One pizza was
enough to give three slices__________ person.
4. disobedient / pleaded
A woman___________with the child to behave in the store. The child, however,
continued to be__________ .
5. source / glimpsed
They walked past a large river, which the guide said was the___________of a
waterfall. They finally___________ the waterfall when they reached the bottom of
the hill.
6. stitched / hoop
The girl wanted to make her plastic__________ look pretty, so she__________
cloth around it.
7. custom / bind
The family was___________tightly. For example, on Saturdays, it was their_________
to go to the park together.
8. stern / ripped
The___________teacher was angry to see the students passing notes. She took the
note from the students and__________ it into pieces.
9. thump / scraped
The boy lost his balance and fell with a __________ . When he got up, he noticed
that he’d ___________ his elbow.
Gwen’s New Friends
Gwen walked into the gym for her next class. Coach Peeves said, “Today, we’re playing
basketball. The custom is to let you choose your own teams. However, we’re going to do
things differently.”
The coach assigned each girl to a team. There were six girls per team. Gwen glimpsed
at her teammates. She didn’t know any of them. All of her friends were on the other teams.
She couldn’t believe her misfortune.
“I feel sick. May I go to the nurse?” asked Gwen.
The coach could foresee Gwen’s excuses. It wasn’t the first time Gwen tried to leave
class. With a stern voice, the coach said, “No.”
Gwen was vehement. “I don’t know any of these girls! Let me play on another team.
Please!” she pleaded.
“Gwen, don’t be disobedient. I don’t want to hear any more negative comments from
Gwen had no choice. Then a girl smiled at her. “Hi, I’m Stephanie. I was in your English
class last year,” she said. Gwen remembered her. “For the sake of the team, please try
your best. I know you’re a good player,” said
When the game started, Gwen played
as best as she could. She took a long shot.
The ball sailed through the air and went
right through the hoop!
“That was awesome!” said one of
her teammates. Later, Gwen fell with
a loud thump.
“Are you OK?” asked her
teammates. They were worried.
She had ripped her jeans. She
had scraped her knee and had a
small bruise.
Gwen told her teammates,
“My knee is fine, and I can
stitch my pants later. Let’s keep
By the end of the game,
Gwen forgot altogether that
she hadn’t wanted to play, and
her team won! The victory bound
Gwen’s team together. She had made
a lot of new friends, and they were a
source of happiness for her for many
P/MT A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The custom was to allow the girls to choose their own teams.
2. Gwen told her teammates that she could stitch her pants later.
5. Stephanie asked Gwen to lose on purpose for the sake of the team.
6. Gwen ripped her jeans, scraped her knee, and got a bruise when she fell.
C o n v e n i e n t [kenvfinjent] adj.
When something is convenient, it is easy to do and does not take a lot of work.
-* The bus is a convenient way to get to school.
den [den] n.
A den is a living space for some types of animals, such as lions.
-+ The mother lion left her babies in the den.
dew [d/u:] n.
Dew is the drops of water that form on the ground outside during the night.
-* When we woke up, we saw that the grass was covered in dew.
e x i t [egzit] v.
To exit means to leave.
-*■ The students exited through the front door.
flock [flak] n.
A flock is a group of animals, such as birds, sheep or goats.
-* There was one black sheep in the entire flock.
fold [fould] v.
To fold is to bend something like paper or cloth so that it takes up less space.
-*■ I folded the paper and put it in my pocket.
lid [lid] n.
A lid is a top for a box or container that can be removed.
-* He lifted the lid of the box and revealed her present.
lo o m [lu:m] v.
To loom is to seem very large and often scary.
-* The ominous clouds loomed over the school.
mighty [maiti] adj.
When something is mighty, it is strong and large.
-* The mighty wrestler scared all who faced him.
mushroom [mAjru( H n.
A mushroom is a fungus with a round top. Some are used as food.
-» The soup had fresh mushrooms in it.
p o i s o n [pdizan] n.
Poison is a dangerous substance that causes illness or death.
-» They used poison to get rid of the rats in their home.
reed [ri:d] n.
Reeds are tall and skinny plants that grow in groups near water.
-* The sun set behind the reeds of the lake’s shore.
shield tji:id] v.
To shield something is to protect it.
-» She shielded her eyes from the sun with sunglasses.
sway [swei] v.
To sway is to move slowly from side to side.
-► She swayed while she listened to the music.
wade [weid] v.
To wade is to walk in or pass through water.
-♦ The child waded in the water at the beach.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. convenient / lid
The box had a ___________that was very easy to open. It was a ___________place
to store the young girl’s toys.
2. shield / folded
When it started raining, I ___________ my newspaper in half. Then I carried it over
my head to___________ myself from the rain.
3. exit / urban
She wasn’t used to spending time in an ___________ setting. After only a few days,
she was glad to___________the city.
4. mighty / civilization
The__________ soldier spent three weeks alone in the forest. When he returned to
__________ , he was stronger than ever.
5. stormy / swayed
The branches of the trees___________ as the wind blew. The wind was strongerthan
usual because of the___________weather.
6. reeds / waded
The boys___________to the middle of the lake. At that point, they couldn’t go any
further because the___________grew too thickly.
7. dew / flock
The__________ of geese chose not to land in the field because it was still wet with
8. poison / drastic
Some plants contain___________that can be eliminated by cooking. The cooking
process results in a ___________ change to the plant’s chemical makeup.
9. den / mushrooms
There was little light inside the__________ where the bears lived. Outside, there
was little plant life, just a few__________ and some small weeds.
2. The man asked for extra fungus with a round top for his sauce.
3. My socks got wet when I walked in the drops of water that formed outside.
5. The boy put on a scarf to protect his neck from the cold wind.
6. Alyssa found a small living place where she thought a rabbit lived.
8. The farmer traded his group of animals of goats for a new horse.
9. I was not strong enough to lift the top part of the container.
10. After the movie was over, the audience left through the back door.
6. Kara has a drastic change in opinion about camping at the end of the story.
a c c e n t [aeksent] n.
An accent is a certain way of speaking that shows where a person is from.
-* The new teacher’s accent was clearly a German one.
r barber [barbar] n.
A barber is a person whose job is to cut hair.
-> My hair is getting much too long. I’d better go to the barber’s shop.
r basement [beisment] n.
A basement of a house or building is a room that is built underground.
-* They turned their basement into a game room.
blink [biink] v.
To blink means to shut the eyes and quickly open them again.
-» I blinked many times so that my eyes could adjust to the bright light.
choir [kwaiar] n.
A choir is a group of people who sing together.
-» He had choir practice every day after school.
c o m i c [kamik] adj.
When something is comic, it is funny.
-* The comic actor was famous for his jokes.
complicate [kamplikeit] v.
To complicate something means to make it harder than necessary.
— The bad weather complicated finishing the job quickly.
d e c l i n e [diklain] v.
To decline an offer or invitation means to say no to it.
-* She declined his offer to pay for her dinner.
errand [erand] n.
An errand is a trip taken to do a specific activity.
-+ He couldn’t go to practice because he had several errands to do.
glove [g lA v ] n.
A glove is a piece of clothing that covers your fingers and hand.
-+ When it gets cold, I always put on a pair of gloves.
hermit [haimnit] n.
A hermit is one who lives alone and does not spend time with others.
-» The hermit lived a simple life in a small cave in the forest.
leather [lefla:r] n.
Leather is a material made from animal skin that is used to make clothing.
-» He got a new leather jacket for his birthday.
ponder [pander] v.
To ponder something is to think about it carefully.
-+ She sat in the park and pondered her problem.
reserve [riza:™] v.
To reserve something means to keep it for a certain person or time.
-» He reserved a table at the busy restaurant.
script [skript] n.
A script is the words of a film or play.
-* He read the script of the play three times.
search [sa:/ij] v.
To search for something or someone means to look for them carefully.
-> I searched the newspaper for a new job.
slam [slaem] v.
To slam is to close something hard.
-* She slammed the book shut after she finished reading it.
s t a i r c a s e [sttarkeis] n.
A staircase is a set of stairs found inside a building.
-♦ The staircase leads directly into the kitchen.
[p£M7 A Choose the right word for the given definition.
1. an underground room
a. accent b. basement
c. a technique d. errand
5. in a fairway
a. comic b. decline
c. searching d. justly
2. decline
a. to look for b. to say no
c. to be right d. fair
3. hermit
a. clothing foryou hands b. something that is funny
c. a trip to do something d. a person who is alone
4. leather
a. a distinct way of speaking b. material used to make clothing
c. an underground room d. a piece of clothing for the hands
5. barber
a. a singing group b. a person who cuts hair
c. a set of stairs d. phrases that form a play
W fii A Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
1. The writer’s comic stories .
2. Donna usually ran errands .
3. I tried to reserve .
4. She wanted to join the choir_____ .
5. A beautiful staircase .
6. The speaker’s strong accent_____ .
7. Roger pondered a longtime_____ .
8. The hermit .
9. I remembered to make sure I had my gloves.
10. The large basement .
The School Play
Peter was excited. Next week he was going to audition for the school play. Everybody
knew he was a great actor. He was sure he would get the lead role.
Later, his friend Robby asked him, “Have you seen the script for the play?”
“Yes. The title is The Lost Glove—it’s a comic play,” replied Peter.
Robby said, “I want to play the part of the hermit because the hermit gets to talk with
an accent!”
“I want the lead role of the barber. I didn’t know you liked acting. I thought you liked
choir better,” said Peter.
“Acting is also a hobby of mine. Do you want to practice with me? The basement at my
house is quiet. It’s perfect!” Robby replied.
“I don’t like practicing with others. It complicates the process for me,” said Peter.
Actually, Peter didn’t want to practice at all. The teacher would surely reserve the lead
part for him. A few days later, Robby came to his house.
Robby said, “Do you want to practice the scene on the staircase? It’s the part where
the migrant searches for a new job.”
Peter declined the invitation. “I can’t today. I need to do some errands.” Then he
slammed the door. It was just an excuse. Peter didn’t want to help Robby.
On the day of auditions, Peter wore his lucky leather jacket. He always got the best
part when he wore it. The teacher told him to begin, but his mind was blank. He couldn’t
remember the lines!
A week later, the teacher put a list of the parts on the wall. Peter read the list, looking
for his name. He was shocked by what he saw. He blinked his eyes and looked again. He
didn’t get the lead part—Robby did! Peter pondered the situation and came to the idea
that Robby justly received the part. He earned it by practicing. Next time, Peter would
Ij^B’O’ A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The title of the script was The Big Barber.
2. Robby wanted the part of the hermit because he would get to talk with an accent.
4. The scene on the staircase was about the migrant searching for a new job.
3. What was Peter’s first excuse for not practicing with Robby?
a. He had to run errands. b. He had to study for a test,
c. He said it complicated the process, d. Robby lived too far away.
aisle [ail] n.
An aisle is a space between two things that people use to walk.
-* They were told to clear the aisle because the plane was about to land.
atmosphere [aetmasfiar] n.
The atmosphere is the air around the Earth where weather conditions form.
-* Scientists worry that harmful substances are hurting the atmosphere.
author [6:ear] n.
An author is a person who wrote a certain piece of writing.
-* The author was hard at work on his next novel.
breakdown [breikdaun] n.
A breakdown is a failure to work correctly.
-* Her car had a breakdown, and she wasn’t sure howto fix it.
cargo [ka:rgou] n.
Cargo is the items carried by a ship or airplane.
-* The cargo of the ship got wet when it started raining.
chapter [tfaeptsr] n.
A chapter is a part of a book that usually has a number or a title.
— The first chapter of a book usually introduces the main character of a story.
connect [kanekt] v.
To connect two things means to join them together.
-* I connected the mouse to my laptop computer.
etc. [etsetare] n.
Etc. is short for “etcetera.” It is used to refer to other unspecified objects.
-* She was going to bring treats to the party: cookies, muffins, cake, etc.
flip [flip] V.
notify [noutafai] v.
To notify someone of something is to tell them about it.
-* The teacher notified us about a change to our assignment.
pea [pi:] n.
Peas are a vegetable that is small, round and green.
-* His favorite food was peas.
r a i s i n [reizan] n.
A raisin is a dried grape.
-* Raisins are one of my favorite snacks.
retain [ritein] v.
To retain something is to keep it.
-* Even by the afternoon, the day had retained the morning’s freshness.
state [steit] v.
To state something means to say it in a definite way.
-*■ The president stated his opinion about the world’s health concerns.
tray [trei] n.
A tray is a flat plate used to hold food.
-» The waiter brought our food on a tray.
VOmit [vdmit] v.
To vomit means to have food come up from one’s stomach.
-♦ It is common for women to vomit when they are pregnant.
Choose the right definition for the given word.
1. cargo
a. space b. items c. air d. list
2. retain
a. to keep b. to join c. to do d. to press a switch
3. vivid
a. to not work b. bright c. end d. vegetable
4. raisin
a. division b. grape c. air d. writer
5. idle
a. doing nothing b. affected c. plate d. to have food come up
2. The police officer said in a definite wav that he arrived at exactly 1:15 PM.
6. Gina was affected with guilt because her brother got hurt while she watched him.
7. Islands like Bali, Hawaii, Brunei, and the others similar, rely on tourism.
8. The flight attendant asked me to keep my bag out of the space between the seats.
10. The person who wrote the book was nice enough to sign my copy of his book.
\PIMH A Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
1. Connect your seat belt_____ .
2. Patty was afflicted by_____ .
3. The cargo was lost when the door_____ .
4. The school will notify your .
5. The author of the book_____ .
6. Flip the switch .
7. After the breakdown, .
8. Katie said her peas were .
9. Vanessa had raisins .
10. The last chapter of the book_____ .
I a. but he retained his favorite shirt b. but her unfortunate mistake hurt her
J c. and it made many people vomit d. but he always found himself being idle
• e. so she put them on the tray f. because the atmosphere was polluted
| g. because no one stated the truth h. so his aunt, dad, mom, etc met him there
; i. but the aisle was crowded j. but the vivid colors faded after a week
mmkrnmmm ..............................................................................................,■
2. Isaac ate raisins and peas and read a book by his favorite author.
3. Rachel’s parents suggested she read a chapter in her book when she was scared.
5. The pilot stated that the conditions in the atmosphere were sun, wind, etc.
3. What did Isaac think when the plane first started shaking?
a. He was in an unfortunate place. b. He was afflicted by pain,
c. The pilot made a mistake. d. His food would fall off the tray.
betray [bitreO v.
To betray someone means to treat them in a dishonest way.
— The man betrayed his country when he gave away national secrets.
blast [blaest] n.
A blast is a loud noise made by something that explodes.
-* There was a loud blast when the police officer fired the gun.
p bracelet [breislit] n.
A bracelet is a piece of jewelry that you wear around your wrist.
-* My father gave me a pretty gold bracelet for my birthday.
cease [sirs] v.
To cease means to stop.
-* After about an hour, the rain ceased, and a rainbow appeared.
c choke [tjouk] *
To choke means to cough because you have difficulty breathing.
-» There was a lot of smoke in the air, and it made me choke.
comment [kament] V.
To comment means to say something that shows your personal opinion.
-* Tom commented on the poor quality of the food.
cross [krois] v.
To cross means to go from one side to the other side.
—■We used his boat to cross to the other side of the lake.
r dent [dent] n.
A dent is damage caused by something heavy hitting something else.
-» That blue car hit my car, and now there is a small dent in my car door.
r distrust [distrAst] v.
To distrust someone means to believe that they are not honest.
-* Don’t lend money to someone if you distrust them!
fort [fo:rt] n.
A fort is a small building that is specially built to defend an area from attack.
-» When the army arrived, they built a big fort on the top of the hill.
found [faund] v.
To found means to bring something into existence.
— The pastor founded his church in the countryside.
lining [laininl n.
Lining is a piece of cloth that covers the inside of clothes.
-* This jacket is very warm because it has a thick lining.
mass [mses] n.
A mass is a large number of things of one type.
-* We received a mass of letters this morning.
pray [prei] v.
To pray means to talk to God.
-» When people go to church, they pray for their families and friends.
Sweep [swi:p] v.
If you sweep the floor, you clean it with a tool like a broom or a brush.
-+ There is a lot of dirt on the floor. Can you sweep it please?
treachery [tretjsri] n.
Treachery is a behavior in which a person betrays a country or a person.
-* The man ran away to escape from the treachery of his wife.
tuck [tAk] V.
To tuck something means to put it somewhere so that it is neat or safe.
-* He looked sloppy without his shirt being tucked into his pants.
Choose the right word for the given definition.
1. to clean with a broom
a. sweep b. betray c. pray d. choke
2. to say your opinion
a. comment b. cross c. cease d. distrust
3. to bring into existence
a. sole b. dent c. tuck d. found
4. a piece of jewelry
a. civil b. bracelet c. mass d. fort
5. a loud explosion
a. treachery b. blast c. rife d. lining
2. She was so worried about her mother’s health that she went to church to talk to God.
3. He coughed and had difficulty breathing after eating a large piece of food.
4. The rain stopped in the early morning after pouring all night long.
m 1
l| ,,, ■ 6. I hit the wall with my car, and now there is a small amount of damage in it.
m . 7. I don’t believe the honesty of people who always try to borrow money.
H i 11
8. The conditions in some parts of Africa are very poor, and disease is very common.
10. I’m going to go to the other side of the road to meet my friend.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. blast / choke
The___________threw a lot of smoke into the air, and it made me
2. treachery / fort
The army built a ______ to defend themselves from their former ally’s
3. sweep / tuck
My jobs at home are to . the floor and.
underthe bed.
4. lining / sole
The homeless man’s _ possession was a jacket with a warm
5. distrust / betray
I ___________those girls because they. . their friends by telling their
6. ceased / founded
He___________his business after the fighting from the war
7. commented / civil
The man on the news. on the recent. . struggles of the
8. bracelet / dent
Fiona stepped on my. and made a .
9. cross / mass
I watched the______ of people. . the bridge to see the Queen
background [bsekgraund] n.
A background is a person’s education, family, and experience.
-* The new teacher had a background in science and math.
bait [beit] n.
Bait is something used to trick a person or thing to do something.
-* The best bait for catching fish is a big, fat worm.
chronicle [kranikl] v.
To chronicle something means to record an event or speech.
-* The daily newspaper chronicles local and world events.
C O p p e r [kapar] n.
Copper is a red-brown metal often used in electric wire and pipes.
-* Ancient hunters melted copper to make knives and spears.
disease [diz(:z] n.
A disease is an illness that causes specific problems.
-> He had a disease that caused him to lose his hearing.
folklore [foukloir] n.
Folklore is the collection of beliefs and stories of a culture.
-> India’s folklore has stories written in long poems about great warriors.
infect [infekt] v.
To infect someone means to give them an illness.
-» The common cold infects hundreds of millions of people each year.
itch lit/] v.
literature [iftaratjar] n.
Literature is books, plays, and poetry.
-> Early American literature covers the poetry and stories from 1500 to 1800.
millennium [mileniam] n.
A millennium is one thousand years.
-* Stonehenge is believed to have been built about 5 millenniums ago.
myth [ m ie ] n.
A myth is a traditional story that explains a culture’s history and beliefs.
-» In Greece, there was a myth about a woman who had snakes for hair.
p r o m o t e [pramout] v.
To promote someone means to raise them to a higher position or rank.
— After two years in the company, she was promoted to a manager.
relate [riieit] v.
To relate to something means to have a connection with it.
— A company’s plan usually relates to how much profit it can make.
religion t r ilid 3 a n ] n.
A religion is a belief in a god or gods.
-* Their religion taught that people should forgive their enemies.
sum [ s a id ] n.
A sum is a specific amount of money.
-* He calculated the numbers to see what the sum of his bills would be.
teller [tela:/-] n.
A teller is a person who works with a bank’s customers.
The teller at the bank helped Kelly put money into a savings account.
update [Apdeit] v.
To update something means to make it more modern.
-» We need to update the programs on our computers.
vein [ v e in ] n.
A vein is a tube in the body that carries blood toward the heart.
-> The blue veins in my hand are just under my skin.
venom [v e n a m ] n.
Venom is a poisonous substance that comes from animals or plants.
-* A snake’s venom can be used to cure the illnesses it creates.
------------------------- —
Exercise 1
2. When his arm got crushed, it damaged a tube that carries blood to the heart was damaged.
5. Since that pot is made out of a red-brown metal, it gets hot very quickly.
6. The nation had a party because their country had existed for a thousand years.
7. Her experience made her the best person for the new job.
8. The poisonous substance from that fish will make you very sick.
10. The owners of the hotel decided to modernize the computer system.
a. because they were made from copper b. but no animals wanted the bait
c. so everyone knew she was trustworthy d. it had to be updated
e. then you might infect the other students f. so she could read their literature
g. so he thought he’d caught a disease h. so his boss promoted him
but it turned out that they didn’t relate to each other
then imagine how much might happen in a millennium
The Teller and the Thieves
A teller at a bank suspected some of her fellow employees of not being very trustworthy.
She thought they were stealing. In order to catch them, though, she needed some way to
link them to the crime.
She had a background in religion and folklore. She remembered that one religion’s
literature had a myth that chronicled how a group of thieves was captured.
In the millennium-old story, coins of copper were covered with venom taken from a
poisonous snake. The coins were left as bait for the robbers. When they touched the coins,
the venom infected their bodies through their skin. The venom ran through their veins,
and they all became very sick as if they had a disease. It made their skin purple. The police
arrested whoever had purple skin.
She knew she couldn’t use venom because it might
hurt someone. However, she thought of a way to update
the old story. She decided to cover a sum of money with
a special powder. If people touched the money, the
powder would cause their skin to itch. She placed the
stack of money in the bank’s safe. No one was supposed
to take money from the safe. If somebody did, then they
had to be stealing.
Within a few hours, three of her coworkers were
scratching their hands and arms. They itched so badly
that they couldn’t even work. She checked the money,
and it was gone. She told her boss what she had done,
and he had the thieves arrested. He thanked her and
promoted her.
Because events from
history often repeat,
_ the teller solve
a crime. She proved that
stories from the past still relate with the problems of
today, and they can be helpful in solving problems.
P ^ E ‘0’ A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. A teller at a bank thought her fellow employees were trustworthy.
2. The teller remembered a myth that chronicled how to capture the thieves.
2. In the millennium-old story, the police linked the robbers to the crime because
a. they were purple b. their skin itched
c. they weren’t working d. they were at the bank
3. What did the teller use as bait to catch her fellow employees?
a. Coins of copper b. A special powder
c. A sum of money d. The bank’s safe
4. Why did the teller decide not to use venom in her trap?
a. It wasn’t related. b. It infected her.
c. It was updated. d. It might hurt someone.
charity [tfaerati] n.
Charity is an act of giving help, usually money, to those who need it.
-* Thanks to his friends’ charity, he had enough money to pay the rent.
commerce [komars] n.
Commerce is the activity of buying and selling things.
-*■ The new shopping mall increased the commerce in that section of town.
condemn [kandem] v.
To condemn someone means to give them a specific punishment.
-* The judge condemned the criminal to five years in prison.
deplete [dipii:t] v.
To deplete an amount of something means to use up all of it.
-* All the driving he was doing was depleting his car’s fuel supply.
econom y [ikdnami] n.
An economy is the money and businesses of a country or region.
-* The factory was good for the economy because it brought jobs to the area.
empire [empaiar] n.
An empire is a large group of countries ruled by an emperor or empress.
— The emperor built roads to make travel easier throughout the empire.
| r goods [gudz] n.
Goods are anything that can be bought or sold.
-* Shoes, hats, dresses and purses were the goods she wanted to buy.
heed N:d] v.
To heed something means to obey or follow it.
-+ You should heed the advice on the sign and not drive so fast.
hitchhike [wtjhaik] v.
To hitchhike means to travel by asking for rides from passing vehicles.
-♦ She didn’t have a car, so she hitchhiked several miles to her brother’s home.
r m ock [mak] v.
To mock someone means to tease them in a cruel way.
The girls mocked Nancy because she was a new student.
r persecute [parsikjuit] v.
To persecute means to treat someone badly.
-* Dan felt persecuted because he was smaller than the other boys at school.
r pity [piti] n.
Pity is the feeling of sadness and kindness for those who are suffering.
-* Because she had pity for the lost boy, she helped him find his parents.
r reduce [ndj&.s] v.
To reduce something means to make it less in size or number.
-*■ When the store reduced its prices, people wanted to shop there.
c scribe [skraib] n.
A scribe was a person whose job was to copy written works.
-♦ In Ancient Egypt, scribes recorded important events.
r temper [temper] n.
A temper is someone’s mood or a chance that they might get angry.
-* She has a temper. Even the slightest mistakes make her angry.
r throne [eroun] n.
A throne is the special chair in which a ruler sits.
-» Nobody except the king and queen sat in the thrones in the great hall.
r unity [jumati] n.
Unity is the state of people working together for a certain purpose.
-> The project was finished early, thanks to the unity of the workers.
V ic t o r [viktar] n.
A victor is a group or person that wins in a contest.
-» At the end of the game, the blue team was the victor.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. mocking / temper
The other children were___________ him about how funny his new shoes looked,
and it didn’t take long for him to develop a bad__________ .
2. scribes / unity
The__________ realized that they could copy more books if they stopped arguing
and worked in __________ .
3. cozy / hitchhiked
The young man___________ in the cold without getting a ride for such a long time.
When a car finally picked him up, the soft seat and warm air was very__________ .
4. charity / goods
The__________ they received was not only money but also several,__________
such as food and clothing.
5. heeded / neutral
The senators___________the warning from the countries’ leaders and decided to
stay__________ in the war.
6. commerce / empire
The ancient___________that we studied in class today was very important because
it spread___________ and trade throughout the world.
7. throne / victor
The king’s two sons had to fight to see who would become the next king. Whoever
was the___________would get to sit upon his father’s __________ .
8. pity / reduced
The cold and dirt had__________ the poor man’s clothing to almost nothing, and
the mayor felt__________for him and took him home to his house.
9. economy / persecuted
The businessmen__________ the students because they didn’t agree with his
opinions concerning the__________ .
2. After making five cakes, all the sugar in the house was used up.
5. The group that wins this game will have to play the very best team.
6. When his car ran out of gas, he traveled by asking for rides to the gas station.
7. Though it might seem like fun at the time, it’s not nice to tease in a cruel wav people.
8. The warm weather lessened the snow that covered the ground.
9. The state of working together the groups showed helped them to solve their problems.
10. The many countries ruled by one person was beginning to slowly fall apart.
The emperor was defeated. If he had
heeded the words of the scribe, then the
citizens might have been the victors. But
because he had treated them badly, they
treated him badly in return.
KMT A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Much of the forest had been depleted by the empire.
3. The scribe hitchhiked to the capital to ask the emperor for charity.
4. The scribe sat upon his throne, and the emperor stood in front of him.
5. The emperor condemned the citizens of the western areas to hard work.
6. If the emperor had heeded the scribe’s warning, the citizens might have been
the victors.
3. When the emperor heard the scribe’s request, how did he behave?
a. He felt pity. b. He asked for unity.
c. He remained neutral. d. He showed his temper.
23 j
r accurate [aekjarit] adj.
If something is accurate, it is completely correct.
-* The story in the newspaper wasn’t very accurate.
r analyze [aenalaiz] v.
To analyze something is to study it.
-♦ The scientist will analyze the blood sample.
r asteroid [sestaroid] n.
An asteroid is a giant rock from outer space.
-» In 1908, a giant asteroid hit Siberia.
r controversy [kantravaxsi] n.
A controversy is a dispute about something that affects many people.
-* There has been a lot of controversy over the judge’s decision.
c evolve [ivalv] v.
To evolve is to change over time.
-♦ Many people think that humans evolved from animals.
r factor [faektar] n.
A factor is something that has an effect on the way another thing happens.
-> Smoking is the main factor that causes lung cancer.
genome ld5i:noum] n.
A genome is the collection of all the genes in a living thing.
-* Understanding the human genome may help cure many diseases.
intellectual Dntalektjusl] n.
An intellectual is a very smart person.
-* We’ve always considered my Uncle Max the intellectual of the family.
majority [mad3d(:)rati] n.
A majority of something is almost all of the people orthings in that group.
-* A majority of the people voted for Tom Smith in the election.
mammal [maemal] n.
A mammal is an animal that usually has hair and is not born from an egg.
-* Even though it lives in the water, whales are actually mammals.
multiply [mAltaplai] v.
To multiply is to increase in number.
-*■ In the past year, the number of people at work multiplied by ten percent.
offspring [oifsprinl n.
Offspring are the children of a person or the babies of an animal.
-* The dog’s offspring had the same color of fur as she did.
pesticide [pestasaid] n.
A pesticide is a substance used to kill insects.
-> The farmer sprayed his crops with a pesticide to keep bugs away.
regulate [regjaleit] v.
To regulate something is to control how it happens.
-*■ The bank regulates how much money people can borrow from it.
reinforce [ruinfors] v.
To reinforce something is to make it stronger.
Peter reinforced his opinion with information from a book.
V a s t [vaest] adj.
If something is vast, it is very large.
-♦ The wealthy man bought a vast amount of land in the countryside.
vegetarian [ved3atterian] n.
A vegetarian is someone who does not eat any meat products.
-» I became a vegetarian because I don’t like the taste of meat.
Exercise 1
a. but the flowers multiplied fast b. but the majority wanted hamburgers
c. so dad thought it was genetic d. but she didn’t know he was a vegetarian
e. since the news isn’t accurate f. but the most important factor is its price
g. but her offspring are very tall h. but his brother is more of an intellectual
i. but it caused a lot of controversy j. so we must regulate their actions
■ n
P^\BID’ A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Some scientists think the asteroid theory isn’t accurate.
. A huge creature may have been the biggest factor in the death of these tiny insects.
4. A vast majority of mosquitoes, from the vegetarians to the meat eaters, died.
4. What proves that mosquitoes were around at the same time as dinosaurs?
a. Genetic material in fossils b. Similar modern insects
c h e ris h [tjerij] v.
To cherish something means to hold it as very important.
-* I cherish this trophy I won.
C O m p a S S iO t l [kampsejan] n.
Compassion is a feeling of understanding for someone who is hurt or suffering.
— The veterinarian had compassion for the sick little puppy.
c o n s e n t [kansent] n.
Consent is permission to do something.
-* Their mother gave the children consent to go outside and play.
COre [ko:r] n.
The core is the center of something.
-» The rings of a tree start forming at its core.
c u n n in g IkAnin] adj.
If someone is cunning, they are good at tricking people.
— The cunning child fooled his parents into thinking that he was kind.
d iz z y [dfzi]] adj.
If someone is dizzy, then they feel off balance as if they will fall down.
-* The pregnant woman was dizzy after standing up too quickly.
f o s t e r [fo(:)star] v.
To foster a feeling or a skill means to help it develop.
-+ She helped foster a sense of calm in the little boy.
g rin d [graind] v.
To grind something means to break it into very small pieces or powder.
-♦ She wanted to grind the beans, so she could brew some coffee.
g ro w l [graul] v.
To growl means to make a deep, angry sound.
-+ The dog started to growl at the man walking by.
moderation [mddareijsn] n.
Moderation is a state of being just enough but not too much.
It is important to eat in moderation so that you can have a healthy body.
predator [predatar] n.
A predator is an animal that kills and eats other animals.
— The peregrine falcon is a predator that eats fish.
S a n e [sein] adj.
If someone is sane, they can think in a normal way.
-* Oliver does not act like a sane person when he is angry.
saucer [so.sar] n.
A saucer is a small round dish that you set a cup on.
— He placed the spoon on the saucer.
snatch [snaetj] v.
To snatch something means to take it away with a quick motion.
-» He was so hungry that he snatched an apple from a tree.
stagger [staegar] v.
To stagger means to move in an unsteady way and almost fall over.
He staggered around after having too much to drink.
stumble [stAmM *
To stumble means to put your foot down wrong so that you almost fall.
-» He stumbled as he ran through the puddle.
t e n s e [tens] adj.
If someone is tense, they are worried something bad might happen.
-» After the phone call, Monica was very tense.
tumble [tAmbal] V.
To tumble means to fall, often in a rolling way.
-» He lost his balance while snowboarding and tumbled to the ground.
withhold [widhould] v.
To withhold something is to not give it to someone.
-* They withheld all information until she paid her fine.
2 . snatch
a. to leave b. to throw
c. to give d. to take
3. cherish
a. to break into pieces b. to love something important
c. to agree with d. to give something away
4. stagger
a. to turn off b. to run into someone
c. to take something away d. to trip and almost fall
5. saucer
a. a small dish b. to stop being angry
c. helping someone d. to go against
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. cherish / moderation
I ___________going to the movies, butin ___________ because it can be expensive.
2. growl / predator
The lion began to. and the deer knew there was a , to be
afraid of.
3. compassion / sane
The man was_____ _, so he felt. for the starving child in need.
4. saucer / snatch
The boy moved to. . the cup from his sister and knocked over the
5. core / foster
Deep in the _ of the tree, there are minerals that. new
6. cunning / grind
The__________ criminal started to. up the gemstone so no one would
know it was the same stone.
7. dizzy / tumbled
After he___________down the hill, he felt.
8. consent / withhold
The woman decided to _ her permission and did not give. to
her daughter’s request.
9. stumble / tense
The man felt_________ after his horse started to . because he
thought that the horse might fall.
Reading Co
P/MD1A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The thief promised to spend money in moderation.
3. The innkeeper became tense after the traveler told him why he growled
3. Why did the innkeeper consent to give the young man money?
a. The young man was scary. b. The young man was cunning.
c. The young man was dizzy. d. The young man’s friend would repay him.
4. Why did the innkeeper hand the traveler a saucer and a cup?
a. So he could drink coffee b. So he could restore equilibrium
aircraft [carkrasft] n.
An aircraft is a vehicle that flies in the sky, such as an airplane or helicopter.
-+ At the museum in the airport, you can see a lot of old aircraft.
celebrity [salebrati] n.
A celebrity is someone who is famous.
-♦ It was the highlight of the evening when the celebrities arrived.
concrete [kdnkrkt] n.
Concrete is a substance made from stones.
-+ The man covered the ground with concrete.
h a r d y [ha:rdi] adj.
If a person or plant is hardy, it is strong and can live though difficult conditions.
-♦ The farmer is a hardy man and doesn’t mind working outside.
institute [instat/ir.t] n.
An institute is an organization that is interested in research or teaching.
- » I am going to a lecture about ancient Rome at the Historical Institute.
jealousy [d3elasi] n.
Jealousy is a feeling of wanting something that somebody else has.
-» She felt a lot ofjealousy when she saw Luke with two girls.
migrate [maigreit] v.
To migrate means to move from one place to another.
-> Many birds migrate to warmer countries in the winter.
nurture [na:rtjar] v.
To nurture something means to care for it as it grows or develops.
-* Robert nurtured his plants, and that is why they grow so well.
principle [prmsapsl] n.
A principle is a belief about the correct way to behave.
-*■ To maintain principles, it’s vital to watch, listen, and speak carefully.
S p e c i e S [spi:Ji(:)z] n.
A species is a type of plant or animal.
-* There are 21 different species of butterfly in this forest.
swamp [swamp] n.
A swamp is a very wet area of land.
-» There are lots of wild animals living in the swamp.
traverse [trsevars] V.
zoology [zoualad3i] n.
Zoology is a subject in which people study animals.
-* Helen wants to study zoology because she has always liked animals.
PZ^EU' A Choose the right word for the given definition.
1 . being the right thing to do
a. jealousy b. migrate c. ethical d. secluded
2 . a wet area of land
a. swamp b. institute c. celebrity d. species
3. able to make decisions quickly
a. hardy b. rural c. extinct d. decisive
4. respected by many people
a. nurture b. traverse c. esteemed d. overhead
5. a rule of behavior
a. zoology b. aircraft c. concrete d. principle
2. institute / celebrity
A(n)___________is going to give a talk at the___________ of Drama.
3. aircraft / migrate
Many people__________ by ship or___________ .
4. esteemed / jealousy
She felt a lot of__________ because her sister was highly___________ .
5. swamp / extinct
They found the remains of___________ animals in the___________.
6. secluded / species
You can see many different bird___________ inthis___________ location.
7. ethical / decisive
He made a quick,___________ choice, but he was worried if it wasthe___
thing to fire him over the holidays.
8. zoology / nurture
He chose to study___________ because he has always likedto _________
9. overhead / rural
I like to be in ___________ areas where there are no planes flying_______
10 . concrete / principle
I don’t like the___________of covering the garden in
Gilbert and the Lizard
Eliza disliked Australia. Firstly, she’d had to spend twenty uncomfortable hours on
an aircraft getting here. She wanted to go to the beach, but her husband was a zoology
professor and wanted to look for some interesting animals. So now she was traversing a
swamp in the midday heat.
“Let me sit down, Gilbert. I’m not hardy like you,” she said, eventually.
They sat under a tree. There were lots of birds in that secluded, rural place, and they
watched them flying overhead.
Then suddenly Gilbert saw something on a rock.
“That’s strange,” said Gilbert. “That looks like a Red
Swamp Lizard, but I thought that species was extinct.” He
carefully picked it up. “Yes, it is! I’m going to take it back to
the Zoology Institute. They will be filled with so much
jealousy when they see what I have found!”
“Are you sure we should take it from its home?”
asked Eliza.
“Nonsense, many animals migrate. They’re used to changes,” said Gilbert.
“Hmm, I don’t agree with the principle of it,” said Eliza. “It isn’t ethical.” But Gilbert
was decisive and took the lizard back to the hotel in the city. He thought that this find
would make him a highly esteemed celebrity at the Zoology Institute.
For the next few days, Gilbert fed and nurtured the lizard. But the lizard wasn’t happy.
It lost its beautiful red color and began to look ordinary. In fact, Gilbert started to wonder
whether it was special at all. He went outside and found a common lizard on a piece of
concrete. When he compared them, they looked exactly alike. The lizard was only red in
the swamp!
Gilbert said to Eliza, “I’m going to return this lizard to the swamp. I’ve learned an
important lesson. Home is where we are happiest. At home, we are special like the red
lizard. We can never be so happy when we are away.”
“Good,” said Eliza. “So, can we go home now?”
2. Eliza was a professor of zoology.
3. What did Gilbert think that the find would make him feel like?
a. A celebrity b. Decisive
c. Ethical d. Hardy
r b a r l e y t a i ] n.
Barley is a grain that is used for animal feed, health food and beer.
-* The farmer grew barley to feed his cows in the winter.
r b e a s t [bust] n.
A beast is a large, dangerous animal.
-* A lion is one of the fiercest beasts on Earth.
r c o l o n e l [kemal] n.
A colonel is a military officer.
-» James has been given a promotion in the army. He is now a colonel.
r c o n t a g i o u s [kanteid39s] adj.
If a disease is contagious, it is easily carried from one person to another.
-* You must wear protective clothing because the patient’s illness is contagious.
r c o r p s e n©yps] n.
A corpse is a dead body of a human.
— After the accident, the corpse was taken to the hospital.
C r i s i s [kraisis] n.
A crisis is a situation that is extremely stressful or dangerous.
-► The airport workers’ strike led to a crisis at the airport.
C U re [kjuar] v.
To cure means to cause an illness or injury to end or disappear.
-* My dentist cured me of my toothache.
c d e f o r m e d [difomnd] adj.
If something is deformed, it is not shaped normally and may appear ugly.
-» Even though the carrot was deformed, it was still safe to eat.
r d i s c r i m i n a t e [diskri'maneit] v.
To discriminate means to judge people according to their looks.
They discriminated against her because she was different.
r embassy [embasi] n.
An embassy is where government officials work in a foreign country.
-» If you lose your passport, you should contact the embassy.
r extinguish [ikstfngwij] v.
r flint [flint] n.
Flint is a hard stone that people used to make weapons for hunting.
-» There are a lot of flint tools in the museum.
r harass [harees] V.
To harass someone means to annoy or trouble them.
-* The children harassed their mother because they wanted her attention.
r integrate [intagreit] v.
To integrate means to join, communicate and socialize.
-+ Governments want immigrants to integrate with the population.
r nutrition [n/u:trijsn] n.
Nutrition is the process by which people use food to stay healthy.
-*• It is important to pay attention to nutrition if you want to be an athlete.
r technician [teknijan] n.
A technician is a person who is skilled in electronic or mechanical work.
-> I need to call the technician to help me with my computer.
r tropics Etrdpiks] n.
The tropics are the areas of land and sea close to the equator.
-♦ People like to go to the tropics for vacation because it’s warm.
PCMT A Choose the right word for the given definition.
1 . a dangerous animal
a. barley b. beast
c. an assumption d. cure
3. a dead body
a. colonel b. flint
c. corpse d. embassy
4. very small
a. miniature b. contagious
c. deformed d. promptly
5. a bad situation
a. technician b. crisis
c. nutrition d. tropics
2 . integrate
a. to be on time b. to become ill
c. to put out a fire d. to socialize with
3. flint
a. a dead body b. an unusual shape
c. a hard stone d. a building in another country
4. nutrition
a. trouble b. the process of how food is used for health
c. ending an illness d. a dangerous animal
5. tropics
a. areas close to the Equator b. small things
c. scientists d. bad treatment
B5M2D1A Match the phrases to make complete sentences
1. Barley is often .
2. The colonel won a medal .
3. Our new neighbors have integrated well.
4. The corpse was examined .
5. An employer should not discriminate.
6. The embassy will tell you_____ .
7. The financial crisis .
8. I was able to extinguish the .
9. Flint weapons were used_____ .
10. A lot of miniature electronic machines.
: a. if you go on vacation in the tropics b. because the doctors cured his illness
: c. because the illness is contagious d. because all the beasts could talk
: e. and they arrived very promptly f. because it is deformed and looks ugly
j g. so they harassed their father until he bought some
: h. on the assumption that the traffic would be bad
: i. and now he works as a technician in a laboratory
I j. you need to pay attention to your nutrition
The Forest People
Colonel Wilbur and his wife Mary were flying over the tropics in their private plane. But
suddenly the engine caught fire. It was impossible to extinguish the fire, so they were forced
to land in the forest.
I * _ • “What are we going to do?” said Mary. “Can you fix the plane?”
Wilbur said, “That’s impossible. I am not a technician, and the plane is out of gasoline.
We’ll have to find help.”
Wilbur and Mary walked through the forest. It was difficult to find a path through the
. 9 trees. Mary even tore her dress on sharp thorns. Suddenly, they saw some huts and lots
of miniature people, cooking and making weapons with flint.
f« d -» “I’ll ask them for help,” said Wilbur.
“No! Don’t go! They are deformed!” said Mary. “They’ll harass us! They may have a
lilfci-Ji contagious virus that will make us sick! We won’t know how to cure it. We’ll surely end
up as corpses!”
Wilbur tried to persuade Mary to go to the forest people, but she refused to integrate
with them. She had the assumption that the small people were dangerous. “Let’s keep
walking. We’re sure to find someone sooner or later.”
For three days, the couple searched, but they found no one who could help them in
their crisis. It was uncomfortable, and they were hungry without any source of nutrition.
Plus, the forest was filled with dangerous beasts. Finally, Mary agreed to return to the
forest people.
When Wilbur and Mary arrived at the village, the forest people immediately welcomed
| ;K^Ji them. They gave them bread made from barely to eat and a place to sleep. The next day,
the forest people led Wilbur and Mary through the trees, and they promptly arrived at a
L.--B small town. From there, they took a bus to the city where they found
an embassy.
Mary was sorry that she had not trusted the forest people
sooner. She learned the value of not discriminating
2. It was possible for the colonel to extinguish the fire on the plane.
4. Mary refused to go to the people on the assumption they had a contagious virus.
5. The couple searched for help in the forest for five days.
6. The forest people led Wilbur and Mary through the trees, and they promptly
arrived at a city.
beneficial [benatp] adj.
If something is beneficial, it is good for you.
-* Drinking milk everyday is beneficial to your bones.
birthplace [baxepleis] n.
A birthplace is a place where a person is born or where something started.
-* China is the birthplace of chopsticks.
capacity [kspaesati] n.
The capacity of something is the amount of things that can be put in it.
-* The parking lot has reached its full capacity.
conserve [kansa:n/] V.
To conserve something is to protect it from being ruined or used completely.
— The group worked to conserve the beauty of Europe’s national parks.
deposit [dipazit] v.
To deposit something is to put it into a place or another thing.
-+ 1deposited the money into my bank account.
distribute [distnbju:t] v.
To distribute something is to give it to a number of people.
The teacher distributed crayons and markers to his students.
equator [ikweitar] n.
The equator is an imaginary line that splits the Earth into north and south.
-» The equator crosses the northern part of South America.
e x o t i c [igzatik] adj.
Exotic describes something unusual because it is from far away.
-* Rebecca tried many exotic foods on her trip to Africa.
formation [formeijen] n.
A formation is the way that something is made.
-+ The formation of ice happens when water freezes.
frequency [fr(:kwansi] n.
The frequency of something is the number of times that it happens.
-» The frequency of rainstorms is very high, especially during the spring.
objective [abd3§ktiv] n.
An objective is a goal or plan that someone has.
-*■ My objective this week is to finish my homework by 7:30 every night.
OXygen [aksid3an] n.
Oxygen is a gas that all living things need to breathe.
-+ My aunt believes that the oxygen in the country is cleaner than in the city.
rainforest [reinfo(:)rist] n.
A rainforest is a forest that is in a place where it rains very often.
-* The rainforest is home to many animals.
strategy [strsetedsi] n.
A strategy is a plan for how to do something.
-* The team came up with a strategy to win the game.
2 . extremely important
a. cumulative b. federal
c. crucial d. wooded
4. a person’s goal
a. strategy b. capacity
c. objective d. frequency
2 . beneficial
a. filled with trees b. good for you
c. unusual or exciting d. containing many details
3. formation
a. how something is made b. the number of things inside something
c. where someone is born d. how often something happens
4. federal
a. made from added parts b. coming from the government
c. very important d. based on something else
5. conserve
a. to protect b. to give
c. to put into d. to breathe
Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. I like going to the park because it’s covered with trees, and I feel like I’m in the mountains.
4. The business’s goal is to earn more money this year than it did last year.
8 . I’m going to visit a small town in Ecuador that is near the imaginary line.
9. The number of shoes that Jane and Beth have is judged based on something else.
10. Eddie didn’t want to eat it, but he knew the broccoli would be good for his health.
a Dying Forest
Rainforests provide much of the world’s oxygen supply. But the forests’ exotic trees
and animals are being killed to make room for farmers and roads. People have been
trying to conserve rainforests for years. But another type of forest—the cloud forest—is
«U .M just as beneficial to humans. Cloud forests are also in danger of disappearing, but little
is being done to save them.
These forests are located at the tops of mountains, generally near the equator. These
humid, wooded mountaintops are mainly in
African and Central and South American
countries. They are called “cloud forests”
because their height allows for the formation
of clouds among the trees.
Rainforests produce large amounts of
oxygen. Cloud forests produce comparative
amounts of water. The trees in these forests pull
water out of the clouds. The moisture gathers on
the leaves. When it drips, it is deposited into streams. The streams flow into towns at the
bottom of the mountain. Then, it’s distributed to people. The yearly cumulative rainfall in
these areas is 173-198 centimeters. Cloud forests can pull in up to 60 percent of that.
This water is crucial to the plants and the people in the area. It helps them survive.
Cloud forests are also the birthplace of countless species of plants that can’t be found
anywhere else. One small cloud forest has the capacity for as many types of plants as there
are in all of Europe. There are so many, in fact, that scientists haven’t made a comprehensive
list of them yet.
These forests are being destroyed with increasing frequency. Trees are being cut down,
and roads are being built in their place. Some people have an objective to get federal money
to protect the forests. But they have had little success. Another strategy is to replace the
destroyed plants. That, too, has been difficult because the plants
are so unique. There’s plenty of work to be done, but
saving the cloud forests is still a possibility.
A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. The equator provides much of the world’s oxygen supply.
6. Some people have an objective to get federal money to protect the forests.
3. How much water do cloud forests add to the yearly cumulative rainfall?
a. About 188 centimeters b. More than 178 centimeters
c. Up to 60 percent d. Less than rainforests
avail [aveil] n.
Avail is help. It is often used in the achievement of a goal.
-+ His studying was to no avail because he failed the test.
expand [ikspaend] v.
To expand is to become bigger in size.
-+ A balloon will expand as you blow air into it.
define [difain] v.
To define means to clearly state, show, or explain what something is.
-*• People define success in many different ways.
dread [dread] v.
To dread is to be afraid of something that could, or is going to, happen.
-* I dread the idea that I will not get into college.
i n c r e d u l o u s [inkred3alas] adj.
If someone is incredulous about something, they do not believe that it is true.
-*■ She was incredulous that monkeys could ever drive a car.
linger [linger] V.
O r g a n i s m [5:rganlzam] n.
An organism is a living thing, especially a very small one.
-* We studied the organism on the microscope.
paraphrase [pserafreiz] v.
To paraphrase is to make someone else’s writing or speech shorter.
The students were asked to paraphrase the story they just heard.
p l a g u e [pleig] n.
A plague is a serious disease that quickly spreads to many people.
-» A plague in Europe killed millions of people.
riot [raiat] n.
A riot is a crowd that reacts to bad news by violently breaking laws.
■—A riot broke out after the candidate lost the election.
scribble [skrfbsl] v.
To scribble is to write something quickly without caring about how it looks.
-» I scribbled a rough diagram of our plan and gave it to him.
shrine [Jrain] n.
A shrine is a religious building built to honor a person, event, or god.
-*■ He prayed at the shrine for an hour.
SOlitude [salit/u:d] n.
Solitude is the state of being totally alone.
-* John lives a life of solitude because he doesn’t get along well with people.
summon [sAman] v.
To summon a person is to ask them to come to you.
-+ We summoned the doctor as soon as we noticed she was sick.
W o r s e n [warsan] v.
To worsen is to get worse.
-» The weather suddenly worsened, and we had to stay inside.
B£\EO’ A Choose the right word for the given definition.
1 . to ask someone to come
a. worsen b. scribble
c. linger d. summon
2 . basic
a. verse b. riot
c. avail d. fundamental
3. to get bigger
a. expand b. define
c. stark d. organism
4. to be afraid
a. dread b. shrine
c. random d. horrifying
5. not believing
a. solitude b. presently
c. incredulous d. plague
2 . solitude
a. being alone b. success
c. afraid d. right now
3. define
a. to last a longtime b. to get bigger
c. to explain clearly d. to make easier
4. organism
a. a religious building b. a living thing
c. not believing d. to send for
5. horrifying
a. to get worse b. basic
c. to write quickly d. very unpleasant
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1. shrine/riot
There was a ___________ in the city yesterday, butthe___________ was not
2. paraphrased / defined
For the book report, I
purpose for writing it.
3. expand / presently
There are 15 members in the group
4. avail / solitude
His attempt to catch the train was to no
waiting for the next one.
5. fundamental / worsen
The___________ point of my speech was to show that people need to act. If we
don’t do something, things will
6. linger / scribble
I tried to. the information as fast as I could because I didn’t have time to
7. dreaded / horrifying
After seeing that___ plane crash, I
8. incredulous / stark
She was___________that there could be such a
boys’ and girls’ grades.
9. organism / summon
We should . scientists from around the world to study this new
candidate [ksendideit] n.
A candidate is a person who is competing to win something such as a job.
-*■Alice is the best candidate for the job.
enhance [erthaens] v.
To enhance something is to make it better.
-♦ Amy’s blue shirt really enhances the color of her eyes.
era [era] n.
An era is a period of time that has something special about it.
-> During the medieval era, knights wore protective armor.
guideline [gaidlain] n.
A guideline is a rule about how to do something.
— Before they began the project, the teacher gave them some guidelines.
incorporate [ink5:rpareit] v.
To incorporate is to add something to another thing.
-» I decided to incorporate a new ingredient into my cake recipe.
interact [intaraskt] v.
To interact is to talk to or do something with another person.
-* The kids began to interact when the adults left the room.
interval [interval] n.
An interval is the time between two things happening.
-+ Tony rested for brief intervals while he worked in the yard.
mobile [moubail] adj.
If something is mobile, it can be moved easily.
-*■Mobile phones are popular because you can take them anywhere.
modify [mddafai] v.
To modify something is to change it a little bit.
-* I modified my outfit by adding a belt to it.
phenomenon [findmandn] n.
A phenomenon is something that can be seen as it is happening.
-*■ I was amazed when I saw the phenomenon of shooting stars.
pollute [palut] V.
To pollute means to make air, water, or land dirty, unclean, or foul.
The careless factory polluted the river with chemicals.
ridicule [ridikju:0 *
To ridicule is to make fun of something in a mean way.
-* The other students ridicule Peter’s foreign accent.
territory iterator] n.
A territory is a piece of land that belongs to a country but isn’t a state.
-» Gibraltar is a territory of Great Britain.
tournament [tuarnamant] n.
A tournament is a competition, usually with many people participating.
-* My dad is playing in a golf tournament tomorrow.
transportation [traenspa:rteijan] v.
Transportation is any type of vehicle that can carry people or things.
-+ 1don’t have a car, so my normal transportation is the train.
Choose the word that is the better fit for each blank.
1 . enhance / candidate
A survey found that not very many people like the__________ . So he is trying to
think of ways to___________ his image and make people like him.
2 . era / solar
We live in a(n)___________where people are very concerned about conserving our
natural resources. Many people think using___________ energy is a good way to do
3. incorporate / pollute
The company doesn’t want to___________the air anymore, so they are going to
___________ new rules for disposing waste.
4. corporate / confidential
The___________files were locked in the basement. The information in them was
about important customers and had to be kept__________ .
5. mobile / phenomenon
In the early 1900s, music records were an amazing__________ . People back then
would have been even more amazed by today’s ___________ music players.
6 . automobile / parallel
The old___________ was very large and difficult to drive. Jane had trouble parking it
between the___________ lines in the parking lot.
7. ridiculed / transportation
Ben didn’t listen to my advice about__________ . Instead, he___________ me and
continued to drive fast, eventually causing an accident.
8 . guidelines / intervals
The___________for the race are very simple: just run as fast as you can. There will
be short___________when you can stop for a drink of water.
9 . modify / territories
The government decided to ___________ its borders. It made several of its
___________smaller so that it could create a new one.
10 . tournament / interact
The baseball___________ is always a lot of fun. It allows students from all over the
city to___________with each other.
Exercise 2
3. When the new buildings are finished, they will be the same distance away from each other.
6 . In this period of time, it’s more common for kids to play video games than read books.
7. Kate is very shy and doesn’t like to talk to and do things with the other girls.
9. My grandfather used to race cars across the long distances in endurance races.
10. The person competing for the job interviewed very well.
2. Before the race, teams keep their plans confidential.
~ r%lV C- * 1 :3 ?S€nt| ~________
3. The cars incorporate metal panels on the outside that lie parallel to each other.
4. These cars drive less than 3,000 kilometers across the Australian territories.
2. The objective of the race is to find out how the solar cars_____
a. drive in normal conditions b. take in energy from the sun
c. will help the environment d. can go faster
r bill [bii] n.
A bill is a statement of money owed for goods or a service.
- » I have so many bills that I do not know how to pay for them all.
r boundary [baundsri] n.
A boundary is the line where one area of land stops, and another begins.
-* This fence shows the boundary between our yard and yours.
r chaos [keias] n.
Chaos is a situation that is confusing and not ordered.
-+ His presentation was in chaos. I couldn’t understand what he meant.
r cyclone [saikloun] n.
A cyclone is a large storm with heavy rain and winds that spin in a circle.
-♦ Hundreds of homes were damaged by the cyclone.
d o o m e d [du:md] adj.
If someone or something is doomed, they are going to fail or be destroyed.
-* Since I spent all my money, my date with Jane is doomed.
r heir fear] n.
An heir is a person who receives money or property of someone who dies.
-»■ The princess was the heir to the king and queen’s throne.
r poultry [poultri] n.
Poultry is a bird, such as a chicken, that is used for meat and eggs.
-* He raises poultry and sells their meat for extra money.
scramble [skraembl] v.
To scramble is to move somewhere quickly and desperately.
-* The hikers scrambled down the side of the hill.
sergeant [sd:rd3snt] n.
A sergeant is a soldier or police officer of middle rank.
-* He was promoted to sergeant after a year in the army.
S t a n c e [staens] n.
A stance is an attitude about an issue that someone states clearly.
-* My stance is that using oil and gas is bad for the environment.
telegraph [telegraef] n.
A telegraph is a method of sending electric messages on wires.
-* In the 1900s, the telegraph was the fastest way to send a message.
textile [tekstail] n.
Textile is cloth that has been woven or knitted.
-»■ The blue textile was going to be used to make blouses.
tornado [torneidouj n.
A tornado is a tube-shaped formation of air that spins very quickly.
-*■ During a tornado, the safest place to be is underground.
typhoon [taifu:n] n.
A typhoon is a large tropical storm that moves in circles.
-♦ Thousands of people lost electricity after a typhoon hit Australia.
Wail [well] v.
To wail is to show sadness by crying loudly.
-* The baby wailed because it was hungry.
wardrobe [wordroub] n.
A wardrobe is the collection of all of a person’s clothing.
-»■ She bought some new clothes to expand her wardrobe.
Choose the answer that best fits the question.
1. Which of the following is a kind of storm?
a. A typhoon b. A bill
c. A sergeant d. A boundary
a. there will be a lot of wind and rain b. when their toys were taken away
c. is the fence not the road d. and the soldiers should take care of it
e. other soldiers to march f. never really changes his attitude
g- avoid the rushing water h. and then we make them into clothes.
i. will become very rich i- tell my family about the new baby
• a. because I only eat organic food b. because the event turned into chaos
: c. so he could pay the bill d. because she ate only poultry and fruit
• e. but that doesn’t mean the school years is doomed
: f. because of their sheer lack of sportsmanship
: g. but my wardrobe is pretty full h. so we knew his stance on politics
: i. since the typhoon was raging j. because that’s when tornados are common
The Heirs
Martin, Paul and Tom were brothers. They were very different, but they were consistent
about two things. They couldn’t succeed in business, and they never agreed about
anything. Martin was a hardworking farmer, growing organic vegetables and raising
poultry. But he was disorganized and forgot to pay his bills. Paul owned a textile factory
that produced clothes. He was organized, but he was greedy and took too much clothing.
His wardrobe was filled with his own products. Tom was once a sergeant in the army. He
ran a martial arts school, but his stance on discipline was too strong. He had almost no
One day, they received a telegraph saying that their father had died. They were heirs
to his old farm. They planned to sell it as soon as possible, so they went to see it even
though there was a terrible storm. The house didn’t look great, but there was a lot of land.
There was so much, in fact, that they could barely see its boundary.
Suddenly, the storm got worse. The sheer force of the wind almost knocked them
over. Martin said, “Look, it’s a typhoon!” Paul said, “No, it’s a cyclone.” Tom said, “No,
it’s a tornado!” They argued until Paul began to wail and said, “Whatever it is, it’s coming
right at us! We’re doomed!” The three brothers scrambled inside the old house. Martin
said, “If we survive, we must stop fighting. This farm could be great if we fixed it up. With
my hard work, Paul’s organization and Tom’s discipline, we could run a great business
together!” The storm finally ended. And luckily, it didn’t wreck
the farm.
“Just think,” Martin said, “it took the chaos of a typhoon
to bring us together.” Paul replied, “You mean a cyclone
brought us together.” Tom said, “Didn’t I tell you
both that it was a tornado?” The brothers
never agreed on what kind of storm it
was, but by combining their skills, they
started a successful farm.
P/^TF A Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false
statements to make them true.
1. Tom was a farmer who grew organic vegetables and poultry.
3. Tom was a sergeant in the army before running a martial arts school.
echo ........ 20
e c o n o m y ............... m
fis t...................... 86
fle s h ...................... 14
flexible............... 86
h arass.................. 159
h a rd y................... 152
h a rsh .................. 75
jealousy ■
e d i t ......................... 32 flig h t ...................... 26 h a y ..................... 14 ju s tly .......
efficient................ 56 flint .......................... 159 h e e d .................... 13 4
e m b a s s y .................159 flip ........................ 116 h e ir...................... 182
em p ire ........ 134 flo c k .................... 10 4 herm it................ 111 K
enchant .* 68 flu s h ................... 86 highlight............. 32
e n c l o s e ................ 50 fo ld ...................... 1 0 4 hint ......................... 20
e n h a n c e ................. 176 fo lk ..................... 3 8 hitchhike............. 134
enthusiasm ------ 74
e n tir e .................... 92
e n v i s i o n ............... 38
folklore ..................128
fo n d .................... 2 6
foresee............... 98
h o o p ................... 98
horn.................... 80
horrified............. 14
l a g ...........
e q u a t o r .................. 165 forgive ................... 56 horrifying ............... 170 landmark
equilibrium 146 formation............. 165 h u m id ................. 8 law ••*•*•*•
equip ................ 69 fort........................123 lean ••••*•
e r a ............................176 foster................... 1 46 l e a s h .......
e r r a n d ..................... 110 fo und ................... 123 leather •**
e s s a y .................... 32 frequency............ 165 lecture —
id en tic al 140
e s t a b l i s h .............. 93 fundamental 170 le g a l .
id io t ......................... 21
e s t e e m e d .............. 152 furnace............... 9 3 l i d ............
i d l e ...........................117
etc.............................116 l in g e r .....
ig n o r a n t ............... 32
eth ical.............. *••• 152 l in in g .....
immense .......... 21
e v a l u a t e ............... 32 literature
immoral................ 26
evenly ....... 38 liv e ly .
g e n e t ic ................... 140 im p act 69
e v e n tu a l............... 20 longing***
g e n o m e ..................140 impending* 50
l o o m ....................... 104 n ightm are............. 81 pinpoint 21 religion.............. 129
l o o p ....................... 15 n o r.......................... 57 pit.................... 27 replace............. 51
lump ...................... 86 n o t if y .......................117 pity................... 135 rescue.............. 75
lu r e ......................... 69 n u m e r o u s ............. 63 plague............... 171 research........... 9 3
nurture....................153 plantation 9 reserve............. 111
nutrition.................159 plea................. 6 3 resolution......... 3 3
ui n u tritio u s............. 81 plead............... 9 9 resolve............. 45
m a je s t i c ................. 57
pleasure........... 3 8 resource........... 45
poison .............. 105 retain................. 117
m a m m a l................. 141
m pollute...............177 review.............. 6 3
m a r t ia l ................... 182 o b je c t iv e ................165
ponder............. 111 ridicule.............. 177
m a s s ....................... 123 o b l i g e ................... 45
pop.................. 3 9 rife.................... 123
m a t u r e .................. 93 o b liv io u s 26
poultry.............. 182 rim................... 27
m axim ize.............. 80 o b s t a c l e ............... 69
pray.................. 123 riot..................... 171
m e a n tim e ............. 75 o d o r ........................ 8
predator............ 147 rip.................... 9 9
m e a s u r e ............... 93 o f f e n s e .................. 45
presently............ 171 role.................. 3 9
m e l t ....................... 38 offspring................. 141
principle............ 153 roost................ 27
m e m o ra b le .......... 45
prior................. 9 3 ruin.................. 8 7
o p e r a t e ................. 33
m i d s t ..................... 93 o p t io n ................... 21
private............. 3 3 rumor............... 57
mighty ................... 105 o rg a n ic................... 182
proclaim........... 4 5 rural.................. 153
m i g r a t e .................. 153 o r g a n is m 170
promote............ 129
m illennium ...........128 outraged .............. 57
promptly............ 159
miniature .......... 159 overhead 153
protein............. 81 J
pudding........... 3 9
m is c h ie f ............... 75 oxygen..................... 165 sake................. 9 9
m is e ry ................... 93 sane.................. 147
m isfortune........... 98 saucer............... 147
mixture.................. 86 scramble........... 1 83
m oan ........... 26
paddle............. 15 raft................... 15 scrape.............. 99
m o bile..................... 177
palate.............. 9 rail................... 3 9 scribble.............. 171
m o c k ........................ 135
paradise........... 9 rainforest 165 scribe................ 135
m o d e ..................... 51
parallel...............177 raisin ................. 117 script............... 111
moderation........... 147
paraphrase........ 170 rally.................. 45 search.............. 111
m odify..................... 177 random.............. 171 secluded........... 153
particle............ 6 3
m o r a l ..................... 33
pastime............ 21 rapid................ 9 semester.......... 33
patch................ 3 8 rate.................. 9 sentence.......... 4 5
m u s c l e .................. 75
pea.................... 117 recent............... 33 sergeant............ 183
m u sh roo m .............105
per................... 9 9 recipe............... 3 9 shatter............. 8 7
m y t h ....................... 129
perfect............. 21 reconcile 87 sheer................ 183
perish.............. 27 reduce............... 135 shelter............. 6 9
persecute.......... 135 reed.................. 105 shield................ 105
refrain.............. 6 3 shrine................ 171
perspire........... 51
n ative...................... 105 pessimistic 57
regulate..............141 shrink............... 39
n e g a t iv e ............... 98 pesticide............141 reinforce.............141 shutter............. 8 7
n e u tr a l....................135 phenomenon 177 relate................ 129 sift................... 8 7
sig n a tu re.............. 81
s l a m ....................... 111
suit.................. 3 9
sum .................. 1 29
unfortunate 117
w o rsen ........... 171
w orth w h ile .......... 63
s l a p ....................... 57 summon 171 w r e c k ...................... 15
unity................. 135
s l i g h t ..................... 87 supply.............. 6 9
update.............. 129
s lip p e r y ................. 27 63
upright............. 6 3
s l y ........................... 51 swamp.............. 153
urban................ 105
s m a s h ................... 57 sway................. 105
utter................. 8 7 z o o l o g y ....................153
s n a p ...................... 51 sweep............... 123
utterly.............. 27 z o o m ........................ 81
s n a t c h ..................... 147 switch.............. 21
s o a k ....................... 39
s o a r ....................... 27
s o l a r ........................177 u
s o l e ......................... 123 vain ....................... 69
technician ......... 159
s o litu d e ...................171 valid ...................... 51
telegraph........... 1 8 3
s o o th in g ............... 9 v a n ......................... 81
teller................. 129
s o p h istic a ted 63 v a rie ty ................... 93
temper.............. 135
s o r t ......................... 69 v a r y ....................... 9
tend................. 51
s o u r ....................... 15 v a s t ......................... 141
tense ................ 147
s o u r c e ................... 99 v e g e t a r ia n ............. 141
terrain.............. 75
sp a rk ...................... 39 v e h e m e n t ............. 99
territory............. 177
s p a r k le .................. 87 vein .........................129
textile ............... 1 83
s p e c i e s .................. 153 v e n o m .....................129
texture............. 9
s p irit ...................... 39 v e r s io n .................. 51
thorn................ 15
s prin k le................. 87 v i c t o r ...................... 135
thorough 21
s t a g g e r ................... 147 v i o l e n c e ............... 75
throne............... 135
s t a i r c a s e .............. 111 v iv id ..........................117
thump.............. 99
stake ..................... 15 v o lu n te er.............. 45
timid................ 75
s t a l e ...................... 87 v o m i t .......................117
torment............ 21
s t a n c e .................... 183
tornado............. 1 83
s t a r k ........................ 171
tournament 177
s t a t e ........................117
s t e r n ...................... 99
toxic................. 9 E3
transportation •••• 177 w a d e ........................105
s t e w a r d ................. 15
traverse............. 153 w a g e ...................... 57
stitch ..................... 99
tray.................... 117 w a il.......................... 183
treachery 123 w a rd ro b e ............... 183
stra te g y .................. 165
trivial............... 27 w a rn ....................... 81
stricke n .................. 141
tropics .............. 159 w e e p ...................... 27
s t r in g ..................... 15
trustworthy........ 129 w e ird ...................... 33
s t u ff ....................... 81
tuck................... 123 w h a ts o e v e r .......... 51
stu m b le.................. 147
tumble.............. 147 w h e r e a s ............... 57
s u b c o n sc io u s 81
typewritten 33 w ith h old.................147
s u b je c t .................. 57
typhoon............. 18 3 w itn e s s .................. 45
s u b t l e ................... 9
typical.............. 27 w o o d e d .................. 165
su cce s s io n ........... 75
worko u t 81